Newspaper Page Text
1 ,1 jrltM I*f’i'll I I WrWltt"” *- I~ _ •"* ‘* mi 1* lA .
atom sitjO*
liiS. a
the house of the Subscribers in
Qduntjr. all the Personal
£ belonging to the estate
, of laches Ropers, tlec’d, consisting
of Horses, Cattle, Ho**, Sheep,
one Waggon and Geer, Farming
Uleast •*, and House-hold ami
lUtebeti Furniture Terms of sale
rmmL Known on that day. 3d
Match. J*U*.
fe BOG ESS, »dws
r ,W_f , ‘ 4
A - Exearfraß-s a daev
U hefMMFgfoy
•tis ■ trial ’dp 4 ucsCjaypllfc
14th of April next, mall be
; (old || the plantation ofWm
f “ • w . U * W v v !
i horses and hogs, houfeboW
F and kitchen furniture, toge-
: .»M with a gpanrity of
<k>Tn and jbiior, a Saw gin
‘—aUb aLoddon Still, plan-j
tation uteitfil*, &c Purdf
afers to give bond and m
curity. All sums undew
dSHkna, calh ; a credit uS|
January n#xt will bejpfl|
for sums over that amoil
‘Che fates to continue fjs
■ * cxecutoraH
V sale. *1
Agreeable to an ordrr of
. the bonli'e the jjgurt of Or
dinary of Oral county,
%Ls*M *»««*>»
» J*se Jugu*
part of the Real Estate of
Robert Roysion, dec’d:
Sold for tfre benefit of the
heirs and creditors.
fjßoarjr.l is 8. Aimr.
flonrimstortsr’s Sale!.
Agreeable to an order of
thelnferior court of Jack.
_ sou county, sitting for ordi
■ ‘Mff purposes, there will be.
. sold on tbe first Tuesday in
Afnl, at the court house in
Jackson county, the follow
, ing properly s Three hun
dred and fourteen acres of
Land Iyingoo Little-Sandy •
creek. Also, one hundred
■M four and Two-thuds a
cres, lying on Luda sandy
creek, adjoining the Wktyw
4«ichgp; MUw real csiata
This 6th , :
off iTHiff t grimed <•
’ •
iß’ I ■ mm&m*>.£ . *’
“BK» a f #
* * L % * j
tli aa Sii iiTM &*. %
k MtjjdNE,
htocceasora to BarnaM’K. inert* Cos.
bating (brined a connexion
linew in thta placet they Mg. leave
to offer their tervicet as iwniu
Savannah, Jaa. 24, ij|it«
*crdß* iN * ,R a co&>ii!
make HnatM
lolgcd with them to be foredud
their fricnda*
Bl’Kinme, tor talc. $ » «
Should the Savannah * M«p
IMI offer acceptable
lc Produce (at the o Pt'°ft£|b§
owner) will then W lefcwarfljHp
the Northwarjlt or to aafEb
Greet-Britain or France* gbd/v
customary Coiomianon) ibeMpk
Athens, (Georgia) Thursday, march m, >«i»- ,
Ifcriff W%h<*n ft tfteyfcecen
€)n the first Tuesday of Mat
next at the Court. House of Jack
son countv, between the usual
hours—WlT R£ SOLD—
Two hundred acres of lani, be
the same ••''ore or less, granted < 0
Ignatius Few, on Redstone creek,
a branch of the middle fork of
Oconee ; adjoining House and
at the time of aurver ; le
vied on as the property of Joseph
yLauf%nce to satisfy an execution
Kia£ithe instance of James
bedtt, setir. against Richard and
Josejft Laurence. Term* of sale
cash. March 25. 1818.
****- ‘ $
‘House OglrtVrpajftWmty, the
foil owi% *rop*rty-->To wit ;
O NR/H und red and twenty acres
a!XeVo.adioinihg Samuel Cramer ,
aifen*tfc» the waters of Buffa-j
fat fork of Long creek—Levied
With three executions, as the pro- i
perty of Charles M. Brown, in
favtir of Do&r. Dudley Dunn, and*,
returned to me by Leonard Young, 1
February 84th, 18 18* *n
me to be a
W*it ! but almost convinc’d! and rtsc
OrmafiJyynr soul ta not your
m% the>famhJity*wsetch on seeing
nia*dsay f < tough almost be fed;
■ttgeapkl the »«ck to his physician *»y,
(ME?. aknoft be enr and, go it iou thy ways
■hrwn#4jhe pris'aur, if a gap he see,
%ar.Wßfe£trn and, 1 couM aimoat go free.
Mat wudg she Hebei, should his Pnoc*
utliHHflMai/'liMGod. the aool. tunal
■ EFagma*.flkv ••
ABMPt Wl»g thoaruknoar to awful
* fhttis be lost!
usachow awful! yet alas! how true!
The case, Orfchna ist, applies io yosi!
Fl« theata Christ; ensure the saving hmur.
Bear ant his name alone, hut owa hit
g<gpi Mw The Hoorn re*
Mittdmelf Into a committee of
ft whole, Mr Bassett in the
jlpfr, on the bid authorising the
“"Payment of certain claims of Ge
oigia Militia for services rendered
during the years 1794—5.
Mr Comb spoke it some length*
recalling the attention of the house
to the observations he had made
at an eariy period of the session
in support ol this claim* and ad*
docing some further arguments*
drawn from fa&s not io his pos
session when he first expressed
his views of the subject.
Mr TxaaiLL also addressed the
Housd in behalf of this claim, aod
eefiaieed »t» merits by a jariety of
/JKjt tome amendments had
DCCWmMm& t® tflC uCimllS #1
SSUREttuwT u
Mr 14 |lMF w#e i° *upport
jafthemelbflt the merits of which
m examined with reference to the
a Inch it had been
U is to the old
t,*go ot the tUiou and iti repealed
Ri „ vWW^§jailf* v .r’*’
in fg&r£SSlB&&!&
ting the sdmiMttr^HwrwdlTi<Nr
ingtors, when the reat nature of tftacf
claim wan betur understood that
it possibly could be at the prc*;at
day. He also took the ground a
gainst this claim, that k waa in
tended and understood by some of
the Commissioners at least, and s*
reported by a committee’ ot tbw
House, to hate been merged in
the amount of 1,343 000 dollars,
which the U. S egiecd to pay te
Georgia for the teiritory ceded by
that State to the U. States.
Mr Fonsrtu replied to Mr TaU
madge point by point He denied,
that long denial of justice ou;;lu to
constitute an object <m to its final
award* or that rlpeated refusal*
ought to be plead in bar to a just
claim. He went into a full exa-
JSJS. inat 4fi!i vLfhc £CPU*4a.of. the
tlaim, which he sn&tained with
earnestness: In regard to Mr Vtt'*
torney'General Lincon's
ported impressions respecting too
°f th,s claim by the
,4. flpPtion b> i ween Georgia and
Which had been quo
|v Mr T. he refused them a
»ght whatever, particularly
t r >’ aj* c ** e testimony
i!|FtWsi|ptherol the commission
cn ) ‘ n K the co! e*•
■»fkco!n's ‘mpre'S'on-s. Mr
g Bl °d comprehensive
this question, by express
*lg, :s hope that justice
at lei gth ue done to these
question was then taken o*
.striking out the first section of Uio
n t -
Die committee then rose*gn4
! C CT U4thc b!l1 to lIou>e« but *
comu.g to any decision the
IMF? adjourned •;*’ T. v
of (orgreis.
Jf Houses be appointed to
■er and report when the p e-
PessiUn of Gei.grein may he
Med. * Fdw **
L^woaw % Dm 19. The Anericai
sMp I wo brothers* rtcently arriv
ed at Portsmouth from fi*tavia.
With a cargo of coffee, In bulk,
bound to Holland* IttMra the 9tb
jf Sept and reports that the whole
Wand >of Amboyna, excepting n
▼cry small part, was in the hands
of the Insurgents. A detachment
of troops had been sent from Bata*
▼is to endtaear to suppiesa the
revolt. * ’
Paraer pom* A patent has
recently been granted for a roller
pump, instead of a reciprocating
motion, without rod or bachat,
which raises water in a continued
stream* without being subjea to a
lost of power or water, by nubia*
a watte of returning strobes*
The rsc wit so great is London
on the 31st of December, that*#
business could be ijpne iji>tbc Core
txwTuTMhPffittc bounce
Axcept by candle flht | *M*e 4p .
prehension* anpeatffcu ham be«U
entertained tot thffdefUmf
Harry Hatfsvd, win hadMj, n, ,
fiSAffb dSWf famaMyn arsns ww .»?m* . < *
B” HMl ? >r Kiy vutig»
5! *
ifawwibirw.JMiq£ TWtae
report tbs ccagsl aabnrwjSSS
Hook, to bs mWSJXSSk
tune, froWjygpEME|gj^
dollars TtiW* K?ffniad
valuta**, iT?T
l?£i* %".r *, M ,*A •* . a.-- • % “