American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, August 29, 1816, Image 4
rohTS’ COhNER. STANZAS, I ehvy tlio virtcoii* tnftn ecu!fend With life’s ttnnumb.'r’d w oos ; An be va poor—without a friend—* hrc&S'u L*y & tiicustvaci i-C£t * R saw 4 *lo pas vs ion* a plaint slave In s?>. k-'xti trim, and gay $ ITr r*ou. io was pleasured placid wava, HU uie u sucar3r : s day. 4 Ami I v \3 e aught in ollvs snare, And join’d her •:kMy train— 3gti‘ f rand soon the nu ‘se of care, Ae I punishment aid pain. There surely is Pome g liding pou ’r* V. hieh righdy suffers wrong— Gives vise to Idoom its iittfe hour, But virtue, late and long ‘ —.<£■>— Epigram from -lioilmu. Aii! Mary- i have lost my heart; That I’m in love, alasi is true— Nay,frown not, nor with anger stars 5 Mary,—l’m aoi in iovo with you l 1 DEXTEROUS PUNNING, Tl\e following anecdote was sect by a young lady to her lover, whose name was No it, & few weeks b sere tbeir marriage. The nuptial knot was f stoned soon after the discerning lover deciphered its im port. ’iVu) urge, dear sir, a bashful aouid To change her single lot ? TV hen well you kno I’ve often said la truth t levs you, Not,:. Tor alt your pais, I do, N'cjtt, care. Ami trust site 00 my life, Though yea had miUtona, I declare, I *v -uM. Mott h vour wife. tyxn -wetm, mmt ? CUR iL FOii THE GOUI. It is well known that the Em peror Napoleon was an effective! protector of all the arts and the | sciences, but it is not so generally understood, that, whenever any Important discovery was made, in uuv branch ot art or science, he set negotiators on foot to purchase the secret of the inventor, with a view to publish it in the Monh teur, not only for the benefit of France but of the world at large. The remedy tor the gout, by doc tor Pradicr, was purchased by Napoleon at the price of 2,500/*’ sterling, paid from his private j purse, and the formula was im- j mediately published in the Mon sieur as follows, take— Balm of Mecca, six drachms Red-Bark, one ounce Saffron, half an ounce Sarsaparilla, one ounce Rectified spirits of wine, three pounds— Dissolve the balm of Mecca in one third of the spir its ot wine; macerate the rested the substances in the remainder for forty-eight hours—filter and mix the two liquors. For use, the tincture obtained is mixed with •twice or thrice the quantity of lime water; the bottle must be shaken, on order to mix the pre cipitate, settled on the bottom, by standing. The following is the mode of employing the remedy; A poultice must be prepared of linseed meal, which must be of a good consistency, and spread very hot of the thickness of a fin ger, cn a napkin, so as to be able completely to surround the part affected; if it be required tor both legs, from the feet to the ancles, i\ will take about three quarts of ;inseed meal. W hen the poul dee is prepared, and as hot as the V A tic nr can bear it, about two oun ces cf the prepared liquor must be poured equally over the whole of the surface of each, without it be ing imbibed; the part affected is ; then to be wrapped up in it, and I bound up with flannel and ban | dages to preserve the heat. The poultice is generally changed ev ery twenty lour hours,sometimes at the end of twelve. It would be whimsical if the prince regent of England were to be cured ol this tormenting and dangerous disease, by a remedy for which he would be evidently ndebted to the public spirit and iberality of Napoleon. AtfMimsTRAT()S’B “SALE. Will be sold, on the first Tues- j day in October next, at the Mar-] ket House in the Town of Lou-j isville, 150 acres of land, lying on Rocky-Comfort, in Jefferson County, belonging to the estate of Thomas Ford, dec* Terms made known cn the Jay of sale. JOHN COLEMAN. August Ist. Adrrs’r. ” iRA l oil s bA.LU.‘ Will be sold, on Friday, the j 27th day of September next, at] die plantation of Jonathan Lew is, of Burke county. AH the personal property of Noah Minton dec. consisting of, j One Horse, bridle and Saddle, and a Gigg, &c. &c- —Terms made known on. the day of sale, Jonathan Minton , ■Adm'r. Aug. 1, 1816. Ah persons indebted io the es true of Noah Minton, late of; Burke county, deceased, are call- j edonto make immediate payment j --and those having demands,) will render their accounts within the time prescribed by law. Jonathan Minton , Adm'r. Aug. 1, 3816. _ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, j WILL BE SOLD, On Thursday the sth. Septetffe her next, at the late residence of M fiber, Fulford, dec. All the personal property oi said deceased, ! Consisting of j i Horses, Cattle, Hogs, House- 1 hold and Kitchen Furniture,—a, Still, &c. &c. JOHN W ATKINS, j A flministrator, in behalf of wife . ; July 25. 4815 “notice. Nine months after date applh Cation will be made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jeffer son county, for leave to to sell all the real estate of Hampton Hud son, late of said county deceased. James Hudson, Executor. j June 12, 1816. ” NOTICE. Nine months alter date appli cation will be made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jeffer son county, for leave to sell all the veal estate of Laac Hudson* iaic of said county deceased. James Hudson, . Admin’r May 16s GEORGIA, 7 Jefferson County. 5 Personally appeared before me Shepherd] Green, and made oath, that on the 4th of the present month, he] the said Shepherd Green, did loose his pocket in the coun ty of Emanuel, on the road lead ing from Sarah Tapley’s to Ab ner Sanford’s—in which book he the said Green lost two notes, 1 given from Henry Shepherd to Benjamin Green, for the sum of fifty three dollars and fifty cents —also, two notes given from James Pugh to Robert Pugh for the sum of sixty three dollars. SHEPHERD GREEN. Sworn tobrfer?, we this Bth Aug. 1816. Jonathan bcarbor& J. P. N. 13. I hereby for warn all persons from trading for the a* bove mentioned notes. SHEPHERD GREEN, August 8, 1816. “jBFFBRSON bI PKKIOR COURT. APRIL TERM. 1816. RULE_NISI. UPON the petition of Jesse Brown, praying the establish ment of a Receipt in fell from one Mordica M’Lain, dated the Sd of April, if;-14 —a copy whereof as nearly as can be recollected by the petitioner is annexed to Said petition: and probable cause ap pearing to the Court, that the same is lost -and ought to be es tablished ; It is therefore ORDERED, That at the expiration of aixj months, the said receipt be es-1 tablished unless sufficient cause j be shewn .to the contrary.—And] that a copy of this order be pub lished in one of the public gazettes of this state, once a month for six months, in terms of the rules of court in such cases made and provided. Extraet from tlie mrnuteg, 1). CLARKE, Oik. ADMINISTRATOR S’ SALE. Will be sold, on Friday the, 30th day of August next, at the residence of Benjamin Green, in j Jefferson county, the following property belonging to the estate of Isaac Harris deceased. One set Blacksmith tools com | plete, 20 head of cattle, 3 horses, ! 1 secretary with drawers, 1 set j Tables & ends of walnut, I doz. ! Windsor Chairs, and many other : ! articles of Household and Kitch-’ I en furniture, too tedious to men-1 tion, 1 set of Carpenters tools, i 1 elegant Gold Watch, 1 Lot of j Books, among which are the life of Washington, the Spectator, Ja cobs Law Dictionary, Blackstones Commentaries,Bullen’s Nisiprius &c.—Also, one Horse Cart. Terms made known on the day of sale. j ] All persons having demands a against the estate will render them in as preserved by law. i Maryann M.u ia Harris, & Adm’x ?f ni cfi reei ’ Admr's John Shly, *uly, 1810. PKiN.iScr OF ALL KINDS is Executed at u- j A mbhioan Advocate Office, iu Louis ville, Georgia, with neatness, ncenracy & (lisjpMct. ? tXECUfOfeS* BAIE. l j Will be sold, cn Thursday ! syth August next at the planta i tion of James Spivy(late of Burke | county dec.) on Williamson Swamp, Jefferson county, the Stock of Cattle belonging to said estate, with sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. LittUton Spivey, / r , John Cock , 5 ° Burke County, July 18, 1816. NOTICE. During my absence from Geor gia, William H. Jackson and David Clarke, Esquires, are appointed my attornies ; and are authorized jointly and severally to transact any part of my busi ness. JOHN A. COBB. 12th May, 1816. noHceT ~ During my absence from the Stale, Col/ William H. Jacksos & James Jackson, will be my agents generally, and in all legal cases Messrs. T. M. Berrien h R. L. Gamble, my acting attor nies. HOWEL COBB, 14th May, 1816. TOJ^IET On the sth inst, a negro maH f who calls himself JACK—is a t country bom negro—says he be ■ longs to Turner Bothwell, nea* ! Eatonton, Putnam County, The ‘owner will come forward, pay charges and take him away. [L. H. MARKS, Jailor, Aug. 8, 1816. BROUGHT TO JAIL, On the 9th inst. a negro fel low, calls himself CATO, says i he belongs to a Mr Powers, The fellow speaks so broken that he can’t be understood. The owney i is desired to call, pay charges and 1 take him away. L. H. MARKS, Jailor. 18 th July, 1816. BROUGHT TO JAIL, A mulatto man, who calls him self HOWELL; says he belongs to Henry Jordan, of Twiggs coun ty. The owner is requested to ’ prove property, pay charges and i take him away. L. H. MARKS, j Aug. 13, 1816. Jailor. NOTICE. ~~ Nine months after date appli cation will be made to the hon orable the Inferior Court of Jef ferson county, for leave to sell all the real estate of Icliabud Ledbetter, late of said county deceased* JOHN COOK, Administrator . April 9. Just Published , And For Safe at tke Printing-Office, Louis ville, A NEW PAMPHLET, entitled Ji SKETCH OF THE TOLITICAu JiXD MILITARY LIFE OF Major-General ANDREW JACKSON-