Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 31, 1881, Image 2

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crjiscr and Sppqal BTACY, Editor and Proprietor. •UNSWICK, - GEORGIA: f utouut mouhw. utuKHnun *i. 1*1. •Control Roil rood stock is up to 141 \ 142. jjt’aj-cross ia moving in tbo mottor * public libraij. f* Tbe Governc^of Rhode Island is named Littlefield. Quito appropriate. Fourteen resaels come into tbe bur. bor of Fernandina lost Suodpj and Monday. Tbe Albany artesian well reached three hundred and twenty-five feat up to Christmas bobdayo. »*# ' • r So bur 2,00^ biffs have boon intro duced in Congress. 0/ this number over one-third are for ponsions and private claims. _ . « "» . Suit has boen brought against tbe 3. F. A W. R. B. for ten thousand dollars for tbe killing of James Stew art, a colored man. Thanks to tbo good folks of Savan nah, the Beth coda students bad (62 worth of good things—turkey, fire works, etc.—for Christmas. Riders are mounting for the next Gubernatorial race already—among the number Jadgo Martin A. Craw ford and Hon. A. O. Bacon. A man named Murray was killed by a passing train on tbe S. F. & W. Railway lost Saturday night, near Waltbourrillo. He was lying beside tbe track with his head on the rail. Mr. Jos. T. Davis shot and,severe ly wounded Mr. B. Slcclc, nil of HawkiusviUe, on the 22nd Inst, ell be- because a fire-cracker was thrown in closo proximity to Mr. Steele Hew great a matter a little fire kindletb. We ondorae heartily tbo following from the Wayoross Reporters “ Silver dollars with boles in them nro painfully numerous, but they, are not half so painfully numerous as holes without any silver dollars around them.” Rev. Dr. Leonard Bacon, of New Naven, is dead. His pall-bearers were Dr. Francis Bacon, Rev. Leonard W. Bacon, Rev. Edward Bacon, Rev Thoa. B. Bacon, and Theodore and Alfred Bacon, attorneys at law—all sons of the deceased^ The lumber business along the Waycrossabd Jacksonville Railroad is assuming large proportions. Sev eral mills bare already sprung np and others are being pat into position.— Mconwhilo tbo road is patting up wharves in Jacksonville for its ship ments North. Sir Edward J. Reed, an English capitalist, who secured a controlling interest in tho Florida Central rail road last week, has boon elected President of tho Florida-Transit rail road, extending from Fernandiua to Cedar Keys, in plaoe of E. N. Dick erson, of New York, resigned. Guitcau’s trial still continues. On Saturday last as Court adjournod, he shouted out: "To-morrow being Christmas I wish tbo court and tho ju ry and the American people a morry und happy Christmas. I’m bnppy and I hopo every one else will be." —«>•»# Tho Shah of Persia pays his barber $3,000 a year, and shaves only once a month. And if tho barber suggests, “shampoo to-day, sir,” "a little oil this morning," or dares lo mention his "hair restorer," his bend is Bout away from the palace in ouo box and his body in another. The most common things now-a- days are suicides. Every day has its victims. Mr. W. tt Felder, brother of Mayor Felder, of Amcricus, Ga., is among tho list fur the week just end- od. Ho had been in bad health for some timo, suffering from lung dis ease and Bright’s disease of tho kid neys. On Monday last ho shot him self to put an end to his sufferings. Under tbe general head of ’•crimes canoed by Christmas whiskey," the leterjraph and ilatenger has tbe fol lowing anb-boad that speaks volumes: •• Rape, murder and arson in Ken tucky—fatal family fight in Tennes see—Atlanta and Montgomery con tribute to tbe bloody record—a great firo in New York." Certainly there is yet no signs of the approaching mil lennium. WHO SHAU. BE OOB NEXT OOV- EBNOttP Tbe Comtitution, in a recent num ber, refers to Judge Crawford, of tbe Snpreme Court bench, and Hon. A. O. Bacon os tbe announced candi dates for Governor next year, and in timates that there will probably be derful variety*)! exhibits. Those who many other candidates in the field.— It says truly that Major Bacon bos acquired many fast friends in every county of tbe State daring bis ten years’ experience as Speaker of tbe Honse. It may well bo added that in addition ta the personal friendship thus created, he has commanded tbe respect of a large constitnency by bis uniform courtesy of demeanor and impartial and independent exeroise of his powers, varied and delicate, and requiring not only a thorough knowl edge of Parliamentary usage, but al so a thorough, acquaintance with leg islation past and present. He has, daring the ten years’ experience al lotted to, becomo eminently qualified for the high and exalted position of Governor, for which he is named by his friends. South Oeorgia can and docs exer cise a potential influence in tbe elec tion of a Governor. On canvassing tbe namce presented it should bo re membered that Major Bacon, through good and evil report, has been a friend of competition, of our M. <k B. and B. A A. Railroads, perhaps in tho post to bis political and business det riment. Ho is, whilo n stanneb and true Democrat, neither in favor of Bonr- bonism or indiscriminate ’’bonrbon.” He believes in material development and progress. He will givo us a thor oughly reapectablo and efficient od ministration, and, while wo do not doabt other and able friends of Soatb Georgia will be named, wo think bis claims upon our section for past scr vices should bo remembered in deter mining tbe action of our people. Wo deem it rntlior early to bo dis cussing this mattor, but ns our cotem poraries have opened tbo ball, wo doom it but 1 proper that wo should express oar sentimonts. CENTltAI* ttTlT.BoAD STOCK. Whom* is tho Scrip Dividend ? In a recent will case in Chatham, tbe following points were presented: A party dies leaving Central Rail road stock, tbe dividends to be paid to certain parties daring their natu ral life, and at death, tho stock to be divided to certain other heirs. Mean while Mr. Wadley comes forward and says, “ I will now issue n scrip divi dead of 40 per cent, on all Central Railroad stock, tho snuio being divi dends for previous years, but which ho had withheld for reasons given.— The question in disputo is whoBe is this scrip dividend ? Docs it belong to tho temporary heirs or to tho permanent ones? Tho caso went to tho Snporior Court, and that Hon orable Body, after mature delibera tion, has given tbe same to tempora ry heirs. This may bo law, but it fails to bo justice in oar humble judge ment. This dividend so declared is tho property of tho original estate. It was not known to have been in exist ence; io other words, supposed to have been lost. After tho death of the orig. iunl owner, it is found to exist nnd le gitimately belongs to tbe originnl es tate. The same is truo of all stock sold sinco the years when Mr. Wadley failed to pay tho dividends thus ac cruing. The scrip dividend issued this year for those years is tho prop erty of those parties owning said stock during that time. Whilst on this Bubject, wo wish to loach upon a point closely allied thereto, to-wit: South Western Rail road stock. Some years ago, tho Con- trnl leased the S. W. Railroad and agreed to pay seven per cent on stock of same, if wo mistake nut. It is cluimcd that snid 8. W. R R. tuts not earned it; if such bo trac, then does not tbo scrip dividend of 32 per cent., issued to 5. W. Railroad stock hob ders recently, also belong to tho Cen tral Railroad stock holders ? We throw out these snggestions for our readers, many of whom are, or have been, owners of snid Central Rail- rond stock. The viows wo entertain nro certainly equity, and as such ought to be law if it is not Tho Kxpowlton ami tto Toaohlmia— Our KaUroadu— Immiaratton— The New South. As the Exposition closes to-day, a word as to its teachings and its bene fits is iu order. There is no necessity for enlarging upon its extent, its won- the exposition Closes to-day. It baB certainly been a grand success in every particular.— It has been a big thing for Georgia, Aboat five .bnodred. Degress from I * , bi « thio B ,or Atlanta, and a big Edgefield dittoed & O., passed thing for tho entire South. Below through Augusts on the27th inst, on (* e the closing ceremonics:- their way to Arkansas They arena-' ’ S ^” cb f* b J Kimball, Hon. der the leadership of a colored preach cr, who has becn oa to Spy out tbe country. They complain that they have to work too hard in South Caro lina tu make a living. Five hundred more ore expected to follow. Poor, deluded creatures 1 Little do they , know of the privations that an ahead of them. People without money have a bard struggle any whore, whether ia Soatb Carolina, Georgia, Arkan- where else, Jua. E. Brown, Col. W. C. C. Breck- enridge, Hon. Daniel Dongberty, and Governor Colquitt. The machinery will bo stopped by Governor Cclqnitt, and a poem will be read by F. H. Norton, Enq. An exchange oays “ Birmingham, Ala., is said to'be overstocked with drunkards.” We nhonld say that any place was over-stocked that had only one. have seen it know that no newspaper article can convey more than a faint idea of its magnitude, its variety, its valne. Those who have seen even the faint iden of it conyeyed by tbe newspapers know that it is a wonder ful display. The people of tbe South knew hard ly anything of tho vast undeveloped resources within their borders anti) this exhibition. Capitalists from the North and West and, Europe have been astonished and delighted at the varied fields for tbe profitable invest ment of capital in mines and mills and agriculture, demonstrated by tbe exhibits on tbe grouuds of the Expo sition. It has langbt the Sonth that cotton, while king, is bnt one of tbe many vast fields In which wealth may be acquired. It will induce new methods in the handling of cotton and its preparation for market—im proved methods of manufacture, of cultivation, and of enrichment of tho soil It will induce millions of capital within unr borders to mine fur our minerals, manufacture oar iron, and movo onr coal to market. It will introduce improved machin ery all over tho booth. Indeed, ex hibitors have taken lurge quantities of orders for new machinery. It will teach approved methods of utilizing for commercial purposes hundreds of things heretofore coosid crod worthless, an apt illustration of which is tho retort iu which refuse pine wood from our forests can be changed from light wood worth $2.00 a cord to articles of commerce worth $14.00 in an honr. It has taught onr railroads tbe util ity of cheap rates—has shown them the valuo of their property, and tbe undeveloped resources along their linos, oven more clearly than they know them before, and will induce millions of dollars of capital to devel op these resources. As that capital comes in, labor will be needed. Tbe lessons of tbe census demonstrate the importance of immigration, nnd that can only be indoecd along tbe lines of road by a comprehensive system of immigration, enoouragod by special rates, by advertising tbe country nnd its resources, by tbo employ mont of skilled immigration agents in tbe North, Northwest and Europe, and by tho n'timato establishment of im migration depots nt Savummli nnd Brunswick, combining direct trade and immigration. Thought has been stimulated by the Exposition, by tbo investment of cap ital in railroads, and tbo welding of detached portions of road into grout systems, reaching into tbo rornoto North and Southwest for freights und passengers. The Exposition is tbo grand open ing of tho now Sontb—of an era bright with promise—tbe culmination of tbo work of reconciliation, which has obliterated all merely sectional lines, and established in tbsir place a beneficent and generous rivalry in tbe work of development South Georgia, tbo garden s|>ot of tbe State, can learn many lessons from tbo Exposition. Her display there attracted wide attention. It was nothing like as varied as it’might have been, but it demonstrated our advantages in many departments of agriculture, in sheep hnsbnndry, cat tie raising, horticulture, truck farm ing, wine growing, and the growth of many spcciul products. It should tench us to utilize our waste lands denuded of timber—to follow the nxo nnd mill man with tbe agriculturalist; to bring the agricul turalist hero from the inclement North and Wist and from Europe, and locate him along onr lines of rosd, encouraging bis efforts until tbe wilderness shall grow bright and beautiful, aud yield bonntifnlly ns a result of bis labors. Captain J. C. Reynolds nud bis corps of field engineers is back again. Wo learn that they have completed another railroad snrvey from Live Oak to nnvignhle waters on tbe Suntafee river. — Itayenws Reporter. II U a Well Knolln Pad Among physicians that Buulm Juni per nud l’arern Brava in combination are the best remedies in the world for auy disease of the bladder or kidneys, aud that not less tbnn one-half of the human family, both male and female, suffer from derangement of ihoee or gans, and neglect or failure to nse proper remedies burry many to un timely graves. Numerous combina tions have been tried for gravel, brick dost deposits, Bright's disease, weak ness in back nnd hips, produced by derangement of bladder aud kidueys, lint none with sneb happy results as Kuukiu’a extract Duchu and Juuipor. If yuli suffer from any disease of those organs, get a I Kittle—one or two will relieve you. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, Atlanta, Ga- uovl‘J-3m THE MORMON QUESTION. AtUnti Coartltutlon President Arthur and Senator Ed monds at least are very orach Inclined to seek a solution of tbe Mormon problem; and there is a feeling in parte of tbo foonntry tbatf polygamy ebonld either be pul down without de lay, or left to itself. Utah already contains 144,000 people, and tbe Mor mons will soon control Idaho and Ar izona. Nevada on tbe west is a State almost without population. If Utah becomes a State ,tbe [entire problem posies ont of the hands of the gov ernment; if the territory is divided ap among tbe adjoining States and Ter ritories, tbe Mormons wonld control all of them; and Congress is therefore expected to choose between tbe do- nothing policy and an earnest at tempt to crash polygamy iu tbe terri- tones. Tbe question will first come np in tbe Honse on tbe demand, made by Mr. Cannon to a seat. Cannon, in bis declaration now on file, says: “I ad mit that I am a member of tbe church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons; that in nccordnnco with tbe tenets of said cbnreb, I have taken Bcverol plural wives, who now live with me and luvc so lived with me for a number of years and borne me children.” Tbe consideration of this case will disclose tbo tendencies of tbo Honse, bnt tbo problem in its entirety will not como up until a bill is reported that lion for its object tbe eradication of the evil. Tubkzuxk, Ala., July 28, 1879, Da. C. J. MorrKTT—Dear Sir—Jus tice to you demands that I should givo yon ray experience with your ex cellent medicine, Teetbina. Our lit tle girl, inst thirteen months old, bus bad imicn trouble with teething. A’i'- ery remedy teas exhausted,jin the thape of prescriptions from our family physi cian. Her bowels contionod to pnss oft pare blood, nnd burning fever con tinued for days at a time. Her life was almost despaired of. Her moth cr determined to try Teetbius, nnd in n day or two there was a great change—new life bad returned—tbe bowels were nearly regular, and, thank» to Teethina, the liitle babe it now doing well. Yours, D. W. Melvin, Ed. and Prop’r Tuskegoe (Ala) News. Missus. Lava, Rankin A Lamar— Gentlemen—My wife bad been troub led for soveral months with bronchi, tis, and daring that timo nearly every thing imaginable was tried, without the slightest benofit. A friend of hers told me to get a bottle of Brewer’s Lang Restorer, which I did, nnd lest than one bottle cured her entirely. I will recommend it to nil who aro sim ilarly affected. Nathan C. Mtnroe. « Food foi tho brain nnd nerves that will invigorate the body without in toxicating is wbat we neod in these day* of rash and worry. Parker’s Ginger Tonic roe tores tbo vital ener gies, soothes tbo nerves and brings good health quicker than anything yon can uso.—Tribune. Sco other col limn. decl5-lm -THE rinv or W. T. GLOVER & CO., (8UCCM80HB TO W. T. QLOVKll) llu removed from the store next door to tbo I'oat Office, and opened afrosb Iu Dixon’s New Building, Where tbe jmblto run be snppll'd, at wind, sale or retail, with everything In tbo line of STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS & MA6AZINES Received dally amt for aalo at low price* PICTURE FRAMIN'! DONE ON SnORT NOTICE. ocis-ir Brunswick Bracket Works * RICHMOND STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. EOWAROS, WARD % CO, PROPRIETORS. Wood Turning, Moulding, SAWING, Etc., Plckcta of all style# made t«» order.W^o-d Turning ws-Vvery de^pU^o. eleo. ttcr 11 end Ctrrt.UrB.w- tog don# with neetneee and dlepatch. o>-tagon end fTaUd Baluster*. Newels and Halls eoustaotly on hand ar made to order. Petterme. Modi 1*. Hup* end Twisted Works. Ten-Pui# end Ball*. ludiau Oluba, Moulding*, both straight and ctn-uUr. lor rerpeo- ter*, cabinet maker* andj.Uiio lort.A iuauoraAnutwr*, wrioate girt tu a call, end leave yoar <>rdar*. H. B.-All Jobbtn* at leaded to at once, and d.*oe at reasonable rata*. oo»B>-u Larioso Hall. SKUM RISK Will ba opened every Tuesday & Friday Night Own men ring |5th teat. RATES WILL BE: For spectator# For skater*... 1881-2. 1881-2. ' :■ t-f" . ? *-i glover & Dirww RHAVE HOLIDAY GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND ON EXHIBITION AT OUR NEW ON NEWCASTLE AND GRANT STREETS. holidat books FOR OLD AND YOUNG, Music, Fine Stationery, Pictures, Japanese Ware. TOYS, FIRE WORKS, Etc. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF Christmas and Sew Year Cards! JUST RECEIVED, TO WHICH WE INVITE ESPECIAL ATTENTION. DONT FAIL TO SEE THE Great Christmas Tree nonce i i ‘ ■ * . Having sold our Grocery Stock and leaded the store to Gold smith & Co., we beg to call attention to the fact that we shall now conduct a store de voted to DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Notions, BOOTS & SHOES, HOSIERY, CLOTHING, And Fancy Goods, And respectfully solicit an ex amination of our stock and prices. Goods new nnd fresh! Our Glover & Dunn Defy Competition IN THEIR LINE OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. REMEMBER THE FIRE WORKS 8. H. GLOGAUER, -HEADQUARTERS FOR- Groceries, Provisions, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, TOYS, TOYS! AND FANCY ARTICLES. ALL KINDS OF FIRE WORKS, ETC! Has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and os a result we invite attention to his selections for the TRADE! DRESS GOODS, SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS CALICOES, HOMESPUNS, Shawls, nubias COATS, CLOAKINGS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, TABLE CLOTHS. BED QUILTS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, BOOTS & SHOES, HOSIERY, CLOTHING. NOTIONS! In Great Variety. All wo ask is an inspection of our goods and prices. DUNN & CO. WINTER SCHEDULE. OA. & FLA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. Five Trips per Week ! Making cloeo connection! with Ocean 8 team ship '’o. to and ftrora New York, and wtth Philadel phia. Baltimore and Doatoa a teamen, and al STEAMER DAVID CLARK CTOUab ...r, Hond.j. .n.rtoon for tllla river, touching at Brunswick every Tuesday af ternoon; returning, leava Brunswick fer Savannah every Wedneeday night. STEAMER CITY OP BRIDGETON Arrives at Brunswick every Monday and Tbura. day, and STEAMER FLORIDA Every Wednesday and Saturday nigkt. leaving for Savannah directly after loading. All the boats of this line bring freight for Brane- wlck and all stations on B. k A. B. U., with which dose connection io made five times per weak. C. WILLIAM*. Agent' aprlllMm — Brunswick, on the dock. testimony of druggists. We have been selling ••Swift # Syphilitic BpcdBc* tor yean, and regard it cupertor to anything known for diseases It la recommertedto cur£ 8. J. Cessna, Thomssvllle, Ga.: L. F. Gann A SSk/TOa St 1 rtMumm, Una a xn. XTURi.jairi.UM. w.RM-frtn’, Hjptuuue tiiuLu of codtIcu tb. put jeir. id4 btllmlllob. tt«Rl>ur<aI. »iM«» remedy Ihu WU! rffect Ipu. oaxin. ALXXAXDXX . on. *1,000 SIWXRD r “KSoL WI0In0 cou,ASr - rropMon. At- ora for . eopp of 'Toon* M*q ■ frieaJ. noTlHm PATENTS F*?”* 18 * !»*»«« traction for rotentaCWlA Tr*ajM«£«x MM.JM-, for tt. United BUM. ,* lira untied In tte Bet- W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OF NA VAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. TO RENT! A tmf and mmmdlon. Man. toxso tot, n •ltMCT.nHndM.raK Are'rto snudt _ p. ha. mu