Newspaper Page Text
Best Sait for the least
M«uy. Prices Lcrwar than ever before known. Other Goods in proportion. Don’t fail to call at
Sugar, Coffee, whole and ground Spices. Canned Goods
in profusion, at prices that will surprise you. Pickles.
Sauces, Mustaid, \\ heat Farina, Uesiccated Cocoanut.
Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Figs. A large fine lot of the
best Fancy Candies, Scotch pin head Oat ileal, Yan
kee Beans, Jellies in 5 lb. tins, Cigars, Tobacco, Cedar
and Pine Brass-bound Buckets, Well Buckets, Dippers,
Brooms, and a host of other things, at prices that will
stagger you.
Consult your interest by seeing our Stock and hear
ing our prices before you buy.
August21 lv. Oct'J-ct
Low Middling
Good Ordinary
Mark* t quiet.
. 84
— Persimmons and ’possnnis
are now ripe.
positive curt f--r Catarrh. Diphtheria
and ranker Yinuth.
For pule by .1. \V.
—We are sorry to know t hat t he
whooping cough is prevalent in
Another Show.
W’. T. BIG BY receives every
day Fruits and Vegetables of all
kinds. tf
* • —
—The’old Middle Georgia Bap
list Association has raised her
promised ten tlimisand dollars for
Mercer University.
(spring A Wc«l*rc Heel Stioc* !
I have just received a large lot
of Spring and Wedge Heel Shoes
for I.adies, Misses and Children.
ct W. 1). BAILEY.
— Let every fanner begin nos
to try to raise his own guano for
next year.
—Don’t forget to lie on hand at
the lee Cream Festival to night.
o »
A Big f.ighl.
tV. T. Bignv has best Dates ai
124 ets. per Pound It.
—Frost was seen in low places
in this county last week.
■ « .
—Special attention is direct
ed to the advertisement of '‘One,
t < I
Horse Farm ’ far sale.
Re td the advertisement of Mr.
Win. Link of Enfanla. He adver
tiscs Furniture, of which tiekeeps
a large stock.
— Sirs. J. M. Boardman. of Ma
con. reat-hed the city yesterday
evening, on a visit to relatives and
— —— —
— Rev. L. Ciilhrclh lost $1C>0
out of his pocket yesterday. We
hope some good man may iind it
and return it to the owner.
W T Blgl)} w Ml Receive
50 Bids Apple; 25 Bills of Gab
iiage; 10 Bids Potatoes; 10 Bids
Onion; Bologna Sausage and
Ciicese, and everything to eat. to
day, at the Stand. It
I1«rke far the
One important part of the work
>f tj*c ncxt Legislature it the elec
tion of an associate Justice of the
Supreme Court. The imporlanct
of having our very best and ablest
men in this position will be arl
tnitted by all. Among the nnm-
ter who might be mentioned in
connection with the functions oi
'his high office, we do not know
one we regard so completely fitted
for the position as Judge John T
Clarke, of the Pataida Circuit.—
Whether lie it an sspirnnt at this
lime or not, we do not certainly
know, but we feel that his elec
’.ion would be a compliment wor
thily bestowed, and tiiat he would
perform its duties with honor to
himself, and reflect great crcdi 1
upon the State. Ilis well known
integrity of character, great puri
ty of conduct, the analytical cast
of his mind, and his profound le
gal knowledge, all recommend
•Judge Clarke for this high office.
Among the legal fraternity of
Georgia, we doubt if any man
stands so high in all the qualities
essential to the Supreme Jridge
ship, and this fact wc believe is,
at least largely, recognized by the
gentlemen who do business before
this high tribunal.
Personally w* prefer tiiat lie
should remain where he is. His
constituency of the Pataula Cir-’
emit would see him abandon his
present office with deep regret, but
if tlie exigencies of tiie case re
quire liis great ability, and varied
and profound learning in another
sphere, and his promotion to a
higher office shall result in great
er honor to himself and more en
larged usefulness to the Stale, we
shall cheerfully subordinate our
preferences to these higlicrelaims.
Ll l tl l. t t'AIIt.
When you visit Eufaula
V on
Cfeaieh Caaatllaled -Pkaa-
mmt Trip.
A new Baptist church was con
stiteted last Friday at a point
about five miles below Wards on
the road leading from the Morgan
road to Fountain's Bridge. The
exercises were very pleasant, anrl
ill agreed that they were profita
Me. At 11 o'clock a sermon was
preached by Rev. W. II. Coojier
on the ‘'Elements of Prosperity in
a Congregation.” A recess of an
hour was then taken, during which
a bountiful repast was spread up
•n tallies, and partaken of by the
large attendance present.
In the afternoon the people
were called together again, a id
lie services renewed. A preshy
:erv, consisting of Revs. M. J5- L
Binion. R. T. Goodrum, and Wm.
I’ Coop r, was organized. Rev.
VV. II. Cooper was made Chair
sian, and Rev. R. T. Goodrum
Clerk. The letters were then
. cad, and it was found that there
were twenty persons entering into
die constitution. A Covenant
and Articles of Faith were agreed
upon, and the members signed
their names to the same. The
hand of recognition wasgi.e-n by
the Presbytery, and then the hand
of fellowship to caefi other. The!
new church then proceeded to I
business by selecting a Moderator
an*! Clerk. Mr. Win. Kersey was!
iected Deacon, and Mr. M. II.
F«r Tax Bcccitrr.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re election to the
office of Tax Receiver of Randolph
county. Jf elected I promise to
serve the i>cr»ple as faitblully in
the future as I have tried to do in
the past. Respect fully,
For Clerk S.pvriort'osrl
Grateful for support in the past,
I announce myself a candidate for
re election as Cicrk. In the event
of a nomination for county officers,
my friends will please remember
me iu the primaries.
octSI-td II O. BEALL.
To Ikr ClfiacMM «n«l Voter* ol
Itnttdolnh t'onnly.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for Ordinary of Ran
dolph county. I have endeavored
to do my duty iu said office for
over sixteen years, and if elected
again will do all in my power to
fulfil all the duties *>f the office
Thankful for past favors, I am,
Respectfully. Ac.
A WELL KNOWN FACT! Eirrjtliingon Wheels
For Ordinary.
I announce myself a candidate
for Ordinary. If elected, I prom-'
isc to give ray entire time and ser
vices to the duties of the office.
Melton permanent Clerk. Dele ! :l1 "' tc be f:litl,r “ 1 tol>cst ,nter ,f lS
The Firm of PULASKI started business in this place, selling
Goods at prices never before known in this section. It continued
that way, always-improving, building up a trade which is astonishing
for-a market like this.
Although they have had some very hard struggles through the
springing tip occasionally of would he competitors, yet it stands solid
here, giv ing their patrons the benefit of low prices, and as well a sc
Iected Stock as can be found in larger cities.
Everybody knows the result of these com [voting houses, imitating
us. pretending to lie leaders of low prices. Most of them aie gone,
but'the solid firm of
F. Pulaski & Co.,
stands now more solid than ever, always
determined td undersell everybody in theii line.
We extend a-general invitation to the Ladies to look through our j
WE want to see all of our friends front this and the surrounding
counties, at our
I On Foster’s Corner, where we will stable their Horses as CHEAP as
anybody. Come and see how
We are HUS* X
Stock of Dress Goods, acknowledged by all who see them to be the t
handsomest ever brought to this place, with a full assortment n! |
Trimmings. It will be quite unnecessary for Ladies to send off lor it
stylish Dress Goods, as they can find them l ight h. re in our Lstab-
rnent at lower prices.
We mean “Business," and will treat you right.
“Our City Friends, who want a nice, nobby Turnout, can find
f the county. Very respectfully,
td. D. W. KLLIS.
llcl]»«li<‘ Xrrdy.
are invited
Shoe Store,
fthown the 1
to call at Harnett's
There you will he
freest and finest lint
of Gentlemen's, s r.n
Shoes in the city. Mr. Harnett
keeps only the noted brands? ol
goods and prides himself on the
quality and fit of his Shoes. They
are all made to order abd warrant
ed. He keeps all sizes and widths
and can suit the most fastidious.
His prices are very low. Call and
seethe latest styles. 4l.
gates were elected to the Associa
tion. Kcv. R. T. Goodrum was
unanimously called to be their
Pastor, and the members earnest
ly hope he will accept. “Friend
ship" was agreed upon as the
name of tiie church. This body
has a house full under way, which
they expect to complete within
the next six weeks, which proni-
1 j
ises to be a real neat structure.
This church has a fine field of
iqieration*. and we trust it will !
prove a mighty power for good.
The community around is very
Misses being made up of intelligent
enterprising, energetic people.—
The lands are splendid for farm
ing purposes.and are being bought
up rapidly. They have rapidly in
creased in value of late. Until a
I few years ago this part ol the ^ 1 j pf-uppg
Clothing! Clothin
1 I am a candidate fur tlie uflicc of an ,[ everything at bottom prices.
Tax Receiver of Randolph coun
ty. I need it. an-! if ejected will
discharge its duties faithfully,
td. A. C. WARD.
O* T
» *
Our Clothing trade is increasing with every season, and we non-
keep an immense Stock. Me have a sp'.on lid line « *
Business Suits, a line assortment of Boys and Childrens Clothing,
here. No broken down Horses, and no old rusty Bugay offered for
III*o. Our Horses are fleet and spirited, and our Buggies new and
Harness 2
I also have one of the Largest and one of the Cheapest Stocks of
Harness and Whips ever kept in Southwest Ga. Those wanting IJug-
! gies, Wagons, Harness, Whips, or anything else in my line, would do-
well to give me a call, before buying, as I am going to sell at ROCK
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for Tax Receiver of Ran
dolph county,.
September 25th, 1SS4.
For Tax C’oll.-rlor.
At the request of many friends
I hereby announce mjself a can
didate (or the office of Tax Collec-
— Kill Gloves
Gcuts, the best
lowest prices, at
tf F. PUL ASKI <t CO.'S.
for Ladies and
quality, and at
—Children will lie in demand
j to morrow. Everybody will want
| one to take him to the show.
Wild.Nvild !
When you pass W. T. Bight
Fruit Stan-1, just take a view of
the Fine Fruit, and sec how chea[
you cau buy it. It
■teoM.-lioa in it. K. I'reishU.
The rate on cotton to Savannah
from this point has been reduced
from fifty-five to forty five cents
per hundred. We are glad of this
concession, but the Central an
thorities will have to make a much
heavier reduction than this to
stop tiie steady stream of cotton
from this place now going in tin-
direction of New Orleans.
Beef Market!
I have opened ray Market
House North side of Public
Square again, and am now selling
good fat Beef, Mutton, Kid, Ac.
A share of the public patronage is
solicited. 1Y. C. JENKINS.
July Hist. tf.
—Air. Burke Hood lias been on
a visit to his home folks in this
city for tiie past week.
— —.— —
—Our Biuffton and a large part
of our Coleman’s Station letter
crowded out this week.
'Flic I,s..lic> »r (lie Foreign
ftiv>iitaai-i SMkciri,-
Will give r.n Ice Cream Festival
at Powell's Hal! this (Thursday)
| evening, 23-1 inst. During the
levelling a Missionary Quilt v.iill
I lie voted to the most popular
| lady | r.-sent, thus affording thej
1 gentlemen of the town an oppor- j
11unity to express in a substantial j
manner due appreciation of their
lady friends. 1 lie quilt to he
voted away, lias about 450 nanus
on it, ami will lie on exhibition
during the evening. The proceeds
: of the evening w ill lie given as a ;
(Centenary offering to Foreign Mis- ;
sions. Everybody is tnvilyd to I
: lie on It a ml.
county seems not to have been
inuc! 1 thought of. Some idea may
he had of the estimate now put
upon them when wc state that
three years ago, land* were bought
there at from two to three dollars
per acre that have lately been sold !
at ten to- twelve dollars. These
lands are level, or nearly so, are
I easy to cultivate, and are quite
I productive. Tiie water is good,
anil thus far the health lias been
remarkably good. Unhealthy as
; it has been in many parts of the
county tiie past season, this sec
I tion—along the new road from
Wards to Morgan—has been al
! most exempt from serious sick
| ness. If any of our readers desire
| to move into a good community, j s
with abundant cbureli privilege?, 1
having good water, good health,,
and goo-1 lands, we can heartily
The Workingman’s Candidate
for Sheriff,
Mr Douse ami Lot on Lumpkin
Street, one mile from court house,
containing 58 acres—about twen
ty-three acres cleared—balance
in woods—good well of water,
improvements new. Terms easy.
Boot ai Sloe Dtprimt!
You will save money by buying your Boots and Shoes from us. W e
carry the largest Slock, and you are sure to find just tiie article you
want. Remember our Shoes arc ma le to order, and come direct from
‘Furnishing Goods Complete in Every Line!
We have the Cresent Shirt, the best un'.aiin-lried Shirt for 50 cent--,
worth $1.00. We have tiie exclusive sale of the Peel Shirt, the lust
one dollar Shirt in the world. .
We are headquarters for all lines of Goods usually kept in a first
iJiuawS® 11
such as Hats and Caps, Jeans. Cassimeres. Trunks and Valises. No
tions. Umbrellas, and lliousajids of other articles, too numerous to
mention. ,
We would again request our frit-nils nn*l patrons to remember tii.-i*
whatever they price Gomlsat in ativ other Store, tiiat wc will, an !
must undersell, and tliov will save money by calling on us before
buying. Respectfully.
Do you want a nice Buggy, in which to give your wife or your lady
love a comfortable ride? I keep
that Sort of a Buggy.
Mine -ire new and stylish, and iff all kinds—high enough far the rich,,
and cheap enough for the man of moderate means. Iwillsc-11 you a-
Bugtiv as cheap as anybody, and itoti t you forget it.
Jump Into Ihe Wagon, ami We’ll All
Take a Ride.
I keep Wagons—One Horse, Two Ilorsc, Four Horse, or any other
size required. These Wagons are of
!>v their excellencies, and*
• :in<l will commend themselves to the peopl
i their moderate cost.
All 1 ask is a trial. - I know I can do as good a part by the \-u'
as anv other man. Come and see me.
. aug2S ly . £. B RIDGWAY-
For information apply to II. O.
Henll during mv absence
Sept, lltli, 1884. tf
—The greatest blessing on earth
is a comfortable Shoe, and the
String Hell fills the bill. For
le at W. I). Haii.ey's
ct Shoe Store.
September 25, ct.
j & \
Special Trains From Al! Points Loaded With
—Mr. John T. Peak had the t
misfortune to lose his cotton house j
and four bales of cotton l»v fire on
I'irsi-f 2ns* I'*tnb- commend the part of the county
lislauacuC in Cullibprl.
' !
1 j eapcdfu I ly inform the good
people. o( C'ulhbert and vicinity
Saturday night. The origin of; that 1 have opened a first class
the fire we have not learned.
i Hyein-
—The new residence of
Parkerson is assuming considera
ble proportions. It promises
from the present outlook to be a
large and imposing structure.
Establishment, and would
your orders iu
and Dyeing
i ull kinds of ('ioihing for cither
ladies or gentlemen. Give me a
T . : he pleased to have ^
Judge .. .
Cleaning, Kenovaliu
we have just written about.
It is not common in this part of
the country for tlie “office to seek
the man” very persistently.
Hence the talc that comes from
Missouri that a citizen of that
Slate, on ljearing that he had
been nominated for the Lcgisla-
ln!'ai2i.« Silioew!
I 1 have the finest and best stock
Infants Shoes ever brought tot hi
j market.' Call at the Shoe Store ! J*
i and examine them.
ct \V. I). BAILEY.
W<> ask all the good citizens of Cuthberf and Randolph county who j BcustOcUIS,
wish to consult their best interest, (au-i we assure you it will be to
your advantage) to call and see ns at, our
trial. My shop
the office in | lure, refused to accept, and
— Enrich a lew acres, and make
you; living on that, li hat is the ^
use ol cultivating a " ltole disti iit , —j le j dissociation meets
—Miss Lilian Brown reached |
home from quite a protracted vis
it to Barnesville last Monday. ‘
; much to the pleasure of her many |
I friends.
corner of F. M. Allison's yard.
Mr. E. 15. Tiiliisof Eufaula Ala.
whose advertisement appears in
j another column, invites everybody j
when a small area would do better? I
PtlTtOtr? t'VffK will immediately re- ■
lieve Croup. WlioophiR eough and
l'-n neliiiis. Eor sale Ly J. IV. STAN-
when they visit Eufaula to call
and examine his mammoth stock
at Spring Vale next Tuesday, and j nfCroc.kery, Glassware, Stoves and
—Dr. Worsham was called to
Macon Tuesday, by telegram, an
nouncing the serious illness of liis
A Telegram received from him
on yesterday annattnees liis sis
ter’s death on Tuesday night. We
sincerely sympathize with Dr.
Worsham in the death of his sis
ter. to whom lie was greatly at-!
m ♦ ^ —
The Shell .
Nuts of all kinds, at 20 ets per j
Pound, at W. T. BIGBY'S.
—- —
—The price of cotton is low.
but wc really believe that a dollar i
continues three days. Quite a
number of visitors from abroad
will be present, ami an interesting j dueements to parties visiiin
lime is looked for.
—The hugest stock of Men’s. 1
Boys and Children's Hats and j
Caps ever brought to Cnthbert, in 1
all the latest Styles and Shapes, j
sold lower than elsewhere, at
House furnishing goods generally.
He proposes to offer special m-
g the
Fair. Ilis goods are of a fine
quality and abundant in quantity.
Give him a call.
away and iiid himself in a swamp
until iiis admirers hunted him
down with shotguns and dogs,
and forced him to go into the
, race, will not be very readily !>e-
ieved. In Georgia the nomina
tion has to hide itself, and very
frequently the candidates go on a
wild hunt lor it. as it were, with
j dogs and guns and plentiful sup
I plies of snake antidote.—Savan
\ nail J/cniing
—If yon want a stylish Hat and
pair of-Slioes, you can get them at
W. I). Bailey's Shoe and Hat
Store. ct
and we will sell you any!lung
the Drug Line cheaper, as a rule.
—Money saved by buying your
Boots and Shoes at F. I’ulaski <V-
Co.'s. They have a fine assorted
stock, from the finest Hand Made,
to the cheapest Brogans. It
—Don't be humbugged by every
traveling agent who talks sweet,
but go to R. J. Anthony's, and buy
you a Stove at one
price, that will last twice as long,
-sANY * HOUSE t IN * THE * SITY.*-
IK-in cm her we keep everything, every Medicine, and every Sundry.
Patented or Proprietary. Having our customers interests in view,
wc cordially invite you to call that you may save money;fur your
selves, and also advance our business.
JYr>- TOO A MLS 13110.,
September 4 ly.
Red Springs,
Pictures, Picture Fiam.s, Ac., for tiie cheap Furniture Store of P. El
Pearce, at Owen A Scaly s old stand.
Will be glad to have my friends ami acquaintances call and see nte'
before buying elsewhere. Respectfully,
September25, ltn.
Shopping bj .Hail.
Send an order for samples of
Dry Goods to W. A. Juhax A Co.,
Macon, Ga. Dress Goods, Flan
—The students of the South- !
j west Ga. Agricultural College are
requested to call at F. Pulaski A
Nathaniel Macon, an old-time; nels, Cassimcres’. Silks, Velvets,
North Carolina congressman, Gg- ;
nred in a fnnnv story now cur
Black Goods, and anything in
llie Dry Goods line. AH goods
,, , , are delivered to vntir address
rent. He learned at Ra.eigli t-‘at through the express Co., or Post-
tlie state had been charged with a ! office, tree of charge when the or
Iincklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Sait
Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter,
v s, and buy ! Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns
-mirth the and all Skin Eruptions, and post
I lively cures Piles, or no pay re j
iqnired. It is guaranteed to give,
perfect satisfaction, or money re I
funded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale Iiv J. W. Stanfokd.
jau 24 ly :
WATCH FOR $12.50.
FI LLY Cl*Ali.\NTBLD. This oH<
iua<k* for l?» days only.
iJxpresjj r. O. \).
' ' Co.'s and examine their splendid ! silver ladle. He went home in- j tier is for $10 worth.
—Of course everybody will re
member that to morrow is show
day. Everybody will lie out to .,
see the parade, and those who
have children can go to the circus
to take care of them.
stock of Clothing. Sltoes, Hats at
Gents’ Furnishing Goods. They
will find it to their interest to buy
inylhiug in tiiat line, at
if F. Pulaski A Co.'s.
—For good, solid comfort buy a j
pair of Spring Heel Shoes from ! ing through
\V. I). Bailey's Shoe Store, ct
... . - —The Literary Club held
ill-buy as much m Cuthbert—in t , _ , .
..rd-kn in ntnn,, ; r * ular meeting on I uesday night
moat lines—as anywheie in Geoi .
, . , last at Capt. Kidd-
gia, and more than in many [ilaces .
Bourbon, lint .says; -Both myself anil
wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S <’! -N-
SUMPTION ( I RE. For sale by J. \V.
—It is thought that the plan
adopted in boring the Artesian
wells in Albany—the jet process—
will not do for wells more than
750 feet. The authorities of Bain-
oo s. The even
ing was a very enjoyable one, the
most of the programme was im
promptu, as several appointed at
previous meeting failed to re
spond. The Hub was invited to
meet next at Mr. II. O. Beall's, I panics enter
which invitation met a hearty ae
Easl llaltsinisi l-'siir.
The Fair at Eufaula beginning
on the 17th of Nov., and coutinu-r
the 22nd—5 days i
promises to lie a splendid affair.!
j ts ! The attractions arc numerous,
and varied.
Besides the display of A
turn! and mechanical imple
which will be large, there will be
racing, a military contest—a
special feature of the Fair, a fire
man's contest, in which five com-
; dignant and indignantly took the:
stump. ••Fellow-citizens,'' said he. 1
i "where will this extravagance end?
• You have been taxed to buy for
j liis lordly excellence a silver soap ;
ladle. Now, my old woman and ;
your old woman has to stir their:
snap with a pine shingle, but the;
>ld woman of this big
1 have one of the Lust 10-J acre
<1«mhLs I»y
Lject to in.-jiectjfHi i»un*Iia>i>i^.
J. R. STEVEN’S, A CO., Jewelers,
inc!i.-i:;-ut. Atlanta. <i.v.
i —The IVLMe Geat Weilgc II**el
: >hoe i.s the best an<! most «!in*a!fle
i Farms in Randolidi county f-" ‘ Shoe for school purposes. For sale
sale. Improvements new, and
everything conveniently arranged, j
Terms cash. Appply to
Charles Stubbs,
oct2 4w. Cnthbert, Ga. j
at \V. D. Bailey’s Shoe Store, ct
—Novelties in Ladies’ Neck
wear, a full assortment, at
goveinoi j. —Bargains offered
has a silver tiling to stir her’n.” 1
Some one whispered to him tiiat
daily in
Dress Goods, Jeans, Boots and
| Shoes, Clothing and Hats—in fact
iwricnl-' * l " “ S a S0U P not a * oa l > , in every line, and kept up a
“ . ladle.” "Now they tries to git; year. F. PULASKI A
jinc n is, 1 . ,.,| * . . *
! —Fine French Kid Shoes, in
; Hand and Machine make, for I.a-
! dies. Misses, Children, and In
Tuf. Shoe Store, ct
outen it. The gentleman wliis
I pets that it is a soup ladle. YT-r,
i can't git outen it, sir. I have it i
here plain, in black and white, on i
—Dr. Jas. K. Barnuin, of Lump
kin, died of jaundice on last
bridge tliereforc have abandoned j Thursday morning. Dr. llarnum
the former process, and hare tin
ployed Messrs. Pfeifer A Co., of
Cincinnati, regular well coutrac
tors, to finish their well. By their
plan they can go 2500 feet.
m e~m
ARK YOU MADE miserable bv In
digestion. Constipation. Dizziness. Loss
of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yit-
alizer is a imsitive Cure. For sale bv
j was a man of great public spirit,
and will be greatly missed in his
City Tax.
The City Tax Books are now
open for the collection of City
Tax. I will lie found at the
counting room of J. McK. Gunn.
John F. Kiddoo. '
( sept! tf Treasurer.
si, in which me tom- - llns t!ia t I copied myself—
’ an ' i a g ame of Base s-o-u p ladle; and if s-o-u-p don't 1 }>° 3,Uvel - v .i’ e «.»! in o° nut
11, • .... . , J.,, bv using Weeilen A Dent s I
iuin list is large and soa l’’ *’ 1 ° i >e ' ache Medicine. For sale bv
The premi
liberal. We have no doubt but
that a good attendance from this
county will be present.
■-'•r Sale.
A splendid One Horse Farm,
all Fresh, partly cleared, with a
Framed House, with two rooms, of
good size, chimneys at each room.
Good water, and situated on S. W.
R. Road about half way between
Cuthbert and Wards Station.
For particular apply at this of
fice. 2L 1
—A telegram to the Constitu-.
tion of Tuesday states that Rev.
Sam Janes is lying critically ill
at Waco, Texas, and that his wile
had been telegraphed to come to
him if she wished to see him alive.
We sincerely ho[)C that this ear
nest worker may recover and tiiat
he may be spared to live a long
life of usefulness.
Headache ('ured in
Sick Headache, Nervous Head
ache or any kind of Headache can :
minutes j
Head 1
all the I fants, at
_ ’ W.D.B.ULET
Thirty , Keeps the largest :.n-i i est stock
l-if Shoes and Huts in South-West
Georgia. ct
Every family needs this remedy,
would not be without it
Peoole who have used it
For Fifty Times the Cost of it.
It Speedily Cares Sick, or Nervous, or any other kind of
jylOct J. W. STANFORD.
I, a <li<-?>!
It is to your interest to exam
ine my stock of Shoes before pur
chasing elsewhere, as the Slioe
Slore is headquarters for durable
;oods. Very respect In lir,
ct * W D. BAILEY.
Want loliwsp.
I have a new two seated Buggy
I want to swap for a pair of large
well broke Oxen. A bargain can
lie had bv applying to
4t A. T. AMOS.
If the complaint is caused by Indigestion, this remedy will
in less than an hour, make the stomach behave itself and go on
with its business, thereby curing the Headache. If the
Headache is caused by excitement, or Nervous Weakness, or
Neuralgia, this remedy will
Cure H m
(!»(■' E'in. Shix-s
The latest and "nobbiest” lot of
Gents’ Fine Shoes.—Button, Con
gress and Balmoral—in Southwest
Taylors Premium Cologne J Georgia, at W. D. Bailey’s
et Shoe Store.
for sale at J. W. Sr ax lord's.
fJK* Office over Postoffice. -£Xi
—Onion Sets for Fall Planting, |
It does not Constipate or cause any other bad symptoms.
It Leaves the System in Splendid Condition.
We are the only makers of this remedy. Trial bottles 25
cents; also put up in 50 cents and $1.00 bottles.
april 10 Gui
For sale by J. W. STANFORD, Cuthbert, Ga.