Newspaper Page Text
II rr iiin'iiri i hwii i him i umi ni— i mi— nun mmmt
HE All, ye fair mothers of our land,
Nor scorn your wiser God’s command.
What tho’ my thoughts be somewhat new,
I’ll warrant that my doctrine’s true ;
Or if my sentiments be old,
Remember, Truth is sterling gold.
You judge it of important weight,
To keep your rising offspring straight:
For tins such anxious moments feel,
And ask the friendly aid of Steel;
For this import the distant Cane,
Or slay the Monarch of the Main.
And shall the Soul be warp’d aside,
By passion, prejudice, and pride ?
Deformity of heart I call
The worst deformity of all.
Your cares to body are confin’d;
Few fear obliquity of mind.
Why not adorn the better part ?
This is a nobler theme for art!
For what is form, or what is face,
3ul the Soul's index, or its case 1
Now take a simile at hand;
Compare the mental soil to land.
Shall fields be till’d with annual care,
And minds lie fallow ev’ry year?
O since the crop depends on you,
Give them the culture which is due :
Hoe every weed and dress the soil;
So harvest shall repay your toil.
If human minds resemble trees,
(As ec’ry Moralist agrees,)
Prune all the stragglers of your Vine,
Then shall the purple clusters shine.
The Gard’ner knows, that fruitful life
Demands his salutary knife;
For ev’ry wild luxuriant shoot,
Or robs the bloom, or staives the fruit.
Co r i on.
The following lines were addressed by a young
gentleman to his sister, on her breaking a
drinking glass.
SEE Sister in this shatter’d glass,
The fate of many a pretty lass,
Women like glass, are frail and weak,
Are apt to slip and apt to break,
Both break to pieces in once falling,
Forever lost and past recalling,
Therefore guide every step with caution,
For just like glass is reputation.
ON A 13EE,
ON the annals of fame with Columbus you
stand, •
Who sought the American shore;
Advent’rous like him, you explore a new land,
Where none ever travell’d before.
The following whimsical Anecdote is re
lated of Duct. Young , Author cf JYight
Thoughts :—
THIS eminent writer and amiable
man was remarkable for the urbanity
of his manners and cheerfulness of his
temper, prior to a most remarkable
family contingency, which threw a
shade over the subsequent part of his
life. He was once on a party of plea
sure t® Vauxhall, and-he amused them
with a tune on the flute. Two officers
were also in a barge, rowing for the
same place, and soon came alongside
the boat where the Doctor and the In
dies were.
i'he Doctor, who was not very c*pn
ceited of his playing put up his llute up
on their approach. One of them in
stantly asked why lie ceased playing,
or put the flute in his pocket. “ For
the same reason,” said he, “ that I took
itoui ; to please myself.” The son of
Mars very peremptorily rejoined, that
if he did not immediately take it out
and continue his music he would in
stantly throw kim into the Thames
The Doctor, in order to allay the ladies
pocketed the insult with the best grace
he could, and continued his tune all the
way up the river.—During the evening,
liowevc-r, lie observed the officer who
acted thus cavalierly, by himself, in cue
of tht' walks, and making up to him
with great coolness, “ it was, Sir, to
avoid interrupting the harmony either
of my company or yours, that I com
plied with your arrogant demand. But
that you may be satisfied that courage
may lie found under a black as well as
a red coat, I expect, you will meet me
to-morrow at a certain place, without
any second, the quarrel being entirely
en.tre nous.” The Doctor further cove
nanted in a very peremptory manner,
that the business should be altogether
settled with swords. To all these con-1
•ditions the officer implicitly consented.
. The duellists met the next morning |
at the time and place appointed; but i
the moment the officer took bis ground
the Doctor presented a large pistol to
his head. “ What,” said the officer,
“ do you intend to assassinate me r”
“ No,” said the Doctor, “ but you shall
this instant put up your sword and dance
a minuet, otherwise you are a dead
man.” Some short altercation ensued,
but tiie Doctor appeared so furious and
determined, the officer could not help
complying. “ Now, Sir,” said the Doc
tor, “ you forced me to play yesterday
against my will, and 1 have obliged you
to dance against yours; w« are now
on an equal footing, and whatever oth
er satisfaction you desire I am ready
to give.
The officer forthwith embraced the
Doct. acknowledged his impertinence,
and begged that they might for the fu
! lure live on terms of the sincerest friend
; ship, which they did ever after.
—iwi— mjuwa—wwttw-Miinaij i—iiw r
G . S* Houston , & Co.
Respectfully inform the public that
they have recently received from
Family Medicine
an additional and Fresh Supply of those valu
able Medicines, which, as annodynes, preven
tions or cures of the diseases to which the hu
man body is subject, either from imprudence,
change of climate, accidents or natural causes,
are unrivalled—in the words of an old physician
on this subject, we may add, F.xperentia Docct
they having now been in general use threugh
ou: the United States, for seven years past,
| and attended with general success, when used
I agreeable ;o the directions ; for, in the lan
| °f Chesterfield
“ If ’tin worth while to use a thing,
“ *Tis worth while to use it right.”
They are well known and attested to by nu
merous certificates in our possession, as un
! parallelled in the following diseases :
j Worms, Itch,
I Coughs & Colds Diseases of the
j Asthma, Dyes,
! Consumption, Ringworpis,
i Gout, Tetters, &c.
Rheumatism, Inward weak-
Sprains, nesses,
Pal sty, Nervious disor-
Head Ache, ders,
Tooth Ache, Ague h Fever,
Corns, &c. &c.
To those afflicted with nervous disorders,
lowness of spirits, loss of appetite, indigestion,
fee. Stc. is recommended
Hamilton's Grand Restorative.
It is proved by long andextensive experience
to be absolutely unparalleled in the sure of
Nervous disorders, Consumptions, Lowness of
Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Impurity of Blood,
Hysterical Affections, Inward and Seminal
Weakness, Flour albus (or whites) Barrenness,
Violent cramp in the stomach and back, In
digestion, Melancholy, Gout in the Stomach,
Pains in the Limbs, Relaxations, involuntary
Emissions, Impotency, Btc. &.c.
Hamilton's Worm-Destroying Lozenges.
Which have within four years past, cured
upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand
persons of both sexes, of every age and in e
very situation, of various dangerous complaints
arising from worms arid from obstructions or
foulness in the stomach and bowels.
Hamilton's Elixir;
A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate
coughs asthmas, sore throats, and approaching
consumptions.—They are particularly recom
mended to parents who may have children
afflicted with the
Hooping Cough.
The Anodyne Elixer ,
For the cure of every kind of head ache.
The Damask Lift Salve ,
Is recommended (particularly to the ladies
as ai\ elegant and pleasant preparation) for
and sore lips, and every blemish and
inconvenience occasioned by colds, fever, &c.
speedily restoring a beautiful rosy color and de
icate softness to the lips.
The Genuine Persian Lotian,
Celebrated for preventing and removing
blemishes of the face and skin of every kind,
particularly freckles, pimples, pits after the
small pox, Stc.
Gotland's real and genuine Lotion.
Hahn's Anti-Bilious Pills ,
Are recommended for the prevention and
cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers.
RestorativePowderjor the Teeth C? Gums.
Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye-Water.
A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes.
Tooth-Jh tie Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered, which
gives immediate and lasting relief iu the most
severe instances.
The Sovereign Ointment Jor the Itch,
Which is warranted an infallible remedy in
one application.
Anderson's Pills , bV.
Hamilton's Essence and Extract oj
Mustard ,
Celebrated for the cure of the Gout.Rheu
mutism, Palsey, Sprains, Bruises, Stc.
A large and Iresh supply <jf the Indian
Vegitable Specific,
• A sale, speedy, and pleasant cure foracer
tain dreadful disease—Prepared by Dr.Lera,:\
| Ihe above medicines sold only by appoint
, ment rt the sole Inventor and proprietor, at
j their Store, Broad-street, Augusta,
January 11. 29-
On the first Tuesday in October next , et
the court-house in Lincoln county , tit
at the usual hours , j
Will he Sold,
ONE tenth part of the follow
ing tracks of Land, it being the distri
butive share of Josiah M‘Call as one of
the distributees of John Gamble, de
150 Acres in said courtly, on
Pistol Creel;, adjoining Jerrard Suddeth
and Thomas Cosey.
' 100 acres on said creek adjoin
ing Lot House and Isaiah Wellis,•tak
en by virtue of an execution, Jesse
Mills vs. Josiah M‘Cal!.
263 acres second quality, more
or less, in said county on Savannah ri
ver, joining Ware and M‘Kin:iey, taken
as the property of Minor Winn, to sa
tisfy an execution, Nathaniel P. Beach
vs. said Winn.
100 acres second quality, more
or less, in said county joining James
M‘Corkle on Load’s creek, taken by
virtue of an execution, Basil Lamar vs.
William Greaves.and Alexander John
ston levied on as the property of said
100 acres of land more or less,
joining Micajah Henry and Sarah
Webb, on Loyd’s creek, taken as the
property of William Matthews, to sa
tisfy three executions in favor of Allen
Mabry vs. the said Matthews—return
ed to me by constable.
Conditions, Cash.
John Stovall, d.s.l.c.
August 23. 5
On the Jirst Tuesday in October ’next, at
the Court-house in Waynesborough ,
Burke county , at the usual heats,
Will be Sold,
ON T E black horse taken as the
property of Michael Collins, at the in
stance of Nicholas Ware, Esq.
One third pari of a crop of
corn, fodder and cotton, ten heads of
hogs, and sundry articles of house hold
furniture; taken as the property of
Thomas Wall, at the instance of John
Wimpy and others.
One black Horse about ten
years old, was taken out of the posses
sion of Eli Johns, as the property of
James M‘Key, at the instance of James
One hundred acres of land ad
joining lands of Edward Telfair, in the
Long Ridges, called the Plank Land
ing on Savannah river, taken as the
property of Francis Parris, dec. at the
instance of Wm. Stobo.
A likely young negro woman
about twenty-one years of age, and a
likely negro boy about twelve or four
teen years of age.
Conditions es Sale, Cash.
Gross Scruggs, S. B. C.
August 30. 6
On the Jirst Tuesday in October next, at
the Court-House in Warren county, at
the usual hours ,
Will be Sold,
450 ACRES ofland, one oth
er tract of one hundred acres with a
good Dwelling House, and all necessa
ry out buildings, with a very consider
able clearing and in good order for cul
tivation, situate and lying on both sides
of Ogechee ; taken as the property of
Samuel Alexander, at the instance of
Mary Griffith, Administratrix, re-sold
at the risk of the former purchaser, he
not having complied with the conditions
of the former sale.
200 acres of land with a good
Griss Mill, lying and being on Swaet-
Water, originally granted to Elijah
Bragg, known by the name of Embree’s
Mill; taken as the property of Martin
Hayes, at the instance of David New
som—the above property pointed out
by the defendant.
Conditions, Cash.
Jeremiah Beall, S. IV. C.
August 30. g
For Sale at this Office.
HA \IN G at length resolved, to
make Augusta his ‘ulure resi
dence, informs the communuy, ‘'-yjie
will resume the Practice. He livens *
the large brick house, a. the upper end
o- Broad-Street, belonging to the estate
of Cel. Watkins.
July 26. (ts.) i-_
- 7
Aan u 7 mtratoi *’s sale .
Will he Sold,
On the Jint Tuesday in October next, at
the Court-house in Columbia county,
to the highest bidder :
r | 'VO hundred and ninety Acres of
•I Land, be the same more or less,
which said tract of land being a part of
toe leal estate ol David Perrvman, dec.
lying on the Great Kiokee creek, near
the Court-house, adjoining Col. John
Appling, and others—one hqmWd
acres of said land is now in cultiva
tion, with a good mil! thereon, and a
good spring, with a thriving Apple Or
chcul— ihe terms will he made known
on the day of Sale.
Elisha Perryman Adm’ r
July 26. jl_
Executor''s Sales.
On Saturday the 13?/; of S:fit ember next,
at the late residence of Dixon Perry
man, dec. part of the personal estate ■
of said deceased.
'T’WO negroes, Sam and Mourning,
X two guns, a Watch, a set of Sur
veyor’s Instruments, and other articles
too tedious to mention, will be sold to
the highest bidder—Terms of sale,
made known on the day of sale.
• David. Stanford , ? r .
Elisha Perryman, x IS *
Columbia County, >
July 26, 1806.' 5 1- ~
Administrator’s sale.
On Saturday the 13 th of September next,
ai the late residence of Dixon Perry
man, dec.
Will be Sold,
r T~’UE whole of the personal estate
A of Jeremiah Perryman, deceased:
To wit, one negro man, two horses,
one set Black Smiths tools, two guns,
and one hand saw—Terms of salt,
made known on the day of sale.
Elisha Perryman, Adm’r.
July 26. i
ALL persons indebted to the estate
of the late Dixon Perryman, of
the county of Columbia, are desired to
come forward' and make payment
those who have claims against said es
tate, will forward them within the time
prescribed by law for payment.
David Stanford, 1,,
Elisha Perryman, IS *
July 26. j
GEORGIA, Richmond County.
AT a meeting of the Honorable the
Inferior Court, on Monday the 7th Ju
ly, 1806.
Present — John Course,
John Willson,
John Catlett,
Esquires Justices.
ON the application of William But
ler, stating that he is confined in
the custody of the Sheriff, under a bail
writ, issued at the suit of Michael and
John Conrad, Sc Co. and that he is un
able to pay the debt or give bail for the
same, and praying the benefit of the
act passed for the relief of insolvent*
ORDERED, That the said William
Butler notify his creditors cither in per
son or by giving sixty days notice in
the Augusta Chronicle and Columbian
Centinel, previous to the first Monday
in October next, at which time *n ex
amination will be had, and a discharge
granted, if no cause is shewn to the
contrary; and the Sheriff is hereby
commanded to have the body of the
said William Butler before us, at 11
o clock, at the Court-house, on the
said first Monday >n October next.
Taken from :hs Minutes.
July 12. 55
Notice is hereby given,
THAT aieer the expiration of nine
months, from the date hereof, an
application will be made for the divi
sion of the estate of Elizabeth Chad
wick, late of Richmond county dec. by
the heirs of said dec.
Th otn as Ea? ring ham.
July 12. 18QC