Newspaper Page Text
Columbian Centinel.
VOL IV. No. 161]
Three dollars per annum.) PUBLISHED BY GSORGE F. RANDOLPH, NORTH BROAO-STKEKT. (naif in .
will be published e v er y s a t u r d a y , on
a demi paper, of an excellent quality,
and on an entire new type, ol which
this is a specimen.
t. The terms of subscription will be
thrf.e dollars per annum, one hall
to be paid at the time ot subscribing,
and the balance at the expiration ol
the year.
3. No subscription will be received for
a less term than six months, and all
subscribers papers will be continued
from year to year, unless ordered to
the reverse at the expiration of the
year, or six months.
4. Advertisements will be charged
sixty-three cents per square lor the
first publication, and forty-two for
each succeeding, and in the same
proportion dor those ot greater length.
The follow ing persons have subscrip
tion papers in their hands for the accom
modation of persons who may please < o
subscribe, and they are duly authorised io
receive the same.
Capt. J. P. Watkins.
Elberton ;
Middleton Woods, Esq. '
Ogle thorp foun ty:
Wm. H. Crawford,
Samuel Shields, China Grove, and at
the Store of Major Phinizy, I.exington.
Washington, Wilkes County:
Col. Francis WilHs.
Maj. Patrick Jack.
Green County
Maj. Young Gresham,
James Nicfielson,
William Grant.
Jackson county
Samuel Gardner, Esq.
Franklin county:
Thomas P. Carnes, Lsq.
I ancock County:
Hines Holt, Esq.
Doct. William Lee,
Eli Harris
Worsen County
Capt. Thomas Dent,
George Hargraves.
Lincoln County
John M. Dooley, Esq.
Charles Stovall.
William Ware, Esq.
Solomon Marshall,
Burke County
William Whitehead,
Col. John Whitehead,
Col. John Davis,
Jefferson County:
George R. Clayton, Esq.
James Bozeman, Esq.
John Bostwick, Esq.
Scrivrn County
Reuben Wilkinson.
William Oliver, Esq.
Major Skinner,
Savannah: Seymour, Leo. printers j
Bacon and Malone,
A Plntosh County: George Baillie.
35 Tracts of Land,
LYING in Edgefield, Barnwell, O
rangeburg, Abbeville, Union, Green
ville and Pendleton district, in this state,
containing together about 25 982. For
price, terms and further particulars,
apply to Me. Le Roy Hammond, .Sur
veyor at this place, or to the subscri
ber. Such of them as may not be dis
posed of by private sale, before the Ist
day of October next, will on the first
Monday in December following, be
sold to the highest bidder at Edgefield
Court-House, by public Auction. In
disputable titles will be made to the
purchasers and terms made known in
due time.
Attorney at Law.
Town Creek Mills, S. C. >
Julv 5. 'LlO.fyq , 5
of every description executed at
this office, with neatness and
On the first Tuesday in September next
a: Lincoln Court House, between the
usual hows
Will be Sold,
ONE dark bay horse, and one
roan filley, and saddle and bfidle, ta
ken as the property of Samuel Jeter,
to satisfy an execution in favor of Hen
ry Jinnings, vs. Samuel ihomas and
Garland Jeter.
1821-2 Acres of Land on Sa
vannah river, joining Henry Ware and
Robert Leverett, taken as the property
of William Fuqua, to satisfy two exe
cutions in favor of Robert and James
Ware, vs. William Fuqua, and Ed
mond Samuel. Also, two other exe
cutions' in favor of Robert and James
Ware, against William Fuqua. Re
turned to me by the constable.
Conditions, Cash.
'JoilTl StO'Uall, D. S. L. C.
July 26. 1—
On the first Tuesday in September next,
at the Court House in Wayncsborough,
Burke county, at the usual hours,
Will be Sold,
ONE Hundred acres of bind,
in Burke county, on Boggy Gut, with
one good Saw mill on it, formerly
known by the name of Fenn’s mills,
adjoining lands of Walton and the wi
dow MaUhews, and sold as the proper
ty of Henry Hughes, at the instance of
Isaiah Carter.
Two negroes, a Negro man
by the name of Peter, and a boy by the
name of Dave, and sixty acres of land,
more or les3, whereon Peter Wynn
now reside*, in Burke county, lying on
the road leading from Waynesborough
to Wnghtsborough—taken as the pro
perty of Peter Wynn, at the instance
of Isaiah Carter.
Gross Scruggs, S. B. C.
July 26. l
On the first Tuesduy in September next, a!
the Court-house in Warren county be
tween the usual hours ,
Will be Sold,
ONE note of hand for eighty
dollars, gave by Peter Chaslin to David
Newsom ; the above note executed as
the property of David Newsom, to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of the admin
istrators of Geo. Walker, for the use
of Daniel Daniley.
200 Acres of land in the coun
ty of Warren, lying on Ogechee, ad
joining Ledbetter, taken as the property
of John Robertson, at the instance of
Wm. Martin.
One sorrel horse taken as the
property of Martin Hays,at the instance
of David Newsom, the above horse
pointed out by Henry Williams, jun.
Conditions Cash.
Jeremiah, Beall, s. w. c.
August 2. 1806. 2
ON Saturday the 19th instant, be
tween Mr. Wilfborns am! Little
River, on the road leading front Augus
ta, to Washington, a Red
Morocco pocket book,
containing sundry letters, among them,
one to Governor Milledge, and one to
George F. Randolph, likewise two notes
of hand, given by Chatten D. Scrog
gins to Claudius Magnan, with sundry
other papers—any person leaving the
same at Col. Willis’s in Washington,
or at this office, shall be generously
July 26. i—-
AN eligible stand for business, at
present occupied by Mr. Grego
ry. For terms apply to
June 7, 1806. ts, SO
THE Co-partnership of Geo : Smith
Houston and Jacques Cortelyou,
trading under the firm «f George S.
Houston, Ut Co. expired on the 13th
inst. All persons having any demands
against said firm, are desired to pre
sent them for settlement, and those in
debted said firm, are desired to make
immediate payment to Geo: Smith
Houston! who has taken Frederick Stoy,
from Philadelphia, in Co-parthership
with him, and will continue to carry
on the Clock and Watch making busi
ness, in all its various branches, at the
usual place, under the firm of
From Mr. F. Stoy’s talents as an arti
zan, having been accustomed to man
ufacture and repair, repeating, hori
zontal, patent and plain Watches and
Clocks, the subscriber hopes to merit
continuance of past favors, which it
will be the ambition of their united at
tention to merit. Those Time Keep
ers which have been rectified, correct
ed or repaired, at said shop, and which
have not performed satisfactorily, shall
be amended to the best of our skill.
Geo: S. Houston.
May 24, 1806. 48
Fractional Surveys,
T 7t 7E the Commissioners appointed
V V by the Legislature to sell and
dispose of the Fractional Surveys, of
the counties, of Wilkinson, Baldwin
and Wayne, do hereby give notice that
the sales will commence on Wednes
day the 27th of August next, and con
tinue from day to clay, in the following
manner, until the whole arc sold.
Those of the first district, on
the 27th of August next, and continue
from day to day, Sundays excepted,
until the 2d of September inclusive.
Those of the 2d. district, on the 3d.
of September, until the 6th inclusive.
Those of the 3d. district, on the Bth
of September, until the 10th inclusive.
Those of the 4th district, on the
lllh of September, until the 13th in
Those of the sth district, on the
15lh of September, until the 17th in
Those of tiie first district, on
the 18th of September, until the 22d
Those of the 2d district, on the 23d
of September, until the 30th inclusive.
Those of the 3d district, on tne Ist
of October, until the 4th inclusive.
Those of tiie 4th district, on the 6th
of October, until tiie 9th inclusive.
Those of the sth district, on the
10th of October, until tlu 16th inclu
Those of the first district, on
the 17th of October, until the 24th in
Those of the 2d district, on the 25th
of October, until the 27th inclusive.
Those of the 3d district, on the 28th
of October, until the 31st inclusive.
Terms of Sale.
Os the purchasers bond, with appro
ved personal security, for the amount
of purchase money, will be required,
in four equal, animal instalments, to be
paid in gold or silver; the first pay
ment to be made, twelve months after
date, in addition to which a mortgage
on the premises will be required.
Moses Speer, J 0
Reddick Simms, > I
Patrick Jack, ) ?
Louisville, June 26, 1806.
Book Binding .
THE Subscriber informs his
friends and the pubiic, that he has re
moved from the herald Printing-Of
fice to the Office of the Columbian
centinkl, where orders in the line of
, his business will be thankfully received
and duly attended to.
William Butler.
July 19' 5G
nUHE BRICK HOLSL st prisi-nt
JL occupied by Doctor iliitris
Possession of which may be had on the
first day of October.
iVill'i&in Kennedy.
August 2.
advertisement extra.
G. S.Houston,&Co.
Respectfully inform the pubiicthat
they have recently received Ircm
Family Medicine
an additional and Frtsli Supply ot those valu
able, which, as at.), preven
tions or cures < f the diseases to v\ hith he hu
man body is subject, ei her ircni im|,
change of climate, accidents or na.urul causes,
are init ivplied— in the words of an eld ph;. iciaw
on this subject, we may add E pc'crtia JJoCtt -
they having now been in general use tin* ugh
outtbe United States, for seven years past,
and attended with general success when u*:ed
agreeable to the diiections ; Lr, in the lan
guage of Chesterfield.
*• If ’tis worth while to wt a thidg,
11 ’Tis worth while to use it right.”
■ They are well known and attested to by nu
merous certificates in our possession, as an
parallelled in the following diseases:
Worms, Itch,
Coughs &: Colds Diseases cf the
Asthma, Eyes,
Consumption, Ringworms,
Gout, Tetters, See.
Rheumatism, Inward wcak-
Sprains, nesses,
Palsey, Nervious disor-
Head Ache, ders,
Tooth Ache, Ague St Fever,
Corns, • Stc. &c.
To those afflicted with nervous disorders,
lowness of spirit*, loss of appetite,indigestion,
Sec. &.c. is recommended
Hamilton's Grand Restorative.
_ It is proved by long and extensive experience
to be absolu ely unparalleled in the gi re of
Nervous disorders, Consumptions, Lowness of
Spirits, Loss of Appetite, impurity of Llood,
Hysterical Affections, Inward and Seminal
Weakness, Flour albus (or whites) Barrenness,
Violent cramp in the stomach and back, In
digestion, Melancholy, Gout in the Stomach,
Pains in the Limbs, Relaxations, involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Btc. &c. '
Hamilton’s Worm-Destroying I.ozengea,
Which have within four years past, cured
upwards of one hundred and twerfty thousand
] persons of both sexes, of every age and in e
; very situation, of various dangerous complaints
arising from worms and from obstructions or
foulness in the stomach and bowels.
Hamilton’s Elixir;
A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate
coughs asthmas, sore throats, and approaching
consumptions.—They are particularly recom
mended to parents who may have children
afflicted with the
Hoo/iing Cough.
The Anodyne Klixer ,
For the cure of every kind of hr ad aclic.
The Damask Eiji Halve,
Is recommended (particularly to 'die ladies
as an elegant and pleasant preparation) for
chopped and sore lips, and every h: rnish and
inconvenience occasioned by colds, fever, kc.
speedily restoring a beautiful rosy color and de
icate softness to the lips.
The Genuine Persian Lotion ,
Celebrated for preventing and removing
blemishes of the face and skin of every kind,
particularly freckles, pimples, pits after ths
small pox, Btc.
Gow/und's real and genuine Lotion.
Halm's Anti-liilious Tills,
Are recommended for the prevention and
cure of Bilious and Malignant l evers.
Restorative Powder) or the Teeth is" Gums.
Dr. Hahn’s Genuine Eye-Hater.
A sovereign remedy forall diseases of the eyes,
Tooth-At tie E/rojts.
The only remedy yet discovered, which
gives immediate and lasting relief in the most
severe instances.
The Sovereign Ointment for the Itch.
Which is warranted an infallible remedy in
one application.
Anderson’s Pills, IPc.
Hamilton's Essence and Extract 0/
Mustard ,
Celebrated for the cure cf the Gout, Rheu
matism, Palsey, Sprains, Bruises, &.c.
A large and Fresh sufifily o / the Indian
Vegitablc Sfiecific ,
A safe, speedy, and pleasant cure for a cer
tain dreadful disease—Prepared by Dr.Lera x.
The above medicines sold only by appoint
ment r! :*•? sole Inventor and proprietor, at
their Store, Broad-street, Augusta.
January 11 3f