Newspaper Page Text
The Plan of the State Exhibit Chaug-
H—Probably to be Made l uirr
the Awplcts of the State lyrical-
turn! Society.
Maj. I). C. Bacon, Unite'd States
Commissioner from Georgia to
the New Orleans Exposition, re
turned yesterday from Atlanta
where he has been.for several days
in conference with the Governor
and District Commissioners, ap
pointed to look after the interests
of the State in organizing its ex-
Inbit for the Exposition. At the
consultation of District and Coun
ty Commissioners held in Atlanta
four weeks ago the unanimous ex
pression was in favor of a State
exhibit, and it was agreed with
equal unanimity that Georgia
could make a display which would
compare favorably with any that
would he seen at the Exposition.
Though -nearly every one of the
Commissioners then present rc
ported a gloomy prospect for the
collection by voluntary contribu
tions of enough money to coiled
and display specimens of Geor
gia's resources, they all agreed to
make a united ofi'ort. Circulars
were printed at the office of Maj.
ltacon anil were sent to every
County Commissioner in the Slate
for distribution among the people.
It was determined to open sub
scription books in all parts of the
State, and it seems that by a i -
tie help from all quarters $10,000
or $15,000 could be easily raised.
The Commissioners adjourned en
thusiastic for a State display, and
resolved to do their best to se
cure oue. They had passed a rc
solution that after making a
thorough canvass of their districts
by counties they would inform
Maj. Bacon of the result of their
labors. Reports from all the dis
tricts were to have been sent to
him by Oct. 1. and he was expect
ed from the information thus sup
plied to determine whether or not
it would be advisable. Last Wed
nesday was the day when all the re
ports should have been received.
Maj- Bacon requested all tbe Com
missioners to meet him in Atlanta
for consultation, and to determine
what course should he pursued.
Only four were preseut: Commis
sioner Con per of the First, Com
missioner Cobb of the Third, Liv
ingston, of the Fifth, and David
son of the Tenth. The situation
was discussed with a view to’
adopting the best course that
might he suggested. After de
liberation it was deemed best to
change the place of the exhibit,
and iustcad of entering into a
competitive display with other
States to com bine' the various lo
cal exhibits, and adding the .best
features of the State fair to make
one general display under the di
reclion ol the State Agricultural
"This plan if carried into exe
cution, and I have no doubt it
will be, ’ said the Commissioner
to a News reporter, “will give the
Slate Agricultural Society an op
portunity to make a display of
the resources of Georgia that will
be a credit to the enterprise, and
will place it on a footing above
any other institution in the
Sou tli,”
"What is the prospect ot the
society taking hold of the matter?"
asked the reporter.
“President Livingston, who is
also commissioner from the Fifth
district, is enthusiastically in fa
vor ol it, and will use his influence
to secure its enlistment in the en
terprise at once. The general
committee of the society will meet
at Atlanta on Tuesday, and will
consider the matter As soon as
its course ia determined, if it is
in favor of the move, steps will be
taken to put it into position and
"With the exhibits of eotlon.
naval stores and lumber, from
Chatham county, the rich display
of textile fabrics from the mills of
Central Georgia, the collection of
mineral specimens which Mr.
l'ratt, the analytical chemist, has
already got together at Atlanta,
and with the products of the
Third district and other sections
of the State, combined with the
display that could be selected
from the State fair exhibition a
magnificent exhibition of the
State's resources could be arrang
“We are going ahead with the
matter," continued Major Bacon,
“and the 5,000 feet of space allot
ted to Georgia in the Exposition
will be filled. Although it will
not be a competitive display, that
it will be a credit to the State
there is not a doubt.”
Maj. Bacon will leave to mor
row to be present at the meeting
of the Agricultural Society Com
mittee on Tuesday. As soon as
in? receives a definite proposiliou
in regard to taking charge of the
matter, lie will leave at once for
New Orleans to arrange with Di
rector General Burke all the de
tails concerning the exhibit. It
is thought very probable that the
society will assume the- manage
ment of the matter from the inter
est taken iiv its olliccrs. With
districts assure the success of the
exhibit by guaranteeing sufficient
funds to carry it through. From
The See basical Cattoa Picker.
The Charleston News and Cou
rier announces, apparently by au
Chatham county the principal thority, that the public will have
features of the display' will be to curb its impatience in regard to
cotton, naval stores and lumber.
The Cotton Exchange is mak-
thc Mason .Cotton Harvester, as
it is not intended by tiie company
ing arrangements for a display of: owning the invention to place any
samples in a rich case. The; of the machines cn the market the
Board of Trade is at work on its
display and the lumber interests
will be largely represented, al
though this feature will not be as
extensive as "it would have liecn,
owing to the lateness of the sea
son. The mineral display, which
Mr. Pratt has arranged, Maj. Ba
con says is au extensive one, and
will reveal miudj concerning the
native wealth of the State that is
now unknown to her people.—Sa
cn a no A JYctc*.
Sweet Gam aad Jlalltla.
Very few realize that in the ex
udation they see clinging to the
sweet gum tree there is a powerful
stimulating expectorant principle,
and in the old field mullein a mu
cilaginous one that is very healing
to the lungs. These two princi
ples present in Taylor’s Cherokee
Remedy of Sweet Guin and Mul
lein a pleasant and effective cure
for Croup, Whooping Cough -
Colds and Consumption. SoliUiy
al? ilrtiggists at 25c and $1.00 a
A Talk With Tern.
You want to know, Tom, what
is the first quality of manhood?
Well, listen. I am going to tell
you in one woid of five letters.
And I am going to write that
word in very loud letters, ns
though you were deaf, so that you
may never forget it. That word
is "truth."
Now. then, remember, truth is
the only foundation on which can
be erected, for otherwise, no mat
ter how beautiful the upper sto
ries may he, and no matter of how
good material they' may be built,
the edifice, the character, the man
hood, will be but a sham which
offers no sure refuge and protec
tion to those who seek it, for it
will tumble down when the trial
Alas, my boy, the world is very-
full of such sham’s of tttas-hoDti, in C otion crop,
every profession and occupation.
There arc lawyers in this town
who know that they have never
bail any training to fit them for
their work, wtio yet impose lipon
present season. A half dozen
machines have been constructed
nt different sizes anil patterns, and
tests and improvements arc being
almost constantly made.
It appears that the tests show
that the machines are yet far from
lierfect, and the wisdom of the
company in not attempting to put
any of them on the market this
year is, consequently, fully vindi
cated. It is claimed that many
itn perfections m construction
have been corrected, and that the
picking apparatus is now working
so satisfactorily that 50 per cent.
of the open cotton is gathered
without injury to the plant or
green bolls in passing once over,
the row, and by passing twice j
over the row seven eights of the !
open cotton is harvested.
Mr. Mason now proposes to
construct double machines, so
that nearly all the cotton will be
gathered by once going over the
row. Declaims that the picking
machinery scarcely needs any
further improvement. The troub
le he encounters is the apparently
minor one of disposing of the cot
ton after it is picked, as the ma
chine persist in throwing a good
portion of it upon the ground.
In accordance with a sugges
tion of Col. Morehead, President
of the National Colton Planters’
Association, a test will he made,
at some point in South Carolina
at an early day, before a commit
tee of the association and other
prominent gentlemen.
The machine will probably not
be on exhibition at the New Or
leans Exposition. It is announc
ed that if the test proves satisfac
tory a construction company will
be organized and preparations
made to have the machine ready
to assist in harvesting uext year's
A Well Emwi AtlnitUa leys The*
I have only a few words to say. which
arc to state that I have been confined to
tuy bed for two months with was
called Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. |
1 was only enabled to hobble About oc- j
a • •• * 5 R®
: O: *
I have in stock a larger and better selected stock of Goods than
ant- previous season, and owing to the low price of cotton, I have de
cided to assist the good people of this section in making their mon
ey go as far as possible, by a general reduction of my
casiouaUy by the use of crutches, and in !
this condition 1 commenced the use of j
R. !». I*, fonr bottles of which enabled |
me to discard tiie use of iuy crutches j
and attend to business. I had iwevious- !
ly used all well recommended medicines > fTlTHIS MEDICISK IS A SURK ANI)
without relief. It has been over two | A. CJCICK CURE for Rheumatism in
months since using 15. B. B.. ami I con- jvLI. its various forms. In tnanv cases
sidcr myself a permanently cured man'j t w jj| effect a CURE in THREE or
J. 1*. DAVIS, j fol k DAYS, and NE?EK FAILS to
Atlanta. C.a.. ( \\ est End.) ' ,« v ,. relief.
M. A. Abber. of Rnsselvillc. Ark., .
R is an internal remedy.I
the best Blood Poison remedy on earth, • ———————* j
and il l had a voice that would reach ! CEBTIFIOATES: ■
irom Atlanta to the sea. I would pro-: I
claim its virtue. I have used only four» r* T -r*»T-T» . T » „ t
i*ottles, aud am nearly cured of a serious : *'• - * A*- LA, ALA.. May 14. IS.!. :
Blood I’-dson ” * * have been • afflicted with Chrome
J. M. Ellis Atlanta, Co., writes : ‘*1 I Rheumatism for two years, off and on,
have had a severe form of Eczema, ten ‘ **nd have tried various remedies. Our
years, and have ‘.ailed to secure relief : Bottle of Dr. Hp$l * Rheumatic Remedy
. from various d«>ct«>rs. and about 140 hot- has entirely relieved me. Less than one
: ties of a noted blood remedy. It wit buttle entirely stopped the pains
j pronounced incurable,but the'use oflb ! •*- *'• “Ai.
B. B. has effected a cure, and I refer to j LUMPKIN. GA.. June 25, XSS4.
■. C. P. Swift, Dr. D. O.C. Henry. Dr. F. F. . DR. J. D. IU>YL. Eufauia, Ala.
sums betoe ro rout
ims' liter Mete
Taber. Atlanta.**
Dear ^in: I was severely attacked with
'\V. M. Cheshire, at W. H. Brotherton’s . Rheumatism, ami seemed n bottle of
Store. Atlanta, writes: “I have had a ' your Rheumatism medicine. After
large eatiinj ulcer on my leg cured by • Liking about one-fourth of tbe bottle I
the use of I*. 11. B. } was relieved **f nil pain. Thinking that
It is decidedly a most wonderful med- |T was well did not take any more of it.
icine for the cure of blood diseases, and j After a month it returned.* 1 then nnr-
it will please everybody.” I chased two bottles and took according
Mr. il. r. Dodge, Yard Master of Ga.. I to directions. It has been three months
B. K., Atlanta, writes: “For seven i since I finished taking, and 1 feel no
years my wife has been a great sufferer * symptoms of its return. I consider my-
Randolph Sheriff Sales.
W ILL be sold before the Court Honse
door in Cuthbert. Ga.. %>n the find
Tuesday in November. 1MK4. between the
legal hours of sale, the following proper
ty to-wit:
Lot of Land. Xo. 55, in the 9th District
of Randolph county. Ga. levied on by
virtue of a fi fa from Randolph Mupcri<»r
Court in favor of Fifst National Bank of
Macon, against C. 8* J. Buchanan, as
the property of said C. N. J. Buchanan,
the interest*levied oil and to he sold be
ing the entire interest in said hit.
r. SIMMONS Sl CO., St. Louie* Mo.
None others CLAIMING
i make Simmons’ Liver
ctlicine even PRETEND
> have had an;
tore than lOor
Administrator** Sole.
O Randolph County.
By virtue of an Order granted hv the
Court of Ordinary, in end for said coun
ty, will lx* sold before the Court House
door at Cu tli belt on the first Tuesday in
November. I8S4. between the legal hour*
of sale, one hundred acre* of Land, of the
west portion of Lot of Land Xo. lrtf», in
the 6th District of said county, as the
property of Levoiiia Hall, deceased, and
sold to pay debt*, and for distribution
among heirs, and sold for cash.
»ept25-4t Adrn’r Lt Von in Ilall, deed.
O Randolph Cocett.
T<» all whom it may concern.
AU persons interested, are hereby no
tified tbiit if no good cause he shown to
* the contrary, an order will hr granted
rights j
years, I verober, ISM, for . vbanye in road n
■*’ marked out by Commissioner*. and
IV TlgHtS * by the nndersigned on the 4th day of St*
4 .. —- *. .M. i .- i.t k„. tflllj fn. . .. 1, «M — _ X
"tldmp p. s. D'»pjett, Richmond, Va., Jnh
immissioners. and
commencing at the Tan Yard Branch
and running, instead of an easterly di
rection. in a southeast direction, until it
from Catarrh, which resisted il.e treat-1 self «u indy cured. and take pleasure in UreOMMiriM kt« be«! trikes a land line tfanmch
of Physicians and the use ol all ( recommending your remedy as a safe! great *ei— 1 — * *—*« —» • .. - - - *=- rrwimiwm
ment _ .
patent remedies, until she used B. B. B.
A few bottles of this truly wonderful
blood medicine effected a cure, and I
Price $1 Per Bottle, or Sii Bottlos for $5-
Druggists, at $1.(K>, or six for$5.00. Ex- : Address, I‘r. J. I). Hoyl nr K. C. Bul-
pressod on receipt of price. i lock, Eufauia. Ala,
BLOOD BALM.UO., Atlanta, Ga. j
| and **nre cure for Rheumatism,
j Y<»urs truly, JNO. P. WEST.
t»f the firm of W iiliam- A West.
I liarc a latgc Stock of
Of every kind needed in this section. The separate mentioning of
which would fill the entile paper. Suffice it to say,you can get every
thing you want in the DRUG LINK at my store.'
For presents, in great abundance.
Fine Extract*, Fine Colognes, Fine Combs, Fine Dressing Sets,
Fine Toilet Sets, Fine Albums, Fine Lamps of all
. kinds. Lanterns, Inkstands, Fine Paper,
School Books, and Fine Books
for Presents.
Eine Family Bibles,
At half the price you pay agents.
THE FIELDS ARE WHITEj ,:on,r ° uaJ ci: an‘i' , A P uc Xturefor IVver
' a,lt ! Diseases arising from Ilifiiou* Do*
ttl Afluf rnillFlinil • rangement caused by Malaria, such as
vviin UU 1 lUili j t’liills. Fever. Billions Fever, etc. It is
i pnt up in palatable form. o that any
; one can take it. It is a certain cure.
A glorious harvest i* at hand, and pros
perity will soon prevail. Thousamls of » Anr : l 24-fim
tamuies who have been wanting Pianos I
and Organs for many long years will
Bl’Y T1ILS YEAR. Anticipating the
demand,‘we have
Wholesale & Retail Druggist,
great service to myself ami family. Wo line ; ror j, rr of 1 ot of I m.l \o —j
•substitute for it Tin- parcel which you ret.- I!• ho land* of I n I i J
Misly sent several years ago is nearly er. * ** about
Mted. Wo rati*t do without it. I wish yoe ***** * » B **e north of Bethlehem rhurrh.
‘ “ ‘ inTaluabla." instead of through the Linds »*f I. B At*
co<-k. M. GOKJILEY, Onlinnr*,'
send us another supply. It h>
Some rear or more ago I partially lost m*
■ Some vear or more rum i panwayiw* — ’
•oetlte, and what I did eat soured on mj | *»
‘ maeh, and l lelt depn^ml and oftea hat ; —
tdache, which costinualiy grew worse tm I W 'AJE Ut GEORGIA.
‘One is nr.i^ht, the other power."
It is c jncetkfl by the niost Kminent
-n.l laid in an immense stoek of SUP- i Statesmen, that the same platform will-
ERIJ- INSTRUMENTS FROM TEN' I ,lot l,oid lmtl '- Hut it Is A MISTAKE.
LEADING MAKERS, which we sliall priwlnee pnutf posinve:
It is asserted that every one
who lias inspected the machine
has been convinced of its ultimate
success. It is doubtful, however,
even if it should be experimental-
offer on our usual easy Installment
Terms. To accommodate those who
( wish to buy now, ami hold their cotton
j until later," we make this
: Cj2:lal Offer to Piano and Organ Borers.
cash Prices, With Three
Months Time.
the people, and take their money j , y suwc8s f u i, whether it will be
for giving them advice which
they know they are unfitted to
give. I heard of 1 one lately who
advised' his partner “hover to have
, , , . And Musical Merchandise Generally, cheaper than factory
soon so Effected and «..npl.fied, Callamlseetliitm _ ^
The Pauper and the Prince
Stand on an Equal Footing,
, y grrw .
s induretl to purcha^ a pnrkago ©f I>r. M.
Siinnmii*’ I-ivcr Medicine, wlilrnH** enlirrij
stored my appetite and revived n»y spirit*,
id I hate no more headache*. My wife rr-
. d* it a* indispensable in our family; we will
tt be without it.” J. J. Nelson, Charleston,
C. f Xuv.
Tier. J. ff. C.rarc«, o«litor and propririoro*
..k Baptist, Memphis, Term., say*: **Ire.
veda packagoof jour liver Medicine, am’
•vc use half of it. It work* like a charm
.rant no better liver Regulator, and certainl*
* more of Zrliin's mixture.** J. K. Guavas.
“This h to certify that 1 weed one packac* r l
iiin'-* Simmons* Liver Regulator or Mcdieim
id it did me no g«x>d. and that I am now uan i
u. M. A. Simmons’ Li\t-r Medicine and it
•ing me a great ileal of good. They are vert
W out ev**rv wnyexeet»t the name.** T. i
W .*;-. Holly Springy. Ml>s., April 24,1874-
For sale in^utlibert, Ga., by J. \V.
•STANFORD, only. tf
: ing .
auj'thing to do with law books,
for they would confuse his mind."
There are ignorant physicians,
who can and do impose upon peo
ple more ignorant than themselv j
es. There are preachers without j talking with her brother and
number prelending to know what
they have never learned. Don't
you see that their manhood is at
best but a beautifit’! 1 deceit?
Now, I want you to be ts man,
and that you may be that, I want
you first to be thoroughly true.
I hope you would scorn' So- tell a
lie, lint that is only the beginning
of truthfulness. I want you to
despise all sham, all pretence, all
effort to seem to be otherwise than
yon are.—Bishop Dudlg.
People who believe that the
Southern Stales are becoming
poorer year by year arc referred
to the loliowing:
Despite the business depression
of the [iast two years, the growth
of wealth in the South has been
enormous, amt- tiie increase in-the
year ended August oi, 1884', was
greator than that ol any of the
four preceding years-. The aver
age annrnl increase of assessed
value of property in twelve South
ern Stales in-the years from 187P
to 1SS3 inclusive, was- $1-00,000,
000, but the increase in the year
ended August 13th. 1884 was$205.
000.000. Texas leads With a gain
of $52,000,000 of assessed value in
the year named, and the other
States follow in this order: Ken
tuckv. $26,695,021: North Caroli
ns. $23,378,713 Arkansas. $23,320,
624; Alabama, $20,875,582; Yir
ginia. $20,000,000; Giorgin, $13,-
160.000; Tennessee. #11.331,804;
Mississippi, $10,864,168; Florida
$5,250,689; South Carolina $5,
023.240; Louisiana. $3,261,138.
The assessments nf the States
named above itl fSifi'Were $2,184,
227,547; ih 1884, $2.987,S34,8G1,
showing on actual gain of over
$800,000,000 within a period which
includes the weak beginnings of
the great industrial development
of tile last five vears.
Headquarters for
A Large Lot of SOAP, all qualities. Cheap.
I can save yon money on LEAD ami OIL.
*K erne tuber that everything 1 sell is fi i’.-l RAXTFET) to
During the months of Septem
her and October, ISSJf, we will sell
Pianos and Organs at our Low
esl Hock Hot tom Cash Prices; re
quiring only
And allowing
time on the balance, Without In
tcrestpr advance of price.
Ram*oi.i»h Conor.
By virtue of the last Will an«i T*»U<
vuent of W. \V. I Hike, deceased, will h«
*.*bl on Tuesday, the 4th day of Novem
ber 1MX4. before* the Court House door
m tbe city of Cutlibert. between tbe u»-
u ii hours of sale. Lot of Land Xo. 235. in
the Dtb District of said f Mintv.< the Wid-
ow'ii Ihiwer) 1m*Jon^inK to the Estate of
W. W. Ihtkr. Said Doner or Lot of Land
sold for distribution aim n* Heirs an.l
Creditors. Terms cash.
„ F. M. DI KE.
Executor of W. W. Duke, dec'd
3 6 R
Brad field’s Female
ts a Spceul Remedy for per
taining to the Wiiiub, and any intelii-
xei.t woman < an i-ure herself l>y follow
ing the dirrrtions. It is r.|>ei-ial!v e IM-
''•'i'.'U* m eases of snpiire.seti (; r pain-
( ful Menstruation, the Whites, .-mti par-
i tial l*rola|isus. It affords immediate re-
j hef ami permanently restores tiie Men-
- strnal Function. As a remedy to he
Used dnnujr that eritieal period' known
. as *•«•!*»■*.■ »!' 1.1fe." tM, inval-
: lift hie pie|niraItoi> lias no rival. 1
,, .. i Tt\<* <iran«l OKI (TJICKEHIN<* Piano.
tha t months j xhc B r niin„t MATHl'SIIEK Piano. The
Tiie Soft and Sweet Tune ARIOX—tbe
bc.>t ieOw Price* Piano in tiie world—a
startlin" declaration but vs sikax it who i»uy under this plan, andj^ 1Cr "° r ^ Ilenow ned M A SON A HAM
find themselves* unable to complete ? Drpan. The I’AC'KaPI
payment after the three motUliy, will be j tral-wouderiui in tone a id;
.U'X.lRl) Orrluv-
i power
pav in cm alter me in rue nioniiis. wui nt* “ '' . *7*. 1
ffiyen fin ther time, by agreeing to pav { beautiful m tnu.-jli. I be 1*.U > rA rL Xaeitocliee, WVd. Out I!*. 1.30 p.
our regular In^faJimen't Prices, end coni- j — power. ^v.*ect«e?». Uautv of <b- City of Savannaii, Fri, Get JJ,3.3^ p.
as to stand the test of every day
work in the cotton field.—Moni-
Xews. r All Prices, Cheap enough for the Cheapest, and Fine enough for the
0 j Finest. A Large Lot of
A little girl, scarce four years!
old, but who is a very regular at I
tendant upon tlic services of God’s ^ Grades. Cheap,
house, said one day as she was
ter, “Dr. does so.” imitating
his motion when, with extended , _
arms, lrc summons his congrega- 1 ‘-» n saVt - vo » “ ,onev on LKA D * n ‘» OIL ' j All win
lion to prayer, or pronounces up | . erne,nber that everything I sell is CCA liAXTFED to be ^
on- them the benediction. “Why i <>* represented by me or any oj my clerks, and if not so, mill re , ? ltuler tllU rT-cW Offer are required to ...
, * : tund the ntonctf. }sipn«mr usual form of ]«nse Contract. ! LabonT .vitnn.;« ciircln s «»r pick* rnjr* | nmiaia,
does he do that." she was asked,' * ., . ‘ r . , , . r . t - 7 -, . , . I and furnMi reforonre* as to tlu-ir rc- cn, » buy heap as tin* l;:.tin.;id Kiii^. i,
. • i 1 thank my many fnemls and customers for their past liberal pat- j stM)11 ,-, baitv . i„ ; , tr uments will i,e sent | Every instrument i-rier.l a „.i printed in |
Wiuituiiosuv to .te t u .s j ronage, and their prompt settlement of accounts, anti ask a cont.n- on tiie usual fifteen dsvn trial, wlien I l , l* , » itKures. T.‘t~i-ri|itlvr l’r;.-<- Lists, '- r - ■
the child’s mind. The sweet an-1 uancc of the same in the future. references are given. " f romlitli 1 ,,','.Vni T' ’‘•i’od'el I
swer was: “Oh, because he wants j J. W. STANFORDS’. ludden & bates’ 1 viMfifUt rr,.n* «s,i «(•> (uif i ^ ^
City tif Aucr.i-t.i.
y ’iiattahof H’iiue
Citv of Savannah. Wed. Oct. H, 8.!J0 a. m.
Tallahassee. Fri. Oct. 10.10.60 a. in.
plying' with our Installment Terms of \ > !" n ;price an Or^ran without a
payment. Sbotild they pav one-half the ; r ival at tbi- pnee.
amount due at three mouths, or make a ;, .DrE't-rv instrument guaranteed,
large cash payment, au equhabic price "** ! il,ow w hat r.r >«■;!. >o we are not
r.._ ,i.„ »«--•-*- * —:»» i - * afraid t>- promise to kec|> them up.
to take all the people in the;
church np in his arms." What a j ])|* f Wllite’s FaillilV
beautiful idea of the character of! *
the true pastor! One who “min
isters unto” those committed to
his care. And the ‘bought is
carried higher, to him who really i xX of one nf tiie most i-elct.ri.tcd fh-- j
lines take all hi, nennle into hi, i s ‘cians that I'.eorgia ever produced, lie!
noes lane an ms people into ms j hx« long been gathered to his fathers;!
the “everlasting arms”
Cutlibert, to N. Y. and re
turn, §4.‘?.-l().
Cuthbert, to Phil.,* and re
turn,. $41.40
I Tickets f^ootl to return un-
ONE M.kVi* MONEY l* AM «UO!> ANOTHER, j jjJ ‘j] j
A. to 6»iS™sL H.«,.! FR0P ,S E ®,^ n !i.“ TES ; S
Macon, Ga. ! —
fentral, or »!> Meridian Time. —— * ■* “ I ULWMW
, , City nf Augusta. Wed. Oet. 1.3.00 I. n, ' m KOO.Yi u.
SEETHE LIST! SEETHE LIST. Cha.tahmH-hee. Fri. 4.3n k ».
MOIl. I/Ct n, p. HI. _ _ '
Mother's Friend.
When applied two «*r Uiree inonili-* i»e-
b>re confinement it will produrr a »*f«,
ami quick «le!i\*crv. control pain. hidI
alleviate tiie tuual admiring t*u!h*rinjf
iH**onu tin* ]M/wcr of Iancuui;e to ex-
Pryor’s Ointment
r, a ?nre and weedy rnre f„ r HIM or
Hleedln* Pdris **oref». Ulcer**. Tu-
inora. f ihiuIh. Burns, C.»rns. Felons.
?*ore Nipples. v*.c. Its effects are simply
r niarveloii.s, aiui ii is an inexpressible
blessing to all *?Mi< t»d with •itlier of tbe
aU^ve c.iiiiplaintii. Try if?
I«*r circular*, testimonials, ami full
particulars, address Sole Proprietor and
Manufacturer of these
Xo. ton South Error .Street. Atlanta, tla.
oct-2-1 m
School liookt*!
you run no risk— i I am selling Strict- |B ,mES * ,mI
riiatt-dioociice. Wed. Oct 13, 3.00 p. m.
Nacoochee. Fri. Oct 17. 4.30 p. m.
City of Savannah. Mon. Oct.2*>,i;.3>|». rn.
r.-dl.-ihassee. Wed. Oct '22. rt.OO a. in.
City of Augusta, Fri. Oct. 21. !Hi0a. n .
Chattahoochee. Mon. Oct. 27, 11.00 a. rn.
\T 1 U'.J . n.v
m ♦
These Ships Do not Carry Fassen^ers
condition'*, srnt to .u.y a.hlr* So de
viati<ui from piiutcd list-; so do not
write letters to find out "what is the best
we ran do,*'but sch*ft y»»ur insrruinent
and WTile for it. whether *m l mir time or
for cash.
Sat. Oct i. 3.00 j.. m.
Sat. Oct. 11. if>.30a. m.
Sat. Oct IS, 3.00 p. m.
Sat. Oct. 25. 10.00 a. m.
Savannah, ila.
A HE dII jnatle from the Prescriptions j • t “nTv 1 t/C^t \
of one of the most celebrated I*h v - A A
— - . r- pat herd to his fathers; j \
.' but the name of I)u. WHITE will never i
,ml i-at-rir, | li.-in t..n7l..r!v ,n,i betur »° ,, ‘‘ n ' A* long as humanity suf- l
ana taints tut in lemum ! >n , t I f er «frontdi.-tcasr. solon K will people con-! i
j sulcly. I here we may Jill rest! j tinuc to use bis valuable Remedies, and ; •
a. ^ - nrfii,f> )ii« nvino mid til-ill L.t* tl,., mIL.I l
♦ » I praise his name and skill for tiie rc!ii-f
Leather chair scat* may be re-: a ’ K * curC!i prodtu-v.
Yivcd by rubbing them with th
Like a Sewing Machine.
“Mamma;" sa'ul a young fellow
well beaten white of an (*£TOT_
Dr. White's Vermifuge,
Large Bot-
A certain Cure for Worms.
tic 25 cents.
Dr. White’s Compound Fluid Ex
tract Duch u.
For all Kidney Diseases. Price 50 Cents
Dr Mite's CcBDondSynni of Boartoot.
Honey, Wild Ciierr? ail Tar.
i Because, if von .-«> .le<ire. the in-
( strunient \vi*i fir sent von on trial. You
can then M*f if it i* a.** rcjircsi-ntcd. T»e-
fore a dollar is paid. Is ibis not fair?
Whohas tbe advantage upon these con
ditions? You or tbe Georgia Music
Fine Chewing Tobaccos,
Smoking Tobacco
I At
»! et
Druggist anti Bookseller.
The Great Cough Kcmcdy.
1 ‘
Dr. White's Magic Liniment,
Tiie Great stimulating J-iniment for |
Man or llcast. Price 2p Cents. j
j ® r - White s Cathartic Liver ■ lowest prices, t. .« powell,
Pills, i aepu25-ct Druggist and Bookseller.
• J
; Unequalled a3 a Cure lor Biliousness. •
Xo Griping. Do not make you sick, i
Window Glass.
Paints. Oils, Vamlsles aid Brasses.
1 Griping. Do not make you sick.
Trice 25 Cents.
In Conclusion,
• !
We keep an immense supply of Mw*ic | VAll lwinif
Books. >*lieet Music and Music Supplies , L' j "II
A^*Special Discount to Teaclsers
>d>i. j
Special Discount to tiie Clergy on j ’ _ ~
ijQ^From 10 to 25 per cent saved by] liver W are!
addressing for catalogue.
Testaments. Blank
Bonks, Scrap IkMiks, !l>mn an.l
Note Books, Fine Stationery, etc., at low
est prices. T. M. Vi > V KLL.
wpt25-Iy Druggist and Bookseller.
Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest.
Holman’s Family Bibles,
All sizes and prices,
Photograph Albums
: f urge, Medium end Small,
1 W Cm ! FINE autograph albums.
el • f? • &TA]VtOBD ] Cigar Ca«e«. Hand Mil rota. Fan
cy Candies. Fine Toilet Sets,
ly Pure Lead, war
ranted, and Linseed
Oil at prices that
will enable every-
body to paint up.
Get niv figures be-'
The Georgia Music House,
E. D. IRVINE, Manager,
Macox, Ga.
feb 28 lv.
j 'Quadruple Plate, on White Metal.’
j We arc closing out at retluceil pri- i
j cca. Call ami get a Bargain, at I
Fine Extracts and Col-
oisurp. Harris’ Tooth-
waah and Tooth
Pmidera, Scliool
Books, Accor-
Absolutely Pure.
Dr. White's Cnm()oti;ni Fluiil Ex- j ALLISON A SIMPSON S.
i Buggies and Wagons will sell . , ; . ^
j very low. Call and get a bargain. Cooking £ Heating Stoves Hg
. , . , This Pow.ler never varies. A marvel
to uis mother, * why is kissing a iof purity, strength and wholcsomeneas.
nrettv trill tike a sen-ini. mnehJneV’I, 5 ! ore vcq'tomieal than the ordinary’
pretty git t nxe a sen ing-maunne. | kinds, and cannot be sold in competition
r> t 1.1* l t .1A . . • In... 4.. .A . 1 - .
I here is no earthly resemblance.'’j
“Oil, yes there is, too," he re-'
plied, “a very close resemblance.” !
“Well, why is it?" i
“Because it seams good."—:
Anything in Our Line.
tract of Sarsaparilla, with j
Iodide nf Potash ,
Price 50e.
Physicians will all tell you this is tiie i
ONLY Kcmcdy for Blood Disease.
.1(7 of Dr. White's Family Med j
icines are for Sale by
jelO ly Cuthbert. Ga. ;
sept27 ct
Haiman’s and
Avery Plow Stocks,
FOR $1.25, AT
of every kind,size and style,cheap
er than ever before, at
aiw’ltf J. W. Staxforo's.
! fipccial IndaccMnls Oa
I Flour, Sugar, and Coffee, at
I jan24-ct
j Oglethorpe Echo: Ogl-fr'iorpc j
; county lias the honor of knowing j
that tbe patriarch, Jesse Mercer, j
the great father of Baptism-in this j J* °} ve S P ecia! : V 0 / w , , ^ 1 ,,rPS ' —
° Can t be undersold, (if Seller pays , C>
le. nrcaehed ins first sermon’ e,. t.t, e i_. i 4
Strawberry. Orange, Bananj, ; retail, at
: Pine Apple. Vanilla, and Lemon, 1
Garden Seed
I Of every variety, at wholesale and
—Sweet Gum and Mullein for
sale at J. W. Stanford's.
State, preached his first sermon j f or y,j s q 001 ] s j
within her borders. He was a-j Bt ALLISON A SIMPSON,
mcro boy attiie time, going around
with his father, who was also a
s. s.
Only $1.75.' at J. W. Stanford's.
til's step taken, the commissioners-) f. ft. Colquitt now lives, i
Irbin the First. Third ami Tenth 1 Sandy Cross neighborhood.
preacher, atlfl Use sermon was de
iivered in an old flirt called Olive's
tort, which stood near where Mr.
in Ihc
OXF-Linsecd Oil and Pure
Lead at such low prices as to defy
competition, at the Drng Store of
—Farmers Pills for sale bv
W. Stanford.
Wheat Bran,
Have Received,
OVELL S LIBRARY, 10, IS and 20
Ground Meal on band at all times,
—Tavlor’s Premium Cologne at)at ALLloON <k SIJIPSON'S.
if ‘ J. W. STANFORD S. 1
—Corn. and fresh Water ; LLent* t ,cr Volume.
Scrap Book., •
Scrap Book'Pictures. At
T. f*. POWELL'S,
Ct t ct. r'rji-- 'i ' and Bookseller.
Tiniedre, Crockery,
Glasairarc, Lamp»
and Setring 31a
V.’iH duplicate any bill within five hun
dred miles of this place. jtinT-ct
Matches and Snuff,
Cheap as can be bought this
side of N. V. at
jan24 et
—Fishing Tackle, in great va
riety at J W. Stafford's.
J£t05 j e-i* W§ 5 * | CUBED IS ITS VARIOUS STAGES.
ts5.i1 sgi
Am u qK Desire for alimulants entirely remov-
^ ^ led. Home treatment. Medicine can be
*" a"*-? s 1- M ‘ administered without knowledge of j*a-
^ J tient. bv simply plm ing it in coffee, tea
c M j or any article oi food. Cures guaranteed.
[ For any rase of drunkenness that Gold
en Specific will not cure. Circulars
All prices and kind*.
Drupr-I and Medicine* 01 all kinds a
D A TF obtained for Meehan
1 ill iJii 1 O leal Iffevlrcu. Com*
ponnda. Design* and Label*. All nrr-
iiroinarr examination* a* to paten tabili-
containing testimnniala and fuUparticn- ° a . r f " T
lars sent free. Address 1 where^l lddrew- <» " nt free ev.r, .
je-10-ly. 185 Bare fc?t.. Cincinnati. O.
Hazard Gunpowder
jan24-ct Agent*.
Sash, Doors and Blinds,
We make a specialty. Call and
get and our prices.
jan24 ct
un is bagger a co„
Solicitora of Patent*,
Eatahlished 1064. Washington, D.C.
We can guarantee the shore amount
to good, active, energetic
Organ uail Piasoa
of all stylos, for sale cheap, hy
J. W. Stanford—cheaper than
factory prices. Gallon him and r
get illustrated catalogue ami
prices. He will save yon money.
KheaMer Brace*.
For ladies
latest impr
nov30-4t J. W. STANFORD'S.
. _ .. i Ladies as aril as trentlemen. make a
anil gentlemen, of the j snecess in the business. Very little rap-
rovement—all sizes, at ! ital required. We hare a housch.ld ar-
' tiele as saleable as Hour.
—Pyrafuge for Chills at
J. IV. .Stafford's.
TP ;oO|Ir|s5g- _
rr nvELF:
I, is nseil every day in even- (aiuilr.
You do not need to explain its merits.
| There is a rich harvest for aB vho eni-
! brace this yuhlrn opoortuniry. U costs
you only one cent to learn what our bua-
mess is. Buy a postal card and write
to its and we will send you our prospec
tus and full partk-ulars
And waknow you wfl! derive more good
than you have any idea. Onr repot a-
tiati a* a manafacttiring r$rtu|uu»y is
JOfWthat me can not a fiord to deceive.
Write to n* on a poata! aid jjive your
address plainly and receive full particu
lars. Bvckere nTfCa^
oc#4-ly fiterfM. fihte
Wr#t*« .lerte i
Arc e certain cure for all nicaial
j aii«i nervous disorders. For as la
i bv .1. W. Si AM oi.o. 4t