Newspaper Page Text
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I *'■ !“’• t-ijUwiiy vni>lV;iit oils to Its *>«;t *
I . t
I “ } ’hey bow a\t&ji of a
* rtori wbv iMpruc'c has belied tJte ‘-voupd p
<©t niurovinv ytsd the* prfYmpie Bii}>f4r.
ot Etir'ipu! U tVe with ttjiii s
v -'i) ? •$»« of the'United State V'W al»\;f^ t f.*.> ••;;
•* ? 1 w ! f». Afr. sl^’t* r tvade.fa u f
ftc whxh “this coV».fi*.opH'ecittliu belorfie
v nc« the t'cvif>inuo|, % dou»fy sotti;;-Qt
fp i j to. retie w ‘th»s f
tivv; J e ; to, c^Jj.spt t ud^Wiih
ti\ oi‘ five *U .tjOM (6$ ■■
tt- r , V.,-1 m- ■ y, i ftp-
I on » * sfcjhre of t. e N >;Jt\u.!..c T orui
L *fr” ter pi a.tfv'ho’ x,*ith ; n iny aA the
P s'.-. o; ‘:T = tor ; -i hevv *i! • ‘■> o; -u;
f T vd Htwes UI •• e,ui a.»»•>•?.o'm ;
‘■* jv>- suer . evens’ s t»f -ciiiur are : ‘ ;
fn > ■>■-.] v-sy *.vi •.‘•titic ar.ii for
| V. h.j.may; be s fureu • • en.'
|. tv- «'r»lrt»j tuis ColStnu n v : uiU» ; ‘and
*=«ai m< Sc. c. cirta’iives 61 4
ft |b*N S’ uc li e Oa.ied
•dons 6 alii. i*K*>^s ,^KWnto4ab*V^^v^?-;;
, B:v) : S l ,: ir-::::
* . ,or. of int a*hole i'uittec u, c-r- j
* K as ‘ fact taUK , e mil vM } n\ »x «Uute lk%
tMU ia«. U**rj C iajf Jhaxiiig |
ie m a
A7iwm?'i MmßpM i fkmMf&H&'-im
tjtikl anT : ‘
j, ; O mxh#rt* l *s?*3T£*.
I «■atw, the *vti?dsfs W jyi* v hr was
I * jiH :v?jiVt«k
| 3ft!r 4,Ntf ? * s fo •e'*h of
rwvii>i«raHHr' ; rfe*ff^rtV^cv‘?-o v rk/! / '!f-- *■ »«wv
j of ,; ti> project otTer
-5 *»J - • fye dtp-v>inling
( s tv* deatf ail Wd ret>>rJU a
| vMln ■ t, tution „f j 1 * t‘• t $s o'da*tnn« for ai
| « eVmviidjee to preVnt.a* VJ<->
j n.orbl to rowjresV Serf. * which, f ‘■x *
* some »«k • from the (Mn- J^f>h n It *o
| f>l|\h .•s'] t!i- ? I->n- Robert \V••;e , u
I* were tiianimcslv adopted* It
tv tit; esa vry to a IB* that all cddrtectfbli
of this propsition with the emancipation
| o r slaves prr-eiK Or future* is ejtfSfccilhr
declaimed So vested rights of any
pert \ are proposed to he in she least af
fected hy it, unless be idicially.* <%,
* T IS JR Ys 1 M .4 WYt, \\ Tf >
! Be the c instil ti’ i»« and Uwy of ’ttl>
; :it'»i- v those of-ou:’ f-iiow *,*tv>
i jfra&s* the Jewish relisr ah, tiofA.,
j ‘;4h.y oUkepT -
| .vK«t» as we u tbe'stand orrcivj- »4W nor
| sitrve as commit •honed officers of mt!»-
! ..... •. a m ■
| (U . v.;
ft Is well khoiryt, that ‘although there
| y»*e hat few fti* this /state thene
*■*■-* Safe i p e ally v.dti hU
a>’. 1 \ */pf»eut>le rdiz ms ; they pay
vhe'ir full proportion 4 ti*e* i-V* ttve
| tooo.’t of r-w .>*•!*-iteu*'; tnev ,ire no n
yL v.% . •
.■w ; ' k y< *: ■■:* iT&yr;* .*&./ ‘ N > 5 : >"• r!?*
*£ *■. 1 ‘■/-L.’ • ■ ‘ ‘ s — ? r . >’
it >1- ‘'* y* \^ r t j -r i>’'..- -•- . f v • y*.'.- vw ‘■» *v-,#•’*^V l
▼y ■*7 ►/’ „••a* ‘ j?,■•’ s *"’ . :• -• ’/ • ;;
:\'x ( '... 4 .,fc.v;.: ... i-. WmmM-
■’ ‘ ‘.’ A > ‘V . : >..,
-If •’
|.t ; s *;
v- • -
KwlEwm IPX
; s . S(%«
■ ismfcfr. >s.|# •
g&SfrS ’ j ‘ r/ //
//.'” *iyh£L',
iinara^*cr- pf A neican JsS
mus fiiSjfcj rbc sitigfintt feme of tbe
‘>v dxllr c vrt «l t < trie., nemV.-iS
. of *; *n .of ihe vnr «••<*■ >f their refi
eratilfe ance wont l c 6 - ier;d
A*iNtrength<yi the. teJiisf of their obliga
tion to nitrite i ‘ *ivi ?he s icrit*
p inopias on which is!. Tht t sent! tv« tru.«,
at e in urmbn with oSh'm* • felloe
citaens ia every s r.») of the
on. ‘ . y, jjio; • v ‘. *
r he republicans of MaA*arhpsetls
•harfe .no-rui.a’ -d and ■*£. <?d to slipnoi*:
- fb» Governor of that st ale at
•he next elect* n ; Hon. ‘\Vi ! !ia■•*
G»- y having detlmfed that Qen-
Wiijiam & ng .is to be tupgiarfced its the
rt-punittan candidate for Lieutenant
Governor- ‘
Ch •i*te.iton City Gjv iu.
vfc A &■ -'Mi ‘>*• -U
’ SS:i4)#l-wf underwit %re
Oi tne lintisn an’ Irish conferred 2i| r
3 9 —of the se. a G* eat Britain 19
in Ireland* 38 .54*1, in France 3o in No
vo Sf .cia i 824» m the West Ind e
-13*938 NUHibct; of members in Amer
ica vi §1 jf#s ■/! ese Il>7 978 are vfhites
—43 187 to 1 ’ aired ■ old numbers in
• the Mef.t*od;st 36eielie * throughout the
L won d v G . • * ‘ ; -
_ ’■’ I's «» A ;t:
OiiSaturday lasi (says the Petertfturg
Inteftigenci?) ‘he most spiendccl and
briihanl toiei t hu.nent ever witnesed in
Virginia va|* given by toe city of i?»cn
rnbfed to g--: be rat Scott — i kumai Wil
s n t ‘q- the tay or of the city, prosi
(TfO—geucr 1 Scott at upon his right
and govea >• Fkestun upon his
UAU ,:r m
N*iv 2bri /)r<:. 15
This morning the bpiier of one of the
iuW OV.’• ?'&■ h ■ bvV' t r»i ‘i, burst by w’ SliiVii
accident Mr. Robertson, the. Lhigineer,
a yo iiig and two children v^crc
| vyrely injured; a Mr, Dqxid, v/as
1 sfigi/tly scalded. This boat has been
| 11 (. mly built at Elizabethtown Po‘*nt.—
| I’ ’»m the latter place she arrives this
day. fht Engineer was felting oft* the
i steam, when the acciduit occurtd.
John J Crittenden, (now
| speaker oi the Hbuseot Hepre
j sema ive* is elect*
ii to Congress from
that sta e, from the 4ih .day o(
March exi, vice M. D. Hardin,
wfT se term hervtee will then
expire, ana who wa& aot again 4
j candidate.
Lord Selkirk has completely
demolished the North Western
4 ■ “ S*-. ■ „..yv * ■% * k
| lur t lading cainpany. L ap
i pear> that f umerou& shares of
\ this company had ialien into the
hands of person-; testding in the
United States, whose
in the company was supposed,to
I have drawn a gffeat po'.ion of
| the fur trade into .he United
States. His Lordship lias made
f short work of it— alter shooting
; ab-ut 20 of the Ncnh-W estem
«. company’s servants, he has sent
| the principals'in irons to
t oec; at the last accounts from
I tne north west, his lordship had
I established his head quarters m
of the captured posts et the
X. W. Company, near lake
•iperior. .■ i./J7 ZrWi
«o idty Dollar Sills, of the otase
i A Z K T T E,
tajik, signed * J?fan C. F»V r
have been issued from that, H u k
and tba’ all ‘fill's S’
of that description must be coun
terfeits. It may also no’ be amiss
to mention that all the old i ;t'-
pressior of Five Dollars were
ca'.led in, in Occbtr 1815 anti a
new emission of t different nlve
issued > 7he flank has used r*v*
try diiligence o detect the com
terfem ts ot the if Bills, and a re
war iof 500 dollars w& paid by*
them to a person in August t*
wbosf evidence convictedone of
the culprit* at vVarrentjn, Gear*
< . : - r *
N’tW'Vfc'K T'ltcembsr Ift.
, %
We learn fro m Capt. Hen
field, of the brig-Sarah, that he
latest accounts from the Span
ish {Vlrine, represented the af
fairs A the Patriots in that q ur
letrho coo.tlnue successf ii \
vessel dud arrive! at Pori aa
Prince, with ao invitation to Gen; -
B divarto return tj the 4
and re some a command in the
Patriot army, Barcelona and
Ca man a had surrendered to tho
Patri ots, and Carraccas ws&V e
ported to have been evactiss4
bidhe. R ryalim _,
j The frig ue which brought a
minister frj?n France to *rc i£
bVitlx Peh6n and Christo pht, ǤU
sdftom Port auPn ice for Jama
ica, oa t>ie 13 h iVo/emocr
Trais&ijtjffr(ftn. a Port au P>-/n :e Goz ‘tv
rcceivsd tiy ike Sarah, Cajt'HaifiAd
NriTJCh. . 4 ;■ :
The Secretary Center il of hW Exec I*
Jenc'y the President of Hayti, has tlv. i.otl
or to iuiorm tne mfcichmt, of the [tc
fe that by official despatched fruut
the Emperor of Austria, through m%
Charge dcs Affairs iited the 15 hos
last August, at’ Trieste, that fhc p its
of Austria are open to the Hayiiau and » ;
and that the Austrian Emperor is anx
ious to promo-e aniutad intercourse be
tween the two nations-
Persons deHtious of availing the .lo
se l yes of this tutor motion* miy be jfulljp
kalis fivd by vie wi gt he offie iat tk spatei
ea* and reviving at the nectssa y uo;-
nmemc for an intercourse with*
«yr* *’ ‘• V •
Office of the Secretary General, Pori*
«u P» nice, sth November UM6, i3tfe,
year c Republic,
f- V'ljjjfc ™ B.
■, io%y± • ~*** ■’ ■ ■»■■ x. * r ■.
The Eastern Argus at Port
land D i& which nas heretofore zwU
outdy advocated With in .ch ability th&
Independence dt -Maine inunke* that
the object wilt not he ix?
cause oi; the * rev< m decUiou of t#e Le
'gislat«t*e of M:tssachu«eUs agltni^jf*
U is contended th<a as the right of seif
government is inherent a ,and unaMenai/ie
the wit* oi a majomy freely iuliy
exfjressed, ought to he conclusive on a
question of ihai character
Cnif *.N» Coun cur—Contracted
The following extracts from a ictef
i ci the Americuii t)raunoi6gy*
fto a friend, a r d dated February id,
/' c 7 u i,v 7/™^ l
JV tj 45.