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patronage, and especially i n't he cip
her counties.
It will be large, khd wifleohse-;
quently contain not only a Variety,’
But a considerable quantity of mat-*
ter—selected with care. { , c ;
It will be puHised at the Seat Os
the University of. this State, and
Vrll derive frOni that circumstance;
some general interest and import
It will be published bn Thursday
fti every week soOn after the arrival
of the Northern and Southern Mails
at this place, and will contain a
. condensed summary of the latest
and most interesting neys from the
North and South.
From a direct comth unication
thro’ Greenville, S. C. & Buncombe
to Tebhessce this paper will proba
bly derive the Earliest intelligence
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it will contain besides the com
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moral, religions and scientific mat
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vient to the practice of Christianity
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‘. w .
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-* > •« • . \ V<
from Louisiana*
Governor of the State of Louisiana ,
and Commander* in Ghie sos the Mi
litia thrreof, ; , j
I have received infor
mation that a riiiriiber of individu
als within the limits and jurisdiction i
of this state are engaged in raising
troops and preparing means Tor an r
hostile incursion into the Spanish
province of Texas, with a view in aid
ing in the overthrow of the„ govern*
ment of Spain in and over the iaid
.* province.—And wher.eas by letters
from the hon. the Secretary of State
the United States, under date of
the f 14th and ITth of last month,’
I am especially instruct
ed that the projects to tfie
individuals aforesaid “ are. repug*
nant to the views of he general gov
ernment, aiidcontrary to , law*; and s
that whilst the United States are at
peace with'Spaio, it is highiy impro->
per for any citizen to violate that
that the President ex*
pects tpe Governor of- 1 Louisiana to
take the necessary and'proper steps
to prevent any measure of the. kind
from beihg carried into effect.?!
1 thought proper to issue
thismy proclamation, hereby cau
tioning each ‘ahd every good cjtizen
of this state, and all other persons in
the limits and ‘jurisdiction of the
samfc, against being cpricerned or in
any ’ manner giving hid br counte
nance to ariysuSh unauthorised ex
pedition, and that no ‘biie 4 may:
remraih , ignorant of the ttf&VisW *
on's of the laW in this respect, I do
hereby make it khown that by an
act 6f congress passed oh. the sth
day of June,'in the year 179 Vft is
declared That if! any person Wall,
within the Territory or jurisdiction
of the United St iles, beg'm to set on
foot, or provide or prepare the means
for anyjhilitary expedition or enter
prise to be carried on from thence ■
against the territory 0r... dominions j
of any priririe or state with !
whom the lilted States are at
peace, every such person so offend- |
ing, shall, upon conviction, be ad- .
judged guilty of high misdemeanor, ,
and shall suffer fine arid imprison- ]
ment at tlu > .scretiort of the court !
in which the conviction shall >
so as such fine shall hot exceed three J
thbpsand dollars, nor the term of
imprison ment be more thari three
years. . y . -T”
And I do further stttctty fcharge
apd command officer civil arid
military Within this state,*, each in
ius proper statiori, to be vigilant and
active ih opposing arid preventing
measures so ‘contrary to the laws
and So naza’rdous to the peace and
t auqoiUiy of this And the other
states oftne in secur
trig and bringing to-trial, judgment
and punish ment, every person offend
therein. „
in testimony thereof, £ Have caus
ed uie seal of the suite to be Here
unto affixed.
tafveii at New-Orleans art the 2Jd
‘.. 4 V day of Mart h, in the year
s } is 14, and of the indepen
dence pi the United States,
> . - trie 38th. V; ’ -
By me Governor,
. « L. B. M ACAR TY,
Secretary of State*
_ v ... ; \ mmrnirnf— -}?
Copy of a letter from an American
citizen , now in Halifax . AlWs. to a
gentleman tn Ato any*
kiAulc 'AX,- May l, 1814.
Dear Sir-—since i addressed you
fast, we have had great alterations
here in commercial a hairs, in con
sequence ot tne peace between Spain
ana i ranee, all Kinds of West iuflia
goods have taken a rise of at least 33
percent, and several vessels have left
uns port tor nance,* under bpanisfr
[ colors, loaned cmeliey with sugar and
• j . * ... y v V< V• ■ k- . » ■ •■ \
coffee; the former article has risen
in one week 8 to 15 dollars ;
several of those vessels were, to be
loaded for jthe U. States, some
of thejn had begun to load with Eng
lish manufactures and W. India pro
duce? but had ip unload ,in ponse
(juencepf the governor’s having or
dered the collector to vessels
[cartels eicepted] to any port ii\the
U.. States,. Tliis was considered 6y
the merchants ~as .an unauthorised
&ct, and a meeti ng of those • took
place, who, waited on his i'.elljitcy
to receive bis reasons: he informed
them he that day .received informa
tion, from that admiral
Cochrane was to declare the whole
of the ports of the U. States in a state
of blockade? and that an additional
naval force was oh its way from Eng*
landvlo better enable the admiral to
accomplish this important object
The governor added that his reasons ,
for this step were two fold ; the fust
-was, that from the late accounts of
his majesty's ministers, ‘[by the
March uiail] he had not the least <tea*
son to hope, that any peq.ce would rc
suit front the negocidtion at Gottenbu'-g;
and the second was* that the naval
and hulltary commanders had orders
to prbsecute the war with the utmost
rigor? and had full -assurance, that a
sufficient force to accomplish every
object in view? should be sent next
summer. _
. “Oh thfe gentleman [who waited
upon him] asking, if there was cause
to believe, that the armistice, talked
so loildiy of in the American papers
■should iafte place, trie governor smi
led, and said, that there was no offi er
‘fp,the country vested with any poWer
to treat with the government of the
U. States on any such subject'; th it
proposals of tins kind, on the” pare of
his majesty? had been treated with
Indignity by the President of the 0.
States already; and the next propo
sal ofthat kind must c,bme from him ;
which, lie thought would at this tune
: nipet with a very cool reception, > l v
* There were about"3oo saiiorsleft ■
here last week, from ot. Johns for ‘lie
lake*; ul whicn they maxe themselves
sure tiiis'"season. There Vto be a
draft of the militia of this province ,
early m June, and i. is said a bounty
of 2U». is to, be given to every one
that will volunteer to go to Canada,
to serve six monins
<* William Lawson, esquire, of this
Town and James iST&ryeti, esquire, of \
St. Johns, Newfoundland, and a gen
tleman from left here last
week,Tqr Cork, Ireland, ontheir way ;
to Condon, iii the ship Neptune :
they are sent by the fishery commit
tees of this ‘province,, that ot Lower
Canada and the island of Newfound- J
land, for the purpose oi pointing out
Vo his majesty’s ministers, the neces
sity oi preventing me Yankees as
they dre called, from fishing oh the
banks ot Newfoundland, or beyond a ‘
few ihiles -from their own
These gentlemen have petitions oil
thw suoject, said to oe signed uy from
40,000 to 50,000 persons, Ireland
is said to have petitioned parliament
to prohibit the importing of airy salt
provisions, in any American vessel,
into any of hi,s .majesty’s colonies.
It is confidently talked ot here, that
no peace snail 6e concluded unless
the aboyh requests are granted to his
fciajesty’s loyal subjects of Ireland
aim those * provihfces. Tour High
land regiaaehts were,’ landed ’here
yesterday, from a fleet 01 transports
Which leit Greenock in March last. *
Jnloanj Uegtstt.%
Lu'cten Bohoputic*— i«he residence
of tnis brothei of me Empcior Napo
leon, hear \v brcesier, is distinguish
ea by various teatiires oi m*gali
cence mat may . be tic dominated
priucely« He na* not less uffaa uni
ty persons wno reside vVitii ami in
jaMiltCj oa terms or h iendsuip, most,
oi whom Comrioute to me general
amusements oi ius chateau u } tuwir
skilliul peiiormatfce on vauons in
struments, so mat ah excellent oaud
Cl music is* daily iormcU. He nus
three daughteis wno are higmy ac
coinptisocu in singing, aaucmg ana
panning, and wuo <uc also tAv-vUcat
actresses* An elegant mcaUe h
tasteiuil; nUeu U With ail vuc
suc scenic occoratious, mi uuv *vmg
01 me nousc, ia *ui4U £ reach * and
i union pieces are pcriormea three
evenings ui tnc wee*, scve.a ids amen
or uatteu s own composition.—-
iwo tames pfimeoihiy vovm«u,.orc
Well serveu uau, oy •*«.* opt.atv
suit or domestics. uac.tu aha ui»,
UaUgntcis afe visit Jd and . ewCiVch
oy several 01 me mostdlatu%uuneu
families around. . They have per
« fission to. resort lo any place with
! ten in lies of their residence but
the »,r correspondence is subject to
1 the minute inspection bf Col. Leigh
ton, stationed, at VYorcestety who ex
amines every letter tbit they receive,
or transmit. k Lucien makes no se*
Gs eq of the cause of separation fro h
his tyrannic brother, \ It arose, he f
says from his forming one of tlv.*
Council that decided again ; ‘
tlie murd sos thi Duke v
by an’acquittal: ori which Bonaparte
instantly bUmmoni din other Caymal. 'j
which voted his death.-^Lucieh ki■
.ticipatecl the personal ..consequent:
to himsetf and immediatt.y ab
sconded, just in time to evade the
order for his arrest, which arrived i
few hours after! ? fie l( speak's with;
grateful feeling of the humane liber-’
h aljty qf the British who, bn
his capture*, restored to him his’jew-v
,el.s and specie to the amount of 80,-
Lonbon- March 26. , i
Roney and the Rank of England,—* \
Gen. Vandamihe, it is said, who is
.now confined in the Kremlin, was
to havb been sent to Siberia. VTo ’
avbicf this fate, be proposed to l a feus- <
sian Nobleman, if they would Spare •
him this journey, and leavfc him a
I part of his estates m France, to mike 1
a disqoyery of grfeat, importance . to ‘
| {he Allies.—,The, Russian govern
,n»ent refused to give him a (leafing ‘
Vindaminei it is ttaid, ‘reviewed, the j
oiler, on winch, a person was sen: ;
Jto him, to whom he .might contid \
the secret. This Secret it was affir-J
meet, was, that Napbieo% nad places ‘
thejmm of &5Q riidlion .of franc*,
-from the treasures aim issed in ‘6er- *
.many, in the of. England *
the ‘same time irieiitibning all the :
mh Caviie houses in whose names
this uoaey veste
J JTk£Nck LfiSl-'TtA rivE bodV
From the German Observer.
k. i ‘ Paris, February 6. J
Answer oj the Emfror to the Address
of the Legisfatiye, Body (on the sub- \
ject of the ne'goridfions Jof peace;) •
“ 1 have prohibited the printing of *
your address’; it is seditious, Ele
ven twelfths ot the legislative body !
consist of jyood citizens. I kuow •
and respect them. , The other twelfth ,
contains rebels and had citizens, and
your committee is amongst the num
ber* committee consisted of
flvlessrs, Laihie, Rainfdurd, Callois,
Mayne, Le Bryant and Flanquer
ges.^—Laiiie is and traitor who cor
responds with the Prince Regent ■
through the medium of o‘eseze ; 1 ;
know it, and have proofs the other
lour are persons.. This
twelfth cbnsistsdf men who wishtfor
anarchy, and are like the Girondists.
W hither did such conduct lead Ver
aguiarid arid the other chiefs ? To
the Scaffold I At this moment, when
we have to dpiVe the ene -y from
our frontiers, it is not the ume to
desire cnanges in the constitution.
«* People should follow tneexim
pfe of Alsase, Tranche, Compte and
Vosges. . The inhabitants apply tq
me fir arms and officers, and l have
sent them some adjutants. Foii are
uot the representatives of tile nation;
but toe deputies of the departments.
1 called you around trie to domm
suppoit from you, not because A
hoped that the legislative body would
increase hiy ridm-age*—instead ot
this, it iias deceived me* instead of
the good i expected from it, »p has
done mischiti | a small miscuiei
imie-d because it could riot do a
greater, sou seek ui youi aadiess
to sepai ate me sovereign irom tnc
nation. A alone autt trie true repre
sentative Oi Uie people auu warcn of
you would CHOOsc to taiic OU hlutSCit
this burtiicn l me inroric is* a piece
ot wood covered witu velvet. 1,
1 alone am iue true i epfeseuuve of
the people. At A wbiria iunow yod,
A siioulu give up to the enemy more
thaii ne mins#f requites. in o
you wiiFhave peace or i
will tie anniauateU. iiut hcW ener
gy is uecessaiy i A wni go uiiei tnc
enemy anu beat tuem. Ane mo
ment rlumuguen is oomoaiued and
iieioi t
i tune to complain di tne coustuuuou
oi tne empire, and tne abuse ui tne
executive powei* *• uc legislative
bouy ii* out a pait til tne stmc, a*m
cannot oc compaieu witn tne
senate aud tne couacu of state. X
M m at due tieau o* * iiar.ou OcCaUS#
/ w ti cue CoffedituVidn a* it
Should France require another con
stitution*,, wh|cb I did not like $
should Jheri say look, for another
sovereign .-—The enemy is much
morb ( i'ncetised against : me *ihan
against France?—but. 1 for this
reason allow myself to tear the em
pire In pieces I make pre
tensions because I have.courage, and
I am‘proud tjiat I have done such
crjsit tfptfgs for France; ~ .
$L Your address is unworthy of me
aid the legislative tyody ; t »nd T wi|
day have It printed, to put the
legislative body and the . nation to
the blush., Keturn to your nomes,
assured that, even if 1 shoul4
be wrong, it Js hot your b
to reproacii me lor it —For
the res'4ji France wants me more than
i want France.
V' 1 '” ‘< - /■.
; s Spnie time ago Vft British papyri
informed that g, Soult had
yielded tq their oill e s. T.he Fol
low ng v proclamation <»»t un ,t ue
iv-'fce.that calumny. It
~&*a » few days k'fler > s thav wufj
and force, as he say. y ms iculiv lute*
nor, bC. beat Wcl ingl m who w ,/a
w iiinded In the kh- as the En
glish acknowledge, and obliged .ntn,
as it hp w appears, to draw off B *r
restord with his troops from Bor
deaux to assit his gr # lordship.
D~nio* Press •
Tt OnsTdied from the Mediator for the
ftjDemocra: ic Press.
„ t PkOCLW'A ‘ION f-\
Os flis Excellency Mays hat the Duke
of Dalmatian (SouhJ to * his army ,
!—New comrnts sum
mon or attacked,
there will be no repose until t!iat ar
'WJ?,, formed 6f such extraordinary
elements, shall he completely anniw
hilated or have evacuated.the terri
tory of the; empire, whatever miy
be its numerical Superiority, and
and whatever its. pr ogress* It is
p not aware.,of the dangers winch stir
round, or the perils which atte id it ;
but will teach it, and the; gen
eral , who cpmmantis it. that parts of
territory are riot to be invided
with impunity ndr French honor
outraged;. , , . . V
Soldfers.l tfijjf. /general cpmmaiV'l
ihg the anify With which we ar e en
gaged every day has had the imlel
itacy to provoke you and to provoke
y6ur com patriots to revolt ‘jmd. sedi
tion., He talks of peace, ah j , »e
brands of. discord are in his. tram*
’ He talks of a peace, and he exciits
the, French to civil war. flanks
to him for having thus apprised us
of,his dcsigh;... From this moment
dur.fbrces are enchased an tiun
dred foid, andfi-phi- momfjfii he
himself ralies ,round ti.c, m peri a l ea
eagies there who seducen, ful
.appe,o'adct . jn*£« t have ? thought
that be would wage war with loyally!
•—They uur.* insuib pui- nationcd hon
or V they are in famous.enough to ex
cite Frenchmen to betray their oaths, .
and to be perjuredtoiirards their em
peror—an o tie net; to be revenged
but in bicod.. \ iirarms ! Let tii*
cry be re-echoed, trirpiigh all the
south of the empire. Every K rench
xtian is called to vengeance who does
not. abjure country, and whii
from that moment ought to
ed among her A lew dayi
more, and they irho have put faitH
in the sh|cerUy and delicacy or tiie
English will learn to their cost, that
their insidious promises had ho
but to enervate their epucage and
subdue them* Those pusillanimous
beings who calculated thy: sdcnticei
to be made for the salvation oilacir
country bear in nilnd that the En
glish Have no otuer object iii tbis.
war than the destruction of the *
French itself, and ihe subjugation
of the French like they Portuguese,
the aiti!iansf.and all thd otn'er na
tions which groan under theif 1 ’ do
minion. The hisfory of tiitt past*
will represent itself to the memories
of these French’ who prefei tran
sient enjoyment to the salety of the
great family* and they wilf see the
English setting the French to mutu
al butchery aiQuibereou; they wilt
see the Enghsn at the head of all
conspiracies, ot the overthtow of
principles, of the destruction of all
the establishments, grandeur aha in
dustry, in order to satisfy their in
, oramute ambition and iusaiiabte
avarice, is mere a single spot of! ‘
globe, known to the English,
Where they have not by seduetiorE
and vio euce uroiignt dtsa*ucv.oi|| .
ou the ifunuUausers and uonc^