American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, May 23, 1816, Image 2

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    nve ‘tii'w rß?bmefi tn foe Treasury,
Tfopartmeut, to whieh, sc far the superin.
ifondant U aredaotabfeo Tfce accounts of
the agenit* of the government for the sever
al irtb s ie amity with us, are still return.
*d, and settled in tbe War Department.
From the payment of annuities to the v si
was Indian tribes ‘within (he Xf. States, a
new sperie* of Jurisprudence has sprung
up, which operates as a heavy tax iipaa the
time of the Secretary of War.
Aii losses of property fry American citi
z°ns from the robberies, thefts, and depre
dations of those tribe*, are to be remunera
ted out of the &nmmieg payable to them.
‘Fhe evidence in all those eases, is extraju
dicial, and requires the examination and ap
probation of the Secretary before remuner
ation can ha mads. The presents whfoh
are mode to them, the afiowanres to artifi
cers settled among them by the govern
ment ; in fact every disbursement of money
connected With the Indian departments, ex
cept in the prosecution of trade with them,
lias to receive the special a motion of rhe
head cf this department. The duties in
eumbent on officer* resulting from tfia
control of the Indian department are So
multifarious, so impossible to be reduced [
within general regulations,llrat a consider-!
alio portion cf his time is necessarily devo
ted to them.
The organization of the accountant’s of
fice is sneh as to render it impossible for
that officer by any human exertion, prompt
ly to despatch the business whit b has been
accumulating from year to year Until tie
mass has become so imposing as to render
Xhe legislative aid indispensably necessary
to correct ifce evil.
The creation of a separate and indepen
dent depar'm.*nt, to which a.'i the Indian
aecouats, including those which are settled
in the'accounttnfs office, will not supersede
t*■•■■ necessity of modifications in ni-
of that oflfice.-i.The changes wta b
are deem ed necessary to ensure the prompt
settlement ol the accounts of tho War l)e
---p irtmeiit,’ are respectfully submitted to the
on ate in paper marked A. Z.
If anew department be formed, hi nth of
\h* miscellaneous duties now belonging to
the Department of State, might to be trans
ferred to it. The changes which ought to
te made, in this regard, will obtrude them
yrlves opon the attention of the Senat*
whenever the subject shall be considered.
It is believed that at the present moment
plan can be devised for cat rying on the
Indian trade,that will frs equally advanta
-genusto the Indians, although it may b
wsore economical to the public. This opin
ion is founded in a considerable degree, up
© the ff\M, that those who have a compe
tent knowledge of the manner in which this
trade must bn prosecuted, to be successful,
are destitute of the capital necessary for
tthe proseemian to the extent demanded by
the wants of ha Indians. The capital of
those parts of the union where those par
sons are to be found ie not sufficient for the
purpose of commerce among themselves. It
is exposed to no risks k tha profit is great,
(Consequently it will not be employed in
commerce with the Indians. The risks to
which e-Hpital will be subject, when placed
an the hands of these enterprising traders, as
vvell fern their casual want of integrity as
from the robberies and thefts of the Indians,
will prevent the capitalists of the commer
cial cities from supplying them with the
■means of ensr iging in this commerce. The
proposition to establish a depot at sow
p lint about the mouth cf the Missouri, for
the purpose cf supplying those who will be
ableto give sufficient security, with such an
amount of goods ns will enable them to
prosecute the trade to advantage, will in •
aeries of years, produce a number of persons
skilled intbemanner ofVarrying it unsuccess
fully, and creates capital in their hand
which will be probably continued in that
(Channel, and eventually justify the govern
ment in leaving it under judicious regnlati
•ots, which experience will not fail to gyg.
jest, entirely to individual enterprise*
These views are substantially founded
upon the conviction, that it is the true poli
cy aud earnest desire of the government to
draw its savage neighbors within the p^le
of civilization, li lain mistaken in this
point—if the primary object of the guvern
rueut is to extinguish the Indian title, und
settle their lauds as rapidly as possible,
then commerce with them ought to be en
tirely abandoned to individual enterprize,
aud withont regulation. The result would
ho . ontiuual warfare, attended by the exter
urination or expulsion of the aborigiua! it -
hehitant* of the country, to more distant &
lifts hospitable regions The correctness
of tUiw polity cannot, fora moment, be ad
init'ed. The utter extinction of the Indian
iu- t, nvuct lc abhorrent to the feelings of an
cui.ghtencd end benevolent nation. Tlie i
d a is directly upposul to every aet of the
g >veri.iti'u, (Voin the declaration ofirnle
p *ndcti( 3, to the present day. IHbe system
Hiready devised, has not produced ail the el”
ivji w Irish were expected from it, new ex
f> ri.'heuts (client to be made. When everv
effort to iatrodnee among them ideas ofsepe
tfa*c property, as weil ia things real as per
loifol, shall fail, let intermarriegett between
th in und the whiter, be encouraged by the
tyjvtwuiuuut. ‘Fine caauuet fail to pnetrve
l (lie race, wxlh the iriodtficbfioits neceusarx
to (he enjoyment of civil liberty and socib
happiness. It is believed, that the prinoi
pies of humanity in this ioatanre, are i;i bar
! umnious concert with the ffrne interests ol
Hie nation. li.V/ill re<k>uud tnoie to (he na
tional liopflT, toTororporate, by a
benevolent pelf y, ihe native* of our fores s
,in the great American iVihify <of freemen.
: font* to rsefeve with op' 1 © arms, the fugitives
of the old world, whether their flight has
liecn rfie eil'eet of tltair crimes or their vir
I have ti e Imnor to he, respectfully, your
most obedient and humble servant.
Mon. John Gailiapi!,President
pro cam. of the Senate of the U. States.
STi LL, £ AX,
AN ACT to abolish the existing dafieil on
spirits distilled within tl e United States, i
and to lay other duties, ii? lieu of those at:
present imposed, on licenses to distillers
of spirit nous liquors.
he it evade bij the Senate and House cf
.Representative's of the United States of Amer
ic tin Congress assembled. That from aid
after the thirtieth day of June next, the.
aet entitled “ An act to provide addition*!’
revenues for defraying the expenses of t.ov-|
erament, and maiataining the public credit,!
by | ’ving duties on epir ts distilled within i
the Un.ted States and territories thereof,
and by amending the .et, laying duties on
licenses to distillers of spirituous I qtiors,
passed the twenty first dtyy of December,
one thousand eight hundred and fourteen,
shall cease and deteimiue, excepting inso
much as the same is applicable to the duty
p yahfe for, licenses for stills or boilers
granted previously to the first day of July
next; Provided, That the provisions oi
the aforesaid feet shall remain in full force
and virtue, so far as they may reftte to the
rendering of the accounts of spirits dis ille l
previous to the recovery of all duties Kid
by the sfaid aet, ihat iny hove accrued pre
vioim thereto, and which shall then remain
outstanding* ond ti the recovery, distribu*
lion, and remission of fines, pen hies, and
forft iiu;es 5 wh.cti may be incurred in rela
ion to the said duties.
Sko 2 And be it further enacted , Tha*
every periton wo, alter 3**tri day ol
dune next,shali b* s the owner of eny still or
stills, or other impleni'ius in lieu of stills,
used for the purpose of distilling spirituous
I qiors.or whoshuit have such still orstills,
or iftifdenieuts as efosesfild, under Hs su
periutendenee, cither as aigeot for the owner
or on I is eceonpt, and ftr tvhi h alicensol
extending bey bud so ld day shud not have
been previously obtained, and every person
who, having so h license, shall after its ex-j
pirntion, use or intend to any still or*
stills, or implements as aforesaid, either ab
owner, agent or otherwise, shall, before he
shall begin to use sneh still or stills, or other
implements in lieu thereof, for the purpose
of distilling spirituous liquors, apply for, and
obtain from the collector appointed by vir
tue of the act entitled * An act, for the as*
gessment and collection of direct taxes, and
interna! duties,” for the collection district
in which such person re-ides (or to the de
puty of sueh collector duly authorized) a
!i t use for using the said stiiis, or other ioi
plemeuts es aforesaid ; which licenses re
spectively shall be granted at the option of
the proprietor or possessor of su h still or
stiiis, lor any or eitlier of tFe terms men
tion “-d in this act, upon the payment in mo
ney by such proprietor or possessor of the
duties payable on the said license or !iccn : ,t i
according to the provisions of this set, if
tin hftid duties upon such still or stilht, or
other when added together, if
there be more ihaa o.oe still or other impl**
meat for distilling spirits, shall not exceed
twenty d.-liars 5 and if they shall exceed
twenty dollars, on such proprietor or pos
sessor executing and delivering to the col
lector, or to his deputy as aforesaid, a bond
with two or more sureties,to the satisfaction
of such collector or deputy, conditioned for
the pay went of said duties at the end of
twelve months after the expiration of the
term for which such license or licenced, re
peclively, shall have been granted. And
he s s 1 bond shall be taken in the name of
the U iled States of America, and in such
fo’ tn. s shall be prescribed by the Trea
*’ ry Depart ment. Aud Es any person shall,
alter the s'.id thirtieth day of Msrch next,
use or cause to bo ufled any Mil! or stills, or
other implements as aforesaid, in distilling
spirituous liquor*, or shall be the owner of, 1
or have under lys superintendence, either,
as agentor otherwise, any still or stills, ori
implements as aforesaid, whit-h shall, after
the said day, have Lem used as aforesaid,
without having a license therefor as afore
said, continuing in forte for tho whole time,
during which ike said still or stills or imple
ments as aforesaid shall have been thus used,
or who shall keep, dating any period for
whicn a license has been granted to such per
son, any still or boiler, or other implement
liable to do duty in tlmir fixtures in a situa
tion l'or use, without having first obtained c
Ilieeuse for the saute agreeably to the pro
vision* of this ac t, every such person shah
forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dsl*
iars, t’ other tyithcoubfe the amount of du
ies wlii-d* WiHird have hem piA'aliV for the
erm- duting which su’ U. slid or Mills, or
implements as aforesaid, sb&H be tin s used,
or kept in a situation for use, as sforesaid,
had the ?aid s-ill or stills, or itnpleuienU as
afores tid, been entered according u> ihepro*
visions ofthis act, to he recoVered with cost*
Sko. 3. ‘Aiid be it,fprllier enacted, That if
vny person sbalMkeep in or about his distil
le*y any beer or ether liquor, prepared from
grain, for the purpose of di-ftiilation, for
more than
which such peysOfif kI.cII not have obtained
a license for distillation, he shall forfeit and
pay the sum of one linndred doliirs for eve
ry u- > b rffenee. .
Sfc 4. Ami be it further enacted , That
the licenses aforesaid “halt and rny>e gran
ted, for and during the following te ins ,or
period*, and on the securing of payment *s
aforesaid cf the duties Undermentioned,
n m ly i j
For a still or!s employed in dUftl!-
ing spirits f oni domes*ir materials, a
li.renatt for the employ® nt there of for and
during the term of one week, four a half
cents for eaeh g >}Jon * h eap-eily of eve
ry such still, iaefml ng , iclmud bereof ; ior
a ii -tnse for and during of two
! wetk*j nine cents fir eech g> ilou of ita ca
pacity as a fores ■; id y for a licence for and
j during the term < fore tuontii, t ighfeeu cents ]
: for each gaHpn of rs erp^ijy sforesaid; j
for a license iW: id d'uHngtJie term of Iwqi
months, thirty s x cents gallon hfj
its eapheity. ns v aforepaid ; for a Heeose for
and during the le W(if three months, fiSiy
four cents for each g lie.u of the c..piieity
as aforesaid.; fir a Recpse for and during
the term of four months, seventy-two cents
for each gallon of i a eapa nty as aforesaid j
for a license for five inontf s, ninety oeDtg for
each gallon of its capacity as aforesaid:
f*r a license for and during the term of sik
months, one hundred and eight cents for
i ach galku of its cppe.c.“.i?y ss aforesaid ;
for a license for one year, two hundred and
sixteen cents for each r*aJ!on of its capaci
ty as aforesaul j” IVoufflVd, that there shall
upon each still employed wholly in
‘he distillation of roots, but one half the
rates of ( n>** sjsfovftneritioui and, accord'og
to the capacity off such stitli -
For a ball or s i! & mpploye'd indfc'illing
spirits from foreign niaftai for a license j
fur the enipliiyment thereof .far and du*in*l
the term of one m *n'h. twenty-three een9
for each gallirm of the,'apathy of every
such still, in‘lcding the head tiicreof; for aj
iieense for and during the term of two)
months, forty-six tents for each gallon off its
capacity as aforesaid 5 for a license for and
i tiiirinz the teriti of three m mths. sixty eight
, cents for each gilion of its capacity as a
; foresii l ; for uiieense for ucd and * ingthe
I term of four months niney cents for oa**h
gallon of its capacity us aforesaid ; fora li
cense for and during ihe term of six mmitlis, j
; one hundred and thirty-five cents for each!
gallon of its capacity as afforesnid : for a li
eanse for and dining Ihe term of eight
months, one hundred and eighty centsVor
each gallon of its eupaeiiy *s aforesaid ; for
a license for one year two hundred and sev
enty cents for each galieu of its capacity as
aforesaid. i
And for every boiler, however construct- 1
ed, employed for the purpose of generating
ate&ui in those distilleries where wo< and n or
other vessels are used instead of metal stills,
and the action of steam is substituted for the
smm°diftte application of fire to the materi
als from which the spirit nous liquors are dis
tilled,, fora license for the employment
thereof, double the amount on each g .lion
of the capacity of the said b W e<\ 1 icluding
the head thereof, wM ii would be p yabfa for
the eaid license if granted for the same
term and for the employment on the same
materials of a still or stills to the contents
of which, being iSie rn derials ft < m whence
thespiritueus liquor* are drawn,
ateapplication of fire, timing the process of
distillation in unde.
| Seo a, And be it farther exacted, That
it shall be the du v of the collectors, with
in their respective difi'riMß, to grunt licen
ses for distilling, which it cnees shall be
marked with a mark denoting the rate of
doty thereupon, and sh. ll be si. m and by the
eemmissioner of the rev one, & being coun
tersigned by the collector who shall issue
the same, or cause the sabie to be issued,
shall be granted to any person who shall
desire the same, upon application in wri
ting, and upon payment or se u ing of pay
ment as aforea .id, of the sum or duly paya
ble by this act, upon each license ntpared.
! Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted, That
. the application in wtiling, to be made by e
jny person applying for a license for distill
ing as aforesaid, shill state the place or
i places of distilling, the number aud contents
of the still or stills, boiler or boilers, and
, whether intended to distil spirituous liquors
from foreign or domestic materials Ai dno
, person having obtained a license in ore col
lection district shall be required to ti ke rut
an additional license in another district for
the same still within the period of the firM
license. And every person making a false
statement in either of the said particulars-,
or who shall distil spirituous I qtiors from
materials other than those Mated in the Ap
plication aforesaid, as well us the owner or
snperiuteuduut df stay distillery, sliil oj
Siiif*. with t Aspect to wFi Vsn f
ment shall have been niadr, or •whh-1 shal
be thus unlawfully employed, shall tartei
and pay the aum of one luf ired >ndf ft
dollars, to be reeovenul with cos's of snjts.
£eo. 7. And be it further ‘enacted, Tb*
every such eolle* tor, or hisdepiity
fhorized under hfs he v ud and sc< I, yfiuH b>
authorized pt any time any 0
place wKcr.. sny still, froiteT cr oilier v. sae
used in (HsHlliition ts k*pt ot used v i'hii
his collection district, fur il.t purpose of in
speeling,examiringcr measuring-.(he s. me
ond ihe oil er sfer*in. And 1 vet]
i owner of Sueh itixii!lery, &til s cr Is i(2rs v o
other vessels, or person lva*ne
f r ope rial end ifiee ot* me n a j*( giewt of the srsie
j who ahalf refure to f.d>it anCh • Sicerns a
•Inrrsaid. or to suffer him to inspect, ex 03
iae ot nr aftirc the s;me, shall, for every
ba !• refusal, forfeit and p y the suu of fiv
j l.undre( } dollars.
j Sec. ‘3 And be it further enacted, T’t-a*
jin ceae's in whi h a license for siilN o!
! boilery, may have been crap ted for theii
i eo-piOjmeiit, ac ording-to the present refei
ref duty, for a period ‘cxietidii:? beyond ht
thirtieth and yof jimc, one thout >ud eie’ .i
l.Uiuir fi and nive*T, the peison Y o whom
<le same may five been grv.n*esl'or trans
ferred shall, on or be for'’ f l e •> id d.-y, pey
or gaetire the p yr :-ot 4 in n, i.uv-r af rosy id
of a sum qu ! to *u t pr )cr i t* us thr
additional duty* hereby imposed oh
for stiils and boilers as said p. riod * e.-. rs’ ts
that for which the said Ifoensi’ whs gn.pfid
the payment of whi. h 3Um eh tj be eudor
sed by the eollector on said license, Aud it
any stiil or boiler shall, after iho said thir
ti’th day of June ; be employed iu iistlUhr
spirituous liquors without the .Additional da
ty having been previously paid or secured a>
aforesaid, the owner, agent ~r superintend’
ant thereof shall forfeit and pry the sum
of one hundred dollars, together with dom
ble the amount of tf* said duties,
Sko. ‘J. And he it farther enacted, Thai
all the provisions of this aet, sh*'ll be deem’
ed to appiy to any still or boiler, or other
vessel, used in distillation, which shall be
employed in the rectifieation ts spirituous
Syc. 10. And be it further enacted. That
nnv license heretofore or hereafter gr-rujed
for employing a still, boiler, or ober veastfs,
in distil ling spirits fro mfireijn materiiils,
sh .ll authorize the distilling spirits f, om
(Umesiic materiais also. And be it further enacted. That
a deduction at ihe, ra‘c o'’eight centum,
shall be made from (be our y 1 fora
license to d'Srtil spirituous !iq,*ors. on tbo
thereof at the huv? of‘ r ) t'le.Kig the
same, whether the ’me he p.vyh’-fe’ on a
etvdii or u ;t, according to tUe provisianaof
this a t.
Rkc. (2. Jind be. it farther enacted, That
ib future it shall be lawful for the distiller
or distillers of domestic ajArrtg, ■ tfl
persons from whose myfo rials such suirits
shall he distilled, to sell without a liten-fc
by retail, any quantity thereof, not less thaw
one gillon.
Seo. 13. Ard he it further enacted , That
the several provisions of “ An act makim*
farther provision for the collection of in
ternal duties, snd for the appointmttjt and
Compensation of assessors,” passed on th-*
se .oud day of Adgusf, on* thousvnd eight
hundred nbd thirteen, sh U, and are hereby
and .flared to apply in full force to tha duties
i id bv, an ! to be ed!footed noil r this act,
the s'me as if su’h duties and this act were
re and therein | which s id duties shall
beiol! et: and by the same eolfeetofij in she
same manner, for the ai m eomnnsi ioners,
aad und >r the a me dire Minna, aa are there
by established in re aUon to the other inter
nal duties ; and oil the obligations, dutifoa
and penalties th rehy imposed upon ( ollee
lora, are hereby imoosr and upon the coiloctorii
of the duties 1* id bv Ibis act.
Sec 14 Jinib’ it further enacted , Thai!
it shall b** the duty of the collectors afore
said, in their respective districts, and they
are hereby authorized to collect the duties
imposed by this act, and to prosecute for
the recovery of the same, nod for the reeov
ery%of any anm or siiim which may be for*
feitrd by virtue of ais act. And ail 3nss,
penalties and forfei tires, with h shall be in*
curred by force ol fids r.r-t, shall and mav
he sued for and recovered in ts e name of tbs
Uuited s‘a es, by hill, plaint, information
or action o 4 ’ a- .t, one moiety thereof to ihn
use of the United Stat, s, and the other moi
ety thereof to the use of ti e person v.he, iff
a collector, shall first discover, Iff otfe?
then u collector, shall first inform off the
cause, matter or thing, whoeby any fiwt’a
fine, penalty or forfeiture, shall have been
incorted, unless the bieaeli off this act, fir
which eui h fine, penalty or forfeitura may
be incurred, cannot be established without
the testimony of such collector, or other
formant, in which case the whole of such
fine, finally ot ffoiftitu;eihall beta the use
off the United States. “
//. cur,
Speaker of ihe li< ue of Ilcpreefntrtives,
President if the Senate , pro fern*’
April 19,1816