Newspaper Page Text
tft <WK9S?S
*tf •*►?■* ntfcfce Thuc liTsift* ri;i*g, a great
'f ? amount of pid ur (i v‘r ruiuaiid I'uit’ td
C hi,thin shall be ue e*sury tu ‘Complete
|HVis-.H7(9 for the share or shares to util
iih.'ris, uppaftkaued ns aforesaid, t e
.11 issioiiers *h <ll only retain so -jnn-fi
at the go. J or sfver re :b, and funded it fat,
fcs shall be ry to eauipfeie such p y~
luen 8, and shall forthwith return the sup.
l* u * thereof on applientian forth? came, to
t e s* Borihers lawfully entitled thereto
j..nd the commissioners respectively, shall
t ! ->)o*it tlift gold t.nd gilver coin, and eir
tifi ates n! {iiibli and b by them rcspe lively
received ns uForrs .nl, fiom the subscribers
to the r&pi .1 | toe s> id book, in pip. e
* - esure uu.l site keeping, * that the
e me ©Ry, a* <j shell be specifically deliv
e-r,’ uiA .f inferred, as the same rre by
them respectively received, to the Prest-j
t.Vnt, Directors, and Company of Hie Bank
4 s he I s.i ei! atutffi or to their order, as
ii) 0 ’’equi ed a. ft r the organ i
a.*;oi;ol toh sa.d b * ik. And the sriid<con—
*':i ’iosv rs *p* oiutel to superintend the sub
t, fftin:ss to ?( e capital of (be said
j tl, *h :If ref cive a reasonable com
li.;I i. ; -oa r ihf.F Si ■ vices respectively, sk
fc I ! <e ‘.•*V’ i) ;il! reasonable charges arid
11 md in the (•©ion of their
v •, to repaid by the President, Direet
*! ’ LB J o>jipa;y ol the XUnk, oui o. the
iu vis t ereof.
Skc 5. lii he it further That v
ts • 1 > 1 .'iu I >fta 1 L<uitcsi & i<-s <0 j>,u
r-. id redeem th- t:i: and and dihtsub* ri>ed to th
4 1 p i.l <J the s id o nk, at t’ o rate* afore
in :h sums, and at s U , |, tims a.
Z'i-Jl be deemed expedient, any thing irr ait
1 or dCis of congress to the contr ‘ry tberi
< n.nwithstand >g. Ausl it shall also b<
for the President, D.recto** an
Company of the s lid b lU k, tit s 31 am 3 trau
’{'■ hr end silver coin, or bullion, lit
’fsnded <f ’it subscribed to the eßnh a! oft!
*uid baalc a* a Wes*id : Troubled alway
That they shall n >t sell ni Te thereof, tli i
tlhe s.i’iij of two mil tons and! dollar - in tun
t;u c y-y ; n ,r se? ‘ any part thereof at or *
tnne wifbiit the fruited States, wnhout prt
s.'-msiy giving notice of their intension to th •
fee \ tary *,f -he IVeasiiry, and oilcriag fb- s
t ‘ to the i'-iin-d States for the period.c.
ii’ cr- id ivs at la st, at the e-irrent price.
Ho * x'-e ■’ r.* ‘ e mb's aforesoid.
See. ri Jb l he it further enacted, Tha
8". the opemag of be subscription to th
® i hi* r! l stock .t the fcdit! b ok, t?je Seereta
<> t.e cea|.: fi'jMil gi ! sesibe, o! I
C tsetobe *>!a r?h and. on beb ill’ c-f the U. J
fettle*, toe s -id :smb.:r of . vuuty thauvaud ;
v ! f“s, r. .mn •. a 1 . e vea mil lie ns of dot- \
i >, 4, .s* ‘.twee- ill, fa be .r td-i'i gol.d or‘il
v- v o;n, or m >.> !; of the Ud eu States, |
fe riag iatwH l VI ‘he of live percent. ‘
per tiD'ium ; and i. j■ > iuen thereof, nr of
5i iy p rt tceroaf, ‘->f m de ’fi puati* gto k, >
Wrii interest s aforesaid, tlie bua! m
b * ; a able quarterly, to com
sn n r * f’ lm the t*-mc of making sti. !i paN*
Si; - l no “ liirif i-f the said subicrii.iion, &.
t ‘ e pt’ i- jp .l of the * . k saali i;e re
d b. l iu .ii\ sum*, ;mlatii 11 v periods
v. ..:n ne >*’; ‘ament shall deem fit. And j
t •• Secretary of the Treasury shell cause i
the ufientes of su:h pub i* stork to be.
jpr-pared, ind made in the :iual form, end
shiii p y ali i deliver the strne to the Prcai- 1
dent, Directors tnd Uoum iny of ihc id
bank on t‘ e ii-a’ day of January, oaa thou- 1
sand eight hundred and seventeen, which !
y 1. ■■•'x t shad he la-viol for tho said
‘esid at, Diret tors and Conopacy to sell & !
tr-msTrlor gold m>u silver coin or bullion
at their and : irovi&d. They shall
it sel! mar’ than two unliioiis of dollars,
th; re;-f hi y one y.-nr.
Sy.c 7. ,ind he it further evaded, That l
tbe 8 bscrib * to tie said Bunk of the*
T’ ■*..] w tu cs of America, their su ;es-’
30 std as- :. .ns, shall be, and are here y f
eate ‘ a io porot ou and body j olitiejiy >
VSt ... a;t s yle of 4 the President-1
V } i o•, ai:d t'ornpeny of the Bank of 1
t ‘ t < i‘t n S’;s ‘*'■*, ‘ and shall so cootinue !
u 1 h • -.tird day of AJarch, in ts e year
0. -i.(; -j. and. i , t t hundred and tt ir>y .*• *,
* u<i y t kail be, and are herei y
W* ; i > -*;d t>p.-.bie, in law to imve,
pu chase, receive, uo.h*cs, e; joy, ami it*-1
t’ i2. to them end t “■ ‘!'* sue essot s, l.m s !
■ Is, nemeuts hcredit ,inents, goods, ;h t
tu . and cti-'ct* o; wi-utroner kind, nature
<i'd q ndity, to an amount not es: ceding,
i * the w h e, fitly five mi'liong of dollars,
i t lading the ainniittt of ti e eapi ai sto k
afirtg tid ; and he s use to sell, grant, de
nt v*, alien, or dispose of j to sue end be
tn and, plead and be imple ded, aisgwer and
be an- wered, lielend and led fended, in all
Sic. e court* havitig compeseut jurisdiction,
i.t auy cir< U!t eoiift of the U. Stales :
ttmlaUoiom ke, hive, aid t;>e a common
seal, and the anme >0 break, alter, and
je ew at tlk ir pm erne: and also to or*
.dain, evtablfsu, and put in execution su |
by la *'*, aisd oulimm c* and fegula ions, at
they shall derm necc-sa y aid conveoicnf
jfor the gove'rnnn-iit of tlie said corporotiou.
!><>; bti.ig coat a y to the ((institution therc
ot, or the laws of the Ur.reiJ States: uuc
fen rn y ‘o do a id exe tite all and
r •£ acts. u:a e‘ ~ and things which ti
tiu n t. or may apj erlaiu to do ; sub
jee‘,, 10 tat rules,reguiaiious,
atri'k and provisions here 1
iuafVer*pi escrihed and declared.
bf c. 8 Aml be it further enacted , Tha’
for tlie of the ailuirs of said
eorporat i**, there shall he tw nty-five di
rcctoF*, fiye of'vviahn, being stork holders,!
stioH b annually appointed by the Biesi
dent <d’ <2 e United te;a es, by and with the
advice and consent oT tbr Semite, uot more
th&u th;ee oi whom shall be residents of
Jony one state, and twe;y of whom shall he
J; imnlty elected et the bonking louse in
| the city of Philadelphia ou the first M-n
----jd y ’ J mt.iry, i;i each year, bj ‘he quali-
Tt! s.o khoiders ofthe capifal of the said
bank: ocher than the United States, aid by.
a pimaiity (.f votes then and there ac'uul
*v given, arrording to ti e i f vo'iug
hereinafter p escribed. Provided uh: ays,
Thai t.o p"r?‘>n being a director in tt e
ba. k of the Ignited States, or any of its
<*rsnehes, *h%li kt* a director of ,ny other
bai k? aud should any sn h dire tor act a*
director in any o her b nk, i shellfor?h
rvU vacate laa up uin m trt i>2 the di;e tis n :
•. thebauk of the United St..les. And tlie j
irceu , so duly appointed cud elected,
hJI he ep- b e of serving, by virtue of
n* h appoih me? t and chore, from the first
Monday in the raiuth of Jai-mxry of each
ea.r, uu ir the end and expiration of the first
VlootLy in the month nf January of the
■ear next ensuing the time of each annutl
‘ec'ton to be held by tue so kholdcrs as
fore*'id. And the hoard of directors au-
Hiaiiv, at tSte first nicetiig after their elec
i*M* in each <nd every y* j u., Hball proceed
i> le/t one of t?*e difunors to be president
f the *orporation, who shod hold the-said
*;H-e duri g lilt same period l‘*r w ’ ieh th*’
.•'■• &t*pi iuted aid elected as o
>re-*aid : Provided a(*o, that he first up-
Mi' m;tit u i elev'jpui of the di e.‘tors and
jiesideiit <*f th< id fi *k,sh II b>> at *h
me and I>r the perioc h t*ii: t;f er devlat
•I : And provided nlstu tiai in*, se i*s?o*l( :
t any time happen ji*at n sp’ ir'tnent c
(ee iou ol dire* <*>r. or ;..n election of Is *
■■-esid?.*nt of th s i.i bark, sh uld hft be r
’i-tde its t • ink*- * Hi * t on any <1 y when, i
.M'suui eof tl isrteJ. t!iey ou^-ft*.o( ka tl
’ -t, ti.e&ii*l corporation sh- II not, -furtki
uie, f e deciued to be dissolved; but i
til be ‘awful ui any other time to mak
uek rtppoVulmen's, and to Im and *t;< h e!e
■OUR, (as the case maybe) and the m:;Tin.
5 noi Jiag ti e elections shufi <re regulated b*
H a b'. i VS and ordinances of the said cor
aoration : and or,ti! su h appuintireuts ore
iccf ions be, the dire tors end ungidei t
<>l‘the Said bctik fir the (me b ifig S.> I
‘uiutinue in office —And provided also, tbs?
it. of the death, resijr itstioii, or removal
of the president of the aaid < orporatlon, the
directors shall p o eed to ele. i another pre
aident from the directors as & fares id : hikj
in eaße of the death, resignation, or übsence
from the United States, or of a di
rector from odi -e, the vacancy r-ha!l be sup
plied by the President of .he United States,
or by (he sto kl:o!d r es f‘ e c;se may be.
But the President of the United States fa
lone shall have power to remove any of the
director* appointed by him a aforesaid.
Skc. 9. Md be it further eilacted, Thai
as soon as the sum of eight millions; foui
hundred thousand duller® in gold nd gi!vai
coin, and in the public debt simil have been
actually received on account of the sub
scriptior.g to th a capital of the said bank,
(exclusively rs the vubse'iption rfore9id,
on the part of the United .St&tet) notice
thereol shail be given by the pers.ins under
whose superiutend&tuc the subscription
shall hvve been made at the city of Phila
dt-lphia, in at le st two newspapers printet 1
in e;u h of the pi m s, (if so many be jiriutt .I
in m h pi ees respactiv iy ) where subscrip
tions s'fill have mate, aud the sa
perrons s’itiii, et the stare time st-d in lik*
m inner, notify a time uuU place wi'.litu the
K- id city cf Phii- delpt ia, at the distouce of
[at Ui s? thirty days fom ti e time of sue!
I ii'itifi ation, for proceeding to the election
[of twemy directors as aforesaid, and it
| be lawful for u* h election to he then
| rd there uivrie. And <f e Bresid nt of the
j t ui'cd Stotts is hereby <.ulhonz and during
the t- iscnl session of eongre**, to nrtnim t: .
| H t dby and with the advice and eonse’, 1 ’ of
| the ftuMe, to eppoiut five directors of the
>9C id bank, ib ugh uot sio kbobiers, any
ih gin the previsions of this act to the
i-ntrary nolwiih. tundiag j ti.d tie per
ens wi 0 shall be elect* and ei ands pointed 0*
!if risiid, sli JI be tie first ors of the
[ ‘eid bfaiiix, nod sin.l! pioaed to elect one
of <he directors lo be pus dent of the
; aid bunk ; ti.d the di e* ins iui prtsideni
of (Lt s*.id bunk so aj pointed elect* and as
[ aAr said,sh*. ll be cap, file oi sei viftg in their
respective ofn cs, by vuiue thereof, nniil
! u end ar.d expiration of tie first Mood y
lof the month oi Ji lu. ry next ensiang the
’ . id ‘ ppoiiitu ents and tleriiot s ; a i du \
shall duo and then eforih comu euce, anil
continue the operations of the said tank at
ti e eify oi Philadelphia.
ISeo. 10. Jlhd be it further enacted , That
the directors for the sane bring, shell hav
power le appoint such otfiius, c/e k*, and
servtnfs under them as shall be neusscry
fT executing the lu it ess of tie said torpo
ration, and to allow them such coui| ooaetioi
tor tin ir services respectively, isshali I
i'euaonubki and sh&U eicrci
•ng Sfl?h other pdtvevs for
r be well govtsrbrag and of the ofii
*er* oft be said corporation, essfiail be pre
scribed, fixed, add dAeinfsued by the law*
regulations, ned ordtn. m i'* *f the s me.
\ Tteyi Mtn>e.R r* ova HF.xr
■ ■ **>**>■ Kr-x+‘m:*mvmum
1? OjH lul 4jrlV.
Bv tbe arrival this in or nit g of *• e ship
Mary and Su*an, rapt.Turti ~in 43 vv
fi'.om Liverpool, we have London p rers'to
the 29(h Eebru iry inl**i* r, rnd/I ordon
! prices 1 orient of the 2d Mar* h. We bav** 4
t. many articles as our time would
alhtw of.- )
The list quotation of ti e p-iee of rot
ton hi Liverpool,W. s, for npHrd, If* 1? 10
IS 1-2*l per Ib. Ri every dull. Tobacco
in very limitted demund. The Herh duties
on imports of n,o*t articles of lumher from
other parts preclude a competition with
those front Briiish colonies.
London, February 21.
At a late hour last eight we received
Brussels p to the sß!h. They*.state
the arrival in that city of a £rret number of
the French regicide-*, few * f whom tire of
tiy particular note Merlin set cfl’ <su the
11 h for the United States; 8o!t, vvbo.
had beta at Mons, passed throng!* Brnes 1*
on ti e !2‘ih. 00 iii* jouiHeytn Hamburg
His fortune has be; n estiniabd at 12.000,
000, wml that of Mass ua at 15 <OO ( t o.
Feb uu>- 2n
Glasgow letters whi-h ar* ived yesterd y
a melancholy account of thei* tr. and li,
mauuf ictures in th i countiy. No few-r
‘hun eighteen respectable houses, cbi Hy in
■; e liocn and eaUon Jrade {.eve within ten
('ays stopped payment. Their connexions
with two or t’ r e bo'iucs in London will, it
s expected ba at'.ended with ronse
q(n es. ‘iTuf ansoun’ w l i*-h obe hoi s? has
ilcd for is upwaitis of bail a mitSiuu ster- ’
February 27.
A Outfit 3!fiil hss arrived It einmu ;i
----i'fitts tl e most melancholy details 1 f th?* ru.
g.-s of the plague in the province f Bos- .
nia, which it has nearly and p pulot and. This
u, ki *!< province, w hich hed hardly a mil
ion of infiabitauts, has lately lost *SOO 000
persons by the plague. Three yeti rs ago,
jpon an exact enuturtition of the rotholi?s,
tl ey were found to rmount to 112 000 seuls,
of whom scarcely the half are u-*w i in ia
iii:t; and the disease has not yet ceased in
The death of Kotzebue is confirmed by
he foreign papers—he vas ia the 55 tu year
of his age.
February 28.
Paris papers so the 25th instant, unived
yigierd y. It appears’from them thsts-!.
midst cl! the rejoicings aid festivities of
liyaltj which have latly taken place in
he ccprtal, t!;espirit of diafi‘.M‘tinn h* s.been !
u. Miifesled in tbe proViuces, and eveu aets
finsurrection committed ct Thrascon, iu
the South of France. For two days tbe
greatest excesses took place; thej is were
iroken open, the pris *nr i liber cd, the
judges intimidated, the Prefect obliged to
Hy j and the National Guard when called |
upon refused to act, thus proving its sympa
thy With the insurgents or its dread * fth ir I
numbers. The mclaueholy Luts u forto-l
nately admit of no doubt for they ore dis- j
iucthf staled in a R. yal Ordin me which!
it has been found necessary to is-ne on thei
occiibiou, aud which is given our ex
February 29. j
We received tlti* morning n short letter I
ironi our (orrespoudent at Paris.
“ Paris, Feb. 24,. I
“ it was observed (hut the king wbb chief
ly engaged in close conversation with M.
Talleyrand, during the grand fide given by
tl?e uatioual guard to the royal guard at tlie
Od;on. The report of a change of mirds
leisg dns ground, and it is said that three
* ontinmtfil powers have made some r* prc
s •ntauens upon ti e present state of ; ft‘.trs,
vvl ith is not so corgoh tory or free irom dis
quietude aa thry could wish.
“ Accounts from Italy mention that Lu
cien Bonoparte bus converted his property
into specie; and Is embarked at Civits
Veuhia for Aiueriea. M
JX’cw-York j April 11.
By he fast sailing ship Tea Plant, rapt.
! Brown, arrived hist evening from Liver
pool, whence she sailed oh (he 20(1) of Feb
iiiary—the editors of the Mercantile Ad
vertiser hove received the papers of that
ity to (he BSd and London to the 20*h,
which furnish no political hews of momtut.
We have givm come extracts below.
Mr. V&nsittart Imd brought into the Biit
sh parlitmmt his plan for tbe military
establishment. He states that S3 ; 00l)
seamen would be wanted for the preseni
ear, though the general p are establish
meat would require tut 23.000. For the ar
*y he proposes lo keep up 25,000 for Grea.
iritaiu, and the same number tor Ireland ;
<r Gibraltar and ti c Mfdite> rarean po aes
ton* 2i ; CUO j fur BtUish Amenta lo # ouc .
for the &9t and Westlndtes eß.tlOO—?r, nil
99,000 men. The supp'ies for the present
year ere eafeulafed at 129 000 OCO, whi. h
*ie eh.'incellor states will be reduced 01:0
bird the next year, lie recommends the
ontinnaD'e of the property nrd tnceme
taxes for the present. The peaee hell.ougJA
was gtr.ble, rnd would continue, but he was
ipposed to the country’s disarming o)*o
get her the continent was still covered
with catir]** and armies, or to leave itseT
wit I out tha possible resurieetiuc of iuv
‘Hv *HV “ A *
r ! he London I'Ui'ors appear to ofteoh
much more importance to the Correspond*
cnee, w.’ ieh h* htely took place between
f } e Spanish Minister and *mr sceretery of
State—thtrs either the Atm.rir&n people or
go vermin nt hsve thoncht worth ivjnile to
attach to the subject —The Spanish Mou
arch fit me.ndHl ofu* a of our terri*’ ry
West ol ti e Perdido—-and insisted on out
delivering up to him gome *.fi those rebels &
I heretics who dared to oppose 4< divine
! authority.”■—V.’e answere*!, with aB sma*
eituuy politeness, that in the fi Ist place, tic
had not the most distant idea of surrend r
ing auy part of our to ri ory, and uftorwaids
makiag a bargaiu about it. No, No:
TFe'd give thrice so mrvh laed
To any xrqll-dvsei vii g friend,
Put. in flip, way rs bar ruin, mark ye 9
We and cavil on the ninth part ofu hair. 1/9
And, in the second place, we had no right
(whatever the 4, legitimates^’of Europe may
thick oftlso matter) to interfer •07 rnc.UUe
in the concerns of any government, but ©ur
*twi*; therefore, (theeorrolUry is very ele r)
-This €. tbolit; Mej. sty would have the Pat
riots bound end delivered into his hfi&ris,
there they are—aud let him come aud take
To this replication, there has ss yet been
‘no rejoinder. Air. AfoyjtoPs very decisive
has a little confounded !)*- Oki*—.
who app ars to be ra*her tn itTerior eifil*
sap, espo i i\y in cases that imolv® *ny
pua; ipte of nalional l iw. The t-ffair,there
fi re, is at rest, quoad hoc*-*- If ibeie is to he
“a rupture between tbe Uoited States and
Sp in” (as the sagacious London Editors
snrmi* •) —why, so be i?.—.'TS)e period cf
’Spanish tyn? w y is f st drawing to a close,
and someone must f.ll, ©a Massinger sayss
f ■ Under the swing efdeAitiyd*
Mouth. Patriot .
[Tire subject of the f flotcivg sketch having
lately arrival in this c*ly, its insertion at
t/us time may nut f>? uninteresting — tin cor
rectness you neet* not doubt. Fours dfc,
Count Emouuvl de lirou hy ia, s boro ?t
P".i*is in 1765 H,s f, truly was noble, *n4
hi* sister married the ‘•elebrAted Onniorcst*
A* *n early age he enter, and the ii.rtiiery-~.
afterward* served among tine ii-.’ht troops—.
whs admitted into the body guards in 4785
appiuted Colonel of the regiment ut Conda,
snd nude the campaign of 47 I J2 in Savoy,
the corquest of which he ontri <oted in ac
complishment. He served with distinction
in ttio w mt of La Venice a* a general of di
vhi n, in 1795 : and afterwards sd Italy un
der in the disasterous battle of
Novj he displayed un tvitrepiuity bard- ring
on r>.shoes ~ehargine at the heed of mo
cavalry wihis hot on the pain* of his sword
ps a <tu- stitute for the standard which had
been lost, he was < ut doon by the sabres of
theeiwmy and tn .de a prisoner. After hit** he joined the army of Moreau, St
renped fresh laurels on the |<lal .3 cl He*
heniiuden. /.
In ail the campaigns of the Imperial ar*
my, he couitm.uded a division of dragoons*
and increased a reputation aI re .dy weR
established—Hip taolu* t at IV- u>s, W #
where Prince Iloletuoe vac cap*tired, as
will os at Frieritlhvndy was particularly t;a
ti i(l in the olii -i l bulletins —Pe also serv
cd in the fatal Kiuhou eatnp'tign, and on
the retreat commanded the * fetter* and Guard**
a I’O'ps of officers which arromp&tilt and. the
Emperor. O.i the return of iVepoteun t; otu
Elba, he declared :nl is favor, and was amt
in pursuit of t- .e Due d’An.ouleine. whom
he soon compelled to surr rider. He was
then created a Marshal of the Empire, and
as such command and at Waterloo. His ea*
cepe from the persecution of the Bourbons,
and 1 is arrival on our shore, are events tow
recent to be p'ulicuiarized.
“n 6 f ICK.~
Nine months alter date appli*
cation will be made to the hon
orable the Inferior Court of Jef
ferson county, for leave to sell
all the real estate of Ichabud
Ledbetter, late of said county
Aprils >