Newspaper Page Text
* a'iiif -jii. dajpyj
* U car-
T.ed 0.0 in ill's Y U/
* # JWjk.2.'* -*
>Tbe'r>p«i»ti«v if ,kc
* cZI-.s Miff,,- by 4* *W
Stacies irbichf tile *rtplihmyjin(f
frit** th’ oii in fhl why of ifHWr indn~>lrv*
The* Ws|«fc , gg!*'m»V- :l at abavb 7,tQ O
niiiliofia of (lorth* ,Hm-* price «f tpi
a ‘,, a? Talljsn thJ?wc»k in all Hit- markets
~f Swi (Inland. The* fine pfos
tiet.t nftilit harvfet which i* about to be
g,n •ill mahe i»Tail still loiter, On the
TVIa-:ic ard'tlie ilhinc Uie.peo; le’s alarm
btKiu* insensibly to inbaMle. .Keyera!
convoys of Riain, whieji si>tx«l*firfW«L
cent for front Italy, h*ave teecn-cd coun
ter orcitVs orfthe roach on acCoUnt of the
I9^K r r- r m Aicuona, July 27.™
Be luulllgencp from Tripoli and !u
--f w r learn Tliut I h e sta»id::ni os the
prophet ifi displayed >»y Barbarians*
tolltl that they have placed their robbd-
UZ* tinder !tttc protection of reJigioOs, A Neapolitan ship of the
Wq, twb'.fe&wK brifr, and tw*
Have heeu here on their, way
to meet the and American
squadrons, ‘ Sr.o'*. fwo. Vessels pW? ho*
linens have mailed lor the sattife| destiny
\:os wl\ieh'us aaiuio be Gibraltar.
Thcl>W Sl * Ghacief, cMC Vu&iista,
brings a con linn Alton of f Ue American
Squadron being doterminetl to comnervc
ho>tiUtits w thou:.waiting Cor fdni Ex
mouth. .AVu can readily, conceive’ the
(given tutou*spirit ofuie \meric ns» fhd
;ht V,va|iy which may induce their to
Striae tiie fir»t bf6w on this occasion*
more annoying
XQ file E,»s.nsn. t:iau la the Mdors them
yjSffb ». d** o#k v 1
BoriapartSs Lijc ihe Herald,
rapt. Noble, watch arrived this morning
from Liverpool* was boarded on her
by a British strip of gun i,
from St. Helen a, bound ufhfche English
funnel, and was informed* that Bona*
. na.; ic v/ds I’Jgrood hcaSi-u i and that hs
bad quarreled With most of the officers
tvj.h him i that he sod he jUs t.because
of die war between EjfclafjfyW the U.
Sut s.aud uut the En Were fool*
ios peace
v. . Jauy cihploycdin-wmiiig a htstpry
offiu lde- » , ,
*m*tftktract df<n letter* dated*’ •*>
NlvW OrtLbANS,
•The expedition <ag,aiiist ine ~Alcxtcan
4»a,(l winch reudozvuuz id .a or,;: oftha
OiiiCcred add .ipponiicd troops, besides
the ..crews of tne sjhi^d- Afte-
U*i day of tile prececal g month under
canvo>* of a fleet of lb riesacau urihed
tessHs, wmeu d stores for Lie
expedition. Pile Ivv.sion of the ex t»e
diiioti had'ari ivticl at Puhta Go’da, in
the bay of St v Barnard ), pr uvnice of
Taxes, and took possession of that t o
yoiun position; without oppositions
IVI Herrera tne Mexican mimiste; is
Miere.andis about to departjorthdt
place, to organize a far
that quarter, and to estabiui an itiniy
rally Court for toe trial of prize
The otoer division .had probably *pro
ceedcdagaihst Tampico ; tbe royalUti
some louideations at J’aimpico,
and some “regular troops, but Mhere is
spine rea#u. r to bthieve f not
r.\«vke any resistance. —iiuassa liuales
cn soutn side >f.V :u Cruz one ol tne-.
Vest ports on tne Mexican shbre, is in.
Hi i- power of me - M.^iiariera
iua lately received despatches from ius
governmeavof a very nuiauctpry nature
Sir the UTpubucaii Th.s and l
other viVi6rma>lon received by private
individuals, has produced a re volution
in opinion, Here. Jti -to tne succoid of
iVilxican independence, and to want of
confidence has succeeded a coau lence
Viibounded ; and a few further opera
lions of the Mexican force will open ,o
the United States the rich? ‘a comuierce
in the universe. Dl. R* «no saiiei
feuine Uttie Silica ui tile Saranac, uas
becti m the interior of Mexico and had
intercourse with the. .-govern
ment. Hie royal agents, wno, sgreatl
übout reports of disasters and massacres
io deter men fi*om had killed
the doctor by a#ep*>rCV tioWcver tie re-
bimseit wui, and tciurned; to
T.oasi frohiLthp lu ctiOr witn abundant,
iunJs m h ts.i|uid». liirn
Ci ttiatc date arc here*
It .b confidence, that
■ i.Ltne principal qities of Mexico, iWdr
: s - Vcia-OTuz, ihe /majority oi the
and opuicfu people are
iiA of die revohiuun, and among
l .cui great‘humbei b of enlightened Eu*
W.. 0 cuiy bed ISr
i- .fftri; n*l/ r p-/AV'rriu mtoVei»*»t jpJaJjit
p i-ri'iis t!> jo;u apertly in
< . i j • scandalfctts con due i of fee.
BV.arvl VIT- wid thosdjfec.e uki servile
stellites who M*e c<»-operated tS r-f.b
sTlioti and
‘%sm, have exasperated ad those wSi •»
advocates for the constitution o r
the jenrtes, and associated in feelin-ri
cause of the a
well a Top an! arils ftjsideqi ia
ancissthc depredation wjijrb palftot
privateers made with imp unity on the
public shins as well as the merchants of
Sp. 4 jypfttjjfjs c </h <se rt e and sans
of the fhonop#lb’ of Cadiz ; and they
iiow&ay vrtflwr that they are ashamed
■to belong to a government so imbecile
a% be infompstent to defend their co;u
--m erce a gai nsi t h einsurgen t \y: i vateers.
It is now the genera! opinnOn that the
cities of Mezicoand Vera CrtiT will bc
folc lone; be in the press':on of the
without firng a musket.
E&jju Bostons*Scpt, IS.
Boundary Commissioners, 5
The CutUmissionefs under the fourth
article of the fete frehty of peace with
Great Britain, will, we hear, meet at St.
Andrew, ‘in tire province of NTew Bruns
wick, on the 15-th of this month. By
treaty they are constituted judges of this
Tjuestion To which nation belongs
the island in, the Bay of P issamtnaci iod
dy arid Fund ay ? So far as they agre%,
t heir decree- is tin al and conclusive on.
bo h natrons. If they disagree- tup ques
tion w:ll bc subnlitfcd ro the determ.n
some friendly sovereign. she
‘honorable Thoitvv* Barclay, formerly
consul giSf. of his Britannic majesty, is
the commissioner appoiiHe|i by the Bru
s Honorable
John Momckby th® govern meat of the
United States-- ■*’ authorised to
a secretary and surveyor*, if a*
ny arc necessary. ‘-*^3*
»lhc cause will.-be con dotted before
the commissioners fry agents
to manage the cl aims ids the contending
parties. The, honorable Ward Chip
rrutn, formerly King's Consul and \t- :
torney Genera! of N,sw Brunswick,is th®
agent of Great Britain. The P*’e»alent
of the United States has entrusted the
claim of .the American government to
James D Austin, esqutre of this tow|fe j
Alter meeting at St. Andrew's, and
Viewing the gcograpaical situation of
the islands, will d3T
journ to some pl*ce, probably Boston
for the purpose of attending the discus
( sian to whiGh this question nfturly give
>rise ; but tye trust die discussion wit!
be made in a few mbatlis.
The subject before, this board is of
fr*vy. considh* able importance. The Mii
ahels largely al uabic and convenient To
the H sning business they afford inaoor-
facilities in thyir numerous harbors
and places of resort. Some » them a
bound «ri vuUlible timber Snd are-papa
ote of becoming places of , cxien
vrade ; on tttpre than one are “extensive
sive settlements;-’ The flourishing;
town of Eastporion Moo sea el and ftiicn’
from its situation and facilities for bffsl
ness has m6st rapidly increased from its
first settlement was considered an
-gfai part of this commonwealth. But
the chief interest in the decision of these
Commissioners will be fouifd in the per
manent arrangement of a mojt impor
tant frontier, where therighU of each
n afion are continually in con fact, and j
wkich unless settled to
tion, may in the progress of population
berome the source of numerous collis
ion?. We thetSWe, that it
snouy be puppeUjP a nß harmoniously
settled. In the appointments^HMide by
the president we perceive a jpmicutar;
attentipivto themterest of Massachusetts
we have every confidence id the gentle
man by whom life claim of the United
States will be vindicated ,iu<i f'wc wish a
speedy and favorab c conclusion to nis
interesting .labors* I
File commissioners will probably re
turn to Boston by the last of Septem
Uniitd States ojf lonian Islands.
The title is new-, it given & sonic
isldhds in the lonian sea nnar the shore
of l urkey fn Europe. One of them
is Zaitte, so well fen 9 wn for its currants,
the iiiOdern mhabitaiHs of The lonian
Islands are principally Greeks, and at
tached to the Gatck Church. Some ol
tfeeii predecessors were under the
mand of Ulysses in the war against i voy
Among tiie extraordinary l|reatjcs,-
Tnade in Europe during the year 1315,
there is .on mentions thd new ti
tle. as given by high authority
piaJcui world, it was ‘sigjied by. the
ttrL;dn,«nd lV. ; >da. the four allied i>u*f;j 7
ers ifhmf a£fcjfifr»lncipal pa.tsm
France.’• fruttraliy agreed*; tb it
the islands in question r.huuld be s’.yi>*d
tht'Uni.ed Suites if. the L-nian Islands*
and be independents but -funder L
protect"*, tv Th4j sa,j*oj Uad.aj ve»-
seU were to dtsplay tlie arms. .jPP-’
the garrison and p'ort* of tlie‘ Island %
.wfcft the;r forces* were to he under B. !-
tish comma ad. tit was | new modest’
mariiiiritfeCftlqniea to t?he Brlr
tish empire. * Ku«|la» gAusfria* and
Prussia- receive aoneitatiols of mrritoryr.
on U\e continent.,* •Vj j .
It that the Aitowan ted
Sicilian courts should be jnrvitcd lo ac
feeotf to the treaty in diplomatic
This ggjgr-rise to the inquiry, what ro* *1
laiion has nucis £ treaty to either of
these courts ? k indicates a subject of
po ordinary character.
answer may be found in the Vic
tory of the lonian Islands. * They have
subjected at dllbront timesto vu
rious authorities, Ottoman Sicilife an l •
Venetian. Towards the close of the
century, the Ft eachacknowledged
the seven lonian Islands ns a republic ‘j
Russsia has since exercised authority m y
relation to the islands and left them.
Auslri is succeeding to the Venetian
pretentions relative to the lonian .UP
unds; has fieliaqui&hed them td th& ufi
tish government by agreeing to tne
treaty in question. * In like manner the
pretentions of Russia are relinquished.
‘Prussia as an original party to the
tv contrms the Uanattion. The Sicili
an government is at nosr but a secon*
dufy power in Furope, and of course
may be expected 10 acquiesce in thede
termination es the idling real powers.
But «.he invention to acce de to such a
tieaty presents a serious question for.,
the Ottoman empire; So does rue pro
position for putting an end to the dliji- .
redatVons of the \lgtrines and other
s Mahometan ro,» :er37 , .sis JL .\ i
Malta so fmporur.t for its positions, j
is*now under British government. Iho .
command of the lonian fslansU, with the ij
f possession of Malta, will enable th«
British at once tcPinterccpt the commu
nication between Barbarv and Constan
tinople, and to control the navigation
of the Levant Thus the Muhora-atans
of Africa’’are divided from the M
tans of Turkey. At the same time,
the lonian Islands offer situations for*
military and rihvy arsenals, from which
a BritibhMorce might be tunifshed w.ith
ample means for operating against the
furies by water when tire force of other
powers meet them on land. „#
in is gives a further answer to in
quiry concerning the treaty which has
placed the lonian is and* under ITiu* 1
protection. It is a key *s> the
policy m relation to countries possessed
by the vlahomeuns upon the Mediter
ranean. A treaty the Toly
League is a key to tne pokey of ,ql
powers tn relation to other Mahometan I
possessions.** This was Signed at Parrs
by the emperors of Rtlss.a and Austria,
the kiug#of Prussia. k contains a
general provision for tne .udmission ci
other partite* Bui. the tqfrac are u :.i
as exclude all J
In the BruUh policy, we sea mart- .
tspae character. .The policy of the ora- ,
es poWers has more immediate reter- ;
ento’ to continental operations- As the j
ejects of Mahometan ehmuy have beea j
severely felt on
dom, war with tne i arks is a pa^s;an
which is common tollussid and Auatr a
These have land forces whicn are«|ll-
meious, and decidedly superior to a the
TuwMyi IfeiLary \
tactical- science. ‘lf the war be
conducted on the part of pow
er.-,, Asia Mpptor, with Palestine, and, j
Greece, may/wdelivered frotn the hld-
%f % * v *^ -#2**? ; *.
a .-rhj I?- vr
f\ i ri L M
” YifilpAT,
%s*■*’ Mri W„ ■•j&Rtßfc'* «£•'■%!•v*J ’W
’• —: ——- -t-s *
: >v.;:tsSji:»r\t EUV?.ri:'>'T„-
Wilko F*s«i». +.9. >V,:i! *ls. C irh'.tt
>93..L.m I ):ca4)2 < Tj tilr VA, A.V» i:t Sir,
4 > r ,jlV.rrett J »>, G 23)..D'^ur ,
C>& 2.H, M -»i 151*1* J v«V>! 115. Tjrr::i •s>s, Cro.v'fjrd^
YUdv? 4*>>. F^HvVh4 T 2,'Cji>’i*3so. VI tto a ’ >4, .
vo> :*3>), L«>up£ia C<**k 122, Cv/koe/: J
.153, XclCjOc 35, Z7 t >->> V? ° cd
$ Od:.&Tn'ea£fc. f! 23?-,’ Po'Lyfh t* s*
347, (3bh 4 sj, i.'wtorb 3-50 C« •. ’• 4 ‘4. A V
s2l, Wo<M 34, Dt>o<> 17% ‘Vefrvii OV9f
4 * v
GrkESK. Abbott 283. 0! rs \ fsri 1
4-»!>. Ten elf-4: 7Do U t 4?9. W
4tWiApkin 45% Tdfa'’r 1 19, Cutbbwt *!£
Cook cJ.-MiUon 35, Daiuju and, w.u-.ii 3. ‘ .ft* *
BaT&wt*. ford 4.M. D'Ot, 191 Mi!r-"t
463 Crnnhcrt 168, Teudl 3H7.’ Cork ]fv%‘
Abbott $55. Wild* ;’ J, it
Lumpkin 2i3>T£?illr 51, *Fo»s*hc 2V7f Wood
12 . |#|r - *
Hotnam, Lumpkin TJgjL <S?atviWd £25;
Wild'.- 421, Cobb 3S\ Terrifctt 5 : . Mifton 2*4.
Forsyth* os(b, Doolv 250, .ruihbsvi 498 Daiftir l
22% Cook 462, T©tfaif*sL Abbott 45L Wotfj.
•i5. $► « * w
tjM . #U Gtefke Vfimty
Cook-'*- 617 Doolv 3;5i
Terrell ** ‘<'2ss Daniel 227
Cobb H Forsyth SOS*
Abbott 117 Wilde l*ta
Milton 146 Cwpwford 1 ;‘>
\VSmL> IS! Lumpkin HL
Cnthbert li 1 Telfair I*2,
% Jackson Cmihif. 4
pamiief %£s,*?<§'< Cook 723
Dooly ‘ 650 Vcoil # 7 9
Terrell fjfcT ™frHiton_ .
Caawford 506 Forsyth 54
Cuthbert ‘ll MtnJWfn \&
Wilde # 19 Telfair 2
Gibb Or-5 Ah! 0 t 606
Madison Cohfttv
Daniel Ijfo 1
Cobb 109 Cook* C'2?
Crawford 175 .Abhorr . 0
7ei*ell v 260 1
Wood 26 Cu p oer Sls
Forsyth 23 Limpk.-r. ,&»
Wildo 11 Teller M.
t Jasper Comity
Terrell lOfO Cook 161
Milton v 380 iDaniel 7la
Abbott 702 ( rawlord t>&
tw W“ **
1 oiKVlii i55.
Wilde ‘fflUihert x 0» •
Wood SO Teilair *ls
_ V. Richmond County #
Forsyth sV 507 : Terrell 144
rJjHTDae ‘ 477 Doolv 11$
Triton 313 ... Tvliair SO
Cumber# Ssl# v Lumpkia 44
Abbott 306 Daniel 4r
Crawford’ 256 SfeYvood g
Cobb 146 ‘’ 8
* Colombial-ounty* mM *•
Crawford 460 Cobb 23*
Dooly 335 Wood 2 3
Abbott 418 TerreUjjf 21^
Forsyth 395 Daniel 177
Cook 262 Teilair ,
Cuthbert *f!§ Lump kin 90
* fcincoin County •
Dooly 536 Forsyth I6H
C#b-a - 447 Cuthbsrt
Abbott #ls Lumpkin
Terrell c 330 Daniel ’
Crawford T p 344 Wbpd
Cook 187 Milton 29
Wild© 185 1 elfair .9
Warren Com.ty.
Forsyth 543 Cook 24T
Wilde ►y 5 493 Dooly 164*
Crovrford 476 Telfair 74i
Cuthbert 913 Mi ton
bftibott fF v %r .JR?"'**- Wood *■>
I Elbert Cottdv. *
rColfb .678 Terrell. 313
[.Wilde 4i83 Dooly s®!>j
: Übbo,t 5-18 teilair 99
;'Forsyth ; •■''• ‘ ’ 542 Cuthbefrt
U)»nid 431 Mtlton ~>
t Craw ford 400 Cook 16
Ghalhum (‘auntjy >j
Cuthbert 433 Lumpkin 40-
jofcrsyth ’*m§* - a 141 Cobb 3Uh
Wdcfc 125 Tyrrell
Milton * 101 Dooly
Abbott 73 Wood
60 ioGck. .- 1
CrAwford % 55 Daniel !►
Burke County.
Milton 366 jforsyth lit
Abbot 508 Lmnpkid * 53
Crawford “ ~72 Telfair 4»
Cobb 234 Dooly 2S
Terrell 504 • LI
Wildo -
*, t\ jL County ,
* 4, 37 ‘ Crawfom^
Lumpkin 35 1 - 22*’
Forsyth 23 Milton lil
Willie 28 Abbott 6-f
C„,hbc rt C «
Telfair 153 Crawford
Forsyth .144* ; Tenta •* *
Abbott 121 Cobb ‘ 7
Lumpkin * Cook f £
WfldeP ; Daniel •
Mtl jgeolleman in
tends not,only 10 retire froth'the Tiea
sury, but from all publip \\t»
came into the department which he haft
60 ably filled, When it v/ai full ot d’fS
cullies ; the treasury was comparative
ly era|Hy.and ilie of |he govern
ment paper was at the lowest «sb. IIe (
Imnicdiirtely idopted ihe boldest mc»s- ; ’
lures', published the .severest trams, and.
conscious of the rescHUcca ot the coun
try and the discrimination of l»is oMt
mind to cpriy those resources witn tha