Newspaper Page Text
ft isoaiJ fke Tariff RiU lift# pasaed.—-We j
ttrefii no way acquainted witli it# present !
-# it has ondfergoce great altera
tions sictte ro?orte<f by the Secretary of the ‘
Tfea*ry.-—'When iteoipa, to hand, ’ehall
tf it hMore ©nr readers ; together vvitU
other aets t>f a pahiis nature. i
.gppmntirentr hp tkv President tir&ntife.
‘To he Diireetojs of the Bank of the Uni*
ted States (o behalf of the United States)— i
WUlinmJone*, Stephen Girard, Pierce Put
ter, of Philadelphia ; James. *3 Buchanan,
of Baltimore; and Jaiftn Jacob Jitter, of
The Philadelphia Aurora of the 13th inst.
pays that M the Turkish Minister at a for
eign Co!rt, has intimated to one of the Am- j
bassadors of the United States, that the
Grand Seigner is desirous of receiving an
A Tjeassadaf from Ame'iua, at Constantino- j
/ ,7 ‘ MK3 Morn or. h Dauxej.D. Tompkins }
lirve expressed, officially, their wilFingiiet#
to stand as candidates—the former for Pres
ident of the Unitfed States, thft latter for the
IGee-Presidency. Ledger.
We have eonvcrned says the JVW Pork
®nzett4, of the 2f> h uh. with a gentleman
vho left England oa the 31 of last month.
Ho b* eonviaeed us that there is an “ ex*
tensive enterprise” on foot, at the hesd of
H the Emperor of Russia. A few
tveeks will develope the present conject
ures. *r
Public sleek and specie (says the Rich* i
mond Enquirer) are rising in the U. St ates ‘
in eonsequence of tho demand created by the
United States’ bank. In Baltimore, spe.
cie is twenty five per cent, advance ou Bal
timore Bank paper. The notes of Virginia
Banks are looked for with avidity to the
’ north ; goods are sent to us, that funds may
be deposited here to draw cc. Virginia,
notes rising.
. ■*“"o—
- fitted out by
file patriots as, is said, before the fall of
Carthagena has arrived in Newherti; she
brought with her about SOO,OOO in specie.
I understand her crew consist# of meu of &.1-
most all the civilized nations, which has in*
duced some to suspect her to be pirate, j
Raleigh Register.
We are indebted to the Merchants’ Hoi!
for Cape Henry papers to the 89ifi of Pelt,
received by the schooner Mary Elizabeth,
which arrired-Vesterday. TLey oreprin*
cipally filled with setters, See. intended to
©rove ihat Petion continues to negotiate to
betray Hayti to France, and that Mr. La
jroehe, cow New Orleans, is the agent of
©ranee.—- Philadelphia Paper. j
A large spot appears this day on the sun’s i
desk. Vicv ‘d through a tesescopeits tig-!
nre is irrea jlar—it eottsists of several Nu*
ds* or dark parts, and the whole i& sur
rounded by an Umbra, its general appear
ance is not unlike that of a cluster of Isl
ftnds, for example, the Bermudas, surround
ed by a belt of rocks, the outline of which
conforms to the genera!figure of the clus
. ter. It ie eoujectured that the longest line
that can be drawn within this cluster, ia at
least 40,000 miles, or about five times thej
diameter of our earth.
Various opinions have been suggested re-!
lative to the cause of these spots They’
are not utifrequest.; 50 at one time have!
been seen; they gradually increase and’
gradually decrease, &, after a certain peri-i
ou, disappear. It is probable they are fixed
and not iioating.—.From many observations
made oo the apparent motion of these pbe-j
nornena, the Bun’s diurnal rotation on hi*
nxi* is found to be performed in about 23 I
days a hours. 2
Washington City. Jlpril 30,
In a debate (Feb. 14th) in the House of
Commons ofGreat-Britain, a member said,!
the. spirit ot asimoAicy in America would
justify an o i the naval force In the
West-Indies. This called up Lord Castle- j
ifeagh, (the Minister) who said “ As toA-i
imeriea, iti* said great prejudices exist hue
aguuist her. it was, he said, his moat l
©arnent wish to discountenance this feeling
<yo both cidea, &ud to promote between the
two nations feeling# of* reciprocal amity &
mattl. Certainly there were no two coon
trios whose interests were mare naturally
find closely connected s and he hoped that
the course v ipeh the gprernraeui of *j**h
gantry tosirarvued was such, us would
ftowoUdatft to a fiii'sisi iag peace, promote
Imfmyay the nations, and prevent, 1
jutlier eitlo, fhb reeuiteoee of any acts of
OSCllmv,” v
’ • \jt. * ; ,
•L A lflU! h t* Mnjjtfwed by the Legislature
(of .WK, piv’ sUimq r.n f>nUrr* £r-
r ,f 2 , a brd es. or ir,-
dividuals of that state, from issuing anv bills
or liotej, represenfiiig money, far
.sum (hao one dollar, fer Go, Legislators
, of GtorgWf and do likewise 1
! . J.F jhl i 8 enm-nenerroent of the Univer
hcM on 3th of
Apri.; 16.5. the degree of Doctor of Medi
cine wim conferred on the f e. n 4, e
men f-om Galphin,doho
L. L i.iKbelc., Alexander and
James Tinsley. , [Journal.
rYn 1T . , ift'zr/ toxic. Jlvril 20.
® Legislature of this State adMinnied
on i nursday morning, and the and client ion
from Hus city returned yesterday, in the
Stcani-woat. M e received the following
from one of the passent'ers :
The Senate revised the Grand Canal Rill,
which passed the Assembly same few dav*
before, so as to limit the expenditure of
i twenty thousand dollars, to he employed in
procuring such information as will enable
future legislatures to commenr e the threat
) ‘f orJi advantage. They also reduced
the number of Commiseioners t Q jg V e, viz :
J Dewit Clinton, Joseph Ellicot, Joseph
YcuUgs, M. H twley av;d S. Van Rensseilacr.
.from 1 France.
The ship Homer aptain Morlc, arrived 5
at €fi ‘. r !eston on Friday kgl. in forty two
days from Fordenux, bringing paper* as
Sate as trie lSth March. ‘; hey contain no
thing new. Letters state, that there is an
apparent qnietnCM in France, but that Bo-
Uaparte h:\s still a very strong party in the
country, and litile doul-tis entertained hut
a revolution v,ill again brg .fc oat, the tares
and impositions being so enormous s to be
almost insupportable.
i’he French cation cannotmach longer ac
t quiesce in own shnme, servitude cud
misery—-one hundred and fifty thousand
( bay one to will not tend to reconcile her sit
uation ftnd rctiioVe and fermenta
tion* Mind is not to be subdued—am well
rniiiht you attempt So move the stmfrom*its
centre. We believe the day is riot far dis
tant, w hen (he French people will rise upon
the Bourbons and their bifWd bonnet allies,
£nd take ample vengeance for the crimes
they have committed, and far the
and infamy they have brought down upon
their unhappy country. 1
By the Gilpin from Laguira, we learn that
j a ™ received ,and Laguira from a cap.
‘ Low, of schooner Good-Intent,
of Boston, dated at Cumana, 27th March,
and addressed to the American Consul, in
rvh,eh ho states that his schooner and the:
schooner Meirmaid or Marminn also of Bos
ion, and n American brig not named, had
been explored by the Spaniards and sent In
tkere* ‘Phe plea for capture ws snspieion
of being bound to Marg&ritta.— Guards wepe
piaced ftn board each Vessel, and they were
jcot allowed communication with the shore,
itutf boats suffered to cqtnu alongside.—.TLc
|brsg had been condemned and Dearly r
| loaded. He expected ins schooner wan'd be
j condemned the next, day, and had u doubt
| but the other srbeoner would share the like
fate— Baltimore Patriot,
BJUTIriH POLITICS —-We copy today
a Sketch of a Debate in the Brfish Parlia
ment, on the •object of the Navy intimate*
es the nation for the present year ; in the
, course whu*h> interesting references hre
I made t-.> the events of the late war whh us,
, and to the future prospects of thin country,
j * fl gratifying to the natioiial pride to ,
jtliet a just tribute is paid to the eallatstry
| of our marine, amt a correct estimate made
jof otir natir.acJ recourses. It is equally gfat
j if .nog to infer, from the remarks of the lea-
Idiug members of the British Ministerial
. Party, among whom Lord Cagilereath
stands distinguished, that a spirit of amity
is cherished towards ua, and the ebullitions
! hostsie feel stags are sedulously repressed.
I It has been predicted, by our soundest and
I most perupi< unus statesmen, that future
wars 02 a sanguinary thuracter are to trfce
place between Great Britain pud the Unit
ted States. These are events which, though
as certain as mortality to man, it is agree
able to be enabled to believe are placed at a
i remote distance from tts. The policy of
this nation ia, whilst it repels every at
tempt at invasion oil its lights, (o cultivate
relations of amity with all other powers,
j It is agreeable to perceive that there exists,
at present, in the Biitiah Government, a
I corresponding disposition. Let its, whilst
we regard with due jealously the measures
of other governments: whilst we make the
most liberal prevision for future contingen
cies; and guard against possible dangers by
adequate provisions, reciprocate those sen
timents of amity which are avowed by the
British government. When that govern
ment assumes a ditfereut tone, when itut
tempts to trample on car rights, uo art.h
etal excitement will be necessary to prompt
the re* eminent of a free Sc generous people
I he vindication nt ourntUtocvi lights, inny
be safely trusted to thut aentiiu
.nt which any injury nr insult from foreign
powers will on the instant easilo atncisgsi
this pedpie.—/Yfcf. JnU
“ili? following taken, ic an
paper, us the famous woman, who sorre
tone ago, excised much public curiosity,;
by nor I:ting f cr years, cs wag pretended
without eating;—
Ann -yi6onx,(f Tvtbary /—This
res mipestct, who at. one tirnr l,uuX and half
| he Doctors vn Divinity and Fhyaie in Stuf-!
i lords hire-—whose humbugs even
of the celebrated Joanna Southcnti, of
jfehiio memory—who starved cOmfo<-tcbt> for
; R,Re we eks in the promo* cos her f niity Ik
- who wan nearly storvert outright in two deys
linger the rospeetrou of the memorable Coro
roittce .—h arreated in their progress by
josttec, and wts safely lodged
to our county jail, about two oVhwk on Wed
nesday last, on tbeehurge of stealing wear-
S3* Pl lSl[ el - from^®r *n Macrles
heta. bha n accompanied by her
ter,the partner of her mother’s crime.~ !
Ann Moore appears to be from 55 to 60 \
years of age ; she is a wretched object—a |
perfect personification of h um^n niisprv . i
tue daughter is a ruddy faced girl about iS !
years o.d; had on a chaplet-eut bonnet, &
f??asfet mantle, it wts said, that ghcgain
ed several hundred pounds by her Strfiord
ieliire hoax, bin it du'g not appear that sire
used any portion of it in ciothiug her ema frame. Miss Moore, on entering
the Cm tic seemed to be in much grief, bnt
the old lady bore her misfortunes with for
> fitude. They arrived at the White Lioa
■Lna. <<y the .Manchester coach, atidwere,
acconipamcd from thence down Rrid-*e
; street, t° Ihe Castle, by u great crowd
1 i hey both parted on good terms with Birch
the l onstv.ble, fJmok hands with him, ecd ;
won 'd fa?** him for his kindness!
Dr Hendareoo, io bis pamphlet relative to
her Wat iuthury, say#, that her life in
her early days wus notoriously immoral, &•
Uat she declared to him, that she once,
through im{mition passed for a religious I
p-raoa, merely lor the sake of worldly gaio.
Mie at ana time placed 4.0()l. in the Blocks,
tnouey received hy the exhibition of her
Fe o*. 1 paper
MOUCk/ |
During my absence from Geor*
gia, William H Jackson and
David Clarke, Esquires, are
i appointed m y attornies ; and are j
, authorized jointly and severally
to transact any part of my busi
12th May, 13 16
During my absence from Geor
gia, v, illtamH. Jackson, Esq.
is appointed my attorney in fact.
Persons having business with me,
will apply to him.
12th May, IB 6,
Vou are hereby summoned :
to attend at your usual muster
ground on Saturday the first day
|of June, uniformed agreeable to
the rules of the company.
By order of Capt Clarke,
Ist Sergeant.
May 9th 1816.
I will beTold;
; On Monday the ] 7th of June next
at the late residence of Benja-1
min Davis dec. in Jefferson j
A part of the personal pro-!
perty cf said deceased,
Consisting of
Horses, Cattle. H gs, Sheep,
household and kitchen furniture,
and plantation Tools.—A set of
Blacksmith Tools, &c. &c. The
sale will be continued from day
to day until ali is sold — l Teritfs
made known at the time and place
of sale,
Elizabeth Davis, Adm'x.
Elnathan Davis , } w *
‘John Cock, C S
IF\lty Ihf.ehcr, j |
May 9th 1816, |,
Postponed Executor’s Sale*
I Will be sold , on the 1 8th day of
S ‘June next, at the Cvwpens , mar
Wood's Mills ,
All the Stock of CATTLE
belonging to the estate of Solomon
Wood, late of Jefferson county,
deceased. Credit will be given
until the Ist day of January next:
purchasers giving smali notes
with approved security. The
sale will continue from day to
day until completed,
j Thomas Mitchell ,
Green Wood,
__May 16, IB 16.
The following rates of postage
are to be charged after the first
day of May, conformable to an
act of congress, passed on the 9th
On single letters .
! ‘ Cents*
I For any distance not ex
-1 ceeding 3o miles 6
Over 30, and not over 80
j miles, 10
Over 80 and not Over 150
miles, 121-2
Over 150 St not over 400
i miles, 18 3-4
Over 400, 25
j Double Letters , or those compo
! sed of two pieces of paper, double
those rates.
: Ttipple Letters , or those com
posed of three pieces of paper, tri*
pie those rates.
Packets or letters composed of
four or more pieces of paper, or*
one or more other articles, and
weighing one ounce avoirdupoise,,
quadruple those rates, and in that
proportion for ali greater weight,
Ship Letters , not carried by
mail, are chargeable with six cts.
Newspaper cent-
Each paper carried not over
100 miles, 3
Over 100 miles 1 }.£
But if carried to any place with**
in the state vvhere printed, whate
ver-be the distance, the rate is on
iy one cent.
Magazines and Pamphlets ,
Are rated by the sheet, cent*.
Carried not over 50 miles, l
Over 50 and not over 10Q
! miles, 1 1-2
Over iOO miles, 2
Every four folio pages, eight
quarto pages, and sixteen octavo
or lesser pages, are to be consid
ered a sheet; also the surplus pa
ges beyond even fours, fkc. Jour
nals of the state legislature are to
| be charged with pamphlet post
age, although not stitched 01 half
| Post masters are not to forward
pamphlets in the mail, where the
latter is very large, or where it is
carried with great expedition or
on horse back.
Return J. Meigs, Jun.
Post Master General •
General Post Office, April ig.
N. B. The Post Master at eve
ry post town where a newspaper
is printed, is to have this adver
tisement published in one of the
papers (or more if he thinks it ex
pedient,) three times, pay the ex
pense and charge it to this office
in his account current, as a contin
gent expense.