Newspaper Page Text
Backgroaad Scripture: 1 Samuel
Devotional Reading: Genesis 37-
Saul was a real human
being, wasn’t he?
At first, when with God’s
help they wanted to make him
king over Israel, he hid a
mong the baggage. But later,
when he had drunk deeply of
the cup of political power,
keeping his throne became
Paine College
to hold Religious
Emphasis week
The annual Religious Emphasis
Week at Paine College is scheduled
for March 18 through 20.
The 3 day program will feature a
seminar entitled “Dating, Cour
tship and Single Parenthood” to
be led by Dr. Cynthia Butler, an
Augusta psychologist. This
seminar will be held in the middle
lounge of the Edmund and Ethel
Peters Campus Center beginning
at 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Evening worship services will be
led by the Rev. Dr. Raymond F.
Williams, general secretary of
Evangelism of the C.M.E. Church,
and will be held in the Gilbert-
Lambuth Memorial Chapel at 7:30
The public is invited to attend
these activities.
Methodist Alliance
to hold
Lenten services
Lenten services will be held
weekly under the auspices of the
United African Christian
Methodist Alliance. Participating
denominations are as follows: St.
Mark United Methodist, African
Methodist Episcopal, Christian
Methodist Episcopal and African
Methodist Episcopal Zion chur
Services will be held on March
20 at 7:30 p.m. at Hudson
Memorial C.M.E. Church. Rev.
Robert Davenport is pastor.
Rev. John L. Thompson, pastor
of Williams Memorial C.M.E.
Church will preach for the
FH's attend
Spring district meet
Richmond County High Schools
and Middle Schools Future
Homemakers of America and
Home Economics Related Oc
cupations club members attended
the Spring District II meeting at
Screven County High School in
Sylvania, Ga., March 9.
Approximately 125 members at
tended from Richmond County.
Highlights of the meeting: the
election of District II State officers
and recognition of accomplish
ments for individual chapters.
Several Richmond County chap
ters received stars.
I teachers,
land WORKERS... | J
1 You are invited to preview the all-new I
I 1985 k/fih
| Standard Vacation Bible School course. |S<AW. " L
Come and learn and share! I |
DATE: Monday, March 25th vjß~~ \rKNR ■»
TIME: 7:30 p.m. -1- §|
I s r I
35 I PLACE: Ramada Inn 1365 Gordon Hwy Augusta, GA 30901
I ' i
an insane obsession. Yes,
how very human.
Os course, Saul’s problem
was not that the people didn’t
respect him. When he return
ed Jfom his battles with the
Philistines, the people would
line the streets and hail him
with “Saul has slain his thous
ands.” With an accolade
such as that in the midst of
all the singing and dancing,
the timbrels, the songs of
joy and instruments of mu
sic, wouldn’t you think he
would be satisfied?
But what really angered
Saul was the fact that the peo
ple also sang, “and David
his ten thousands.” Instead
of feeling gratified and pleas
ed with his choice of David
to lead his armies, Saul could
only feel fear: “...what more
can he have but the king
dom?” Like a petulant child,
Saul goes into a sulk and the
writer of 1 Samuel tells us,
“And Saul eyed David from
that day on”(18:9).
From this day forward
there would be no peace in
Saul’s heart or his house:
Missionary Society
to celebrate
The Senior Missionary Society
of the Good Shepherd Baptist
Church will celebrate their an
niversary on March 17 at 6 p.m.
“The Women of the Bible” will
be presented, narrated by Mrs.
Ruth Roundtree. Music will be
provided by the Good Shepherd
Male Chorus.
H. H, Brigham
Gospel Chorus to
celebrate anniversary
The H. H. Brigham Gospel
Chorus of the Mt. Zion AME Zion
Church will celebrate its 30th Am
niversary, March 17 at 4 p.m. Mrs.
Wylene B. Reynolds, the mistress
of ceremonies, will present various
choirs participating in the
The public is invited ato attend.
Rev. R.C. Moore Jr., is the pastor.
Deaconess Board
to celebrate
30th anniversary
The 30th Anniversary of the
Deaconess Board of Springfield
Baptist Church will be celebrated
March 24th at 2:30 p.m.
Rev. J. C. Trowell, pastor of
Gethsemane Baptist Church will
bring the message. Mrs. Betty
Marshall of Thankful Baptist
Church will serve as Mistress of
The public is invited to attend.
■Rev. E. T. Martin is the pastor.
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“And on the morrow an evil
spirit from God rushed upon
Saul, and he raved within his
house, while David was play
ing his lyre, as he did day by
day” (18:10).
I would give a name to that
“evil spirit” that rushed up
on Saul, I would call him
“Jealousy.” But, unlike
the writer of 1 Samuel, I
would not ascribe this evil
spirit to God, just as Jesus
did not attribute evil spirits
to his Father. Nor would I be
willing to say with the writer
that the Lord “had departed
from Saul” (18:12). Rather,
it is apparent that Saul had
departed from the Lord.
Furthermore, the reason
that the “evil spirit” could
enter his life was that there
was a void in Saul where God
had been pushed out of his
life. As Jesus was later to il
lustrate in his parable (Mat
thew 12), the evil spirits of
life—fear, suspicion, jeal
ousy, etc. —can rush in only
when our hearts are empty.
Had Saul been grateful to
God for what he had done
with and for him, if he had
been content to be the great
Saul who * ‘has slain his thous
ands,” the evil spirit of jeal
ousy could not have “rushed
upon” him. If he had con
tinued to walk with God, he
would not have had to fear
David. For it was God, not
himself, who had made him
king, just as it was God who
was giving David his suc-
Hale Street Baptist
to celebrate
Youth Day
Hale Street Baptist Church will
celebrate its Youth Day March 17
at 3 p.m.
Mrs. Bettye R. Tindall retired
teacher of the Richmond County
school system will be the guest
Rev. E. A. Brown is the pastor.
The public is invited to ati 3d.
Rummage sale
to be held
The Kia Thomas contestant
committee of the Augusta Alum
nae Chapter of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc. will sponsor a
Rummage Sale of March 16th
beginning at 7 a.m. in front of
Bethel A.M.E. Church on the cor
ner of Ninth and D’Antignac Sts.
Kia is competing for the title of
Miss Creme de la Creme. The win
ner will be announced on April 6 at
the Annual Creme de la Creme to
be held at the Augusta-Richmond
County Civic Center. All proceeds
from the sale will go toward the
■chapter’s scholarship and com
nunity service fund.
“And when Saul saw that
he had great success, he stood
in aweof him” (18:16). That
was Saul’s fatal error: he kept
looking at David when he
should have been watching
God. And is that not also
often our mistake, too, fo
cussing on the creature in
stead of the Creator, creating
a void in our lives that invites
a host of evil spirits to rush
in upon us?
(Based on outlines copyrighted by the
Division of Christian Education, National
Council of the Churches of Christ In the
U.S.A, Released by Community Press
5/. Patrick ’s Day
parade to be held
The Irish American Heritage
Society is sponsoring a St.
Patrick’s Day celebration and
parade on March 16.
The celebration will begin with a
special Mass at the Holy Trinity
Church on Telfair St. at 11 a.m.,
followed by the parade which will
begin and end at the parking lot of
the City County Building on
Telfair St.
The parade will travel down
Telfair St., turn onto 12th St.,
down Broad St., then onto 6th and
return to the City County
Building. A reviewing stand will be
set up between J.C. Penny’s and
the Richmond Apartment complex
for the Grand Marshal, officials
and guest to watch the parade.
Following the parade the public
is invited to the Hilton Convention
Center for an afternoon of music
and dancing.
Delta’s to hold
Poetry Reading
• A Poetry Reading Contest will
be sponsored by the Augusta
Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc. on March 15
at 7 p.m. in the Paine College
There will be two divisions of
competition: Middle School and
Senior High School. Contestants
have been drawn from schools in
the Augusta area.
The presentations by each con
testant will be judged on dramatic
delivery and poetry selection. Cash
prizes will be awarded in each
division. The event is free and the
public is invited to attend.
Attend the church BAPTIST CHURCH
1404 Brown Street
of your choice. urec X' e F X’c—«
o as t 0r Shaw phone 724-6117
Deacon Jake Walker Chairman of Deacon Board
BEULAH GROVE . MACEDONIA Home Phone 722-1078
1428 Poplar Street 72 Laney-Walker Blvd. Sunday
Rev. Sam Davis Rev. J S Wright Pastor Wam Sund
7 Arcadia Court Church Phone 722-1389 H:lsa.m. Morning Worship
North Augusta
Phone 278-3695 Sunday Monday
Sunday 9.30 a.m. Sunday School 5 p.m. The Shaw Choir Rehearsal
9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m Morning Worship (before Ist and 3rd Sundays)
lla.m. Morning Worship 6 P- m - Baptist Taming Union
6 p.m. B.T.U. Evening Worship Tuesday
7:30p.m. Evenig Service Tuesday ,■ Sr. Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m.
Each 3rd Sunday 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting (before 2nd and 4th Sundays)
Holy Communion Wednesday
5 p.m. Junior Mission Wednesday
Monday 7 P- m - Gospek Choir Rehearsal
5 p.m. Jr. Missionary Socty. MT. CALVARY (before Ist and 3rd Sundays)
BAPTIST CHURCH Senior Choir m charge of song service
Tuesday 1252 Wrightsboro Road 2nd and 4th Sunday. Gospel Choir has
5 p.m. Jr. Missionary socty. R ev . clyde Hi || Sr Pastor charge of song service Ist and 3rd Sunday.
Wednesday Church Phone 722-0925 Senior Mission meeting Ist and 3rd
7:30p.m. Prayer Service Home Phone 722-8242 Tuesdays at 5 p.m.
Saturday Sunday Senior Usher Board meeting Ist Wed-
11 a.m. "An Hour With God” 8 a.m. Morning Worship nesday of each month at 6 p.m.
8 a.m. Early Morning Worship Junior Usher Board meeting every Ist
CRAWFORD 9:45 a.m. Church School and 3rd Sundays after service
BAPTIST CHURCH H a.m. Morning Worship F.D Shaw Choir Reversal Saturday before first
955 Florence Street 5:30p.m. Church in Training and third Sundays at 12 pm.
Rev. Charles Moore Sr., Pastor Tuesday Gospel Choir and the F.D. Shaw have charge of
Church Phone 724-2009 7 p.m. Bible Class song service. First and Third Sundays.
Sunday Senior Mission meeting Tuesday after the first
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Thursday and third Sunday in the month at 5 p.m.
Dea. Cordy Hobbs In Charge 7 p.m. Prayer Service
11:20a.m. Morning Worship ST. MARK UNITED
7 p.m. Club No. 17 p.m. Church School 1291 Mark’s Church Rd.
7:30 p.m. Club No. 2 Teachers Meeting Augusta, Georgia
..... Dr. Roland Haynes, Pastor
7 p.m. o“s»™b™=l,SL £»
ursday Rev. Nathaniel Irvin Sr., Pastor lla.m. Worship Service
5 p.m. Youth Choir Church Phone 593-2885
M ftenefiekMnCha™ H ° me Phone 279 ’ 4128 THANKFUL
8 Child Development Center BAPTIST CHURCH
, orn "id* 593-3274 304 Walker Street
6p..m. Official Board Meeting Sunday Rev. N.T. Young, Pastor
GOOD SHEPHERD 10 am - Sunday School
BAPTIST CHURCH lla.m. Morning Worship Home . hone 22-8955
Rev. Essie Mclntyre, Pastor Nursery Provided
Dea. A. Frazier, Hon. Supt. 0 ., n „ _ s .
Church Phone 733-0341 Tuesday 9.30a.m. Sunday School
1905 Sunset Avenue Bible Study for Men lla.m. Sunday Worship
Sunday Wednesday Tuesday
9:45 a.m. Sunday School 5:30 p.m. Prayer Service 7 P m - Prayer Meeting
lla.m. Morning Worship
5 p.m. B.T.U. Thursday Thursday
6 p.m. Evening Worship Bible Study For Women 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir
Wednesday Saturday Saturday
7 p.m. Bible Study 12 noon Bible Study for All 6 P- m - Gospel Choir Rehearsal
WILLIAMS MEMORIAL Sunday 5:30 p.m. Mid-week Worship
CHRISTIAN METHODIST 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Gospel Choir Rehearsal
EPISCOPAL CHURCH lla.m. Morning Worship
1630 15th Street 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship Thursday
Rev. Gene R Dean, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Rehearsal
Church Phone 733-9430 Mon. Thur Fri.
Home Phone 724-3682 6:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Day Care Saturday
Center service for children age 1-5 2p m Leola Key Choir Rehearsal
3 p.m. Voice Choir Rehearsal
The Augusta News-Review March 16,1985
—Yolh church —
Mrs. Geneva Y. Gibson, Church Coordinator
Church Reporters: Miss Theodosia Edwards
Joseph E. Johnson, George Turner, Bennie
Mae Williams.
145 W Florence Street
Sunday School.. 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship.,,ll: a.m. ''wßaß'
Training Uni0n...5:15 p.m.
Prayer Service...7:3o a.m. iF.
church 724-2809 >
Resident 738-1365 B I
Rev. R.E.
Church of Christ
1002 D'Antignac Street
Bible Study ’. ,9:45a.m
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship. . 6:30 p.m jH|
Brethren L ship Class . 7 p.m
Praver Service 7 p.m. „ ni ,
Song Practice 7 p.m. Bro - Rlchard
722-0059 Office Miuiater
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