Newspaper Page Text
Stt-U HI - \ MF.R’O A. |
Kingston, (J,.m ue 1) July 6.
The following is an er. tract of a letter |
from General Bolivavto a gcntlem i in this
v-My, and vted Carapixo, South-A'ueriea, 10th
us June.
‘• I i.l.<] n'.y?'*lF the n’e? c i* ,-esf *ef
you from the Is!arv.l of MorgnrHta, vi t Si.
Thom ts’s, giving van on \eeount of ‘he first
au'W-sses of our okd- rfifim - * from the timr we
left Aux Cave?*, which 1 hope, has been duly
received hv you. 1 now resume my p**u with
nure antUlVtica, to give yon a fur*her a'--
Ci*uH of'—e-i-cs. whinS, through
th: interfa.vnce of t>i> Ore a: 1> noser f ;
all m-ii's, has c.r. * •:- ‘ ‘ SFss tfYo n.nn-;
fr t?■. 1 “et>ol> i*. t?n ’h*’ 2.5* ioi niou.i> i
oir vq : idr.oi sailed Yo:n !:r;ari‘-a, a-nl
af'.pr ■ long pivasvge of a:v •■lays. owin'* ! o
the r.pi'iity of'tV arrent, an ;herc’! b-h
t?>e h*. battery of* S rtt-v F/> v*. ‘• rni^ann
where tae Spaoin Hot* was •• %•?* y and, ns
\v ‘!l >s o*s bo;-.H the vessel'? m * u •■• > r ,
r ! 1 if vUn !>-*ui ! no ’er ‘ o ‘•’• A ,
t o. break of •lev rx* mr i'r, i ■ -*-r.o • ■
too i .VO am! f,rt V. S'irr jwl “ or V< \vL j
it i m! I So .is** wilt 1, vvlvv _ ? sln-H _ * h• j
‘,> *rj ?o - < vor j*?t t e .i vi!o-i • j
which it wismy o i in H ’ ■ ; r ‘ s ! s } ’ i
as m i■!) a.- it I yin mv pov->r, h : ny $■ oi j
m.os ‘.vs v.--stive \ by ihe -wm .*;:•! m —• .
T.Vw si* t 1,1 hft ,} no o’e r -v : v j
i* n f*-o im-op'lhtn ,tj of?■ |
tr"voio''. w-.s i.-im • U p*To’.m
ua ! \ r the onfors of o jor ai o'uin -1
Is Pcor cn . Son iJireeJj ‘q j
< : >nr?: :;o o*h * h;f- f the tmvn, w ’ o h I
BqK?i’r-..a kp'ip a llr *s of voire? ;vrl “j
on tl> an 4 Cnjutre of i ; tn’-rn. i h©j
tmoiis nr.-fer ‘. ,L cionun ‘U'l rt ?•’•■ ■’ o v . o >.i j
p-r-u q•Pantiy ‘r?v tittef. a <i to •* vjwj s or j
tiiW; •. k ebrnmaotl of h y y *.i \v u; j
iV’ i ;i| the town. < v i: ’ th.
eroeny from their po• •toos* W 5 * o .t’.n e, .
g;, -o as, i'!'l n > loos, tb ‘ -Spo oi> •’ ••••t. .<'• i • j
Rn ? Sel l oierrs the wSiale *ine pi ying o I
th so 1 • Ireo- V \ troops, is pmb.iMy ob 9ot |
♦ S.e c *r :i }j‘"'ii ir.s'anees of sort) o t.S’ .• ’i-’, |
ation without loss Oemrai .Partook * h
iahr of the err'fiiy, wV*re hr. was 1■& t c\-
p . -fe-}, vvi\ the m ention oi‘ t,-.*
it i hts whif*h oni.nonfltiil tse p - n
vi -ioitv of Je town, n wbi b he eemniotv*
si • ole:!. aui f?er nn a tin of two kou: s.
? h ?iJ the satisfaction of secinst the repuSH- j
e ’ et>! >• il ihg triu'npfmntly on th* !
~{* C *nq> an. Only?', fwof ov nr nj
w-r> vvi)’ml*<3. and th** slightly. Ou vie |
\v < eomptctOj and ‘he flight !;1 th •
en uv sh.'\ rtefii, *-.s they “-ft ? !•*” g f eaic?i (
mag- in -very shin-. \il the 9pauirds j
,0/i, >ll iS OUTpOWOr, 08 ?A'l! 4.
k *-e\r qirrn’itv of provbiy . • and |
b •* and svho-.‘rer, 5 .Jen vvilh nn-r- j
chnu.i'ze ;* ho fr.r:ve- well ?’-rm -d ml ip- j
pn(j, rj t?i” li.ilio B'*ll')j Atnl 1 no latter i
J, \ ilu consequence of the o:*u-|
pvion of Canip .no by our troops the Sp i
pi i"(1* b v. v ahaadoneil from C -ri.t*o to C* ti-.
ri 1. Hnd mr ei:rnmuniealio ss o .Vj >’ arin a< e
expedited by J nd and the Golf ) Pris e. I
Lop- a short, time only w'H bo req *ired to
fa, ‘.jit te our commtinieawong. In >ve the j
, i-f .ctioa e e lose you the regular Sul- (
leiius, pro. lam tions, as well as an j
i•’ ! .evl:v! -'n nish doeument, xv ich wilt
**ive •- i so-ie idea of the m n whose tyrn*
... *, j , , lon** oppressed ii ’ eoutinont o.
South America ’
f iiO VI TH E AUG .U Si A C B ItO NIC L’ *.
To tub- Editor. i
. m _f„ looking over the lews of thei
jtite, i <i and vis <■••* passed by the \r- si - j
tore, * <1 seated to by ihe Exevnivc oa
the SI-*- d’ y of J'cn-.ry, d signed toj
, (I f 5 jn-j to’ .at.on ol staves su'o this
s ie; the p.-e m’Be of which speaks indiq
nu) ly of th > .lUoteii'-t.ia and pernicious
tr Hi*. i his law exacts, that moot’s
oft r !h ?v p sinq of ihe vame, M if shall be
tin! n fed for any person or persons, t* io
port mto t* is gf.t-, from Atrir-a or elsexvhetc,
h r iy scXo or
(<j v. k' 1 sh!o or oC er H.s; osition of them,
by therrseives, their agenU, .ir aUorniea, to
r!jo inhabit eis oi ilus state. Any p £••■) oi
p rsan* s > nlTendieg, s *all, f° r l ‘ !a
f u e. f rs it and p v the sum oi one hun
dred do lie ?, for every such n< g r hr.
V .rtvd, so and. or otheru tsu disposed rs ; ami
t o f'vevy ■-•)' 3'qiifnt offeu c, the s>u.n oi o .
f.'mumud !o!!ar*, to be recovered by 11,
*• l jsjt c :? and Unet;?, in the superioi f* urt
/ t’>e wre i.l}*.* e£T u *. shall hop
, ;l . OJJI , *. J ~ n.r.y iuf>rMrT 4 who shall
o t?*e Ii” ‘jrlcr tu caavicli >. -.m ino
o*!>. r Is *.f ‘o *h? use o* tl'.c stun *
N., c i ‘ h'j\v *,! s wlu:..ry and tv loiesouie ,
j , ‘ , j , {'.)P is and -ign the ovi j
- ft!* “ ea.o siuo’.’.y) b css violated
m. lon-, ’ted so oil •. with itnpu* tty. is nut.
t ,9 adnnisoiog ’ •< t. ue. Itwot.ldse ntj
us ;!) it sffii-c in ‘i s s\*itc ’.b k; /. it j
t. *i with t! e s mi fici.i y that it Hubs- ri-’
!,,? But ihe thy of retribution i* it
e-.-nd”. •*’ r v . ~,<*>♦ is h-v. e jv.s closed, tu and j
H sd.uSy i..>csii i _ J , aod the p'np> a'*Jo
.. ’.lli , |*y jbriflj V ?"1 will C.“ !f) g
h,t V mg.’ race n;. s he off ud rs. An in-j
j* iv w-js i*j- de >; f w Weeks si: ti. j
tj r . (i : j ;11 ,of Wi?:.,3 igai.'.st a dr i
... -j .*’ ,*jo* in C'.ro (!:<•. ; • ‘.‘i a>'.••• a* ‘•
,u.’ t s, •*. • -
? •**; lit ft? ?. iond wft'A, Ihc cure of ar t!r.w
I itr diSPifC, it is to be h* ped h; uny b
| . ale ?u! j **.t to ti e penalty It is ac’
I whi'/h K’.ay servo hs p wrirng to our o'-c-
I oiHxons, won arc in the constant practice tl
vioja'inq i's provision* with their eyes open ■
nn <i i’ is ’ cvsei ah o w!’i4. may ser-eto op -r
thoeyos of persons who may b disposed to
arrest ihe progress of a- rnw i s* , "r, o n'Wj
oulv dares to trioiple with impuoit? upon
the fiumicipnl lews n! ‘be staff, ? !fi oner,
the verv rights of hum rily. I ! ts snppOv <!
that five or six hundred thousand dotliirs
hare been recently sen? out of the stute. f*
t! v slates of Virrrinie and ?.V rylaud, to he
, (Jisbnrs- 1i: ueerAes. To Vs <*or<v v k,
ieu?xfor Uw.yts erors Savsuueh rl ‘er
i 4> The t!-y of retribution * c nt ? ’
A ClllZ.’N.
At AH lifil'Ail t \?TA’T.
u'l/'B a/ tof imneress of the 2-6*% of Ap j
!’ ie,, h vim* prev'd’-d that ivh T o my *’ j
li* v sand W.'rrau's 1! he so tord • j
i ,iv and onon due proof there, f o i • * -
|fa ti mos tbs s- cc* r ; of war, i p- t‘*ir
? h J| ij'-'-uo in the n- me irsmne •a* if ih
I w trr ■ it wh“ pr *,'!"•’ ; o:rl w’ ev b* ?. m
I p-erf so ?I bn nroJu- and, tb t any so’dAr e*
: I*'.e ***:pi -r a Toy hue lost h’ disrh-'.rg'; Rod
I .u r c. ; u .... *# f ithfu! service, the a (trot ry
j.,f *p r k?* 15 cure rws l* ho fom?i h (1
| <•• *•• so <li rs s wil? o;:(ii!e him to i.'s
! y • -r-nt aril p -ten*. To n d-'o i; n eoa;
• ;re: or. Id by the pr<*v. : nn o’ the sid
j vt, fo!U"i)t tj- >■> e. vos of the r< i ; f i‘oml*
I* -!to bo -ran.t p d. the se/retary far-ld’-e de’-
. trn f, nt w”-r h.*s direct'. A. tr--/.t *u ?os*
.f military laud wrrr :P ? 3. whi- V. b/.vo l-mw
* }->u nr destroyed, ihe .* ily an V, um ! u-.M;
j*n w j tug, s?Vc the tiiae, plovc *.pd m nrer
{of siv h 1.,5.s or n sTif tion. the and t J s* n <?
] /umber -.if the w*,r v, '*nt, v*d ni
I (*■;(; n* to hob ihe su'djrv b<-! ( r* t-i • ,‘ l ’
‘Ame of hi- i'-S’ j cpil n i; o tb#mt it ,
liunty iiml tewiiskip in n hj-*i he
she o .th r.-.ust h ir.,d‘ nemro c 1 cifiocr
‘u!> fj i/f and ! o cdn v >in : at''r i 1 * and > ?i ? W
---ci < i >:srr trr -ud s;qp *nre of saeh officer
./j. .} | u ef . r ■fi,*d I*y th- ‘1 rk of (the co iutyy
■■ n. y.r. of ie cky or by sd-
,s G • !!■(•:’ bv i].t: If, ‘3 afcd u *3 of ihe
,:•;,. v ,.1 ;i in m de. Every apnUcßtibh
V b * advertized one month in t?ie
f .*?) where the app icint r sh.l's-,
| fi re any leeieion w'li fee made E* the e:
; ••**, ti a secretary of the depnrkuerAs Svi-t
I'ioure in corroboration ‘■! toi i*i®
will be re juired. where it i er! a ti-?V c
shewn to be out of his pnw.-r ; l pi f.,l | “C ii.
J In V e ruse of lost OI9CHARGKS. ike
dtu: si’joU) nt & ♦•. ion to 11-e time. jr-’a-’p r ue,
1 m-urmr of the l< or d"? rurtion of the
| 01SCH.* RGB, most set forth l*e timv ar.d
! pUce of eiiiin-m n‘, the jotr.p- ny and rrgi
| moot lo •!.*/.'. J.t s*/ sier belonged at *l’?
,line of bis dis"k *qe — he dale of the d.s
----; eh&rge, and r, r.Sk and name of (he officer
who signed i‘: it must also d.;tr whether
tfe J:s ht.rge contained the eertiKcate r>f
: f ,{tfnl service r?qoir'-d by low, or <he wo r tls
words f that import. The and. position oft:
disinterested witn’ ss, <s to t! e service adj
J dis. barge of the }.p leant, is required in
j enrro .oration of his own testimony. V< here
:tl s : s not produced, the reason of its unn
iinuhietinu must be sa’isfuetorily stated
t he testimony must, he au'henticated iu ibc
mamier prescribed iu the case of lost w ar*
rants. Where the precise dates or numbers
cannot b/ stated, they may hr stated to tie
best of the re/ ol’eeti hi of the witnesses.
| whos. credibi iiy the m qgistrate, who tfekes
| th*. evidence, rvast certify iu the usual form,
j July 39, 18! 6.
New-York, August 8.
Captain Solly, who arrived here last eve
ning from Leghorn, informs that the Medi
i>. raaeon is full oi pirates. He came
diwnthe Sf ights with the Dutch squad
ron, which had put into Gibraltar to lofu.
The following copy of a letter was hand
erl to captain Selby by Mr. Appletoo, Ame
rican eoosnl at Leghorn.
Messina, May l!. 1816.
“ The Constellation, captain Gordon, the
J va, captain Perry and the Erie, captain
L roue, arrived u few days ago at iSyratuse,
from a cruize on the cm si of Bai burv,and
v-H proln bly be shortly here. Air. J.iiifs,
our con/ul at Tiipoli, with his lady, is on
board tbe Con telli;tion ; the c<iusfc oi
quitting his station I know not.”
EfcSTOM, AutrU ( 10.
Il i- staled that lord Lxu.i*u;li is to pro-
in m nedi.ti y to the Mediterra
-1 n k in. h. s.w.e the Aiqeri,b aud 1 auisiao
()i”- r. L ’ is to hoist his Sag on board
j c (j. mu i hiiiiotic. LoiU Exmuuth was
jiii 5/ n ! -n.
j A-j tt mpt vyis made at Paris, Juo fi 23,
‘to low up or • the to ihe hotel oi U.c di.i,c
0 Wei ingten, ii, tl.c f m given to him,
a! which tise Bosirbuii* were pro•
V-ut. A sin u. wts perceived issuing from
ciiir, w-.i® vv. s found lo proceed from
i t hfsjn.arfc’t with gunpowder
*, ••,£ ,j y,- ,‘icb were a no-nher of bail curft uigti;,
•* tt ■* il pounds. >’ f g'ti,poy. two bar
• .-V v.t. ‘> b- lire wts extl./tii/hcd be
’ ry it ‘.’oiuitiiioU*-*• ■ in, ami
nr, aUits w;?.s nivrn to tee eofttp*\ry.,
The editors of ti e Gazette have received
hv the s*v*ff si-hr* Bordeaux pa
pers lo ihri 2S h of ilnne, &they ares?>ar
r-ui cs the limes. The marriage of the
Duke of Berri with t*ie Dalian Frin-css,
w/% ? * ! :braf*'! t F :riS with great splendor;’
hat the fcstivißts of the Court w ere ordered
io be suspended on the 48th oi July, tiic di.y
, nn wVi-h tb> hulls of V, Merino was fought.
Business ir> F ance .vras ct j deadly styu and,
aid the mH.rkc.s ofeoorse merely Tiomiaal*
The plague was making great ravages in’
We I *grr? by a gcrllemer w ? *<* arrved last
eveningio the (Jui.'k Line, sl’-ui. the .tfepu
t ’tioß f. in the B pks of Baltimore, Philo
?!pbiiu New iTork, ikr. were in secret ron
? ve at Phil; d/lphiu, f it, that nothing hd-
Cr"as*>lred relative to their prceeedi tvs.
j ‘ 4 yf. I Oaz; ‘
Jr Iq ctoted in o’la nf tllLur'd,OXJ p v p ’ s they h-eve b'-grn to pave seme oi t lie
~'r'‘>s in L > dm: vvilh cast iron 8-igs—-
> i< rs the sferts cre already iubminated ]
vi h G -.s Lights. j
Phil. Freernsn’s Journal.
r;o*'. r C ENTERPUIZE.
It ia report, and end believed that a dis
rinau'-h; and b rristcr of this city, together
w'h Ceuvtxin Bu kcr of the a’cvm-paelu t
Fulton, ? res’jlL dto cross Ihe \s,anti
o End ir:d, tu..! proVerd (hence to iv:?s-<b
in the now sfi nrv- —'l hiCgr r.d under
tßfcif-g, wo l ire n:tOT and, is in fu nlm ot or
wees of a ‘onlrai t o?< r tl *o .vii hu
t-ti by ‘he Empero'f *nf f*u* ii, allow i g l:rui
jim f’xcVsiv.- lmyig.uiui i steam-bfi- ts,-in j
tho Pass An Erbpiefo>’ 25 yours. As the
VS:>l is built ns su’ s* iUi l and strong as a
If war, Hide or Vo doubt is i uu-itt. n
.) e d by ue vat r. en of the pratt ie bill y Oi
jibe attempt We are dtighled wilt* the
• j ‘prespect of a 5../t ui bout p? opt lad Hcr.iSs
\be Athir:tie ven 9 by Amcricu-s “the
‘ first,” Thcrcis r.n doubt of the .xp dilioi:,
j it is determined ; and, since ruuinr is busy
j on the subfe* t. we make free ! mention that
Mr, Colds,tc is the gont.eiiiftu iviluded 10.
j N. Y. Culumlian.
i It is stated in the Federal Republican j
I; iat Vdill: .ni Pinckney, Esq. paid (he b&i-j
; n. e !e from him tu the nation, before he
ovt bis embassy.
! Mr. J ph Bonapn te, king f Bpaiu so
V•* purchased u corintry-foat near
, Philadelphia; where fee intends to reside fur
j the future.
i ‘ *?) • rtimburf: of Mungo Park have been
| p.p >■’ c-nmunieuted b] Robert Ad/ms,
la.: Amerivau seaman loro near Hudson’*
j river, who Staviog been wrecked on the Afri
! -an s-mre, w as token prisoner, and canted
| oT< uihu to, on the river Niger. He there;
• lec.rnt f.ooi a slave, that she hid seen tv,o.
white men, supposed to be Park and Lieut.
Marlin, in tier country, beyond the great,
desert east of Tombueto. ’I bis relation, ii
true, shows that F&rk proceeded niu<h far-*
iheron his expedition than has been believed.
Scarce a hope remains, however, of his be*
. iug alive. Adams was ransomed Ly the
consul at Moc adore.— Hasten Patriot,
‘"y |
From a late English Paper.
Hydrophobia —At UYdinu, io Friuli, a
i poor man. Joy mg under the 1 1 igh!! u! tortures
of the Hydrophobia, w.*s cured with some
I draughts of vinegar, given him by mistake,
I of another potion. A physician of
. ipsiduu got intelligence of this e-cut r t Ur
. |dina, and tried the same remedy upon a j
i patient at the hospital, administering to him ;
j a pound of vinegar in the morning, another
| at noon, aud a third at sunset, and the man
-j was speedily and perfectly cured.
Philadelphia, July 27.
! PERPETUAL motion—at REST.
J Agreeably to Mr. Redheffet’s desire, the 1
i committee \vhieh he bimscif appointed, ;
, met by adjournment this morning to examine :
i his Perpetual Motion, but lo l the machine
was at rest —every thing except the tongue j
i of Mr. Redhefl'er, w hich was nmsUmly j
i going iu mukiag excuses why the machine
was not ready, tit. &.c.
I Literary Informat on. It cannot fnil toj
[prove highly gratifying to the IVieuds of j
• American literature, and to the reputation |
-of the respectable and lamented Dr. Ram
, sax, to le .rn that bis History of Ameii;.* 1
I j i about to be put to the press iiii.uaoitoteiy,;
I I and to be printed in a hand ono s;y;*;, sousj
to do credit lo tie state of the uri in tius.
, -ouotiy. The work hepubli -h l sole
• I v for the benefit of his family, At ; i’ h must
, prove a powerful recoimu-mlAiou t” pub.i
• nMronrge. —Subscription paper* wi;l be is
( -tjoil w'bhout delay, and persons be auim
i rzed to wui* on the citizens tor tl.di sub
. ripliofi 1.
N. B. The work wits brought down to
•buses - 180.9, by Dr. Rhus y, and is to
(0 cutili* ; ueii o ‘.'ji* close of tile v.a. Lh ’.e
• i Rev. Li. i. yuiith* j
T A NARUS;. - w ..■*. i
Lord op, June f9.
The enrtirusd n*d inerensiag cvnierntiotji
fmm this country to America heewnes every
dnv more nforming The immediate an 4
earoe-nt ettertion of govcmmerHo this seri
iMis drain of the m*s< ns?fl unrt of the
ropnliition of (he hnikid kingdom; lo thA
growing j of its bestvhsnds in ar(
and Htatinfschirrs, ens to the almost daily
ftf-c in u!vtirg lose, of tfeo meehcuical me*ns
..f the prr-'peiiiy, is imperiously
ifirectcd. ••
We have b-sere os the Ne*-’ Tork ship
ning list for one T .vt ok. Fast -thr 51Ii to tbe
t2'h-oflae*-month. Frc.n this rffit-itl doctr
ment it oope.-rs that the. foltoning ("unibcr
. f passengers resefeed tb ( j'-oci from Ire
} rul ia that very she:! period :*r\
Dido, fron Nr wry. - -. ?o
Elizabeth, fro sc ‘&tlf &i 9 - 16
Active, from L ndooderry, - 20
NWrt h ’c ir, >om 1 Inhlkt, - / 0
Hero, fV< m ,f ,‘Jto"’ y, - - 29
j Nancy, from Nnwry, - - 20
The rrriv.aV ■from EnrlsutS within the
au c time, ar i taberi fretn.the list, are p-o
- r
• Hefe, Rri-.tly - ll
E J cclr ft . Lo ‘don, - - 4P>
Dcea?;, London, 5
- ‘ t •'.* ,
Among the fom Erglairl rndT
frc.Jttnd we moy fairly venture to clar* tar
] nenirrs. mrsonr, weavers, blacksmiths,
I shoemakers, hosier®, end even sbipv rights,
is it at length come to this, that man is ti>
be ihfe Orly s fe and prodrtetive commodity
for the carrying tr -de f if so, the article
is unfortunately in great abnudanee, nod the
supply h:>S been considerable. It is coors
pui-ed chat Lorn L-flard alone the total num
ber .if emigr ‘n s he•?mounted to CCOO with
in the last twelve r.onthl.
While t? is t-orisi. nl emigfaOoti rniisf, ia
- 3;:.<tieni;l point cf view, bV the subject of
painluf regret, we hsve. however, t 0 observe
Tfxat it is not confined o Great Britain acdl
jl'-.eland oriy. We find, in :Lc same ship
;ping list, that tbe Eugene, us Havre-de
'ytriee, bron. ht over twenty passengers frota
a blender of Ifea nationalioskiate*
From ! r cliiiid - - 151
England - 56
France - 22
In CobfiefUs American packet, No. 4, (Hr-r
gistcr N'>. M) he addresses the English
nation, ami udls them he wishes them and
the Americans to be better acquainted!
with each other ; be then continues thus;
‘ You have, my dear John, been sadly ea -
ioled for a great mnny years j you have beea
made to believe, that it was necessary for
you to spend twenty five thousand millions
in order to so v your property and to pre
vent your religion from being taken out of”
. your very heart. In fact, you now *ee your
self, after ail your toil and sacrifices, rp*>
du ed fr> ruin by a war, the effeef, and th®
only striking ; fleet, of which has been t©
sestore ihe Bourbons, whom you a!wsy
j culled despots; to restore the pope, whim
j you always called the scarlet whore of Ba
bylon ; to restore the inquisition, the very
o'ome of which used to meke yourblood rua
cold; and to enable the Bourbons to put fo>
death, to imprison, or to banish the brav®
Frenchmen, who bad fought, cr written er
spoken in the c.nuse <i that liberty,the very
sound of which was formerly so delightful
! to an English ear.
j Therefore, John, this is the season to “'tli
upou you to reflect, and to endeavor to L,r
your eyes towards a country inhabitted by
men who are naily free, who proceed,gen
erally speaking, from the same stock with,
yours If, who speak the same language, who
have the m common law, who, yon,
jpoke their bowsprits into every port ia the
i world, who stir abont like you in all sorts of
aft’ irs, who like you have a score or two nf
: religions, who are pretty nearly as proud
is yourself, (and tt present with mu h bet
ter reason) who talk like you, write like
;you, ond fight like you; and who iu short
j resemble yon in fmost every thing, except
; that they are uol like you, to be gnl’ed cut
! of their moocy, and to be induced to lore ft
jehains when wi*h to enable erutty ardbase
tyrants to bind ihem to ihe, o ir.
Fray, my dear John, do not suffer the for
; - n s ,t knaves of tbe pi ess to make you )e
----| iieVe any longer, th A L is France and the
j Continent of Europe to which your tyca v
juughl to be direcled. You have no l-usirr a
in France or ia Urreauy. You can learn
iu, hiug there. Come with me, John, and
; Re a look at America- In one sense X
io, glad, that the people there treat tire®
thousand miles distance froiu you; but ia
another,! wish they were Lear enough for
s<>u to “se them and hear Lira talk. To
bring you as elossto them ea possible ebaU
b* my object; and if yeu will hut Lead mo
witfc* cLfiutiuu, i will teach you more *•*-