Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, January 24, 1807, Image 1

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CSoSixmßiott VOL IV. No. 183] ■Three dollursper annum.) PUBLISHED BY GEO: E. RANDOLPH, & CO. NORTH BROAD-STREET. (Half in advance. CONDITIONS OF THE COLUMB JAN CENTIN.EL. 1. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL will be published every s a tu r p a y, on a ctemi paper, of an excellent quality, and on an entire new type, of which this is a specimen. The terms of subscription will be three dollars per annum, one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the balance at the expiration ol the year. ■5. No subscription w ill be received for u less term than six months, and all subscribers papers will be continued from year to year, unless ordered to the reverse at the expiration of the year, or six months. <4. Advertisements will be charged sixty-three cents per square for the first publication, and forty-two for each succeeding, and in the same proportion for those of greater length. The following persons have subscrip tion papers in their /Kinds for the accom modation of persons who may please to subscribe, and they are duiy authorised to receive the same. Petersburgh: Capt. J. P. Watkins. Vicna : James Calhoun. Elberton : Middleton Woods, Esq. Oglethorp County: Wm. H. Crawford, Samuel Shields, China Grove , and at the Store of Major Phinisy, Lexington. Washington, Wilkes County: Col. Francis Willis. Maj. Patrick Jack. Green County Maj. Young Gresham, James Nickelsonye William Grant. Jos'lson mutiUf Samuel Gardner, Esq. Franklin county : Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. Hancock County : Hines Holt, Esq. Doct. William Lee, Eli Harris Warren County Capt. Thomas Dent, George Hargraves. Lincoln County John M. Dooley, Esq. Charles Stovall. Columbia : William Ware, Esq. Solomon Marshall, Burke County William Whitehead, Col. John Whitehead, Col. John Davis, Jefferson County: George R. Clayton, Esq. James Bozeman, Esq. John Bostwick, Esq. Scriveh County Reuben Wilkinson. William Oliver, Esq. Major Skinner, Savannah: Seymour, &co. printers, Bacon and Malone, M'lntosh County ; George Baillie. TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber gives notice, that he has once more removed, and is now settled in the house where Mr. l)e Butts lately resided, at the corner of Reynold and Jackson streets, where he continues making Candles, at 4 cents a pound, for those who find Tallow— having been reduced in his circumstan ces, he has for some time past been unable to meet all the small demands against him, as he has been compelled to move seven times, within the last three years, since which, the public it is believed have been imposed upon, by Candle Makers, who have taken up a business in which the subscriber has had 12 years experience, and who has never attempted to increase his profits by coverting the tare of an I'B or 201 b. Box, into that of 12 or 14 pounds. Robert Reid. N. B. He will furnish candles best quality, for the use of offices ana counting houses, dressed With waxed wicks, and of the length best adapted for them. R* R* December Is. 21— AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Jacob Danforthy Has Just Received, And ts now opening u Large and General ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOOD AND Groceries, Consisting of such articles as are generally in demand as the present season , TOtETHER WITH A HANDSOME supply or saddlery, HARD W ARE, MEN’S Fine k Coarse Shoes, LEATHER, Sec. fee. ALSO, A QUANTITY OF NORTHEN CIDER, of an excellent quality., CHEESE, POTATOES, kc. All of which will be sold on the low est terms for cAsk or any kind of COUNTRY produce. November *2. 3m 18 Beggs & Barnes, HAVE JUST OPENED, at (he corner store lately occupied by Thomas bakrett, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS AND Groceries, Which they will sell very low for CASH or COTTON. They have also Received on Consignment f Fmja. Pach .BliinlrnfiS. London particular Madeira Wilfe, in half pipes and quarter casks, And a few casks of Hibbert and Sons’ Best BROWN STOUT. November 29. 19 Mrs*- M. Chatfield , informs the ladies or augusta; ALSO OF THE COUNTRY, That she has just arrivedfrom New- York with a General Assortment of the most Fashionable Straw Bonnets, Couland Silk Shags, AVI) SILKS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, FOR THE PURPOSE' OF BONNET-MAKING And an Assortment of Black, White, and Coloured PLUMES, A handsome Collection of Lend Shawls Muslins OE EVERY DESCRIPTION, Together with a number of Articles suitable for the Ladies, who may de pend on having any article in her line of business, made upon the shotest notice OotobeF 4. ll Great Bargains. THE Subscriber intending to leave Augusta, offers for sale his HOUSE V LOT therein—Also,his Satid-Hill Residence, containing 65 acres of land, with a con venient Dwelling House, anti necessary out houses, within 120 yards of an ex cellent Spring of pure water. There are near 800 bearing Peafch, atid vari ous other fruit trees; enclosed with a good fence and within four miles of Augusta. The terms may be made known by applying to the subscriber, or in his absence to Doctor Harris, or Nicholas Ware, Esq. Lewis Harris. December 20. 22 BLANKS of every description executed at i this office, with neatness and dispatch. Just Received, 10 PUNCHEONS 4th proof Jamaica Rum, 6 Hluls. prime Muscovado Sugar, 25 Barrels do. do. do. 1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 Ditto Northern ditto, 5 Quarter Casks Sherry Wine, 1 Hhd. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierces ditto, 3 Boxes Chocolate, 2 Tuns Swedes Iron, 2 Country ditto, 1 Ditto Blistered Steel, \ Ditto German do. 1 Bale low priced coating, 1 Dittq Kendal Cottons, 9 Pieces Duffel! Blankets, 1 Box 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Ditto i ditto, 2 Trunks Fashionable Calicoes, 2 Bales Humhums, 2G Kegs White Lead. Which will 1m sold' WHO/ T E and RETAIL, on very > 4 „iafjie terms,' for Cash or Cotton. HARRISON to- H AMILTON. Augusta, Dec. 30, 1806. 22 lienjn. Hall, & Co. Respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have Just Received at their Store, one door below Mr. Randolph’s Printing office, the Following Articles, which they will sell low for cash or CGUNTJir PRODUCE, BT WHOLESALE or RETAIL, VIZ— BACK STRAP and common Fair Top Boots, Men’s Coarse and Fine Shoes", 1 assorted, Boy’s ditto. do. do. do. Lady’s Kid, Morocco &Leather Slippers Misses Morocco and Leather do. Children's Leather & Morocco Buskins, Waxed Calf skins, Fair top ditto. Seal skins, Caif skins and Cordcvan Boots Legs, Men and Women’s Saddles, Plated, and Common Bridles, Martingles, Horsewhips and Whipthongs, Saddle Baggs, Men’s Caster and Rorum Plats. Lady’s and Boy’s ditto. Shoe Blacking and Shoe Brushes— Together with a Jew Reams of WRITIAG PAPER. November 15, 1806. 17 NOTICE. Will be Sold; At Public Auction at the house oj the sub scriber, Burke County, on the 28th day of February next, all the personal es tate of Thomas Godley, dec. CONSISTING of two horses, bridle and saddle, three silver watches and some other articles—The condi tions will be made known on the day of sale by the administrator. —ALSO— All persons who have demands against said estate are desired to bring them in properly attested, within the time required by law ; Also, all per sons indebted to said estate by note or account are requested to make imme diate payment without delay, to John Godley, Adm'r. January 17. 6t26 Administratrix Sale . On the first Tuesday in February next, in the town of Waynesborough, be tween the hours of 10 and i o’clock, Will be Sold, TWO lots in the town of Waynesborough, containing one acre each, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of John Dickson, dec. agree able to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county. Margaret Dixon, Adm’x. September 27. I® SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1807. Another Store IN AUGUSTA. The Subscribers resficc'fdiy advise itur inhabitants of tonsil and country , that they have taken the Store, nearly oft posit e the Stage-Office fin Jht house of Airs. Alontgon eryJ where they offer for sale, for Cash, Cotton, or at short aftfiroved credits ; a Variety of Goods, Which they are disfwted tc sell at a small advance,... V 17.,... A QUANTITY best Smithhekl Stone Lime, 1000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, 5 llhds. best Si gar, 7 do. \\ est-inJia 8c New-England rum, Fipcs and 1 ierces American Gin, A few Casks Cherry 5c Cyder Brandy, —Boxes, N°. 10, 9, *S, 7 8c b Cat ton Cares ; Wool do. A number trunks Ladies Scotlur Shoes, Boxes Hats, different kinds, coarse and fine, Superfine 8c common India Cottons, Checks and Calicoes. English Calicoes Sc Furnitures, Do. Checks, Ladies new fashioned Porcupine hats, Bonnets, Bcc. doz. or sihgle, A small assortment of Wooi.kns, ns Fearnoughts, Coatings, Plains, Ker seys, Broadcloths, Cassimers, Serges, Blankets, Flannels, Baizes Sc Spot ted Swanskin, Silk Boglepores, Britannias, Gingham, Fancy Vesting, Cambricks, Madras, Bandanna and other Handkerchiefs, few I,aces, assorted Hosiery, Suspen ders* Buttons, Bcc. One box assorted Umbrellas, cheap. A few articles <f u A umu a pi; . in Hammers, Brass Cocks. I linges, Locks, Gimblets, Knives atul Forks, Nests Weights, Ra zors, Casts !c Boxes, Bcc. stationary, viz. Letter Paper, Blank Books, mos* pat terns, cheap; Wafers, per lb. Quilis, per M. Cork-Inkstands, Ink-powthr, Sealing Wax, Playing Cards, Slates Sc Pencils, Memorandum Books, Bonnet Papers, Writing Books, Scr. A lew boxes Port Wine, real Sou chong Tea, Starch, Chocolate, So p, Mould Candles, Mustard, Ground Pep per, Bcc. ....ALSO. i,k 1 Box Gi.ass Ware, (Tumblers) 1 Cask be3t Camphor, 1 Sack Cassia, A quantity Rhode-laland Cyber and Potatoes. On the River, and expected soon, a quantity of Bar-Iron, boxes Writing Paper, Green Coffee, and barrels Beer. CALL AND SEE —Nothing charged for looking, and all favors suit ably acknowledged, by JOSEPH HAWES, JOHN WHEELER. January If, 1807. Si 26-^- to rent. The Meadow - G arden plantation , ONE mile above Augusta, for a term of years, if required, and immedi ate possession given.—The stock there on, consisting of Cattle and Hogs, would be sold if desirable to the lessee.—For terms apply to Anderson Watkins. January 10, 1806. 25 10 Dollars Reward. STRAYED or STOLEN FROM the neighborhood of Augus ta, a likely GREY MARE, about fifteen hands high, seven or tight years old, no marks or brands recol lected ; she was missing on the 28th of last month. Any person delivering her at the plantation of Edward Telfair, or to the subscriber in Augustu, shall re ceive the above reward. Wm. Bacon. January 10. 35