Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, January 17, 1807, Image 1

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(SMiirußian i ‘ 3 ''rLT 1 U:, » '■W-S's - - . VOL IV. No. 182] »I II I— !■—■■■ ■ '■—■l'— I ■■BOM' I I - iiumumhubmi _i im jli i i ■ , rriiin_i m —, Three dollars per annum.) PUBLISHED BY GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, NORTH BROAD-STREET, f Half in advance. CONDITIONS OF THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL. 1. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL will be published every s atu r d a y, on a demi paper, of an excellent quality, and on an entire new type, of which tips is a specimen. 2. The terms of subscription will be three dollars per annum, one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the balance at the expiration ot the year. 3. No subscription will be received for a less term than six months, and all subscribers papers will be continued from year to year, unless ordered to the reverse at the expiration of the year, or six months. 4. Advertisements will be charged sixty-three cents per square for the first publication, and forty-two for each succeeding, and in the same proportion for those of greater length. The following /lemons have subscrip tion papers in their hands for the accom modation of persons who may /ilease to subscribe, and they are duly authorised to receive the same. Petersburgh: Capt. J. P. Watkins. Viena : James Colhoun. Elberton : Middleton Woods, Esq. Oglethorp County: Wm. H. Crawford, Samuel Shields, China Grove , and at the Store of Major Phinizy, Lexington. Washington, Wilkes County: Col. Francis Willis. Maj. Patrick Jack. Green County Maj. Young Gresham, James Nickelson, William Grant. Jackson county Samuel Gardner, Esq. Franklin county : Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. Hancock County: Hines Holt, Esq. Doct. William Lee, Eli Harris Worren County Capt. Thomas Dent, George Hargraves. Lincoln County John M. Dooley, Esq. Charles Stovall. Columbia : William Ware, Esq. Solomon Marshall, Burke County William Whitehead, Col John Whitehead, Col. John Davis, Jefferson County: George R. Clayton, Esq. James Bozeman, Esq. John Bostwick, Esq. Scriven County Reuben Wilkinson. William Oliver, Esq. Major Skinner, Savannah: Seymour, &co. printers , Bacon and Malone, MCfttosh County : George Baillie. AUGUSTA fc 5 SAVANNAH Line of Stages. THE Augusta and Savannah line of Stages will be continued by the subscriber, who trusts his unremitting attention to the LINE, in endeavoring to render passengers safe ami comfort able, will secure him a coutinuance of public patronage. He at the same time informs them that the STAGE OFFICE is removed from Ashton’s Tavern, to Mrs. LONGSTREET’S Boarding-House. LEWIS CALFREY. September 20. 9 A Chair & Harness, Complete.—Apply at this office. December 6. 20 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Mrs . M. Cliatjield , INFORMS THE LADIES OF AUGUSTA; ALSO OF THE COUNTRY, That she has just arrived from New- York with a General Assortment of the most Fashionable Straw Bonnets, Couland Silk Shags, AKD SILKS OT EVERT DESCRIPTION, FOR THE PURTOSE OF BONNET-MAKING And a?i Assorttnent of Black, White, and Coloured PLUMES, A hard some Collection of Leno Shawls Es? Muslins OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Together with a number of Articles suitable for the Ladies, who may de pend on having any article in her line of business, made upon the shotcst notice Ootober 4. 11— Beggs & Barnes, HAVE JUST OPENED, at the corner store lately occupied by THOMAS nARRETT, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS AND Groceries, Which they will sell very low for CASH Or COTTON. They have also Received on Consignment Fine Rose Blankets, London particular Madeira Wine, in halt pipes and quarter casks, And a few casks of Hibbert and Sons’ Best BROWN STOUT. November 29. 19 Just Received , 10 PUNCHEONS 4th proof Jamaica Rum, 6 Htids. prime Muscovado Sugar, 25 Barrels do. do. do. 1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 Ditto Northern ditto, 5 Quarter Casks Sherry Wine, , 1 Hhd. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierces ditto, 3 Boxes Chocolate, 2 Tons Swedes Iron, 2 Country ditto, 1 Ditto Blistered Steel, % Ditto German do. 1 Bale low priced coating, 1 Ditto Kendal Cottons, 9 Pieces Duffel! .Blankets, I Box 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Ditto | ditto, 2 Trunks Fashionable Calicoes, 2 Bales Ilumhums, 20 Kegs White Lead. Which will be sold WHOLESALE and RETAIL, cn very reasonable terms, for Cash or Cotton. HARRISON fcr HAMILTON. Augusta, Dec. 20, 1806. 22 Great Bargains. THE Subscriber intending to leave Augusta, offers for sale his HOUSE V LOT therein—Also, his Sand-Hill Residence, containing 65 acres of land, with a con venient Dwelling House, and necessary out houses, within 120 yards of an ex cellent Spring of pure water. There are near 800 bearing Peach, and vari ous other fruit trees ; enclosed with a good fence and within four miles of Augusta. The terms may be made known by applying to the subscriber, or in his absence to Doctor Harris, or Nicholas Ware, Esq. Lewis Harris. December 20. 22 BLANKS of every description executed at this office, with neatness and dispatch. Jacob Dunfoth, Has Just Received, And is now opening a Large and General ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOOD AND Groceries, Consisting oj such articles as are generally in demand at the present season, TOGETHER WITH A HANDSOME SUPPLY OF SADDLERY, HARD WARE, MEN’s Fine h Coarse Shoes, LEATHER, he. he. ALSO, A QUANTITY OF NORTHEN CIDER, of an excellent quality, CHEESE, POTATOES, he. All of which will be sold on the low est terms for cash or any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE. November 22. 3m 18 Benjn. Hall , & Co. Respectfully inform their friends and the public, that, they have Just Received at their Store , one door below Air. Randolph's Printing office, the Following Articles, which they will sell low for cash or countrt produce , nr WHOLESALE or RETAIL, — viz — BACK STRAP and common Fair Top Boots, Suwarrow and three quarter ditto. Men’s Coarse and Fine Shoes, assorted, Boy’s ditto. do. do. do. Lady’s Kid, Morocco & Leather Slippers Misses Morocco and Leather do. Children’s Leather Sc Morocco Buskins, Waxed Calf skins, Fair top ditto. Seal skins, Caif skins and Cordevan Boots Legs, Men and Women’s Saddles, Plated, and Common Bridles, Martingles, Horsewhips and Whipthongs, Saddle Baggs, „ Men’s Caster and Rorum Hats. Lady’s and Boy’s ditto. Shoe Blacking and Shoe Brushes— Together with a Jew Reams of WRITING PAPER. November 15, 1806. 17 Jockey Club Races . At a meeting of the augusta jockey club on the 20th Inst. RESOLVED, that the Races for the ensuing year commence on the last Wednesday in January, 1807, free for any Horse, Mare or Gelding, from any part of the world. The Purses and Distances as Follows , v — VIZ — First day’s running, four mile heats, for a purse of 0 500. Second day’s running, three mile heats, for a purse of 0 300. Third day’s running, two mile heats, for a purse of 0 200. Fourth day’s running, a sweepstake, two mile heats, fur the entrance money and overplus, supposed to be worth from 0 250 to 350 The weights and regulations agreea ble to the established rules. By order of the Club. GEO : S. HOUSTON, Sec’ry. November 22, 1806. 18 Officers for the ensuing year. John Catlett, President, Chesley Bostick, Vice Pi esident, Geo : S. Houston, Secretary , Geo: F. Randolph, Treasurer. ”foFsalk A YOUNG and likely coun ty born Negro Woman, she is a good cook, washer, and ironer, and sold for no fault but want of employment....En quire at this office. July 19. a— SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1807. - ■ADVERTISEMENT EXTRA. G. S. Houston, & Co . Respectfully inform the public tha they have recently received from LEE’S PATENT AND Family Medicine WARE-HOUSE, NEW-YORK, an additional and Fresh Supply of those valu able Medicines, which, as annodynes, preven tions or cures of the diseases to which the hu man body is subject, either from imprudence, change of climate, accidents or natural causes, are unrivalled—in the words of an old physician on this subject, we may add Experentia Docet— they having now been in general use through out the United States, for seven years past, and attended with general success, when used agreeable to the directions ; for, in the lan guage of Chesterfield “ If ’tis worth while to use a thing, “ ’Tis worth while to use it right.” They are well known and attested to by nu merous certificates in our possession, as un parrallelled in the following diseases: Worms, Itch, Coughs & Colds Diseases of the Asthma, Eyes, Consumption, Ringworms, Gout, Tetters, &C. Rheumatism, Inward weak- Sprains, nesses, Palsey, Nervious disor* Head Ache, ders, Tooth Ache, Ague & Fever, Corns, Ike. See. „ To those afflicted with nervous disorders' lowness of spirits, loss of appetite,indigestion* &.c. See. is recommended Hamilton's Grand Restorative. It is proved by long and extensive experience to be absolutely unparalleled in the uure of Nervous disorders, Consumptions, Lowness of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, impurity of Blood, Hysterical Affections. Inward and. Seminal Weakness, Flour albus (or whites) Barronness, Violent cramp in the stomach and back, In digestion, Melancholy, Gout in the Stomach, Pains in the Limbs, Relaxations, involuntary Emissions, Impotency, &c. &c. Hamilton's Worm-Destroying Lozenges. Which have within four years past, cured upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand persons of both sexes, of every age and in e very situation, of various dangerous complaints arising from worms and from obstructions or foulness in the stomach and bowels. Hamilton's Llixir ; A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate coughs asthmas, sore throats, and approaching consumptions,—They are particularly recom mended to parents who may have children afflicted with the Hooping Cough. The Anodyne Elixer , For the of every kind of head ache. The Damask Lip Salve , Is recommended (particularly to the ladies as an elegant and pleasant preparation) Fot chopped and sore lips, and every blemish and inconvenience occasioned by colds, fever, Bcc. speedily restoring a beautiful rosy color and de* icate softness to the lips. The Genuine Persian Lotian, Celebrated for preventing and removing blemishes of the face and skin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits after tha smallpox, &c. Gotland's real and genuine Lotion. Hahn's Anti-Bilious Pills , Are recommended for the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers. Restorative PowderJor the Teeth & Gums Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye-Waur. A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes. Tooth-Acne Drops. The only remedy yet discovered, which gives immediate and lasting relief in the most severe instances. The Sovereign Ointment for the Itch , Which is warranted an infallible remedy in one application. Anderson’s Pills, tfc. Hamilton's Essence and Extract of Mustard , Celebrated for the cure of the Gout, Rheu matism, Palsey, Sprains, Bruises, &c. A large and Fresh supply of the Indian Vegitable Specific , A safe, speedy, and pleasant cure for a cer tain dreadful disease—Prepared by Dr.Lenatx. The above medicines sold only by appoint ment cf the sole Inventor and proprietor, at their Store, Broad-street, Augusta. January 11. 29 LUMBER. PERSONS w ishing to procure Lumber, can be furnished by making application at this office. January 10.