American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, May 02, 1816, Image 3

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_ e. _ ? -u<f?!;W\yrMyiri TflK A.t *0 establish a National Bank 7t*s*d the House of Representative* of th V. S; Us, by aiw.’ j'jriiy 0 f fomty-foar —& in tbeSan&taby a majority of it; z. Messrs Y*it. Cuthberf. For vtb. Lo opk-n, TeitVn. tt Wild, voted for in* Mr. Riob J **'"‘* doUitieii froai the by iadupasi lta. CAYDtJUTES FOR COYORESS. 4 John Forsyth. K q. of \u usu. 0, Alfred Cuyhbkrt, Ksq,of Savanuah -3 Richard H Wilds, of Aodfnata. A TelfaTh. ? Csq. of Stvanri h. 5 Gol BcMTiR V. M'lt.on, of Lmisviile 6 Jol Crawford, H q, of Raid win. 7 To‘s. Wm Cobb Bsq of Ojletborpe. f Hoot. Abbott, of W ilkes. ‘J Z* dock Cos a F-q of Chrk. It) Wilson Lumpkin, E>q. of Oglethorpe. II) James Wood. B ij oi Columbia. YEWS. Late from Washington City. are emulating i.a Balriunre, ana oilier cities for signature, remonfitrarm? in strong terms, agoi ?st the t ill reported i? (lie lions 1 ) of Kept*’ senta’ives, “ for tin I ior? effectual collection of the public reve rse id (hi money of the United Stains’’— ‘Wbieh imposes heavy penalties oh su-h brink lag institutions as shall not redttm 6 ei< notes its Bje ie f-om and after the 31st !> re ntier. This bill having been r* < ommi 1 and to the eonm.i tae who reported ii, h. s been id by expunging the objection fcble feature. The session of is drawing to s close very rapidly. The Fat-ill bill, no before iho S**n.ite, is the only measu v hteh app ars likely (o occupy mn-di of tb I’me of Congress before its dj ifirnment Ji'ttT >f the measures efore the two H>ii# ill- of • oube overio ;k”d, ordi ruis vvithqut ennsid *r tioa: a tiro gst w ••b,ui in my others, nv*v be reckoned the proj * ts a National University, of an J iv>*3ii. f • >rps, the proposed hank) apt L w, & . tv. . T be House of Represeo'ativ s : ye*t er£:.y lied on Sitlwtl y c-it i-20 or-, j for it dry of adjournment; but it is not p ssibi they cab, by that time, * o.niUte the busi fees* newas ;ry to be dow *. The ndjoiir - tnent will, however, proeT lv take place in ti e course of the next w ik The Tariff ‘ InII yesterday (istji nil.) p'iu ipellv t'tl the attention of the Senate.; (.’oiisidera bfc progress was m.nle in it. The amend ments reported by ih fiaaniial comm-tree, and several others, to In details of the bill, wefe agreed to, none of them •ts Ting; Or toweiutsg the m tenal arti. ie*. of cotton or woollen f -bri.-s Among oth: r amendments, the du‘y mi ’ Icycd sugars was reduced by the Senate from 6 to * *en(a per poundand that on other brown sugars raised from 2 1-2 A cents per pound Until the Mil is finally retell © i, no decision can be called condu cive. When it is finished, we shall irnine diately put our readers iu possession of st. We are glad to learn that Mr. 15sbb of the Senate, is in as:ate of eoiv Jscenee.— Ilis eonfioement has been owing to a he morrhage from his lung, produced bv his exertions in the late discuss ion on the Bank Hill tie is now able to ride oat. WILLIAM tMNKNEV, E?q. has ac cepted the appointment of Minister to Rus aia. A bill hag the House of Repre sentatives of the U. S. for gradrnliy inerea- Stng the Navy.—lt approp 1 its one m liion of dollars yearly, far eight y.y rs, for the ; jiurpose ot bt.i s dfug nii.e s i;s of seventy-1 tu u rus, twelve of and three 9:e&(u batteries. “The senate of the United Btftte& lav ,v the bill fir nsi ig (lie salaries ot €fie executive officers. , The Baltimore Fatriot s..ys, “We learn from a correct sour.-p that Mr. Dallas has B'gnitied to the president his desire to leave fihe treasury as soon us a aeecessor can be •elected. ** ac=is Arrival oj tht Steam Boat The citizens of Augusta were highly gra-! fified by this novel and inter*stiug sight on Wednesdiy laat. About 2 o’clock, P. M,! fie Enterprise entered our bay from the I poiut above the sand her fpri v, and amid the 1 (repeated scelarmitions of a large eonconrse i ttf our eitiz'tis, moved inajesticaliy along at j the rate of three knots mi hour, against, a Btrong current, towing after her an Augus boat iiiad and with 300 bushels of Bait (Shelias m ide the voyage from Savannah to-re without diffi ulty or aeeident, nnd pro miseg to be a valuable acquisition so the State and the enterprising proprietor. Ilei j itbrn is l arge and the gtete rooms for ferrule f .ssengers ere ewmmo sinus atd elegwut She w it moke two cx,*o sions in the Bay 10-mon oa<\ for the satisfaction of our citi z^ns.—-IdugiUii Chrotiicte, 2Qtfi u(t. J e ttM 10 aocauv© the arrival |r< *la-> tow n,? ChWtophc-r TtugW, fan fci*q s Bil-Joiore. This gentlem , >n was tV scare i tarv ofaur embody et Ghent, end returner* j Isom? immediately after the peaee, hs •'r of the treaty. Hr bn* been appointed ! ! president oftbe United States a specie > *ofnm*sioner to proceed to Cafti-a e t’ j demand the release of c number of Amen J *un citizens who have been sc z *d, under’ v: - j ri njs pfeten , *es, end are now held in rigrr ous eonfinemeut by general Morillo, Hp'.j general of th? Spanish so ces in that pr:>\- mi; e. Mr. Hughs will pro n eedon (his mi sion in a few days, from this port, in th‘ frigate Macedonian, commanded by the gul Irik .captain Warriug’on. Boston Yankee. By a letter from Cork tVe learn that it is : m .ossibie to collect the rents on account of r 'v? m,'Common low price of provisions.— farmers are either permitted foe-i e up ‘heir lees sor *ont to j i! fir thr-ir r nt /ome idea may be so mod of (he price of ’revisions from the following f eta. The overnment of Oreat Britain made their last ontrartfor ires!’ beef at three fin tip nee .or i onod. not quite two rents &ud a q-ru -r; our fresh beef uveraces at le .st.SiX HKCitns mud) 1 Pork, at the lost Cork fates, was at half ‘ griiuea a wt. weight; sere it isselli: g at 12 dollars, that is fin uses as much. W. eat was s ;Hn >■( 2 6il per bushel, equ Ito 55 n y here it is • t three times the price, ©its ba ley. l.u’J-.-r See. are in the s me proportion. L t ous t'arraera ponder on these import a. at f e's. Democratic Fre s. The Aurora is in a most dreadful rug” v■ Kiut the final passage of the B.nkLiH I? thinks ihe Bills of the Nation I B rk. dee these of lijb favorite State Br.vks m; t eess ti y be “‘depreciated ” His iotcl “•! is gr blinded by the shower of wortUlcs> per, that re forgets th-e whole d-tfilo Bill—does not dream of a. p •’ b,.r.k id i; f > ( g *ows quite intolerable i ■ Idi r 11 s.—Tin? extract may safli e — [Fatrfot. j “• IT* re i now only wanting to i*on*o(H ■ ’s h it’.? of dishonor, aid a* gr, v>ta> o’ ■ ‘i'die distress, ‘he signature of .1 nu-s M-d so!i, to a fatal | %v—wfii'h sinks his name n (he am)<il*,of his country, and matksi. etragr id- tion from pu!;lie virtue to public -ieej which, however frequent io older ou itries, appears to present a. premuturity if political depravity in a republic only in •he 40th year of its existence, unexampled tuhaiUu.Q aunals 1” [Aurora t&lh ult. TOWN OF JACKSON. 1 A number of *it9. rs 1 uvo s.*3csated. & par ha*ed of tovernnient, a noted spot on (lie rom ’gbeeeilnd the Fine Level, which they h v. laid oflfor a town, ain> given to it a name pointed out by the gret?tnde oftbe nation, the Khidp of the hern of New Or leans. The * ommj'ib!<ncrs in advertisement.] drscHhe it being at eai out* hu.idi and n.iies from the Bay of Mobile, b |.d ©Hedge, that! th a liver affords w ter up to the spot, suf-j fieieat to float vessels fitted for Europe* n i trade. The neite of the town is noe s>t aired and twenty poles frorn the river, two hun dred & fifty feet above its sUri e & i.* rep resented as being beautiful, healthy and surrounded by a rich country. The lots are to be sold a the place, on the s‘cord Mon day of May next.— Columbia (S. C.) YL MONIED RESURRECTION ! On Tuesday last, the belonging to the banks in Chbries'nn, un*>unf;ing to a b ‘Ut two oiilSions, five buudrd thousand ! dollars, wus raised from the vault iu ibis plf'e, xvhere it bvd hceu deposited during ts e l- te war, and removed by wa ;gous to Charleston, under an escort of euva Iry I his sum and is hoped v ill now be issued forth I into active lif , f>r the benefit if the public credit. —[Columbia S. C Telegraph, SPANISH OUT RAGE- WeootiC’ and the fondu t us die Spanish au thorities on the Maine, a f?w and y since ; • norher ease las come to dur fitsowU which trujisccnds tax thing, that bag occur red. A s hoarier belonging to thin place arriv ed at. Forto Cabeiio, with her c. rgo;- n.eng which were sonic taxes of raisins im ported from Mat ga to this place, Reeom p 1 nied by the esuai i ostom hoose do uments of exportation. VVhen the raisins a rm* to be leaded, a Spaniard came forward ond swore that the boxes w wc marked is were some that bad been coming to him three months ti fore, la. had been < apfund by a CaTthagcniiin privateer. Upon hit*, in op p'isiiian to rJ* the facts, such os custom hou-j? doiumtnfs, jog boob &e. theeovcio or caused the vessel U ud cargo to uc seized, and they were under trial. To add to this ■ oudu. t, the governor i?~ sued an ord;r lb bidding tbc muster to write a letter, under p*iu of dose iuipris oDment, and moreover declared he would fine any American m s r, or other person, SSOO who should t ke u It ter. B e hope the gaxeinmv io vvUI seed uot only the Mueedonian, but a Wee that w ill bring the Spanish authorities to their'sens eg j and if they cannot, tdopt Olive, Urom widPs mode—take as many Spanish vessels as will pay the American sutierers, gel’ them.— ift'orfeik iAxjger, V k w-Yo n y Anil {v* Tbr fiTov ii 4is an ext> :h*l <fa Inter f om Montreal 6th instant <• W 0 have this day re eived the eov,?rn r*rncl“in .t?nn, by whi*h t!)g sryj f % of wheata**d peas are to be admitted lice of *of v -- F , oorand salted pr.v?ri-ns to be d ---niitd by p.iyim? two and a half per ceot. l-ifv. together _wi'h ol! other articles at the former rates of * utits.” We null rsfand (a s the Phi!ade'pMa Fceem ‘u’s Journ il) ! • t the eouim ssioners numioated hy the president to re eiv- sab s-.’rijj'ious for the. UsAted States’ Ear k in this ei?y, eoncss of ihe fifliow ing ter.tie men, Messrs. Stephen Girard, Wm. J,oes, -uy Bryan,Cimndier Price aud Ehaiite i. lugersoil. The celebrated statist: Coloveov .v, in ■ let? report of'be state of tin ’.'e.rop .*>, ti {firms, (hit 0000 Boys, in London live by thieving! was a virtue in. h fen ouraged among the Yuutiu,!>y an cieut Spartans. /South. Fat. Ur. Car.Houw of Piiiladefphis, proposes ! to publish a \>ork, exactly fitted to counter- 1 let. the pnetiee above mentioned. It is *. *’ss?y “on the of S-ieuee, wito the rise ami downl’ ll of Empires, imt * ed •* -I’o.v she utility of a system o! Yatuuml Ed Motion.” Jbid A bp,’.r::;!i ir.dy gives the following as ii-r reasons, why ri U 1 man should t. young vite. “ iVem ke old trees youiig. •• gcsfiing them (!• t plants may rim tu rest-bitten, vj cover t* ui up. *5 he pain <‘<:e will not bear fruit unless her oi :p. n mu grows near her. Ii ooeyou no’ like )h;d brute? p >i’ saplier, who on being ask ed wb&t w s the proper age to marry, an -wc,r and “ wh**n amn is youu . iis ion eu - y i when oid too late ” —Tin cent F pin el. DANGER DESPISEI>. T 1?!? M rcs imSiS- I*’ iber, m and s'in.gti’sVrd Frendi rBB cr, during a si -ge w s po : t*i!g U‘ a pla e—and just us he was speaking a musket baP curried off the ti g’ r with which he wis poi'iiiog—he intanliy stretched out another fi ger, and ecu t sued the conversu tiou— 4> goutlemea as i was observing.’’— London paper. The % Bnerable Francis AsburV, Supor inteiidant of the Methodist Episcopal Church clos’ and a v In’ b?.e and useful lift at the hous of Mr. GfMirgr Arnold, in this county, on Sunday lea;., and Ks remain's were interred ou 51oud yinth f ini!y bury iog gronml. Fred. Vir. /'??*. jpril 5 mmmrm nmrmmticx : -s SHERI FF’S SAL E^. i Will be sold at the Market-House J in the Town o/ Louisville* on ; tin first Tuesday in'July next . | between the usual hours , Two luts oi laffd. Nos. 2-t i and 24 2, with ail the improve merits tlv non, adjoining Wali.u and Eighth Si tree ts’; taken as lit property c f j < * Posner and Ben edtx, to saii-fy an execution ob tained on the foreclosure of s mortgage, John Bolton, Survt ving copartner , vs. Posner ano Benedtx. | JOHN G. BOSTICK, Sheriff'J, C. May 2, 1316. SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold at the Market-Home in the Town of I.ouisviiT, in the first Tuesday in June Jiext between the usual hours , One negro man named JIM, and *25 acres ol land, adjoining lands of William Padgett j taken as the property of Joh i Padgt i to satisly an execution Jamct Dees, vs. John and William Pad gett. ALSO, One moiety ol an undivided tract of 4.00 acres oi pine land, adjoining Paulett and others, fa ken as the property oi Joshua My rick, to satisfy an execution David Paulett, vs. Joshua My* rick. L, H; MARKS, I \ (TV Jb-i. 4. ; J i W* March P ; i •> u. .Ujik J. Will be sold at the Market-House i7i the Town of JLotfisxulte, on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual how s % One tract of pine land, con* taming 455 acres, on the waters cfliecdy & Bder creeks, adjoin ing John Hatcher and others, ta ken as the property cf Richard J tckson, to satisfy an execution WiSliam Mathevvs 3 vs. li.chard Lickson. ALSO, One other tract, containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John M’Gowen, and o theirs, taken as the property oi James Bartfield, to satisfy an ex ecution John Jordan, for the use of John Guy on, vs. James Bare* held i levied on by a constable 6v returned to me. JOHN G. BOSTICK, Sheriff J. C. March 26, 1816. * 1 111,1 - -1 w NAVIGaI ION company. I'he Share holders are hereby notified that an Election fora new Board of Directors will be held on the second Friday in June next, at the House of John P Har* vey, Esq in the I own of Louis ville ; and that such bhart-holcL ers as cannot attend may vote by Proxy. Littleierry Bostick- President. Louisville, 2ith ) April, i 3 16. > ~ BANK OJ the State oj Gtorgia, AT a meeting of the commis sioners at Savannah, on the 2G i of March- 1816, Resolved, That the secretary ;nve notice in one at least of the ras&cues of Savannah, Augusta, diiledgeville, Washington, and Athens, that an election will be eld for Nine Directors of the Bank cf the State of Gtorgia, at Savannah,ort the first Monday n May next, bAng the 6th day i the month, at the Exchange hall ”i said city, from the hour of ten. o one o’clock arid from three \v ive o’clock of that and y. agreeably o the provisions cf tl e chartef incorporating said bank of which he stockholders are required tc uke due notice. Extract from the minutes % ULI V h R ’ • T URGE Sf Secretary —— ~,,1 jN OtiCC. WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday, the 2 sc of May next, at the late residence of Ibhc m M’Ciendon deceased, AU the personal property of sai:l and .ceast’d, Consisting of Stock ; Plantation r Fools—House. !rolcl and Kitchen Furniture, and two bti'is Also, a number of I other articles too tedious to me li nen. Terms made known on the day of sale. NANCY M’CLENDON* Adruualralnx. * A_. !1 y 1 . || • •'j- 1 S L