American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, August 01, 1816, Image 4
PO KTS V CO KN bK. THE NEWSPAPER, Tftyws.mTl readers tnni, and they can look Tleas’d on a piper who abhor a book ; Those who ne’er rise i sermon to peruse, tVouM t hink it hard to be denied their news; ftiuoei* and Saints, the wisest with the * we*fc, Mare nsiu *ie tastes, and one amusement seek $ This, like the pitUie inn, provides a treat, “Where e&eh ptotnisauous guest sits down to eat; And su. b this frontal food, as we may call. Something to all and to necis meu Ad i next IV which the mot ley mere ialTfrds to eit'ier **\ and every ee?e : Lo! when i some* before the winter’s fire it mr, from •he pr in sn:n ky curls • |dre, (i* from fa earth the sun exhales the dew) E'e we *.u read the wonders that ensue ; eager every eye survey# the part, T(i4 brius j.s fivorife su.l ject to the heart; Or've pciitifiens 10-. k for thets alone, A<*d r> vtv-'iy add ;, oj ;**( ure of their own. The sprightly nymph whenever broke her rest For toltcring crowtif;, or mighty lauds njx preat, Finds broils and battles, but ttsgleefc th°m ‘ hit . For s>n od suits, birth-day or a b tl5:l The ploddiog man o’e/looks each ids i,de | For ’'"o> i*v’s wanted,” aud * 4 Estates <mj s.Je } ” V’ hii* s some with enuai minds to all attend, j Fieas'd with e ich part and griev’d to find ] an ©ad. A Q CSSTiVT’Tt\L llk . ON voa DISLIKING ins iVi ims -real— Off, A Ctse in the Constitutional Court. A }■ -aw'r, es re-*ords report, iiuK” ly discontented, llis v*c vr at t’ .v Bishop’s Court For gr<.*s neglect presented. 44 Our f rmer Priest, tny Lo-d,” he said, * E-eh Suud y the year round, **Bollso (xpekx in f is discourses r ead, ♦* Aud ehuruii.i . was the s- urid ! I Not Btie{* ortr Pirson’s phrase, m \o Gre* k doer h“ •■i.ppiy ; *• But av-* in English ail he ay s As you might spetk or 1. <•* x\nd yet for this so ‘imp!* style, “He claims er*'h lythe and due; Fi ,s. pippi s, poultry, t il L.e while, 1 “ And Easter off’rings too i’’ (i Y/tu’re skill’d in languaeeß, l guess, 5S The wond’riug Bishop *ry’d, Ci i know mo xuuguage, m. re or iesss 1 ’ The surly dowu reply’d. c> But, Greek , I’ve heard ?he learned eay s •* tsnrp,.uses all the rest ; (e Aad sine© hi'* so <1 e best we pjty—. *• V © nil'll to HAVE til ‘ h©H>. TiT 1 -wii 11 in iwrii. iiimii n fa 4’ ‘lit tiie Ifuaiuii Evening &RIFF mbmajHKs otf *. Riovs sfzyzcYs. ! ON EXPENSE. Rxnes are for spending, and spending for honor and good ac tions ; therefore extraordinary ex must be limited by the’ worth of the occasion Ordinary expense ought to be limited by r. man's estate, and governed with such a regard as to be within his compass. It a man will but keep an even hand, his ordinary ex pense ought to amount to no more than half of his receipts; and if he expects to grow rich, only to a third part! It is highly prt per fox* the greatest to descend and look into their own estate. Some dread u, not through negligence, but for fear of bringing them selves into melancholy-—but wounds cannot be cured without searching. He that cannot look on his own estate at all, ought to choose those whom he employeih, and change them often- and he that can look into his estate quite sel dom, it behoveth him to turn all to certainties. A man who i> extravagant in one expense, ©ugh * to be saving in another. If he j is plentiful in his diet, to besav ing in his apparel, &c. for he that is plentiful in expense pf all kinds, will hardly be preserved from de cay* In clearing of a man's estate he may hurt himself in be ing too sudden, as in letting run on too long ;for hasty selling is com monly as disadvantageous as inter est. He that cleareth his estate bv degrees, creates a habit of fru-! gality, and gaineth as well upon his mind, as upon his estate. G. PARENTS & CHILDREN. The joys of parents are secret, and so are their griefs and Lars; they cannot utter the one, nor they will not utter the other. Chil dren sweeten labors, but they make misfortunes more bitter— they increase the cares of life, but they mitigate the remembrance j of death. The difference in affection of ‘parents towards their several chil- I dren is many times unequal, and sometimes unworthy, especially in the mother. A man shall see, where there is a house full of children, one or two of the eldest respected and the youngest made wantons; but in the midst some that as it were forgotten, who ma-1 ny times, nevertheless, prove the ; best. j The illiberality of parents in* allowance towards their children,! is an error; it makes them base,! and makes them keep with mean ! j company* A parent does best, when he keeps good authority o Iver them, but not his purse. Some have a foolish manner of creating and breeding an emula tion between children, which cre ates discord, when they arrive to manhood, and disrurbeth fami lies. G. A SECoSx) SAMPSON. Williams, the famous English ! deserter, who tor years found re fuge with their Sieur Barba-zan in the Isle of jourdon, has, ac ! cording to accounts from Alton, at length been arrested. The i prodigious strength and violent character of this man, has ren dered him the terror of all the peasants and servants in the Can ton. Mr. Barbazan was the on ly person who could control him. His terrible strength v/as particu larly displayed when he was intox icated. Nothing could resist his efforts.—He then twisted bars of iron as if they were frail twigs; wi'h a blow of his fist he broke through partitions; and with no other help than his fingers, tore out the largest nails. In one of his fits he one day took up a ser vant by the middle of the body, ran with him to the distance of 50 paces, and threw him over a , wall 20 feet high, on the other ! side of which a small river flowed, i Happily some trees broke the fall of the new Licus, who got off with no other harm than a good fright. jThe prefect has, on the applica tion of the mayor, ordered him to be conducted from brigade to brigade until he be lodged in foulon.— Paris paper* | ADMINISTRATORS’SALE. Will be sold, on Friday the 30th day of August next, at the residence of Benjamin Green, in Jefferson county, the following property belonging to the estate of Isaac Harris deceased. One set Blacksmith tools com plete, 20 head ot cattle, 3 horses, J I secretary with drawers, 1 set (Tables h ends of walnut, 1 doz. Windsor Chairs, and many other articles of Household and Kitch en furniture, too tedious to men- lion, 1 set of Carpenters tools, 1 elegant Gold Watch, 1 Lot of Books, among which are the life | of Washington, the Spectator, Ja cobs Law Dictionary, Blackstones Commentaries, Buileno Nisiprius he. Terms made known on the day of sale. All persons having demands a against the estate will render them in as pre.cribed by law. Maryann Maria Harris, Adm’x panid Green, > John bliiy, 3 17th July, is EXECUTORY Sale. Will be sold, on Thursday : 2yth August next at the planta tion of James Spivy( late of Burke |county dec) on Williamson Swamp, Jefferson county, the | Stock of Cattle belonging to said | estate, with sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Terms to be made known on die day of sale. Link,on Spivy , ? form Lock , 3 Burk* county July 18 IBt. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK WILL RESOLD, On Thursday the sth. Septem ber next, at the late residence of Milben Fulford, dec. Ail the personal property of said deceased, Consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, House hold and Kitchen Furniture,-—a i Still, he. he. JOHN WATKINS, Administrator, in behalf of wife. July 26. 1816. notice!” The firm of Fleming & Marks, was this day desolved by mtual consent. Those who have any demand, against said firm, are re- • quested to forward their accounts and those who are indebted, are j requested to call and settle by! note or otherwise, with R. Flem ing. Jun. FLEMING h MARKS. July 23,1316. MoughtltoTailT On the 9th inst. a negro fel low, calls himself CA'I O, says he belongs to a Mr. Powers. The fellow speaks so broken that he can’t be understood. The owner is desired to call, pay charges and take him away. L. H. MARKS, Jailor. 18th July, 1816. SHERIFF'S BLANK TITLES , for sals * at the Printing-Office Louisville. Also —-BLANK. DEEDS. notice: THE Subscriber wishes to hire ten able bociied NEGRO , MEN, to work in clearing out Ogechee river : for which, four* teen dollars per month will be giv* en. Also, a liberal price will be given for BACON and WHIS KEY. JOHN G. BOSTICK, Agent for Company 2d July, 1816. JEFFERSON SUPERIOR UOoRtT^ APRIL TERM, 1816. RULE_NISI, UPON the petition of Jesse Brown, praying the establish ment of a Receipt in full from one Mordica M’Lain, dated the 3d of April, 1814—a copy whereof as nearly as can be recollected by the petitioner is annexed to said petition : and probable cause ap pearing to the Court, ’hat the same is lost and ought to be es tablished; It is therefore ORDERED* That at the expiration of sig months, the said receipt be es tablished unless sufficient cause be shewn to the conn ary.—And that a copy of this order be pub lished in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a month for six months, in terms of the rules of court in such cases made and provided. Extract from tfce minutes, D. CLARKE, Clk. notice; - During my absence from Geor gia, William H. Jackson and DAVtn Clarke, Esquires, are appointed my attornies ; and are authorized jointly and severally to transact any part of my busi ness. JOHN A. COBB. 12t’n May, 1816. ‘* 1 - ■■ <—krnm mm NOTICE. During my absence from the State, Col. William H. Jacksow & James Jackson-, will be my agents generally, and in all legal cases Messrs. T. M. Berrien 85 R. L. Gamble, my acting attor* n i es# HOWEL COBB. !4th May, 18*6. notice; * Nine months after date appli cation will be made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jeffer son county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Isaac Hudson* late of said county deceased. fames Admin'r May 15. NOTICE. ~~ Nine months after date appli cation will be made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jeffer son county, for leave to to sell all the real estate of Hampton Hud son, late of said county deceaseds James Hudson, Executor. June 12, 1816. f LOU It &, WHEAT, wl be reeeiveci'Ty* the Printers, iff tint Aows^^eri and Advertisiag,