Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1806, Image 3

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COLUMBIAN CENTINEL. SATURDAY , OCTOBER 4. ’ General Anthony Morales, Con sul general of the Dutch Government, has appointed Curtis Bolton, Esq. as Vice-Consul for the Dutch Govern ment, in the state of Georgia, at the re sidence of Savannah.— Sav. Museum. > Philadelphia, Sept. 8. The marquis Cassa Yrujo arrived here yesterday, and intends proceeding on his way to the seat of government this morn ing, We under stand he has his new cre dentials with him ambassador from the king of Spain to this country, with a re commendation from the French gov ernment that his rc-appointment be re ceived. It is expected our government will, still persist in their determination to have him recalled. Capt. Willson arrived at New-York, in 35 days from Gibraltar, informs, that in'eiiigvnce had reached that place •She day before he sailej, of an engage ment having taken place between the French and Neapoleon troops before Gxta, which had terminated very un favorable for the French, they having experienced great loss in killed, woun ded, and prisoners, besides the destruc tion of the besieging batteries which had taken them several months to erect. —— Times. Norfolk, Sept, 8. THE FLEETS. Our coast it is probable will be the scene of a great Naval enterprize, as the British fleet, as well as the French, is now near us, On Saturday evening the Melampus frigate, one of the fleet ' of Sir Richard, anchored in Hampton Roads. Tins fleet is composed of the Cx sir, 84 guns. Audacious, 74 ' Btlleisle, 74 Bellona, 74 Montague, 74 'Terrible, 74 Triumph, 74 Melatnpua and another frigate. It appears that Sir Richard Strachan, having heard in the West-Indies, that Admiral Williamez was on the coast of America and probably knowing the rout which Sir John B. Warren had .... taken he lost no time in seeking the French fleet, and it is surprising how* .they have missed them. That the fleet of Admiral Williamez, and the squad ron of Commodore L,Hermite, or parts ot both were on the coast, there can be bo doubt. The Patriot of 74 guns, and the Vel- Crouse frigate, belonging to Admiral Williamez’s fleet are in port, the for mer at Annapolis, and the latter in the Deleware. The Cybele frigate belong ing to Commodore "L’Hermite’s squad ron, is in this port. The following is a list of the French force: The Reguius, 80 guns Foildroyant, 84 Veteran, 80 . Majestic, 74 Eole, 74 Impeteux, 74 Patriot, 74 (at Annapolis) President, 44 u : : ValercUss, Jh4o (in the Delaware) Cybele, 44 (at Norfolk.) Charleston , Sept. 25. By the arrival of the brig Report, cap tain Chapman, we have been favour ed with flits of Paris and Bordeaux papers to the 20th of July. These fur nish us with an official account of PRELIMINARIES of PEACE having been signed between France and Russia on the 20th July. On the subject of Peace with England the passengers in the Report state, that the people of France were very Sanguine—lt was known that nego tiations were carrying on for this purpose, and no doubts were enter tained but that they would result in Peace. On a hasty perusal of our French pa pers, we notice but few articles of any interest, in addition to those we have extracted. *'a k : ’ 1 j .)• BORDEAUX, July 29, Copy of fl letter from his Excellency the Minister of Marine and the Colonies, to the Principal Commissioners of Ma rine in Bordeaux ; “Paris, S2d July, 1806. “In obedience to the orders of his Majesty the Einperof and king, I in form you, Sir, thatthte PEACE be tween FRANCE and RUSSIA was signed the 20th of this month. From that date all hostilities ought to have ceased between the two powers, and all prizes made posterior to the signa ture of the treaty, are to be restored im- « mediately. ‘ “In consequence of these arrange ments, his Majesty orders his Maritime Prefects, and the Commanders of his Squadrons, Ships, or other vessels, to consider the Russian vessels as friends ; to treat them as such, on all occasions, in port or at sea. “ °u will please, sir, to give this or der all the publicity it requires, and to take without delky, in what concerns your authority, such measures as will effect its execution. t Accept, sir, the assurances of my distinguished consideration. (Signal) “ DECRES. “ A true copy. ■ GEORGIA. By his Honor JARED IRWIN, Presi -1 d-nl of the Senate and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this Stale , and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. i Having arranged and cast up the votes of such counties as have made return of the elections held on the first day of September instant, for a person to represent this State in the \ House of Representatives of the United • States, agreeably to his Excellency the ■ Governor’s proclamation of the 28th of 1 June last; and it appearing that Dennis 1 Smelt has the highest number of votes. —1 have thought fit to issue this my proclamation, notifying the same, in or der that the said Dennis Smelt may sig nify the acceptance or refusal of his ’ said appointment, and adduce such i proofs of his being eligible therefore, as are by law required. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of this State, at the State- House in Louisville, this 24th day of September, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and six, and of the independence of the United States of America,the thir ty-first. JARED IRWIN, President. By the President and Commander in Chief. Ben. Chaires, Deputy Secretary of the Slate. Mrs. M. dial field, INFORMS THE LADIES OF AUGUSTA; ALSO OF THE COUNTRY, Tnat she has just arrivedfrom New- York, with a General Assortment of the most Fashionable Straw Bonnets, Couland Silk Shags, AND SILKS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, | FOR THE PURPOSE OF BONNET-MAKING, And an As3orimenl of Black, White, and Coloured PLUMES, A handsome Collection of Leno Shawls Muslins OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Together with a number of Articles suitable for the Ladies, who may de pend on having any article in her line of business, made upon the shotest ' notice. October 4. 11— "HUGH KERR, Has returned to Augusta and resumed business in the Store lately occupied by Mr. GREGOR Y, ’where may be had BOOTS Ssf SHOES, DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES, LIQUID SHOE BLACKING, life. ifc. October 4. FOR SALE, OR LEASE. On the first day of November next , will be offered to the highest bidder, either to sell or rent for three years , a Valuable Plantation ON the Uchee in Columbia County, adjoining the land of Tho mas Cumming, Esq*—There is about 160 acres cleared thereon, under a good i fence, and nearly all fresh land of the first quality—A considerable quantity of Corn and Fodder will be sold the , same day on the'premises. Philip Clayton. ' October 4. 11— FOR SALE, A Stout , Hearty Negro Fellow , TWENTY six years old-—he is well acquainted with boating.—Apply to GEO: S. HOUSTON. October 4. 3t 11 \ Just Received, and for Sale at this Office, CAREY’S FAMILY BIBLE, Elegantly printed on quarto, and bound in Morocco, containing ten tnafis and twenty his'orical engravings. ALSO, The much admired work, entitled, SIDNEY ON /GOVERNMENT. jQrEKTijEMEit who havc never rend this performance may form somei^aofitsintrinsic worth and im portance to our country, by perusing the following extract of a letter (to the editor,) from his Excellency the Presi dent of the United States. Washington , Dec. 13, 1804. Sir, YOU ask my opinion on the sub ject pEpublishing the works of Alger non Sidney. The world has so long and so generally sounded the pr rises of his “ discourses on government that it seems superfluous, and even pre sumptuous, for an individual to add his feeble breath to the gale. They art in truth a rich treasure of republican prin ciples, supported by copious and c gent arguments, and adorned with the finest flowers of science: It is probably the best elementary book of the principles of government, as founded in natural right, that has ever been published in any language,.., And it is much to be in such a government as ours, that it should be pur into the hands of out youth, as soon as their minds are sufficiently matured for that branch of study. Should you proceed to the pub lication, be so good as to consider me a subscriber; and accept my saluta tions and assurances of great esteem and respect. TH : JEFFERSON. The Revd. Mr. Weems. October 4. 11— LIST OF DEFAULTERS, In Columbia County, for the year 1806. Cafit. Whitcombs, District. JOHN KING Charles Fox Daniel Dubose Michael Shannon James Oats Isaac Row*! John M'lntosh Charles Clanton Middleton Cone Jesse Bagel : Cafit. Moors, District. James.JHeece “ Abraham Mostly Robert George Cafit. Avery's, District. Joseph Sharp r , Absolam Howard William Eurnest Patsey Welburn Robert Welburn Jane Luke Abraham Steed Cafit. Isaac Willingham's, District. Charles Franklin Cafit. Allen's, District. William Gordeway Cafit. Wilkin's, District. Lewis Gregory Israel Blades Widow Tuder Henry Hayns Jarad Powns James Matthew 9 Isham Powns David Jones Archibald Walker Jonathan Gamron Michael Cosby Benj. Youngblood Cafit. Dranes , District. John Walker Ephm. Youngblood Wm. Harrison Thomas Rivers John M‘Pay Lewis Loyd Patrick M‘Swine tilias Jones Maconre Pallison Nathan Powell William Barden Jesse Lott James Williams Joseph Matthews Cafit. Benungs, District. Thomas Few George Teif Egeller Howard John Hudnal John Nickson William Short Benj. Swedson Daniel Phillips James Lock John Cobbs Julias Sea John Hickson Wm. Walson Cafit. Langston's, District. Ruhu Rice Abraham Smith Moses Ijrey Joel Robertson Richard Hodo Jessee Baggett Stephen Baker James Allen Stephen Johnson Joseph Armstrong Mary Hodgin John Baker William VVilsori Turner Ivey Cafit. Armstrong's, District. Nathan Jones Wiley Davis John Gordon James Bryant Drury Bishop James Layson Josiab Haregin James Mappin Elisha Brown John Mappin Clayborn Huskey Bui well Richards Nathan BeaH ValentineAdkerson Edward Walker Shepherd Harrison Joseph Inglett Tenty M*Coun < Leslc William Lingo George A. Brown John Sanby Cafit. John G. Willingham's, District . John We lift ut Daniel Johnson — 1 - In'gleman Richard Dunn • John Farden Thomas W. Murrell* v - Receiver of Tax Returns, for the Coun ty of Columbia, for IgOG. October 4. \ 1 , Augusta Jockey Chib. *** THE Members of the Augusta Jockey Club, are requested ta meet at Ashton 8c Carrie's, on Satur day the 18th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M. to appoint officers for the ensuing year, apportion the 'purses, and such other business as may come before them. By order of the President. GEO; S. HOUSTON, Scc'ry. October 4, 1806. 11 ~ SHERIFF'S SaCET ' On the first Tuesday in Aovenfer next, at the Court House in Wayntsbornvgh, Burke eotenty, at the usual hours, Will be Sold, A NEGRO Wench by the name of Hannah, taken as the proper ty of Samuel M‘Cormick, deceased, at the instance of Edmund Bacon, Esq. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in Baldwin County, second district, known by the number of three hundred and thirty four, lying on the waters of Crooked Cretk, bounded North-East by lot N B * 344, North-West by let N°. 335, South West by lot No. 333—taken as the pro perty of James Esther, at the instance of Isaiah Carter, and Allen Esther. ALSO, Three cows and calves, taken as the property of John Megomery, at the instance of Nathan Barr. Conditions of Sale, Cash. Gross Scruggs, S. B. C., October 4. 11 SHE Rif 1-’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Dexnnber next , at the Court-house in Warren county at the usual hours, Will be Sold, ONE large bay mare, seized by execution on a mortgage front John M‘K.inzie in favor of Joshua Williams. Conditions, Cash. J. Beall , S. IV. C. September 13. 8— LOST OR MISLAID. TWO NOTES OF HAND, given by Duncin M‘Cownn, payable to the subscribers, Viz ( :—one Note given for Twenty Dollars, dated I2th March. 1806, payable three days after date; the other Note given for Fifteen Dol lars, 68 3-4 cents', dated, lllli March 1806, pay able five days alter date— The above Notes supposed to be drop ped at Columbia Court-House, or be tween there and Augusta, about the 25th of August last. Beall Dent. IVrighuboroiigh, \ * October 4, 1806* / 2t 11— c-J- WANTED at the Rich mond ACADEMY, a person well quali fied to take charge of the English de partment. —Proposals from applicants will be received by the Clerk till the 20th of October next, and the person elected to enter upon the duties of his appointment the first of November. By order of the Boar d , thomas Barrett, a% September 27. 3t 10— lOR SAI.E. THE HOUSE AND LOT on the north side of Broad-Street, near the corner of Lincoln Street, being part of Lot N“* 27, containing one third o an acre, at present occupied by Mr. J, Long—lndisputable titles will be given and the terms made easy. Geo: S. Houston. September 27. 31.10 W AJNTLD i O LLRCiiASio, A Good Waggon j With or ivihout Harness. A liberal price will be given ?n Cash. Enquire at this Office. September 27. 2t 10 BROUGHT to Warren Jail on the 12th instant, a small young Negro Fellow, about 16 or 18 years old ; says bis name is GEORGE, and that be belongs to John Stuiges o Baldwin county, and that he was hired to Joseph Daniel of Burke county, from whom he run away. The owner is de sired to come forward agreeable to law and take him away. GEORGE COTTON, Jailor. Warrenton, Sept. 15, 1806. 10 NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands againstt he estate of Rebecca Smith, late of Columbia county dec. ate requested to render them in within the time allowed* by law, and all persons indebted to the same, to make imme ’ diatc payment. Thomas H. Flint , Ex’r. September 6, 1806. 7