Newspaper Page Text
€l)t <£i)trokce Sconce.
Oflelul Organ CliciHken IVnuiy.
FRIDAY. JAKUaI’.Y* 80rd.. 1880
“ ■ — ■■ m» mi ■ ■ ■ i i
Q If A R TNR L Y R kb. 7 INO.S.
Logan»Vili>, at Fliilsdi Iplua, Jan. hi,
F<b l.
HnII, at Hopewi II. Fi b. 7, 8.
I’ninisNviUc .-Mitt ion. Full. 8, 9.
Flow< r> Branch, at Ssrdis. Fob. i4, IS
Lawrinceville, at Law mice vi He, F«-b
Cherokee, at Orungc, Feb. 28, 29.
Ciinuniiig, at Mew Hope, March IS. 7.
J. F. Mixon, F. E
P. O , Marietta.
Below we give the* district, tlir time of
meeting, the Justice of Peace, NeUry
Public (.nd Lawful Constable of each
in this county.
Canton—794 District, meets 3>i M it-
day. J. E. Hutson, J. F , It. P. Daniel,
N. P„ J. L. Harris, L. C.
Hickory Flat -1010 District, meets
1st Saturday. E. J. MeCoundl, J. F,
W. W. Worley, N. P., Ji. U. v ri r.sliaw
and Wm. A. Johu.sou, L. C.
Wild Cat — 1019 District, meets 3d
Friday. John Ragsdale, J. F., W W.
Fleming, N. F., J. L. Carmichael and
Dock Chapman, L. C.
Woodstock—860 District, meets 4:h
Saturday. It. Herndon, J. F., W. G.
Dupre, N. P., Nathan Booth, L. C.
Bkll’s—817 District, meets 3d Satur
day. J. B. O’Netlt J. P., Ki chen,
N. P., Carroll and Reese, L. C.
Fair Play—1028 District, meets 3d
Saturday. Joseph tV. Knox, J. F., 8 R.
- Dixon, N P, J II Hedgecock, L. t.
8alacoa—960 District, meets 2nd Satur
day. J U Lewis, J P., 8 Jones, N P., L
Hobgood, L C.
Ball Ground- -1022 District, meets
2nd Saturday. Jos. Byers, J F., James
Price, N P., Brooks, L. C.
Lick Skillet-1018 District, meets
2nd Saturday. Lawson Petree, J P., G.
W. Brooks, N P., Samuel Cox, L. C.
Little ItivKa—1174 District, meets
. . Wm. Buicc, J. P., W.l.
Christian, N. P., L N. Castlebery, L. O.
Mullin's—818 District, meets 3d Sat
urday. Coker, J.P..J. Thomas,
N. P., Perkins, L. C.
Cross Roads—1000 District, meets 2nd
Saturday. T. P. Schelly, J P., Fred
Moore, N. P., W. S. Willis, L. C.
Con’s Chbkk—1031 District, meets
1st Saturday. A. u. Conn, J. P., W. W
Bagwell, N. P., I. A. Ingram, L. C.
Clayton’s—971 District, meets
1st Saturday. T. J. Stancel, J. P., Miles
Holden, N. P* Cook and Adkins L. C.
Harbin's (Walssca.)—1608 District,
Meets 4th Saturday. Jos. Sharp, J. P.
J. G. Heard, N. P., Jas. Hughes, L. C.
Six bh—1279 District, meet* 2nd
Wednesday. Wm. Mullins, J. P., E. J
Ellison, N. P-, Godard, L. C f
Oar Clisiife
Finding it inconvenient to n**t all
tsvail routes in time to get our papers to
all Mibacrii>ers, sad tli*’e most especially
<>n the TnHing Rock route, we have de
eded to ehsngeour pobliratioa day from
that *»1 Friday to Wednesday, when all
esa and will n*t tltsir imp u much soon
er. 1 he change will be made a* noun as
|K'Msible, prolmhly the next issue will b<-
on Wrilnwilsj—most likely will. We
do this mostly for the lienefit of those on
the Talking Hock route, as their papvrs
published on Friday is near or quite a
we. k old »limit rrnclie* them. Now
we hopr all may lie plensed with the
change and lend their influence and As
sistance to the Chbmokkk AdyaKCR.
The following is the time of leaving,
arriving and the coutractor of the
reaching this place.
Canton to Marietta—Daily, except
Sunday- Leave# 6 30 a. in., arrives 6 30
p. m. Jessie Hendrix, contractor.
Canton to Dawsonvillb—Tri-weekly
Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 7 a. m., arrives Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 5 p. m. Jno. C. Richardson
Canton to Talking Rock—Weekly.
Leaves Wednesday at 8 a. m , arrives
Thursday at S p. m. Isaac Huunicutt,
Canton to Dallas—Weekly. Leaves
Thursday at 6 a. m., arrives* Frioat at 6
p. m. Jno. H. Wilson contractor.
Canton to Hickory Flat—Weekly.
Arrives on Saturday at 4 p. m., leaves 4
30 p. m. John T. Ponder contractor.
Canton to Jaspkb— Tri weekly.
Leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 7 a. m., arrives Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 4 p. m. Wesley Jones
All routes will be increased after the
— of July, except Canton to ;Marietta
and Canton to Dawaonville. „
Mails open on Sundays at Clanton of
fice from 8 to9 a. tu. R. F. Daniel
Cantos Market Report.
cornnctbd wrbkly by ocbooton buybbs
The quotations given below ore sub*
ject to fluctuation; the pH*** •fto-dey
should not be relied upon ee aheelutetg
rorrtet lor te-morrow, but about ae.
Good Middlinga : *
Middlings i :s : t : : 10 1-*
• < l I « *
“ o err is human:
To forgive is divine,’*
Guano-* wiie-en-eh.
Canton is lionming.
Salr day next ‘ tivsday.
FrrmuaiiY next Sunday.
SU'TAIN your home paper.
Uni ton is rife with improvement*.
George >ays, “as the |Hietn sty. 'Let *er
All legal advertising is coeh — rem
ember this.
' hr lr<>n Bridge when completed is
to cost $9 .600.
Srk trie leg<1 advertinments for next
month in this issue.
Tub depot is packe I, jammed and
crowded with freight.
Our hotel is receiving a very good
ru.i of transient boarders.
Don’t ask if we ever have any beef—
our markets’closed tine die
All kinds of Job Work neatly and
promptly executed at thisofBce.
Come to Canton to do your buying or
bartering. Strong competition.
Own tmlh lias some splendid perfnmcrs
on the piuno and organ—and accordeon
Tuose bringing us wood will please
let us know who is to be given the credit
HRAVY.frosts have lately.visited our
town and gave it the wanted appearance
of winter.
Rbv. W. W. Hawkins, of Woodstock,
preecned at the Methodist church last
Sunday night.
On Inst Sunday evening Will. J Bar
tou was elected Secretary of the Baptist
We surely have the best neighbors of
any one else—we are under constant nb*
ligations to them.
Mr. T. N. Delaney, at Woadstock, ii
our authorized agent. His receipts will
be acknowledged by us.
Whir you want to see how you look
and get a good photograph of yourself
go to Jarvis, the jeweler.
Mr. E. B. Holland has again begun
work on his dwelling, after awaiting
several weeks for material,
Mr. McAfee, we learn, is soon to be
gin the erection* of several tenement
houses on Gainesville street.
Any one sending us a club of twelve
with 912 will receive the Adtancb for
one yearfree. Send us a club.
Wb have on hand a good supply of
waiver notes which we are selling at one
cent a piece.. Do you ne*d any?
Wb thank our contemporaries for the
notices given and a willingness to ex
change. May they live long and flout isb.
Mr. Hymen L. Richardson is now car
rying the mail from this place to Daw*
souville. His brother, George, is off on
a rest.
Srtbral trees have been set out about
the hotel, which will, when the foliage
puts forth its verdure, make beautiful
Mr. O. W. Putnam, our efficient ordi
nary, has recived the 61st volume of the
Georgia Reports, compiled by Lumpkin
t Jackson.
Girls don i forget for one moment
that this is leap year, and remembtr to
f«y tor and select yor. engagement rings
with great care.
Mr. I. B. Kendrick, the obliging con
ductor or the SC. A N. Gs, Railroad, is
the one of the bardset working conduc
tors any road ever had.
Rbt. E. K. Akin will D. V. preach at
at the Methodist ckuich on next Sunday.
May good congregations be present at
‘ itch emla*.
“Hocsbvull and yardtull and yet eaa't
get a cup tul’i" smoke—but had you
been ia our office last Mniday It would
have been no irouble to have g n.n
your eyes full.
• be CentiiMitm does not yet exchange
with the Advance although they will
clip trom it. We an; still publishing
• heir propectn*.
Mr Herb McIntyre, of Marietta, lias
moved to thia place. 1 We recommend
him to all aa a apleodid mason and
I'hr foot-bridge, aero** the street,
fronting our home, is made by * crowd
ofcolnied l*oy», almost nightly, a clop
and pig platform, (in it if you n j«v it
we nor our neighbour don’t.
Five Sundays ia February next—lie-
ginniug with Sunday and ending with
Sunday. This occurs hut three times
during a century, never in our recollec
tion has It occurred before.
We present to our readers this week
the card of Trout A Hardin and liespesk
for them the work they so Justly deserve.
Bo h are excellent painters, their work
will bear the closest scrutiny of any.
A great deal of excitement has recent
ly prevailed in Stone Mountain over the
attempt to abate a blacksmith ahnp as a
oniaauce. We have good blacksmith
shops and can't consider then as a
As the quarterly meeting of the Canton
(Methodist) circuit was in session at
this place, last Saturday and Sunday,
Mr MrMurray, the Baptist pastor, never
filled his appointment. He may be ex.
pected on next Sunday week.
Morb freights have been received at
this place lately than for a Ions? while
before, so much that it requires a trip to
be run both day and night by "Little
Mary Guage.” Woodstock and Holly
Springs are proportionately over run.
The farmrrs ueed have aay tear* that
guano can't be bad at this place for
there is more guano here than anything
else, any brand desired can be had. The
best terms can be given by calling upon
our merchat ts, any of them, they all
deal in it. u
Mr. J. K. Moore of this county, gath
ered from not quite an acre of ground
last year 78 bushel* of corn. The hogs
and cows, besides, a heavy freshet, de
stroyed and damaged it very much, lie
expects a yield of 800 bushels, more or
less, from four acres this year.
Quarterly Conference, ot the M. E.
church, South, for Can .on circuit, met at
the Methodist church m this place last
Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Mixon, P.
E., and Rev. E. K. *»kin were in attend
ance. Several flue sermons were preach
ed to good congregations.
Wb take pleasure in calling your at
tention to the card, to be found else
where, of the McAfee House with W. P,
Whitmore ae proprietor. The hotel has
recently been renovated and thoroughly
refitted. Terms are very moderate and
accomodations excellent. Be sure and
stop at this house.
Dikd—On the 27di inst., uf meningitis,
two year old child of Mat Sexton. The
remains were intered in the citizens cem
etery at this place on last Wednesday,
"Light be the turf or thy tomb I
May its verdure like emeralds be,
There should not be the shadow of
In aught that reminds us of thee,”
Mb. Editor : I have just read an issue
of your paper, “Tub Cherokbb Ad
vance.” It has my best wishes for
success. Mtiy it long flourish, and the
seeds sown during its infancy, be pro
ductive of good to the minds and hearts
of its readers. C. S.
Through the kindness of our clever
end ever-obliging hotel keeper, Welle
B. Whitmore, a social gathering was ten
dered our young gentkmen and ladies,
on last Friday evening, at the hotel. It
was aa occasion of much enjoyment and
we trust another may soon be given
when ell may be permitted to attend.
he«e erected this sign. We earnestly j omu
call the attention »l our readers to tlnir
%-l'eitiwo.eiii, in another column, aa ata<>
to tiirir sign, and bespsan for them a
literal pa*mnage
Our Bn nil.
Tnt young men of our Iowa have a
complete set of inMrttsonts to i"ake up
a splendid brnsa band. Why ia it they
•lo not meet and practice these nights to
he prepared to wclo ine s»d make joy
"U« the staj of viaitora alien they ulialt
come thia next spring and rummer * You
have or once had an exreMetit hand die
cou:»i:tg upon many ocesatona the sweet
eat of music. We rememlwr with pleas
ure of listening to it» enrapturing strain*
in Mnrietta, * me four yeara ago, where
they were invited to partieipa e in tin-
niiiii*emitry of the ''‘•arietta Silver • or-
net Band.' ” Revive and prepare for the
coming plea-urea, nothing cau add more
to the enjoymenl of all than the music
they might discourse. Take the ad vice
of all aud re-organis«-.
On a cotton rope extending from
the tree between the public well end
court bouse to McAfee's old steed is a
large osaaburg sign with twenty-four
inch letters plainly painted on it. This
sign was pat np by E. B. Holland A Co,
whose name it bears. The lettering wm
done bf C. H. Trout. Those young and
go-ahead'merchants, E. B. Holland A
Co , know ho# well advertising pays so
> u day-bcho >U i»|he ipMinty,.; >
Hickory Flat is m the lOirttu district,
G. M. Jutlil-o court m*«la every iNf
Saturday. KJ lie oan«ll, J P. W. W.
Worley, N P W. A Johnson and R I.
Crenshaw, ( noMatde*.
• he prrsrut prospn-t* f *r a school at
thi- place am very gloomy .
Mr. Editor: I have decided to usd
items from this p|<«ce every week for
y»ur paper. Don't forget to send each
Week a copy of the Cmrr kni AdtancB-
according to promise. [You shall re
ceive the Advance promptly. |-.u ]
Tlie Iron Bridge.
Since the bidding off of the Free Iron
Bridge to he erected across the Etowah
river, at Judge Donaldson’s ferry, on la t
August, by the "King Iron Bridge Co.”
of Cleveland, Ohio, much anxiety bus
prevailed over Cherokee to see it com
pleted. The lumber arrived some time
since, and on last Monday and
evening* the iron reached this place,
so it inuy lie expected that work will mioii
begin, when it shall be rualird to com
pletion, probably by the next aeaaion of
our Superior Court, which meeta the 4th
Monday in next month. It would have
In-cn finished according to contract, by
the 25th of December last, but that the
great demand in iron caused a considera
ble delay, and then the advance of near
or quite a hundred per cent in iron caused
the contractors to await tbo fluctuation
in the market which has failed to lesaon
tlie coat. The county should consider
lieraclt fortunate as the contractors arc
certain r>f losing a great deal on this
bridge, if it be built according to con
tract, which they are bound to do, but
by it they will establish a reputation by
which they will gain the friendly esteem
of all, not only of thia county, but in all
Northern Georgia. Aa the putting up of
the bridge progreaaea our readers will be
kept familiar.
Noihii g of »p<-cial interest from thin
part o| the viueyard.
I he * nkrokkb Advaicb has reached,
our office ami w h* n a<1 w it 1* gr< at inter-
The fanners have begun seeding onte-
and we fear too soon aa the spring free*
t-s may prove too fatal for auch crops.
Kff rta are being strenuously made to-
Imild a new church at Hightower.
Maj Petty has for aixty years had a
briar in his flngrr. No effort of a surv
«con has proven sueoeaaful.
Marrikd—On Sunday, the 16th ImL,
at the residence of the bribe's father, by
by Acv J A Donald, Mr Wm Latham to
Mis Jane Saudow. Also at the same
time aud puce, by Jfav J A Donald, Mr.
Cap Fowler to Mist Maggie Sandow.
Married—On the 18th lust, at the
residence of Ckpt Maddox, at Orange,
Mr Gib Fowler to Mias Mattie Johnson,
of Milton county
[We are sorry your Items reached us
too late for last issue—send earlier. Ed.]
"What is the nutter with our wheat?"
Is the question Mkcd when farmers
Some think the fly is preying upon it,
as there has been no perceptible growth
during tlie past fine weather. Bill Arp
■aye "that it is suffering from pneumonia.’
At any rate the prospects are not at all
There was quite an interesting session
of justice Herndon's court held at this
place on Saturday last, a very important
case being "ou docket" drew a large
crowd. Col’s B F Peyne and Richard i
Winn were the ettendents el the her.
The ceae adjudicated wm woman’s rights
(in the pending case), Dick bad the floor
first in the argument, and representing^
the affirmative side of the question dis
cussed elaborately and at length ite pro
priety end the wisdom of the legislation
that made provision for, and the decls-,
ion of the courts that sustained the wo
man’s rights (in said case). Then fol
lowed Ben in on* of his happiest efforts,
end said that Dick was mistaken, that
there wm a time when they didn’t have
rights, and that women had no rights
(in such a case) unless they done right.
Some said that Ben wm a new convert
te such a doctrino, however, the justice
sustained him in his view of the cms.
After court adjourned Psden, Dean A
Co., put in operation their steam saw mill
for a test of their new saw and kept the
crowd until a late hour ia the d«y,
What th*» Proas any of Uo. -
The Chbeokkb Adtancb. Canton, is
the latest newspaper in Georgia. Ben.
F. Perry, editor and publisher. Success
to it.—Athene Banner.
We ure in receipt of the first number
of the Chkrobbb Adtancb, a new week
ly paper published in Canton by Ben F.
Ferry. It is a sprightly* newsy little
sheet, and we wish it success.—Belton
North Georgian.
We have received the first number of
the CunnoKBB Adtancb, published ot
Canton, Ga., by Ben. F. Perry. It takes
the place ot tbe Georgia Adeocato, a
Methodist journal that hM recently been
removed to Atlanta.—QrunvilU Advertle
Tlie CnnnoKBB Adtancb is another
newspaper candidate for public patron
age, edited by Mr. Beni. F. Perry and
published at Canton. Oa. We glee it o
welcome to our sanctum and hope the
Adtancb will adT-nce the interests of
Cherokee Geoagia. Success to you.
Brother Perry.—Cleveland Advertiecr.
We hove received the first issue of o
new paper just started in Canton, cal lad
the CHnnoEUB Adtancb, Ben F Perry
editor. It will be Democratic la politics,
but will specially be devoted to the moral
agricultural and educational interests of
Cherokee county.—Savannah Heme.
Farming has begun on a large seals,
which we are glad to *ee—plant more
sad cultivate better.
Webb A Worley ere merchants at thia
place. They also have, a blacksmith
•hop ia eooneetioe with their storm
R. L. Gaines ha* closed his blacksmith
Hiokory FUt oan boost of ooe of tbs
Northern papers aie being pretty ex
tensively read all throngh the South.
Tbe enormous total receipts of the
Atlanta Post Office, for iMt year, were
The Times says their ie a greater influx
of population to Columbus now than
there hM been since tbe war.
The cotton receipts at Rome for the
week ending on Friday last were double
those of the same period Uat year.
The Banner ia of tha opinion that tbe
great want ot Athens ia an increase of
her railway and educational facilities.
On the approaching 23d of Februaiy
the Cherokee Artillery, of Rome, will
celebrate its twentieth anniversary. It
organized in I860, jnst in time to partici
pate in the late unpleasantness.
Tbe chief, indeed the only, amusement
of the three negroes confined in the Cal*
umbos jail oa tha charge of being the
murderers ot the lata Mr. Gammon, is
making confessions. Bach one says tha
other two committed tha crime.
The Quitman Reporter advises the plsR
ters of Brooks to go slow oa cotton thk
year, for fear, perhaps, tha price will not
be all they may desire. The last
it says, although thought to have _
much short of tha crop of the year before,
seems to be paaaiag out ahead of iiy
-known for several years.