American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, March 07, 1816, Image 2
kc * ft? Iks'pfc'M lift ?*># deuinesi ii'xn*’ 4 te*e4 wul convinced.] Weaver-, that the ofj Ins fr-krfe will get*‘lie baiter oil Hs , ?wa rqsf>eet for Mr.ji MBnrpe* The fact is, that an> tire rwh'CLnirvg is in favor *>f Mr. C. 3rd tiut 4*e can be the president, - if -be wishes u>i f>e raised to that proud height.—! % iji! paries sup port him; and all j • jar tie* wish his‘election. He 1 das of course a severe trial be-j tween his friendship and hi* am j iitiou —the i&vtcs l ihiuk wffi! triumph.” ;j .. .. j CURE FORTH F <jU!NC EY. : Sir—Should the fallowing be •worthy a place in yonr paper, you will please to publish iu .1 have., proved the efficacy of it- having beer. afßictcd more or less -jo 4 fire y<ars with the aiArcey, and for one year past I eon entirely re-, lie red of any of it# symptoms : Take Rorin, Camphor Camh Honey. si nurtured together, spread f. on a tlannei cloth, and wear it. on the pan affected several days, I have never known uto fail, ELI STE DMAS. ] Jutland, (Okh) Teb. 7. SKEDERICA Os WATER-J i.oo, ! We have much pleasure in t.>u hushing the. following. uncc*. do e : j Elisabeth, the wife it Trier’ %i j?.luHin, private of the 27thj o —• * . I*L *.. ..V ** V *-5 Jlwcd b'ftr husband into* the fjclsj action, on the ifcth of June; In ibe heat of the bfeitle she as- : fitted to carry to the rear a sob cifor severely wounded, and re. curved beraeif a severe wound in *ke leg ; • shortly after her bus* t'-nd, alter having his cap knock ed oil by'one shot, and his knap-1 sack by another, was deprived of! both of tm.arms by a third, with v severe wound in the body.—- Taus. disabled, but iiule of hope would seem to have remained tor this unhappy pair; they howev er. sitrv ved, a s vain reached their native land and were received iT*o tre ji ork. i vis pm a l fit Cm (ri sen, t<;hcrn, ? tow days since, the • Xu. roii.'d rvv. w and vered of a hue igtt., b wV tnw UCCiCiCUtS Oi *%¥ciT • His royal hFpness the duke! eu perk, with tfou recognisance! of (he tUii.'dev, and amenity which : always aishnguhhed him, has j god-father to die infant,! v-no <s nrvd 4< Ere derma M’-l .MuHin of vvjuerloo.” V/e art” kuy/ to add, that the Lifer.’ fcother, anc young ErtcUrica are; ad doing well, j London Sun. I ?! At v % ir.t| Fe ht-tj ary 7 * j N *jT P* 1 v * Y 5 v . /• ■ r y v *t , • r* bOv ao ; I OR, - ; h/E DEiIL ocxmrA TED. j h :Ut : j fe-.v ."tAys siOuce, in the j •v- ; :in-n; of a village, j 4i ‘visiiiiig to replctiish ? y’ ;h°u. hit ?*non an oaboard 1 / eJ’ ptZ f.'ii'i tto C utC tt- j 5 p'l j T*|;. oV. (: * ‘+ ••'■>:'. /'okyv st in all (he Cos. j iui e A-.j. j-',t <m u*, c un"■s -**. j ‘* ‘• ‘*’ ‘ * * .v.? i I •* • > *V'4 V’ WI < i iktofifg MV. fe. ko‘ [pass on the ro&d, he ptratttd h*i* j self in his way; the person was j j shopped, and sainted by hh mayes-j |ty With a demand for 1000 do! | liars, or siaUFr the im media te fra nv; portation of him seif andTaiftily fiaj the infernai regions. Mr. It ter recovering from his [the unavoidable consequence of a visit from so distinguished a ipc-rsoaage, and at ter declaring •ins inability to Comply with the j demand at the moment, was suf Itercd to depart, tinder a faithful ! promise to return the following; [night, at the same place and hour,’ {and and: liver the cash. Mr. R. ap -1 phed 70 his neighbor, to whom he lhad \ oaned a sum to that amount, I demanding it immediately, well, 1 knowing that the exigency would: lad aid. of no de lay ; id s neighbor ’ [complied with the demand, but Sinsisted upon knowing the cause ; that indue td it so unexpectedly ; 1 Mr. R.—-—afser some hesitation, •inferred, him of his appointment ; with the Devil; he was seeming |ly satisfied—and his majesty at the appointed hour was handed the expected sum, The neigh bor however, who it seems had , more of the marrow of a man* ‘way laid the pretended devil, re /covered the money, and Commit ted him, horns and all, in close [tonfirtfement in the county prison ;—emphatically spiting ttu dtvn \ms tfiw” jWMOi.h i—sci The additional duties impo ■ed on Fostcgc, by the Act oi ,\1 ♦ K*. ISfi'iofhi'pr, IBM, are to erase from and after ( j the $ lst starch next, by an ack of! | Congress passed the hr it of the present mo'i-uli*—*- February, i ‘J<g. ati 1 uuL We published in one of on r] Lite papers, a camion to our read l ders against receiving the bills * Idfwhat was called “ the Mer-| [ chants and Mechanics Exchange! |Company of New-York,” as id | was not known that any such! j company existed in New York J pand the bills were not believed to] |be a very valuable species cf ! circulating currency. Thiscau* - tu>n produced a nonce from a [person who called himself the [Cashier of the Company, C? who {(having time to leave the busi ness oi the institution) was then [in this place, and who rot only [announced the existence of the company, and his distinguished! | station in it, but also informed the! | public that he would exchange! | other bills for any of those cf flat company which were in cir culation here. We accompanied i the publication of this notice, with a recommendation to otir | readers to avail themselves of the i offer it contained, and to ex* I change any such bills they might j have, forbids oi banks vvhh whose | solvency they were better ac~. ! gummed, Oorpapers with this-, j notice aid a ccompan vin y recotn ; -nondWon wen? on or cottrse to ; N. York,, and both re n- -pubUsj.ied in v>c N* \ c rl \ j cisiv.’du anil to whicrn the editor| i uhjoins t‘fof I :• [ ! u Uu*;ie o: the pare? [ 1 --C 4(t ’ 1 •? J* * .* a*. ; i nte e^m^ponnen? asks -* 4 * Are thr&e bilU g>Md We awiewer we know nothing oi any company or their BUi-s; never ha ving seen one of thenv fv)r ever heard of such Company as %i The Farmers and Mecfum* ics Exchange Company Os x r%v I 2i*r.4,” or Merchants ami Me chanics Eve hangs Company of Nc^TorlM This reply corresponds with our expacLittons, and evid"nc?s the propriety of the camion giv*| en. The notice published here by an officer of the bank, seemed, rather cakulated to promote the. oircuLuion of a Lirger number of, bills of a questionable character,, than might oiheiways have been issued: and we therefore hope I our friends followed tiie advice j given, and made the exchange! recommended—if they did no;j | it is uncertain where they wil.j have to apply for pay ment, as the Bank seems not to be known in New-York, and the Cashier, we learn has left Augusta. How ever the holders cf the bills will have a claim upon the “joint funds of the Company”**-though perhaps for discovering these, an individual must have made some progress in the science of conjuration* tb. Jn, February SO. The i t solutions from thr House of Reprejientatives ex- rthe sense of Congress, or the achievements of Captain Stewart, Lieut Biddle, and the officers and crews of the Cong smu non and VVasp, were read ai third tuae and pissed. - ‘l‘iu: bill far the relief of Lieut.! Cob Win. Lawrence, of the army j of the XJ. Stales, &tof the officers,’ officers, and privates composing the g irri‘ on of Feat Cow) cr, was read a t ime aid parsed, and sent to ihci ! House of Representatives ibi ! * j concurrence. | The bid xo tepes! the duties’ oh certain articles manufactured within the Lailed h-tares, was read a third time, and returned to the House of Representatives. The bill further sbpplemenra.- 1 ry to the act providing for the in demnification of the Ya2oo claizn am#, (extendingthe time for the! | exhibition of claims) was passedi tto a third reading. |ln the lionet < f Ihprcsentatives} Ftb. iro j The following petitions were! presented and severally referred to various committees: By Mir. Wheaton* the petition 6f the Gay Cotton Manufacturing Company of Massachusetts, pray • ing that the importation of Cotton fabrics fronrt boyctid the Caprf of Good Hope may be prohibitted and that additional du-' w “*. rftay be liirpcised on those i. ai other tc! in. tiles, By .Mfi Rbbcj*Kbt% * .bedilor ‘ yi si* n.'! ry n nam ?anrs of Lomsi ’ ms, nraytiur c;>r*Lvmotion of al v-Mii hi riaieh, ite. iviry wilhh-’ •’hit nut of ‘*Vcst Flcdda, nou Iv. -> --u-'i., ) i “i*. ■ & Cr- v •* a'■ L < , V ++• s• -V *'sm i* • S/* #4.-N- ►>-Vrf#- 4 |hi,Wae<lpitt if i ’ with ahe? Uru-.ea bevev-al peiinons were al-vh presented and referred, for tire establishment of post touts, ami the disconunaartee of inaii porthtiem on the SablSaik. * ‘jttaomi ill.. . WAH i)E T AHT M'SN T. AN ACT to provide for the ds* signaling, surveying and gran** ting the military bounty lands* he it enacted by ike Senate and | House nf Representatives o f tire United Stairs vs Amer ica in Con gress That the. Presi dent qi die United States be and ;he is hereby authorised, totalise to be surveyed a quantity of the i public lands of the United Slate#, ifit for cultivation, not otherwise |appropriaied, and to which tile Indian tide is emnguisded, nut iexceeding in tire whole six mil lions of aeresj two millions to be surveyed in the territory of ML chigan, two millions in the i-liinpm territory, north of ih% Illinois ri ver, and two millions in *be tern-’ mry of Louisiana, bet.vec t the ri ver ht-Francis,and the mer Ar kansas ; the said lands to-be divi ded into townships, ami subdivi ded jmo sections and quarter sta tions, (each quarter section to con* ; am as near as possible, one hun dred and sixty acres,) in the man* tier prescribed by law for survey* iiig and sub dividing’ the otheif pubi’:: lands of the* United Slate.*; the same price to be allowed for surveying as is fixed for survey ing the other public lands, in ilia same territory. Arid the lanTS | thus Urvcyed with i.he C ‘ Ccpdoii |ol thi salt springs and lead aur.esy itherein, and of the quaiuideo of jlrnd adjacent thereto, as may b$ reserved for the use of the sanie^ !by the Trcfcidem of ihe Uaitecl j States, arc! the section No. 16, ir> every township, to be granted to the inhabitants of sue township ■ for toe use of public schools, shril be set apart and reserved for th** purpose oi satisfying the bounties !ot one hundred and sixty acrrfq, : promised urtbe tion-couanisjiou ed oh ce rs and soldiers of the tl .ftited Stares, tiicir heirs and legal Lepreseiitatives, by the act e ffi hied. w at\ act ior completing the •existing military approved the tvventy-tuurtn day I or December eighteen, hundred Sc • eleven, and by the act, entitle.! f“an actio raise an additional mu* juary force,” approved the eic Iventh day ci January eighteen hundred and twelve j St c. 2. Amide it fnrtherenacted, [That the Secretary of the De , part men t of war, for the time be ji ig. shad, from time to time issue warrants ior the military land bounties to the persons en title J thereto, by the two last men iorv* ed acts, or either of them : P o% \ ded always, that such war ar>ta shall be issued only in the n mo* of those persons thus entitled and be by them or their nta* A fives apphed for within five y atier the said prisons shall bn ** become entitled thereto; zMliut ,aid w n ra-K shall net b-? )le or transferaM ia aa/ nauss/s i. ! ?!vA.c^r \ Sec. 2. ■s*** /:> rtk& t*t frU I', j ua, .. ‘ ; r a : U') a*- .*# V