American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, March 07, 1816, Image 3

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    *¥¥v % - f-X * n ‘ 1 •(•t ’* f>A ■*!'•*-*
.- • ’.Jf k . * w \ v* w * Jut; v* *V * I , %. , v
Led isauct!, ‘stlglt, on dFU/err o|
iSc i-;itno, at th'-f ou’c; at*the deep’
reury of ihe or or sqchD
t/tner ottiOer as may kt l “ e saniieV
liras have, by the suparfa-f
%v*t&Afic£ of icit Gefasral land of-|;
Lee of the Uait-cd States, at the]
s-cat of government, be entitled to]
‘draw by lot lii such manner, asj
*ihc ©fflfcef, at the head of she find!
office* under the direction of thej
President ot the United sta*rd
‘may prescribe*, one of the quarter]
kecdons, surveyed by virtue of the |
lirst section of this act* in either j
•fthe said territories which l ie]
person in whose favor such vVar* j
rant has issued may designs lev]
And a patent shall thereupon be-j
granted Ifp such person, for such j
quarter section, without requi*
un<> ativ ire thereof*
’* T W v
sec 4u dad 0* it further enact
tl That no cfa'ro. for the military
land bounties aforesaid, shah be
assignable or in 3r>y
toahnyfr whatever, until after a pa
lent shall have been granted in the’
fa inner aforesaid. All sales, two ft-j
page's,contracts , or agreements,j
*>f any natitre'whatever, made pri-t
or thereto, for the purpose-, cr|
N yvi;h intent of alienating,, p;ecg-|
fag or raortgngdig any such claim,|
fers hereby ded&ied mfl &tWd;-j
xvor sha!Party tract of l gran
ted asTifofesaH. he Hable. to • >e ta
ken in execution or sold On
count of A'\y sir*h sale, mortgage, I
contract, or agreement-, o*on ac- j
count of any tieht contracted ptl- ■
o? to the daic of the patent, ei
ther by the person originally tn-’
tilled to the land, or by his heirs
or legal representative or by
%*TtU-e of any process, or suit at
It w ; or judgment of court against
& person entitled to receive his
•jute'!!* as aforesaid
h. ct \tf,
Sjjecuter Ou the House of Refte&ri*
WMk 11. Ca A WFOR D, j
President of ts& Senate pro htt
May G t i8 )5.-r-A.?pnovßD,
. ’From, the provisions of the fores
going Alt, it U manifest that no
Latent tan issue until the wur-|
iant is presented to the Commis
sioner of the land is.
therefore the interest of the per- i
sons entitled to Military Lands,
that their Warrants should Irame
<jlately after they ere issued, Lc,
deposited in the office from whence
.heir patents are to be obtained.
This course v* ili preset?e them
from the various accidents to
vLich they maybe subjected in
die hands of the Owners or Am
gents who may-have been author- j
i edto obtain them It is also man
ifest that all Contracts for the sale
cf or incumhertnce upon these
Lands, prior to the issuing of the
Xatpms, are illegal and void. As
it is impossible that persons pos
sessed of Powers of Aiorney lor
obtaining Military Land War.
rants, can have any legitimate in- -
It re si disdnet horn their pr.nci-J
’ pal a, V. ’arrant s"h tedf ilt is sued J
ykttbe deposited in r General J
gjznci Office; oil’
tWf ae* Will ‘km give a to such At* v
fm/.ys !i Te?phreJ* A Copy of I’
, spwr\'&i'k ft . adit- .be ip ft a vivid fj
rrr hhr^e-:
a VV.itiVt£t shall issue,, not t>uiy]
o counteract zrh.^tepte se rj.*voni !
of the object of ih s Reguiaucfi, j
b it t > place the Soldiers of the)
late Army upon their guard a |
gainst the devices Which have al
ready been, or may hereafter be,
practised by unprincipled ancf
j designing men to deprave them oil
I rhe reward whicb is so justly due j
Ito their nieruovioUs services. •(
j Land Warrants wi-1 continue!
do be issued at the War oepart-|
| ment upon ahe presentation of tbej
| charge,’ which will re Tiair there*
j upon rdCj as heretofore ■: hut no!
|other documents Will he require dj
iio accompany it, excepting the!
j address of the Original Claimant, |
Ski order, that he may be duly no-j
Hied of the number and date off
she Land Warrant that will is* j
sac fa his, name*
In cases tv here *hr nr/?> ?;eq
chirm an i x are cl ead, u tme l e 3 i t iA
MAT"’ hi jris at” .must sub S
I starfaaie their claims conform?-I
} t>ty to the iieguiauoas mw fa
I- L 1
case. I
| frk t*. )
| 63 s * The Painters sVithorVsed j
) io the laws of the United
iStatfrfc, are requested to -insert tilt
a hove th ree times,
■i JU_.~ !
I . 7, H fe
ll v.—•—3—---
| i ‘he clakvis ot C ior |
; the Presideftcy* ars now to,
,be the great sotA& Mr. Monroe
‘r . *
‘ undoubtly is as fifm k Hepubiican
as bur country is
not Mr. Ci itw ford -We are
proud to £nd that 4i ail patties
support him—and all pities
Wish his demon f
| lA,: “ %
j Toe -most pusillanimous trait
We have ever discovered in the
jsidadrdstfation of the Arut rican!
Tiovernment, hippened during
the Presidency ct Mr. Jefferson I!
[When the government of Spain
put k stop to our free navigatir n
jt;fihe Mississippi waters-, it was
She proper time to N declare War i
’We sh6u;d have then been re-j
jtlfesstti for the spoliations com !
]mitted bh our commerce.—--But,
- toio ! a war vvhh bpaiti was not to
ibe. What has been the sequel ?
j America has made a number of
fruitless etuleavori* to obtain jus.
ttce. Is it not generally known
that justice cannot be obtained cf!
j hat country, by negotiation^—’
Let Spain yet/, and she will cfa
\hi civ ledge our pottovt / l If cu r 1
readers will notice the letter from }
(the Secretary of State to the
[Spanish ChaveHcr, they kill bej
UatLftfcd that war with Spain was’
necessary at the time ive speaks
of. Kb government, we vetuhrej
ihe assertion* ever allowed a ha-1
non to nan pie under foot its most;
sacred rights, as far forth as the
\mer ican has done ! War with ]
England ought to have been de*j
dared six jfaars before it was.— |
| This every, Republican it) Arucr* |
!sca will acknowledge. We are]
/convinced from the densivt rnca. \
•sures fvdoptrx! under ihv P/rsi-;!
‘deucy of Mr. Bkkh/'cf), that no; :
[riuiq lost, in rsr,cling jcjs-l
4'js &&& th? bh 2nit*'. K •*;fa-,„ *
bheukl Ii eveh fa ii war. j
The Efcecuuvs appMntxnercj
of fdi ilium liavieSy as dis>j
irfat Attotuey for’the District ofj
Georgia, has been confirmed by|
uc d'vitviiv. cl Lie L c* i
It will he seen that the two
houses of congress cannot come;
to an understanding upon the j
passage of a law to give effect to
the convention v/nh (treat llri-1
tain ; bur, we understand that!
instructions have been given by
the treasury department, to the
collectors, t 6 put British ships,
from t he’United Ihingdom upon j
| the same footing, as to denies and j
1 tonnage, as cur own. Tins is!
i done under an act rvassied daring;
| thru war, declaring, that v. hen any;
jother’rtawon shouid equalise the!
[duties and tonnage, the United,
i Sta.cs would do.the same.
Nor/chit Ledger*
I resolution resrecting the 1
\rt ioval of the venuobie ashes
-of Washington, has passed both
I houses, with ah aitfetidment itdth.:
jne senate, requesting judge.
J Washingtoti Vo permit Vhe ashes
of Mrs. Washington to accompa
ny those of her consort.
Congress, it ‘Seems, has hgafri
taken up,this matter.
idchnwrM EugMrdr. i
TfiS ibgisiiAture of Mary bind
nas vo-’ed b'h elegant sword to
lieutenant colonel Gs-bifak AfeAt*.
stead, tor Ms gallant conduct in
the defence of fort MWienry, on.
he i£th and t4ih September;
ibcrcta y cf she freashry
has transmiued his Report on a
gent V'ai tar iff-of duties, proper to
be imposed on imported goods,
warty and nieidhandii’e pre
i pared in obedience id a resolve oi
! house bf repfesem uives of
] 23d; February, is 15; This re*
; port cornprbbends, Ist a view ot
jthf. tariif of the United States* &
jits incident's, upon the pc ace-es
jt ii h riven a A statement
ofseveral yrhichd-ps for refor
pfamg the tinqf of the United
Stages; tr-chirimg the means tA
erdV-rcement—- —3g. • j general
tariff’ proposed for the ctnv&hkru-
Hon of thngi’fzs. i
• It ‘ii evident, from the hiisty
peVnsaJ of this report, that Mr.
i Dallas has taken tor.vderable
! pains m th collection cf those
|j<icts ftohi which he draws Ins
jcalculaiibns; and that he has
been extremely accurate m the
equalized ion of live augmented du
ties— but at the same time,
congress, for where considera
tion this proposed tarifi is sub
fa itted— n,ust re r cl) ectthat in any
articles terratd hrxurits, are now
become (from habit) the fweua
rits of life k—and that woollens,
linehs, coffee, tea, sugar, hz.&-
fa ay, with very good policy, be
exempted from the increased
parentage on their Importation.
The report is tab long for
publication, add Ve presume, ir
the discussions upon it vvili have
somf cf fa>- prihrhyle arr'tteks con*
£ klcrfadbr * v u- y lis a sane
*r*•'•**. t ‘jri-.yfc iC*•
‘* v - %
vOfi a
O.’t-1...*- • a * •*
j The fcV 3 ya.e jfff".
setts has neax;/ unsiunoi- fj
Ejected the properViuh la
:stare oi Hbvxh-Uaroaaa, ;•>
ir.end the consiiiuxion so as t..- j *
tablish a uniform mode ox cue*
tion of yepresi'ntaiivos io oa'-
igress, aTid ciectcrs oi presu.CK':
land vice-pTcsic.
| States.
, r: — .
Mr. Kandoipn, at tue class ct
a speech of TEN hours, in car;;.->
cniiicC of ihe whole 6u thfc res a*
jlution introduced by uti Cca**
Imiifae of ways and means, for
iducing the hiiid taa, suici 4,1 ifnt
! this was hik effort to save thu
jConstiiution ana the Uoerty of th a
I people of this country; that when
I this and one other subject were
[disposed of, his lips, as a public
f-muii ighouid be forever closed. 0
J Wilmhirion Cu*.
i <*<— m
\ In the debate of the hou'c c?
] representatives on the motion to
I enquire fa to the coe. smut iop ality*
tof the ‘appointatent of Gene’ll
! Porter as a commissioner ur.cLfa
(the Ghent treaty, Mr. Randcfai}
| uttered nothing bin dcclaraaio/y
*nonsonse, which was refuted
jwiih a degree of energetic ability
| and eloquence by Mr. Foray
j that ufiurj lull proof of iils emirs
•merit to feme sent ihe brave \ca
i (. t
niamy of Georgia.
The discussions ih Congr
have be.eehie animated and b gfa
jly fatereuing; on the subjec i of
Ufteiiratif m-shingpo%ver y -most of
j thokfe members distinguished sos
! their talents have taken-d pari, ai
1 ir.ohg whom are Messrs. Fori-
Uvih, Übthben, .ufd Wilde, ol
lout own state. ; ,
j _ C hforhe.c,
] hTi . yrpi'i y~'TTTn —rrTitr- -nimm— mnr~i xirr •%
j ~ERIcSf<SSFIsALFa~"”
| Will he Sold on Monday ihe 1 tF
,| April, at the \
| the residing place id \
] Cock, 3i Biiffac; to
] staserl s
A r.artof the personal yic-v
..,i 1 . 4
ipeTty Ci ucsesnscu ;
Cofuwtiag cf
| Sheep, Hogs* Co‘r:\, ?il.i
FFodder, Lac'oh, bud Cotiou I*4
(the Seed aud Ginned, Idcruatfaa
[Tools and other articles lao Is*
I* diouS to emuneiate.
7 J h March, 12 id.
- 1 ihhhiii 1..1M.H wrr ~i t- r i****?-#" 1 -•
jfe her a m count v. a
j Whereas Nancy M’CWfai
iaunhestoine for Letters oi Aa*
; mini-stration on the estate oi 1-
:so m IVI C ’ Irhd on, decen 5 e a nd,
J nte thtieforfe 1-a the
|?.nd admohLh ail and... smuub r
[the i'faflri'.d and creditnts- oi sc.d
.■ deceased, to be and appear ?.r v
office, vidthfa tbc time pr.e?c Aid
! by law, to shew cam sc (if any tl •.& r
jhave) why said irnU.;*-
|not Lc granted.
| Given under my iumd of i-T
this 4Ui y [Vpici*, xo i.a
-t V?4<ioiir. CM./*. .