American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, July 11, 1816, Image 1

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AH ySTf* ls T>- T /T\ a%f A TTN T 7 f*\ <T\ A T? M£RI.eAN “AuVubA IL. Ko. XXII] •ÜBU-HED WFSKLY, GN TfUTRS nAY MORNING; BY G(lUt*S W. WHEELER # .TA!VFES GLA&&R, AT H'lmu PRINTING OFFICE. NEXT BOOR ro DR. J.M.^'v’ERIiTT—AT THREE DOLLARS PE ft ANNUM— ONE )N ADVANCE.—Wiikbr Print* tUG OF ALL KINDS MAY BB BXKCUTKD WITH NEATNSS'Ij ACCURACY § DISPATCH !j ~5. &- ——*** ftp -.—■?■ ——— ■• CA\ x BTf}JTE& FOR COA'iIRESS. Jen® Forsyth, E*q. 0? Antrim*. Alfred Cdtsbert, L.*q. <>f* S -viwtnh. ILoHako. H.AVItDB, Esq. of Augusta. Tm.A TfUFAIU, Kq. ofS VHHfi h <7o!. Flo MSP V. MiLYoif; of L'-uisviUr #361. Ths. W. Cobs. Eq. of Oglethorpe Zorz Crawford: Esq if Baldwin. Jiocr. Abbot, of Wiik . jS .dook Cook Esq. of Clarke. Wilson Lump kin- 3ihj of Oglethorpe. James V/ooD,E-;q cf Columbia. ‘FOREIGN NEWS ns, Tn’idij’ I®* LATEST FRO SI LON ON. By lha attrutiLa of cur correspond ntuTi Boston, (fee editors of the New York Uaz **“ have re-cived Lot don p iper* to the 12 - of May, from whi'h (vid their torrestin’d ont’a (sommimr tition) they Uavo made the Babseqa nt-exlra Ma : LIBERTY OF tTIE PRE SS. Tn the Bri'iih house of eomouqi# on the fttff ultimo, Mr. Brougtam brought forward A motion “ Fhit leav” be given to bring in a kilt for seennng and extending the Liberty ©f iha Press.”- After considerable debate, leave was given to bring ip the bill. There was several (ues in (Suffolk; Eng land, the be-inniog 0? vi y, the work of in eetiiiari s, in consaq ten <e of t.h l intrmlnc i fttiofso ue no# labor saving Lap ’©ved ua ©hirs. Son*- of tfie incendiaries hi.d been fipprehended, an 1 coruqiUted for tri vi. The great marriage buying b*ca fortsa* mated, parliament had voter) < ddn’gses to Idle qieen, the prince regent m.d h rbyui pair, oa the aqspi ions event. London M. V 4 The following a a a extract . *df a letter fern an odwer of ids majesty’* h p§ at St. s3*!eott, la a gentleman in Tduatou, dated she 25.1 of March last i-i ----< Bonapirie has given t*'b q r three &in fier* since ho has hera in h;s new house ; hut a* they happened before our return from the Cape wb had no opportunity of fceia£-ask>*d he Ins not accepted rny in vitation* yet-~h<i f> tpiently rides; but ‘,O bas a eord m of (he sid regiment round hifi limits, which fee must not exee nl, nor can there be any ccmmunieaUon in p.iv&tevith him; he is conitbrubb i3 M 3 new house, hat does not cot r math iuto so iety—he employs himself som* iie in writing tb.e transaction* of hi* life; he reads 4 great deal; it is hi* principal a nnsement.” The same aJds which is a tyroof how rigidly the hdand is watched by ur eruia ra or* that station Yesterday the Wellesiy anived here* and (so-day a South Sea ship ; but the latter is not allowed to anchor, and one of our lieu- Ifenam* will sro on board, and take charge es fatrw : i!e she stay's here, after her arrival ©be have no cointmmic&tion with the *bore or any body afloat except to get water, lifhich will be annulled hy o'tr boats.” London, May 9. The letters by the French mask conS m <ke intellipee *e we yetterd y ins- rted, as to the free inmort of grain into France, Shit I*o port duties would be levied 00 ships loa ded with corn, and that export article* in re turn would also he exported duty free, ‘t he decree i* dated 12 h April, aud has been cent into ali (ho departments It has nor yet published in ar.y of the French *3ewsp"pert?, to avoid excitiog apprehensions in the public mind, One of the liters odds, that the tonnrge ftfgco'is exported du*y free, is not to exceed ffce to mage of gnoc-1 imported. L*st night we received the Pars* papers es Sunday, end this morning of Monday last. T alley rand, who set uff for his seat at *F?len*y about ten dsyo ago, and whose cld ire w&* general(y tonsidered a* exile, is about to return forthr tth to Paris, from M'henee, af<er a slont stoy, lie will proceed to the Baths of Bourboane. Some persons tviUattribnto this speedy return to political cause*. Perhaps tra could give the real hns no relation, however, to politics.VThe pnntfe,feearingcf the depar. ture of the prin-'cas from London for Poris fcs* hastened havk to Paris to welcome Lei getum. His highness is known to be a mod cF of conjugal aUne'iiment. The former secretary of Maret (Bassano) at Genova, aad eeutuu LOUISVILLE, THURSD A TANARUS, JULY 11, 181 G. derail escort of gendsrcp'x to the frontiersj of France, where It vrns r&celvi i by fcaolh j-r escort. Papers es the highest iiruotlants j says an nrtiele Loci Geneva, were Brand ]>-} on him.; The T)trh pope?* contain an article from Rome, which states, that a te* form is making in tl e tr.hujsais cf the in quisit on. The li.ief, nddrtssed by tht pope to the eoneregati'-n employed in this business says,that t.ccusvlion, deauoeiatier and inquisition in matters of faith flinnot give origin ton lecal pro-ceding, whs-h oiust be founded on ftels. All persons er 11- 1 in exrolpatioa of the accused, ofwhVi *ver (1 u>’ogi?t-U communion (bey eviy he, shall be a limited in exculpation. ‘ian* yisd servants are’ rtseloded fri.-m be>sy beared wither fur agaiust the ‘i in proeeAimgs ere to be public, end no wi&tes? will he ftilfiwed to state hearsay evidence. Cardinal Fontanais stated to be the ciiicl promoter of the measure. When the new ode is femnpleted it is to ho sunt to f.!t the Catholic courts. , liCtters from Brn**-”!.:: stste, thet tL eddKe of W ellilijtou ivitends soon tc visi the sev eral *crpv of the srnsy of oecupatios, Rus sian Austrian, Prussian atid Bnvarien. which ire cantoned in part or Champagae. Lorraine nod Als iee. Sir Graham Moore is appointed one o’ the lords of the ailmiraltyf ta the room o lord Heary Pnnlett, ti sio retire* through ill health. j Darirg robbery on the river Thrrrhes. — Last nignt, between t? ed^ 11 " 9 °’ B ‘ Be R ?<l f ‘n, cue of the hoy* boFfngivg to the Last India Company, wes proceeding i.wu the 1 ’-Ivor with upwards of twenty she# sos. dol lars,in order t> bo put on board .the Lady Campbell, outward bouud lndin’iat T t Gravesend j when ih Woolwich Bauch ■ they were boarded hy seven riien in a large (Utter, who overpowered the men on board the hoy, nod confined then'under the hatch* ways ; tfe'ev inmedifttelf Isove seven ehesfs of dollar* into their boat* and rowed off.- not heard that any of ihem have yet b<*ea taken. The the city of ficers wept down tho river this morning in. search, and a number of other oß.i'prs frbns the different ofliee* are in pm sail ts the pv-’ rates. A Flanders mail, and the papers and ■ Tne-day Inat, arrived yeslerday. Tbe in telligence received hy the former is union* portent. Th- French pypers ei? equally destitute of iatebegt, perhap*, with the ex ception of ah artidain the Macss'e-r, detail ing the proeeetiioge of a meeting recently held in the Freni h ejut I, acd (Gihposcd of indmdimla. who l ave been laboring eome ; time with zeal, t'-ougli we believe with lit ! tie effect, to promote a erus&de against the Biirbary power*. Bir Sidney Ss.-iih is said to be the originHor of this chivalrous schema ; and it is probable he is impelled bv indignation* naturr I ton generous mind, more than by a love of notoriety, in promo ! tins: this crusade against t*.ie piratical slates. The Pnri* paper* make no allusion to (he causes of discontent, which are said to abound in France. Nor do they mention the multiplied urrents, which are stated, upon the authority **f private advices, to have tu-. ki'H place last week in the capital. Sotno of tlose rumors limy be exaggerated; but the silence of the French paper* is ro proof of their beiog false ; as the conductor* ere under Injuction* uoi to insert a paragraph that may have any tendency to .agitate (he po l lie nrnd, or to p< ml out. the extent of (he prevailing dissatisfaction. In the njoi.n time it appears that a sadden and extre.or dinery bustle prevails in the • tnionemenl* of ‘he army of observation ; ••nu the duke of Wellington, it is said, i • about to commence i geue;-.\) inspection of to a whole, including the Austrian troops in Alsae?. We have letters from M.dta to near the end of March ; they t< te that lord Ex mouth’s expedition w**.* amply provided will those poweifu! arguments in reasoning with corsair*, shot, shells, Congreve ro k els, &e.the show of which coutrj ujed m; in ly to < ig lordal ip’s sueeessfol negotiations, rise slave* r,eleased are mention: and at a number far beyond £ny previous e* mpnta-’ tion ; and it ir evrn tvfiimi! and that thousands *ad been already liberated. This is a glo rious crusade. teix spots are at present visible on the •‘tin’sdisc. One of (hem is of eonsiderable magnitude and resembles a oiustc r of islands situated very to each oilier. Its ! breadth is at Jewst rqual to the diameter cf the enrth. Another of them is very dark, r.d surrounded by an umbra, or fainter shade. Chamber of Deputies TnrU, JZpril S3. <* L uis, &c. we bvc oidained a* follows; “ The sesiioos of 1315, of tho oh&ttbcr of paera and deputies, 13 ciisek The fes* | to of 1315 wiii eonitßenco cu the latof j T-istcrtfer. , , \ “Thepresent prodamsthnshal* ue ear-, rjed to the chamber of deputies by our ir.e - inters ts ike m>i io and ot dnance. j Louis,” &e. j Paris, April C f J. - Cniiht Posigne!-.?, Meet ♦ t- rencral in the Ring’s army, died, i t I-is hotel in ths line 3K Hsnore. During * r <• d - s s •veu* period of the revolution, he contrived to. re*. tain hi* regimenv {the chuseura oi Lorraine) in the roost steefast loyalty. Louis JES I held him iu tho highest estimation. Pari’S May 5 1 The coimul ot revision deeded ye'ter i .y on the appeal if the king’s procaretagaiiißt be judgment cf the 261 L Aprs! last, wait h -u-quitted gctternl Catnbroue, and oidertd . him to be ee't at liberty. After having deliberated for an hour,the* oouneil derided, by afnajnrsty of three uR two, that the jndym nt <i i -qiiuivlal should j be confirmed auu itumediatcly carried into eGeat. I An cxpn liMnn from (he ports of Brest, St. MaTo’and RK-hefort, is destined to resume posAcssiun of the isles of Fierro and Mi-; quelon. Next week, several fndivilyals are to he tried before the cerrec-ii mal tri banal, ac* cuied qf tiling seditious expression* iu the villages adjacent to I* iris. Paris. May 6. k The duke de Cbatrc Jus taken the datbs as ilirst g cl'ieniau of the chaoiber to the king. (In Saturday, M. Pasqtfier, member of ihe t'hami'C'T of deputies, fate keeperet the settle,! was (lirowa’froin bis horse at jtln.*.seau, aad had hb thii’ a dislocatedby the f. ?!. On the 3<! the muuieip.’.l ecucei! of Pv ria ordered 60 000 I’-.mea to he disH'ibuted atuO!!g the poor of tue tv vivo urromhee mcn i\. An eaWlsqnnks, aecomptmed t v * erei f.oiB? in the air, feat occurred o Norway. 7. he Gazette of Haarlem sontraiiii to fke report which bad been cir-ufatcd of the liuShkn Corps being ft bon i to evaluate Mhubeuife, AVi 6ue?. &c. in enter to pro i"v'.eoci si-the Upper Rbie ; and obve-rw-*! that | the assertion was entirely destitute df fcuri* j datitn. I- The English papers ridicule the report? | which have prove ited for game days at P I ris* to great e lunges have taken place if i the policy of the allied powers.—-They it | particular rack among the camber cf iVbles | the at’CM iitst of u triple alliance bttweei. i Russia, Prussia end tbg IVi l therlainds by * treaty in which England has no particlpa lion. These journals, who pretend to be Weil informed, arsert posit’vesy that vc eliauee has occurred in the dispositions of the elded powers, and thi-d they are all de sirotts of mKiutaining that peace which has been established fey the asset solemn uroven* tions, A royal ordnance, d&ted the 3d, contains the following 5 “ Fuji ana complete amnesty is grunted to every individual prose sited and t er.dtm nod as abater of. or accomplice in, the de sort ion which took place prior to the Ist of October, Ist 3. , *We enaseipiehtiy all ar.d penalties input red tor the eaout offence, with ’ the eicc-ptinn of paywoi.t ;.f the expences which have been adjudge and ” On the lit instant. count Jules tie Peigttxe embarked at Calais for Endeod, where he is to marry one of the mhest heiresses of Scotland. Funds, May 4—Five per pen*, consols 58 95-100. Bank actions iOCO, You wiU observe k>.t ike French papers made no mention of a conspiracy, or ar rest having taken plate at Paris j yet it is certain, that no less than three hundred persons have been taken into custody with in these few days. Government are fear* ful of agitating the publit mind > a so ten der a subject. it is p.obable tha one of the individuals thus arrested will be brought to trial, either lor osuf of sufficient evi dence, or for fear of admitting the v ry ex igence of the conspiracy. <t a time when all ■ is described as pease, union and loyalty ; ; or for fear of committing so delicate a case to the hazardous chance of a trial ; forev ery trial which takes place at present may be consider!d ns a contest between govern ment and the public, which the judges de cide according to the prevailing irduen-e i of either; and public opinion now assumes a manuring tone, which arrests the sentence of the eorruptest judge. The appeal made for the acquittal of! general Cambronne has, you will learn, been rejected. The Journal General is this day suspended for k&vmg given a detailed ac count t’ the proceedings of tbo council of reriik'tj in this case, contrary to the sspresf* injonc.ion of i,overnn! a t;t An artiek:- tVoci Dijon, which pppearft in pH the French papers, rtatei the in cix® ter f w.,r has given ord n r* th tS! R e >usl> it -ary retioing inthedepat meat ofCotcd’O^ or r ailed into uciu t>d is:mediate tete Vice. Koder severe pen Itiv s. This, to'cethar v i h t>.‘* ! :t? order for raiding the fifty regi.-u r-l, wU\ l Impe, bm a{iii:i u-d as k proof i i.*ai vuYertsmsnt are ae rually making military pmparuions. Iho 1> ic’de iSen t, who takes a secy a- eve p>rt in the fnrnaiat; of (hie araiaini uv. itiquir and es LUarke the other and y. w-.ether ho rouirl ; rornp:ly ra so J50 ; OOS ran, which that min’jier conf'.issed o —-tham could he raise 100.000 The possibility o? ev n such n levy * th it . ppeartd to hin% doubtful. 64 V- bat,” r i ’ the duke, < ‘yo , J d who could raise fiyri-ids of men iortkeser* T'ice of (he usurper, caunoi rise so incou srdcrable a force for (hat of the iegitimatSl govercigtiK.” Thu minister observed in re ply, that times nod thin"* were altered p that he h .and eVery where to emeunter t ilheip op ( n resistan* e, or what wms efScimt, (ho •Gis inertias, ** Then” resumed the prince* “ if France V;iii r.el light for os, she must gubmit to her doom—a prey to the allies* she must stare the fate of Poland ” Out all private anecdotes apart, the pubis lie and official Recounts alone afford suffix elect evidence of extraordinary levies ot* men and motsey being made by the Frem fa court. No Cf esc is assigned for them and yet they must have c. purpose, and that pur* pose cannot but anxiously engage the cos* lectures of ail.— Morning ( hvonietd. Paris, JMUy 7, Ti'.c second rutin i? iff war cf lie firsfc military division, will to -rooi row prow ed to* ib*. trial s general Bentrand by cortuTnacfa who w.s examples! IVots the mouta y t. ‘crcis of the low’, there ran be uo moral riis positions of witneesee, and m -iditoe&te cars opck in f-i’of of ike accused. The repor** tor r.lace v ill be heard. An expedition left Lisboa for Bnsilca he (Sib ult composed cl a ;itp of the !it>e p *wo f igates rml sevtrai transports, having* on board 6 OOb troops. M. Ben* it, formerly se*retrv t? Maret* has at Geneva, and conducted by - ,r.daisß to the fromkrs of France. General CaEibrnne left Pane yesterday moitiing to proceed to Nftftfe l’er esuaka tion. The journal of Aran announ‘es, that srrsi era) enife'd From hmeu, who hudSxed them® selves in the Urge l ilies of the L ! bob At* tr.eries, have retired into the ictericr o£ ih& New-Coatiaent. Genoa, April 15 On tfeefith of tr i* month an English trig entered this pin, hi viug cn beard *.£l lib majesty’s subjects. *i in number, who v *r in slavery in Algiers Tbs captain off. ho brig reports, that lord SsEu-U'b’s squadron* nailed from that port on lb? ib of April § after having hcapily rerminated wiih tho •ley of Algiers, the arrangement which k© wits • imimlsi(j:a and to thatiurfe. 1 he Endi*b fleet so sail fas Tunis, Si theuee so Tripoli, loir ; be <5: roe purpose, which fills with joy ait the inhabitants c£ this duchy. 11 ([■ -ot-g Prom the official London Gazelle* I.ONDON. May 4:. Carte?cn-House, Thursday, 31$ y 2 1816. Thin evening, l. cine o’clock, the golem* nify of the marriage of her royal highness the princes* Charlotte Augusta, dju hfep of his royal highness George Augustus Fied crick, prince of Wal< e, regent of th.*. uni ted kingdom of Great Itritain and I'eland* with his serene hUd Resß Leopold Gt-orgai Frednri k, duke of Saxe, Margrave of Meis | gn, Landgrave of Thuiingnea, pii. ee o£ jCobourg of Saaifeld. was perf-iran and iu tho GreatCriroson r cm of Cnrlton-house, by •bis grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the presence of her m ajesty the queen, hie* royal highness the prince regent, tneir royal highness*.-* tho princess Augusta S.-phia* EiiZHOeih rd Mary, her royal l ighne. s th* dueheßS of York, her highness the priuccsa Sopliiaof Gloucei.ter, their serene highnessefli the duke and Mademoiselle D’Orleans, tha duke of Bourbon, the officer* of srate, the ambassKdors and canisters from foreign states, the officers of the hou*at>oid of tun majesty the queen, of hi* royal KigUMs tho priuco regent, and of (he youuger hranehea of tho royal family, assisting at the ceru* raony. At the eonclusion cf the marriage sere vice, tho registry of the marriage was at tested with the usutd furnialitFs, after which her majesty the queen, his royal bighom (he prince -cgßis!, the brid- a nd brid ‘groom, wish the rest of the royad jlamUyi to tkt closed [_Vol. L