Newspaper Page Text
«ts; Michifcor Ohio ahd the lake*. I
0 their natural homier; and soil— {
to admit Britain an cxcltiwu? *
to arm on the lake?., and sms the
military occupation of both shores—
to erect an independent savage pow- \
er on our confines, or within our
dominions, and to curtail our terri
tories secured by the ’ ‘ featy
17*2 demands, attempts, or pre
tensions* which United meric a
■will never submit to, but with the
■> loss,ot her freedom. v * < *
I ‘v,
# This ‘was granted by the treaty of
’ I7Bi. ; g > ‘ • ‘V V “
t iicjtyrm to ‘he,Unked States by the >
treaty :-f 1782, 3 <srf t Gray , App. 12.
t Excised ey n in he act to hostilities j
tigairst iiSt. ’jitft-a to check the
settlement of the XJnitid States, ,S s ee \
tlic late ed> rii bovdence of Ms. Mott'oe |
etviih viir winiiutrs abroad. ‘ ~ , j
|j See th& 3 4 and 5 drli df this tred* \
ty tn 1 Gray . App* 93 to 96, ; *.
51 Hut the N. W [although j
J3 or A cannot agreeably to the pro~ Y
Ject ] nia? purchase land f*"om the tndi- *
fins. This company* sanctioned and j
suppQ> ted by B as disttnguithed for
being very inimical to . is. And this ,
is also, material in the considcYa
tionof the proposed treaty. ’
The following proctarnation issued ’
by the CommMnder of the Priva
teer Chasseur, while off the Enf|
lish coast and posted up at
;-Coffee House, London, manifest
ly produces an excellent burlesque
on the illegal blockades instituted
by the British. * , L
0j ‘Thomas Boyle , Esq Commander ofy
the private a r med brig Chasseur* X&c
Whereas it hds become customary
♦jth the Admirals of Groat Britain,
commanding the smal) forces on the
coast of the United States, particu
larly with Sir John Borlase Warren,
«nt) Sir Alexander Cochrane, to de
clare all,the coast of the said United
States m a state of strict and rigo
rous blockade without possessing the
power to justify such a declaration,
pr stationing v an adequate-force to
maintain said blockade. “ . ..
/ I do, therefore/ by virtue of the |
power and authority in me vested
f possessing sufficient forcej declare
<tll the ports, harbors, bays, creeks,
rivers', inlets, outlets, islands and
aea coast of the United Knurdom
preat Bvitain and Inland ; n a _state
of striot /and rigorous .blockade.—
And I do further .declare’ that Leon- j
aider the fore* urnfei m> an dyd
y Jequate to. maintivn strictly, rigor
rously and effectually tb6 said block
>v*de. Ami Ido hereby requre tfye
Respective officers, whether captains, y
I com minders and commanding offi
cers under my command, employed
or to be employed on the c<,n‘St of ‘
Kiip/laod. Inland and Scotland, to.
pay strict attention to t »e■.execution’ *
of Hus m\ Proclamation. An 1l do
hereby caution add forbid n e » v nps j
and,,olh ail and every tuition
in am;ty .uul peace With tn- U.dted
States, IVo n enuring.'or attdm.-ptuig ’
to enter, qr iinm coniing or itternpr
ing to come out,of’ any ot the said
ports, narbors. bays ‘,n creeks-,
rivers, mk'ts, outlets, islands, or sea
coast, under any pretence wly*t soe
ver. And that no person .plead
igmkvnce of this my Pr*cujxiatiorr,
I have .mi e red the same- to be made
piibiu m England* ‘
* o ive ii under, my hand on board the;
Chasseuhh and •. and date as above.
Bv command ot the commanding
V— r-,
• tktfm 7 4Z&tt£
Tm/RsoAr, Y'lrzvsßtt 24, ft 14. i. I
’ ‘ \* ‘ #: ■• !
kma w. .» 1 ;
The fbtlyadng ver. l^yrer ing extract of a
letter Hjff.gfcejr >f St6a gentle
mart iri ppc* dU'ettv<*-nbs’'lßl4 t '''.
gives pietty uearh a$ m.scii ail a . lace news,
as received bylie mail n last aVeiuag.
• * J v ■ .. *. s* / \> *’ - * 7* > # J/ (1 . ‘"^V.
’ r It is,-generally bebjjv-d that, ti.
Britain ‘*,le'iiMteVthe hestrucnon of
our prosperity ffrtd of *bof Union ;
and that unless an clfiyicnt n jrlfear y *
force is provadedbefare thy opening ,
of the next campaign. many porfcb I
otis of our country will Up desolated. )
Preparations to avert tpe calamities ;
vv nh «rMicb vve are 11-.reaverv*d, be- ■
}<■ u to lire Natioaui » Ltgislalurd i . ;
.but niter all. the^iat; 3'i and s-; h v must
rv» upon thy ‘patriotism of the
people. Surrounded on every side
by difficulties and embarrassments
m the discharge of onr duty, >ve have j
proceeded more siowty than,was de- j
si table, but the committees in both
Houses Have at length reported, and
the determination of Gongfess oh
their respective p*op’osports will
soon be had.,; In die present aspect ’
pi affairs, it is imposaitile to devise
anv plan by hr , the i&i on can
ceuumty v* Djvsei ved, without
imposing on ice people heavy pecu
niary and personal ourt tens. It has
been, and will be ou* object tp im
pose no more than are necessary, & |
to distribute them equally. The
attainment of this object in the best
mode,’ has. been the subject of our
• inquiries, and the di#eulty of selec
tion, the cause of oui tardy proceed
ing. After the most laborious in
vestigation bf the same subject, tiic
military committees of the two
branches of the legislature have
come to different conclusions.. The
committee of the Senate have re
ported one plan,, apd the committee
of the House ol Representatives uno
ther. I thinK“«the former will pfe
val and if I am not compelled to
close this letter, I would give you
its principal features .
$We have no late foreign news.
Unless, contrary to our expectations
the negociprions at Ghent has been
renewed. Messrs. Gallatin Sc Cos.
will soon be with us.
ik The close of bur campaign t t
the north is nof'so satitdactory its
r'Uerr.l progress has been glob Otis.
Whether Gen. Izard has done all
that might have been done is que ii
bnable but a full deve 1 opeme i :#o 1 all
the,circumstance's, is to a
-fair decision oirbis conduct.
4 What will he the icsult ol the
Contemplated covivention at Hartford
is doubtful its aspect must be de
precated by every mart who loves
his country and is not blinded by his
passions. We learn that New Hamp
shire has refused to send delegates,
and that. Connecticut h? estricteu
hers to such acts a ’ consistent
w ith -their oblip’a 5 .ist to the Gene?*
1 aKGovernmen.. > TT \\ /
‘?t- .'..ft.,-, ; t ‘f ‘lvh':: •
JCT* We learn from MiUedgevilk
that and second bill providing allevia
tion for the condition of debtors, by
staying execution twelve months,
and exempting the militia in the ser
vjee of this state of of the ( United
States from suit, iyns lost in Se
nate on Tuesday last % not obtain- ‘
intra constitutional majority. ’The j
goverrtmfs reasons for dissenting to
the hill shall appear in our next.
The legislature probably adjourn
ed yesterday* • * 3
-J-r , ‘.£(. ■ ■ T ;
The(yolurtteer bill, which has been
for some dajrs under debate in 4he
House of,Representatives, after be
ing considerably changed in its Fea
tures. wah»vestefday orde red to lie
on the the expectation
that it shall not be called up until
th'e principal, war measure of this
session 1 , the bill for classing and
drafting the militia, shall have been
acted on. *
The committee of Ways 8c Means
in tn«: House of Ropresentatives,
yesterday reported a bill to establish
.a National Rank. It being late in
the day. the bill was not reaand
not therefore ascertain all
its features. We leamf however
tha| they are essentially those re
com mended ipxthe report of Mr.
D. ifi as-; who, we are informM, in a
j>ersnnaTconference with the firtan-
cial Committee, laid before them, in :
able and eloquent exposition,
his views of that and otlicr topics
qmbotUed in his report. . -
&#/• JYao. S.
’ bjtve Seen # run
ning through,the ifubbc ffihts, im
peaching the lovalty to the Union of
the People of Louisiana particular
ly NewGrleans. an j intimating the
prevalence of a disposition to surren-C
fW.w(jhout T'esijtance to the enemy?,
if lie . ; pro i-hes that city. ; From
infocnrtjti'en. wh.ibh Hvy v have received
from uoq
whole ; of be ama
‘ v’ ‘ -/- ~ t
‘* v .-yn *• hr Kif'p ‘ ~^
rHgrtant misrepresentation* Thepeo.
pie of that state have, on the late a
iarm in that a
,rit of mtijpiotrstn at& energy which
do them high honor. *
;■ v ’ - ■ ibid.
from the Niagara.
The editors letters from a
ftiend on Saturday .last by the ex
press mail, dated at Buffalo as Ln
as the 30th ufl at watch time the
rrmy under Gen- Izard wa, yet at
| Rprt Erie, but expected, within a day
or two, to recross the Niagara and
L take up winter quarters op this side
of the river.— to I
SAVANNi //, November 12.
ON Thursday morning last, in St.,
Helena sound, the schooner Nancy
from this port for Charleston, with a
cargo of salt, &c. was captured oy 3
of the enemies barges and set fire to.
The crew made their escape. Five
sail was off St. Helena at the time.
A frigate and brig was standing in
for our bar yesterday mornuig
’ Extract of a letter from (Washington t
dated November 4. •/
u This morning a handbill #as re
ceived here, stating that one BrU
is!, frigate and four transports fullot
men had entered the Bay, supposed
to 5e the van of Lprd ffill’s arm),
intended for this country ; and since, ‘
that & express has arrived * slating
that seventeen outer Vessels had ar
rived and*weru coming’ up the Bay
antT near the mouth of the Potomac.
We expect thef will attack tnis^
, place or Baltimore before fong-*-atl
. other talk of adjourning to Phiiadeb
or ..Lancaster has taken plate
this morning.” Carolina Can.
It is rumored (and we believe tne
rumor entitled to tiiatji let
ter in in town from* New Hump
shire, stating that the app'cuuo;
from Massachusetts to that state for
A calling tne Legislature together for
( the choice of Deligatep to meet; “<a£
Hartford would not Bg complied with,
die council being divided on that’
question Thus we find the g ea :
uoject coiiUmipiated by tne late ex
t-a session of the Legislature • <of .
.Massachusetts, was tne formation o:
ft Henryiie Cptivt/iiiqn-, but thai they
are likeiy to be foiled; in their ul£ek u.
rior objects by the good, sense pi
other states. B ‘Ston Patriot.
Ttl'li EmMV ,'Lsi #UR WATERS.
»*, Ledger OJ/tce , Nq ■foinj.jftfov. 1.
The enemy returning —■ % dag Which
has been to thevßmii&U Commander
in Herring Bay, (between the Patux
ent and Annapolis) returned iasieve-’
mng: -.yesterday she, was boarded
from tfie Dauntless frigate, in com
\r iny wmi four transports, and aschr.
fro hi iidiifax/ the frigate and trans- <
ports Were full of troops j the whole
stood up the Bay after the flag parted
cornpauy. .
i. lid force of the enemy? now in
tne edit sapeake is two 74 S, 6 fri
) gates t brig,.s transports and 8 schrs.
i tie lihvamia and Madagascar fri
gates (included above ) in Lyn
haven Bay* ..
.This force’, whether from Halifax
; or not, is no doubt the vanguard oi
a much larger, it would be .idle in
us to otfe£ an opinion as to the ene
my’s designs, we hope all will bh pre
pared*. * ;^v
We have not before* heard of the
Dauntless, being on this station ;
may she hot be the van oi Lord Hill's
force. •
We have Steel’s list, to Feb. 1814,
& find no‘such frigate as the DaurtiL
less ; there is a s!oop of war of that
dame* ; The officer must hajfe giveu ‘
a wrong name to the officer of the
flag, no doubt witii a design to pre
vent any conjecture of the place
fromwnence the troops c mie.
: Head Quarters* of the Northern Army
, Camp near Fort Erie, Oct 23d, 1814.
I-'.. , ■ •’ „- • ” J *
L. Tb^itolmneers and militia in ser
vice, v®lh the Northern Army in
Upper Canada,-will march to Batavia,
where they \r\U be discharged.
The commanding general requests’
major General Porter, to express to
the troops under his com
mand the sense entertained- by the
atmy at large, of the ‘ gallantry dis
played by them during their service
in Upper Canada. ‘ ;A*A-•„ ?. ,
By their presence, at f a critical mo
ment, tiie left division of the horth-.
i erh army was supported and enCour
aged. . . •:>/.. r ■>
Though not himself a witness of
their meritofious, conduct, the
port made to the general by the of
h cer rate 1 y commandkn g ontjiis fron
tier* calls lor ins thanks to these
patriotic men.
vCola. Dobb.i\s and Hopkins, raa..
jors Dee, MaUasoiy and Dox, have
: been parti^forly,designated, a» dis
tinguisbcd by t» w i zeal anti att.nli
for himself by ffohjo* general Porffen
’ the getteiai has only to add ms ac
knowledgem<*m .of the assistance he
bus received from him in the short
’ time he has hud the advantage of his
By command ofmaj- gen. Izard.
C. K. Gardner,
Adjutant gen* Northern Army
Tbe privateer Mammoth, cap .dm
Franklirh of Baltimore) arrived ai
Portland on the Suth* uU* a*
cruise oi four months, during ydifth
she made twenty onoprize3 v e ;
of which she dFs'trot eri—the other
three were ordered no The last
prize she took - about fourteen days
since from London to .Quebec with
rum, brandjr,'&c. Was''chased, sev
eral times bnt escaped- with ease. |
She hits brought in a cargo of woolen •
goods, principally biacaets, which }
were taker, fiom a transport, Her t
cruising ground was ‘principally in I
.the Bay of Bascay and English \
Channel. vsJne ustu)e z 75 pns• ikt
two qr .vthree of whom only she*
Brought 11L
(Our daily and nightly..prayers
to set one hundred;> oi
4to 20 guns each, the pnn
cipal of sink, burn blockade and
make prisoners —Hcaptn grant the
may be heard J ! !) —lit raid.
The kev. My Rhode's, will ;r, ..u u *
at frail meeting hous -j
Ist day of ntxt scont^.
pIFD on Monchu V tdih \ a j
Acleiine A aria Cobbs agt and ‘si > years
>.nd eight mouths.’ the only child of
1 homas W- Cobb. Ivsq. of Lbxing
ton. ihe family were oma friendly
visit at.Milledgeville wher6 she was
taken with an inflammation of the
lungs, of which she died aftei
illness. The, burial wds avoided
by a very respectable number of . t.vlT
Members of the Legislature ti ■■
1 1 zens ofThd place.,. The scene was .
truly afffcting. The deep distress
of the parents in having this flatter
■ng flower of their hopes torn from
their hearts was sympatlvcLcaiiy f it
by the whole assembly. What th»,
kind attention pi friends could doj
j to soften the of/rich,
not : wanting on- this?, mourns-T
occasion. The 4>a.lnvy. <
of the gospel, and’ tRe dpetJ UT ot a
future state, .enabled , tlu;, be. eiv v
partnts'% receive the stroke of; r Pro •
videnee re.sig/(atipu.” *
J ; ssssrer op the 19th iftbt/7/e nack-
V son Green aged flve montli>, toe oon
of Dr. Wiliiam Gicclv,, P. 6 Lessor oi
Mathematics id Franklin College.
■’ ‘ ‘ |
On Saturday the 2 Ith of
next ut the late- reside nee. of >V: lom- ,
Justus,, deceased, >f Jackson count Vi
A I ; . ni. j ; ... j-v-,;
LL the personal property be-,-
longing to said deceased, consisting
of one horse, oovy.- , hogs, hdusehohi
and kitchen furniture. r
henry Justus
• Administrator
‘’ Administratrix .
November 17.
ON Wednesday the 23th of De
cember, at the Store House of Tho
mas Moore,
for one year, all the
V’ > ‘"V. NEGROES .; *r .
belonging to the estate of WillianU
Strong, Jun. deceased, and the
Plantations to be rented out, also a
set of blacksmith's tools.
‘ll / i . . Executor ...
Octohef 11, 1814. ?
Madison Coilnty.
r T October Term, 1814.
l* vv gvc
HS vpetition of Jofap H 7 Marks shew- j
eih that he was lately the purchaser at She
riffs Safe in sa:d count) gos a tract of sold
as the property of .•Vhaalom who
residecf_hpoi> the premises, containing
;avo hundred acres, more or less, lying? on the
South fork of Broad river,; adjoining lands *
granted so Noah Cloud, oa. the erfsjt and on ■}.
she bounded ‘on .Broad ‘
stating that thlre was ap f original deed of I
xoTejaftce of said lanci from >ue Samuel \
Nelson to said Heiujdck, and under \\hich i
deed the Hhid tttle—which’ |
said original deed, is lost ogr miakavi.sp thayit 1
cannot now be touiid—and that, a copy of
said deed so near as recollected, t. .ge- y.
ther with an afhdavir ot i >H>sV ar>.. Itieu m
the deffc*s office «.f sajd cou- I>— and prating the
esrablisfemem of safid in lieu «f the
nal ‘ * r .
j. > On morion Os comist lfor the petitioner, it
Vs ordered iliat a Copy of this petition and or
der be published angea. ip^th.i’or^'the.term oi
# sik mqritlis in one of thejpubljc gazetted vL .
this staue^— and that tiftlesw'stitfcli-nt cause is
then shea'n, the said copy will by established
Jn IpenoH thf ’-w’- \< j;
, I jjjgrcby certify laat the fQregoind
16 a irue extract i'rom the minut< s
bctoW 7, ibiT
JAMES LUNG, Cjerk. [
tice/ ? V
tn-n citttb appliu.
i .e.tothch ; rubUs
the Infer*-;* Of* «t of Odrk Cv.ahs
ivhen T sitting fur on]inary pu*;>o Wa,
’>r leave’ to self two Ipfmcn- , . • ~s .
of ‘ land fthe same ber&&* mdrc
beiiig in -sfaijd t.onu*jr
oh the waters of PorUmV creek,
granted to John/ Harnett, ‘iovnint*
lands df Brq*vn, Moure
Alsd hundred aifd sikty ifores,
lyimr und being .;r Jackson court/
oniju; waters old air; yS cVeok. hear
Jefferson, granted to . lLy.,fily>—.
and he aforesaid tracts ®f U*,d to oe ‘
sold for the benefit of >:m heirs and
creditorsrof Jo bp Harnett, deceased,,
bite of Clark County. /. ~ } ’
John r PAuyrvrr,
* ’,” ,■ ‘ ‘; ; ‘..■■■; AilmixhtHor. .
yuhTy ißi4., .u : uu* s ;s: s t£r
. X ■ ‘ “, . -” ». ■•• III!
Persons :u-c; noto*, :( | that the
oniy, leg ‘ I i-itjc t»> tHe U*■: ,■; lm - nl **. !v
averrch !>v ’ /UirhunAU (
*of J ifck-on, is now - >,evi 4 j»
tire suOscnbtr-*-All app'urr t -»>ns fop
feiif or p\u\ hase uTiist j,t übtVh to
“no person e%b. J-s . , , , ( i
-• n>ake ;Oiy com ict, m «... .to
V‘.: >,ANN (/ ;
■ - /• %v, —*
Lrvx ihyi; pljmrat .a; u
of July, and it V 'V 01 v ted
i'hid, bt bru/ng- to.
iJennp Id ; , /qPßi.riy I•-./
oi .Mr. Li ytyiiett,’- a >7
rraae* ttbiith •*.> yi;uf;, oUr- ■
son tijht * wsH uppiv.vnd’'s. s i v m,vv
#hd .confine thin. i e. and . et
*d**h by .first da) Vvt XoV .t t'tip i
skull receive It un .-o;ur*
by me L
September 12, 18LL
• / . /* 11.I 1 . .’ “;’y . ‘
ADMJNISTR \r<K~S ~ , C “
That on the 121 hay <j l (7 *-y
’>B]a. iuiil oe so/a a* ,;;.. A
0/ £ <o/m Roberts, tycejsed, t>r Ctitrk
county , the following property,, viz. ,
hlX"Neg‘iocs, to yvit— Lvo boyS|
one woman ut’d her children,
ftnns ..twelve iiionths credit with,
bond and amjrovcd secupi :v.
mVEity KOBiaIUS,;
: tender ‘Si"el 815. * ?, ‘ :
——— . *
bOLLIt/,; v/d‘b’- t
sdi. /;
• y i thed'Cbui t-11-juse In ‘Jocko n Cauntyy i
0?* l in’ < ■ n :!ry
next, the follow: i ?... ,c
llifyfvf,’ as'w)!i s/,u jy the
Cox. due the fetid witji -i
Eiynt \ fo-ty Thudfeenf
ed to JosejVft u. h . -'■ at- Vr..U>err,y
Fork of ihi ‘:[+> .. - . ~ ihkau*d ami re
turned as tb f <o «a7
three trycn-'.;.,€»*•] r^ij/'v< a N.
| hy l. ■■■ wsbii,. yh.1.1 • ;• 1; i'a ,v;u:.'.at:
land, * :•• }■ ‘ ‘ ,i’„ ■ o.:;‘, SW; by
Luc and • c ■. . a u ‘ •»!. other
stcie .taJiufL “ w rand -ia cie^
fault for tftL ■ <jibjtL. iiS il dollar:**, Jf
,52 uats. ‘ 4 “ / •’> ‘• •’ • ’ v ; >? -~f
r,'>f ■ “ jbSEffd 1 ‘LE-i.C j C
- ■ , L/*: • ‘y. ■(".% i
X’.'a, VfUiij'y.
Wlieveas Gpjjdjf- W hltty , a >niittu»xra
tor on tiie ejgtare ■ r Miy.-i.U h VV a t -
deceased,, yftx s applied for je-ttr., f/f* : iViwiiun
frour r'b-. f;;rthf r administia’ ‘*/ <- * iiie
of .‘.aiddeceased. ‘ ‘
lAeSe are rhereforp to jpire and Std*-' -
all and- the Uinartb and cn d.yif of
said.deceased, to h!e rheirob ec y>s, (•■/ any)
in my o.tice \vithjn six months tr.o i. Cue date
hereof or said letters vr# .be grduited V M - ; : “
- Given under my haiid this day of Sep
tember,/ 18i4. . . /• U
JQfiK aoDG ; 4 , c. c o
:u , v : *
At Pubhc Auction o # Friday
of December next, at the Subscri
be v’s in Jkckson county.
‘ONE Hundred Bushels of Wheat,
some corn, a Horse and 35 Sheep. A
The is to give bond with
approved ses«nty« \ . r fW['}
2Z&2JVL i-L
.- - AUGUSTA CENTIML. ■ persons resident in Jackson
county or *»och as havQ removed
therefromf indebted upon account
to the proprietors ; of/ the / abovj*
printing oflicC prior to the 27th>oi-
May,. t. 809,, are inbnmed that. Mr.
t>»vid is aurt ori red to caK
leci and receipt for s.iid tlucs. V
- Benjamin T Duyckindkjfor sj&f
VI: £ l& Oie* F. o // f 4
Oct* %1 y 18 14. >- - rylf~
Those haying demands against the e ?es
df Col. jSamWl Jack arni Jaftie* K “P.’ ck,
wift presenr them ]>r.iperly a\; eo-
tlca ea within he time prescribed by InW -»♦!
ajrWh > are indebted to the , s#;ares are re
ed/o make
’ / KINL months j from the date hereof an?
p’icarUn wiill^madeto the honorable the in
ferior court of county, for lybve to sell
creek, JwJl !«•
mg. part ot me*es‘ale « John .Uoberjts, dc«
ceVed—Tu be .void for Jje ocheduAf die heirs