Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, September 27, 1806, Image 1

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Columbian Centinel. VOL IV. No. 166] 7%/w iMars per annum.) PUBLISHED BY GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, NORTH BROAD-STREET, f//<?//' in' CONDITIONS OF THE COL UMBIAN CEA'TLYEL. 1. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL will be published eve ry s a t u r d a y, on a demi paper, of an excellent quality, and on an entire new type, of which this is a specimen. 2. The terms of subscription will be three dollars per annum, one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, arJL the balance at the expiration of the "year. 3. No subscription will be received for a less term than six months, and all subscribers papers will be continued from year to year, unless ordered to the reverse at the expiration of the year, or six months. 4. Advertisements will be charged sixty-three cents per square for the first publication, and lorty-two lor each succeeding, and in live same proportion for those of greater length. The following }lersons have subscrip cicn papers in their hands for the accom modation of persons who viaij please to subscribe, and they are duly authorised to receive the same. Petersburgh: Capt. P. Watkins. Viena: James Colhoun. Elbert on : Middleton Woods, Esq. Ogle thorp County: Wm. H. Crawford, Samuel Shields, China Grove , and at the Store of Major Phinizy, Lexington. Washington, Wilkes County: Col. Francis Willis. Maj. Patrick Jack. Green County Maj. Young Gresham, James Nickelson, William Grant. Jackson county Samuel Gardner, Esq. Franklin county : Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. Hancock County: Hines Holt, Esq. Doct. William Lee, Eli Harris Worren County Capt. Tljiomas Dent, George Hargraves. Lincoln County John M. Dooley, Esq. Charles Stovall. Columbia : William Ware, Esq. Solomon Marshall, Burke County William Whitehead, Col. John Whitehead, Col. John Davis, Jefferson County: George R. Clayton, Esq. James 'Bozeman, Esq. John Bo'stwick, Esq. Scriven County Reuben Wilkinson. William Olive Esq. Major Skinner, Savannah: Seymour, Stco. printers , Bacon and Malone, Mclntosh County : George Baillie. FOR SALE. j 35 Tracts of Land, LYING in Edgefield, Barnwell, O rangeburg, Abbeville, Union, Green ville and Pendleton district, in this state, containing together about 25,982. For price, terms and further particulars, apply to Mr. Le Roy Hammond, Sur veyor at this place, or to the subscri ber. Such of them as may not be dis posed of by private sale, before the Ist day of October next, will on the first Monday in December following, be sold to the highest bidder at Edgefield Court-House, by public Auction. In disputable titles will be made to the purchasers and terms made known in due time. CHARLES GOODWIN, Attorney at Law. Town Creek Mills, S. C. ? _ July 5, 1806. 5 BLANKS of every description executed at this office, with neatness and dispatch. jEJ yJH AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. mm ir wa.<h , r~ Vi i»uUM*M***i*m Jones & Semmes’s COMMISSION WARE-HOUSE U 5 STORES ARE NOW IN COMPLETE ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF ALL KINDS OF Goods & Produce, • Either coming up or going down the river; They are making an addition to their Cotton Ware House, Which will enable them in a few days to store at least 5000 Bales of COTTON. —Their attention to the business of those who may pleuse to favor them with their custom, will be unremitted. Their rates of Storage will be as low as any in Augusta. THE Y ALSO HAVE OA HAND AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Selected by themselves from the best Northern markets—which they offer for sale by Wholesale and Ratail, on low and liberal terms. September 20. 9 Thomas Burdell , Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received at his Store, BROAD-STREET, AN EXTENSIVE AND EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDIZE ....CONSISTING 0F.... BLUE, Drab, Green Sc Mixed Plains, Blue, Drab, Green and Mixed Forrest Cloths, 5-4 and 6-4 Coarse and Second Drab, Blue, Brown, Green Sc mixed cloths, Superfine, Blue, Brown, Green, Drab and mixed cloths, Second and Superfine Kerseymeres, Coatings, Flannels and Baizes, Bombazette, Durant and Calimancoes, Worsted, Cotton and Siik Hosiery, Dimity, Marseilles and Jeans, Cambricks and Muslins, Brown and White Irish Linen, Plaliilas, Listadoes, and Rovvens, Calicoes and Chintz, Silks of various kinds, w } Silk Velvets, Fast Green] A few set of Tea China, 45 pieces each, Lace Scarfs, very elegant, Ditto 5-4 Shawls, Ditto 7-4 Veils, Ditto Bosoms, Ditto Caps, Ditto Sleeves and Sleeve Patterns, Ditto Cloaks, En Elegant Assortment of LACES AND EDGINGS, Lace Bambrick, Ditto Muslins, Ditto Crapes and Plaine do; Leno and Picket Muslins, Leno Caps and Shawls, Ribbons, Cord and Tassels, Flowers and Feathers, Knotted Cotton Trimmings, Damask Satlin Shawls, Nett Shawls, Adelphi Thread, ..i.ALSO.... A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Ironmongery and Saddlery, And a great number of other articles, all of which are offered low for cash or approved notes at 90 days- September 20. 9 FOR SALE. A YOUNG and likely coun try born Negro Woman, she is a good cook, washer, and ironer, and sold for no fault but want of employment....En quire at this office. July 19. 56 Colhoun & Wilson, HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM JVEW-YORK b* PHILADELPHIA , and now opening at their Store , ?/c.rr door to Messrs. John Pox , b* Co. A CHOICE SELECTION OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS, which will be sold very low for CASH OR PRODUCE VIZ: SUPERFINE Cloths & Cassimcres, Fine and Coarse Cloths, Mixed Plains, Kendal Cottons, Rose and Striped Blankets, Calamancoes and Durants, Bombazines and Bombazetts, Florentine, Crapes and Pealongs, Silk and Cotton Suspenders, Corduroys, Velveteens and Thicksets, Mens’ and Womens’ Cotton Hose, Mens’ Worsted ditto. Dimities and Janes, Irish and Brown Linens, Silk and Cotton U mbrellas, Long Lawns and Cambric, Laced Cambric, *'| Jacorlet, £2 Vein, , w Book, > Leno, 25 Black Cambric J - “ Leno Veils and Shawls, Black Love do. and Veils, Silk Chambray Muslin, Cotton do. do. Synchews, Pic Nic Gloves, White and Colored Cotton Gloves, Bandanna Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambric ditto. Ribbons and Silk, Laces and Edging, Printed Callicoes, Chintz Shawls, Marseilles Waistcoating, Morocco and Kid Slippers, Misses Morocco ditto. Mens’ Fine and Coarse Shoes, Boots and Bootees, Boot Legs and Calf Skins, Saddles and Bridles, Saddle Baggs, Mens’ Plated Hats, Table Knives ahd Forks, Pen and Pocket Knives, Shoe Knives, Tea Trays and Bread Baskets, Shovels and Tongues, Trace Chains and Weeding Hoes, Nails, 6,8, 10, 12, 20, Cotton Bagging, AND SOME USEFUL BOOKS, With a great variety of articles too tedious to enumerate, making in the whole a complete assortment. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES: —VIZ : BROWN 8c LOAF SUGARS, * *- SHERRY WINE, COGNIAC BRANDY, COFFEE, PEPPER, ALSPICE, Sec Augusta, September 20. 9 AUGUSTA U SAVANNAH Line of Stages . THE Augusta and Savannah line of Stages will be continued by the subscriber, who trusts his unremitting attention to the LINE, in endeavoring to render passengers safe and comfort able, will secure him a coutinuance of public patronage. He at the same time informs them that the STAGE OFFICE is removed from Ashton’s Tavern, to Mrs. LONGSTREF.T’S Boarding-House. LEWIS CALFREY. September 20. 9 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1806. — tv-j— — I ■ WHIWI W Mil— ■■ rn ■—— I— L—l. p-- -“try***- 1 A BARGAIN. THE subscriber offers for sale, his well known PLANTATION and tract of LAND (in Martintown) where on he at present lives ; containing four hundred and fifty acres, with a very comfortable two story Dwelling House, and an excellent Kitchen underneath it, together with all necessary out build ings. ALSO, an extensive Orchard of young bearing Peach Trees, and a sufficient quantity of open land for cul tivation, and nicely prepared for farm ing. And for the information of the few, who are not personally acquainted with this valuable situation, the subscri ber will only observe, that, in point of health and beauty, there are but few plans in the back country that excel it. ALSO, 167 Acres of wood land, on Gunnels’ Creek, not far distant from Martintown—All of which may be had low for Cash, or in exchange lor Afri can negroes. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. Barkley Martin. Martintown, ( S. C.) > September 13. 5 lm 8 ~“ Fractional Surveys , FOR SALE. \ \ 7E the Commissioners appointed V V by the Legislature to sell and dispose of the Fractional Surveys, of the counties, of Wilkinson, Baldwiri and Wayne, do hereby give notice that the sales will commence on Wednes day the 27th of August next, and con tinue from day today, in the following manner, until the whole are sold. WILKINSON. Those of the first district, on the 27th of August next, and continue from day to day, Sundays excepted, until the 2d of September inclusive. Those of the 2d. district, on the 3d. of September, until the 6th inclusive. Those of the 3d. district, on the Bth of September, until the 10th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, on the lllh of September, until the 13th in clusive. Those of the sth district, on the 15lh of September, until the 17th in clusive. BALDWIN. Those of the first district, oil the 18th of September, until the 22d inclusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 23d of September, until the 30th inclusive; Those of the 3d district, on the Ist of October, until the 4th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, on the 6th of October, until the 9th inclusive. Those of the sth district, on the 10th of October, until the 16th inclu sive. WAYNE. , Those of the first district, on the 17th of October, until the 24th in clpsive. Those of the 2d district, on the 251 h of October, until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the 28th of October, until the 31st inclusive; Terms of Sale. Os the purchasers bond, with appro ved personal security, for the amount of purchase money, will be required, in four equal* annual instalments, to be paid in gold or silver; the first pay ment to be made, twelve months after date, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required; Moses Speer, ) 0 Reddick Simms, > I Patrick Jack, ] 5 s Louisville, June 26, 1806. NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands againstt he estate of Rebec*. Smith, late of Columbia county dec. are requested to render them in within the time allowed by law, and all persons indebted to the same, to make imrqe diate payment. Thomas H. Flint , Ex’r. September 6, 1806. 7