American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, March 28, 1816, Image 3

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disirit-ssecl from t&e Preflchfre bi j Versailles ; bis disgrace had been long solicited by M. Vaubhnc.— Kevv and extensive alterations are triumphantly announced. lathe mean time; the political hemisphere became hourly more gloomy; you see marked on the countenances cf some a stif* and feeling of hate and contempt and vengeance; on that of others a profound dread, accompanied with other signs, which in the es timation of those accustomed to watch the dire changes of the re volution, have ever been the pre cursors of evil hours. The more prudent part of the Court have taken the alarm ; already the Duke of Wellington has rein for ced hi& small garrison with lav 00 additional British troops and A day of his departure is yet rem >u-. while the fortifications of MoH:- matre have been augmented. These holid; y Legist hors rs yesterday, who are ex if g every passion, and awaken; g every a larm, even nqw rejn ae in their fancied security; bit if they do not cease in time, if they c n tinut to goad an irritated people, from whose customs and in n ners they have been so long es tranged, they will eventually per ish in fire o( their own kindling. LOJL.VIUJA ‘ 4 March 8, t'Bl6 ■— ; - „ In addition to the Fo.ctgn News in our preceding columns, (for want of room ) we have for med the following surnm -v-.y : ~ I is supposed the in • mi to decompose the Bourbon dynasty. The President’s Message lad leached England, and excited u fcivtrsalapprobation . Cheat tim- Contents had been manifested bv the French On arris, who cm p lained of ill tteatmerit fromih*: King,.in not being well clothed b paid, in having young officers t command them, who had never seen service, and whose only re commendation wastheir birth, he. The Russian and Prussian ar mies were in motion, and it was supposed they would return u. Paris with a view to assist me En glish army in preserving the tran quility of that city ; tho’ adifh r ent motive is hinbd as their ob ject, viz: jealousy of the power of England over the French go vernment. Great consternation prevailed at Paris at the pros pect of a repetition of former suf ferings and insults from the allies cl liOUis 18. The wie < f omit I.ave(ette y who rescued her hus band from a loathsome prison, by exchange of cloathirg, is said to be still in close confinement *1 liree English gentlemen (oneof whom is Sir Robert Wilson) were arrested and confined upon sus picion of accelerating the escape of Lavdtttc. If further proof were wanting of |he disaffection of the Frencii to their present So vereign, it might cer tinly be found in the opinion of the most eminent lawyers in Fiance, who being consulted by Sir Charles Stewart as to the nature of the offence ‘ imputed’ to the officers who procured the escape of Cave, late, replied, that it was a;; act of! generous %ndisvrdhn i which, it prosecuted with vigor, might in cur the pyialty ox irnprisonmen Er Two or three moniJisT Private Tanks. So le. Oi 1 T T ;TS ?,rf desi ?rous of seeing v.m't.d-g in tm , p ipers concerning the ch mgo-hiUV jnow in circulati m. \\ e can say | ho'mors than that v/e b li. vd Uomo of v xm are go 4- on tin I |°t ; iiand we believe some art j £?}lir\ou<i - II ving n<vi. ed two r o j dy, e weie ful-yj j 0..;, i ‘ed t. ey were not alike’ a 1 h ug t wares wa jig, !. s t ywi ; exception cf me d.iu y. re the same. \\ e a y wish :.ome plan were adop c‘P.,~ a r ' : °? t 0 their circula *un* * eca ,h change is hoard 4 r■> cl3v o---.s pap-r imposed on ■ ! p P^ ! he. We have seen bills this description from N. York, riacf o.iher states valuation, lively and an half cents ! Would Merchant n combxne to put a Si °P * 3 thvir c. .\ nation, it would! _(* { w ? ] *’ r rexemw. Why*. ■■•" II i exl. ii. ‘■. K, i iic bill to moor y Av ; subscribers ho the Bank of the United States Was p ed tl e hotiSjC oF rep re's m A .-es. .v ] h is , been twice read in the senate, and referred to die com rain on the six ‘ j. cts of finance and t e nation al currency. I Gazette. j ___ f ?*!r Gn’l.uin our minister elect to the g wer - m ro - 1 France, ar rived in uus cry on Saturday ‘am. j\'at Jn-\ 1 F. Uqtanons to America will be non e ous iii tne spring; among ht4ceh b a ted characters who are old 7 to be coming out, are SuuU, xeelmam , ChaptalSt Lacepedt-. OL j - ctions are continually rnak ng on. behalf cf the British gov eminent to the emigration of French oiiieers to the United States. Puiia. paper. Cosbltt continues bis publi cations in relation to the United States. He has recently express-! ed a determination to establish a| piper and agent in Mew York.] with a vkw to b mg about a! more safe and rapid iiterary Inter course and <communicann be tween America and .1 .’/gland. Balt. Pah [ CRE’K WAR. ■! Colonel , ol the United, f States’ Army, (says the Kxh-| >1 mond Enquirer, < fine 16th inst )| ■j writes ti us :— *• VYe are going tol have a Creek war to a certainty ■ l take wiih me eight companies -of infantry, and one of artillery.” jlt seems both the hostile and kfriendly chiefs object to running the line agreeably to Jackson’s j treaty. General Gaines has en tered the nation to run the line— “ PEACEABLY IF HE CAN, FORCIBLY IF HE MUST.” 1 ‘ • N i ; St I.ouis, Feb. 8. ! Nctvs from the Missouri an|l upper Mississippi vras received n tewn yesterday, bom ccjiifiUsnj* id agent?, fesMUg with tbc In ua:i tribes, that British ca'sy ies were travelling through a! :ie Indian villages in tins terri ',rY and Illinois, inviting the In -uans generaiiyto z. great couo :d to he Held sho tly at Ft. J > near Mackinaw. It is con ji;..Unity asserted by severel res pect iUle characters, that the nutn j Ci ‘ r ot British spies,not only trav h ll'iog among the Indians, but ve- I sitting now in our villages, are , vc j numerous. ii e government cf ihe IJn!- | ted States has pu? chared about (200 acres of land, on the South sid i <;f the Oaranac, in the town of Plattsburgh, the site of Forts Moreau, Brown, and Scott, hr •2 i.COO dollars, for whr ii . or chase a law.was passed 1/ C,. iSth Congress., l\ T jt. Aav. The Senate (of the U. S.)pr; ceeded, on the 13th instar-, t nhe consideration cf the coo , | sat ion bill —when after some ! pate, it was decided that the r. f stors, Representatives and De.i ----g tes in Congiess, shall receive lan annual salary and 1500 dollars, j instead of an all owance of 6 dills, per day, ayes 22, noes t Southern Put. Pans, (K } Jan 3. Water has been found by and ggi'g, on the water cf Slate, 3 s fro in .Mount sterling, the ever known in the wes jtern country. It is said that salt put into n will not dissolve; and I dial oes'wi en 40 and 50 gallons of •he water vv -11 make a bushel of * -ait. VV e have obtained this in jformatioik iipm respectable au jthqnty, and b heve it to be cor Irect. If tiiis water s’hoidd con unue as strong as at present ir, large abundance, it will be of great importance to this part of tin country. Governor Clarke of Missouri Territory has issued a proclama tion, requiring .ail persons who law settled-on the Indian lands jwithin sa'd territory to remove therefrom v.hnout delay ; sta ll ng that and f£d order be not at j tend ‘d o. the military power will jbe c?lied upon to compel their removal. This is right; much of the disturbances with the Indians is occasioned by the whites, v ho encroach upon their privi leges. ‘ ; tVestern Spy. EXECUTORS SALE. Will be sold. on the 9th day of May next , at the Cozo-pens near flood's Mills , i\il the Stock of CATTLE* belonging to . the estate of Solo mon Wood, late of E tferson coun ty, deceased. Credit will be giv en until the Ist day of Janaan next : purchasers giving smaii notes with approved security.— Ihe sale will continue from da} to day until completed. Thomas Mitchell. 1 J Green IV y March h, ikiQ, PUB TIC tVO TICE 13 HEREBY GIVIVJ, That Collector of In* rnrd J) ’its will attend at San* ! :svihe, in the county of Wash* ngton,on Monday, the 15th day f April next; at Waynesborough, x tliecourftyof Buik“/ori Thprs* lay, the iStn ; at Augusta, in the - nty of Richmond, from -the 20th to the 24-tii inclusive : and at Millliaven-j lor the county of Scriven, on Friday, the 2iHh.~ At which times end places he will recvoye the amount remain® mg due on V iuch and Furnß i c accou ;t •so the year !ils ; and grat:. i i< > uses t ; Retailers c£ ierc::a:;dise, Cto £ ates on Car riigeSj for the present year—* i irose persons who have n >: a* vai and them tlves of previous no ices, will do well to attend/ as *hc c. 1 chon for this year must be ‘••iv-oglu o a close. i a CcHector’s Office in Loti* ♦*’l ‘. is opt -a everv day ( hun* u. e ‘t , ■’ cb) from iO A. M® • ‘ iti- 3P- :\l !Vr the transactions ‘.fany duties. John a corn, • Coll B v , 2 d dist Geo. ryrVi r -."n ch 86- 1 i S’, rvii’i 1 G 5 oA i, iV"■. Will be sold at. the Mar b.t-House in the Town of ‘Louisville, on the pest Tin so/ai’ w May next f between the usual hours , One tract of pine land, con* tain mg 455 acres, on the waters i of Keedy & Brier creeks, adjoin* ing J bn Hxrcl cr ami others, ta ken as the p oou;y cf Richard Jackson, to satisfy an execunoa Wihiarn Maths ws; vs, Richard Jackson, ALSO, One ether tract, containing; 200 acres, more or It. s, aoj it r.g lands of John M’Go*v en, “and c* thers, tiilvtn as *le properiy cf | Janies Bare lie Id, to stiU-dy an ex locution John Jordan, iox ;he u-.e ot John Guyton, As. Limes Bare- | held ; h vice cn by a constable & {returned o me. iOl Ills G. EOSTR K, Shi r>Jj J. G\- Mare! 4 . 26, \%! 6. ‘ H/iTRIsT Respectful y informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Louisville and its vicinity, that she v, A open a SCHOOL, on the third Monday in April, in the house opposite the Court House— She will teach readu g, tvri ling cypherirg. st wing, h mark* ing; at three dollars a quarter: Sire will also teach embroidering and drawing, at tigh: della A quarter. March 21. Will be Sold t r Monday the 15th. Api if, at the Plantation, late the residing place of Zebuloix Cock, in Burke county, de* seased; , A part of the personal pro* petty of sa-d deseased : Consisting of Torses, Sheep, I logs, Corn, and Fodder, Bacon, and Cotton in he Seed and Ginned, Plantation, i ools and other articles too to > lious to enumerate. . JOHN C OCK, ? j lIENJ. BRACK, 5 J ah March, IZie,