Newspaper Page Text
A i v',l I £ K l O A N Al3 vOOA TK.
m vi 3
Fubttsrsd evcry Thursday|i
Morions, by Georgs \V\
W keei eiv James Clarke, 1
t)NK in advance.
She proposed Tariff.
iirroKT, ho.
s)n the S >d of February, 18 IS*
the House of Representatives,
44 Resolved, That the secretary of j
the treasury be directed to report
to Congress, at their .next session,
a general tariff of duties proper
10 be imposed upon, imported
goods, wares and merchandize ;”
ahdTffobedience to that resolu
tion, the secretaiy of the treasury
has now the honor to lay before
Congress the following reportt
Cos tap re--* end ihg,
I. A vsew of the taut of the
\JiVned States, and ip> in*
ofctiMS upon the peace es*
tt A Statement of the general
rninciples for reluming
Iht tariff of the United
t.tates,including the means
of the eni'oiaemeoi
111- A ‘general tariff proposed
for the consideration of
/s smv of the tariff of the
{ftifed Stales, and its incidents
upon the peace rsiamsnmcnt.
‘By ail act ed Congress pass*
ed on thy Ist July; 18t3, (*) the
pc r pin it en tci U tie s pre v iou sly i'm *
posed by laWyUjior! roods impor
ted into toe United! States frpiii
foreign piiicr s were clou bled ; an
Addition of 10 perceni was made
■So the double duties upon goods
imported ia vessels not of the U
b t.ate s ; afid vessels b c!o*> -C r> ■*•
< i ■ O .'
m o lly. or lit pan to the subjects
< t forugh powers, entering the
U-btates were charged with an.
sdupioiicJ tonnage. du*y of i d-d.
$0 ct>< per ton. This act was
limited m its c’ottfh nance to the
period of one y< :r alter the con.
elusion of the peace with Great
Britain, and it expires, of course,
©n the 17th of February, uuth— 1
The act (with ail its supplements;
imposing an additional duty, com
rr.oniy called the <k M edit erf a-
fund,” of 2 i-$ per cent ad-
Valorem, and a discriminating du
ty in respect to all goods import
ed in vessels not of the United
States, had expired on the 3d of
■March, 1815.
• Considering the subject, there
fore, upon the foundation on
which it is placed by the extinc
tion of the Mediterranean fund &
by the restoration of peace, the
annexed table marked (A) ex
hibits the general tariff of the U
States* resulting from the sueces
sive acts of Congress, imposing
Rugmemmg, and modifying the
duties upon imported merchan
di§e, compared with the rates o:
ddties'proposed for -the new ta
iu i® s ‘ti*'Jr *>*.■ii?/. jf Qi *v, •
Louisville, Thursday, march z\, ms.
Idestnminadoh marked iff the fa.
b;e No. 1, comprising the arti
cles changed with specific duties;
i No, 2, comprising -articles charg
|ed with dutiesau valorem, at the
several rates of 12 1-2 per cent,
S 6 per. cent, and SO per cent, h
80. 3,comprising the articles that
are free from duty. ’
It is another important View of
.the subject, connected with the
(details of the table A. that the fate;
of duty upon the tonnage of Ves
sels of the United States, and of
the duties upon the goods which
they import, b less"than upon
the tonnage of other Vessels, and
of their cargoes*
*in the Secretary's original
report, there aye numerous refer
ences to authorities <k laws,which
■jbeing deemed unlmpoitam to the!
reader* are omitted. 1
Ilf. A general, hnjf
fortht consideration cj Cm* 1
• f gr nis. s
;;Uport the policy and principles,
wlv.r.h have been stated, the
*,• following tariff, reference to
duties, drawbacks and boun
ties, *--i& itieefj ±AaXL v and.
1 11 st A sc imCute -Of the articles tol
j be imported .into the U. dates, ;
rats EOF DUTY.
Ah articit s imported for the use
\ of the Use of the United States, j
~ Philosophical apparatus, in,trti-!
menus or books, Specially hu-j
ported for tne use of any in- j
society, for plttlo j
sophiqai or literary purposes, l
and lor the use us any semi
nary ol learning
Specimens iri natural history,
mineralogy, botany h anatomi
cal preparations, models of
machinery, and other in vets*
t ion s.
Wearing apparel, and othef per*
sons! baggage in actual u>e ;
and die implements, or tools
of trade, of persons arriving hi
the United States.
! ivegulus of antimony.
Bark of the cotk tree ffiantiLd
i tured.
Animals breed,
liurr stoncaj uiivvicughi.
Hull ion.
Clay unwrought.
Copper imported in any shape for -
the use of the mint. j
Copper and brass in pigs cd bars.
Tin in pigChr bars;‘old copper 1
and brass, Si cVd pewter.
Furs undressed of ail kinds.
Haw hides and skins.
Lapis Ctvlamin.Tris
faster of Fai ls.
-tags of any kind of cloth.
Ayoi, and wood unmanufactur
ed, except mahogany and dye
Zinc, tutanag, or spelter,
.'Ohvo oil, in casks, tc used In
2d. A schedule of articles charg
ed with duties ad valorem.
Dying drugs and materials fox
compesing them, not subjec
to other rate's of duty- j gurc ar
abic ; gum Senegal.
gold & silver watch
es h clocks, or parts of either,
sncl of the frames of clocks, cl
wliatever materials made; gold
and silver lace : embroidery h
‘c pay lefts ; precious stones, bi
pearls of ail kinds, set or noi
tet; Bristol stones or past*
work ; anti ail articles com
posed chiefly of gold, silver
pearl and precious stones.
Lace 6 of thread, Silk or cottdri,
A t fifteen p t centu m.
All articles not free, and not sub
j -ct to any bther rate c f duty.
At twenty per centum.
I Linens of ad descriptions, linen
J cambricks, lawns.
I Heir-pen doth, sail doth, Rushan
| a-hd German linens.
Stockings and gloves of thread or
bilks,- satins, and all articles of
which silk is the matei'id or
chief value*
At twentydki'Q f>er centum.
-All articles manufactured from
capper, iron, sled, p .”.v-1
ter, lead, or tin, or of which
| these ar 11 oles. or ti. the roi u ic m
1 is the matenal of value j
j Brass arid i ;on ware
Cutler, pins, needles, buttons
i and buckles of all kinds.
*.Gilt, plated and japanned wares
i , of ad kinds.
I Gannon, nuiskexs, Hie-arms arid
| side arms.
Ai l.jty eiglt 1 per tef-fum.
Wooffcn manuiac;ares of ail des
{ cilptton,, ?.nd of which wool h
the tna tertal of chief veluc.
At thirty per centum*
China ware, earthen ware, stone
j porcelain arid glass mast
! thaoiure.
jdormets and caps for V'Dtiieh.
tabs and feathers, ornaments
for head dresses, artificial flow
ers, miihnery of all sorts;
Hats or caps uiVool, iur; leather
chip, straw or silk.
Cosmetics* washes, balsams, per*
f; i m*?s*
Fainted .floor cloths, mats of grass
or nags.
| Lai had oils, pickles,- capers, olives.
I mustard, comfits or sweet
meats preserved in sugar or
| brandy, wafers.
Al thirty-three arid one third per
Cottdn manufactures of all des
dscriptions, or of which cot
ton is the material of chief
value ; provided that all cotcr.
cloths, or cloths <T which cot
ton is the material of chief val
ue, (excepting nankeens im
* The Facility of smuggling
the articles here described, can
only be counteracted by dimin
ishing the temptation, through
[the medium of a low duly*
ported directly from China) the
original dost of which, at the
place,whence imported, shall
be less than twenty-£ye cents
per squall vaici, shall be taken
and be deemed to have cosk
twenty.five cents per square
yard, and shall be charged with
da; y atco rd in gl y ,
Al thb’ty five p<*r centum.
Cabinet wares and all matiufao
tui es of wood.
Carriages of all descriptions, and
parts thereof
Leather and all manufactures of
leather; or of winch leather i$
the material of chief value*
Saddles, bridles, harness*
Caper of eVery description. Pa
per hangings, blank books
paste-b >ard, parchment, vel
lum p; inted books.
Brushes, canes* walking sticks*
Printing types.
Clothing ready made.
3d. A schedule of articles to bit
charged iviih specific duties.
Ale, bser and porter,in hot*
ties, pr gal. £o>
Ditto, imported otherwise
than in bottles do. icy
Ailum, perev/u 508
Almonds, per lb; 3
Bottles black glass quart,
pbrgroee; * “14ft
| Bo ots pc r pal f j so J
ißtistles ptr To. 3
j -Playing cards, per pact:, S<>
Cables and cordage* tar
ed, per lb* $.
Ditto, tintafed; yarns,
twine pack thread*
ScifiCSj clo. 4
dandles of tarlov/, 3
Do. of war: or spsnnacctl*. do* 4
Chinese, cassia,, dfcj* 6
CinnaiiiqtVs do*-
*Lroves, do. is
| Cheese, do. &
Chocolate, do, 9
Cocoa, flo.
Coat per bushel, $
Copper, per cu t. li&
Copper, in Sheets, feds, brills,
of nails, composition
spikes, bolts os nail** per
’ lb. 4
Coffee, (Jo. 5
Cotton, do. 3
Currants, do. a
’ Jhggs, do. 3..
Frsh, foreign caught, pet qy icG
Mackatel, per bbh } SO
Salmon, do. . 20Q
Adi other pickled, do; 100
Class* window, not above Sr
by ip inches, per 100 ft. £*o
noi above 10 by I2dov 575
above 10 by 12 do. 325
Clue, per lb. 5
Gunpowder, do. >
Hemp per civt* JSO
<ron, in bars, or boles, ex
cepting foiled iron, do* 75
in sheets, rods, or
hoops, rolled iron in bars
it 9m aa4 ISO
(Vox,. X.