American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, August 29, 1816, Image 3
f*J ILnwrls&zfi than yni ev<r j It is tfcc business of tnir writing Jr naves, to keep you in ihe dark wuh regard to this great and properoti* poultry. It shall be ifcy tiiisiness to open year eyp*. CDljTffWl7?;'gir'": IHU 11*5DAY, AOKiJST~'9 TTsi 6. “ j MARRIED, it* this place, on I evening, the 15 h instant, Mr. Char* es Cheatham, to Miss Elizabeth Wright, Also, on the evening of the2l*t. inmant, I Johv G. Bostick, Esq. to Mrs. Eun Atkinson,—Alt of Louisville, in th : bounty, last evening, Mr. How fix Har groves, to Mis3 NancV THOkfSOH. The Documents respecting the late out rageous proceedings of his Catholic Ma jesty, in the ee?e of the imprisonment, of Mr. IWeade, will ehiim our first attention next week. Will thp voire of the nation quitted to induee our g vermnent to awake ? feliall its Representative in a foreign court try be imprisoned with impunity ? supers irnoy. It is stoted in a Connecticut paprr. tha: the .SHAKERS, influenced by a pretended Prophet among them, are Uisvin- up gr tiu to provide against a seven year's famine. —-<&> Cobhet'e Regis f er of June 22, * in*air* hi 47tU letter to the people of AraeriCu, on £<*’ “ration from E igKnd. Speaking of the e.-rfh \rkation of farmers, See. he a>. vr, Tre hive is all in commotion. The bees see > resolved no longer to support the drones and Aba wasps ” she Lotiiion Clurie , vui'is his usual regard for truth, publishes th following antidote, to emigration “ Every thing is very and iH in America.— 8o great is tha stagnation of trade, th* \?U very few of the merchant vessels are em ployed: Our countrymen who hnve c:oi grated, are in a most deplorable slat* ; upwards of a thousand of them h tve applied to the British consul at NMw-York to b > sent Ihonie with passports as distressed Briuth subjects,” In Paris, (says the Morning Chronicle, June 25) on the oacasinn of the nuke ui* tier iTs marriage, heralds we-e seat b-More the processions, to teach the people yrhat cries they should utter, Vive le Hri! was, of course, pre-eminent; but tha r >pulace, in ft perverse humor, affecting to obey, ahotr.ed ; rive Poie! —i.e. Live the goose. The Journal d* ‘f j> .-ankfort, of the Hth May, gives the tre sty of lord ExmoaUi ! with theßaibary states, to whi h is sub joined the following paragraph : —Behold then the hopes that Europe conceived at the congress, reduced to acknowledging its if tributary to some miserable pirates in the Mediter&fican ! England, by a nod coni 5 make all these thieves retire into their dens! Englaed, which possesses Malta and the seven Islands, will never wash away the disgrace of having rivetted the eh-vins of Europe. Let this treaty be compared wilh that concluded by the Americans with Al giers, aiid it will ba seen what there w.s reason to expect from so powerful a medi ator.” Milledgeville, August 14. j|C"P It will ba seen by the following let ter from Col. Clinch to the E xecutive of this State, that the Fort on AppalacbiaoSa B v in East Florida, where the Ruffi n'NboWs coinm>ruded‘u motley force of British, Indi ans and Ncgrors during the late war, which jhassinee been occupied by runaway negroes and hostile Indians, was completely destroy ed by our troops on th 27th ultima. Mr. Hughes, the bearer of Col. Clin dibs letter to Gov. Mitchell, and who accompanied the detachment of our troops, on that expedition, states, that the celebrated chief MT*osh, with a considerable number of Indians, h and reached the Fort and comm need >*n att.rk npon it, (which had continued Several days) before the arrival of Col. Cline he’s detach ment. The Are was returned by those in the Fart, bat no injury sustained on cither side. While Col. Clinch was erecting a battery to play on the Fort, three of the Gua Bouts from New-Orleans arrived below ; it. In as: ending the bay, 7 nun who had j landed from one f these boats were attaik- j ed by the negroes, and six of them killed ; the seventh made his escape by swimming. The guu boats having h,eri brought up (by order of Col. Clinch) opposite the Fort) com fine need tiring on it with heavy ordn nee.— After the proper elevation of the gun had been ascertained by three or fom dischurt;'&, a hat ssl&ot was tired, which penetrating one es the three magazines, eootau-iue 100 bar rels of powder, created a dreadful expfo- [ tsion, which our informant supposes must h? ve killed m;re than an hundred—the j oth> rs were Lken prisoners wiiliut making further resistance. Copy of ft letter from Lieutenant Colntrl Ifuncan L. Ulinch, to kis Ercvliehiy Go ve.ruor *Witrhelt, dated I C4wr Chawkoi*/), lh. J l ngv*t . IF 16. j ♦ sm—i have the honor to in ‘aim vn?. | ihut oa the 28th ultimo, tut Fort eu lot Aj>* | pa!-'4.v >! ii • Ti, .rs ‘tl rV-, rf-for J e.. h 1 eve ht> oared „, u * Choctaws. m.-l containing about two Ftridred wrwo r .* completely derfreved, I have j t e Honor to en"li>e yoirtbe oawe s ; oi t: ei r> gr.'i"g t'kioi and at present in • onfir’ ‘ccfM j at this post, who vv r}:y to atiz.rns { o” the * *.le of Ceorgia.. 1 hive given :sjr j \ ctii'-fi iw?•<*'•i.nrio, to havt* rerery ih -.t; cf-oio'j iofo t e nation tak’.s and-delivered'. i on to t ‘ coni'.nandinar oflv or at this fost,} or Jsi t Fort Caines.*’ MILITIA OF (3F-XT'7A. . I efisdem ini- that, the m’-j; rv ho°rd, apporn'e:! by the Mst legiflatorr, co listing; of Colonel Nict-ol vs Lonsr, Colonel Pat ? k .1 -ick, C-otonel L. “V..-Melton, . pha'n Wi!- liam Colonel Edward If ‘/'den, ciio tain V- i-ioughby Barton, Ocbj-i \ Alien Daniel, epd Colpuei D _ jiei?l Si worn, willi ebnvene at in Wilkes ?y,: wn the 10 It day of fiJentemfior next, for ♦’ e ■purp'sv 1 os frar'iU” and dj ;e?tin-g r> sya'cm! for M>i*tr *• hu v,j (I-, sta'e. As nc an Jhe system she: ? vc* f; •*<*n completed, the iur rd er - -xeeJ v 5 i*’ thesi-.m.- 60 the Go verv".,- .?{) submit it, together with hi : npia.o >, i-. the : ex‘ g>er'iS •iSr-^n-i'ly, &a rrnv nit ft.*•b r :c:tn. Ijjeftcrs re ‘c'veA ?e-terT:v ly the Mincr v?, Irom Liv ■ ) o k ihe markets i Gre to b r ‘ overstocked, and lit tle or no dim And a'To.wl for ih-Ar me-nufac tur -s. At i [as port of Liverpool a lenc rt was ,s ertvivvd there were e ; e Irralred and tw-rs-.y -is !n:3;ii:! b Jcs of eave) ~ ? !jjj* fe'w jtvj- h tors, T>e in >rjof rtu- *s at i.iac ; * s’- h and *omo t<; i>olotwit tr-wnrk *hir bat tn *e Ain in w-;4, S ich had aeeo the a?*’n ? s iVa f 'n L* s oa try of the glut 4* dry good-: and ‘V: imrswi v icraficeK w-i - h Ikl b v., w av and . ifo pub a smp so any further n a of any uiunle at. present. •Si*. IT Evening /‘ost. j Wc utidcrsAinfl that comhiittrcs from the Buika f M ; ’a-Yark, Ptul ■lu'ip'u.i ud Ba :ignore.’ ss tmied ni :his city, haw t- -a.- nauui tiiei- inn-ling, by adapting a reaolo tior. r couHiivmdin- the respective hanks not to resume specie payments tufo e r e Ist ,f | July ugxt. Phil. traz. Bth m-t A Paris paper of the Ist July, contains the following paragraph, and wives it as oH’- eiai: “ Pehgnier, o?*e of the twenty ei,;ht conspirators, has insisted ii> eossrt, taut lie has sets to cotumnuicate to the kinaj, facts which will save France; nut he will c. su rname-1 than only to the king; in person, ” It is Stated under the Yieona head that the French generals Lailenmmi ftiui Era vary hod m*J< their escape from MaHu; a*.d setiers from Constantinople, to Moy Is?, re ceived in Kpglaud, mention that they had arrived there, and were supposed to be go ing to Russia. j SPANISH PATRIOTS. 1 The folio wiiig article is copied from the Demerara Gazette, received at New-York *<v the British brig Mary, arrived there in 28djs from Demerara. “ It appears from recent accounts from Vera Cruz, that the death of the independ ent chief Morelos, has by no means (JUlsili i tr.tcd the spirit of the revolution, which * continues with the greatest vigor. Frequent actions take place. The independents had advanced towards the capital of Mexico, aou a party had even entered the suberbs of San Lazuvo 5 another division hail also ap pro > lu and the walls of Vera Cruse, aod killed the scuOad at lite gates, faying waste aii the couutry round. All the lines of com niuniiatiou aie in the hands of the iiuia pendeuts. _ j ; “ ihe general congress of the independ ents b< and again assembled in the city of Te | el oiKaoti, and D. F. Bravo, one of the ge -1 nereis, h-d heeu chosen presidents General Morelos, who had been lately hung by *he Spanish government, when first taken pri, was confined in the inquisition of Mexico, and tried for being a heretic, since he had thrown ott his priesthood to become a general. He defended his own asise and was absolved, lit was then delivered over to ihe royal court, and condemned for high j treason. Before be was executed, the Spa ! nisb bishops dressed him in all his sacerdotal |r ib sos which he was afterwards delivered in a canonical manner, and formal \y degra dd. It is singular that too priests have been the ro<i*t active generals of the Mexican revolution ” Charleston City Gazette, 2 Vd instant . TrIE AITTHO It OF JUNIUS DISCO VERED. Anew work h s lately been issued from the English press, with this imposing title Facts and Arguments, indisputably rs i troustmting that tiie Letters of Junius were written by Jotn LewJs De Ldlme, author I of the eeiea/Hled essay on the English Cou nt Ration.” It is from the pen of Dr. Bushy. No copies of this work have yet reached this ton ii rv —Charleston City Gazette* Hvil Ml, GUNNERY. The ntulUry mpe*-* *tf t. <owt, eo<n m .Dde'l U liiUixr, paiuded on i V, faijM-l'ty * <f, and ft-it \ | .rget, a?*or orr #.r sVty-s - ev I ( '• h h were fir'}, ?<ry k{h ‘•• r 7 < -’ •*. **’ | 1 nutted yard ; d;> ;;uee.— itosiou y:per. Knoxvitle. August 3 \ ’ There j* n report in ‘own, said to o f v ; ” -. ed oi’ reypt Ad;;**...tut fieri! y, th- ( the • 1 ■ ?>’ry t war *’.,s a- larcdH -t<r’ rk -V- n; I'.nv* nrwsS be to t‘;e western Sine of t!ie C’ o • <* it existed before,’ and o.tihn li’rw of U. f . i -a w ( -: with the Cv esst AAA V.’ any ■. imposition was• .<■'ik-eA on h-’ .• nt, in iorraiog ihe is..’ : <••0 y wif* ‘ T-n ----kees, if may be < ~rrt- j * ‘i v.k is what ought to fee dor;?. FROM GI*BRAGT>.*R. i'y.r-r-'y, An *|?t 5. By the brig Two Bfather*, from Gibrnl ta g. wc rev ived a r per of Jono 15, ; t ■ v-'Utcias particuiar* of i-.e aboaive ath-'nrrf t l of a revo.triou a* Tonis, early tiKy, as In rely mentioned L th 1 Am* iean sfat>*ri Hi* s* ran avv y vr t s - resfefs. Ow ot A'csr- put iai- Motion, and wa ,■ seized •—another h; and landed al'out 100 >f .er-ren , (v |i*> dwrontenttd) to’ h-d 202 Lft.—” T* ••ftso t'.'.o vers-'s he-i nurdei ed trr er<w of on tfbig-isfc mir hat:- 1; jg, and rnA : ;a S't-" 4 •'•. A &"t’- ‘.R' a. • a R:/• 0. <1 ve-s- >, Ittfles with A?.t, bad been seen wiA ut any pr n on bur--J. ft.gitive T h siio were to be bo-ui l to tlii* Levant. But for the appeiranre < ft: a ’ D-i'.'sh fiigate rates, off i’cois, it was \n>po’ ed the re <oi-t svj ■.a have th s ’ roye-i . f “ b*'v ? B fleet and arsenal, Mid he Goleta. I Palitud him* Gene a 1 Smyth, the n p w au* irii*strfor of the government of Nova H issued a proeUmetioH on.ti- 2 id till. auH the u r/i importations, from the UnutJ States, tar four months.-— lbid. SPANISH ClV7?vp y Quebec, July 58. A S!. i&ih ‘merchant u ;>g, > a s. tel ler i *‘'d .May 20, comply? s'b ttl Bpen. wh goverameat h,d demar.d and of h:n> the *i:U es 5000 rial# velkfi, 3> js qous.i of H cuntrifiation of ?QQ s QOQ y icl* h kins fc and ord to be lev*-.;, to conti ■ -his peace with the regency if Jttg'-ers !—fraviag refu sed to comply with Uv~ and m u-U as ‘-onteary to the treaty between .the s\v eouutrirs, a file of soldiers we seat to hou-** who broke open his mouey th e!, raid t-ok the above uieri ioaeJ sum, with *h <■al sum fur expeo-es. Three other Britt, h inert ham* were served the same wsv. Re prescutalioas had been mule of thi> trans action f% \h* IP i-is?* minis-:? . s .?*dh-i ‘ . • :-xi&mnx+- r j i iwiWMCTiWWK ** “ 1 •—ir- *r -x. .--ir-arww- ■-'-,;** SHERBETS oALf.. Will b t sole!, on the first Tues day in October next at the Mar ket House in the Tow r. <*i* Louis ville. Jefferson county. One tract of pine land, contain ing 455 acres, on the waters of Reedy and Brier Creeks, adjoin ing Hatcher and others : 1 aken as the property of Richard Jack rjpn, to satisfy an execution, ike administrators of R. Watkins, vs. said Jackson. N 1., H. MARKS, d.s jxV August, 27th 18 ■ cs. EXECUTORS’ SALeT | Will be sold, on the third Mon day in October rt< xt at the house of Simon Caldwell, the lard be longing to the estate of James Spivey (late of Burke County de ceased,) lying on Williamson Swamp, Jefferson. County, It be ing the Will of James Spivey dec. containing two hundred & seventy five acres more or Jess* also sundry other articles too te dious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale Littleton Spivey, ? r , John Cock. ‘ | Burke county, August 11$, 1816. Nine months auer date appli cation will be made to the honor- j able the Inferior Court of Seriv- j en countv, for leave to sell all the; real estate of Benjamin Lanier, J late of S&ijjcounty deceased. Robert Lanier, j Guardian. 6th June, ,18X0. 1 \V/ k * f-* \* ■ ►-.'l - £. V f f-% / . r* f-- ou. * S o*o <iL dj^y* ! dies U r lexers J o r n \ his ad’i'h v r ration -tithe r;r:: jar • i • ; t.'i 1 s or Jon at ha n Arc her : late of said vtr.y clrc ii ncx” are t.v- ? f p o-tt { lt j a 3(iffic r ; . a;* tie kindred and ere ’* - : >. ceased, to be and appear at my ohice v. nr.,11 the time r, do wed by !avv to : '•-vop 11 se, dany th-:-y have why said letters Mould not be graded. Given und. r my hand this 23d August 1816. A. WRIGH TANARUS, cPk. Nine m ant Its est- r and ■t c ap p ; :j - cation will he mad to the .Hon orable the inferior Court of Jef ferson County, fo'* leave to s 11 a tract of land lying in the Coun ty of Wayne, No. 1.2 6, contain ing 490 acres, belonging to the ertate of John Green deceased. RACHEL GREEN, j Admhr. WARREN GREEN, A ilm’r. August 20th 18 id, ‘THE Subscriber vrishes to hiire ten able boffied NEGRO MEN, to work in clearing out Ogechee river * for which i car * teen dollars per month will be giv* on. Also, a liberal price will be given for B-ACON"and WHIS KEY. TORN G. BOSTICK, I 7 Agent for Company* I 2d July, 18 6. j All persons are hereby forwar ded, from purchasing or other wise trading for a pr< missory note given by t ii£ subscriber, to Wil liam Teel, for the sum of two hun dred dolLirs— payable the 2ath December next,—- as -he said note I was!y obtained, and I am determine and • o t to nay in N. CCRREY. j August 6. 18 16. i HFR OF GEN. AND JACKSQ V. |W • ieh WiW ‘omm<*n<*nt by the !at.? M’.-jnp John Reid, is uaw prosit ins;, an< s will inhorily l'e • *.p'plete4 by Jon y //. Ea?'?#, for tin- bfutfit ui* the cfeil-drou *;t” lhs <;e ----r. *easd. | This ’'.York is already h a state ;of c 0 n s?d < aMe fb nv a r dness, and will be finished during the erisu -1 ing fall. From the qualifications of the cuthr-N t .td his being m possession of .11 the papers of the General, appertaining to the op erations in the. South, its details rr-ay h e beller rc lied on for accu racy than any other that can be presented tothepu’ ’N. Thu I listen, will commence j with the early He of Genera! Jackson, and conclude with the operations cl the British and A meriean armies before New- Or leans, and will com ■* ise ail the euentsof the war m vi hiAi he had any agency. | The Work will contain about four hundred par s octavo, ac companied by an engrav and r ce jiess of the gen :v 1. and of the different battles.-—Price 4 dollars. C7* Ary getulemen wishing to subscribe to the above work, and who will leave their navies at the American Advocate Office, thy Wdl bw .forwarded without vL-ioy.