American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, May 16, 1816, Image 1
AMERICAN ADVOCATE. vto. xte.] fbBUSltP.n VSt.SXf, Oifi tHSTR!*i ‘MAY BY GKOKfeK W. WHS-RLER Sr .fXHIjWCIi.4R&B.-. A T ’ THEIR WN fING OFFICII NEXT JK)0!l/rO DU. J. M. STERITT-AT THEER DOLLARS ANNoM— <JNi: IN A^V ; \NCE.—Wh,:re Print VNO- OF ALL KINDS MAY BE EXECUTED >yiT sr l EA'rxE' accuracy 8f dispatch. FOR CONGRESS. A Jotin Fo rsYTit IDq.of Allots. M Aekuf.d ( -t> IHBEHT, Esq. of Savannah. ? Riohaud H. Vvildt,, Esq. of Augusta. -snTnoV Telfair, D*<j- of Bs#jhihli. 5 Cal. Homsh V. Mirror. of LormTille. e Tko’s. vV itesß-i'teq. of Oglethorpe. 7 Joei, Cn vwFoiiD, Esq, of Baldwin* v •■& Deftrr. “A r ßnc*tTj of >VV 4 Z a dock Cooil fv~*q. of Ch i,i . T'i Wilson Lumckiv, Esq. of ‘ll ,t KU rs Wood. Mq of Columbia. i ‘ i) M Jii I Aar iS From the Boston Pt/ladiam. Lisbon Papers. By Fin we reftpivpcf from bcr fforrespi* ntents iir Lisbon, the papers of that! eiiy to Hie O'H of March inclusive ; from tvhieh the following articles are trofiOn ted : Lrsftov, Feb. 24. The plage having unhappily m de pro gress in the Levant, and it being absolutely jwseessary to tkv rigorous measures to a votd its fate! communis fttten, the following jprot lamatien was published at Gibraltar by Iris exceltehiiy general George Don, colonel of the 9tUh rep.ittient qf infantry, lieutenant governor md ijntnm inder in chief of the eity pod garrison of Gibraltar. Whereas it is officially known that the tSistristofi Bari,kingdom r.f Naples, a con* tagious disorder has made its appearance With the characters end symtoms of the plague, hifc excellency the lieutenant gover nor has thou/lit proper, in order to prevent tr.s being eonununleated to this place, to ee rier the following regulations of quarantine lo he stri t,ly o *9 rved. Ist. All Vessel* that corn'” from Bay port or place of the slated of iic km’;, of N ipiee, or from the Adriatic Sea, what her they have ft bill of health or rmt, sh ri! ter their arrival lie pi oeet! iu the must rigor ous quarantine, wit hunt flawing them to communis* ats in any way with this pi ace, i in what respecis trade? supplying them, | iiowcver, until the time that they shall ‘hr j permitted to set s jf, wit?', the provisions j they in ay want, under the. regulations eStob-1 IWTOH! fur the aforesaid quarantine. 2 1-—AH the vessels that shall ePmefrom any part oflvriv. excepting the douiiiiions . of the king of N - pies, shell he obliged trt perform ; quarantinedf thiny days, as well as tlsos f * th ; t h!ii*li “iime from daMiaia, Cor eina c.d fisher jsladds < f Italy. 3d.—AH the vessels that shall come from ports nr places in the sooth <4* Prance, or Turn Malta, shall perform u quarantine of fifteen days. dkh.—AM the vessels that nhall come from the ports of tlh) eastern coast of Spam, and from the Balearic Uund,, including the pail of MAI /hJ shall he obliged to perform a eattifanary quarantine, daring which they V<U not he permitted to thsehargo. sth. All thn vessels coming from the Cohs? of Barbiry, in t!ie Mediterranean, to the east, of Oran, shall perform a quar antine, of twenty days. “6 h.~-All the vessels from the port of Or an, kmili be obliged to perform ten days of quarantine. 7th—The vessels that shall have on hoard merchandize, produced by or brought from the dominions of tlie king of Naples. perform the same quarantine as if* they cun*''directly frO.n.those states. Given dt .Gibraltar, th 1 -2th of February t $ 18. Geo no k Ihtf, ger„ Sfc. By order of his ex^eUncy, ‘ J. Stedtnan, sae’ry. Th e is a Copy of a letter from the Portuguese Yi<'<* Obitsu3, Trieste, to his dated January }7!^i. “ The plague which 1 informed yott ’vas iqtrod.i’ ol in MaViars v, had recently spread Cos thcoTt of Dahribtia, and from thencr has pti99''d over to the opposite coast of the ktngdonT of Naples.. The p: imipal libalto bltiaor li&s iuformed’ me, that on the first days of this month a eontspurns dec mad • its app jaraneo in the little eity of Nojti, with all the symtoms of the plague. Hu four days, in a population iifwOt)', tv en by-five persons died. It has’ si asm spread to Leecse and Fs aneavifla. The Neapolit an govemm **r is’ taking the energetic tit assures so pravem its further propagation, atnd to cau6e it (6 disafpeasr. Louisville, Thursday, mat is, ibis. I u ln Ci*n%, in the neighborhood ttf llagu- j u, iu Bpalatro, tL *q tiiver3 plr.err. of Aim- ‘ trian Croatia, on t. e burdfefnftf the(Rtwmnii states, the plu'rte has bdeb intrtedtteod ; a wed e in Corfu* In which ioat placeiift f was in'radneed in eonsequeftee of a l from E/ypt being wrecked an Um Isiaad. I Some of tbs Isiqudern sa.veil part of tho S cargo without the knaw.tedge qf the govern* ’ ment^acd. of course without fi3d.tftju or any eautioh. Anions these the jdpgqo-aB-! “ The gores hers is takine- offirac i- ■ oils cnenwircs to prevent the iqtrodaetioo of this scourge. It even a rieoroufi quarantne, prod lice and fraja the neighboring roast, of Etria* By the bieseiug of Providence, this city never eh joyed better keahh.” / , Lisco k, Febimary 2(5. The directors of the royal, fabric ofsilhA i^voordered lliefollowing edict to be pub fished -• File prince regent our lord, by his sove reign resolve of tire 5 h of Cipher. tbts, witu tbo advice of the director* rif therryal abrte of silks and works of Agoas Livrt*. iss bi -*n plo *sed to prohibit gemefafi'y the ‘UtroduG icn in this kiagdotn of m .nitfactuf* ed silks of all qaalitits, coding from fore ijotiutricsex?ejffibq, howeverv the stipulo tioos of the treaty di’ voinmefce bet west* our said august lord and his BVittanoie majesty, • . —| Q - HOiiSE OF COMMONS. ~ Lonßon, Feb. S. Mr. firbiighain Said, that he should mote for tho piyHluf-tioO of two papers, which tho 5 be had eycry reasbu to believe they existed, were not to be foqnd ia great mass of matter ulryudy beiote the bonie. The first of these papeia he could not help tug with a great degree of end &!- urir*, fcoaplhigit with the ept-ceh mode from the throne, und certain decS.tratiobs of thd noble Lord. It r.M& a treaty (dated the £s; h of September, 18io) between Aulr*u, Rus sia and Pt*s*—a treaty to which thi(Tt mtiu try wuk not a party, nor Frame, cor, be be lieved, aby other power j it was rafiiied the 25th of i>Kcpmni--..K day ostentatiously ruenlioued mit as the birth-day r.f our Sa viom . The treaty its If was of very gen- Esrat tutuus and stem and to have no deiiait*, practical or secular object j hut prefVsSed t>;ftel.,te to the interests of the great Chns fian r ltion. lie stmpeeted that more was meant by this than met the eye, and that it was i t truth no other than a eombismtion n galost powers who did not belong to the .Christian nation, ! Lord Uastlereagh believed the treety had | no.cvi! views svhatever. iVir. Brougham proceeded to say, that | the ether treaty fie had in view, wus enter jed into France, Austria and some other nnvver ; R was dated tine Gth of Janu iarr, 1815, and 1 , like the former, seemed to have ho definite or secular object whatever. Lord said; ffbtw the descrip tion of the treaty given, he could not exactly understaud what was meant, and therefore, was unt prepared to give any answer.-* But, with regerd to the first, this country nerd not view it with any fear or jealousy : it wascoiifcluded with benevolent and in all the spirit of peace, but !h a form in which this country would not join. No i:o*itiiiiy whatever was intended to states not witain the pale of the Christian church : hut the whole treaty was cou-'hrd in the mildest spirit of Christian toleration ; end though it wa* dr vwn up in a tnanner ratl er umigual, yet there were no grounds whatever lor entertaining the slightest jealousy. Mr. Brougham, observing t hat thiw was no reply us to the subject of the treaty o; Januery 5, 1815, was nt n loss what infer ence to thaw from the noble lonFs silence. Was the tr .blo lord not aware, then of that treaty? Was there not a treaty of guaran ies. agninst Russia ? Lord C- stlcreagh submitted to the house, that there was no ground for rvcfi qutsirons oh bed been put. If papers wete culled for, ir.ey would be produced i but it was net to be enlure<i,thal he was to be thus qucsUotj *d us to the m‘inei .irt wbhii foreign trea ties might this ccuatiy j this was really goiug too far. —IM * { To England,; ny nionsier will mfJre amnn. Where they will rot give n doit to reti ve ’ a live Chi fsiian, they would give a guinea to see a dead Indian P shokespeare'S Tempest. The following is an extract of a letter from :i lady in England, to her fi tend in Boston, dated February 21. l send you a. catalogue of the objects n the Waterloo Museum, and aft yon Jtrow .'very thing is exposed to view for money, 1 even car h> bodies] you will net fie ns ■ omjhfc'J to iieftf that the carriage, said to |be Ncpoleofi’s. btd been die-1 i posed hf. by gov irnment io Mr. Bu!;o-.k, for j ‘ hia trmeum at 2COOI. You cannot, easily j ier.ncjevc the sensation*; pf grief and joy ex* j ■ prerood by tho two poUtigal parties j.tlhe’ ldeath of Ney. and the cseape of Lavatete. ! i The ftiinistcrittlists almost opeu’y desire I I tD see tlioso scenes continued,and even that! ) these of tr countrymen v h<> have been in | j anywise implicat-'d therein, should 6nffjr j jihecigm* of arbitrary law. Ohl hoiv lj should glory 5n being Madame Lftvalntte 11 ’ how Loppy she most he ! We all apprehend .there wl!s he dreadful work in Fr aco.——*• The king iitile deserves the kindness which h% been sheyvti him. Napoleon had better , have jtotnained on the throue | his Shatnefui eoTliatmeut in it at be wordp tfu.a death; bqf at -the same time that Iso hated, in j thaft proportion he is fojrnd—and a button! from ii; coat, of the hem of his* garment* 1 appears a rmue previous relie than alt an tiquity cob rdford !” - The foflmrthp; is an extract of a letter received rt Ffsih-.dfdubia, from Messrs. ‘Jhi.-s Brown, & eo. dated l>p.eds. 6th Feb. l - We had this plensnre on the 3d instant., am! ms we tae antteipaied, we are now a hle to infirm < m, that oil our friend a to whom wq ,?’;ve |pcnt low .priced go- s Uiis spring, may conridef tbemlclves forionatejy eircumstanced, ab nu immense contract fqr thec lotbicg of the Russian army hca this dny beer given opt, which will Lave the ef fect of advancing oIT descriptions of low i bficed-Wpoßensl und from present appear : ancei low prised cloths, &<♦. ere likely for , sc-tnc tiwe to be dearer than th< y.evcswera —a* any rate, much dearer than those we have lately invoiced—which cenaiciy \Vere oi fair valae. 5 ’ i LnrJ rCRSon fornblteking i ‘em pbft or esntessisgf hy opinion with i respect to the proceedings es Ferdinand of Spain, is, that be ss our ally; fid that Rfs 1 not proper to interfere with the internal government of oilier nations. Onedi The i'i‘l Bclidni ‘ttio never interfere to {trotaet a ny against the tyrants who oppress them, because they are worthy allicai but ■ Consistent poletielfeiis lieid it equally impassible to roahitnin the relations of peace and Ltttky with ally people who have over thrown the tyranny exercised over them by i t hese same worthy aßses. They cannot si - terf re to deliver a natiofl from a hateful • yoke, bo; they ran interfere to horse it opfin. • them, wbeoever tl ey deliver ihemselves from it.—lmpotent t\ save, they afepow l erfa? onlyttn d’-f troyfi’ If fl e Spanish people teere to ti?e egeiqit F< rdinard, would ford C vstlereagh heal it ittjpmssitdc ri interfere i. thtl. concerns r.f tp not her country ? If they were toftftoft’hts head, in ease they found htm iturigtnng with hb brother Bonrbrn, tohiingaiikrmy Into the tonfitry aid pul them to military 1 i axecttiioo, would bis lordship remain with Hiisluuidi ai<l !;is tongue tied?—No. The terms regeeides, rebels, would instantly come ipto ploy again ; the school would bv - in motiorr to put down “ this new exeniple ; vs a sucrcssfdt drtftocrfttie ret-olnitevov 5 -vu , nothing wan'd go down bo* cverbstihg war. y They W'ubi have c< blood”—the blood of ’lO/OOo'oo* of men for that of onemri; & • Ire* twenty five years of violence, havoe is. : destrcii-tjou, we should see them'fi* pi y rc seating t'hsrles tr Fcrdinat'd tfve bc'ovcd or t he debited on the t krone r.f l is ancestors ; 1 and Bpsln restrred to liberty &to itself,” and protected by i£,oo COO fbteign bryoticts against its owu i\-hellions gohliery. * rcetirg a inonumenf t* the memory of Ferdinand VII* in acknovvlcdamer.t that —tie authority of Jrirgs is from God . and that it is not given to the people to dispose of it /—-London pap. Froth, the Cork JUdvertisitr. TREADFUL CALAMITY. * f MrrpHEifowN, Feb. it. A most mel ancholy event look place yesterday morning near this town. A farmer of some csp j j ability in the ‘neighborhood, w b -Ve dnu ~lite was married the previous nsghi, mvited number of his friends, &c. to the wedding After supper all the young people reti’ < and to a large bum to dance. There wt sa fir ic I;be barn; as the night was cold, and after itl eyhftfl beep dancing for some time, they , j wished to have the fire extinguished, when [onenf the young men went into the dwelling ! heri/e for some water, and seeing a lorgejug • jfuil of water, as b* supposed, (but ii proved • to be spirits) brought it into tlic bam anil threw it on the fire. The bam imiiu diately • lock fire, ard s it hsd no outlet except the ’ and or, which wes locked, and could net be , rqrciied, dreadful <o icicle, a number of - hem vtere t uvned to nshi s ! ard such.a* > U/Uud their way Out were iserahly seonii- |ecf. Sixteen have been already interred, 5e I about twiee that number nm desp lired t>f f jamong the letter number is the bride—the j bride-groom is severely seorche.u. but h£> I will recover. A voting gentleman w!.o ban Ijutlt eniiie from the melancholy scene, r-ays i he never saw so dreadful a sight—men and I women lying on the nr.tsida of the ruins, so ;disfigured that theii paiente even could not j recognize them ! ijve uncle of the young j man who was married, and his daughter, I aio uinong t’ie dead. They have rot got cut nil the bodies fron under the ruins yet* but from every Recount. It is snpposvd that about 20 persons were horned to death i i i? LATE FoittiGN ARTICLES. The late English papers are mostly filled i with debates in the British parliament os*. Itbfe well known > Turs of Europe, ! The proposed 1 marriage of a Germatt prince with the princess Charlotte of Watesp .occasioned oiuels joy in England. ‘J ha prince, who is of the house of Saxe-Cohourg- Soalfteld. Sc whose mic e is Leopold George iJfcristian-Frederiek, was born in Dec-etn** be*, T lie princess, who is ti e heir to [he British throne, was born Jamißry > marriage has probably taken place ere tl*?sj ard one of the stipulations is, that cha shu l! not be taken out. of the kingdom wiife out her free and full eofiSMit. The prince, it. was said, would lie created viceroy of Hanover. Prince Talteyrard Jived in great sp!erdot and popularity in Paris. He is supposed to be one (;f the richest Milji-cls iin Trance It is said he enjoys the entire totfidente of the Bqurbijcs, On the 20th of Febrnary a division took plase in parliement on on ctnei dment ecn denjuing ?b'e eorduct of rr-inififers, proposed by lord Milton, when the result was: Tor liifc anieudment, 777 i3 oorjority for* ’ it aiOA miijistejs, Jo the lords the division m.s ; For Efiinisters -50# Aeain.4 them . . 44 The BritrSh r&.Hofj f'n Portugal has Beeft even h nee it bus been knowc. that the ccm? iutei and to remain in Brazil* . Hr. Chnning, lain minister, is on the ! return home, and it is st?id, w ill come into jibe ndniiui&ifstioii at the head ofthecrrfmf* rih/fy.’ > ~ ~, I All from tlavarla agree, teat the (iifleienucs between that country and Austria art* wholly fernunated. Adotirai Lmois anil Gmeral Boyer were to be trted <>fi the i?:h February. Tkft elte.-gr3 against them are for misconduct ai. GuadSlbupo. From lai* 1 uhdan Paper'*. he it night. Tie e baiicel !*.*r t f the ejcßfc* qber opened bio scheme of expense t for th& peace estabitehn-.ent ts ti e year—and out readers will he sbotked to learn, that it irt propustd to keep afoot sn urm> ts Sv.coh men ih addition \o ti:e British troops in Prarntp, u,nd that the expense, indeperdenj; of the interest cf the ni*(i*cnl debt, is to be above twcßty-aine mHtet;si How this chi) be lernteutd ft pease we are at a loss to kurte. Certainly it is fraught with all th© efiLn’diy t*f wr—-aj'.il we him th-Tt ilia bare annniu i of mmL lctisn on th© part of govfiiT.m. nt, w ill wise tie miich from one < ud of i‘ to the other. TT-e hftlion is already arrused f-om ono end of the kingdom to the other on the gnb* J jtet of the Income Tax. The tinivwrsa.'i feelipg JS * i* lht i }l attempting to impose i£, Itigitiw, ministers Lteak their solemn pro* mise, and cannot again be trust ed, either ©a (his or on any ihiug. Our readers win se.e 7 from the unanimity that prevailed in the ! common council, w hat fie eitiGeus of Lon don think ol‘ this horrible inquisition ; usd if it he so hateful to traders what must it be Id fund owners of ihe country, upon whom thia btrthtn chitfiy falls? (teething; we beg leave to mumui.eud, vii:: Tfc&t no tiiua may be loti in asseiubling the free hoi derr, citizens, and inhabitants of different, districts, under the pretence of the changse of sheriffs. The icqu'sriion should pieseutfd forthwith, us i*H that imu'uter* wish for ia delay. If they tan obuia thl> perpetuation of this odJaua tax, a army, aud nil (he horrors that sriso an enormous catkblinhipent, w ill follow. : the stond he made without &.a hour's de* ; lay, ucd force upon them the retrench meal ; tend e< tummy th&v tun in one save us from I ruin. I Prince Leepnld, of Base Ccbcti-;*, is thft r third bn.ther es rite teiguiag duke. Hn * ws born on the Iftrii Dec. 1*5)0. Hiabry* i riser wag lately manied at VicLtta, to I j beautiful priiute i, S.ffta. f al Kawitk. isitter is n-eiiu iio tti il'fihdtskb CaJtetafi* [Vol. L