American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, May 30, 1816, Image 1

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*-**?■& ■-** : _ ©
PUBTrfSeßtt WEEKLY. ()Y TH?tr*_
THE-H PftlN f£\G OF Fir F, NEXT
DOOR TO mi J M - S r&UKT f—.at
ONE IN’ A.UVAN * E.—VV hkrr Print
lIjUA N ikS,
(it the Printing-Office Louisville.
of flip, mo 7* Appßirrn form.
y—r-aaaßMWu n. ■■iiiii„,i, w „, , 1
AN ACT *p sut’iorise th payment for
property s9t, or destroyed hv
the ers mv, whilst, it ‘ha miiar iry ger
yi* of the States, and for other
J> '•pose*.
Pe it evicted htj the Senate and House of
Rcprey ep.Ut Ives of the United Hates of Jitter
■> s.i in ‘ess assembled, That any 4
f. tt er or dVqf ed m' { i , i*m.ft?>, whether f* v
*!ry, m int ‘d riC •men q.r infantry, who ip
thel&tew :r between the United States and
Great Rr ’uain, !ihs sustained ) linage bv
the loss of any horse that was killed in h .1
tie, or bus sited in consequence of
a wound therein re eived, or in:jomtequsnee
<>ff>.iloTe in the part of the U States t >
furnish u? ii horse with suftHent forage,
while in ths military s rviee of the IT. States,
shell He stflftwttl and p. id the vatu* thereof
Sioc 2 And be it farther enacted. That
any person, whether of avalry, mounted
militia Or volunteers, who in the late war
aforesaid, khr sustained dam* gVby the less
ts a hor<e,, in eons qoeneeof the owner be
ing disivei nt> dor sep rated rd detached
from the same, by order of tW command
ing ofii er ; or in ctonseq lenee of the rider
being kd'e and or wounded in Hattie, shall be
allowed iv ini paid the value of srieh hors ,
at the linn ; he was received into the publie
Bfc 3. i dUd be it further enacted, That any
person woo in the I at* war aforesaid, has
mist ined and tmisje by the loss, capture or
and struei jf n by the enemy, of *hy horse,
mule, oid i, waegon, ert, boat, sloiirh or
burr ess, t vt*ilesti“h property was in the mi
litary set vice of the United States, either
by improf ;sient or contract, in ease*
.where t >• e risk to which the property would
he exposed w s agreed to b* tuuced by
the pw iu tr, if* it shut! appear that sit h logs,
capture or de*Jru<-tion was without any
thought’ or ne Jigen te on the part of the
owner} ftnd any person who, during the
time i r>i *o.s id, has sustained damage by
the death ‘ofanyuejh horse, mule or ox, in
vonseniie tctiof fai ure on the part of the
Doited -Bti ries, to furvi h the s me with
-aufti teat it rage, whiL in the service afore
said. *fc rtf be allowed and paid the value
Sfo.4. Ahd be it further enacted , That
any j)org<>; wlio, in the time aforesaid, lies
acted in tJV military service of the United
States, as a volunteer or dn tied mitiunni >n,
and who kai furnish'd himself with trnitj
and miliiatj aecnutretmnfs, and lu3 sus
tained dam. t§B ‘ y the capture or desiru tion
ut the same., w i hout any fault or negli
gence on his p rs, shall be allowed and
paid the va*iue H ereof.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Y* at
where any property has been impressed or
taken by |,*d'ilie authority, for the use or
su isistcu* oof the army, during the Lte
war, ond t: e same shall have b* eo des
troyed.; lost or consumed, the owner of sir h
p'operty shall paid the value thereof,
3e ‘uuting therefrom the amount whi h has I
keen paid, or mey he el iimed for the usej
* ud rj k for the sume, wVile m the e -rvi< e
ttforesaid, !
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, first
nothin;; in this act eoiitaioed slrlt beg!)
©onstruvd us to enuhle thowner ci’ any such ;
property* or hi s leg .1 represent itives, ‘o r- - \
teive eonipens\tioti for or and m
iage as mentioned, where the owner
cif such property, or bis legal represent >-
live? in vy have recovered or re- eiv-rd s tis- \
faction for such loss from the persons who >
may have taken or imprrs’tedsurit property!
iiiio the public service ;*&nd that even p t !
*h tliiosing liin sh ntj
the tsute of reheivftg the sunt -, rele se all)
claims ls. itiAy h\v * against the dhecr o<
person who mpy have itryiresti rs, ik<*n, 01
ti.<ed such property irt the publie service;
raid thuit 5l H! easts where the owner of such ;
or his log .1 representative, may
Lave recovered or reeei/ed s .listaction so; (
luvb, If sl or iuju.y, fom the pereoo who
L O U I S VI L L E, T H URSDA r, M A T 30, ibis.
shall ha v © thkpn siuli prop Ify Into t*i. pnh
li,; service tie said person who s'. Ji • ,*m:
p ‘ja su h lois or dam ge, sh ii b-* ‘Toiii <i
to receive t'*o eouiurr-s- tion provid ‘d b
tlsis a-t for such loss'or dam ire
7 And be it further e nded The!
tho £ ‘ oon'tsiu i>f vVtir !)-■ ? n f
m! inHipg aad settling the aecounis ot lb
different p>ky-m.i(srto, is hereby ouihonfeed
to o’,low to Hir odi ers of volunt-er c v iry,
wsjo fund,’ e:S their own burst's, wt ile in ■
public service, at the rite < f fofly ecu is per !
d*y,r. eoeb hohe*.. furnished, -v i u .-.y i
sue;; o:h,“.er Was eatiil and by Ij w to kevp in •
sueh service, iigreeab y to tbe riu.k of sa b
of&i er.
Bf.o. 8 And be it farther enacted. Th .!
wh.’ii my o r ii or, cojn-eoimnissju ed b’li.'tr
or private, in tlie eavßlfy service, as ..fores
S ‘ id, having lost the horse or horses, which
rn iy hgve been t>ken by him ir)?a
service, has receivetl from Uni’-ed States
another hone or hors s, in lieu, or ja p irt
payment fu the horse or hors f, a so previ
m.siy lost as >fores jd, sc h i ft. r non
d ulfi rr o • private, h H be cr
f.tS and to receive the allowance of forty cents
p'r and y, far the use end risk of be ! o ae o
whi hh n m v Have b eo * rijno *nt and
Brc. 9. And be it further enacted Tho.’
any person .who, in the lim ‘ Hlb csaid, Iras
sustained (Iran ge by the u- s'ruction of liis
or her house or -nilding by tbe enemy, while
s he s'-me was occupied •* n iliU rV <i**poß
it und-r tbe authority of an officer -jr agem
of i s '-e United S.tates. sb- II be allowed and
n id t’ e amount of *r, -h and mage : Provided .
it shall f;npear that su<*h o<f. vpaiion w 3 the
eau*e of its des'ru ‘tion.
Beo 10. And be i.t further enacted , TI. t
(he loss or and 'ruction j* .fore., i as well
a9 tbfj value of sae-i uroperv, v'-ll be ■ *
| eertniped ‘ y the vid ue. which tbe
i nature of ihe etse will sdniit of. • tr? which
| m v be n the pewer of the p. rsy to jtro
du -e-i and (| )e ni >m>t thereof, when ‘s'ub
i Lhed. and k ert itied nccordirur lo tbe pro
! visioi sos this a{. sh. li he paid to the suf
fe ers out of ; n'y money in the treasury nut
| otherwise appropriated.
j B'eo 11. Arid be it, further enacted , That
lor the more speedy cxe; uiion of ‘ue ?>rovi
*iois of (his eet, the President of ihe Unfed
States, hy n<i with the advi e nd consent
;ol li e Senate, is her* by Kuthociz and lo ap
point id? commissioner, win s u it shall
be so decide upon all * ast s a ; sii g under t!"is
act; uod who, in the discharge of is duties,
shall bes ject to such rules and rigof lions
as shall be pr-scribed by the President o-f
the United ft!at :s. s'u •{>
shall receive, as compensation for IvU ‘b r
vi es, at lie rateofonet ctS . nd dolls rs-p-yr
annJm, for the time he shall te at 3 fUy
enipioyeii, w J i-b shall nut exceed two > .4.,
to le computed from ard after the fi'stel
July n.'xt : at w hich -time he shall ent.* r : u
on the duties of his office. All<Hi ia< cn\-
munieftiioits to i;nd from the ceminigsioue
ajtpointed under ibis act, skull be IVee of
: B’vo 12. And be it further enacted , Tt.?f
i the s -id commissioner, bo to l •• tppcinled
before he enters upon tbe duties of his of
dee,shall m *ke the followi'ug oath, to wit :
“L A B. and > solemnly swear, that I will,
well and truly, acordm e i the best <f rny
b. iiti s. dische.rg - ti < j 1 tic's of coinn ife
sionr under on act ti entitled
61 An a< tto ‘Hi'ho ir. t!■■•: payment for pro
perty lost, captu• •{? >}y d(s f, oycd by the ne
my, while is the midttry servi’e of tbe U
ni ed States, vnd fur o-Mm* pii r pos* s 5 soliclp
ine God;” upon wb.ich ?Vc si ill proceed to
r ppoiuf a e|, u <k ands Ii prbc.e*d, wiih all
practice life <i* spatcb, o cstsblisr, .under the
uirection, or wnh tie assent of the Presi
dent of the Uns'i and Stole*, *u h rules, t-a
well in ‘eg?* and t, l e receipt ofnppiica ions
of “ inis <( t'.ottpeii at on fir looses provi
dt’d for by this net, s the spe ies and rit-
I g ’oe hi evidence, the manner in which so h
: evi* en e sh|j b<- i. ken and ruiheuticHied
wlial! i h*s o itt'on be the best cfcleoh.U and
to attain > eo : j<cof t’ Is act: p ying
due regard, iu the esti bl’S inem of u h rt
| gu at eus, ns well to H e ei-. ims. of in. r idu
| tju-'icef s to ih interest of the United
fetuc*; which rules on ! regulations shall
upon h.s adoption, be published for eight
, weeks, successively, in th?- neW.'p .pers r
| the several States and territories in whi, }
the l ws ot the United are pub isheri
I 13- And lie it further enaeted, i h*
jthe s .id comihi.fciooer in all cases ii,
w hich the claim to coinpetisstion or in dew
nity shall exceed the sum of two hundred
‘dot 'arc,award a comuiMsloner to someone
->r more dis reH rouimi&sitxier in the vidm
ty wh :re the witnesses are stated to’
accompanied by interrogatories to be pro* I
founded to such witness*-*, whi; h said com
mission, when executed shall bt returned
with the exataiualitiis tu be taken
in \ir?oc thereof, by mif, fie of nejlae-*. 1
h .V <* . > ■J 1 t
r ;* s -mi comni HSjp. gm* j*
•kc 14 tinib it further enacted, That j
t alt aUjudu; • ?o;i-v nl* me gjKi .".oinini'sdort- !:
T upon ‘.he .1 t -js above ner toned, vvhei!-1
r 1* pidgfo ut iie in t vor of or advt s- {
■ t ® ’* tar ol ■us -pp!i ‘sst. trie SiVme slml! ■,.
‘ entered by 0 - -rb iu 4 book so be pro -; i
videdl for lb at purpose.. Ad when m. Jj!,
jud *h. >
shatt entitle the .eluimunt, or bit: leg 1 rep e- 1
•'at alive, up :i the produ lion fa co t /v i* (
susb judgment,duly cerMird by the <brk oi ,
g id sa amHuiG ie \ to p yosetti of t'.e amount <
thereof ■.* tr.e >r asui ‘o; ‘c fj. Sintes
Sec. 15. And be ii f arthtr “euacted. That ,
;no chum aut: 0 ized b. this •• *.t -im J be al
lowed or p id. uni as the l .; be ex
biivitteil within Uvo y•. ar# iVom li.e MuSsiag
Speaker o'.’ the JUt.jise of Hr .• •re sent ri i ves.
J OILS’ f. AIL LA Hi),
President of the Leuute. yro te;n.
dpril 9 lc?i6 —Ay pro ecu,
’ ‘ ./.i ‘’ US WADISOJV
tb'Oiii iue li.tuit ie.i u i uiriot.
U-ca fieredii -ry U*iu- eof (l/.mge was
r i"d bn the 2l*t Ft./ n .ry i bt. I'ejos*
burc, to the. grand ‘Dateln fes Ai. e-sister
0: the EiPueror ot ‘R.issia. ‘ hi f t,sim
ply s . U?U‘> ter of mi more eon
s’ ‘cneeth vu any other of ih ‘ toy i maicli
cs that are going forward—it h. ua no
morn (nay,not so limi n, t.bstru"tediy) n$ the
truon of some In nest yefemau with some
virtuous maid.— ifut t‘* r use certain eir
cutns;aii ‘Cg wi .1 uul pro e;U .-ttd a. eo .u
---p .uy tiiis tnarii .ge, uh >/; v e it an ieiipor
tjut pnitieal churn pr. Not ore iu 1 a
1 hotis itid of these royol matches have too
nbj? \of domes 4 -!- happiaess in v mw—they
■ re tq ‘re-y a cuihpoaeui. p>-it of the poßcy
| of the times,
j U s not to be Wondered that the
j Prince of Orange, who bid beer; originally
Urns traded to t!se Princess Uharlnte of
!E .lurid, should, upuu the li t l int, h ve
| taken leave, with g ea* sangfroid, of his
jEngiish beauty, aud found a net-t I more
| (tractive” in the Nort:;. Wetlu cot vtoo
d-'rai this ; —'"or, ulthoiigh the jirmcesß hud (
pr viobsly f.ilhu in love with Lcupoid oil
Baie-('cliurt{i, and bud ‘expressed her cis*|
Isk” cl* the Prince of Orange— yet we think .?
tbe latter, •( ibssessin.g at It gr the common I
s risibility of® rn u) -hf gh.dly m.d hub- |
or b y fctvft t jk> nl : first o, f. .rtv liy to
void tv marriage in a f>miiy—-wherv tt-c
; mother W & aebuced of criin’t; :1 intert ou sc
. with ii variety of V -T-tT tf>e f. In h <i
been, for ye."is- B‘da usly employed to'dis
*i‘goetd nd s -ili 1 ot i v hi. nt e of the ii
; f*-ritirs%ey of bis only ‘legithttete l.ild— ih •
Heiress upperent to the vrd'v. nf England
.A. mao of honor wou.d pt-r’ nps, lie* if te ri
j n(er into a f miry sc d against itsc
—and. iiotwi .bfi! :,ndi g the iendor of tb !
natch t)d he personal *tf?,r;~vtior<s of sh I
*uog ay—it dm * nut ecin tit/ 1 lis b. ing
1 jilted’ .has'broken : u hear: oft ;e Pr vi
Grange. At U fvents>the grand do. hers
Anne, y.sfer of Sire Emperor of Russia, Has
very pr un;;t>y beeu.u and h.-r ham: upon hist.
*fc* poh l-al e-i)nseqaene<> of fids alii
anee, we think ahe <ly begin to develops
themselves. Ex ’/u ivt of be posmston <.f
the Prince of Or mge, the Emperor of Ru •
sia has bestow> ls a marri dowry ujjox:
h<9 sister, all tbe country situated between!
the H?’ u.eaud the Rhine, with a pi puhxiioß
of 2 000 otio, —*i his valuable pu-ict) of Ku
rofie has is'en bfeined from the E.ina -i :
Prussia—enc the purposes to whirl, it cuk
tie applied, are kj u.> metis diliAull of
A line drawn from the point whence H e
M ; use (or Meus ) i eminences to flow out, of
Kr*-ice, io v her* t inj ties it elf m tl> Ger
man m ean i eiow Brief- onstiutes, we
presume, the bxu'hem Bouddaty; and the
li; mtei of the lower R tine, Uu r
oundgry, f this tract—w ? o > io
p etend a * umtely to dcseriat*..—Mow mu I
•f BvLGiurt ( n aideliniie xpresstor- shic
JtL'Us. t was granted io t \
tic * deiiierers” rve do not know. ‘LI/.
Hongr sv of Vienna have never publish? and
ieir new geography.~ It is however obvi
■<*#> thatthis slip or garter of land .ceded b)
Vussia to Russigives to the fMuet of
Grange s.une additional maratinie frontier
ilougthe Euyder Zee—that it embraers
\ntw'erp—.contains several iinr*ort f.nt grain
-po s—A, with'ill*
ii li es lor a Naval power, both in the ma
terials the C'oustrucUou, and the laiiliucs
dir Isuuctiing of ships.
Now, wbtu we impLirtialfy and carefully
ook into the poliey of Ajuexandeu—th*
nagt i'.udc of his leaourcet, tud tke Uilent
wi?b wbs-di be has npwlied U-'rn fi tis*s
bit;Sest mint rv ’ ?.'! H‘—wbon, Iso, *7,3
K! * tbaf iu tin frst .* |j scc.v-d
trance of the l't sin-,, H(J . , .’
n.oip! by ? Ijv bnr,oi ab(e v;jid iraciv f
:tn ‘e t tii'* rest of the s vereivn.. n? Ran* at*
—*<) much so a* to etXrtvse 1h ■ off. . f'".-.ns',
the conquered French—we U>h!! not* besif-#
ato in n(lowing firm a J j { -, fAt*
e! dm of merit, to tie title or" 5 AjLfx ‘.
tt.e Great.—This ! 3 *in, eh, s d< übHess
o s rved, that, orp of the rrineinvi i,.*?.*>
in of- 7 ' csf jtnwer, :rj modern tirner,* ;s n i/'::®
c*. 11 t N”.vv v —or.r ea Ie ojf p-.- ‘inc t ‘i'ti
romtnt.n o oi bis dond.vic,ls.T-’ over ejipp.
s. * rue it is, tbnt Htifoty docs net rt
* erd cny government to he of ion•ef.uttrtss
ante, v. Lie Ii entirely roll and upon jia naviv.-i.
pnewt ss, ; u ! hud nut a oeg'. five prof-’ riftii
in its insofar situation., Uarth’age, You ■&
ers;! Hdliu, and. su< f 11. wd eo their
i.eet* were on e eomplcvefy beaten They
yound no resources in tbem*efve4 when t
c.'i.t'.si w-s co laud. J lit mere era )is cq*
dor UaknibjL were unwo th* of that great:
C apiutu ; t? < • oops wl j h wore kept iu>
J) Vby th > Dutch, ’ nve (the result bo
* ow, o Ryl Wun fi>r ih ta uc tech of territo
,r,ut tr?T’mpernr of Russia has ♦ hi a
hf vrcf y obedVnt oopul. fioc>
A. ..ture hes ;nte">stod herself to
make him in uluqrsKe —Abror.ri 1 0 wen?©
iiU! 11 n 7 5 to driv* a cr mmcrce to
t. 1 our quarters of the The com
y.-xi y whi h the evocations, want3 P
t iiv puisuiisoi nsodern socie’y I ; vei*rHn *h
cd, rei and. m couimercc, 1 is were, tin- prlmiyr*
tK..v! t . 't tin pr->p ri'v cud wealth of ;*-
f,< 1 here never yet hw been n tUravine*;
* c>\ men e esw hlisJvH iu these Htro sos ri
v jsi ip, loitI oit i‘lw t v. liH>b s* i'ed if: ti e rear
of protecting navy. The Empeior of T's.
S.ilt < i'.-.b . rcittc Us L :(■? TVS'?, j. y 0 and fll wcv—
(< s vttered t’ e population off is extensive
fiitpce may (‘B. iju- e.ner<rv of de’-pod-B! ie
eu a, 1 s o ©leet jt pF ntiftj* y and prompt*
*!, T“ !Ji ‘‘ u ’ vteaiioo of a vcrcy is the wo<ik
!‘ t V e * ( r f" 1 et i’/ic:. i . the? ir the pons of
Rur/so, and those of the prince bis broth
er*the PS*or u ides i r.t! fuilitjesf.r build-
\ a S Hn d w uiyi i inure. in *v rv vtov, ahun*
Bi * rit , hi Hu*si(*;i ,iai!(;rs need only ti &
: priictf. e of nuv’,l v; r? —ts ir ‘ anly „nd ud®
; venturous,.wbal ra ■<re the finest materials
| :;'f in*;-.10 fn 1 .04 of breve S'-omen. They
I ‘ 3 hc*v ii.* • spit'i at r ; Is’ riiy <>f Amen®*
I' 7 ' 1 ? ('©r where, ha; atrewg ‘Freemen, dc
J''v tx ■<! it e srdoqr i p t ic'*?} —but they
f l i oa ' H “ { o e serv.. e \>rh ; e** vie
V *' e; <I: 1 Strong, r bcdiiSj,
. nit. any i<i.u.r el&ss of Etirop- an ser-ir n.
’~vr{. ti ‘iie*e m-di-.n >? to man H s -ip of
war,-HC.iMU|. the ‘ uihgic of we. lib>* ami
■ o '-f‘ r’;' 1 h- to it's >re p, whet is there ie
iii/ucr 5 tie i',.Kt!Oß of I bat obvious
1 oit'-y, wl lh?• en tube oft! e times points
‘! 2, 1 ?0 Alj SLANbjsix. cud •b.leh Ixi's oWn am
!;liXo,*> tti,i ‘”•* add love of touat: y p
prompt him to tiuopt ? y
. V: r ,: ’- present 'Gndvf.ioa of the Rub*.
wen uayy is—.. iirmt be u<*f urately known t
>ui it iu kr.nv. ;i, that numbers of wssehr.
, 1 lor © tin;;- briidingnn lie?
t,—— < fd tUt the p tt 9 ftß well
’■* , li!V prcfreiit gos: rnoreni rs tbjt roux.?,.
.•< •'•1. c-crdi s-Lv'J to the vsesie^
<•* polit yin thin r-spoet. A writer, wl-soj.
W< someti rs) into, SJ.I'M *ii.of th&
sp'iiera! puli y purged by the courts oft
Lie* < onti ;*iH, (I Ls ingenious! ; ne&ounis for
■hr steaainps* wh uf;u*l their pSt<na *€*
J-t ‘suitl, i:d *! di<p * f;jm lis theory tha
jp'diey tvlib-h ought tube purged Ly th ‘
ci: peror A l> xak t> r :
i ! r.d, liKßipDt sr<l yutlicopiiu
6 ion have n erven ! . weight on *hi Vu£
* l * ; ::i which efi’ <t , ch
|* Bui or, the cental**. ct Eor.p", *?:'era
‘‘ P Tii -* ,• Ui(< r h V rs.
ih.'i vvc;-?:'"t, every g.veivanfitn hs sdopr
i* e< * <*ertui;- Uue < . ;oii y. k; ‘ it;
j‘ jpcuferally well founds j‘ id tbnnn.vw h
i‘ m \tn nny hns ‘.n i* the- r.-i::i?try or on,
the throne, • nder <a; sovereiio’*
‘ wouderful ccntinuLy lo he plan? of r tW~
* * T;, ' r s *• gl\ ‘ e see the same
persisted It; tor ages, however the dispej
d <!i of h utoiure-h tit ty eh-iiuge r l i y®,
‘ we see 1 * polit y of *,'ABIA THERESA still
‘P r * served b) the fcmp ror. of Austria.
/ Russia. ft sC’ n'inurfyh * operator!
- in nit <.sti msbing t.e rve. a: and with astoti*
ishiug success, i lie pirns ol Petek the
‘ Great h vc i een follow and H all hi* mu*-
* s|, <‘M>rs; |i *r i uurly by the ‘rre-tt* Cath*
akint, in.’ by the present Knipertr. who
‘ bus been pttiefnHy {tstrueted iu the sumo
4 school. He cerliinly possesses >i great
* m uy goou qa< lilies, *enu is beyond doubt
4 the most amiable montirth of his {line •
but alt his pcrie tioiis lie co*rtuines
* a considerable share of Ambition, arid will
‘ tint depart from the p *'i< y of Peter the
CJ by Vk'iiivll ,h„& viitfu eo L:gb,
(VOL. I.