Newspaper Page Text
af t»11 to ttlP me. \ am new obliged to
ft +ti*\ t ti«c my «dd on 1 hufs
ft'*v ♦ ?>* inst in the Union Srh ;bl've tos|koi an &*— moon w lu yotv
before that time, if possible, a* 1 &•'*»
lofri vnu are to remove iu -\j*r !♦ *
bone thi*
»» T rv n?|- tjmigs. % ‘ hsivs “ and stfc k
to i lit* h- :•* “ though ; conic n this p c
ini’- up and pdirriw impost wft-nut* %*! am
completed du»j£U**t£d wiili. ’New ttetj|li'*,
and aotjtra'nlance to
chafaotj-r and credit to establish—~cvc
r? stranger wfU find that Cos do> £0 n here
he wd]> and expcn < ?i s t bt, putd ‘n*
»hak'PK fornfUis.c to
p- ( . cr. «■ frihis Cverla-uat?; klttung (as
-irq ,; dl U -wj Scotland j be t>P cl SA-tisea
ble’ tn tin M 4 bach€Vn l-k? ipc. who has
JJ/>?-iiln-r fn dp hut “Iflf.t ft ip, h*4 <+> J i
and v/h'} can *uff h * whole *rar«
d<ohr into h,s pocket How much ,( •-• *e
it be- to you nc-h|g , u ,> *ic«ins a.. 0
sin mis who move t>{F-- wi'n tt wao.c ifa
t \v:j»i of trumpery* by -cows
and calces, ‘ootth. Stc*—•i.tcrt*
*r fs quailing c.ciii s
ji n<| t q ph >rud 4 crash ! w yr *—d be. v W® g g one i
.drunk* ’ tid perhaps |f§e wh<J*- tuoioc
(vc ,et and i.u«led to <»cs : .i av non.
hravui foiijta l B : tit as old v dt Som
fuce tumgs invc
a, the spying J ? /'l he 4
>.*vi &.*<U will yield about 500 dollars
p : . ain hum. They seeo c to. me the p®y%
I, cut of too quart J d\e cv-caing
<rwiti more th«ib n?,!tk 6 up td®
Ilisagttcwble ts the ew o:o\ i ient r - ,f
tcrichm}4 i’i* ? a»n that tbe is
r.c n a lit wiH li meiiom.thc per
• p.»'’ uai noise of this rc3lte ‘-> Cf- *". cul
i. otnir.g to| night H rdthing imi mug
<| 't’Bt us bit'stfh>g hnrtj .• id
bttblwb which to one UU ti»c so. i '-»*■>£
w c tojiicd to the qa el a e ‘.couir.rjf
lib*, i* id most intukrchUc, l lore the
p< tr*air end plain maniiers oi vhc coun*
try people. Their gveen
peat eiul woods are more del«giumi to
Stic itiafe ai) the gaudy cnl-coct* s;**
r"»>Uec*&nd tiailsetekk o^l*^r.i *iuiics
und nick narhs that glitter iron; our
-windows aud cltftfek up <*ur jiiiverftcms.
1 pn ler the yiHtnaurmg of „* at«t»ut to
cr"„riy. * f .ii'i'4’ raUilUg of caits coaCii-. »
andi d v. ueel-ParroM's* and .praaicrs
fcamuu r.c thof»r sctdl spliumg 4»»tu**
.btrs of Uie peaoer IM !.rathff Wttn to
the sOcoot’ the bev •and. r »
than to the tursud .Walking o*
sweeps and oyster intn> * *|® &ni ( •< “
5 *.•••.,- -:*\d oPctiAicls<» clover and bu*. k
w'c-a:H>|ir.Utfis more uK-vtian
the s*tnc.h prising front clirt)’ lane^* pu
i ifs and and ofcs ami s-uiks abommaloc, l
tftvc :o conttmfilate she face <?f Heaven,
tiiipuiftuid with cU/mls cf t»niuke
and Lvf gi#.?.e on the rurni beatifies of na
tvpe : hnt b'-r^ 1 nature is ev.vry w'hv-ri-dc
4nrmqd by trt. Every thing • and *;'m-
under an apae o ance oi iiocr*’ -
Thbtc is no knowing thtt;kMfohto
from the m;«li t*«—fba painted ******
jibijti the real b-.;-»n^.y—what ts really-
Ifopd# front what is aorfct than riothiPg*
MM \\ malice and .Ivaired here put on the
fPA'k of the Couch;*t friendship, and peo
ple who heaf'iiy abhor each otiu r cm ac
ctdcnfHUy meeting l,heir phi* in
into a” fey poor Steal- grinomq
amile H w d’ i r <r so& do mj d* )’ sir ?
M I'm. t%iretntlY happy to sety<xu i
*r>d t At< their featuics the qkpxu pt
thev part ipio a sour contempt Spe
cial bis. sharpers and ‘jobbers
are conriuuiilly prowimg about in every
pubhc place, like so man i
voivtv or tuflfy^ujiifrds,
‘fasten-on toe fiv>t raw,J tnexperienueai
Clodpob; who falls m therr clutches, and
pir kh% miseratde bones U,;y. is here
Chai>ge4 to mgtit, and fight to “day. At
• nine mv ten oo, whern tio Tone A
plowed, ptrijap*, au
were, and bit wife tmtshed a whole wash-
the woodsman has >»bt 4ft
or 5U rails, his wife punted half her
pt*\,cabbage, and the wun is almost
«vtv htJ^ —our Ti s >*tih ab sleepy-heuded
, f»« tr> hcvev are juuf
tluhrevte-aod tVuoc window shutters,
?tn l ofddiftg .ole soother good morn*
inj;. when owiftrl jieogie afe
•ffW:o d.nii'w • ft SW ‘ ‘*l'V V”
wor.tiijr i icic .w, : -.cit:otft»
who are early rtse-s—Ci-ader, »v
bonett men—and lunasomr «,rls who
ai e re»H > virt >; 1 !«• uw 5! h.:
‘ : 1
TTh fVVr niy * fU
v >ri v »» ;o ft** ** a re*
prc entsfite »« oT ft^i’
sylvan?* V/ i»ym**i ‘o |r *s
ri>-54*-i»«.»’mi un*kr* Kh ig W ?!*
, i i’ii it the I* *ide 6-’ the Boy tie* Vu» *♦
r July ‘lst; fi \t:?,
\:\M ny M:ecev<>e,l h%.ffe||w*
a repve ifutat te i CUckkr cwu.ity
and materiail'serf -c,c n» !>t*ep#f
\« h - h lknn*yJvu:te ‘took |n%|»posting
»fie uVjui? demands oftijjb mother coun
try in* 77;», ht was •.ippaitfflsd to mt
t , command ol j recimrnt ‘ winch his a
higd character. add a»de;«t it*
tachmeM to the hbuues of htfl emuhtnr
‘enabled him to.r,,At. hi tut iaUit yea*
lit* was detach vil usk\er gc&srxd ,i homp
son inid Canada. 1 not* 1 p> # n bung uc
fesded. woTriat and £ifcsu pn> > >-••
edi* Wxiy'ic* t S) o u g i*<v«umte£ d.splay -
ed great gid4ai*U'y aiui.gooci coitdiidt it a
brio •■i v the h'‘i*tlwi U a* ii. -ken
•bodies ol in uic oi
li f 6,41c ycrVed u-ckn general Gates at
I7c ■ -ie .* ga anu evinced grast bravery
i; wjf ~; s*iW xu *.n eng*aec>- \t use
G<»>e of the VipJV'.J
--n and to iba ranfc of a hVigV.diui; general.
\L the UUlt of B:\mdy wu>* ( lbughu
; mil Scptimbei;, iy7> fought with
I bis usual bravery, and or ja fop* innc
r Opposed the. progress of the -uejeWf at
. ; Ctw.d's rm dr Immediately aiVr the
i defeat ot the Whisinngtou
■ dvt«a. iu'd VVpvnc with hot Sotguc *->
i hevenss the enemy by cvety ?.pu?.il)ic
! meafts. —in consequence of those; orders
: Wayne hung on tW ;c;tr, \>tk -ir tinif.i
j uw of the i7d\ Scp<e.irbcr. wuen
| the British He mg’ encamped at /lyddf
! fin and Wayne encumped near Paoii
Uvinh. about a .nuicA m the rear of uietr
y left witig, he wxts svupr aed and attack*
! ed hy Qray) wth fixed hayuilets
i otijiged to ifcfftst W.rtit tiie of
I one hundred and fifty kiilcdand w*mnd
| ea. deman.’ed a court martial
I who after cxaiv»hv*ng the ettdefKaj* ac«
1 rpiit f cti i*tm with honor ’ Oh the 4th
’ October Wt*’, was fought the■ battle ~f
j i t'tnimmvriu m wUifch he .jgreatiy Mg-
Vixetl himseU. Oeo J * Wash-rngton, in
! h*skricr to CnngrttVi* bi>eaki:*g oi im
I emuiu*. t at the udtilc oi otou m
! f iotigh June 1$ !77>J) says ; »• i can not
j however imbear fowUiiWiiog bMgutoc*’
| tnruughont fine wkol c actu>»
| deserves partiema!’ co!V»ute*Vfiaucm/
Oii the Ohh Juiy’, ITfh'O.. csiuncd S’o
ti®y Poiiit b) a i*autt«and t< >otx j»4 i
iif'idrs « m thi9 uc Was ii'iuoii’
cd in the head t»y a inusici dai)
pus<ug the wtKiptfc to be ho d«»
sired his e<<i* to curly him forward and
let hi m dnjMU tire, tort, Cong res », in
1 ‘tv- *»t t>is pvudeiit) and
f soS*iittf like conduct voted him i* go id
i uacd'ai emolematjc ot thai event-; in tiie
! casopiHgu 6f {T6it he oore a Very coa
] spiCuOtiS ;)ai’l, ev incirg on aU occa.oo.xs
great coouvesi .\: .x pre»encs. o.i .afiid
{ and the Most ondauiUyd bpAf^ry-—tfuv
|at vthO oil the Sin Jury, -ic
i nerves pavtict lat tKuine* to
1 strike f orf*wailHk t ear guard witn 8&Q
j of his *rigtHlc (chicSy Pcrihiylviinia.o)
i and some light tuUti.l.l7 ||e was..tte&e iv
jedby a gdvKitry‘h»aa- i beiicwingpthat
| the main body ol the British hat* crossed
|’over* ird pushed iOKrvrafd’ to f js euppnst
f fh'e iiritis army .uroug
! draw- up ready to wecivifc turn.. Hu m
j staoiiy conceived that the’ only, siio-'k of
; extricating iuli'iseitf from Uus pcfilous
[ MiUiUiGti was by booby at.adkmg add
| engaging them for a while* and then
retft'&tuig with the
He pressed on wiiU ii*e grtatesi inut*
piciuy.-d~ ii# wUok foce w vth w.iich ne
iiegtni engage the iiriUsn grea*
lex distance than Cweiity avt yards did
ndl exceed live iMiiidred u)er.* # iAuor
” heiVAVing- wyt-i c o. avery fa:’ a troie
they laced about, thoti caii*
non heni ud. nurriedoff tMe ttk|U m;
tOWAIAIs sOUVf tdtklH*'/ bau*di‘>ns
that by a.rapid may.e uad artuycu.w ana
had a inde v pf —-uori Ooyu'w.aius.
c>» »o<i wit a Uio.jtte’
the straiig.caes* at ti*% cirudnyAAiiCijf
t iat it was only a feuit of ray elOfek id
draw rntn into ah jv ; nbuscaid, tlceibsed
ii # pdl*sdll —ln I7di* was
patchedd>y Geo. VVa-*,b s hgt.Hi to -taM.e
v>oVniand *d the toicc^m Guurgia| and
‘ Oil the * 1»l %vi.ty, he u«yieau|ii Coh Brown
SiVanuan* .iu4ui*a.3icrtii eiic u'Oops
jailer *us cvniiiuand- * lirowvn though
..uuauccfessiul cpdsiderctl by
Vdi as->iic hi tpc Vi-st de*
i'hxigrn;;;. Artush -J«i inu
ih 4 dfic ,a krge body « Iddians stti -
Grised^and ’” sxufici a itiAsas afticK oh
and iu- j ».ew .nut 1 ate*
>cd : tncsu-jcivc * pi inti., two ii-»id i
WliiC I llO'A tYv* * i»V, |?OaMC* ». .. hi Ul ■; .i
«i, tafel the Ui^*.
y’ V .Vl . AViC; -V, “V iA
i <■„. i X A4e &% v i*v : ’ a
*av Ja me >*; Fry?*;.-fs «r, % v’-* tJH ‘; ia
»■*<* « ciieijie” y«4* $k i-Jiln
vak retutadd * vretfcitVr *£of
fcnmf/ to i*rv# nf *feiT
%^£^ T| {a, ‘byv*; o,v 2d of tUpiomher, ‘V.9*,.
~ m es * it :<. • udo:i t*J |V ( vi-
Zpv.-Aiii*, tfj \%S\c wffilh.’ K-*f’ ftacne \4 •’?•s%*
|6f ii»|> Antifeints in “ fiiviir “
sis the ?***'s&& ; n »„r*i c <mbtul -,i* «>! tlu <
Umtv4SCMc». V -
OcrivrSl St. C*:«v having ikfusetnihiP
<’ • ay* <ri*m*-**t
Wavnm in V?oj £” prilled by (iotv
, ••WasMnffei to nicteiKi huh. .
army was composer, >i ®e*r levio ivhr:> f
with cirfiCultY. iomi>
rent »o the sirup. n.- -> e»l Hit'fqdtne. peee i
sarv to hi preserved in* tr.vUr to
;>’ t the arts* *oi thesp wiiy f* c. \V.i shed l
«mh iheu* rerera virrery ,01 use 4ih \
1 N ovembf r, 479 1 * \V 4 yn- blwe vi r tri
ti<ispi»fcd over ufi <Ue Mif&cuiiy.-, hd h-*d |
%>««• me.ykvh Atfdjust, |
*"IW%, ive the ii.xtiA»• tfrith ; r, v ,At |
slaughter t‘o the* Vila:hit, near ,\ii Giakl
and «U tH«*r hilts corn and
with in *• of \Q7 otlicefj uwl |
nr tn kilicil and wounded Cap*, in Cio*p
btif and I,K-oi, EpwtevbfcHng aitum-g *hs|
slain. This signal defeat tompeSLi, :he |
I to truer into w. treaty of peace* f<
Vf95. he closed aol e of|
pv-rii tn*! gloi*v*in a hut at
I aged about li ttr*d wt.i hui ietl onn
! the Shjiy/e cf Lake Erie A few years*
I his remains \t-th takvu upi
bv his ton Isaac Havre. V sep and cu- :
tojred in she yard *>; Hadn&f nice- a
tim? hoiifr'i in Chester county, ncari;
those urica >K»rs i»nd d>y ihreciion
of the .reijfsvy oi the
L'Cnio.ihoalt 9 fin tTgiini .‘onton. :v. ot s
r whjde mauhle ws ejected oter it s hv»t># t
I <nid.rcmt.ns iu iCe - presence of the
in embers of that S >*hty a uiCiaeitius
■vly i- ! vofuaucr Ct.vuli T> ar.d a large.
concOuise of ptuvnle ciCi#eds irtdw toe
cjuy Os Phiiadeipni ami ‘.nc “adjatetH
country for many uiite!> A oune. v
.. V;’ *.•"s Vi/T ■■■- > ) ~
i ‘ ■*• “■►'’ , . , ■'.. ‘■■• V ’ •’ .-• .‘i
» - > ■ ‘-• v ;
if : y.;'* m >. *'’'’ _> ; ; ;': T ‘
i••• C..: .1 T v , -d > •• /’ *.’ ; v.- ■ ‘ V • / -d>''- : ■'.:•■ ■• ..
f. • . ‘ ; ■, .-” . ‘ v ‘.’ •’ ■.. T- *:*
t f•• ; rV ’
I ; “vji.T'', ‘ d'V.
. M / , ‘ • • 5 ail o* 7 4 / .■4 ‘"4 *4 .■ \4 ’ H’ 44
& “4 : %t -’ * ) t 444
..-• * .di; ; 4 i ■•
#v. ■'.’ - -Aj iC ■ ‘ • P H ’
-f; iV / -/.I : I ' : '.. ‘ . ■_* v ••; iX i \%7 :
i|-> . >T : ;;. a” .• -4: ■■', > . .'■ ; ;.,f • .t'.-Iv” • f
V. /; •* : ■’ - . }; - . • <1
j .
ftP*'’ >».■<'■’,.■*'’ *.j .•-• ‘ • d■■•• ‘■ ■•’ ‘'STC ‘•/’•’ jd-.i :si X-£%
, and ‘ “ -V H -WCC, • • “•• • • ;. ‘ ■ . .• •.- •■'•* ‘• I’A ‘
■ 5 WsviAvfi .-'■■■ v ;.<• ■■ -4?-v, w --*'v
Hd/. A* -i .A . , ,;-.C *.n
vHI"® ;
*jA, •* «1 rs ...■ . . */l 1 •
b 1- -n' : ' r . ■ ! ■ • ■■ ■■■■■ ■■ m ■;} •'•<-• . ~;
ftb#l c:T?c-
If.-:'-. :vl H-..V ■ v ± r ;o ■'A i A-"?’- . .
g'V -i ■ ■;• a-"’ :'v A-‘vv’ •■•A : A’ a’ ‘
.. .•; ■ ; .4, ■’ ./, ■ .> : .... .
!>•>’- ■'Yt-.- ••’ . t A ■'V ; A .V
* Aim and dA..-
* v ;iJ c •.--r : a .:• ac v *•••••'*
N.'il'i'i , '■ J-A;-’- <: d :,■■ •’ -V. >A : . .
♦» . . . •: •;
14S ■> If
M»dS fr F .F• I.: ‘.''.A ’TIS. ■.. ‘ *
a.-’ ‘> ■■• A- -;pYc ivH. aw,#<?.-•
i,AV'v «•• > :>■;■■’! -jv. l ‘ ■/. -V^.
- ■'* -C n-n-AC. •• A .. ca/ z
; Ad’
v *ftftV * . * ■
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.1 v!'"* ” ‘-''"Vv-r ji
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4 J
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p\. .,{.. .:’ !; j,’'’ ..•■• i ‘ <**
Jw-’ *’- jlfH V:- f ',. Sf? ”*j % la
■'P®?’ -ftlftfftf'ft f’ ||f
s£? \.’ „*** *, • , ’'T‘", i vSp ‘•■■ ;,. * , • |
■'■•■•» ■” I Ji
“4k t J 1 1! «*&.■ ** v
.. ;a r I- - . \ T > • v
Thuhsda*, jaguar* 16 , K
i*: /
—r- -77^~' t 7 i|
\ “ ‘ * :.i r ¥ , • ••• >«..
from the Meditemnea u
j ; v- • •
D c. s^.
CiU>%'in WaHnc* \jrt'b-.rrir*d ( yc*j&h>
day r th<* Nth X »•#«? -•*
iu: V.£*’ s{«'*;•» ‘ \WJ' ; »*».!•'. 7i, -4
frnratr, were ,v G b»
ratter U»grihet;fH’i\* I>uUh *l, *ri}
Tie A meric ft n *qu??tr-m Kvt h**r •*
;i Algiers* from-wh-moe it shiH ;1 lu M f
lugr, anti arnvtA about the SLvJj ‘ of
bm*> and in consr-q icmt of »!. ♦ ‘ ve ..,
qu^rra*- 1 -- ”'•■
GibraU tr. ii -fas y/icry.';•>,■■!■ •■•■ <H
< ttll'tS ‘Vi-. ; ’
without ifrt-ou; s ; >- t.» .»rt>*3» ‘i V ::ys»: *
Ofi*;e tSt:*b ? Uhe ; ti ‘1 . , it.;>4W
yuiteti Sfalej *'*as&* n.»*
|:/||V fRn \ r ‘yr-? i: j ■ .
t: l v We have covn c* inieilinencs ‘
ppK7 New Odcfarw t<s the Ist
in*t.‘ ihe Vebesud? *n pr. T
wicer Lt;>iterh i l *3T>?ur? i Vi fh
*>■ •■’ -. 4 . , *P7- >7*4. .•• •«*# <■ a* - * a
ptetot~sbot b* the Biatlo, the*
.Spanish bri# L * Regru ddo*
Arigtes l? v1 S’ >4rw%a schjot\-
• : ; er Hipofb'* { fe bound fron
1 Campeaci*y to
The efews ,o£ iho wove
were ! inded, except the c<int*ir>*
H/ S th who wore detained c»* b :«* ,t ie
1; privateer. Li consequence t
EjtM f ; *’ ‘