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• •; r \ ■ v . / l -‘G . “!•’ ~wl
gawgttim filliiwrwtW—— ““i***— CWJWIWB II *
The Spaniard* have at last committed at’
outrage upon the United States which
leaves us no alternative between immedi
ate and ample redress and disgrace- The
ATuited States* sehooner Firebrand, of C
gu'.vsasuiSS men, eommauded by Lieu ten
net Canninghum, has been tired upon, with
out provocation, by three Spanish eor veils,
thereby an American seaman was killed.—
We have n ( U been able to learn in what
jwr t of the sulf of Mexico the Dons found
an opportunity o* thus signalizing their va
lors hat it is certain that though the Fire
brand h&d the American colors hying, she
*eape<i total detraction oniy by superior
Sept. 17.
We have at last received sach infanna-
relative to the outrage lately commit
ted on the American hag by the Spaniards
as mny be relied upon. Expecting to re
ceive such information, we forbore any tllu
#ion to the subject in yesterday s '* gazette.—
The Firebrand wns uot in - ompany with
any other vessel when she fell hi with the
three Spanish corvettes When tired upon
lieufc. Cunningham shewed bis colours and
Aa? led the commodore, mentioning the
character of his vessel. After continuing
theii fire some time the Spaniard sene an of
fleer oa board the Firebrand to whom Mr.
cnnHEtsidon was shewn, and
afterwards Mr. Campbell, seaoud in eoca
jmnd of the Firebrand, was sent aboard
the corvette on the requisition of the Spaa*
t*b captain—When Mr. C. arrived on the
dick, £ was insulted by the most oppro
brious abase, and a centinel was placed o-
V *r him $ Ms beats erew tvas also compel
led to go on board— immediately pat in i
ti-cus&nd thee warily beaten, it is added
QtaFafr. CaMiOghtial repeatedly rxsured
the Spanurh captsiv that lie had struck his
Rag, that ha eoasLAred the Firebrand as a
jpr&e tojiis Catholic majesty, and entreat
ed that she might be taken possewrion of a*
areeahly to the usages of belligerents.—
This was declined by the gallant champion
>f the inquisition—but bestili detained Mr.
Campbell and his boat $ crew.
At the expiration of four hoars, ho wever,
:} Gail appeared at a distance, the prison
ers were released and the Firebrand per*
fitted to depart by the redoubtable Boa,
srho did cot fail to lead her commander
mf.b the foulest reproaches, and protested
it at he had orders to drive every Auieri.
can vessel from the Gulf tf Mexico.
We shall aeeofop&ay the preceding facta
Viih no observations; the bare recital is
sufficient to ronse the indignation of every
xsaa -who has an American heart, or a heart
that spurns at cowardice aju> its constant
t&ssoeiate, cruelty. We&el cojj'&d&tt, know
ing intimately, as we do the vaßcers of the
TFirebrand, that they no prpvorutH n
to-*-ha vessel* of a friendly nation, an 1 tbftl
ie whatever- circumstances they might he
placed, they never would diskooer eHhe:
themselves cj their ecnziry-
NiiW-OrißASt*, Fcpt. 13.
’The following letter to the editor of the
Orleans Gazette is writ an by a gentleman,
who was on board the Firebrand when ahe
had the rencounter with the lords of the
Gulf of Mexico, h*. expresses himself
warmly, but in z raaouer worthy of ai A
verie&u citisen who witnessed an outrage,
which, if we are not great A mistaken, will
produce one loud sad sir * aneone burst of
indigv&ttaa from one rad cf the continent to
the ctberi ft highly piobable, be the
writer suggests, that the Spanish comman
der wished to provoke rortte act of hostility
from the Firebrhad, which might afford
him a pretext for her irctaiitaneous and Jo
tal destruction. la that case he wo&id
doubtless have report** to the captain gen
eral that he had sank a pirate 5 arid the A
merren public, n6t knowing the actual late
of the Firebrand, would attribute her loss,
Itke that of the Wasp and Epervitr, to the
elements. But ProvidenceaVßrmwied that
the ecds of jus(i’e should not, thus ho ds
Her btttve end erritftftUe Commander ha*
hd an oppotteniiy ci‘ svifeting the auwy oi j
his wrongs to his emroify. Those wrongs- 1
aiid the insnk offered tc eur flegr wljilcb
w? hope, is destine! to terror and!
dismay wherever a Spaniard earl be found. |
wii! be must aUuudaatly revenged. Eut |
het*c> h the letter.
Bay of ttfff.'is, 8, IBi§. j
Bear Sir—Nothing cl’ imp rtam*a occur- {
red after leaving port Uttti! the taonjidg of j
the .. ‘tli iu Avtuax ift&t, wfcc’d m:‘. Kib tmtn |
Vera Cruz, at day break, v>e i •".•niJi .ouf j
*e!ve isSHr three wckiu. proved t j
be his CatlroMe Spanish vnajciiyk ahi|> Oi* |
ana cf ‘:•! rus>c-)p ia by do.'ijeSoroa- !
do j the hemiophradite brigs an!
La Gc/fl, of: 8
eotattt&nderi nf tho tvvo tn-iC (ise{iut.c&. ■. . cs
sels w eru res.H*ed to he givea a*.
There were? oat loss than I've . ‘mare!
men oa hear.!-uf th'> two'k.rst tsicnti"';.■! ves
sels, as beside? > heir cgc'vs bad p a 4/ s
soldiers. Tha Gera az-p.'aivti to hb In j
chase of &no-.her vssseL Tku i.h-'o-i cad ,
Catnidor made for ds, c.t.- k.-.-: f>*:?.agdain
at the Bainotime approach vh<:''. _As
we approached within shone of
the Spaniards on each side cC i.:\ at ’w
very moment that cur t ■%s wa ho?the
(Jassidor, hailing, of w*'iio f ! any j
oeretoony, lired sofije of her canum icadod 1
with grape and eannister into uk, onfi a vol- j
ley of musketry. Captain Cunningham J
immediately leaped cfe a gun an<S ha led |
stating who wo were, and denande! the ;
cause of their firing. The riug *om.ixed, i
interiningied with the most Jgai'and bsl* |
! lingsgate abuse. I observed h single _ • j
ket pinaed from ithe quarter deck ci the ;
j Cassidor, and! evidently intended iV; ap- J
I tain Cttjsfs.’sgharu, who wcj eohspitc’e- bp ;
• his elevation on the gon and hr* ; 1
but which ibrtuna ci *by & few eh * • *
ed him, aud entered th> breast oi i” *
vine, and lodged ia ki* net!:. ‘■ Va tvare c.*
dered to seed a boat <m boar 5 ear .
Cunnmglam eaid be wmad sat csv* tu ]
would receive a hottl. Wa v?e;a tkec r
derec. by the Liana to r,zto ab.. 55: *; • •
and lower oar mhln&ari, will y. ik: sgt, :..v.
in ease, of tefilsui they wo .rid ri'ii i> - ,
Captain Cnrmmfham ordered U r :w-’ ■ . -
j S. Campbell to proceed on boaid </: t&e • V. ■ j
aha, side arms were lake..:
him, and he was placed under a guard of!
marines, the gig*a were put in i
threatened tu ia Ituitß, and leal with awards,!
■ the lEatits ofwhieli aVe yet evident Short- j
Sly ester a lieutenant e'atrv* on beard of the i
Firebrand, aad wlria eonverbiow with cap- \
tain Cannleghani in his eabio, he vvasha'l
ed from the Caasidor, and reque.i'i a
get out of danger, as they intended to fre f
into us, board and shew no quarter
replied that we were an Atcerieat;—s.he r. * I
ply from the Casttfv&cr w&s, that we wtre ‘
sccandrels and iiaru, and egaia was poitr- j
ed upon ua every epithet of abnao that !
cowardice or vr-.lgarity could suggest, and a j
single musket shot was tired. At this time
captain .Cunningham vomcnittcd t-ie only |
uct which in ray opinion was not Btrit:y >
correct: it was the result of hia feelings, j
not his judgment: soured and irritated by j
the condnet of the cowardly ciisasajES, he [,
exclaimed, opening bis bosom and springing |
on a gtsii, £re at me, hut not at my raen, ?? |
The Spanish boat’s erevr, tbt\i braughi the |
tSpaiiish lieutenant on board oi’ *aS, v hen |
! they heard the Inst threat, leaped over- j
! board, well ImomiJg their own nation, and ;
jeDtiViaeed that the. ocean jsveieuted rsor'a
| probable ehauees’ oi escape than onr deck,
j I lie Spanish ilehteuact wm then h a-kri
from the .Diana, and he ordered ceptaia
* Cuunir.ghtun to proceed to the Diatia jhe
f<itshe vcd; ho ordered the colors down,)
which tl.i, Spaiiiah iieutaaant would not
permit to be dor.a. The Spanish lienicnaut
mentioned while -oh hutud of us, that v. e
t ain ) right to navigate the Gulf of Mexi
co, tla! the ;3pnawh king claimed lie ex
clusive ficivereignty, that wo could have uo
eoiacicrce there 10 protect, 1.-. at , oev gov
inor general ha! arrived at Vera Un.?z,
| v ho had ordered out all the vessels to scour
! ifee coast, that thu vriiole coast was ia a
stale of blockade, ikat their orders tv ere to
respect tha flag of no nation ; tk-'ri to them
‘hero was no difl'ereoee between the flag of
the fosurgeutfl and pirates (as they termed
the Mcxiwin republicans) aiud the United
State*. Among other insult* equally an
juatififtble, he accused the brave and re
jspeetahle captain Porter of the brig Boxer
;of robbing a Spanish vessel and <! being a
! oirate. The Spanish lieute&aot was then
j bulled and proceed’ and to the Diana, and soon
! returned w ith a party of marines, and teak
j possession of ihc Firebrand, stating that
’ w • were to go to Veru Cruz, and ii the gov-
Let’itor iouwd it all right, he would pay the
! expense of our detection.*—(A real Spanish
I sentiment, dollar* a salvo for wounded hon
or am! outraged feeling*. Bur ‘vessel was
[sershudj end bring griioner ? thb aigltali?
r ht, vvefe sunk. The Spaerih lk*r utn (
1 1* a8 h ailec: and to to $
: .n,a,aud after w* vrer: gratA’.*/. by !
ri*e returii of our eommaodc •„ iitr.iieuaii*. j
1 Campbell and gig’o ere r '.
I C*pt. Cunniiighau) whvn he entered c-n
[ board of the Diana oh:>ged ‘•: c ■•0; ■ ts a
[ prkonc-j, which was r.:2'a?v..;, f.e *'.'cs 1
I tcld'that he ranst fellaw the v. t.>.
j Vofa CrekjWh/.-h fee rejev. ’I ;|
I ht? was, that they w.V-Bj a j
| superior A roe, they might ta*io. kn:\ v **re;
! ekey bat ami he l rer.vC'.- mt.til
whole tra,, Action to Ms govern:,^:!-.•.. .v |
seme ci on igari’.v, v'rafum:: ;cr-k c ‘1
pa^si I '/. cu hoard c. ..he Ti.A ,-c ?■. I
dUataoe an American cabin ’--ry.
It ia owing t : trio fijroin. •<:? r c- “ “ <
that v.e have i . < iiai ec ;• ’
\ r;rch our tiwri iliorc::, an! that t Awe . ii
j cppcrtfir./y to a.••■•?. ?L*.h you. Vo: ‘aa: : (•:;>
f !*• icapviCcCv’i tnat do d:o.eit:H .. c \:a< ..• ;
■ wcaj/’ iiavj fcete'ii Tir-'i?/. :, ;.d to c* :•-• ? ••’
iiktant, tbaa tvia i. fictird f.: .: ,• |
lUUdra and 1 a3f s, ‘.A 1 A ■ 1
of lbs ou’.rsose to Im ;•. :t>. citi'.. ~ ; .
tt Me ‘nuriouii. ~ar, - ~ ■ ‘ A
(bh been ir-- to S/uskk.;-. :*■ > j
;it ii: - fa; 1 iri>h j
nvi'dfcd tyxvefvuii.-nt niii inim ua. Atc.. ‘i
• mcaaufi'a to . circus hi r i ri !* ,ai i ]
! alfiji'a toa..raeritvricus o'ficcr an p.-rt.. >
j airy of eUTaciiig trurfi the &’ii- ■•
1 /:ft.";,'A , the co a ardly ixisr.!.. a1 i “.kid:. ■
[ oftH'.'-.-r inti.. 1 ‘i upon it.
i The mtvy has-sked t>3o .
‘■ u .n proeirftia bberi to gt'vi. ic >•. r tame a r
and oar f a?s ,’ a lylcad : v.h; ,** “-M
ha brilliant ? i: ii- a a ‘.ac? .-.iV. ;
vori ‘■ v/ : h \ peop ;t a
.vacv to jaiiai r* the tatriaef. i , o- a
j'j■’ CU ivh ri: if ora iu Sv5D- HT'ri I. bi.;.;
wit tv ‘.tl.; ‘.lt cc'-xt?:.--, bac.>-.C’i oy <1 tv.'y
, napitffef- s4'/ have att.- upiivd te 1. ’ ahi it.!
: Fmo wit si-.i rit-.ii puss.,!, re is;
’ :: doUb. . iie Spai‘.'.tti *'<v s!. ii {
-iUti'&gc, 4tn! v.' hA ; t.r pro -1
v’orie js to 9one •-'it -i t- TRtv.ji ih? - ‘on-, u j
atA;.’ ther:. r* r. ■. •:■<■<? 0.t1.. •: 1
Rate hj\tciievy. ncy a-ou .'••- i
; alujy? fraA :f.x 1 rge A” ;av.> j
;5A ?> agaiunr. u ctinii vet ;e! A” cigh: u. a \
: i. Seed witlo u. huilHigi > ae*. -*<*•. .nuen |
i their >f:e after key ascertain’ and wka wa
I were, tkey fl?ed aneo siW ons* Heutcnant!
was on of th" : r rssselj triry abuled j
js by every trnlga? cpitltct,they lutprironed |
| our ofßcet* fttnl and fiagsed oar j
! mtia, they &\dle di propi-sitioas to •
‘. ui, tboy deUhev&lely aimed at our 6>es*[
j tr*v.ider, atarchod our Vesabl afed lUsgiaa-1
rsed the worthy Porter as ajlm ;.
\ And. ?, with me after Ibis recital, you 1
• will be compelled to believe ih.t they -
• ended to eacri’dee us Ik ihtif <lasiar'.iy and
| igncblo pc sion for assassination. Cat
thank God we wore saved by the fire? uess
j and prudAace of ou r eocamaDdar, who cahti
ly stated who ar.4 v hat svw..were, and in
idign&ntly r.A?eied a propositi’en nnt cocsi.u
jint with tin* character df an Aoieri -au of
ticer to accept-—oiving to hriu we have the
1 opportnaMty of compfaiuiag to the A .oeri-
I can government of the wanton Vfo;:t.n*& ci
| fared to its citizens ant! the base attempt
•to tarnish the reputat!>n c 1 ioi? flag. To
its justice ire appeal, knowing by cx,pA's
eaee that oar Covernmcnt will he jrcriyt to
i redress our wrong* and ephoid the ‘.or : •
of our flag,
t tun, &c.
P. 3, it wotild be well far col* goWry.’
m:nt, t > examine...tha validity f tao righ”
assumed by the Spalish king to the exclu
slva navigation of the Mexican Gull*, ‘l’heir
declarations riiow ivhat they would do if
they #er® bucLed Ly courage wnd force.
Septc ruber 19.
tTnaer a frn.i rad papular form of govern
ment like cars, it h the high privilege of.
the citizen to form and express his opinion*
in ail trying emergencies. The govern
ment itself 1* bound to regard the public
vent inject and in some measure to direst it*
operations ia conformity to it.
“There i* little doubt that in teciequenc© i
of an unexampled outrage npeu the watioM-l
al flag, and the measures of retaliation a
ilcpted by the naval commander on the j
Ncw-Orleans station, civ* country ia oa the t
eve cf a war- it is proposed therefore,
that a meeting of the citizens tT Imv-Or
leang be held on Thursday, at 12 o’clock.
atMaspero’a Coffee-House, ia order to e.t
pres* in a vpspeetful address to the e.ieeu
live of the United States, our iodigoafion nt
the outrage upon onr flag, rod our readi
ness to support the government ia cash
measures as it may take in order to obtain
aatisiaetioa fur the same..
NBtr-OaL*Aus, Sept.
A4 a BHinerbus and respectable meeting
I.f ‘*lo e. icons of Nerv-Orlcans, l aid oc
i I’Lamday, the ’.oth f ra'car, leifn
| Agreesoly to notice -r*. :k > u,.
j <*y;sequence of tlie lata v. - anion .-.ijrt at.
• jrr.--;eus attack the h.-acr of be A
j pelican flag by three Ci... w! war UA-.n - •
: riis *0 the king of Sj'i.
! Hon. Joshua iV .uri, ao c.,.'-.. o
i the coair. and
PftEttK. W 3 g;ti ‘I. h j ? ointexAaci ury.
j T'heobjects fur v,L ri c ciectri-^
called having been hriefiy stated, .he
I io#ice rvsciiitio'a* wa e vanved. . 1 .1 -j
-.- ¥ *
| sense o thu taecttog i*u : ; ;i. I.cca separate
j!y tak-n apon there, they were carried
j*. ft*.'..u-X& 1y j the cxoe| x; ci i 1.. t c t
j which, however, a j tiiio* ’ -;c by u very
I A.yre aajority-
Rosokviul, That the enw. ; cl!y altaek
; ra'ide *l7 tae Spanish ■ on
’ mil vx -ae! of war c\ tria states, t. the
i ae&3,exeitcs a.-c 4 1., beet indignation s
that the eircnmsiai cea vvLieh acc:.D r> ?vi.Ki''ri
:.v. i followed this a.taok, a.a calculate! to
’ icaict u lasting wouari r.-n the honor of ths,
aca.i-jx, si* sufllreu to gv i;lu aged.
Rcsvlvod, That tao Indignities and eve::
i\ ea, inflicted or our l. ~veseamen,
; n--t expecting any they kati pul:
! themselves ia the-: pov. fr uS au crr-vwbel
tvang force, must corrode the i:..iad .f every
Ar arieao, until Pm i matauraaeo shall be
| eraced by ample espiati -1.
; _ Absolved, That the ashcrtkvn cf the es
| id.y.ivo to navigtu- any pert ci* tfet
1 ‘rig -ava-i, r,et up by the nilirers cf Spain-, in
■ n:i 1 iiciild: sas ri 13 in&olent, and ;• act >.
; ’ cr, and ought to be resisted vu'-h t.h
unit t. vcfc of the nation,
Kesu'ved, I'hat should recattrs? be bit’
i ‘ > at tra to procure naslsfaclico for these in.
| y u'u v and iusnUi, wv will shcerfully Incur
■ -he t*.r.ks and make tLe sar.riliccs incidani.
: t ; . r ,tich aotate n. things, and hereby pledge*
; *>n a'vos f> cur govenu.sentto support U;*
j 1- sa ttics they may iLALrii to adopt 0:1 h;;.
I subject.
! involved. ‘l'hat the king of Fp&>n in ot
i maoding- of the Unite 4 S :aAs, through li j
I mitiri’c: i.ri.a Onvs, a cession of par:: of tlu
- vsrritory of tha .Mate of I..isiaaa, evinced
1 •* well a dUpolitinn to find pretexts for
; w i;h (.be Uintcd States, as an utter
! dial %■ • 1 fra- the solemn ouiig&tion of trea
! lies, a:d that wo never will cot sent to -bf
I surrender us any portion cf our fell&w-eiti-
I ist-ns to the •.'..nriuloa o: csrrjytioaj cruelty
S ft ml ttopersimon,
I Bi'selvsd, Th;t & cammitfco J e appoint*
’ i*s to tritiisuit tb sci to the Fu-sA
\ dent ot the Boric*! ‘ : tat-?s. As-tAer withe
j vespt tf.til ad!n 1- •a-l.v ; • rerdtneui
■a s?ij;:puft biai r. g‘.:< uea&',:r.* <rthc utay--
ftdppt to cbta’e ;.a ri-i A iu.* the lata vie-
Ifttioa of our Ibg ; cud rifeasra. Driirer,
Urymes and Liawsiao a’.\'oh;:ed caiA,
Uesolvci?,- That ri Tj 1,,: : tlia?
the commanding .-aval c-necr era this sta*
Cbu ocrghi to prkcceeu to. take i uuediate
cut Like A: a for the Insult oaevod to ft vccsej
under Mis caaraan!, and to ike flag of hhri
eouutl-y sand that if hi shordd have takes
s?tcps tb ink--.; a r rossipt &s*d adequate pun
ishaiea* up,n: („.<? auihoi., we highly ap
prove the aa. u =. -d let ! ibe grc-/--'at ecnfl*
d'enso that !m nsiui” •> * -ili ra.i ! .t the appro,
b’trioa of fej® govei. . ;eist eud I;.-* C:.uVtry
1L iill. pftrt3 0.1 t’ii s :*. .i
oOSIiUA L.3 WiM, Chftin^ao.
FK I’Eii Iv. W AG>. KU, AwA ~
SOL nr-AxiiriALA.
copy the foil..’ vsr.g inAriigent article
from the Washington City Weekly Ga
zettes the editor wbic-u ua — 1 “ Tho
; • writer is a jiatrn. . t c-minf-nt .ari:-tt > ?.•’
higuly du4iftgai-3U‘ .. a::. - e i
of liberty/ 5 j
There is a prevtrilnrq ermr C,?-:u;^hc, r :
the United States, v. . ;* ih<?> ; - .;e cti
the successes or
ieau revridution: the;-, pvetly getururiv iAr r.x
laa idea of what is taking 1‘• e*l -r.. •
I events of the revolut ; oc. < ,or iu tL a
i country. Indeed, this is a '•. •.•
•of reasoning sto represen 1 : c t;r “L :■.: .u -
j known thiiTga hy eoatf-u.-ri.-i tliera vlit.
what we knew already. T**:.s, tic loss of
a great batth, or Ike dis9olttiid cf a ‘:or*
crnmcEt, va that part o our. 1 v.aUaeni, >r ’
j commonly lends us ta cauclutl;. .3 anuiii*-
tation or the loiift of the whole.
But tfee theatre now opened to tbs esara*
snaiioo of the worid, ia laid dawn upen a
more eS.tcQßive scale than any that we have
witnessed prior 0 the legiuuing of (he pre
sent ecatury. The fic'ual struggle in S.
Acierica is hut merely c.oniiued to a s;oglc
confederation, or an isoi&ted political holy •
five different rtpubii :* conttniEog at or.f.t>