American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, March 14, 1816, Image 1
-J-. -1-13'^%'^'O wi i. 1 ■£ mv| PUBLISHED PVEK Y T&tt Wbfe AYI Morning, by Georgs W.j Wih&elkb &? James Clarke,] AT THREE DOLLAR'S A YEAH —j ONE IN ADVANCE. WA R Depa RTMEN T. AN ACT'to provid e for the de< signaling, surveying and gran ling the military bounty-lands ? Be it enacted by ike Senate ana Jfouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled. T hat the Presi dent of the United States be and he U hereby authorised, t.O carise to be surveyed a quantity of the public lands of the United States, lit for cultivation, not otherwise appropriated, and to which the -'lndian title is fextihgiiisded, not exceeding in the whole six mil lions of aeres, two millions to be surveyed in the territory of Mi chigan, two millions in theTilihois territory, north of the Illinois ri ver, and two millions in the terri tory of Louisiana, between the ri ver St* Francis, and the river Ar< Larisas* the said Sands to be divi ded into townships, and sub-divi fled into section’s and quarter sec lions, {each quarter section to con tain as near a’S possible, one hun dred and sixty in the man ner prescribed by Taw for survey ing and sub dividing the other public of the United States; -the same prfeje to be allowed for surveying as h Med lor survey ing the other public lands, jn the same territory. And the lands thus surveyed with the exception 1 of the salt springs and Irad mines! therein, and of the quantities of; land adjacent thereto, as raay be reserved fob the i&e of the same,’ fey the President of the United States, Arid the section No I*6, in every townships to l e granted to the inhabitants of such township’ for th£ use of public schools, shall be set apart arid reserved for the | purpose of satisfying the bounties of one hundred and sixty acres; | promised lb the non commission-’ ed officers soldiers of die U-l nited States, their, heirs and legal i representatives, by the act end-: tied if an act for completing the existing military establishment,’* approved the twenty-lourth day of Decembereighteen hundred tv eleven, arid by the act, entitled j *‘an Bet to raise an additional mil* j hary forte/* approved the ele venth day of January eighteen hundred and twelve. Sec. 2. And be n further enacted, , That the Secretary of the De-j partment of war- for the time be-; frig, shall, from time to time issue j Warrants for the military landj |bounti£s to the persons entitled thereto, by the two last mention | cd acts, or either of tliem : Pro/;- 1 tied hkuays, that such warrant-j shall be issued only in the name j <if those persons thus entitled, and j fee by them or their represents j iOUISVILI. E, ‘THURSDAY, MARCH t 4, is;6. lives applied for within five years after the said persons shall have become entitled thereto: and the; said warrant shall not be assigna ble cr transferable in any manner whatever. . v A bec. S. And be it further enact ed t That every person rri whose j favor jbuch wan ant shall have; been Issued, shall, on delivery of j l the same, at the office of the Tee- j reiavy of the Treasury, or of such j other ollicer as may at the : ssme time have, by lav/, the supenrv tendance of the General land of-, Hce of the United States, sft the seat of government, beentitled to draw by lot in such manner, as the ofßcer, at the head of the 1 and office, under the direction of the I President of the United States,] may prescribe, one of the quarter! surveyed by virtue of the I first section of this act. in either of the skid territories which the person in whose favor such war rant has is sited may designate. And a patent shall thereupon be granted to such person, for such quarter ‘section, without requi-. ring any fee thereof , bee. 4. Arid Be it further enact ed, That no claim for the military land bounties aforesaid, shall be assignable or transferable, in any mariner whatever, until alter a pa tent shall have been granted in the mhnner aforesaid. All sales,'mort gages, contracts ; or agreements, es any nature whatever, made pri or thereto, for the ‘purpose, or, with intent of alienating, piedg ’ing or mortgaging arty such claim, ! are hereby declared mill &. Void j | nor shall any tract of land, gran ; as aforesaid, be liable to beta- in execution or sold cri ac count of any such sale, mortgage, contract, or agreement, or on ao count of any debt contracted pri or to the date of the jpateitt, ci ther by the person originally en titled to the land, or by his heirs or legal representatives, or by virtue of any process, or suit at law, or judgment of Court against ■ a person entitled to receive his patent as aforesaid.f j H. CLAY, , I Speaker o f the House of ‘ Represen* iathes. WM. H. CRAWFORD, Prd'deni of the Senate pro tend May 6, .18 J2.—approved, J JAMES MADfSON. From the nrOvhiqrisof the fore .<k ■ going Act, it is manifest that nb ( Patent Cah issue until the war rant is presented to the Commis sioner of the land office.-^-It is therefore the interest of tile per sons entitled to Military Lands, that their Warrants should imme diately after they are issued, be deposited in the office from whence their are to be obtained, T his course wijl preserve them frain- the various accidents to which they may be, subjected in! the hands of the Owners or A ,gents who may have been author- ised to obtain them. It is also man ifest that ail CcOtractsTrr trie sale ;of or incumberanCe vqV ri uic e *'Laml, prior to the ts uing ofc -e ;Patent's, are illegal and void. As pt is impossible that persons pos- Nessedcf Powers of Alcrnev for. obtain: vg Miliitary Land War. j rants, can JirVe any legitimate in ’jterest, distinct from thei ‘ pnnet- | pals, Warrants here die .■* issued I will be deposited in the Genera: \ Land Office ; arid a Ceruhcats of It hat'act will be given to -such A H ; orrieys if Required. A Copy 01 - his proceeding Tvill fee- iowarden:, to every Person in who c e name a Warrant shall issue, hot only Ito counter act misrepresentations jdfthe object of this Regulation, j but to ‘ place the Soldiers oi; the, | late ‘Army upon their guard a | gainst the ‘device- which have al ready been, or may here Tier be. practised by It tprincMaled and designing men to depriv’ them cr he Reward which is so ju -dr due. co their meritorious services. , • Land Warrants ‘will ‘continue . co be issued c.t the Vv ar Dapart iiem upon trie preherTcuon oft he Original “Honorable Dil ;h a ege,’ Which the>c 7 &n ; coon Filer as heretofore: tout no other doCumems will be required to acbompauy it, Excepting feie •uMress of the original Claimant, in order, that he ii'ayfes duly no tified of the number and date 6 the Land Warrant that will is*! ; sue in his naive, _ . c , .* . . In cases where original , claimants are dead, u the legi ri j! MA T & HSIR S A T L A *hf ’ ’ It* IIS t SU b istafuiatc their claims conform a bly to the Rcjg'ulauciis now if ■ use* . .. . • j Peb. 18. The Printers authorised to publish the laws of the United Stages, are requested to insert the above three ume 3. ‘wem mmm m 1 *** c Col. HOSIER V. MIL TON, WT arc authorised to State, will be a Candidate For a seat in the Con gress of the United Slates, at the hex* Election. , . |\ . . Col, THOMAS COBB, ‘Ci Columbia county, we find is j, • alsd-,a Catiilidate. ... ,_ £L: ■ i ’’ booWaWTshoes. THE Subscriber takes this itiethdd of informing his friends .and the public, that he has com ■m(Sliced the making of BOOTS land SHOES, at the house hex* but one pbove Mr. Gordon’s.; — Whefe ‘he intends- keeping the .best of Lfeahher that can he pro |ciired iv #nd hopes by a strict at r terition to business, to raßvit a share oi Public Patfonagf. Per > sons wishing to engage Negro : Shoes for the next season, can have them warranted; and on moderate terms, by applying at the above Shop, between this and the first of July next. C. W. M’MURRAIN. Feb. 22, i&IT. SHERIFFS SALES. fTill ,<t fid ‘fit the Jl f- r • p-'f. ff in th~ Town of of?, the first Tuesday ‘a’ dint, ‘let-aeen the usual hour's, j . r Fwo liundred acres of pme I land, being h If of an undi'ided I four hundred ac“e tract, g- anted to Baker, and adjoining Jackson ; Also, tweivy five acres of pine land being half ah undivided fifiy* acre tract granted to Re< se, arid adj fining “Re- s ri; taken as the probe ny of Jiishpa My rick,'to sa tisfy sundry executions, i eb- rt Aikinfbn,'executor of A lexer?dee Young, vs. Joshua My rick and Tlassirigame .Paulett; fe'ied oa iv a Constable and reiurned to- ALSO, , . . . Two hundred acres of land, idjoisling Alexander Douglas'; levied on as the property of James B i*\-field, to satisfy sue tr * tx •cut;ons. M.\ry 1 n grrm vs. j. >.mes Barcheld, and returned by a Constable, i ALSO, . . . Two hundred and thirty five acres df land adjoining land* be longing to-Wm. Walker, and others'; taken as the proper ty of .fohn M.. Smi tb, to saiisfy sundry executions, , John M. Smith Va, Jeremiah Smith —poin- ted out by the _ plaintiff and re turned bv a Constable. .. 2GHN G. BOSTICK, , ~t l. ‘Sheriff J.C. Feb 29, 1815. , EX ECU i O lib’ SALE. Will be Sold on Monday the I st.h April, at the Piantatio-a t | :*e the residing place,of ZA;uk rt Coik. Burke cow an , cie* ■ scastd * , , - : A part cf the personal t.-ro pe vty of said deceased : , Consisting of Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Corn, arid Fodder, Bacon,, and Cotton in the Seed and Ginned, Plantation Tools and other articles too te , diotis to enumerate - JOHN (OCR,., ? M . . , BEMJ. BK At.K, S J? ... ‘TtU-Marcl, in .6,... >frr -.. . , ■■ r ~W A ■ TANARUS, t GEORGE; l yefpcr.ion county $ ■ .jV herer. t< N? cv 9 C ‘i n ■' -h n applies *0 me for 1.1 v.eis* of -d ministration on V c Utate o I* iom M’Clendon, d< oe.v ed, ’ These are li ed’ -e to cite and admonish all aid • 1 . r the kindred and c edit :s oi >. and ieceasrd. to be and ap pear at y offici% ivitlun the lime ir< s r L A •by td s bt w t ause {\i ary y have) why s&d letters sn on and not be granted. ‘.Given under rnv hard t of-. iice 4 this 4th of March, 1 * • . . ; A. WRAtiH Jk c c , TCOUNTKY TRODUCE. WRI be received in advance for Uu? omuUuu Auv ocate. JVOL.I