Newspaper Page Text
Tliarsd.'.r Morning, Oct. 23. IbSL
3r» I. A# MARTI?? h onr .1irntt
at Itiiford, asitl is fully authorized to
re?eife and receipt for all money
paid him.
Naticaai Democratic Ticket.
For Prefi()ont,
Hon. Grov’r Cleveland,
Of New York.
For Vice-President,
Hon.T. A. Hendricks,
Of Indiana.
For ( 'on^TCSS,
Aenorlli hail a thirty thousand
dollars fire last work.
T1 A('K;.l i’T.V K. ;>
IX ifj.I.. e !_.> inirf
Fur sale by J. V.' ST A X F<
Edgeik-:u, £>. <J., J u >.t across the
river from Augusta, v.*as partially
destroyed !>y f re a few days since.
A NASAL INJECTOR free With each
• o tie of Shiloh's Catarrh Rr- -iv
I'rirt- .*;«» c -.jtl'or sale hv J. V . T . X-
Sena’or ' olquitt is in Florida
ran|arsing the State in the inter
ests" of Democracy.
" IFi WILL YOl cough when Shi-
loii's?*'urc will give iniinetliatc relief.
Frite lot ts. ."Hiets. and $1. For sale b\
: • -•*—
A fire in Atlanta last Friday
was decidedly prohibition in its
preferences—it cleaned out three
bar rooms.
A Husband’* (Greatest Blessing
is a strong, healthful', vigorous
wife with a clear, handsome com
plexion. These can all be ac
quired by usiy.g Dr. Harter's Iron
Of the 200 printers recently dis
charged from the government
printing office, 100 were Demo
crats. That is civil service reform
with a vengeance.
— —
Government of India.
Mr. K A. Pereira, Head Inspector
oi Post Offices, Calcutta, India, issues
a card certifying to the instantaneous
relief a'forded by St. Jacobs Oil, in
the Campbell Hospital, where its use
w i.n advised by the medical officers in
a ad-m-. s.,es of throat troubles and
other painful ailments.
Snow has fallen in Siew Hamp
shire, and many Northern people
are making arrangements to
breathe thy soft, warm air of the
The Sion iewlk«*g Favorite.
We wifi s'-n.l kuee fo
toes »ry ia Jy w ho sen
nan “s of : :i married
dro . and 12 twa-ct •
our handsome, enterr
tivc Journal,devoted
< US AT ONCE the
idies. at same ad-
uups for postage.
Ling and instrue-
Fashious. Fauev
lady vw .Ti
'ring IV.HM ;• ny (1
es. * Over
10,000 soM idre::
Cents. Postal
Adtir-vs Al .V
Nuiula. N. Y.
It is
claimed Hi at
\\ork, Di orating. Cooking and llou. v
hold mailers. Regular price, 1.00. se.m
to-d.\V. and secure next number. Ad
N - Y. Oit2Mm.
i lie ilvmoustruLions in Buffalo.
Brooklyn anil Now York City in
vor of {. ievriuud were on a scale
s: ill to exceed anything of the
kind that ever transpired before.
I.adics- tin!tea 1 Adviser.
A Cimipl, Meilieul Work-fur Women
liiiiiil»onuiy li ,und in doth am! illus-
trat-;l. J ells lit iv to previ'nt. anil eure
all diseases of ti.a sex, bv a treatment \r
nous. Worth its wi-ijrht in ttold | lK -vo; i
these di'M.cX
dy. P.sipau.
Note or 2-ct.-
A 1'LliLltii-
while Ohio
went Republican by 11,000 in the
State election, it will go Demo
cratic by 10,000 majority in the
Presidential election in Xm.- .i
be . lie.w such a result is figured
out, we d- not know, but we ear
nestly hope that there is no mis
take in the calculation.
What delicate child is that? li
is being devomed by worms. Tell
its mother that one bottle ofSIiri
net's Vermifuge will restore it to
o m
A young lady in South Georgia
inserts the following advertise
ment in a local paper: “Wanted—
By a young lady, not thirty, a hus
band, be be baclieloi. widower oi
dude. 1 ant good looking, weigh
HO onuntls, can cook, wash and
Tie fraperauee Ticket ia Georgia.
An electoral ticket for Georgia
for Sl Julio and Danir » the Pro
hibilfwn candidates for Preaidcn
ami Vice President, lias recently
lieeH published. As friends of
the temperance cause we regret it.
It can do only liaiin to a grand
movement, which has, so far, been
conducted with great wisdom, and
lias achieved wonderful success.
The temperance leaders iu Geor
gia have not considered this qties
lion a matter of politics, and have
so far succeeded in keeping it out
of its corn pt’ng influence. Tin-
ticket just announced is not the
work of the temperance people ol
Georgia. In convention, after due
consideration, they determined by
a vole of four to one that it was
not wise to put out a ticket. What
<re have before us as the temper
auce ticket is the work of a small
number of men—four only—who
are either cranks, or else the paid
agents of Blaine and Butler. Of
these four, one is an avowed Rt
publican, and another declares
that he has voted as often for one
ticket as the other. Clearly they
are not the men to control the so
her, sensible people of Georgia.—
Atraiil that Indiana, New York
and New Jersey will all go Dem
ocratic, and thus elect Cleveland,
the managers of Hie Blaine cam
paign, are sending men down
South, where the temperance sen
timent is known to be strong, to
get out temperance tickets, and
thus draw otr enough white vole*
to binder a democratic majority
iu several of the States where the
Vote is close. It is an artful dodge,
but the disguise is too thin. It
is purely a radical trick, and we
hope that the white men of every
Southern State w ill see its design,
and thus let the South vote “sol
id” for Cleveland, the Democratic
candidate for President.
Having smid'tliis much by way
of information on the one hand,
we desire to say a word by way <>t
caution on the other. The vot*
polled in favor of this so-called
temperance ticket in the State
and in the South will he ridicu
lullsly small—as it deserves to lie
under the circumstances. Wiist
we desire to emphasize is, that
the strength of the temperance
sentiment in Georgia is not to be
estimated by this meagre vote. I:
"Prohibition,” pure and simple,
was Hie issue in this national elec
tion, we have no doubt but that
Georgia would go for it by an
overwhelming majority. Already
97 counties in the State, out of
137, have given majorities in that
direction, and at least a dozen
more arc waiting for an opportu
nity to vote upon it. The senti
ment is steadily- strengthening in
couutics where the law has been
tried, and rapidly taking hold up
on those communities where it
has not been put to the test. But
the temperance people of the State-
arc-not going to bring this qnes
tion into this canvass, and when
the result is announced, it will
not lie fair or honest to parade be
fere the world the insignificant
Senator J. E. Brown.
The next Legislature will be
charged with t he election of a U. S.
Senator as the term of the present
incumbent will soon expire. -From
present indications, we Judge
that Senator Brown will be it is
own successor. While there will
probably be will
amount tq but little, nor hinder
the return of a man to the Senate
ho is almost universally recogni
zed as the fittest man in Georgia
to fill the place. The following
extract from the Constitution, we ! ;in ,|
J adge Clark* aad the Supreme J**g<
O. G. Gurley, writing from his
home in Bainbridge'to the News
& Advertiser, tells some things
which iie is in favor of. He says:
“The first is. the election by
the next Legislature of Hon.
John T. Clarke, of Cuthbert,
to the Supreme bench. Our
judgment is, there is none in Hie
Stale better qualified for this high
position. The soundness and
correctness ol bis decision from thr
Su|icrior Court bt-nc-h, places him
in the front rank of the profession
demonstrates Ills marked
Leader of Lew Prices, is Overstocked, and will Sell Yoa the Nicest, Choapoot aad
Mrs. C001ER
Spring Vale Department
believe, will be endorsed bv nine ' ability as a jurist.”
tenths of our readers. ' I Commenting on this the Early
“His election will be a mere
formality, and in all essential
sense unanimous. I , .
Senator Brown is to be eongrat-1 see 1!,n 0,1 'J le Supreme Bench,
ulate l on this result. He has I b ! ,t wrouldatshke to lose him from
rein-bed it by no showy display or! *‘‘ s I ,le * cnt position as Judge ol
brilliant impulse.
! County News says: “We agree
| with Mr. G. in bis estimate of
■Judge Clarke, and would like to
It lias been
rather by patient wisdom, by line
common sense, by devoted and
patriotic service, and by practical
■statesmanship. By these quali
ties he has steadily overcome one
prejudice alter another, and .won
the respect and support of one op
ponent after another. The aniaz
ing ease and promptness with
which he. entered the debates o.
the senate, matching the ablest
senators and ineetiug the oldest
on the minutest (joints of usage,
though hut the promise of what
his riper service would bring,' re
sulted in bis election after a heat
eil campaign, and over an illus
trious opponent, by a full two
third vole, ilis work in the en
suing sessions has added to his
fame as a statesman, -confirmed
his hold on the coufiden.-e of his
people, and brings him to his se
cond election, with all former op
position reversed and the track
clear before him.
We find in this cause for con
gratulating the 6tate. Senator
Brown is emphatically a represen
tativc of the people and of popular
interests. He is the apostle ol
common sense, and deals with pol
itical questions in a practical
way. Wise as an adviser—
staunch as an advocate—watchful
as a legislator—steadfast, cour
agemis and skillful in debate-
jealous of the interests and the
honor of his section, but liberal
and comprehensive on all issues
i hat affect the country at large, he
is a senator who in dignity, abili
ty and purpose worthily represents
the empire stale of the south, anu
deserves the extraordinary com
pliment that will lie paid linn in
his unanimous election to his se
cond term.”
ki-riifala t'nrcil.
. Atlanta, (Ia., August, 1SS3.
My six-year-old son lias had a ter
rible sloughing Scrofulous I’leer ol
the neck for three years, attended
with lilindlu-ss, !<;ss of hair, great em
aciation, and general prostration.
Physicians and various blood reme
dies were resorted to without benefit.
The New Atlanta .Medical t'ulii-ge
treated him [or three months, but his
condition grew worse.
I t,t._ urg'd to fry the efficacy oi
R. II. 15.. and to the astonishment o!
myself, friends and neigh iters, one
single bottle etfected an entire eure.
I*leers of the neck entirely healed ;
eyesight restored, and the hair ruui-
lneneod growing on his head again. I
line at Ato Jones Street, Atlanta, anil
my Is ty is there to lie seen.
Fi.-axk Jusefii.
I'tflcimin Solution lleins.
We called the attention of the
public ia previous issues to the
business then being done by the
Wrought Iron Range Company of ,
St. Louis, Mo., in this section.
The Bethel Association
meet with the Bethel church here
on Tuesday, the 2Stli of October
Delegates and visitors who
think of attending the Bethel As
socinlion, and coming on the rail
road will please notify the under
signed through the mail on what
day they will arrive, and they will
be met at the Lyle" Crossing, one
and a half miles from tile church
ami conveyed to the homes as
signed them. The Christian la
ilex, and other pa|>ers within tin-
bounds of said Association please
copy. E. II. Lee. Clerk.
Scores nf remedies for h<
cholera have been suggested, hi
i t e one that always cares hss not'
will >et been foxtail. A Pennsylvania
' correspondent of the New York
World furnishes that paper the
following one. It is fresh an 1
un : que, even ifit is worthless.^
“The hog cholera is playing
havoc with Hie porkers in this sec
tion. Daily large nnmlvers of
them die. All remedies tbu* far
have proved useless. One man
hv a rather original method of
treatment managed to save all
bis sick liogs. He buried them
tip to their necks in the gronn-l
ami fed them for two weeks, at llie
end of which time be dug them tip
perfectly curej.”
New Advertisements
the Pataula Circuit.”
The following is from the Daw-
sou Journal: “As there will be a
vacancy to fill upon the bench of
Supreme court, at the meeting of
the Legislature now snoi to as- . , . ,, . .,,
seinble, the Journal desires to go i ^ ground at Mercers mill.
Qaitmau Notes—By Si Otis.
Messrs. Editors:
I beg leave to correct a mistake
made in my last week's notes, in
reference to the amount of western
upon record as favoring for that j intended to say about 16,000 in-
Furniture Store.
I stead of 60.000. If you remember
jours is a small county, and we
public to think
i don’t want the
position the Hon. John T. Clarke,
of Cuthbert. We know of no man
in Georgia better fitted in every
wav for the office than Judge, , , . ,
Clarke, and, if he should consent U “ t we etlUrel >' u i*°“ our
to enter the race, we believe that j credit because its good,
be can be elected.” j But for the above explanation 1
Our quotations in favor of would not intrude npou your val
Judge Clarke might lie almost in u-iblc space, or at least until af-
aml which we thought at that
definitely continued if we bail the
^ * m
A man who is full of bile is a
ni-isam-c. Present him with a
bottle of Smith's ltile Beans and
make Ins days happy and bis
nights peaceful. 2.7 cts. per but
tie. For sale by J. W. Stankoud.
Itnf'ord Items.
The cotton is nearly all picked
out, and we arc glad to bear that
it is turning out a little better
than was at first anticipated.
W e regret to learn of lilt serious
illness of Mrs. I). R. Stewart.—
Mrs. Stewart is a most estimable
lady, and we ti ust ere long she
will be restore-1 to health again.
Mrs. Mary Martin, of Whig
ham, Ga., is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Rachel Martin.
On Wednesday of last week we
left to attend the Chattahoochee
Musical Convention, which was
held at Shiloh church, near Ainer
icus. Arriving at Americas about
3, P. SL, we were met by convey
ances from that community. I.
was our pleasure to have a* host
Mr. C. G. Shepard, whom ivc found
to be one of the most genial ami
hospitable gentlemen we ever met
I'iic convention met promptly at
10 on Thursday morning, with
Mr. N. T. Crozier, President, in
the Chair. The entire session
(tassed off harmoniously, and we
think was very entertaining to a!!
present. Prof. Showalter, origi
nally from Virginia, but now ol
Dalton, Ga., was present anil add
ed much to the interest of the
convention, being a gentleman of
the finest musical advantages, a
cultivated singer, and has taught
music in nearly every Slate in
the Soutk. The Convention has
>n foot an effort to arrange a Nor
mal School, to be taught bv him
;somewhere in its liouuds,
on this occasion.
• <,om
vote for St. Johns, as the measure I lo wholly redable in theii . fencing in January next. The
of the temperance feeling in Geor 1 dealings, btu have since found to ^ j te<>i ,( e „f the community around
gia. The friends ot temperance he just the reverse. They s °ld i Shiloh church, are clever and re-
therefore need not be troubled nor j ranges through here, mak J fined, and know exactly how to
the advocates of whiskey eneottr-j in S evc, '.V promise that could l’ 1 ' entertain a singing convention.
aged by the feeble show which the j desired, with reference to the time j Thu Convention will hold its next
so-called prohibition ticket makes! to be bad in paying for them j 8CS9km wltb . Uuion chllfch , Quit
through their several agents, I lnan counly . I. A. M.
which enabled them to sell num I -»-» m
hers of them wherever they were We heartily endorse the fullon-
offered. The time arrives for t he j ing “sockdologer” from a sermon
notes given to tall due, when they | delivered recently in CartersviUe
send a collector around with in i by the Rev. Sam Jones. It ap-
structions to collect as he goes. I plies in this locality as well: “1
regardless of these first promises i like to see a man with a big strong
made by their agents, which prove \ backbone. About half the tellers
clearly to the minds of all fair-j in this county haven't got any to
minded people that it is a first- speak of. Their backbone is a
class swindle. We give these as | cotton siring, and their l ibs are
facts, which can be vouched for ! sorter knit on to it, and some oi
by all who bought upon their them are not knit at all, but just
terms. .We would advise all who ! hang on loose and rattle, and them
IT<-12 Kcwsirilctl.
A liberal reward will be paid j
to any party who will produce aj
case of Liver, Kidney or Stom
ach complaint that Electric Bit
tors will not speedily cure. Bi ing
them along, it will cost you noth
ing for the medicine if it fails to
eure, and you will be well resitaid-
e-1 for your trouble besides. All
Blood diseases. Biliousness, Jaun
dice, Constipation, and general
debility are quickly cured. Satis- j
faction guaranteed or money re
funded. Prii.'e only fifty cents
per bottle. For stile by J. W.
The Result iu Ohio.
The majority for the Republi
cans in Ohio was not so large as
we published Iasi week, being only
The result is not so encourag
ing to the Republicans as it was at
first, because while they have a
majority over the Democratic can
di-late of 11.000, they did not
; nave not had any dealings with [ sort of folks are no account. Tliev
! them as yet, to steer clear of them,! ;iru wlling about on the fence. I
as they are truly as represented ; hail ratht . r ,, c a va n er , st ,
above, rite writer is one .,! the lail fl og under a wagon than be
, number wlm suffered by the S'vin- setting about on the fence with
,die Ollier newspapers .'v.shing j no „ p j nioM ...
; lo do tae public a service will. m n m -
please publish. \\ . \\ . J. It is not the part of wisdom for
I th.e people of Georgia to shut their
. „ _ . eves to the fact that their labor
Stevens Fottekt, Ga., August ‘
IS. 1881.—Dear Sir; I had a yoke
FO K DYSi’KI'SIA aiul Liver complaint,
von have a prinu-iltriiaraiitce <*a every
bottle »-! Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never
fails to cure. For sale bvJ. W. fcsTAN-
A Yoke of Oxen and a Male.
j t -r election, as I am no politician.
W uen a man grinds all the week,
and then runs negroes all day
Sunday with a search warrant to
get back what little toll cforn he
has made, you may know there are
grounds for vexation of spirit.
. Our Ordinary is down among
the wire grass yet, and has been
for these many weeks. But he s
expected home in a few days now.
That is it some of those gooiiei
grabbling girls don't decide to
cross the river of Jordan with him
Messrs. Editors, did you ever
imagine the chagrin of a pi net'
woods farmer when he returns
home on a rainy, December even
tng to lind bis better-half trying
to cook over a pile of (fine knots,
in a stick ami dirt chimney n iih
the top Mowed oil? See her corn
-lodger smoking on the gridle. a
lump of dirt on one side and a
chunk of smut on the other, twi
small brats lying on the floor,
bawlii g with the colic, and she.
(the good wife) bending over tin
cradle with the blade bone of r.
six mouths old female in on-
hand and a buttle ot soothing sti
<i(i in the other, while the seven
y nr ol-l urchin, lying under lh.
bed, is singing “llock back, r ck
back, daddy shot a bear V Now
these are only a few dark spots it-
farm life, an 1 1 hope they will
east no gloomy reflections on tin
city chap standing loose on the
corner with two car lengths of hi-
thumbs stuck down in the arm
pits, seemingly interested in a
sum of cube root, but he is only
thinking that necessity will yet
drive him to the farm. For there
was never a bitter without a sweet,
and the darker the gale the bright
,-r the calm.
At a Methodist Episcopal meet
ing in Baltimore, a few evenings
since, some interesting remiuis-
-•enetas of various preachers were
given. Some of these turned in
the direction of the support, of the
ministry, amt instances were re
lated ot preachers who labored al
salaries ranging from $100 (jet
year up. It was said that out
minister who received $100 a year
had managed to support his fatni
iy and save $-1,000- during his
ministry. Another instance giv
en was that of a preacher who re
ceived $700 per year. At the end
of the year lie had managed,
through great economy, to save
$100 in gold. He felt proml of it,
and showed it to one of the church
members—all in gold. At tin-
next yearly meeting one of the
brethren got up, and said be was
fully in favor of giving the minis
ter a sufficient salary, but not in
favor of allowing him a surplus.
He therefore offered a resolution
that the salary for the next year
to be fixed at $600 Despite the
earnest protests of the minister, the
resolution was passed unanimous
ly. It was said the minister
again managed to save $100 out
of the salary, but took good care
not to tell of it.
A Correct Sentiment Correctly Ex
Arc you proud of your home?
Yes. and you manifest your pride
' 1 Poor East of Ross' Carriage Factory, i
Eufaula, Alabama.
I HAVE the Latest Style* of Furniture
hv the Far IakuI. Fhamher Setts
j iroiu $4u t«i $200: Bureaus ;is low ns $13;
B.ilsteads from $3 to t'hairs from *•>
I rents to ?IS a ]»iece.
j Safes, War.lroho. Hook rases. VV rum-
Desk*. Hat Ihioki*, Window Shades. Arc.
i Wo.*'»»flitis. ami Caskets all ..^Lscs, ami
i I will Manufacture and Ilepair Ktimi-
• tureof all kinds and at the shortest m.-
I rive, ami Jit livinjr i*rit cs. t will sell
I Furniture as Cheap as any of tin* Xci-h-
borin- Cities. Having been eii-a^cd in
flic Furniture buxine 4 ** for twentv years
andyiven satisfaction, I would thank
my old friends ami customers for their
past favors, and would be glad to sec
them again.
£j&-''The I-ndies are e-oevially invited
to examine my stork^®^
When visiting the city dont fail to pay
me a visit. Kemember the place. One
Poor East of 4 Jloss’ Carriage Factory.*
OetlJXim. * WM.UNK.
My. Stock of
Fall & Winter Goods,
Is now in and was never more
Attractive and Elegant, embrae
ing everything wanted by the
Pattern Bonnets and Hats,
Daisies etc. Baby Caps IIu
man Ilair, Toilet Goods, Zephyrs,
ete. Ladies and Misses
Ready-Made Suits.
Everybody invited to call and
examine goods and i-om)jare
prices. No trouble to show goods
T and satisfaction guaranteed. Call
and see me betore purchasing
elsewhere. octD-ct
Ilasreeeiwd a l*tge and complete stock it
Hats. Plume*. Ribbons. Silk*. Velvets, Plinhos. and Satins, of n )|
shades. Shingle Bang Hair, all colors. All these g.wxls are new, .ml
of the latest styles. Call und examine my stock. Rcspcctfiillv.
Oct 9 3m.
c» S
Also a tine line of Gut and Steel
Strings for Violins, Guitars and
Banjos. For Sale bv
et Druggist and Bookseller.
Drugs and Patent Medicines,
At lowest Price*.
South-W est-Georgia
(Brach of tie Uiiiversit? of Geers Y)
SENJ.T. HUNTER A. M President
( 'iOHPS of To.u-licrs full. The Full
J Fuss it m niK'iis on the First Momhiy
in September. T:ie :ippropriati«»u to the
t’oileire <»f $2.(MU 1 a> been restored, tin x
eimbiiiig the TrrjTce.s to put the Im Men-
tal Fee at
Hoard ean he had at prices ranging
from $]0 to $12 per uiontn. Cataloguf*.--
plying full and definite information scut
And examine our immense Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods
which wc are offering at prices which cannot be beaten in this mark
lo the good people of Randolph and adjoining counties we have
this to say: AYe have been serving you honestly, fttithfullv. an 1
with a conscientious desire on our part to benefit you, and save von
money for the past 3.1 years, and now we say to you that with the
opening of the
we are prepared to cont inue just as faithful to the interest* and wel-
fare of our Patrons and Customers as we have proven “true and
tried” in the past. * /
Rememlicr onr assortment embrace* every line of Goods
We have every facility for buying, discount |,j|| s . an .j ale ( ] e .
tcrniincd that, the interests of our Customers shall be “share and
share alike*’ willi our own.
Now please bear in mi ml llmt,
on rtpplicaliun to the
July HMv.
1* reside i»t. J
T, S, Powell iif.piu^knts
\JJ < <\
r is A 2ft ]•; < (».
: x ).o< a *.
you prices which tre guarantee will please.
Very Respectfully,
September 18-ct.
All safe,
< 'O. - Assessment
. i’:
ile Compa
iggy & Wagon Har
For 30 Days trill Offer j
Special In ft ace men ts.
Mast l»e Sold Call on i
Us Before Yon Bay.
Allison & Simpson.!
Laundry aad Tcilst Soaps,
Bon Ton and Royal Gloss Starch,
Laundry Blueing, at L- w Pri
ces, at
T. S.
Drug Store.
To Ginners!
Headquarters for
Bagging and Ties,
ana Rubber Belting,
XJl miles east.*»f (’uthhert. on the Al
bany rourl. containing 277acres, more
«»r less. Nine acres nefv ground; 2T»
acres improved hind; IS acres moder
ately fresh land; I ks acres moderately
• >1*1 land, making 2**0 acres under fence.
Balance wo*Mis. consisting of Oak. Fine.
Hickory. «fcc. Dwelling. Barns. Stock
ade. <'akins. At., in two settlements,
convenient for renting. Ac. Moderately
rolling, good productive land, clay and
sand intermingling. A fine earn* brake
for winter pasturage on the branch.
Those desiring to purchase iu a desir
able community—come and see the ma
turing crops. Terms cash.
sep.4 2m J. B. BUSSELL.
c j Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
j VTA RRANTED to (Jive Satisfaction,
j ? ? Prices from 2-'» cent, to $2.00 per
i i*- y-
s. row ELL.
Druggist and Bookseller.
system is fearfully defective, and
of oxt-n whose uot ks bwaino Very t lt •* growing worse year by by the care you bestow upon it,
sore from thu yoke. As 1 could’year. It is no easy matter to sug j ami the interest you display in
have a majority of the votes east, not afford to slop them from work, ; gest a remedy, and this fact mak- i adorning anil beautifying it. Are
Really there were more votes cast j I was apprehensive that Sanodinc p 5 5l the more imperative for those J ° U 1 ' r °". t 1 l o f v°ur town? Then let
Such a thing may happen, and the
Republicans seem lo be verv
A distinctive lite visited Barnes
ville last Friday, destroying three
fourths nf the business part of the much afraid it will.
town. The estimated loss is $120,-i .7.7
. ’ AKinoaanriijtSiarr.
000—insurance $J0,0C0. 'Iheeas-j , ,
.... ! Never was such a rush tor
tern anu bouthrrn part of the town j ( )nl g Store as is now at J.
was consumed. We are sorry that J Stanfoud's for a Trial Bottle of
the office nf t he Gaze' te was de- .Dr. King's New Discovery for
st roved, ami that there was no in ! t’->siiinption, • 'owghs and Colds,
snrani-c on Hie material. Ttu
against them than for them. Under
these circumstances they arc
afraid that there may be such a S|MSW i v cilre „f ;l had running sore
change, n the: November election j <mo „e 0 f mv mules and outlie
as will give the state to Cleveland.; foot - ,,'f lnv il;1 „,l 3 . I C on
cs it the more tmperalivi
must concerned to give the
would not jtiake a cure. But lo
mv gratification they were cured
in a few days. It'also made a j ject their most earnest Hiijuj
•Vetrs and Advertiser.
an v
sider it a valuable meilieinc.
Kesjieetfully. y<mrs,
Hexbv Stei'iiexs.
Atlaxta, Ga.. August 13. 18S-J.
—Dear Sir: Sanodi tu- is the “Boss”
preparation ior cuts, sores, and
mange. Have given it a thorough
Some communities do not ap
preciate the virtue of persever
ance. They begin new and much
needed improvements, but aban
don them when difficulties in
crease. Titis is not the spirit of yotir heart ail that it
true progress. It is not the spir
it that leads to efficient discharge
some of the spirit which causes
! you to make your home comforta-
| hie and pleasant manifest itself in
the public enterprise of the place.
! In fact, the town in which you
live is your home, though in a
| broader sense than the hearth
j stone around which your loved
j ones gather to greet you. To each
j you owe duties, and you cannot
i make the one which lies nearer
should be.
Agent for Cuthbert,
T. S=. 1*1 IWKI.L,
Druggist & It-iokseller.
All persons affected with Asthma.
Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe
,azette was one of the best papers Goughs, or any affection of the I Of Gre;
in the State, and Bin. McMichael j Throat anil Lungs, can getaTrial
has our sympathies in his loss.— Bottle of this great Remedy free.
hr calling at above Drug Store.
Regular size$1.00.
trial. Wouhinot be without it for j of high duties of citizenship. IVr-
ten times what it cost. Respect- severance is a real virtue and a
fully yours, J. R. Gueog, I noble one.—Albany Metes 11 .Id
A Co., Hardware Dealers I certiser.
A notable illustration of the
The (i
from a
of cotton on the ('. R. R. wharf.
.* originated by a spark
oeomotive falling on a pile
The., was an old man natueiUa imex..
Who hongf i rial csf.-.'e up in hlix-Ks,
. F wastlitoughSa ith’siMle Beans-
lie got health,strength and means,.
For they c.-t lint a- ptiartir a box.
For sale by J. \S”. StanvoiUj:
Tiie Heat—Sanodine will cure: _
the worst cases of Heat by a few ! growing prosperity of Georgia is
| applications. Give it a trial.— ; afforded by the fact that the value
The last brick ou the new Kim j A" Dn L , p'f s «•'>' it- I’riec Fifty j of farming lands increased last
jour Druggist for yearnea ,. |y $4,000,000 and the
1 value oftuwn pro|>erty $3,000,000.
ball House will be placed in about j ^jj elUS ’ j y
two weeks. It is intended to open . ———
it by the 1st ol January, lliotlgli! The Artesiav well in Atlanta i There was also an increase of half
the Imililing will tio fur from'! mokes steady progress-, being last i a million dollars cash in the value
complete at that time. j Friday 121 feet deep. jof stocks and merchandise.
State Fair Attractions.
Finest Racing ever in Georgia;
Largest display of Jerseys; The
most Exciting Walking Match;
The Finest Skating Rink; The
largest display of Machinery;
Most extensive display Improved
Implements; Displays of Hogs,
Cattle and Poultry, very large.
Fare only 3cts. round Trip.
The Fairo(>ens October 27lh, and
continues live davs.
Is hereby given thnt at the next sitting
uf the Iwgi.-lature a Dill will be intro
duce,! to alter ami auieml an Act ap
proved Scptt inber ZZil. lss:J, eniitleflan
net to :-ut!ior:/.e the Ordinary of Ran
dolph comity to submit to tbii qunlifieii
voters of said county the'piestiiill of the
issuance of eomify bonds to pay for tiie
erection of a Court-House in said cotintv
►r Court and county 'i'reastu er of said
county to sign and issue said bonds anil
coupons attached, in case two third-of
the tjuaiined voters of said county voting
at said election shall cast their* ballots
in favor of said bonds, also for the sale
and redemption of said bonus and lor
other pnrjioses. oei-ifi-fw.
and all that you desire to make it. j and to authorize the clerk of tlie^Supe- and the party to whose order the Gisids j
unless you discharge your duties * ' * ' ‘ '
to both.—Eastman Times.
Ueueral Freight Depart
Savannah, Ga., September 1st,
O N* :in»l after Oetober 1st. 1*84. the
custom licretofore observed by this
Compnny. in refjiiirin? presentation and
surrender «*f the Original Lading
e*>ycriiifr all Shipments from Western
Points, prior to delivery f»f tin* Freight at
destination, will he discontinued in so
far as concerns Direct Uonsijmments.
serve the public to the best of my ability,
l properly endorsed by inith Shipper | * * "
I will continue to Store and Sell Cot
ton on terms same as last season, and will
Exerat-ir’s Sale.
Randolph CorsTY.
Under and by virtue of an order grant
ed by the Court of Ordinary of 4 lay
cuunty, October C5th, 18S4,wiIl ltcsohl Ih.*-
fore the Court House door in the city of
Cuthbert, at public outcry on tiie first
Tuesday in November next within the
le«ral hours of sale, the ^outh half of I*ot
of l^ml No. 17<», in the sixth District of
saitl comity. Sold as the pro|»crty of
Abner Beb'her. decease*!.
arc consigned, and these lhlls of lading
must he surrendered t«> the Road befoic
such Shipments will he delivered.
sept25-4t General Freight Agent.
Cotton Gins & Contents
Insured at the Insnram-c Agen
cy of T. S. POWELL,
—New Crcp Turnip
Seed, aii varieties—
by the pound or pa
per, at
and guarantee satisfaction.
Consignments of all Muds Solicited.
Thanking the public for past favors,
and soliciting a continuance of the same,
I am very respectfully,
September 18, ct.