Newspaper Page Text
CVtHhUitVy HA.
l»ert, la
Capt. TtAnuft, «ft has-li
know enough of this lamentable ■ on llie pu*v list for some time
affair t<t give the details. We j ire sre gtad to know is on tlie
4v-imVvA A 'i tit^XCL ~5iwii3ltnin. however, that there had I mend, a*d hope lie will lie able to
1 k«nlit Xontiftc, Oft, 210, tti>4. been sonte unpleasant feelings lie j assume his school duties ere long.
for- It is with .difficulty that the,,
water mills of thin afiortfajt-aq M< ,
-limitl the is4ssuvu >4.•soomsmUsI* thsir-t»stro*s with a
drink, Mr. Gfcsctt* - met ( apt. gpod-artivle-oQsseal since the con
i tween the two gentlemen
' *Mlv K JU MARTIN' is our Aireatj sometime, and that on .‘Saturday,
« fchrtfml t ^ t - u y ssttwlwi ta j ■ .
receive Hi re*eipi.,fsr all mane;
Matronal Democratic Titket
For 1‘resident,
Hon. Grmr’r Cleveland,
Of New York.
For Vice-President,
Hon.T. A. Hendricks,
Of Indiana.-
Eor Congress,
11 unity o turner.
Tlie Georgia Legislature will
meet on the fith of Novemltcr.
<\\TAItlIH CTRKI), hraltii mui -weet
hrmifh *wurcd by Shiloh’nOatarrh Rciu-
i*THT •to cents. Nasal JnKtrtor far.
For*a>f- by J. \\\ STAXFtMiD.
E«fm!a has s\ts|K‘U<k'fl work on
her artcbiuu well at a depth of
159 feet.
Ask your druggist what he
know* about tin; merit of-Shriner's
Indian Vermifuge, tlie popular
Senator Colquitt received anen
Ihnslastic welcome wherever he
wenLin Florida.
MIII.OH’S COICII and Consumption
fitreis «>M l,y il, on a guarantee. It
cures consumption. Forsale bv .1. W.
There arc 200 cutlets and Is
law students attending the Uni
versity of Alabama.
- m * m
rnorp, whooi'ixg coron ami
Kr.mchiris immediately relieve,! I»v
8!ii!oh*s Cure. For sale'by ,1. w. STAN-
FOKD. - jutic-lU-ly.
. « m *
Over three bundled persons
have united themselves with the
chureh of Gainesville since Jan
uarv last.
THAT HACKING eOl'GII ean be so
quickly eured bv Shiloh’s Cure We
euarantcc it. For sale by J. \\\ jjTAX-
Thc third artesian well, just
completed at Montezuma for the
Central railroad, flows seventy five
gallons pur minute.
IN It-!, N Ol- M KFKK with Dvsttensia
. and 1-iver Comi-latit? -Shiloh’s Vitafizer
I-* ftuu anteed toeure vot. For Sale n\
J. iV. STAXFOItP. ' i » ■ ■ -
— - - — * m - j Mr. Niiniuu. the chief of the
M, s. Suauss, wile ol Mr. S. j bureau of statistics, says, in hit
Strauss, anti sister ol Messrs. M.: annual report: The United States
Picket and shot him, dtsrit surging
the contents of laftta barrels of a
double barreled shot gun into his
ImhIv from which lie died iaaltant
ly. Mr. Cheevos was atone* *r-
resteil ami put in jail to await his
trial at court which comes o(T in
a week.
We regret the occurrence very
nueh. ('apt. Pieket was a splen
did citizen. an,l leaves n large
family la mourn his sad end.
Mr. Cheevos wss a personal
friend of ours, anti tve have al-
j ways taken great interest in him.
j He has many admirable traits,
j and had made s great windier ol
friends for Hmvdf in Dawson,
where lie was doing well. Only
one serious delect marred an oth
erwise lovely character—an oc
casional yielding to the demon,
drink. If our information lie cor
rect, it wn3 while under its power
that this rash act was c:>mmitt«d
that hurried one soul into eterni
ly, made two families miserable,
anil brought an unending regret
—Itossilily an ignominious death
to hitnsclf.
A Yoke ef Oxen and • Mule.
Stkvrns’ Pottery. Ga., August
18. 1881.—Dear Sir; 1 Imil a yoke
of oxen whose necks became very
sore from the yoke. As T could
not afford to stop them from-work,
I was npfrrcliciistve that Sanotiiue
would D ,i make a cure. But to
my gratification they were cured
in a few days. It also made a
speedy cure of a bad running sore
on <mc of m-y mules ami an the
foot of one of my bawls. Icon
sidcr it a valuable medicine.
Respectfully, yours,
Hknrt Stephens.
Atlanta, Ga.. August 13. 188-1.
—Dear Sir: S.-tnodine is the“Boss"
preparation for cuts, sores, and
mange. Have given it a thorough
trial. Wouhl not lie without il tor
leu limes what it cost. Respect
fully yours, J. R. Gheou,
Of Gregg ii Co.-,- Hardware Dealers
tinued drought. . . .
Mrs. R. JL Puckett has, or soon
will occupy the Jordan building
at this place as a resilience. .She,
with her amiable /laughters will
arid much to the society of the
village. „
Mr. W. H. Moore- will soon
commence work on him a new
residence near thin place.
We are imfortn*d by one of the
proprietors that Mojrn, Rogers
A Hammock expect soon to lo
cate their steam mill permanent
ly at this place and attach to the
snme a grist for the convenience
of tins and surrounding commit-
We are very sorry that our
communication in reference to
tlie recent meeting of the Chatta
hoochee Musical Convention, of.
which we agreed to furnish a briel
outline of its proceedings, was
crowded out, hut amcc it was tin-
avoidable, are must ask our
friends to excuse us.
We learned on yesterday that
Mrs. CVoith McLendon was crit
ically ill with heart disease. We
are not able at this lime to report
her condition.
The gathering of crops is about
completed, and day laborers wili
soon have to seek oil ter employ
meat, nr otherwise acquiesce iu
idleness, and we are fcartul that
a majority of the colored party
will accept the negative with
night pilfering* for a support.
The appraisers apjstinted by
the ordinary to appraise the
projierty of W. H. J. Chapman,
deceased, met on Wednesday last
and made out their valuation ol
all property belong, ng to said de
ceased. The estate was apprais
ed at one thousand dollars.
Some of our friends anliripalt
visiiiug relatives awl
Henry county Ale., soon.
own. I nndt
usly sick, and hi
sarhbe cannot liTC
Dr. Mercer and his good lady-
have retnrnetl from the spriug*.
They are enjoying ;n*§f* !1 «Pf
health, awl their friends are glad
to walyome them, hpnts.
• litit./wtMcbtioi retfcilAs io^bs'
plshsd In the talda»—Ous s—ty
Tin: Heat—SantHlino will cure
the worst caaes.of Heat by a few
applications. Give it a trial.—
All Druggists sell it. Price Fifty
Cents. Ask jour Drnggis
it. ly
M. ant
A. beringer, of Ktifaitla. ; j* now the largest manufacturing j cure,
and to Mrs. Sliotaiiield, of Macon,
died iu the former place last Fri
SLEEPLESS NItillTS, made mi-cralde terribletsmgb. Shiloh's Ciirt-i-.
tlit*renurlv furyou. Fursare bv . W
Major John II. Pate, of Haw-
k nsville, has been ap|minted one
M the inspectors of fertilizers at
the ports of Savannah and Bruns
wick by Commissioner Hender
For lame Hack, side er Chest use
Shiloh's I'urtm- Piaster.- Price Vents
For sale by J. W. STAXi'MlD.
The heaviest bale of cotton this
season has been packed by Mr.
George W. Powell, of Eas'--
man. It weighs 775 pounds, awl
“one si lc of the gin house had to
be knocked off to get the bale
SHILOH'S V1TAUZKU is wliat von
n.-ed tor VtinsWiiatiMt. u„of A|>]K-titc.
and all bvni)-t,-m- „f llvsiH'ie
»ii Price in nd 75 cents t„-r Wtle
For sale by J. W. STASLlFOIit).
m s m
It is »ai«I that Miss Ellen Vero
nee, a young lady of Athens, h: s
received ati offer ot 1(5,000 a year
bv a musical director in New
York. He guarantees her this
amount to go on tlie stage and
sing lor five years.
W. IV. J.
A Great Discovery
That is dully bringing joy to
tlie homes of lliotlsnnds by saving
many of their dear ones from an
C or , early grave. Truly is Dr. King's
! New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchi
tis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in
Side and Chest, or any disease of
the Throat and Lungs, a positive
will aot make a ay more cotton
than it did last year, but it ha*
tieta of ti better grade, and the
price has been the same for all of
it. I hardly know what farmers
will do if next year prove* a poor
crop year. It will lie ‘ ‘-Over the
hills to the poor house” with some
of ua, I am afraid.
The potato crop is poor, too,
and a razor back pig would gel
disgusted rooting for the little
string* and quit.
Mr. Jasper Hill, Jr., tas gone to
Louisiana to lit*. Jasper ia a
quiet, clever 'and |peaceful boy,
awl if lriuek and energy ean ac
complish anything, he will win.
Mr. Jaa. Melhvin had the mis
fortune to lose two fine and stj--
li*h mnles one day last week.—
They were taken sick about the
same time and died ia about an
hour of each olber. It ia believed
by many that they were poisoned.
Th* Georgetown Echo came out
«n the half aliell again last week.
Well, I guess a half loaf is better
than no loaf. Let us all l>e thank
ful for what we receive, however
little it may be, and not fuss and
Mr. Robt. Smith is the most
lonesome looking boy I hive seen
lately. Cause: She has flown.
I went to Georgetown Tuesday-
awl was glad to see so many evi
dences of progress. Our little
town is improving, snd may it
continue li> grow. Mr. Davidson
has erected a new store, and will
in a few days move into it. The
new drug store is a neat and pret
ly building. The proprietors are
attentive awl industrious young
men. and I hope they will build
up awl succeed.
I learned that Mr. Keese's school
was in a thriving condition, and
that he was gi\ ig satisfaction a>
a teacher. Ha has bought nea
aeali and Peaks and otherwise im
proved the a , ;iea*"anecof the acad
emy. 1 alc4> heard a laughable
joke the boy;. ’ ad on Mr. Ed Var
, , ter. They all went over to Eu
friend* iii j fltula to the theatre, awl they ask
ed Fa I If be was goifig ift the dress
anotfier have been overcome Ty
financial misfortune. When I e
failed in May for a half million
ago. AltboOgh living iathcaame
bouse with him ever since, she
has never uttered a word to him,
even S| eak to others while he was
wniclt he did bnainesa, where he
waa cpnaiileiwk ;absolutely sul-
renL'wha will! digit p.r/UZe.1;
Jaa. .aam-thnAzanbla linmghl
on his thousand and one de|>oai-
tors, instead of making off for
Canada or looking into the muz
zle of a loaded pistol, exercising
with the agile razor. 4»r taking
|x>ison. or other of the,desperate
methods resorted to by financial
gentlemen in similar straits, be
threw himself upea the marry of
bin creditors, and surrendered
bin property to them. . He hnn
since seen hit large indebtedness
adjusted, and on th* heela of a
fsilnre which has no (mrallel' in
the historjr of the state, opens
business again at the aid stand.
He bae just issued a circular to
the public which is rather unique,
all things considered. Among
otlits things, he saya: “I wish
the pnMic to understand, that 1
have quit speculating, and that 1
am doing busineaa on a solid ha
air. That there ia no bank that
stands better than mine, awl
none better able to give accou •
Initiations. Now remember, J
say. and yon ean rely on it, that
yon run no risk in doing business
with me, because I have quit
s|>ei'Ulaling, and am out of debt,
and my past experience is vslua
Mr.” All trnant bankers should
paste this in their bats.
Trial Bot
country on theglolte. The value! tics fiec at J. W. Stanford's
of the product* of American man-1 ^ ru U ^Nore. Large size $1.00.
j circle. He said no, Tic was going
up in the loft, (the gallert - , yon
know.) But I don't think they
make much out of hint, for h<
gives as good as lie get*.
Til* Jr.
—"The clouds may dry up and
blow away, the Chattahoochee
may seek to hide itself under tjtc
mud at its bottom, and business
insy lie down behind the eoualei
and go to sleep, hut the young
| folks of Columbus will marry.'’
I The above ia from one of our Co
■ifacturers consumed at home is
five times the value ol the mantt
facturcd products of Great Brit
ain and Ireland exported to all
other countries, and more than
fourteen times the value of the
exports of the m a n ti fact u reilyiro-
duets cx|iortcd from France to all
ot ier e u tries. The relative
value of internal, as compared to
Ibrc'gn commerce, ia also illus
trated by a statement showing
that i)9 percent, of the coal min
ed in the United States, 95 per
cent, of our iron awl steel pro
duets,. 95 p"r cent, of the product j
of onr leather industry, more;
than 90 per cent, of ourntanulac |
tut'ers of wool, 95 Jicr cent, of thei
products of onr cotton mamifac
,* , luntitiiH exchanges, and if atiurov
flic new capital ol Georgia will ■ i F
lietlm-e hundreil and forty feet in
j ed by some of our Ciithhert boys
length. It will fronton Washing i t,le '»..wrtony of single life would
tan street, snd the ends will reach j ! >C ,n, ^ en > -•>•*«*«
forty feet of Hunter and Mitchell ] '* a j > * > ' wc ^ l H , P f> * e -
streets. The ‘ approach from i Back lea** Araira Halve.
Washington street will be one hun | The Best Salve in tlie world for
dred feet and there will he filty ■ Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt
feet margia on McDonough street.! Rheum. Peter -'ores. letter,
Clinp|>cil Hands,Chilblains, Corns
Most of the fine trees in the park
will have to lie dest royed in order
to make room for the mammoth
Mciwfola Carol.
Ati.axta, Ga., August, 1883.
. My six-year-old son has hail a ter
rible stanching .Serwfnlons Ulcer of 1
tli.f neik tor biree years, attended ‘ ,bc
with blindness, loss of hair, great em-
and all Skin Eruptions, awl posi
lively cures Files, or no pay re
qtiired. It is guaranteed to give
jierfeet satisfaction, or money re
funded. Priee 25 eents per box.
For sale by J. W. Stanford.
jan 24 ly.
The effect of Cleveland's elec
tion would lie electrical. For the
first time in a quarter of a cen
lury, our Southern people would
have real heart and ho|w. All
this time the country has been
ruled t>v a sectional party. Iia
treil of the South baa been ii»
animus, its bond of union. From
’.he holy of holies of our constitu
tional rights we have been exelu
ded by an unreasoning prejutlic,
kept waiting in toe outer coart ol
the tabernacle until .enmities
should die out. Democratic sue
cess would lie our restoration—
our rehabilitation. Every man.
woman and child in our sunny
section would fret the impulse—
every enterprise would receive an
impetus—and quietness and as
-tiranee would take the place ot
unrest and apprehension. A* a
natural result, (the cause—Re
publican ascendancy—having
been removed), the solid South
would gradually dissolve, like an
iceberg, in the Gulf stream of re
turning fret r ity and good will
flic menace to our social and |n>
iilical life having tieen tahei.
away, we should divide nalurslly
and peacefully uneconomic qois
lions. Tlie "bloody chasm” would
lie not only spanned, but filled up,
and all tracts of onr fratricidal
war would gradually disappear.
Patriotism would su|>ersede per
sonalism in onr polities; public
offices wouhl lie administered as
public trusts; principle wouhl 1m-
strongcr than party. The Kepuh
liean party saved the Union—il
has shown itself incapable of gov
erning it. It was a war party
and is now a plundering party.
The conservatism of Democracy
is better suited to times of peace.
The nation wauts to forget the
war awl go forward in its path of
sublime pnigress. We trust that
< lie night is far spent and that the
•lav is at hand.— Ex.
rillijq hearing. She was fre
l|kie«l%’.'MM>astr*fced ) with for
this ixiiuae, hut she explained
that inkia.presence she was real
ly ffinilhOtmitoAi'li w*l -liy any
effort use her loague till be went
out of sight. She died »■ Tues
day night without * having ever
■qiened her ii|i* to him. '
(Old Indian Cure.)
Is taking the lead of all other blood
purifiers with astonishing r-ipiriitv.
Asa blood purifier, it is absolutely
without an equal.
As a tonie and appetizer, eminently
ad ,pte 1 to female complaints, it hs*
♦he wuilWiicni—i of the most respects-
sliesjg Ute land
The New York Sun. a paper, by
way. which is fighting the
notation, and general prostration, j democratic ticket with all its
Physicians and variens liloixl reme- • |K>wer, figures out the situation as
tores more Liian imtoM , die* iwrv resorted to'without benefit,
tnius, more lltau W per eetrt. o?;Tbe ;»ew Atlanta .Mwlieal College
our manufacturers of silk, and 97 > treated him for three months, but Ids
per cent, of our manufacturers of [m
* i l was urg d to trv the cmeacr of
glass, glassware, earthenware awl; B. 15. IL. and to the astonishment of
stoneware are eonsuined m the
United States.
Smith' * Hilt tlea ns are having
ns big a run ns B.-irnutu's circus,
tlie lemonade department uot ex
cepted. For sale by J. W. Stan
Tin re was .'mold man named Carlyle,
Whose sy ,:.-m was chock full of bile,
Ity taking one lieaft,
He got rid of liis spleen
And non he does nothing hut smile.
Smith** Bite Beans cure all ailments
arising from a disordered liver. 35
e s. per bottle. For sale by J. W.
O » Mi
If Htaiue should he elected, a
s ; gn about like this over the White
House done would be appropriate:
•‘.lames G. Blaine, Broker, and
Dealer in Stocks, Bonds, Recoin-
me'ndations and Vetoes; Govcrn-
inent Contracts and Negotialious;
Wlicre My Name and Influence
are iu tlie Consideration.”— Sa
vtiuuah Xcics.
Sever Give I p.
If yon are sintering with Ion-
anil depressed qpirits, loss of :ip
' petite, geiieral debility, disorder
ed IdiMid, weak constitution, head
ache, or any disease of a billions
n-ituie. by all means procure a
bottle of K'celrio Bitters. You
will he surprisetl to sis; the rapid
itnprovenunt tiiat will follow;you
will lie inspired with new life:
strength and activity will return;
pain and misery will cease, and
henceforth you will rejoice in the
praisu of Electric Bitters. Sold
at fifty cents a bottle by J. W.
myself, friends and ncightsws, on.
singlclw'tftaeflefted an entire cure.
Ulcers of tiie neck entirely healed;
eyesight it-storval, and the hair rotii-
tnenred growing on his head again. I
live at 345 Jones Street, Atlanta, and
my Isiyis there to In- seen.
Frank Joseph.
The City of St. Augustine, Flor
ida, the oldest in the United
States, will celebrate, on March
25, the anniversary of the landing
of Ponce de Lenu in 1512 and at
the same time will commemorate ! south cast 153 votes. This is 48
the fiuundin? of the city by Mer.- short of a majority. Tlie sup-
endez in 1565. Ponce de Leon \ porters of Mr. Cleveland claim
The Democratic-Greenback fu
sion appears to hsvc a good show
ing iu Michigan. The matu ho|ie
the Republicans have of earn ing
the State for Blaine is the appa
reritly vain on* that the Prohilr-
liomsts. almut 15 006 strong, will
ignore St. Joliu and go for the
Republican nominee. The Ger
man detection is very considers
ble. Heretofore the Germans
have been almost solidly Repub
Mr.Jolm Thompson, 58* Hanover I li ‘ an - II •• considered pretty cer j
street, Liverpool, England and otic of! t." in that at least half of them l
t la - oldest ami most extensive deal.;
ic ■ h--: ■- in rircu:Britain, '.'-rites: "It
1*a pleasure Uj sell e remedy
follows: "New York still remains
the turning point in the presiden
tial contest. In this rcs|M.-et the
results of the October elretious
have not altered the situation.
The candidate of the party that
captures New York will stirelv
enter the white house. The other
candidates will hare to stay out
side. A few figures are just now
in order. The whole number of
electoral votes is 401. To lie chos
en president a candidate must
have an absolute majority', which,
is 201. The states of the solid
cause of its bl ing a land of flow-j of the south. Where do they look
era. as generally Iwlieved, hut be I in the north for the other 48?
cause he discovered it on the day j Tlicj- |ioint to New York, which
of the Feast of Flowers. j gives 36, and Indiana, which easts
. ~T — r . ! 14. making aggregate of 51 which
A letter has been received at U .
,/ , ... .... ; is three more than is necessary to
\\ asbingtou from U-d. Holloway. ; saTC U’lcvelaed, provided he gels
postmaster at Indianapolis, who 1
is onu of the most active suppor
ters of Mr. Blaine in the State,
in which he says that he cannot
see the way clear to a Republican
victory in the State, and that as
matters now stands, he fears that
Mr. Blaine will not get the elec to
ral vote of Indiana.
v liich gives general jail Inaction, and
biirpeople,dike fliciY American coe-
lilis, ; av>' become eotiWneed of tlie
fart toot 8t. Jsr.-’-(dieouquerspaut. ; 'p|, c
Tf«e rtaiuatulfor it in Liverpool end ..
virility was never so great as at the! are also actively atework,.au* the
presell* all’’- ss-.l ily increasing.'*
There fine four candidates
the presidency of the Senate:
II. Carlton, ofClarke, W. R. Ran
kin. of Gordon, J. S. Davidson, ol
will vole for the fusion electoral ! - prerrsittoo will be made to
ticket The Green back vote is | “*e ensuing session of the Georgia
about 35,000 and of course that J the State Univer-
will be cast for thn fosion ticket. | ,il J’ ,l AllieM , , ln tnrn ov ‘ r tu
Inricpoaricnt- Republicans j thc ‘ he ^ - f * rU1 ' if t, *«
' State will give #10,000 a year to
greatest confidence is expressed | iU Smith,
that both Gen; Alger awl j‘-f Oglethorpe, one of the larges#
Blaine electors-will lie. tletaaled , farmers in Georgia, will urge it*
by at least 5,000- majority.- I passage.
More prohibition bills will be
and YV. J. Northern, of j introduced iu the next Legislature
All worthy gentlenieu. (than ever before.
It is thought that Gov. O’Neafc
will appoint Hon. David Clopton
as Chief Justice of Alabama.
the entire 153 in thc sonth.”
Gov. Or vela*4 Awaltri.
A man named Boone, a few days
ago, assaulted Gov. Cleveland, lie
cause the latter refused execu
tive clemency in behalf of a relative
of Boone, who had been sentenced
to the penitentiary for ,a term of
years. Gov. Clevelsnd refused to
prosecute his assailant. Boone’s
friends put in the usual plea
ol insanity, but physicians decide
that lie is sane.
W-c never saw a better behaved
set of stuilents, says the Athens
Banner, than are attending college
this year. Of course there are a
few taieehievone enes among the
number, but as a rule they are
qpiet,.ordert? young genlPsineBy
and their deportment ia highly
complimented by our ettizens.
To young men who have grown
up since the war, the events and
individual experiences of the great
struggle as we hear them related
hy old soldiers, there is a charm
anil jiee'diar fascination, that
renders their recital welcome at
anytime. We listen to the obi
soldiers recount their varied ex
jiericnces, with keen unflagging
interest there is no subject, more
welcomed to the youthful tuiud
and heart. History as it is writ
ten. is but an old recital of facts,
an I leaves its impress only on the
u.iiid. Unwritten history as we
learn il from the mouths of thc
participants, leaves its impress
ii|M>n the heart, ; nd is cherished
as sacred traditions made holy by
tlie blood and sufferings of our
fathers and brothers. To say
that the recollections of that stu
pendous struggle is dying out. is
a mistake. Possibly its bitter
ness may have in a measure be
come assuaged, but the recollec
tion will be kept alive for genera
tiuns tu come, and will lie a noble
incentive to Southern hearts and
hands, in the rebuilding of our
waste places, and the perpetua
tion of those peculiar features of
our social and political systems.
w o ^ —
It is atated that the University
of Virginia haa received since the
war donat ions amounting to $917,-
<XX). While i>jdicing in the good
fortune of the University all
Southerners must regret that the
time-hooored old William and
Mary College has been forced to
close its dnora. The step of the
professor, the ringing laugh of
the student is lisard no mure in
America’s oldest college.
W. H. Vanderbilt has given a
half million to the College ol Phys
icians and Surgeons, New York.
We congratulate Mr. V. upon tbia
exercise of liberality, and hop* it
will be followed by more of the
same kind.
U is not generally known
ia a graveyard in Fredericksburg.
Virginia, there may be seen tl
tombstone of one of the p*
bearers of William Sbakespearei
Tbs tombstone ia a.elabbf ted
sandstone, on which, may .,
plainly deciphered the follow
ing itwcriptioa: “Here lie* t
body of Edward Heklon. practi
tioner ia phytic* and- chirurgery.
Born ta Bedfordshire, England, iff
the year «four L<>t;d, 1542. W
contemporary with and one of the
|ial! Imarers of William Shake
•(ware, ef the Avon. After a
brief illness bis spirit ascended id
the year of our Lord 1618.” It iy,
strange that the relic hunjere have
u»t captured this slab', snd it is
strange that nothing bar Im-cu
published about it for many
years. Aa far back-as 1784, how
ever. the slope, attracted the at
tention of a poet who paid a pret
ty tribute to it in the elii Frcder
icksbtirg Gazette.
m * —i
A fashionable young lady, mar
rieri last w«* k In Lexington, Mo,
to a St. Louis gentleman, invited
to her wedding all of her unfash
ionable country friends, who prr
•*cnted their compliments to thc
bride in the shape of great bas
kets of eggs, roils of yellow conn-
*rv butter and other country far •.
There are many high toned wed
din? given at which just such tin
fashionable presents would, if
truth were told, he not only ap
nrnpriate but highly acccpftnlile.
Raaans Against Liqanr Seller*.
Cornsers. O.. Octoher 23.—
The session of the Masonic Grand
Lodge of Ohio closed to day
Among the resolution* adopted
was one declaring it to he the
opinion of the body that the sell
ing of iatoxirating drinks is a
Masonic offence and should di -
qualify anv one from initiatini
into, or affiliation with, any Ma
sonic lodge.
The Mcrning News asks tlie
question: "Aretliere really am
piarries of granite, marble or
Sandstone in Georgia?" Tlierr
certainly are, and tliev are ef fine
quality; bnt they are not so much
liettcr than those of other State* as
to justify the Capitol Commission
er* in paying two prices for the
privilege of patronizing them.
Georgia cannot be ex|>cctrd to
rejoice in the privilege of being
swindled h\ her own citizens.
rifos. o,Srv;md(kdt«nwfieff(y i
ot u o(rbuut Jonl’t «V':'W'“ ; ¥rW' “ l‘
~ *- ' e.fkJtoc.Ette.
Agent'Central rtiil»M*<!. rerry. <Li.
pgggt. (tA„ -1^. Wi—I
li^rtHy iwd4>i*rO. L i Ob>i«4ianrurc)
as a niaft!y <>f wondrrful rmravy in
tr^tubipfl iHvuliiir to woman. Have usrd
WWtuey tmllT.»Ow« fsittifad .swat of
Miuuherless other remedies, ami unliesi-
plaints. 1*. «• ^ LI-KR.
riprk Co. Commissioners. il»»ustonl\».
w. H Johiisrrii, MaiiNilix.. K. M. Kin^
IVrrjr. Ga.. and a btn4 of others indorse
it m* the greatest of all ren»e<Ii**s for
rheuiiiatium aml.other blmnl diseases.
In c«>nrlusi«»n the proprietors say they
have vet t# mis t witli the first failure of
O. I. 0. to do all that is claimed for it.
l'rice. $l..s> jre-r Urge bottle.
THE O- I. C. CO.,
Sold by «il! Prapr^ists. Ot t.'yvly.
I will continue to Store aiid Sfcll Cot
ton on terms same as last season, and will
serve pill|e fo(t^jf$est ability,
and guarantee satisfaction.
moUoS is
Consigxmients of
’Thanking the miblic for past fai
ami solieitmg M the *
I am very respectfiillv,
I3W3HTAM O e 3 ^|t g EU.IS
Furniture Store.
tory» i
IIAVKthe Tattest Styles «>f Furniture
hv the far Load. t’handier
roin $40 to $2in>: I*ur«*aus as foW as
imstraih from fo f0(»; Clunrs fr»rm To
cuts to $1S a pie<v.
Safes. Wardrobes. 1!o«ik t’ases. Writing
Hat Hacks. Window Shades. At.
•VinhI Coffin* and baskets all Sizes, and
1 a ilhMflinufnature Kunil-
M.v Stock of
Fall k Vinter Goods,
I* now in and was never more
un-ttfhi kiisT *wl uFtle .-IbuOrsi «k- AUi'.igli^f wild Elcganta ctnbrac-
i.-r. -aW4 .‘A -krim Fikr-. t Jlitl frit nv.rj-lt^n.r by the
• urniiiircn* t.licapa* auv of flic s«-n- - .. v *» 1 ^ •
-'tirmlu .
I'iti,-*. Having Ih-cii cnzascl in
l,c Furnitureburine** f*,r. Iwriilv rear*
out given sati.-Iocfum. I wouio ttinuk
my >4<1 fru-utl.- amt cuFttrtiicr* lur liicir
past favor*, .mi wont! is- irlaJ 1,1 see
f-tieni again.
tm~ I I"' * arerqq-ciaby invttwl
tot-vaunne n,y
- Wlu-n visitiue ilu* city iloiii fai) to nuy
roii. Ili'iiirmUr tiu- pi'-rr. (,n<-
I)'or gust of "Kos*’ C lrriu-jt Factory. '
O.-il.'l- rtu. KM. LINK.
The Fsnr Itrsthers.
Sundty last four brothers,
whose combined ages aggregate
296 years, dined together iu this
•siunty. They were Mr. M. D.
Hay and hi* three brothers, aged
respectively 71, 73, 75 and 77
years. They all met at Mr. M.
D. Hay’s residence, where an elc
gant dinner was prepared iu lion
or uf tlie occasion. They are all
hoaored citizens of our county.—
Dnieton Journal.
w *-«w—
There are twenty twocandidates
for the different offices in Rock
dale county, and more to follow.
There are five candidate* for the
office of Treasurer: A Presbyte
rian, a Methodist, a Primitive
Baptist, and an undenninination
al or a member of no chureh.
Mew Advertisements.
H.vxpoLra Cor5TY.
Agreeably to an ordrr of the court of
Ormnary of ICandolpii county, will be
sold at aurtion at tlie court house dtior
of .said c*mnty «»n tlu* l.“t Tuesday in I De
cember next, within the lepal hour.- of
sale, the following prujH-rty to-wit:
North half of lot of *!and number 1%] S ,
North half of 221 in theDth I>i»trict of
unid county; a St«»re Ilou-e mi the
North West corner of the public MjUiiit
in the city of t^uthbert; also two Mn!#-.
one Yoke of Oxen and Tart, as the
proiterty of S. M. Duke. derea.«cd. Thc
real estate will be sold one-half cash and
the other lialf twelve months credit.
The Administrator making titles when
the last payment Lx made. The peram
al property s«»ld for ca-h.
W. C. JENKINS. Administrator
. of S. M. Duke, deceased.
It Mcms that th* efforts of CoL
Livingston to secure* state dit
pfan- at thc New Ortaaa* expoai-
ti«i sill he a failure. Cause,
want of money. Atlanta didn’t
take to the movement with her
usual pluck. Poor Georgia!
S 1
R.iMKtLrn CorxTT.
To all whom it may concern.
Mrs*. Van- Pnckett. having in due
form applied t«» the undersigned for the
Guardianship of the persons and prop-
of Idws amlHadie Felder, minor
Also a fine line of-Gut and Steel
Fur 30 Day* trill Ofrr
Sjtrrhtl IiufttcrtHettf*.
Mn*t he .Call on
Vh Itefore You Btt y.
. /MU j
A Hhf it iioi^K Var.^ Ftfc d
iMih-s east4>f Cufl jw-rt. «til thd Alj
bjtnvt«Awf. cmfraiimisTTT'g anfs. m>4v*
or less. Nine acre* new ground; 1*5
AgTijuitfiiyid punlir-
TfoT^Wi faun; nfaf^nWlJFafrTy
j old land, makintr 3H0 ai*rcs uiMh-cfence.
IktlaiM'C wimmIs. consisting itf Oak. 'Fine..
I!ick«*ry. Ac. Dwellinjr. Ifcmi?. .Sfock-
a«lc. t’altins. Ap.. in two settlement-.
(Ntnvenient for n>ntinjr.Ai’. M«x!eratcly
rolling, pknl pr«H|iictive land, day anil
Hi HH turinjf cr»»|»s. Terms cash.
^ ^ sep. 4 2m J. R. RUSSEU*.
=S I To Oinners!
Jleadquarters for
igalvia and Ties,
d Rubber Belting,
Agent for Cuthbert,
Dru"ffiNt & Bookneller.
eliildren of Xw. Lnuna Edder. late of j f«i hcrebv <*iven that at t!i« next dttin^
Dooly county deceased, mdicew hereby i of the I^idature a IKI1 will intn#-
given that her application will be lieanl j ,j Ut . c< | to alter and amend an Act ai»-
at my office 4#n the l;*t Monday in l>e-. proved September 2ld. IM3, entitled an
cember next. ld»4. Given under my - * -• — *'-•*- - ~
hand ami offinul denature. YliL* 2inii
day iM. 1894. M. GOB M LEY,
4t Ordinary.
Kakuolch CovNTT.
William Mobley haa strayed before
me thc fidlowin? eatray cattle to-wit:
fine White Cow witli red head and neck,
supposed to lie thirteen or hairtccn
rears «4d. marked with crop and hack
in tlie ri^ht ear. and over square in the
left, and valued at six dollars; also one
Brimlle Hided Steer with white tack ami
bellv, marked the same as the Cow.
#akl tdeer ia four or five years old. val
ued at tan dollar*: also one Red Heifer
Yearn* with white face, about eighteen
mouths old. valued at two and a half
dollar*. All persona are hereby mffitied
to owe bwward and prove property
and i#ay cost of said described cattle,
else they will be told by the Wifriff or
Ids Dei*uty at the plantation of William
Mobley on Thursday tlie 29th day of
November. 1994. Given under my hand
and official signature, this thriftl» dav
of tM«t.»ber. 1^1. M. GURMLKY.
Jt Ordinary.
act to authorize tlie Onlinarv of Ran
dolpii county to submit to the qualified
voters of said county thc question of the
issuance «»f county lmnd.' to pay f«»r the
erection of a Court House in said county,
and to authorize the Clerk of the Supe
rior Court and county Treasurer of aaid
county to sign and issue said bonds and
coiiiions attached, iu case two-thirds of
the qualified voters of said county voting
at aaid election shall cast their ballots
in favor of said bonds, also for the sale
and redemption of said bonds and for
other purposes. oct-UMw.
Kxeevter’ft (We.
KtM»of.rii Corjrrv. •
rndcr and by virtue of an order grant
ed by the Court of Ordinary of (’lav
county, October 6th. lHftl.witl he sold be
fore the Court House door in the citv of
Cuthbert, at puhUc outcry on tlie first
Tuesday iu November next within the
legal hours ot sale, thc South half ot Lot
of Land Xu. 178, In tlie sixth District of
said county. Hold as thc property of
Abner Belcher, deceased.
uvt l> l*.v.
Pattern Bonnets and Hats,
vhTwujpbs. :
Daisies «tc. | Bafcy -C’As Hit-
rnwti H*»r. Tinlct G*o»h, Zephy rs,
etc. Ladies and Misses
Ready-Made Suits.
Kven lHsly invited to Call and
examine good* soil eiimpnre
prices. No trouble to slimv goods
ifid ^arislavtblii guarantee<l. (’.-ill
-iMkd see nitv'JUetore pnq'ta<ing
T'SWJfl-Wtrl 1
M Ltimu ip ffA I
Sotith-W est-Georgia
(Brad d He Diirmltr of Geirdt.)
• GA.
ER. A. M. President
/"lORPS of Twhi-r* full. Ttie Fall
y7 Si»sst#iii nytens on tlie First Momhiy
—New Crop Turnip
Seed, all variation-*
by the pound or pa
per, at
Drug* and Patent Medicines,
At .Lowest Frirr*. wp25-et.
Lamfry ani Taiht Saapt,
Bon-Ton and Rojral Gtaes Starch,
Laundry Blueing, at L- w Pri
ces, al
Drag Store.
^peotaolen and Er* GHaiiw,
W ARRANTKPtoCiv* s«tt*f«rtinn.
frirw from SI rent.' tl, |K-r
M'. T s. POWKI.L.
vt Drnzzbt and ltonk-wiier.
—Novelties ia Ladies’ Neok
wear, si foil assort meat, at
in !*cptciulw*r. Tlie appropriation to the
< <»IIcgc.of ha« been restored, fin 9
enabling the Trrjcee* to |»nt the rncidcu.-
tM'xr at
,g tTdiVSnSSSfETnft wSttu
ApUcatjon to the t*re.-idenf.
uly HB-1 r. * '*
: •_< QEOBfiiA.
*i«reral ■’reltiuntfsrtswat
'■* “NOT1C& *
(i.iv.osAfl, G*.. Srptembsr 1st, tsst.
O X aiul after October 1st. 188t. tlie
cn*t<im.kerctnfure ob-erred in- rM*
ri.iuqvjny, is requiring present uticii slid
eummter M tile Osifinal «tU><4 loidim;
covertnw all 8hi|qsvnt* fros. Western
Itants, prior ti'deltmr ufifhe Rfidit at
JsSMfos, will- be SsmsiiMui in u
for**esorern* Directt'onstesmnit*.
BiU* of Ladiiift coyerioa Ifinpioeiits
n>wn«i»"inona,' < a**k iwe*ent>
edjiO’perfr esrOwsed ts»i knl|i4»I l , 1 < r
0*4 s«r*r t* whose *r4n shits Auut|«
si* eoadtnwVI. sWI«Wrer|MI|i ut I jdintf
mast hs samodensb tofbe Ros4 brfor e
**rh Mitpsiants will be itelitv-nd.
M|42.>-|t , tirnerai Fsri^itAjrcnt,
Insurance Agency.
T. S, POWELL Represents
VX CO. Assets,-fetftwa.
B ritish America issCrasce
CO. Assets, ft ASS,un. .
Tl Assets, ft,.mo,l»IU.
V A. finms jx8t >*A»rE ro
Mr IZsb'OAXCM MA^Asssssment
All safe, FrontpS and Bella We Comps,
tries. - et
Cotton Gins a Contents
Insured at the Josuram-e Agen
cy of T, 8. POVKLL,
Druggist and Bookseller,