Newspaper Page Text
m. xsov.j
ONE IK ADVANCE.— V* here Print
*r> — a\t &> ■— -•—; o
3ohn Fohstth, E>*q. of Augusta.
.Alfred Cvtbbi'.rt,Esq.f
UIOHARB H., Esq of
T o’s. Telfair, b*q oiS vai* h.
Col, Hok&R V. Mitts?*, ot •Lwui'ivisi*.
Col. Tas. W, CofcV Esq. a T Oglethorpe
Joe*. CrawfArD; Esq of Baldwin.
3>cot. Abbot, of Wilkes.
Sadock Cook, Esq. nt‘ ClaVkfc.
Wilson Lumpkin, Esq of Oglethorpe
Jambs Wood, Esq of Columbia.
■ —n wnnWMiwHl>
’ fokbiggn.
Tojs'X, July 2.12 o'clock—Noon.
To oar attentive eoritipo indents at Bo*
tab, we are fr extracts from Lon
don papers to tne ijtb of Way, gcd Lloyd’s
list* to the Sist, both inclusive Ther wer,
xe?eived at Boston by the ship Margaret,
esptaia M’Lellan, tvhi’.h arrived there
Saturday night, in thirty £?or days from
LovAon. May hi.
The rooming after the a ‘tioti at Grohoble, of sixty of the rebels were brought
ieto the town and received by the whole pop
ulation with cries of Fit* le Roi. An iii*
keeper of JEbeus, who Indeed the chief of!
l’ie ingnrgeots, dd Wiij himself concerned
iu the plot, was taken up by order of the:
j>refeel ? aud gave sw h important ibforroati-;
ciL as ecsbled the p •evdial court to follow ;
Lbe thread of the conspiracy and ascertain
the individuals that directed it. to the
ine&n time the troops off he lias are in pur-:
xuit of tbs rest of the rebels, whilst thbse
tint have been taken are upoh trial.
M a s Vt —The French papers aisure us
ht periV. t tranquility haft been restored to
the department of the Isere, but roeusureg
A t rigor and precaution continue to be adopt -
*d. All these Who gives aajittsn to the reb
els are to be considered as uecomptfces.
.Assemblages or t be puhlie squares, streetS
and rsrop&rte, are prohibited, under tli9
most rigorous penalties. Particular orders
are given With respect to foreigners resident j
at Grenoble —Meanwhile, troops are pour- j
ing into the department o: the Iscre from all
May.—* The insurrection ot Grenoblfi con- j
ftnue* to form the principal feature of the I
Intelligence contained in eur French papers.
Gtevenimeat have puoh/hed iu the Monituer
come official details, by which it appears
that the rebels w'ere divided into two bands,
sine of wfiieh was to attack the tcvfij from
without, whilst the other watt to rise upon
tfce inhnhitaots within. The latter had
I* irt&ios in the town, Mid the attack from
without was to be the signal for rising,
General Donadieu and the prefect received
n the 4ih, in the evening, advic&ii which
?.eft do doubt of ihc intentions of the disaffec
ted, nd measures of vigor were instantly a
4optt*d. These the* rebels did not expect $
they had anticipated aoeasy easy conquest,
nd conceived that the ptese woeid be l&i
kten by surprise. What their ulterior pro-
were after getting possession of Qrcn
ble, we know uof. Tha Mnniteur says,
that important revelations had been made,
tid the chief* of the conspiracy hare been
itried. Aeeordiog to the onifiat account ia
the Moniteur, the rebels have coi&pieU\
\y put down; the neighboring commuoee,
Vfiieklbad been misled by the false dcclar
atiocs of the rebels, having eobtnitted and
Requested furgiveoess. The neighboring de
partwenta were eager to send troops and a
dopt every measure calculated to put down
ithc rebellion rod prove their own loyalty.
General Donsdieu has been created avis-,
sweat, She colonel cf the department legion j
a baron,end two rewarded with]
*he ero*9 of the legion flf honoj—one of these!
who had accompauied Bonaparte to Efua,
<|jf on being hailed by one ©f the rebate with
<cri<* of Five l* JEmpereur, replied by x
--sciaiuiing Five le Moi } cutting down at the
ame time of the rebel chiefs. During tfaeso
wvenlfj, the FfceDch funds have remained
*i!eady, a proof that that the rebellion w-aa
*<ot eatiftidt redot all dangerotM to the ata
ftiiily and security of the govei Coaent.
Jftiy -—The* Paris Journals to the ffth
kiiag no further details of the insurrection
•it Grenoble. It has been completely crush
ed, and ai! vas trar.qttsl iu that quarter.
The principal instigator of this mad schemo I
WfeU a named /teas**; ®rt> cf (fcewe |
LOUISVILLE, THUR S I)A\\ J U L T 25, 1816.
worthless beings whom the weak polt'-y of
the king’s government in ibl-* loaded with i
honors and ptei'enufiHs A reward cf;
twehty thousand f am-s is now offered for!
hife apprehension..lihd it is thought that ho
\ri;l soon b b ; ised. Tl?e Freuyb eoVeru
tnCYit, w;e a- e hippy to fir*, acts with ener
ry end Brume** ‘.‘ o nun-u who uas
deq.oed to reeith oy the iirsvotal court at
tiretioble, and by thoteour’ (not remarkable_
for f;* initdness) refoo mended to mercy, the 1
A in- h:*re , 'Gßed n p rdoc.
Some vfihe tetters speak of coih- j.
motion* uttd iodi *• ti >ns of e nimotion, in ;
-h'F? ‘;- n rt/ £- ‘ r;aiv. —X Kis probably is
| ‘he i’tVt. ’* h. iht|uprrHica t Grenobl**, & ’
!:e reports circulated by the J a*kobius,|
MMjld (ocouruge ti e maa&ev&d to shcVr
At Pari*'the government N on the alert,
dieplfiying vigth.twc, decision and strength.
I'iie twehty-qne individuals,arrested by (he
police, hnvfe btrn handed over to the
ourt of Fris, where the proceedings a
g-inst tbein ure ia train. The rtiilitary
are lucre*.sed, the seditious groups in
spected end dispersed. Let the toinistry
thus n'&uifest their power, nod it will speed
ily be cohciliated. These are not the times,
in France to taikof gcntletiess. Power a
hme mutt govern sometimes lenity is des
pised. ‘l'he French have so long been ae
eustomed to chey only guillotine b|ade s cf
Robespierre, or the sword of Bonaparte, that
it will be eorue time before they bow t&-the
wand of tho civil officer.
Paris, May 44.
BosnC d?turbar.cea are said to have taken
place at Dijon, but 1 know not wiih what
truth. At Lyons the disaffected etiteruiii
rew hope*, plans were laid for intercepting
the despatches ofgovermneM., and sedilioc*.
proelftKir.tionß w ere seen on the w alls. N<
precaution is neglected to tnsurc the tran
qpTity of this irameinse metropolis. The
regiments bf the guard arh ready night afid
day, their horses saddled ecd bridled. AU
the activity of the police is used to ‘ , oUnter*
aet cny piots of the disaffected. His ma
|b*ty having so often exerted bis Cleiheucy
in vhid, has refused expending the royal par
don to David, eondemoed by the prevotal
court at Grenoble, for being concerned in the
late snsurreetiou, null recoaiutendcd to mer
cy by that tribunal.
From the Boston Evming Gazette*
; Saturday ni%ht, 12 o l doc#.
j For London papers to the 18th May, we
are indebted to a merchantilo and to Mr.
Toplift'of Merchants’ Hall. On perusing
them we find they afford.
i. The Russian new Tariff.
Paris newspaper gtid letter account*
cf the insurieuticß at Grenoble, ami plots at
8. Tho general order issued by order of
tho prince regent, containing deoisLi! ei
i preskiou of hi* royal highest*’* most severe
reprehenaioa*’ of major geuera! sir R. Wil
j son’* and captain Hutebinson’g conduct for
| happy ** engaged in Ihe measure [Lava-
Sette’t the declared object of whi?h
was t counteract the laws aod defiant the
public, ’ustiee” of France. It is a moderate
l reprooj*—and they are let eff without thfe
’ tos* of their Commission*.
; 4. The cbßgrataiatoly addresses bf the
; house* of lord* and eommeas and the city
I of London, to the royal family oa the mar
i rig of the heiress to the throne, and the
answers cf the prince and princess of Co
| bourg, her majesty’ &c.
S. The proceeding* at the Btirtirersafy
meeting cf the Grand Brifbh Institution, or
School for ail; at w htch we notice the am
bassador, Mr. Adams,attended, and was an
applauded spokesman, in favor of the ad
vantage's of educating the poor. “Educa
tion,” he said is “knowledge, and it leads to
virtue. Tne truth he knew would como
home to every British bosom* In America
i there was a'sseal for tha education of the
; poOr 5 end he regarded it ns otic of the most
’ 4ioriods of (he Llesciings derived froth their
[British aricestots.” The proposing of thanks
iio the royal ebaitmau having been put by
Mr. Adtms, and received with acclamation;
his royal highness the duke of Kent said, “j
fell gratified that this motion eaftie lrcm the j
minister of the tJnitcd Stales. I have long
Tited ia the neighborhood of the United
States and it was e'er a grief to me that
the two countries choold be at varienee.
Tberr language and their interest is the
si me, and their friendship should be invio
6. A letfer from sierra LtoS, dated (he
36(h Janusry, stating the capture of schoon
er Roßtt. foirferly the A merit at# privateer
Perry, of Baltimore, under Spanish colors,
njftsncd by Ameuewis; two tedfed &
fifty slaves; that the coast. Wo* full of A-;
H. vpunf v that two of her cdosorts with ;
fr m threa bundred to fire l.uodrid slaves i
bad deport'd ; a snip of twenty guns j
and one baud ret! and twenty men was off,
(Tpe making up u cl one
tlmusand two hundred Waves'—and that bis
BrSianoi>’ ms?] sty’s ship Ban, which cep'*-
turcd ?, was going ip pursuit. j
7. 1 hey also state that Dfiittierotfs eitiigra- \
fions are otnjv Uking place I rum li Bi in j
to the United nd lhai niun-y of the t.seful itnd inggr ious mechanic* umi
Butnufafttfirers ?.:i France, as well aam-ny
of tho most bpylcnt L lilies, are couteiuphi
ting hi remove vvLh thiir ek;li unfi capital
to America.
Boston, July ?. I
Arrived in the bay last night, ship Mar
garet, M’LcU&u, fidm Livery ool—-bringing
paper* of that eity fo-fke 25th May, and
Londaa paper* to tho ?Kt.h j with the peru
sal of which we Lave been favored by Mr.
Jack, keeper oS’ihe E. C. H. books.—
The emperor RcsSia has addressed a
Htti-r to the Courts of Europe, stating that
hi* holy league with Austria and Prussia,
has no other objects io view than peacib!y to
found the eternal peace and happines* of
states, &e.
Stain.—Letter# from E.lboa, cf 28-li ul
timo, mention, that the deputies from the
three free provinces of Biscay had asgoia
bkd for (he purpose cf agreeing on measures
of opposition to the plan of Ferdiaumi’s m in -
istfcrs, who appear resolved to establish
ouslom-boulcs in Biscay, coatrary to (.he
uasiititiiou and* of the provinces of
Biscay. Aleba, and GuipuscOn.
The Ltlow’iiig very siuaMilar ocefirrenco
is asserted to have takba place at Amiens.-*.
A person having *oaided the political
sen'.inufits of tSe lUtoruey general of that
diifr*'?.ts the ittter noxious to die over wfiat
soerev project there might be on toot, pre
tend id to iu tbe ftefilimeiti, of his
r.oatpanien, nolr at length consented to ne
eortij'uny hiaa i’iud*b?d to a meeliug where
those praje-it* tvere to be developed; lie was
accordingly led by hi* conductor through
rttiiiy twrnmg* and wi idioms, bet (as he |
ausueetedj being ta
ken our. of .ho tdwa ‘of Adie#*. At length
•vis eyes vVerft babouud, and he found him
•v.df m the t'dsr 0 ( a munbef of person*,,
in any of whd.d Ue well know. They first
*wore sec.‘oy, and then exposed to Him
tii lruhiK tl;e ultimate object of which was
th?,t with which the revo.uiiou first begata—.
namely, a change bf dyirn*ty, by ths? eleva
tion of the branch of Orleaus to the thrfine.
After having, as they thought, fully enlist
ed him io this he Was driven home
with the (tame caution as he w .s brought to
tbe meeting; hot the fist use he ..made of
liis liberty vVaa to infban the p.rcfeel, aud
through him the government, of what had
happened. Order* were in consequence is
sued for apprehending all the conspirators
that were known to this gedtietoin, and so
iustitutiag e etriet search after tire rest.
Lord Althorpe, ou the m ;bt of the
uL. in the British houß* of commons, brought
forward his proniiso far tho (.ppoialnient
|of a committee to enquire into the increase
jor diminution of ofib o- and calarie# since
‘the year 17S8, with power 10 report to the
house, from time to time, whether any, or
J what further du. nation might be made con
sistent with public safety ; and l e Wat *ap
] pfirted by tbe whole Rtrengih of the opposi
; tiofi; a* well es by several hi rubers who
voted indifferently.—The nfiaibers were
: thus swelled on a division to 428 for the
metion, aguiust it 18.
On this subject, lord Cftatlerecgh, ia re
ply (o Kir. and other*,observed, if he
thought that tile gentlemen about him, (Mr.
Lam be) for their eeonemy or for any thing
else, possessed more ofth# confidece of the
nation, in God’s natne let him bring thi* to
some practical tt*t—let this be done, and of
tbe result were itech a* Air. Lambe might
expect if. would be, let the present ministers
retire : but he hoped they would not be for
a moment continued in their pltßes, after
that confidence tad been withdrawn, which
the executive goveroitieot ought always to
possess—(hear, hear!) —the protection that
was afforded them from responsibilicyj be
spurned ; he disdained to cover bin self by
adopting the course recommended, and fit
cgeiu called upon the honorable gentleman
to bring the qutstica he had raised to some
practical issue vvilh the least possible delay
(bear, hearty— I Thers Wes to greater delu
sion practiced in the whole circle of poli
ties than that which was attempted by the
honorable gentjtnian opposite, [and by the
honorable and learned gentleman iu particu
lar] wfces they endeavored to rs&ke (he pub*
he fcelieve, that tb* distresses which might
b? complained of io tli'e country, grew out.
of (he vast sums paid to persons in ffiee.
If be whole amount of * ii< il rmolnmcnia
were at once Sweptowey frem the expendi
ture oi the maion, it would have little to do
wi h question of distress, liiepeoplo
would sfiffcf in li e some decree whatever &r--
fangenicni might *-<? mode w ith respect tc
these. But it wesrhniended that it was rot
so much the cxpence is ihn influfine efthe
crown that tv*a (o lie dreaded wheu these*
ofti'es were under the consider).(ion of tho
hou#e. He denied (bat t? e infiuence of tlie
crown had dangerously encre sed ; he s!t v/
ed this tfi have been at no distni pei od
tbe distinctly avowed opinion of the p .nla
ment. ‘
Mr. Tierney replied to the noble lorrf
will; marked indignation—“lf, said be, he
had even ever eceu a sense of danger evin
ced by the assumption of a loud kW over
bearing tone of voice. If ever he had seen
an attempt to conceal weakue.-s by an im
portant strui—if ever he hud sec-n & torn
endeavoring to look tall by raising himself
on stilts—if ever he iu and Seen a ministt*- cun®
st ion 4 he wa* going down in public estim
sftoE, he had seen it this night in the com*
dud of the noble lord. The nebie lord im
puted to his opponent# a wish to makft
tSeni-eives by running the present ministon*
doWu. On this be had to observe, thet ho
arid his friends did not decsl ia eineenres, fir,
therefore ti is effi. e would not do for tin m.
It was not the opposition iu that, but th
country, whi b ailed for economy, aa might;
be seen from tire itmnenfte lo&d of pareho
tnent, hetieath the weight of which 1 their
table oii!d scarcely a.and, whi h had bteix
foi’w&rd. dto them from all quarters.peti
tinning loir rctrenrimetit and relief, h wrs
said (hey wished to rnu a rueo io courting
putiie favor. Now what is the fact ? ih©
noble lord ha’s given notice of this motion
for a eomniittee three weeks ago. One of
the gentlemen opposite had then given notice
of a fiiotion for the appointment of another
Committee, and here (.he pace began—ami
ought it te Be.a nia,tter of reproach to his
cable Vi iead, that when he was abontt&
mount fils Kcirse, and another linnbrah!&
gentleman thought proper to mount his
too. [a Laigh.] It now carnQ on* tliaj tha...
Ruble loed opposite thought an enquiry by
a eooi;iiittee cf that house was oue of tht
rtbst alarming (flings that could be coetun
piated. H. 1 told them ts a< if they voted foT
the fomhilttee. Ihey at once withdrew :heir
Gtifidenije frota Hqi Be had no confidence
to withdraw frfem the coble lord, as be fced
given him none, but he thofiaht they had
now heard one of (he speeches whieh he
fiord C.] was in the habit of making iij
private,at those drills, to which acl osest
f w were admitted, to whom (host filer *ure<9
were Ccmfiiunicatfic which Were afterwerds
so come befhre the house. These pvrsmfc
were then told; when ho ohjeef.iom.bie rnea-i
sure was to be pressed upon tlu m—“ hat it
(tfi-.Lt not be so ple&sunt ns cu'd be wish*
ed.” But if w r &s added “if you do not vote
far it, ycu remove the governaient, t*nd ihets
what will you tio ?” This terrible threat
hJ been held out so Song, that it began to
lose i’g • ifeet. It might be Seen from what
had Occurred with respect to the property
tax. thtit inhiisf rs would not very precipit
ately give up their phtfes. He would n
---sw r for it, tbe noble lord opposite, provided
the house would let him, would bi content
to sit on the treasury bench till (haend 0?
time—fa laugh]—Wb (ever 6*tablis’ sterile
might be Voted by (he house, lisrgeor] j
( army or no arovy, he fiord Caetlrreagh] ond
ibis right lijpnorubie friend the chs*eiloi of
I the exeluqner woul.d still be content to rc
j mein the minister* of the country, if only a
j corporal’s guard and a bank token
jet their command—[A laugh.}
The arrival in the British channel on the
B?.h inftt. of thirteen sail of large China ship*
of the Et a’ India company, after a passage
of only one hundred and nine days freni
Chinn, gan occurrenefe of the merchaoule
murine without example, and in all iist cir
rumstam e* of fortune attd nofiul skill in sei
*nse. These ships beating iu China, in.
December, of the great event of Waterloo,
end judging rightly of its tonsequmccs, sai
led homewards in tbreeeeperate divisions, &
arrived together at fit- Helena.—F cm
thence they Were de*patched two and two
but all arrived ot onto on our coast—oncos
he deafest evidences of nuiii ai skill nuti
the prelection of our sailing Qt-ienee in (lit
modern mode, fey observation of (he cedestia4
ooulea, that have ever beeu practically giv
en. The*© heavy from tbeirdoiistru *
tionand great lading have every practice{
disadvantage ; nor will fair wind* avaij
through the ioug path of tw r o wide octai.g,
with knowledge acd skill
(_VoL. I.