Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 31, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. Notice. —lb«OM)tel»BW aponaible for any dcbta a Portuguese bark Laura I Branawick, December Mat, tmT MACON, GEORGIA, 0}«ldMM,udfU«»lbulMMrotUn. W. McKAY. Principal, Administrators’ Citation GEORGIA—Glysh Countt. TO #11 whnsn <4 aura that Ji W.Roberta and w7'w.'watk|nebava me, aaexaoutonof tha aetata of Joseph to call the property of Mid estate, and I willpaaa upon theuldapplication ess&rTCfti&'R Ordinary Glynn dounty, Gao Glynn Oonnty Sheriff Sales. Fint Tuesday in February, 1882. GXORQIA—OLn* County. Will be aold before the Court Homo door, in the cry. to tbs bigheat and beet bidder, the following described property, to-wit: The tniprovamenta in the one-fifth of that eertaln sue: anddaecribad^in the plan of raid city, afl Town Comm one block, between P and Gloucester atreeta, and Btondwnll atreet and Coehran Arenue, known property of E M. Bailey under and by virtneof two tax 11 flu, leaned by R. M. TUon, lb* Collector of Glynn county, re. E. M. Bailey, for taxee dne the State of Georgia end Glynn county for the yaar 1880, Amount taxee dne, 88 93; cote 87 TO. GEORGIA—GLTmr County. Will be told before the court bona# door In tba city of Brnnawlck, Glynn oonnty, Ga., on tba first Tuesday in February, 1881 between 10 o’clock a. u. and«o’clockr.w„ Ofthatday. at pnbllo outcry to the highest and beat bidder, tba following property to* wit: All that eertaln lot of land and Improvements Levied on an toe property of J. E. Dart, trustee, un der and by virtue of two tax 11 faa baaed by B. M. Tlaon, Tax Collector of Glynn county, against J. X. Dart, trustee, for taxee due the State of Georgia sod Glynn oonnty for the year 1880. Amount Use# due, |7S Id; cote, fT TO. JOSEPH C, LAMB RIGHT, Sheriff O. a, Ca. GEORGIA—Oltxx Oottxtt. Will be sold before tba Con city of Brnnawlck, Glynn county, ueorgw, on toe first Tuesday In February. 1N83, between 10 o’clock a. h. and 4 o’clock r. m. of that day, at public out cry, to toe blgbete and beat bidder, toe following property, to* wit: The eastern one-«lxth (and lmprovamaota there on) of that certain lot of laud in toe city of Bruns wick, Glynn county, Georgia, knpwn and described In the pUn of seld city ae Old Town lot number six ty-one (8i). Levied on under sod by virtue of two Ux fl fas teaned by R. It. Tlaon, Tax Collector of JOS. X.LAMBBIGHT, Sheriff O. C. Ga. GEORGIA—Glynn County. Will be sold before the court house door In the city of Brunswick, Qlynn county, On., on the first Tuesday in February, 1889, between 10 o’clock a. u. and 4 o'clock r. u. of that day. at public outcry to tba blgbaat and beat bidder Urn following described property to-wlt: The wee tern one-half (and Improvements thereon) of that certson lot ol land situate, lying sod being In the city of Brunswick, Glynn oouaty. Georgia, known and described In tba plan of aald city sa 014 > hundred nod eighty-nine W, J. WUlli Town lot nnmber one I (189). Levied os as the property of W. under and by virtue ol two tax fl tea u»u«** — M. Tlaon, TAx Collector of Glynn county, against W. J. William*. for Uxee due the 8tato of Georgia and Glynn oonnty for tbe year 1880, to satlafy tba aaldflfoa. Amount tax.. dj^SMBRlbfir Sheriff G. CO- Ga. OEOBQIA—Glynn Countt. Will be aold before tbe Co city of Brunawlok, Olynn cc—.. first Tuesday in Febraary, 1888, between the bonre of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o'clock r. x. of that day. at public outcry, to tba blgbaat and beet bidder, toe following described property, to-wit: All that oertaln tract or parcel of lead, pod im- S rovemente thereon. situate, lying and being in the itb District Q. M„ Glynn county, Georgia, contain- log one hundred and fifty acres, more or l«ea, and known as to# Jointer Isiaod. Levied on under aad by virtue of two tax fl foe leaned by K. M. T:eon, Tax Collector of Glynn county, agalnat to# saute of B. F. Wtlllama, for taxes due toe state of Gec£ gU and Glynn oonnty for toe year 1880, to settafr toe said fl foe. Amount taxee dne |7 00; cote 87 TO. JOB. X. LAMB MIGHT, Mberiff O. C„ Oa. GEOROIA—Otnm County. . , „ Will be sold before tbe eourt boose door In tbe city of Brunswick. Glynn county. Oeorgta, btew— toe bonre of ten o'clock a. u. aad four o'clock r. on toe first Tuesday In February, 1889, to tba W. eat aad beet bidder tba following deaarlbad prop- * r i5i *°- wl * Sdi'fttifer md Appeal. SATURDAY MORNING AT BBUVSWIGK. GEORGIA. BATPRDAT MPBKIKQ, DEOXMBEB 8L?86L HOME MA' .TTER8. Pom OSes Time Table, General Delivery opens 840 A. K.; closes 8A)P4I. ^ Better and Mousy Order Bnatneas opens 840 a. timi OF CL08IKQTHX Mails.> B. k A. Ball doses 8:11 a. u. M. * B. mall eloaaa 040 a. n. Savannah, Macon and Dnrtan through pouches dose at TOO r,M* Christmas headaches have I that certain lot or p it of kBd.aad Improve rict G. M.. Olmn oonnty, Georgia, on at, «• a Island, containing fifteen acres, more or leee, bounded on toe north by lands of Chapman, on - ‘ r hat la know- the south by lands of Mlmms, east by what is known as the church lot, and was* *■“ — levied ou as too property der and by virtue ol Tlaon, Tax Collector ef Glynn county, agalnat the said fifosT Amount tea doe,'88 88; sate IT TO." JOB. B. LAMBR1QHT, Mberiff Q. C.. Os. > GEORGIA—Glynn County. Will b*aold before toe Court House door, in the city of Brunswick. Glynn county, Oeonie, ou the ‘ first Tasedsy In February, 18«, betweenToVstortt a, m. and four o'doc*- * * outcry, to toe highest tag property, to-wlt: All that tract or pai—---- - ----- theroou situate lying and being In the o. M„ Olynn county, Ga., eoutalniag i acres, and bounded on the Mortb and East by of J. P. Lamb, on the Booth by tends of J. C. Ay on. and Wset by laads of T. J. Higginbotham, and — -•— Letted known as tbe Frank Higginbotham place. Levied on as tbe property of F?8. HlggtebotoM under end by virtue of two tax fi foe Issued by M. M. Tieeu, - • f Olynn oonnty. against F.U.H!g«ln- •e dne the State ofOeorgU and Olynn ysar 1180, to satisfy aald fl foe. Tax Collector of Glynn botbam tor taxes * - county for tbe ’, Sheriff G. O. Ga. GEORGIA—Glynn Cocmr*. Will b. .old Mon lb. Ctrl Ho., door. In lb, dly of Broil,wick, Qljnn count,. G,.i!nth, Orel TnMd., In F.bnmj. 1WI. Iwtwrrn un ..’clocb *. it. ud l o’clock m. ol But 0*j. to lb, blfbMt ud but bidder, lb, lellowtn,prof nr. In-wlti TboM t.o eertkln lot, oT lend wllk lmpro.em.nU thereon, nllnaU I,In, Hi bUn, In lb. cMol Brnnawlck, Olynn conn!,, On., wlbnown art dn. ■crowd, In IlmpUn of reU dip, re New Town lore No.. BU ind Hi. Url^ on H lb. prepare, o< J. 8. Morel* nnder ud by virtue of two ux , ire, re ined b. In. A. IHnre, former Tin OtfreHr o, Ol,on connir. wire J. a. Hnreu, tu unre dot Uu Bui. of (HoMln nnd 01,no cownt, tor lb. ,rer tin, Th. uld 81.0 wren trenatorred to In. 0. Breb, and procredinn IreUtnUd brbtm. Principal. It- MI ore I. ,7 70. JUBKPB t LAMBUOHT, HbnUT, 0.0. Ok- ST. SIMONS Marine Hospital, Db. R J. MASSEY. Prop’s, ST.81HON8 HILLS, - GEORGIA. Having established comfortable quartan, will car# for sick end wounded seamen requiring hospi tal treatment Special attention to the wants of foreign shipping. Free transportation to nnd from Brunswick furnished patients. deefAU cash paid and Van or all Kind-, and .1* mis^mSssr MarlinVoid Store RICHMOND SL, BRUNSWICK. Citation. 4 Notice te hereby gfvea to SB parties concerned that Mary A. DuMgwm, as administratrix of FaUte- D i Bignoa. deceaaed. has filed In tots tee Ordina ry's Court of Glynn county, Oeorgla, her petlttoa for final dischurge as sneb administratrix, aad you And each of you ara beraby notified to file la this coart objprtfoae. If any >on have to such discharge, by cr tofure the first Moudaj In March 1888. XUis December i, laai. xdgau p. dart, OnUneryQ'C.Ou- ted more or less prevalent tbe past week. Mrs. Horace Dart bas sent ns this week tbe lnrgeet potatoes of tbe eon. Tbe; are rodgb looking speci mens. Mr. J. 5. Nathans, ’formerly editor of tbe Appeal, and bis brother Ad, of New. York, are in tbe city visiting rel atives. Among tbe novoltiee in town ia tbe new lebide of Mr. LeBaron Drnry. It is different from anything we have ever seen. As tbe time for tbe election of city officers approaches, candidates grow nnmerons. What a pity there are not more places to be filled. We are requested to itate that Rev. H. B. Treadwell will preach a New Year scrinou at Taylor's Cbapel, to morrow (Sunday) at eleven a. x. Mr. It. L. Weed has jnst reoeived a fine assortment of extra fine candies and choice cigars. His "Monitor" brand of tbe latter article are extra fine. Try them, Rev. W. F. Lloyd, pastor in charge of the Methodist chnrch of tbit city for 1882, arrived on Thursday last, and will fill bis pulpit to-morrow morning nnd evening: Tbe Jump Sentinel calls iondly for freight and passenger depot bnild- ing nt that point. Tbe present ar rangements are certainly very poorly contrived for tbe comfort of passon- gers. When a yonng man wendiug bis way borne at a late hoar, meets s tree suddenly, to tbe detriment of bis own proboscis, and then apologizes to suid tree for tbns rudely meeting it, wbat tbe natural inference ? To-day is tbe last of the old year. 1881 and all it« records ond to-day. If we have doue good, well; if not, it too late now to nndo. Let the rec ords of 1882 be steps forward, so that its close we Bboll feel 'tie well. Jnne 1st is the time set by the en gineers on tbe M. A B. Atlanta exten sion to rnn tbe first tbrongli train.— That will be a big day in Atlanta.— Sneb an event will call for loud dem onstrations, We hope to bo there. Tbe jollies!, bappiost crow we have seen this Christinas was a wagon load of littlo children in charge of oar clev er express agent, Mr. Carswell. He filled bis express wagon even fall of tbo little innoceots and gave them Christmas ride. Id jnatiee to Captain Smith, of tbe brig Valero that lost her rodder last week on onr bar, we would etsto that onr correspondent was in error abont tbo Captain’s trying to come in with out a pilot, as stated last week, as pi lot Cinbb boarded her very soon af ter sbe struck. It always makes ns feel prond of onr town whenever ire have racing— either boat or horse, for everybudy seems to bo rich, and none ashamed to abow their cash. We always foci rieb when wo seo money around so plentifully, even if onr own exchequer be dilapidated. A survey was bold on Saturday last by the board of Port Wurdeua on the British brig Valero, Captain Smith, which vessel was recently ashore on tbo north breakers. Tbe resnlt of the snrvey is unknown. Wo learn that a second Surrey will be held shortly, wbieb will determine wbat is to be done with tbo vessel. Mr. Tremaine concluded on Thurs day night bia mn-pictnre illustrations, bnt by reqnest of a number of citizens remained and on last evening gave another of bis entertainments. Our people have shown their appreciation of bis exhibitions by giving him full houses to tbe last. He goes beoce to Darien. We take pleasure in calling atten tion of parties wishing to attend a bneiness college to tbe advertisement of Win. McKay, Esq., of Macon. Mr. McKay is no stranger to uisnr of onr people, wbu are tlmrongbly aware of bis ability as sn accountant. We know of uo one better qualified to in struct tbose wishing to secure a thor ough business edneatiou. Mr. R. A Tarver, agent of tbe E. T., V. & Q. Railroad at this place, baa been transferred to Macon, and will hereafter fill tbe same position at that point We bnt express the feel ings of many when me any we regret to part with biiu. Our loss wilt be Macon's gain. Mr. John L. Brown, of Montgomery, Ala.', will take Mr. Tarver’s place -licit. We bid him welcome. The Pony Raooa. The Agricnltnral Society folks va ried tbe Chriitmai holidays by a lit tle pony racing on tbe 27tb and 28th Tbe Fair Grounds were closed for tbose days, and tba pnbllo invited to enter through the little gate, where could be seen the genial faee of onr friend Willie Way, who collected only a quarter of each and every one anx- ions to view tbe rnoiog. Although bnt- ponies, tbe. exeitement got np pretty high, and they do say that bets were made. Below we give tbe resnlt of tbe two days* sport, aa furnished os by one of the judges: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27tb. FIRST RACE, 200 TARDS. Bay mare “Baby” (Pntnam) 1 Sorrel mare “Pet” (Lamb) 2 Bay bores “Charlie" (Tison) 8 SECOND RACE, DALE MILE. Bay mare “Flying Jenny” (Taylor). 1 Bay mare "Mischief” (Pntnam)... .2 THIRD RACE, QUARTER MILE. Black horse "Cracker Bob” (Tison). 1 Sorrel mare “Jland" (Wiggins)... .2 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28tb. FIRST RACE, HALF MILE. Sorrel horse “Hampton” (Lamb). ..1 mare “Golden Blipper’'(Wrigbt).2 Bay mare "Flying Jenny"(Taylor). .3 SECOND RACE, 300 TARDS. Bay mare “Buby” (Pntnam) 1 Bay borso “Charlie" (Tison) 2 Sorrel mare "Pet” (Lamb) 8 THIRD RACE, QUARTER MILE. Sorrel mare “Mand" (Wiggina) — 1 Black horse “Cracker Bob ’ (Tison)..2 FOURTH BADE, QUARTER MILE. Sorrel mare “Maud” (Wiggins).... 1 Bay mare "Flying Jenny" (Tuylor).2 To R«jKulnra:*Ml. Onr next issue, as beforo stated, will be an enlarged size—a forty col umn paper. We hope to send out a large nnmber of extra copies, and to that end renew onr request of last week that parties wishing extra copies should send in their orders beforo next Tuesday, as on that day tbe out side of tbe paper will be rnn off. Ad vertisers wonld do well to take ad van tago of this increased circniation nnd let tbo world know of their business. Remember, this will bo emphatically an advertisement for Brunswick, as we shall give a comprehensive state ment of our exports, and nleo a ayn opsis of wlnit onr merchants mid bus iness meg bare doue. These we bIiiiII contrast with tbose of 1880, aud show which way we are tending. Oatoh Him. On Monday morning laat, nt eight o’clock, on Rev. Father Wigbtiunn was officiating nt tbo altar of tbe Ciith olio church of this city, administering tbo communion to some of bis mem bers, tbe report of a gun was heard, nnd the crash of window glass noar by told wbieb way the miaeilea were bnrleil. Tbe brokon glass flew all over tbo floor mid tbe altar. Eleven shot passed tbrungh tbo window, end quite a nnmber etrnok the building on tbe outside, embedding themselves in the wood. From tbo direction of tbe shooting and tbo kind of shot nsod (dock shot) and tbe character of tbe occasion (Cliristiuiis) we Sbonld judge that there woe no barm iatoudeil; that is, no intention to shoot uny par ticular Individual. Snob reckless shooting, however, sbonld be stopped, and wo trust the Grand Jury will be able to discover tbe fellow who fired that gon. There are partios who know, so we hnvu been told. Chri#tmnn Coming tliis yoar on Sunday, tbe nsnal festivities were divided between Saturday and Monday, by onr citi zens, each in turn spending these days as his peculiar taste dictated. Many repaired to the sanntnary, aa in their enstom (and n proper one we think) for prayer, praise and thanksgiving, whilst others spent tbo time in vari ous amusements. Not n few tisik more or leas "nogg" and by night were in trim for almost aoy mischief that might come np. At night lion- fires and illnminations were in order, and fireworks were in demand. Thanks to the frequent showers of mill, how ever, tbeee latter did no mischief. Tbe different Sunday Schools boil their customary Christmas trees or Santa Clans, and tbe little folks reaped a rich harvest of prizes aud other good things. | Korelgn-ShtpraentH. Winer Bethel cleared British schoon er Hattie Darling, on tbe 23d inet., for Naeian, with a cargo of 25 barrels of floor and one barrel of pork. Value of cargo, $216. R. Torres cleared tbe Spanish brig Loreto, on the 211b inet., with a ear- go of 111,488 feet pitch pine lumber, veined at $1,784. B. B. Begpard cleared tbe Norwe gian bark Handling, on tbe 24tbiost. with a cargo of 248,888 feet pUeb pine lumber, valued at $3,982, J. H. MeCnllongb cleared tbe Brit ish bark Sappho, on tbe 28th inet, for Buenos Ayros, with a cargo of 883,405 feet pitch pine lumber, valued et $6,134. R. B. Reppnrd cleared British brig Wanderer, on jthe 30th iost., with a cargo of 162,666 feet lumber, valued at $2,441. _ Notice* Tbe time checks for labor, given by tbe Georgia Land and Lumber Company, are not redeemable at tbo offico of the Company, except when presented by tbose to whom they are issued, for services, on regular pay days Etirsltli, Gainesville, Ga., Jan. 7, 1880. I have suffered terribly for eight months with neuralgia pains all over in; bead. Two months ago I took a bottle of Neurotio, end am now en- eqm lief of pain. It will care beyond a doubt. I feel truly thankful that my attention wns called to this great rem edy. I hope that nil who suffer will give it a tnal. Respectfully, decl5-lm W. B. Clements. Shipping Intelligence. Cut Loaf, Powdered, Granulat ed and Common Sugars, Full Line of Fresh Groceries, A fall Stock of Dry Goods, J.J. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,» J-FOR GOOD BREAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEARS’DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF BAKING POWDER. To The Ladies OF BRUNSWICK FOB THK PORT OF BRUNSWICK, FORTH! WXXK ENDING DECEMBER 90tb, 1881. i, Thorndike, Ckerieeton. Dec 98—Port bg Amelia Norton, flan toe, Rio Jan, Dec 29—Sp bg Anguxtlna Calxoda, Koldae, dnfna- roe. Dea29—8c AUlo Burnham. Baxter, Boatoo. Dec 39—So Alfred Keene, Crock*11, New York, DKPARTUBE8. Dec 93—Br ao nettle Darling. Bethel, Kama. Deo 91—Ed be Loreto, Abril, Montevideo. i Kundelng, Kvenaen, Montevideo. if Galtelde. , Pbllerfwtghf I>«o 84—Me U O Tbo DM, Thorndike, ltalfaau lton 34-Bo Ben? Galtelde. Iteo 94-Bo U O Tbomea, T Dec 87—Bk Mary Jenneee, Cochran. New York, Dec 94—Br bk bappho. McPhee, Buenoe Ayree. Deo 98-Bo X A Hara, Smith, New York. Dec to—Bk Alice 0 Dickmen, Cook, HaptonRoeda. Dec 99—Bk J X i rett, Wtlaon, Mew York. Dec 99—Bg D O Chapman, Owen, ltaltlmere. Deo 99—Bo Winner, Fry. Jeremal, Haytl. P*c 90—Br bg Wanderer, Maunders, Bantoe, £ Dec ao-Mc Battle Turner, McIntyre. Salem. BRUNSWICK MABKET. OFPICX ADVERTISER AND APPEAL, I Buuxawics, Oa., December 81, 1881.) Below we quote pricee current for today: COTTON. Middling Fair It Good Middling.... Middling Low Middling Oood Ordinary.........., Ordinary K1 Common 11! Fair... Oood Hough country NAVAL STORES. Romm—II 13.05, X 49.18, F S3 90. O 49.98, H 4! — wlndt tm 9M 80. X 4X78, M 43.13*. X 4*37* BriRin ToRrjorrwg—Otla and whlakeya, 4l*ot regnlara, 83 *o. SUPPLIES. Bacon—Clear rib eldee. W*e; abonldere, 8*e; hame, lie; dry aeltoo clear rib eldee, 9*0 long clear. 9*«S abovldera. 7*o. ^ Gnux—corn-white 84390c, mixed 87o; onto, «: bran, 9L80. umSSvfnS* * lMi E “ Ura ’ • ,J0 ‘ Lard—In tierce#, 13ot fcegg and tuba lt*o. Fuua—Superfine, fi 71(410 00; extra, 44 71 47 00; fomlly. 47 7d«« 34; fancy, 48 7S«4» I ‘“there’, |H 3flQ49 78. Uinu. Wool. Etc.—IDdee, dry flint, 19*e; tailed 10*f<iUke. Wool—Unwaahed, free of burn, prime lota. 97c; burry wool, 10fi»l*i- Tallow. 4c; wax |0e; deer eklna, 40c; otter aklne, S3efo44 00. NAVAL STORES FREIGHTS. Naff—Borin and eplrita, 9e. edjflte. 9d. to United Kingdom or Continent direct; to New lark. 40c • “ on eplrita. -To New York, roetn toe, eplrita IUo; Philadelphia, roeln 30c, eplrita 60c; to Ualtlmoi.. rt»in 40c, eplrita 78c; to Bouton, roeln a c, eplrita Dlaloane. Needing a man to do tbe “circular work” (torning the crank of onrCainp- bell press) a few days since, we sent oat one of tba boys in search of oiiu. He soon came across a colored “gum- men" and thus.aconated him: * Boy—”8ay. Captain, don’t you want a nice, paying job for an hour C. O.—“Yea, boss; but what yoa want me to do i" Boy—“Turn a printing press. Arc yon pretty strong?" C. G., drawing himself up in cou- scions pride—“ Well, sir, I sm pretty strong, but think of my position; I am book-keeper to a rice-planter, and, therefore, couldn’t think of it" A mfo and sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is fur nished by Parker’s Hair Balaam which ia deservedly popular from its superior cleanliness. dtclS-lm Fire Insurance J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AND REAL KSTATS AGENT, BKPRKBKNTh THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL IE UO., OK ATHKMB, OA., AND * OTHER FIItbT-CLAKS 4 0 0 TONS GIKATB ANDXTOVK COAL! .7 rza wjjayjjw, WFxa JESSE WILDER, NEWCASTLE STREET. FOR SALE I D Built jSBLKHOtiSB AND LOToeCocb. ren. A.reuc- are retire, ud SUdrea under BH root. Wot Ittmo ,ppl, to I*a, W. & BUBBOUOHS. dreJ-lf or. C. P. OOODTEAIL D. D. ATKINSON, DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA Office np etalre in Crovttt’e new bunding. Jy23-1 Mrs. E. ABLE OF BROOKLYN, N.Y., H## Jaat opened a firnt-claaa Millinery Store o: Nowcaeile atreet, nest to Mr. D. T. Dunn’e Dn Goode Store, and aake tho attention of the ladles of Brnnawlck to her stock of FINE MILLINERY HOODS I LACE NECK WEAR, TRIMU1NOS. FANCY WOOL WORK, 4>HILDIIBN*M L t«K P.IPN, Fancy Ornament*, Buttons, RIBBONS, Etc. Call and ;examtnc stock. deoKMy u wish to GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. I! you v ffrowVcgetablca for > ^V” S** *o po) PRACTICAL F&rtM?3^fPbORICULTURE If yon with to Gar den for Amusement or for Home Use i only, read All by PETER HENDEBSOX Price jl.60 each, postpaid by nail. Our Combined Catalogue of SEEDS an ° PLANTS For 1889, sent free on application. PETER HENDERSON A GO. 35 OortUndt St, Nrw York. tlimv 'btu 'Oq*K *8 *o P» rewpirei tv pawd sq ore wnoq naairea xou. j* muoi| lilt >■ ono SIIM papanodutoa ISOIXdHWZHd dKVI lIMHdJ ■s)uojiuoi[3 sSma qsajtj put: oauj SECj^cioiaacj^c ■va: OKHrmsHiTiraKv w 3 I B AA puoaiK ‘ B “WS storamio ■qaMox pun soaaodg ‘out)U[Of) ‘soiptreQ g,trem)tq jt\ ‘paag paig JummQ ^joran jaj ‘soxoqju; Aaouor)B)s jo ypoq# Taajag 'aastiQ SutssajQ ^oipaq ‘BapiUQ jjo sdoog ^apox ‘goqsiug n B N 'B«>I ‘ J ™H ‘eqtaoQ qjoojj-auy[ ptro SnjsBaj(j ‘sac'Toiasanr aariioa jo reo]. pwm xra m preiAoi tnonirebu u reipw ,ai to renreuv «a ■vo ‘HDiMSNnka - - ‘asnoH NOsnaN ‘XSIDYMHYHd aaaAA ,r i h Brunswick & Albany Eailr’d TIME TAB Takes Efleet Monday, October 3d, 1881 TRAINS GOING WEST. L. 5:00 an 1*6:00 1*6:37 1*7:10 1*8:10 1*8:37 L.9:50 L. 10:23 I* 11:12 I* 12:10 I* 12:27 ru 1*1:10 I* 2 :14 I* 2:50 I* 3:35 L. 3:52 1* 4:21 1*4:50 1*5:37 1*6:20 A. 7:00 PASSEN GER NO. 1 LEAVE. . 9:00 am 9:50 10:22 10:46 11:20 11:41 12:20 pm 12:41 1:14 * 2:101 2:20 2:47 3:23 3:56 4:21 4:35 4:53 5:12 5:357 CK)1 A. 6:30 8TATION8. BRUNSWICK 16 JAMAICA WAYNES WILLE... LULATON ire... HOBOKEN SCHLAT’RVILLE., WAY CROSS WARESBORO MILLWOOD PEARSON KIRKLAND WILLICOOCHEE ALAPPAHA BROOKFIELD...., TIFTON RIVERSIDE TYTY ALFORD ISABELLA DAVIS EASTALBANY TRAINS GOING EAST. (UAD OVWABOe.) GB8 NO. 1. LEAVE. A. 6;45 600 5:32 6 0«|| 4:29. 4:18 8:43 8:15 2:43 2:10 X 1:35 1:10 $ 12:32 pm 11 l52 11:27 11:18 10:53 . 10^4 10:15 9:35 OKIOam NO. 4. A. 7:16 1*6:20 1*6:43 L. 6:10 I* 4:10 1*8:60 L8.-05 L.2D0 1*1:14 1*12:10 1*11:48 I* 11:06 1*10:15 ' I* 9:22 L. 8:40 L. 8:15 I* 7:44 I* 6:20 T* 6:35 L 5:00am R. D. MEADER, Superintendent. Approved: CHARLES L. SCHLATTER, GenT Manager. Fire Insurance! T. O'CONNOR, Jr. AO BNT FOR TUX BRITISH AMERICA, LIVERPM LONDON&GL0BB, —and— NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY. Office ever Madden’ePrng Btora. febl-iy d. w. h. parsons, PAINTER. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, 0tCOIITIII l IuS0IIIIIB l FlESCI)IIBJGlillllt Promptly executed in the latest etyke. Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, BRUNSWICK, GA., INSURANCE AND COLLECTBNO AGENT, WILL BUY AND BELL, Land ai\d Real Estate. Office next te Poet Office. msj3!-tf ASBESTOS ROOFING. INQUIRE AT umOX OF Le Baron Drury, BRUNSWICK, GA. oct39-tf Dr. R. B. HILL OfiNiUe prafiMrioMl eervteee to toe rftliiea if rune wick. Gan ha foend, daring the day, atbta office, next door to Robarta* Deng Ktore, aaar tea Pott Office, end daring toe night at tee fuffidenee fitreet, DtxvlUe, near old M. A D R. b. deell-tf Notice. All erdarafor OAK WtHtfl of any length promptly filled Uteri at novlteSffi Proposals Wanted. ed to to# Chairmen of the Commlmton. nntil 13 ’doek, Teeetey. Jan. 10th. 1*4. lac aacplji"* mid wonuniaeion for cenceUatlno bonda nt (Am CUv of Brnnawlck to toe vatae of abont eaventoM handred dollar* enrreocy. Bids for aR or aay puritan of tba love amount will be received. The right to reject any or an le reoerved. JoliMT.OQLLnm. Chairman Making Fend Qnmmtmtan. City ef Brnnawlck, On. Dissolution ot Partn rship. The „ the undasateaed te hereby dUeoivatf by metuai can- cant. J. S. Doran will wind ap toe tneiaeae of the Arm, collecting ton Matte and paying the Hahlllttra. fl. F. GRAY. J. a. BURRS. Brwnewkk.Oere Dce*I«tb, tW. C-P.GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY A.T LAW. Drngitore DIXON’S NEW BUILDING. Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, Ga. Tbe undersigned bee removed hie DRUG BTORX te toe above I i. and ie ready to eerve Irie frieadeand toe pubiie generally with a rrmhaopplyo Drugs, Chemicals, Patent JBedicme, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, 8 BUIST-S FRESH AND GENUINE R ( FINE CKKEN AND BLACK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, A,'! reore reUdre lou nrerevre l. rereUoa, ud MuU, Orel U Hot rlmDruf Store. Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. Aim II* u rUred, Win Mrerl.117 uand mr ren.Mr ■•dlunre. it notllfd .INI, rtaldnc. Curare JAMES T. SLAIN. DRUGGIST. Uutouand Alaiiafiald atm>te. H. H. HARRISON, 104 NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK. * GEORGIA. Sale of Furniture, Crockery and Glassware every uight at 6 o’clock; Saturdays, 11 A. M. Ota, IOMmV m*reo. . i, Oloncceter for -et. MALLORY’S team8hip Line. bTEAMSHlPS WNSTMMJf TMIsMh Captain BISK. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Chptaln BOTES. f Friday alf F. jflm Mriv» aB.kA.aad)