American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, November 28, 1816, Image 2

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silica (ke *#©*• *f aur awmuoii #%£t*y. sou “ahkiuca’ Advfee* C r on OWeftm to the lost or <>* ?©b©r t limns* som- interesting particular* votpovtittg th© progress of th© revolution in Nnw-Bp*ta; and wo aro happy to find tin; .j*a*o of th© Patriot:! in that quarter, o far j Srom doiiainsc, gains. t|ren;tk daily. Mat- j agorda and Gajfeexfep, important icanport* j oo Iht f2uir of Mexico,'bare boon rerectly fnkoa ; and the independent tag float* trt .mpkaotly ovK'r-ftfmost the whole iuf Toms;’ Hti extrasive and vtry sft tii a pro vis e© lying immediately hey >4 tfeft ntbern limit* of too United State* The royalists have been worsted m all their feteengve<ifiieut*, and haw retreated fa the Rio del Norte, tvhere it is p stu .hey will make to ipef fortual *iaoh - Having nearly van push* 1 Ifex-ir a&versa fie*, the revolutioi .fete of Texas ate orgun b:a.; all tftiateut upon the plan ftf ear*, to fee ©bt*rv#d ‘ill one hotter edited ’ fatir welfare ar.d * appines*. shall be ?.fen<dAv the goner At * imgtesu. , A hoy* •-f.W.r\ ,‘udgf*, clerk*. r. ’ tUc usual civil c-ltbert lr*v© been ©hast*, and are. diseitarg iog the ditrie* of their several appointments —the installation of the regaining f# iunctiottarie* w'U soon take Gen. Merrera, WHv was last ytar * r poioted Mia t*r froii. South-America to tla-.* country, 1;, • ‘Cording to the laws of nations eoeid vt (3 recognized as stieh hy cite govern .v.-eut, k* returned wt h an ie supply * V lb© munition* *f iva?, an-! on t.-e 18th of ptember, issued tlie feifewlng animat©© prssltwsths -1 , “ is- pee i vs i-ihiihitaats, filled with **Q<hu*i&oi. $k to the standard of In depeadeneo The -ottitiuuion of th© Mex iron R. public has the despotism ( of t' 1 ißbcardby* ‘The oppressor* * il> *\ire na, there fe no obstacle to retard ; © n .narvh into the interior at toe < Uu &ch I A Cinitviiudious and safe but W . ** exportable land end nival lore© : a “'at.: well supplied with arms and tts * * tin. a a*i| fertile in all the neSeestir>*s ; life—win wdvat nothing: more thao Us e>’ j oatoato oar entirfes, and drive the miW&alSl'e j vfiia*t mto tie ocean. The troops oi l vh©’ republic advance in every direetteu j the bauds nfh© tyratife which tstfest the prov ide©* of Verjt Cruy and Oaxat* will B<oon t>© defeated and driven out. In ns;hort time xhefiig of SpuJa will fioat ua lotsgcr oe the Oulf of Mexico. tt Countrymen, now acecmulate the valuable product ioos of yr soil, ify <*u wish to exchange them fer t-,e Cruise oU foreign industry. Uur eommeree thill fee f >pu |o all th* world, under a. system . ed on principles of equity, i; iuhab.itr.ate rs Texas 1 fee proud that i havo been taken under the protection of ‘ho constitution of tha repnblio. Bhew roiirvelves worthy of the rauk to which jm hava been elevated. Fan the sacred flsra* cf liberty, kindled in the bosoms of c us hiTiM’bs übfortunate brethren, just smou (dpstd ft vm ’bo ebaiaa of despotism. Such conduct wv? he crowned with the blmiogß of il ‘area Obey the law* : comply faith t'jUy ‘.od €U'%tlly with your coutracts: tlis '•'/ ; .o th® the honor, hamnnify and Qy o&ity of )ar eharatter. Cultivate’ the .m >M e*rea brotherly intefotifw| and friendship \v h the republic cl’ the Sb Ui : abstain froc all illegal commerce, ’spwulfy within tliaykited States ; every iwatiOis of tbs laws sunil be puniaf t'd wtih u - title severity. Siougs;lers and pirates -.ball #o£*r death. The friend of liberty, vill alvty? Hud# home & country among h* pttsipli* of Mexiio. Vv r e wji{ *ece*ve th ‘p* a"msa!l who respect oylawc 4 • htl p^u(lcoee, M ■ GEORGIA liBbISUATUaE, S Tha Code is stiii before the iacaate^’ Nsbaro. i? will rernaio Svme dtya. It ha* unArpjae trt little ametiifißeat, aad will prafeably pas* nearly ia the shape reported. A onJia*i of business, hut chic% local, hs betn dose in the representative branch, Goaee'of divorce are becoming a uui&uuee to!hlatf‘;n—not iesa then ere be fore both houses. Tba bill to change the so to *>ct the Gwerr or by eh© people, will beilnaliy actcd oi) in a day or l .o, und we Ln>pe The people are anxious tv oxereiae tha rig, it, wfeitfe no-! turaliy* to f.heo, of thci.‘ ■ohiefMopAtrale—a ocmiplianea with thrift} Mishas sa thia leepeti, f,s* expected of the! 2i&4ilaiCre. As tha buAaets of .he eessioo ; ‘dMjcreases in importance, wiaeh w : M h& the 1 /:*&§ tioon ao the different eommittefa j h 4 tj&a to digest their reports, f.h H hogs of each vRI be gi cu! wore r-n detail. psil.t.tnnlay, John Fannin wh<j ejected >'ayma?'ev -Ueoeral .of that state ; Charts iarris k. ohn F;ay, Direct, of the fUaIV Biok and Wn B. Uulloeb, Thos. U. P. < feai Übn, Edward Hardirr, A. C3*. Sammes, h F. Pmiin and J. Ccfyiu, Dheetot,, o: \ ‘■n ‘'tate Wank, J Robert fe£*Mas>a was t'oatv.rdov pare!oncd I %l the Heftafej, Qt temr tb* v*-W ol i'l ;a *. * i nates’ emitted’ J? ’ ftripuous,*ya*ttru*7 faarad tiioEw/i’ of fteprewatatives. f Legiwkursqf Georgia, d-tttiih* im. | ¥We have bow with us a inan same held by J . a . ekßoa -*; i ;5 * - iaeriitf the Geoer%gj_ , oj j, to cxshadgd temtory Whita aud them t* ?s to r?Hc c | im it, T'hey have don so (he suys) ***** detenaiae to make the exchange. A V -- Slv i her of their thiols, with that view, tre on their way lo If till* ; be true, th?i state of Gabi'gia whi aeo’-Wi'C.a largi and valwafele Jewish MtUtKium advokitng; ■ Tt u #it that a Jew, of the tribe- of has tofleeVJ a raster ousarasv of hi* diseoß teuted bsetht* o, who eie BJiiking: rapid pro gress toward ihesr re*ca*b ; fe*iju*M ill Aaia* tie Turkey. The theatre.-of ttth 8;o*t-w ----live opbralu-nw appears to Le ike rlivici&D of Irak. Ara .in, whluu c?:'• psheda tX.fef.u manlffe;, yet wealth'?’, -su-i arie *Uy of Bagdad, (tire scene of many a pier,.’ <ing fictku) near to v/hich.;* Wt*t i&t :-kr tercstijg run-* us Mukyteti f Shoul l this Hf&tt he-aoifectj the ?cnl may proitus© aii iiuportunz sera in ..Eastern pomie*-—y#, hot, we twlitk, the eV, ‘■.‘Aitb ment of the lews as a natidH**tot t4e tion of a g/jvernauet t that may batfer ait** *ervath put pose* o* citiii&atiuu, au J wxesi from SkfecntHlrffta p©lh*#if*v mfe*V mental r©|i* efamciefet prettAmr* /% , j would t}‘ hfi fee an ivM** nrcrta-J 5 lor duriiig rock *su uggie. if hex rul afe^ . Use Tkifer t%£ h'oi.mieVsV \hf * j of ggrjr-dk®rr.r:4 tcud ” sodV'-ivO? to lure her to the eohUiit. Be* -iii Mt by her exertioafe the Jews fee **Afied irj *te proatratwn y£ (fee Uli .n.att er ; b<t tfeeir fiitifatioi as a ysop’c, we | tin olt, would nut H© um fe iatttferaitd. | The ptipalatifen at pnd Asin*!*- j Turkey, is estiinatad at i U,v I military force hi scattered, thrcgghcat the country. The Turkaare fea*i } deiP titute of skill, 4Ucipiias, aud übc t d*euma; TlafoIIw : tc:aijtgf-ncv. wis kfepc,’ wif f ; have the desired eScfet of. opening tfee eyes ’ of c-up iifeghdature to ragard to ribc fere*, fa • 114 * i'*’-'y 'vtale. ■ So prSvalenl hs.c fee- tho v* ii(,iio |., Mice to ’wl':i4*- ; weeaat froia Bordeaux ‘ tiut., .. rhut f? eP hvr ;al are uof adopted Jo cti-u* tor. <*he cifeefes f©.su)tixig there from, Tuereantll© Lonor had credit Fill t fee litetncti h • ! [INFAMOUS.] • , j - (i We, eoranurci&l L^o-1 kera of the Bxehange h. Bordeaux; appoint-1 ed by the preside®t of tu~- Utbnii&i i. commerce, .u tb said city of Bordeara, so j examine untl esumate ih* <fom. age oa { saved from the ship Axancauian, of York, Bravoot, mamcr, stranded at the ©n-1 trance of the river, declare, timt In the S course of this Operation, we have found three bales of cotton (Sea-Island) marked 8. which w*te tilled with from oue haiftotbiee quar ters oft heir weight wiTi co*ton s*‘ed j that this fraud appear* to have been committed CestgDttdly, and with a Vie w to dceeivo the pnrehaser, asthisaec.*? was.lowplclefy ed?-* ©red on every sid,® by layers eTfcorioo of a line quality, previous to its bei *g da in a wed j therefore, whoever might have bought these bales, without examining them in the enure, would have beau deceived, as the eued ia of | no value here. • We add, that fxi qumt cosaplaiisf* are 1 made of sitnil&f fraud* beiag prseuaed f roSi theU. States, in couseijnence of which hea vy reductions ars eften made oa this quaßcy of cotton. We hav© f,lao found one hi!© of cotton (short etapie) marked L. conuiriing in the centred halfki'!gorm (or iT poad) of old iron. In faith of which, we have delivered to Mr. Jmiaihan Jones, by his requnst, the pi - oentdeelaratioQ, tn sorve w hom it may con ecru. i (Signed) HERB ATT. H.GOUKRAIGNS. E. BANUHE. Tk performing the funot icu: of president o( tb? commercial tribisnal j -f Bordeaux, cariifies that the signatures A‘ j i!erbaalt, Guurrsignr, an.i Sandie, are true, I tod that they are what they have stated ;. !** such, ft ’! faith and credit .* and ought (o be given to them. In tesiinGuy vhert xf f i huve hereunto set my baud aud seal ol aliiee, Ht Bordeaux, 13th8cpr. 18?6. (Sigaad) UIDiER ItlvOliADE. Co&iul'c.t© cf Ike Urated States. i, Dafeid consul fef'tl'a United I S?b vs of America for tu port fad district jof Bordcaur, do hereby certify, that?fie oig ! if \iv q*?’ >?c4. dfefiaictgi?’ i: .hit of i ‘ 66S W lug pTC*J*; #J4 & h.~*v 4 tlUvuli w&fmmtX-* mm j of <hi city) cou^elate, tjxla and of tite iadtptndecea of tk U.- , Stater the lit. ‘ , f | 1 ;sipi>ii a. stßobel4| : FOMiJTtTivl ‘ r.... ■ ~ | ( | Latss! from Europe. - , j New-WHK.Kftv.a. f ’ By the arrival last evening of the fast - ©ailing ship Uubiecu io S3 days frpa” Havre, *i have received two Gareues, (Oaiigna* ni’s Messeoger,. of Scp!fciiiber Sfe ami 24), pfinted tt Paris in Engbdi, containing L tiidoii date* to the S2d of theß&uio tiluatL. ,We tv© alto received Faria paper* pria ted in th© French language, -to ike Sd of Sictober. Extracts follow— GubSfeoa and from Havre the oth j’ fUtefcex. Mr. W ilkes, ayr linger iu her, .ia the beafer of < frora cor min riatcn is Vtsjifas to *Li\S*cr*ifcry of State. 1&] w,. J,;- ‘ v .’ #mm : * i> ■ ,’D’ ‘% 4... j ■ LONDON, Sept. ife. . J We stated yesterday that lord Exmon|l we* coming h 9& > ’ahd That the Nfpoxt JT hi* feeing about ffe proceed &g>isisi ‘!•> h* f.ipoli VLt elroacvUi. mvftf l|G apritig lord reived ins - .xtfw:** I© cegotiufe with the Aarfeary ■po ; 3 r>s. for treating t|® loiil^-.Tsf B .© . M kiinrh p'.kAsjionSj and abo tegotia* til;f thd,pafe©"beiweiife.. the pmy kiaglai?! f Sxrdtaia fetd Na ples, and ifipoasihle ibpfodace w gofefer&l *fcdli.wrf UhriiuLio tfkvery. T'he day of .-A ~.vVf *jp!i*B to, arA *©■’- uifem Iskudii of • tin? Briufth %.ii * l >ieitk ?f*- pies and Sft**!*, tut dpoliieci t;y pVupo sitiop for. tAlf afeuiilioii af. vlaVot>. ‘ Bo* a E\niontk4lien pr: ceded to Ton?*, and Trfr.'L poii, tyae*o I'd ‘©occluded an nrrangesientN wj+b ike two btys, sunilc*!*’ to that lie had j .!*}Je with Aigfe’ but with the inipfenatit| addition, liittt iLey tigand, a tku*i' M uon } j ; p4t>miatug in Ik tut© my iu eiavea oft : n .ktafcf* ti‘ wii> bdt to ecuiuKs to the) or t-ivifiAvd £.Wopettn Chtiona { lord Ei ate at h reUira-'d to Albert?, with a] view u induce |* dey tw i§u , which, after sßUeh eltefcuifen| [ lAdecHned, on the groaad, tfa&t being a| *uiijeet of ine Porte, bo could w.t ©oosent j ’ ;o stub a eondUioo w-ithcat A© j*.ernHt&i*( of the sultan, but thet he woj?d sei’d- n j minister to Cousranliitople to ©k leave and iu feat, an Algerine amlassudor w&s sent ok board tha,Tgns fngate to Con slftntiuOple for that purpose.’ In the‘mean !dmc* tbe outrage Xgoiiiit tb. British j l Bo.a took p!a*:ey but lu;d Exmouth feti | ihs without having revoived irifttK (l gwle%df ti\ usd in consequencew of the | news Ua’v'.ug cached England, the ©xpedi- J f‘.cn wes iitte J <At which ha© been so glo* ■ rioa|iy.t#rttjiftated. j Th© hja of Tripoli’ mid Tunis Lave t&* [ ken no part ife the contest, u’ut tppaar die- I oosed t< carry their arrangement into edeet I with good faith; ami therefore, with ij£etn | we haw u can*© sh%k ver of depute. [ ‘. . ;■ • -V‘ y *: *A- • ‘ *. ■ ,'! BF.rtF.M3tR 2 v from Naples, of Itt© 6th ult. srjS, that a Mundemcat ha*.lately been addressed to Coofessora, containing a list of the sins for which they are not to gram absolutism, and which ire reserved for th© arch-bishop. Among oth©r person© are ih'os© who wear tight fereeebea, th© tailors that make them, and the imerchanta that ©ell them. Ladies also are lo be refused absolution who display their besoms, or their arms nafcod ahor© elbow, **r who wear tight petticoats, which o;Tend modesty by shewing the n&mral nhtp© of the limbs. ‘the Hutch paper* contain the cfheial re ; pert of vice-admiral Coppelleu, relative to the glorious and tfuee^s©fui attack on Al giers. We hr© happy to observe that the gallant commander ‘jpesks in terms of high and just admiration of the conduct of lord Exmuuth. There A in the account noth ing of the little jealousy and petty pique against England, which we too generally observe in the Belgian journal** Most deplorable accounts continue to be received from the continent of the deficien cy of th© harvest. From Manicb they write most despomiingty, and the people are seriously alarmed fer fear of faunae.— Th© fcaa weather hare eoutinuee, but; the corn market does not give v.ay; gram of aii srfts xeniaiu pretty ttefedy in taiic pri* ees. f ;tfTßM**n 27 The re nor of'an ace( wmodation between th© king of Naples a-l tha U idled S*at. apptvvrs to have been pr ujatufc. from Naples of the sib mitaet state, thaii iho Amt-rNatt gq.adt on rermi ed aiill ioj the bay. ?2r. icy appeared for many | days to hard heed v >‘7 ure-eut to bring the negotiadon Jo a cioec ; bqt the court of Naples did not appear at tU)- dispoi.?.d to , accede iu 2v;s detnr.hdc. . . - No# that, the 7e* ehr.t ;c %*‘i their Messiah, eli thapapant seem laouut ttf wW* s*’ 5 *’ ‘f (fiirtekfi :pretfy f?o4ap%'ft>* AeS? new kfegdomi"’ ‘and would Xiiiihor kind 6| ailrst-fe thex the opeui*S cf |he Rfed 8© to (0 assejHfe © l or near frr that /aotry to ln>r ! ,& them wip. ;lreip ha:l ‘ptaiovvr, eleAwßut in alKhfe worki, and He i|ay <o feir tpt* (tuiMS palidi; in bb .tasdst'Wf tUm* ins, uacxnecled lhfei>s ... f *■ - t. ■* I’RANxaFCirtT, Id. -~ Nows from Turkey tb make mention of a es w *dies himself the Mlw Me©liahk#hll{ii<ftrds W*lay th% fom** dati ;n of a ei* im in Judea. Eomfe deeming po‘ilicka# i *pfs *hka to be a, Freochmai) itador thk rh.sitmsex b® rit ‘ may,- ike Muoioh Gaietit ajudieifetw- - <ih*i.rvation on this “circus4i’2efo. ‘by s*y : * i< ig <lat.’ all deWfefe. a right* ‘*dt’ ‘ Jews \t&mi hcase,) i ftb air were i& take their ©talfjftut iJi te. tci ‘Swi*’ kShgdt'fG.’ I;. ’. A ‘..-’ Still Late*, HEW.YGHK, Nov. Vi. Toe: pai Be Cost, tha vditoy* .of Gaeette n?e a J.lvotpovi c.apoe’ ife* the 4di,-aGtt oaafroti*7iOada<t.hf*4’ | <f.’t r They, hiwever* aahtalu let Bttits ’ usw*. I ■ - y : s ‘'i> . v .. I'l'ho Loadoti paper** 4h© bogies©t, last month, \rten aoiusing ikeh readirs witts , coat?A(- c<ory rcladve to a dip ; vorfe© hetweau the prince reg(* t aal hi* coafort. There svcs&s y.o feiiodaidott fer tha I report ; of sycl* a >vcst I M. Si. Geyner, a Swiss, has isveadid ja j wheel wbicli s ti roof ibeif,aad th© {most skilful attifct caooc< disr-otirthe no ■■ vir'g pi cueipl©. L T*fi is Wlfeff IMfe* ihrilsf’s rittmk&u •tou,T ~;” | The London i *ra *£j. fete attack of kuu Exihooth on Algiers, the Algierfees were Assisted who, uinea tl ■•**''battle, ahandohedibii: |rwi’ and became a -te-at auuoyam* to (baity. There v. aa a anmrrca# a©(in.. 4 lifet* tVoghuh* on tb© i&th of September,of a* )'ut 80(/ persons, far the purpose ad. dresaiM the pl im e regent, on ife© gihjedr of the dis? rmed t fixation of the The address Was agreed to. It esti* the price© utseai to essembl© parlfeyant forthwith, add to lacommend prompt jm?aJ sure© for the rtitfel* of the suffering people! of England, by aiWtfebipg aiceeurai pesty sious, grants the Ste, Si wife v beetiiM** for similar p(i.rgr> iWf . ttd at Middlesex, Bolton,&c, \ It ears, that hf the last aeeausta &*’ ♦ England, from St. Helena, that B©napa << % acd is is b rueehoid, had received fetter© ftoo> France, which produced in ‘cievaticn of spirit* iB the who-’© corps. Bony had r©* eaiv .‘d a fetter fren; fits Maria Louisa—au& Matcbanid, Bonyfe vaiet, rectivoc u letter from one of •■■'■’<■.• i ' s Najdeon> domest/es, with a > boy V hair, m whieh o©f easiud, them vAs % gaiaday at Longwo- Itßa llrgt the court’ of Petersbu jr ansonoced to th© eouru oi!’ Yienua a..d LouW, that the Russian army ia now r*vlovflfe t 0 P®nee establish Lord SJxm*H%ha* beta raitad to. tUd rank of a*> is ‘’ “ 7^ Admiral Th© kif of afrigatw to England wish a prn*e v t p iha ?’ f Wei ling tun. It is rs v/kcu Wiser, the firstTorfgc*e v;Cztt> havtlheeu npov .• it for two y&* v, XI J j eon?aired ii 05 ca its, and ia a taule bs |*roq|y The French Cos the Ohited States hvvo. rpeind O’tM to, negotiate merlea, upon the b .'itsof or-* tre&ties Vltb her. ; j‘* ’ After the ©diene© of the kiaa c-f Naafei, v/itfeh t.&k pferolja’ Vyu Royal Yilfe w'C^) ; od'.acc ( <-©* ho to his majerty, Mr. Eiag, /•gallon 1 , knj four flhet Amtrfein gectfeW attached to his \ The iiheHy of the press it W 1 eumpfetely in i?ax©t.y. j LONOON.Sep', li/7. | A u arti ciu iso tn Ni op fes e i tb o % a jbe disposed to redo L.ui|>edsv ifo *1 I ‘oericans, if eutl. a cession v-v greeabfe ia u. ‘ It wfafafy w<feMw groeable to us.’ Hat ‘-©r : tii*i Httnrf ‘Napfea Kjftk’x sftch a ;/MSt'ldP ‘ •• . ‘ Jh, * * * • kw *# ‘• ■ m 1