American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, November 21, 1816, Image 2

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Wifeg no# ia &**> cestaja ©C tfoe &?*■ truetion of the whole, I eoftmdered I hud ex edited the most important pnrt of my in* Btrtt<*UoQ. and bonld make every prepar-, tion for withdrawiog the ships, aud desired \ lie would do so as soon as possible with hiss -viiviston. ’ , | There were awful moments daring the. aonfliel, whieh I eanuoc now attempt lodes* eritw, occasioned by firing; the ships so near *, and I had long resisted the eager entree* ties of several around me, to make the at* j tempt upon th© outer frigate, distant about too yard*, which at length I gave into, and major (***£, by my *:da, who had b*en uager to Und his corps of miners, pressed me most *(?,tfonly for permission to acoom- i jHkDyliotft. irtehardr in tb & ship’s barge.—| The frig*'/} was in tant y boarded, and in j fern ntrutti **. in a pferfeet young midshipman, in rocket So. S*’ ’although forbidden, was led by I;‘# ardent! spirit, to follow in support of the bfcr.-ga, in wS.i h fc£ was ilrsperateiy wounded, hU brj>-, the? < lfi er killed and nine of his’ < *ew.— T’t.-e. barge Hy rowing mote rapidly, hrd s’t* furewl h'*, ami ’ ut two. The eo*'uy a*s bate eric* *ra<tud tt y divi sion ‘-Vt'.p .%()#© t *.e otelotk siffe e.d, and ter a state of ptr.Vta 4 ruip and •iUxpt'i,ttn 9 fttt<i< thefi-e fi ti o ships was as.mbch. • s* pocsiLle, to save po-wlt-r aud rep’y i© ft fV-.vr guns now and •.!.% haaripg : upo*-, at- j though t fort on tbs s?p*K ; , ungie <A- eiiy,. ♦wi which our goas r<> d< i.l l< t brought to oeor, ©on tin©©! to annr.y tut i-hi-puoy shot iind shfciJs tV,ri;.g > ,r *. whole tune. Proviuenea at tfiie \u .. %ve to my auzipus wishes the .usaai-iand wind, cnirmon in this bwy, and > expectation* wtua c.m pietsd. Wo were aid h*mte employed war-- swd iowinf off. and by th*} help of the t light air, the wtoV were ;f infer.. sail, anti came to anchor out oi reach of shells, shout two in the morning, al'.er tvvel a bonus is tiesaant labor. The flotilla of mortal gun and rdfef£|; boats, -toiler the direction © ihote renperd* jvo arliliiry officers, shared, tu the full ex* tout oi their power, in the ho ior* of efeis •iay,ami performed good service j it was Ivy their tire all the ships iu the port (with the exception of the cuter frigate) were in Arnica, which extab led rapivlly over the ersenal, store-houses and gnn-hoats, sxiua rtitiig a spectaolo of awful grautleur and interest, uo pM can deseril.e. The sloops of war which had been appro priated to aid and assist the ships of the line and prepare for their retreat, perform ed not only that duty well, hut embraced e- j very opportunity of firing through the in-1 tervats, and war® constantly in motion. The shells frant the bombs were admira.- ‘ Wy welitirewo by the royal marine artille ry; and although t hrown directly across & ever ps, o>t so accident, that I know of,oc cur red tc any ship. The :elude w.i* conducted in perfaet si lane?, red such *t thiug %<* a ehee.-i nev er h*<l * *oy p*>rt of thaTine ; and that tto g-i'to ••*- vff ‘.i w uked md directed, wilt He *. * ‘•-*•!•*!’ y years to some, &ni yontotabor and ‘■:% these fta-'horicus for .ever, Thscou’a Ac* .htp to station by the e*'*lv- It • excited ma p/ai*e of s.l Th-.i *’ .a -r < v.n iay eainpaniuit jjka v ;nn ■’*■ *■.. vt <vi- .;.y years. H vingy? ft ’/v • • Uhoog.t bat imuer i-K-t’y. th-'i f)f . ,th>‘v--,t’ tuki d'.-jft srrviee, l wenture to if .ha humble ari devoted aim seil on t efie officers tad men of-n 1 ) :'.•;vi 1h •’ ?he lirtr .i -to eotnmaud, will be received by hist royal h-g t* ness the prince r*^ymt with hh itceuctomed grace. The a;:p •.batiounf ‘our aervice* by ave sevorrign. nd the goovT opinion of our eott vry, will 1 vr.-.-ure o vtflTmu, £t recei ved by us alt wi h the highest satisfaction. If I attempted io name totheir lordships the numerous officers wir , in such . eonil/rt have been at different periods m ire iTuispia nons thm their companions, i sikmld do in justice to many; and I trust th&re i no officer in the I have the h-nor to oonj nand, who will doubt the grea ful feelings 3 shall ever cbeiish for their nohoundjd ami unlimited support. Jhiot no officer o.?r tuau ev#-*liiwl his exertfons within the precises limits of their own duly t all w;u * eager to attempt servi c- a which * franti more diffi cnit to rcstruia than cxr-ite ? ned uo where was this fee’ ag run : v -mi*pi kqs than in my own captain, and those ofueers immedi ately about nriy prreors. My gratitude and ?*Anks are die bi l under mv eommend, Ra will as to vjet- u •*. ai Cef ellen sud the offi of the <u<n.s trmi of bis amjpwly the fcing of the Wetu iriiutvts ; end l trust they ‘wiil believe thet the recollectidn of their tajrvices will never crate but with my life, h noinstaeca have I ov or een niir energy •* .rJ j from ihta ymu^wt . midshipman i* fhi higl* ‘Bl riik,ail seemed animated by ♦>Uo eotti, .n<d of whidb I with deiight ..eir !>;U(Uony to their lordships “/hetierer “hat feeitolluiv e*n be uw^tnl, I b'tvo conaied thin dipu:<fb. to fear-fed | n'lira! Miltui, ro.y second fn eomcaid Horn sfhum I have I'eceived, the whole •..irvitto iiitri.3 ?d to the vordial not? iounruble We is rf'cftily inform* of every traosaetion of the fleet, irom tac earliest j.'ftriod of my commanJ, uad i** fully t iHup(otit (ogiv( fhc : .r lbt’tishipssf'.*fl>eti** 9s a’*# pj Ufa A a or have eat time lo state- i treat I have obtained from him his esteem and regard, and l regret 1 had not sooner Vaco known , to him. The necessary papers, together with the defeats of the ships and the return of the | killed and wounded, accompany this die* , pateh,£nd I am happy to say captains Ek ins and Cooke are doing well, as also the whole of the wounded. By accounts from the *hort\ I understand the enemy’s losvjn | killed &cd wounded is between six and seven ! tkousand men. , la reeommending ny officers and fleet (o their lordships protection and favor. 1 have the honor to hr, Ike. EXMOUTK. | [Here follows a detailed return of the j kilted and wounded, the insertion of which I the litaiis of our paper will oof permit; but • to *ujfjfty this deScionry the following will ’ suifiee 3 { On board the British squadron, I UHh d—ls officers, h 8 seamen. 13 na [rincs, l mariaa artilleriit, l ro.’ket troop Int** i boys, WoafHted.—S3 ofli -ers, 456 seamen, 100 .; >. 6 msrtne artillerists, t* sappers Ik fstint-rs, i rotfcet troops, fit boys aad 13 sn oir nuifieraries nil killed and wounded—lsß killed & woutubd; : On board the Dutch squadron, i KuiLJ, la—Vt*uufftd, ss. Grand Total, Eight buud.ed and e.gbty-iiit?®. Memorandum of the <h *tmtten in the Mole of Algiers, ia th© attack of the dte gusf, fr our fsi ates, of <l4 guffs j hve if&rge corvettes, from 94 to 30 gvus : ail the gfc|t *ml mortar-boats, except seven, 8b destroy ed ; several merchant brigs and edboopeff a great number of stnall Vitseeis of ji.aeripfious ; ail tire pontoon*, Utters, & ; -HVojre4.oy.tas and arseou!, with ail the i m- ’ her And various marine articles, 4*rayed-’ in pun i a great many girn-earrlfeges, ‘ ter-beds, caua,ynd ship’s ;on*s of ;dl ds riptions. EXAtOLi 1 |i. 11. B. M. ship Queen Chatlotfe, Algiers Bay, 284 August, ISIS. 9IH—For your attrocitics at Ben*, on defeuceless Cbristitms, ami yoitr uubecvm ing disregard to the demrntlg 1 made ye* terdsj, iq the omc of the prince recent oi Engtrnd, the fleet ©Oder my oiders hss given ya & siguwl ehasiist-meat, by the lo tal destruction of your rmay. storehouses, jat and arseuel, with haHrof your batteries, I As Kngiaod does not wr For tho oestrus | tiou of cities, 1 am unwilling to visit your ‘personal cruelties upon the inofikneive iff habitants of the country, and I therefore of fer you the same, terms of peaee, wki&h 1 con veyed to you yesierday iu my sovereigns name ; without the aeceptetiee of th?e terms you can have no peace with Eng.lnml, If you receive this offer t j voti ought, you will fire three guns, and 1 sbui* con- ■ aider your not usking this signal as a refu-. sal, and shall renew my operations at my ow > rorwenience. I offer you vhe above terms, provided nei ther ths Bririfth consul, nor the officers and men so wickedly seized by ym te am toe boats of a Bri isfc ship of war, have met with any’erttfel treatment, or any of lb© Christian slave* in your power, atd I re peat my demand, that th eontul and offteer© arrtf men. may be sent off to me, conforma ble to aucieut treaties. I ham, &-. exmouth. Tc hiss highness the dey of Algiers. Queen C/iwlolte, Algiers Bay, . Angust 30, lsltt. GENERAL MEMORANDUM. * The commander-in-chief is happy to in fnrtu the fleet of the final termination of ♦ heir ti,'eiu o u exertions, by the signature j of peace, confirmed under a salute of tweti- ’ ty orognns, ou the following eoudiliuns, die- J fated by his royal highness the prince re- 1 gent of England ** 1 I. The aboiilioa, forever, of Christian blavery. r 11. The deli very, to my flag, of all slaves in the dominions of the dey, to whatever net >n they may being, at noon tar-morrow. 111. To deliver also, to my omney received by him for the redemption of slaves since the com ui Mice meat oi ihri year, at noon also to-morrow. IV. Ktiptration has been made to the Britteh eou.ui for all losses he may have !,jteiiv cd in consequence of his confinement, i V. The dey has made a pubfle apology, in pri cnee of his miuisters aud officers, & bagged pardon ofho consul, ia terms die- 1 , tn >d by the captain of the Queen Chxriotte, - The entnrt*j>,r,der u chief takes this op portmify ci* a gait? returning his public thanks to the mflmrats, captains, officers, ‘soaih'-b, ittiriH‘*, royal marina artillery, I royal sappers om,l miners, tk the royal rocket j co'-rs, for tbe rob> stfoport. he ha* receiv jeil ho Hi th” rr> tbrgbcuf the whole c f this tbftt on Siiitday next a pub tie thanksgiving bes flered np to AltiVigfet'S'irod for the sig r.J iftterporition f Hi* Divide Providence, ‘♦nrirsr tk** conflict wl i b u<ck place u the 27th, b.'lvit'io his rnsjesty’s u<et i'e roeioCrs oaesrica ftifinktad. It is rfeeaewred that ih\i may be read to th© ships’ companies. To the atltbirals, tspiaio*, officers, seamen, marines, royal sappers and miners, royal marine artillery. & the royal rocksi corps. Charlotte, Altars Bay. September i, ifli6. 4 f Slß—i have the houor to ocqaalat yot*. for their loixlshlps’ iafarmation, <h*ti have seat captain Brisbane, with my duplicate di.*patche, as 1 am afraid that edmiixi Milne, in the Lcauder, who has charge ot the original* may experience alba : ; voyage, tke wind haying act im'n ttre vestvtiwd a saw nftfeir he sailed. Capita ti Brisbane, to prltorc I feel great ly indebted for l>is ixeriiops m id the able xssistancD 1 jiaxe reeeivvd from out the xvhole of ibi ctetvw:e. will to inform Johr lordship* upon all pbfiu.s that l may hovcomiUrd. Admiral’ sir Charles arrived too late to tki i te. share ia the atteri. up©u A gitr, whi h I lameit't,. ua much rn*t hie acvt.ttnt t niv.cwu ; his services v’&lu have been dcu> hie iu every u wv,i. 1 1 hate fl'.e sAttsfceltoo to sixth, that nil the skvet iu the eity of Alters, t nd imnte oist ly in it* irinaitv, are emu vked; a* ai-.i 6o dcUsrs tor Nap Us, aud for Bardtuia. • The treati*'* Huih**gaed| to-morrow., airq i hop© U be able to sail i u a I dfcy oi two. ’ T'h© Mjndyn kx* sailed f? ’Gibraltar to be refitted ami w ill proceed i.osa theaec to her uliim ,tt dcsttodtkii* The Aibiois will ba refitted lit Gibralwr! for the ’gegeptinn %!’ •’ Cfiatte;© FenroseV. fic.g. The i sUaii be ouiii etl U ariug home wixaa sun. s have the koaor, &e. ‘To-3. W- Crok©r,*<|. * r ——(ip —- LF.GiiLATURE OF GECII-! GIA. /A i MU.LEDGEYXLIJ£ r Nov, r\. ’ v. 51T* A sketch of Uic prcoLtC oi the Legislature is given in < our preceding'anluiuieS. But link j business ox general intcicsi ha^; vet been done. Several ianpor- j tant however, are in j insipieut siate. A Penal Cade, adapted to the Pemteatiary s-vs-j tem, has reported to the ik>j nate, and is now under considers-1 tion. it is very long, containing” between two and three hundred: manuscript pagek Os it© merits, ’ we are not prepared to speak; j but being compiled by two gen-1 j tiemen ol eminent talents, we pre- \ • same it is not materially defect ive. • V' ’ ; J Most of the important subjects recommended by the Governor have been referred to different committees, and will be acted on in due time. It is hoped the pre sent Legislature will perpetuate its wisdom, and give a solid evi-; dense of its munificence, by en couraging education, opening the navigable rivets of the state, and improving our public toads. A | more favorable opportunity, for j accomplishing these beneficieiit ! purposes, may never offer. We j are at peace, and our means are - i ample. Immense sums are due | the state for fractions and Mil ledgeville lots—the national gov ernment is largely indebted to us —our bank stock will soon yield a handsome revehue—and our late acquisition of territory, poor as it is. will contribute some thing. Besides who in the pres ent prosperous times would not pay a small tax to have good roads and navigable rivers—to raise from obscurity, indigence and want, by educating them, thCj thousands of children on whose ( bit tli fortune has unfeelingly j frowned? If knowledge be the* basis of our social edifice—if it be the inseparable companion of freedom, and ©Lyery the necessa ry A ‘establishment of schools for the. poor, is of the first importance th ! a government like ours. Other ; states are endeavoring to improve their internal and social condition. Why shall we neglect to dp The same ? Some of the great objects, at which we have glanced, have been commenced in various par A [of the Union with a spirit v/hich I presages jhe liappiest effects. :KeW- York, Virginia, and even in. j-Sorth .Carolina, large sums have j appropriated to make thei* :roads grip - }},, ap'd their riversniyL ‘gable. Let''Georgia foilowfbe & -ample, ins a laudable one, and hnhauor:,;: - ! George M. Troup, ! representative this, state, [on kric.ty last etc Aid by_ theUCe* Igislatufe, a -Senator Cpu£ ! gress of the liaised. Slates, for sTz from the fourth ef-Mareft i next. The same clay, jer was elected !the second Division, add \m Thomas Major-General of thst*- third Division of militia. On Saturday, John M. Bet Heft, wtfi elected Judge, and Edward i ? . Tattnall of the East* era Jud;cLl District—lohn M* •T)oo ly Jufgc, and I>uncan ‘G*- ‘ Caiiipl-e-il dulicitov'e of the West*. h:vr;'-..-AStopherß. land Bvdaey jilie Ou n\ ulgeC’—* Kobcrt R. *Rerd ! kudge of the ‘Middle District, & ; Roger L. Gamble Attorney Gfin*i : ciai of the state, j j . t ) t fa. j (£3* Yesterda’ iksgislaturu made choice - John M’-lh? j tosh, Charles Harris, Esq. Gen. H, Mitchell, Gen. Jared Ir win, Coi John Rutherford, Gen. Mer. twether, Gen. John Clark and Gen. David Adams, as Electors ;olPresident and Vice-President, iof the United States Jt is under stood they will all vote forfWLon* | roe and Tompkins* Mr. Troup has been electedto fill die vjean* cy, occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Bibb, in the Senate of tlie United States; s and Col, Tho’ss Glascock Brigadier Gerteral of the first Brigade, 2d the place of General Walker, moted. - journal ■ ——— ‘■■■. ‘ ‘ J.AJ!'J"UL!g!y EXECUTORS* sale. . ‘ T^ Will be sold, on the ith dry pf January, I&17, on the premises* Two thirds of the real estate of William Fountain Sen. .consisting of a tract of land, in •Jefferson county, bri the waters of Williamson Swamp. tions will be made known on the day of sale* To be sold in con* . fortuity to the will of the dec. Aaron Low, ? v , | Jonas Mayo,*s • October, 10. Nine months afte r date’ jppli* cation wilt be aiad> * to thf hon orable the C-outt jfersoh county, for to sell j all the real estate of Ichabud j Ledbetter, late of s?d county deceased.. JOHN COOK, M.&nfoputorr Aj>rilo. a -m r y v* £