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Citvokee 3boan«.
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OUlcial Organ Cherokee County
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©metal Directors.
M. E. Chukcii, South—Rev. E. K.
Akiu, Pastor. Preaching every first
Sunday by the pastor. Preaching on
the 8d Sunday by Rev B E Ledbetter.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night,
Sunday School at 9 a. m. Ben. F. Payne,
Baptist Chukch—Rev. J. A. McMur
ry, Pastor. Preaching every second and
fourth Sunday, and Saturday before
2nd Sunday. Sabbath-school at 3 r. m.,
M. B. higgle, Superintendent.
F. A. M.—Meets every first and third
Monday’s at 8 r. M., in Masonic Hall.
Jabez Gai.t, W. M.
J. M. McAfee Sect’y.
K. of H.—Meets evrry 1st and 3rd
Tuesday at 7 1-2 r. m., in Masonic Hall.
W. A. Tea*ley, Dictator.
Jabez Galt, Reporter.
O.w. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
JABEZ GALT, Clerk S. Court.
E. Q. GRAMLING, Sheriff.
JOS. D. DOBBS. Treasurer.
A. L. KINNETT, Tax Collector.
J. L. JORDAN, Tax Receiver.
Wm. T. KIRK. Coroner.
W. W. H \WKINS, Surveyor.
C. M. McOLURE, County 3. Com.
Wilson House,;
J. J* KEITH, Proprietor
iRK LlfiUlSLArUltF.
AT'-anta, November 19.—The wnate
met at TO o’clock, and, was called to or
der Jiy tT»o president. The loll was call
ed end the journal was fetid and upprov
Od. j';' ^ ^
.A message was received from the gov
ernbr to the effect that the Hon. Alexuu
dor M. Speer had tindi'ied hisresigui-
tiott as judge of tlio Flint Circuit and
that the stune hud been accepted.
afternoon session.
Tile senate met at 3 o'clock aud was
called to #rder by the president.
A me ssage was received from the house
that a joint revolution had bee* adopted
by that body, bringing ou the electiou
of a judge of the Flint circuit immedi
ately after the electiou oY the other judg
The sen-ite, upon motion of Mr. Winn,
concurred iu the resolution, whereupon
Mr. McDaniel moved to amend the con
current resolution by fixiug the timo »or
the election ot ajwlge of the Fiint cir
cuit at the heel of the election of solici
tors general.
d /.in -»*
i a
The house met ut 10 o'clock, and was
called to order by the speaker.
Prayer by the chaplain, Rev.- Mr,
The roll was not culled. The journal
wa» read aud approved. *
A ifMdu'iotufW6ffared*by£fr. p#ry
ri-U, of Decatur, looking to an jqVustigH'
tiog of the wild land Gauds was t.iu-n
up .and adopted. It providoa that the
judiciary committee slmll take charge of
the matter, and if U'-cersarv, to draft a
bill for the relief of parties who liuxe
been swindled.
A message from the governor annonno
cd that the Hon. Alexander M. Speer
hud resigned the position of judge ot
the Flint circuit, and that the position
was vacant.
The senase appeared at the door of the
house and was admitted to jo ut session .
The first business was the secoud bal
lot for a judge of thu Chattahoochee cir
cuit for the term beginning January 1st,
1880, and running for four years,
’ The ballot resulted, B A Thorton G4 (
T J Willis.73, James Wimberly 74.
Willis was elected, receiving 110 votes,
Wimbcrley 84, while 11 votes remained
for Thornton in spite of his withdraw'
The Cherokee circuit was next in or
The ballot resulted. J C Fain 121, R J
McCamy 48,1 E Shumate 41.
Judge Fain was declared elected judge
of the Cherokee circuit for four years
from the first of January next.
The Coweta circuit was then takon up
—for the unexpired term of of Judge
Hugh Buchanan.
Judge Longley was unaui aously elec-
ted, receiving 189 votes,
The full term of the Coweta circuit
was next filled.
The ballot resulted in the unanimous
election of Judge Harris, behaving re
ceived 200 votes.
The next ele. tion was for the unexpir-
ed term of Judge Martin J Crawford, ot
the Chattahoochee ciicuit.
Judge Wimberly was unanimously
elected; receiving 195 votes.
The next election was for a judge of
the Eastern circuit.
The election of Judge Fleming was
unanimous. Ho received 188 votes.
0n motion of Mr. J/cWhorter, of the
senate, the general assembly was theu
dissolved, to meet at 3:15 p. m.
Ou indtiofi of Mr. Hunt, of Scalding,
.the house took' up the resolution of.,Mr*
Miller- to elect a judge to.fell the. vuaix-
pired term of Judge Specr-of the Flint
circuit. The resolution was adopted and
ordered transmitted to the hou«e.
i l J. r* v - t- • ^ -. >% *»«,, - .4 -
Tho house then adjourned to 3:13
o'clock. 1
The house met *t 3:15 |>. in., the spea
ker in the chair.
Mr. .tones, of B ker, introduced a res
olution that Governor Colquitt furnish
an itemized account i.fnlj taxes obtained
from the railroad* of this «-taW, tlid
amounts thereof, and from what roads;
also an Remixed account of all fees paid
to or returned by the attorney general,
nod associate counsel. Laid over under
the rules.
Illif JOINT t-KSsioN’
At 3:80 the senate entered the hall of
representatives and the assembly oo.itiii'
ued the business of electing judicial of
The Middle circuit was takes up in
order to elect a judge of this circuit.
The result nf the ballot showed Cars
well the winning man by scvcrul lengths,
receiving 117 votes, Camp 15, and Dell
75. r
Hon. R. W. Crnswell wms t^en declar
ed elected judgs of tho Middle circuit to
fill the vacancy iu said circuit, occasion
ed by the death of lion, H. V. Johnson.
The Northern circuit was taken.up.
Hon. E. H. Pottle was re-elected by a
vote of 20ft, as there was uo other candi
date : ’ jT
The Oconee circuit Was next' taken up.
Hon. A. O. Pate was re-elected by a
vote nf 102; > , t •
The Southwestern oircuitwas i
ken up.
d wasdeclared'
The joint session then dissolved
10;80 the following day.
5?--—— t-K-r
business the chair anuotuibcd that the
hj'Ur had arrived for the senate to repair
to the house and continue the construc
tion of solicitors general. So, without a
moment’* delay, the senate formed two
•uid two and repaired,
I’lio senate got back and adjourned to
threa o'clock p. in.
Sixteenth Day's Proceeding*—
Nov. 20th.
The house met at 10 o’clock and wjis
called to order by the speaker. Prayer
by Chaplain Dunortn. Tljc roll was not
called. The journal was rend and ap
By unanimous consent Mr. Joi^s, of
Baker, withdrew the resolution asking
the governor to. furnish an Itemized ac
count of railroad faxes.
At 10:30 the joint session was called
to order by tho president, and the first
business was the election of a judge of
the Flint circuit to fill the unexpired
term of Judge A. M. Speer.
The election of Judge Stewart was
unanimous, he receiving 203 votes,
The election of solidtors-general,
The Albany circuit was first taken up.
Wr, Walters was elected.
The Atluuta circuit was next in order
The ballot resulted in the tlecth.ii of
Mr. Hill.
The Augusta circuit ’was then taken
The ballot resulted in tho cle ction of
Mr, Wright.
The next circuit was the Blue Ridge.
Mr. Rice, of the house, nominated Mr.
George F. Gober, of Cobb.
Seconded by Mr. Winn, of the senate,
Mr. Estes, of Hall, nominate! Thos. F.
Greer, of Gilmer.
The ballot stood, Gober 115, Greer 84.
Gober was declared elected.
The Brunswick circuit was next called
The bullot resulted, Smith 100, Mabry
101, Carter 7.
The joint session was then dissolved
until Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
Seventeenth Day’s Proceedings
—Nov. 22nd.
The senate met at 10 o’clock and was
called to order by the president.
After prayer by tho Rev. Mr. Clarke,
^representative from Wayne county, the
rpll was called and the journal was rend
and approved.
After transacting a little nniinportaut
THE 11017*3.
J lie houso nifet at 10 o’clock at:d was
called to order by the speaker. Prayy
by Rev. W E Boggs, l) I). The roll
was called and the journal wav read and
By Mr. Christie—A hill to impose ccr.
turn duties on lax colhf tors and recclv
< rs. Referred to committee on finance.
The senate appealed at the doors of
the house to enter into joint session and
was admitted.
The | resident took tho chair and an
nounced the first business to be the elec
tion of u solicitor for thu Brunswick cir
A motion to dissolve the joint session
ou account ot the sbscncu of a number
of members was lost.
The ballot was then ordered and re
sulted as follows : Mabry. 101, Smith, 83
Mabry was declared elected.
The Chattahoochee circuit wm next
Mi. Grimes was declared elocted. •'
The Clierokee circuit was next called.
The ballot resulted la tho election of
Mr. Reid was elected.
The joint session wm than dissolved
until 3:15 p. m., and the houso immodi
ntoly after the retirement of tho senate
adjouraed until 3 pm.
Tho house met at 8 o'clock, p m., the
•peakcr in the chair.
On motion of Mr. Milner, the rules
wero suspended and the following bill
by Mr, Mays, of Batts, woorCad thu first
time and referred to committee on judi
ciary, viz;
A bill to amend section 4101 of the
code rclntivo to garnishments.
By Mi. James, of Douglass—A bill to
amend section 4139 of the code. Refer
red to committco on judiciary.
The hour of 8:15 having nrrived tho
senate appeared at the door of the house
and was admitted to joint session.
President Boynton took the chair, and
the first business was the election of a so
licitor general for the Eastern circuit.
Mr. Charlton was elected.
The Flint circuit was next in order.
Mr. Wommaclt was declared elected.
7hc Macon circuit was the next in or
der, and Hardeman was electod.
On motion the joint session wo# then
dissolved. •
Eighteenth Day's Proceelngs—
Nov, 23rd.
The presiden tannounced as the com
mittee to look into tho lease ot the Wes
tern aud Atlantic road Messrs. Hackett*
Butte aud Parks.
The hour having arrived for the elec
tion of solicitors general iu joint session
the senate proceeded to the houso. *
The senate returned and adjourned.
Senate met at 3 o’clocli.
The senate sat awhile and then passed
into the to assist that body in fin
ishing up the election of solicitors gener
and wan admitted to joint sesdoti toco*,
tinue the ejection ftf solicitor* general
Tile MimlIn circuit wm fir*t tafce# up
Th , ballot resulted ia the elrotioa of
Mr. Gamble,
Tin- next circuit w#* the Northern.*
Mr. Piuroe , VM a lee led,
TUv Ocmulgee circuit was next taken
up. •
Mr. Whitfield was declared elected.
The joint session wm then dissolved
until 3:3o o’clock.
The house met at 3:15, and WMqaJlod.
to order by tin- speaker.
A resolution looking to thi apdropri*.
Ion of all sums ariring from' th# hire of
convicts Whs taken up and referred to
ommlttec on judiciary.
The senate entered the hall of th#
house to go into joint session ibr tho
purposo of continuing the election of
tolicitnrs general.
The Put ait la circuit was first taken up
Mr. Guorry was declared elected. *
1 "® , ’? mu circuit was next, taken up.
Mr. Wright was declared elected.
Yliu Southern circuit was then taken
up. •
Mr. A/itchell was unanimously elected*
On motion the joint session was dis
Word# of Wisdom.
It ia better to need relief than to
want heart to give it.
The secret of fashion ia tottirpria#
and nfcVer to diaappoiqi.
* Tr f 5 ' 1 ' ‘W ’of .«•
knowledge, and the oenient of all
He thut buys what he dost not
want, will soon want what he cannot
Tnie happiness consists not in the
multitude of friends, but in their
worth and choice.
Everything that truly und naturally
belongs to a human career has its sa
cred aide.
Alexander being naked how ho
conqnerd the world replied by notde.
No man ia so insignificant as
be sure his example can do
Youth will never live to age unless
the young keep themselves in breath
with exercise and in heart with joyful
Our life is like Alpine countries
where winter is found by the side of
summer, and where it is but a step
3 House.
By Mr. .Whittle of Lowndes—-A bill to
authorise county commissioners to sell t<>
highest bidder insolvent tax li fas. Re
ferred to finance committee.
The hour of 10:30 having arrived, the
senate appeared at the door of the house
from a gardeu to a gluoier.
Virtue is not to be considered* in
the light of mere innocence, or ab
staining from harm ; but as the ex
ertion of our fuculties in doing good.
Fruit Tre
This is a good time to tanaphmfc
almost every kind of fruit trees in
our climate.- Get a plenty of them
groin the nuiserymen. It looks bad
to see a farm destitute of apple, pear
peach, quince and other fruit tree?!
In setting them onf, trim the mu
tilated roots; always shorten the bran
ches, and do not allow too many to
remain. Be careful to dig nnd loos
en the soil well in planting, avoid
planting too deep; spread out the loots
in their natural position; cover with
fine soil and press down well. These
rules apply to all kind of trees, and
if properly followed, tliev will thrive
and do well. We preler October and
November to transplant, tiees, to auy
other months. It is better to get
them put out by the 10th of Novem
ber. As to peaches, Hie sione of va
rious kinds may be planted early iu
Ml; and transplanted the ensuing
lull. I his plan does not insure per
fect varieties, for while some will be
perfect, others will vary from the orig
irialv. Still many floe orchards are
obtained rn this « . 'I* obtain all
the varieties perfect, it is best to
obtain trees from the nurserymen.