Newspaper Page Text
BEN. V. CKRBY, Burro n.~
Oisim, OaiMn Coustt, Ga.
slut 30»auct.
Failure* have comm nc» d, not only in
foreign binds 1>nr. »t limnr.
The season of Ares in now nt hand nnd
lln report i coining in «|'iire rapidly
We would not give n penny for * msn
|h not angular enough to make Ilia fel
low-nun feel that he lives among them.
Within thcpist few years five N- w
Yorkers rej>rit« $300,000,000, hnV'
died.** w< r« A-lor, Vanrii r-
bill. StiAsrl, It aiuel-i dor nn l Pctir
V ocilu'.
A bill ' SI I sen pusji-il by i nngr< m
giving to tobtlly divtbli-d soldi* ro nnd
Mi lor* »n iucri'MMi *n pensions of twen
tyt-'iid I ar* per mouth It nos in*«k-
iiip, ev my-lwo dollms per month.
Mill* of tlm lirrte*l Stub* Setntors
bar given con* *>r ** ns- ti-lnw Mini. jul>*
nb ir tlm espi'ol. I lie y oing men pi n
trill serve ii- clerks for the ciiinmit'ce-
n >t draw ;(1 a nay cundiy o; Muiuliiy
» . .11 •»* shine,
John KeMy b licvus IMdcu's noininn-
tion to be impossible. And ssys that
'Mr. Seymour would bn s good onndidnte
because lie would poll the united Dem
ocratic vote". Those arc John's idea of
Pvi-sidential nominations.
The Pliiladi Ipliin Time* gives reports sixty-eight Democratic newspapers
iu Pennsylvania showing their choice for
president ml cindldstes, ms follows: For
Bay ml 18, "ilden 15, Hancock 11. Sey •
lovur 0. (lie ti< Id 4, for the noniico 5, for
anyb nly II.
General L. J. Gartrell, of Atlnnta, is
now looked upon m the next, governor of
Geoigis. Tried and f'liud true in all
i* InPons of life, he will make the empire
•late a j.overnoi whom she can always
tris’, and of whou she will never be
aeUa-md. —A'o th Qeorgiar.
Of Mie fe ling in Giro In favor of the
nomiuation of S cretary Sherman for the
Presidency, the Columbus, (O.) Shite
Journal (Rep.) remarks:
“It is uni] lestiouably true that at the
|ir«Muut time, at least, Joliu Sherman is
the first choice of a large majority (per
h.\ps tour fifth*) of the Ropubbean vo
ters of Ohio for President, and that if
noin'na'ed he will teceire the solid R*-
publlo-iir vote, together with .a hr*<r
DemociaMc vote than has evi r lax* casr.
for an. Republican since tins organiza
tiou of the party. Why, therrlon,
•LouId there l>e a doubt or question a- ;<*
tLj propriety of sending a solid Sln-r
man delegation to the National ^inven
tion r "
Columbus *£nquin r: * The comiiiitb e
to arrange plans and raise uiuan- for t o
erection of a monoin nt in Columbus o
the memory id'the I iteven-ruble Dr L v
ic Pie.ce met in M -.con mi Wednesiiay .
This committee, appointed by III- .Sonil)
Ge-ugia ci-nft:i'»nci* at its la*t sessinn. n
aomposed of Uev DrJose|ili S Ke , ituv
fltiN MoD >neli, Kev J B MiOehee,
Rey R J Corlev ami Rev J O A Cook .
Afier full and tree consult a".dii t v\; a
agm-d to issue circulars first to thr
pen |e ol the South gen-rail , a d si C
Ond to the M-tho.ii-l of the .Smith (-)•*<*.V
gia conler-ncu sp ciaUi, « dh a vie vs o
rais-ng the neo-wsarv fund- As to Inca
tiou. Sf. Luke church yard was -elected
•S the ur. at suitable place. The appeals
Cur motiay arc to b-> nude immediately,
nnd the committee feel enufident ttista
•efficient amount w ll be realized to se
cure a respectable mnnumeut to the great
and good man. As a man and a minis,
ter bin memory d«vtv» to b* p- r n-t ta
The population of Georgia is but lit
tie more than that contained by Wts
cousin—-the former having pine mem
hereof Gtongruse and the letter eight-
anil yet Georgia lias 1,00# convicts in
tier prieons, to 450 in Wleann'in. Iu
Georgia the admini*'ration of justice
discriminates severely against the colored
race, amt a large majority of thrcnnvic s
are negroes Ten years for stealing a
mule is the customary a< ntencs, and mi
nor atfenses m proportion
This is a short sample of the .dal wart’s
style ol slandering ti.e South. The Ho
cago Tribune gloats o cr a morsel of
mendacity like the alxive Of course
there is no d scriminstion in Grnrgiu or
.ip any Southern State against negroes in
the administration n. justice. A white
rascal in punished lor stealing a inule
ju»t tile same as a negro. II the 7W-
bune'* men iscious scribbler doesn't be
lieve it let him come South and try it-
Saeannah AVie*.
Wk send out several copies of
Ciikiu eke Advance, hoping that all who
may receive it will write ua a |M-tal say
ing w • may continue sending it. Bui do
not be impressed with the idea that it
will o- sent to till out the urn xpired
subscription* of the Gcorgii Advocate.
It Will not. Toe Georgia .-Iw II
till out their subscriptions from A'lanu
hurealter, as tiiat is wlier ■ It w ill be pub
dished and i-nued fr-uu.
Tiie following we have leceivi d w.tli
the reqiio-t lo publish and we m
hoping to give |'iil»l city to the 1 h'i-
ctiisui of Council Bluff’* Bugle:"
What is the chief end of* he lb-publican
party? Grid
Who is the ail'll -r of the Republic* i
party ? brant.
Who t)rst discovered that the world
was round ? Grant.
Who died on a thousand battle fields
during the late civil war? Grant.
Who touud Moses in’ the bulrushes?
Who was the first man ? Grant.
Who first sailed around the whixkey
ring? Grant.
Wlte wrote the Declaration of Inde
pendence? Grant.
Who was the first tanner? Grant’
Who first discovered the Quakers?
Who the d—e is Grtiut? Grant.
What was his fat tier's name? Grant.
Ju-t take it for “Granted" that Grant
is Grant, and may we be ‘Granted’ as lew
Grants as possible in high places.
Joe Jefferson the renown pirsooifier
of “Rip Van Winkle’’ has the past we< k
beeu playing to the delight of Atlanta
audiences. Can't you couie up Joe and
eutertain a Canton au lieucu?
It is thought that a crisis ti ti e
history of Vesuv us is npproiclniig;
eithvr thr-re will l*e a grent (liscliurgi,
such as will terrify the neighborhood,
or, us is more likely, there wdl he an
ovcrlluwiiig of lava, covering the cmie
wiliiu mull lie of lire, mill auci.t.y in
flicting inure deal rue. ion on proja-ity
than a grand eruption. has
be* n in an actiW al» ; r now fur sever
ui years.
A Nt MitKU of n-Tthern fainilies
n**ie * goi.« ’o Florida lor the Wm
ie:. 1 i ii.'v may tiud it there, for are
iiave Into none in Georgia.—Atlanto
GEORGIA, ghkhokkb County:
75# alt whom it tuny concern:
Daniel N. Kpe.nre having in pr >per
from applied to uief»r permanent letters
of ndminiMrat ion on the est itu of
Wii.iiam Whitfi. Id late of said county,
this is to cite all and sii gulnr the credi
tors and next of kiuof William Whit
field. to lie and appear at my office
w itliin tile time allowed by law, and
• how caii-e, if any they c m, why perm.-
am in udininistruti n should not be gran
ted lo D-niil N Spence-on William
Whili lii-ld’s estate. Witness niy hand
ai d nflC-hil siguuture, this 29th day of
January, I8N0
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Chkkokkk County :
To all whom it may concern:
A T Baas luviug in proper form ap
plied to me tor permanent letters of Ad
^ministration on the estate, of Bedding
lb »H ate of xaid county, tliia iato cite all
and singular the creditors and next of
Ein nf Redding Ba»a, to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by
law and show cause :f any they can why
permanent administration should not be
granted on the estate of i*eddiug Baas.
W itrn-as my hand and official signature
itlds 28th day of January 1880.
I O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Will-b« Nld Imfort the Ghurt House
door in tb*|)own of Canton, Cm rofcee
county, Gf n on 1st n»e*day in Aiarok,
IM80. tvilhin the lagsl of Mle the
following property to wit:
Lotcoflnnd No* MB. #50. #84. »#7,
i7 acr-'s of 017, Inung ali that portion
lying of Haney's mill road, 85
acres of 048. being all that portion lying
>ou:h ->f Haney’s mill r -ad, and weai of
rani on road, a*.i that |MirtdoD of thr east
li.df nf said lot lying east nf Canton road.
84 scrrsnfOOfl, the line of the eastern
itiiidcry. commencing at tin: nortii-eaat
corner and ronnirg south 116 yard*
tlirnci* west, same width, to Canton r ad
ihence south-east along .-aid road lo :bt
line, tlnrcc aoith to the corner; the
r ortli half of I02i exc-pi one and one
halt acre in thr south west corner of said
half lo‘, n-J‘1 to J BH-irdiit, 8 acre** taor
or le*a in tin; north west corner of 1022,
bt ing all of the north ha’., of said lot,
lung west of rail mad. nil l.cng in tbe
Ifitli diFiric: and 2nd sect on of i hero-
km. county, levied on as the property of
Eii C. Hardin, to sati-fy five (5) Just ce
court ti fas i-.-u d from toe Ju*'ic<- cuurt
of '.li>- 8BO1I1 I'istric.G M. two in favor
of Thomas D Evans, one in favi.r o;
Northcutt and Bros, one in tavor of Jon-
a'hsn T Davis and one in f-tVor of It. A.
Johns n h Co. vs E. C Hardin *11 of
the-aid fi fa* controled and transit rul
io J • • Itrynolda- Prupi rty po nted out
i-y lit piainiitT. einnt ia posw-s-ion no
iiti-d. L- vied on and iviumed to mu by
N. Bindh, L. t J
Tke Place to get Bargains t
tun now ottering entire stock of
Mens, Boys and Youths Clothing,
Shawls, Jeans, Skirts,
Sacques and Blankets,
at NEW YORK cost. This is no hnmbug to swindle tbe people,
hut a fact.—Come and be convinced of whut f say.
I have also a^ nice line of Ladies Dress Goods, Boots, Shoe#,
Trunks, \alises, Notions, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods at tho
lowest possible prices.
I have just received Two Car Loads of
nt bottom price*. R. HlltSCH.
MARIETTA, GA., Jan. 12th 1880.—ly..
AUh at tin* 'Mm.- time and place, Om*
Undivided -ixlli nit. rc-it in In: Mar etli
A N"rih n uig a Bail Buad, running
tM>m Maricla, >*, t- *tn uii (»a . as
ttm property of •' D I’lii I pa and one
It 11(11 f id« il s XIII intlTi'il of FKld •’ A N
(ta. It l< a* llm propi-rty of J M Me f t-,
tin* a*nit: eing »uch a park of llieir in*
it-rt-m a- i- lyi g and i eing in Ciifroace
c -uniy, G i. l^-vi- d <a the properly >l
said v* D Pnillipa an i ,1 M l(cAb:e, in
the cunlr-d i t tin* M. A N. G». R. It., by
viriu*- >d‘an 1 i • aatofy a fi fa itStted from
tie- November term of tile Coub Bup'-rior
1 ourt iu favor of W L Cooper vs Wm
Phillips, H M Hammett, < D Phillip*
and J M McAfee. Property pointed out
by J M Me \fee, and notice given Wm
Phillips, President ol said M. A N Gi*..
It It and J M McAfee, Treasurer.
Also at tlm same tinn: and place, lids
of land loa. 22, 28, 80, "2, 34, 86, 38. 42.
44, and 46, all being a part of land lot |
No. 1068 all in the town of Woodstock,
situated on the line of the M. A N. Ga.
U. It ,in the 15th dist. anti 2nd section
of i In rokee county Ga. All of said lots
levied on as the property of Wallace,
,Haley & Co. to sat#*ty a Justice court
fi fa isMiii d from the 702nd district; of
said Cherokee county, nnd sutuiry oilier
fi fas, in favor of the Marietta Savings
Bank vs. Wall lace, iialey & c*.. Field s,
McAI'e l ate A co. garni-hees. Property
pointed out by J. M. McAfee and levy
made and returned to mu pv J. L. Ilmiis
L. C. ,Jan. 20th 1880.
Also at the same time and place, Lot
of land No. 40 in the I4tlt di-trict and 2
section of C’nerokee couuty, Ga., levied
i-u as tin* property of H A. Harden to
satisfy a tax fi f* issued by A L Kinnett,
Tax Collector of said county, in favor of
tlie State and county vs H A Harden for
his State and county tax for the year
eighteen hundred and seventy nine.
Also at the same time and place, Lot
of land No 314 in the 18th district and
2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga., lev
ied (>ii as the propi rty of Gilford Cook,
lo stisfy a tax fi fa issued by A L Kiueett
lax Collector of said county in favor of
the State and ceunty va Gilford Cook,
for his Stale and county tax for the ye tr
eighteen hundred and seventy nine.
Also at the same time and place, Lots
of land Nos 973 and 074 iu the 3d di triot
nnd 2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga.
levied on as the property of Jackson 8.
Oltuer to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A
L Kinnett Tax Collector of said county,
iu favor of the State and county vs Jack-
son 8. Oliiver tor his Stats and county
tax for the year eigbteeen hundred and
seventy nine.
GEORGIA, (JiiKjtoKEii County :
Melissa Waldrop, wife nf Eli Waldrup.
has applied to me for Amendment and
hxemptinn of Personalty, as supplement
to Homestead, and I will pass upon tbe
same at my office st 10 o'clock, a. m- on
i be 16th day ot Febrir"y 1880- This
the 22nd day of January, 1880.
O.W. PUTNAM, Ord'y.
'I he Firm of J. G. Evans k Co., has
th s day dissolved by mutual consent,
und Mr. J. G. Evans will continue busi-
n< st at the old staud in his own interest.
All persons having claims against the
firm will please present them to J. G.
Evans tor payment, and all persons in
debted to the firm will please make im
mediate payment to J. it, Evans, or they
will find their notes and accounts in the
hands ot collecting officers. Thanking
our friends for their liberal patronage
and bopn g that Mr. Evans may contin
ue to supply them m any and* everything
they may need, we remain,
Joe ws M. McAfee,
Joes G. Evans-
Those who may receive tke Aotabca
and do not notify ui te discontinue tke
same will continue to receive it end be
expected to pay the one Italler, whether
yen ordered it seat or not. Bev ia mind
Ctgal Abuertiytimnts.
Will lie sold, before the I'ourt House
door, in ilie town of Canton, Ch-rokee
county, Georgia, within ilie legal hours
of sale, on the first Tu -sday in February
I88u. the following property, viz:
L ts ot land No*. 781, 7.12, 7?3 and
(Ml, all in tlie 15th dist., and 2nd section
of Cherokee couuty, • -a . levied oil as the
properly of Joel T. liaiey, to satisfy a
tax ii fa. issued by A L. Kinnett, tax
c--Hector of said county, in favor ot* state (
and county vs Joe: T. Haley for his tax
for 18T9. Tenant iu possession notified.
Al-o. lots of land Nos. 403 and 462, all
in the 3d dist. and 2nd section#f Chero
keccounty, levied on as the property of
James M. Stephens, to satisfy a tax fi fa
issued by A L Kinnett, tax collector ol
saidc unty in favor of 8tate and county
vs James M Stephens for his tax for 1870.
Also, Iota of land No*. 84 End 62 in the
21st dist. and 2 o section of Cher "kee
county, mid No. 905 iu the 15th dist.
and 2nd section of Cherokee county, lev
ied on a* the property of James U. Vin
cent to satisfy a lux fi fa issued by A. L
Kinnett, tax collector of said county in
favor of State and county vs James U.
Vincent, for his tax for 1879. Party no
Also, lot of land No. 196 in the 22nd
dist, and 2d section of Cherokee couuty.
(la. levied ou as the property of Janies M.
Stephens to satisfy a tax fi ta issued by
A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun
ty in favor of State and county vs James
M. Stephens, for his tax for 1879.
Also, lots of land Nos. 208 and 549 all
in the 8-1 dist. and 2nd section of ( her-
okie couuty, Ga., levied on as the prop
erly of Harrison Black, to satiafv a Ux fi
fa issued by A. L. Kinnett, lax collector
of said county in favor of State and
county vs Harrison Black for hiB tax for
Also, lots of land Nos. 321, 327, 394,
395, 393. 392, 897, 898 39# 400, 468, 464,
465 , 466, 474, 441 and 612, all in the 8d
diet., and 2nd section of Cherokee coun
ty, Ga., levied on as the property of Win.
Hoskins, to satisfy a tax fi ra issued by
A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun
ty in favor of State and county vs Wil
liam Hoskins, tor his tax for 1879. Ten
ant notified.
Also, lot of land No. 165, in the 15th
dist, snd 2nd section of Cherokee coun
ty, Ga. levied od as the property of Rcb't
B Adair, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by
▲. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun
ty in favor of State and county vs Rob
ert B. Adair for his tax tor 1879.
Also, one Sorrel Horse, about 16 hands
high and about ten years old, levied upon
as the property of J. L. Clarkson A Co ,
Principals, and ttobt. F. Hobbs, security,
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Henry
E. G. GRAML1NO, Sheriff.
Whereas certain petitioners hare made
their application to this court praying an
order granting the establishment of a
new road, commencing at the Gilmer’s
Ferry road near the residence of J. M.
Gilmer, thence in the direction of Canton
to or near the reiidence of Uriah Nix,
thence to intersect the Fowler’s Ferry
road at the most convenient point; and
where** commissioners appointed for
that purpose have reviewed and marked
<HRt said contemplated road, and reported
to me that said road will be one ot much
public utility and convenience; now
this is to eite and admouish all persons
that on and after the 6th day of February
1880, said new roxd will be granted if
no good eause is shown to the contrary.
Given under my baud and seal 5th day
ot Jsanaty 1886. O. W. PUTNAM,
By virtue of an order from tin- court of
Ordinary of said c ‘Unty, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in February next, at
the court-house door in said county be-
I ween the legal hours of Male, the tract or
land m -aid county whereon L-iwson 7fu-
dacil resided at the time of his death,
containing 200 acres more or less, the
same being l-*ts of land Nos. 1211, 1212,
1237. 1165 and 1284. all in the 8d dis
trict and 2d section of said county.
I ems of sale cash. This Jan. 5th, 1880.
8 E. RUDA'TL, Administratrix.
Whereas Silas K. Payne, administrator
of Joel B Payn-, represents to the court
in hi* petition duly tiled and entered on
record, thnt he lias fuily administered
Joel B. Payne's .state; this is, therefore,
to cite all pers-ms concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause if any they can,
why -aid administrator should not be
discharged from Ilia administration aud
receive letters of dismission On the first
Monday in Aoril 1880. This Jan. 5th
1880. O. W. PU I’NAM, Ordinary.
Jan. 5 8m
Whereas James W. Cornelison, admin
istrator of Elijah Owen, represents to the
court in his petition duly filed aud enter
ed on record, that he has fully adminis
tered Elijah Owen's estate; this is, there
fore, to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause If any
they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration
and receive letters of dismission on the
first Monda, in April 1880 This Jan.
5th 1880. O.W. PUTNaM,
_ „ Ordinary.
Jan. 5 3m.
Henry F. Cagle having applied to be
appointed Guardian of the property of
1 hoinas N. Cagle, a minor under fourteen
years of-age, resident of said county:
This is to cite all persons concerned to
be and appear at the term of the Court
ol Ordinary to be held on the first Mon
day in February next, and show cause,
if they can, why saii Henry F. Cagle
should not be entrusted with the guar
dianship of tile property of uid Thomas
N. Cagle.
Witness tny official signature this Jan
uary 5th, 1880.
G* W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Wnercas certain petitioners have made
their application to this court praying an
order granting the establishment of a
new road, c^mm-ncing at Woodstock
and running east along the line ol land
lot between M. S. Padeu and Dr. Meritt
to a point near Dock Moriaes, thence
north east to Reub’s Creek, cniasing the
creek at the line of land lot between
Parks Dobbs and Dr. Meritt, following
said line to the foot of the hill, thence
around the hill on the south »id*\ ihence
north-east acros;. said line m from of
Dobbs’ bouse, thence until . ant through
the lands of Dobbs, Edward*. Du s *a-t
Say, to the river, crossing the mvr in
Say's plantation, thence to the Im* of
land lot between S iy and Evau-. . *. u >:e
east along said'ine as near as j>ro:;;c*t-
ble and to intersect the r-.n-l m-
tween N. Barnes and Ja*p-r Doiib-; an t
whereas certain c-miuiinsioners apoo ntci
for the purpose have reviewed a i l u*ik
ed out said contemplated road a id report
ed io me that said coiUeaipUted road will
bs one ot much public utility and conve
nience; sew this is to cite and admonish
all persona that on aud after the 7th day
ot February 1880, said new road wilt be
granted if no good cause ii shown to the
contrary. Given under my hand and «ml
this 80th day of December 1879.
O. W. PU I’NAM, Ordinary.