Newspaper Page Text
Cedsurtown February- 13th
City Diiectoiy.
County Officers.
ORDINARY Joel Brbwbb
SHERIFF W. O. Tatloh.
DEPUTY SHERIFF... E. W. Clements.
TAX COLLECTOR W. J. Richardson.
SURVEYOR J. C. Harris.
CORONER Jerrt Thojcmox.
SENATOR38th DISTRICT.. . JIon. W. J. Head.
Mrs. Dr. W. G. England is seri
ously ill.
Only one paper in Cedartown now,
The Advertiser.
Mrs. J. D. Kulow has been quite
Dev. J. T. Gibson is visiting friends
and relatives in Cedartown.
Cliurcli Directory.
EVERY SABBATH D. J. Mtrick, Pastor.
let and 3rd SABBATHS, C.K. Hbnderbon, Paetor.
2d and 4th SABBATHS J. E, Jonhs, Pastor.
Cedartown Lodge No. 273.
WM. BRADFORD Dictator.
L. S. LEDBETTER Reporter,
Lodge meets every Monday night after 2d and
4th Sabbaths.
Caledonia Lodge F. A. M.
Regular communication 3rd Friday night in
every month, in room over Huntington «fc Wright’n
Our Clubbing Gist.
We win aend The Advertiser and any of the
.following 'paper6 Tor one year, post paid, on receipt
of the sum opposite each :
"REMEMBER that if you buy a box of
Bradford & Allen's Liver Pills aud tl ey
do net give entire satisfaction you can get
a box ef any other pills in the market
without charge. There rs no chance for
you to lose by trying a box of them.
Bradford & Allen keep the boat writing
ink to be had anywhere. Take your inkstand there
and get it filled for a nickel.
Apples, Oranges, Coconuts, Pick
les, Salmon, Sardines and Ovsters at
Keep a box of Bradford & Allen's vegtcable
liver pills in your botu-c ull the time. A pill or
two at bed time occasionally when you feel a little
‘ out of sorts'’ will often save you a long spell of
-sickness and a still longer doctor’s bill. “A etich
iu time saves mine”—sometimes ninety-nine.
Fresh Mackerel and White Fish at
Parties indebted to RHILPOT &
DODDS aud Dot wishing to find their
accounts in the hands of an attorney
for collection will do well ti cali and
■Settle at once. ft) 4t
This Means What it Says.
All parties indebted to us mu s t
positively call at once and hare a set
tlement. We dislike to worry i.u r
customers with suits and tax them
with colts, but we are absolutely en
able to indulge them longer. Tlease
attend to this matter now. “Nino is
the beat time to do everything.’'
A few of those nice Chromos left
left at JUD CRABB’S.
I, J. B. l.ittle of Cedartown, Qa., do
hereby certify that I have been afflicted by
acute Rheumatism for several months past,
but by free applications of Dr. Thomi-sor’s
celebrated Liniment have been entirely
cured, and take great pleasure in recom
mending it to others similarly afflicted. I
have also used it in several cases of severe
cuts and bruises and found it efficient for
|U be claims for it, and consider it a val
uable house-bold medicine,. Made and,sold
only by Dr. R. R. Thompson, Cedartown
dla. 1-30-79.
Call aud see JUD CRABB and
buy seme of his nice goods.
The firm of W. M. Phillips &
Co. will be dissolved on the First
day »f February, 1379, J. S. Phil
lips withdrawing. Business will still
be continued under the same name.
Johh II. Phillips is admitted as a
partner from that date. All persons
indebted to the old firm will please
come forward at once and settle
without further notice. The books
and notes will be at the store for the
next thirty days; after that time
they will be put out for collection,
unless spicial arrangements are
In order to reduce our stock pre
paratory to the dissolution, we offer
all goods at cost for CASH. No
goods to leave the house under this
condition until fully paid for. Now
is your best time to secure bargains
such as were never offered before in
Cedartown We mean exactly what
we sav. W. M. Phillips,
E. D. Hightower,
J. S. Phillips.
Jan. 29, lS79-lt
JUD CRABB can he found op
posite thi Drug Store of Burbank
& Jones and is prepared to furnish
you fresh groceries cheaper thau
Miss Hattie Warren, of Atlanta,is
visiting Major M. H. Bunn's family.
Capf. McClatchey began work on
the bridge across .Big Cedar last
We trust “My Sun” wtli not fail to
read the letter from his dear father
in this paper.
Fletch Smith is back to see his old
friends. Fletch is now foreman ol
the Cartersville Express office.
Prof. Snow has brought his family
to our town and taken rooms with
Mr. J. S. Noyes and family.
Judge Brewer has taken away the
gates to the court house yard, which
could not he kept shut, and put step-
stiles in their places, which uakes a
decided improvement.
There is an old song, one verse of
which reads thus:
Miss Florence Ford, lrum Cave
Spring will spend several months
with Mrs. N. M. Wright in Cedar
If the grand gury enforces the law
against gambling ar construed by his
Honor, Judge Underwood, in his
charge, about half the firms iu town
will be indicted for dealing in pre
packages. That traficccrtaiuly ought
to be discouraged. —
- -
The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing
Machine Co., has secured the servieva
of Mr.T. W. Asbury, of Cave Spring,
as collecting agaent. A most foluuate
arrangement for the company.
Mr. Selig, ol the firm of Cohen &
Selig, wholesale clothiers, Atlanta,
Ga., will visit our merchants in a
few days iu the interest of his house.
We trust they will reserve an order
for him.
We understand the Cedartown
Hotel property has changed hands.
Dr. Harris has sold out to Mr. Rice,
of Thomasville, Ga. We learn it s
the design of the now proprietor to
greatly improve the property. He
will remove his family here soon.
Mr. If. Bentley, of Cloburn county,
Ala . while here on business last week
fell and dislocated his left hip. The
bone was replaced by Drs. Harris
aud Liddell aud he was kindly looked
alterbv Messrs.Uuutington & Wright
and their clever cl.-rks, with whom
he had been trading.
Judge Underwood charged the
grand jury this week that all who
voted at the January election with
out having paid their taxes for 1878
voted illegally and were subject to all
the penalties of the law for the same.
Also, all who voted at that time
without having resided in the State
twelve months and in the county
six months. If the jury decide to
enforce the law on the subject the
result will he about 260 true bills for
violation of this one law.
In the conduct of The Adverti
ser we have no hobby to ride, no axe
to grind, no interest to subserve that
is incompatible with the interests of
all good cit’zens. The object of
newspapers, like tlmtof governments
should be to do the greatest good to
the greatest number of people and
do wrong to none. We may tail short
of this high goal, doubtless will,
but it shall he our honest, constant
desire to reach it.
A Man Found Read.
Mr. Francis Weeks, who 1 ired
near Davis’ Mill, in the neighbor
hood of Roekmart, was found dead
in the woods near his house last Fri
day. He had been in delicate health
for some time, complaining of an
noying sensations in his chest and
about his heart. About 9 o'clock in
the morning on the day of his death
he called his dogs and walked off in
to the woods in the direction of the
creek. Not returning to his dinner,
search was made aud his body found
lying under a cliff by the c reek. He
had apparently stopped there and
sat upon a log, for some time and
then lain down beside it. There was
no evidence whatever of any violence
having been done to his person. We
append Terdict of the coroners
jury emponeled to iuqure into the
cause of his death.
We the Jury from the testimony of the witnesses
and also appearance of the bodv thinks and con-
enr with the witnesses and believe that deceased
ca ne to his death in the providence of God.
L. B. York, Foreman, W. B. S. Davis,
R. II. Cleveland. J. A. Dngijen.
Robert Cleveland. W. T. Simpson.
Jeremiah Thompson, Coroner.
Visiting Attorneys.
We notice the following attorneys
in attendance upon our Superior
Coi rt ibis week. From Rome,
Messrs. Alexander, Fouche, Wright,
Rowell aud Featherston; from At
lanta, E. N. Broyles; from Carters,
ville, T. W. Milner; from Roekmart,
Williamson and Merrill; Buchanan,
Murdock McBride.
Solicitor General Clements being
detained at the bedside of his sick
father, Judge Underwood appointed
Col. Broyles to act in his stead.
The Southern Farmer’s Monthly.
The editor and publisher of the
above journal seem determined to
eclipse all competitors in thutdepart-
ment o journalism. They are get
ting up, by far, the best, brightest
and most attractive farmer’s month
ly that we have seen. No farmer
would ever regret spending two dol
lars for a year’s subscription to it.
Address, J. H. Estill, Savanna!), Ga
Give us a Trial.
Many persons have heretofore pro
fessed a willingness to support a
single paper here but were not will
ing to take two and did not like to
discrimiate against either. We now
offer all such an opportunity to do
this without showing partiality. The
Advertiser will he the only candi
date for public favor here, aud, as we
can now say it without harrowing
anybody’s feelings, we do hope that
all who feel interested in having a
good paper publiiiied here (and we
believe there are many who do) will
give The Advertiser a cordial and
libera! support
an lidependent” or ‘‘people’s” tick
et. They say he will run and he
ele< ;d by a large majority. One of
the mat notorious of the breed and
a n latrooffiee holder here who once
figi d in Georgia politics, have, 1
heat been in consultation lately with
a mlnber of the Georgia delegation,
prosinedly on this subject. It is
verylertatin that the basis of what
is bunded to he a formidable an-
tagojsm to the democracy of Geor
gia iceing formulated here, and that
it wilmake its biggest bid for, and
base lost of its hopes on Uio negro
vote. Look out for the first signs of
this i certain newspapers in Geor
gia, 111ich will presently blisscin
with it post-office and other depart
mentrinting. If this don’t happen,
depem upon it there lias been a
hitch in the arrangements some
where’ Let the people of Georgia
make p their minds now to fight
and stnip out next year one of the
most ifamous and unholy conspira
cies toleliver them into the power
of thvadical party that was ever,
New Store,
New Stock,
New Firm,
JUD CRABB comes to the front
again with a first-class stock of gro
ceries and confectionaries. Also a
nod s ock of School Books.
Opposite Burbank & Jones’ Drug Store.
A Letter to Mj Son.
We arc cot inclined to lecture or
advise our town authorities, hut
would respectfully call their atten
tion o a very important part of
theirduties, the preservation of or
der. The town, we think, should he
strictly and carefully policed aud the
chief evil, drunkeness, on the street
be checked and as far as can he, sup
pressed. We repeatedly witness
cciies upon the streets, disreputable
in ilia extreme, and often it is not
advisable fur a lady to walk on the
main business street of the town.
The grievance calls loudly for some
remedy, and a little care and atten
tion from the town authorities would
soou make a decided improvement in
this posture • of affairs. Whether
boisterous or not, no man, while in
liquor, should be allowed to remain
on the streets. This would be but
simple enforcement of an ordi
nance now on the statute hooks of
the town. ‘
As to those who disturb the peace
of the town and especially those who
combine to insult and resist the au
thorities, let them feel the full weight
of the law. Our marshal, Mr. Whit
field, is by nature quiet and peacea
ble and disposed to do no one wrong-
tiut he has been put to the testand so
far as we know has never flinch
ed from any danger in the discharge
of his duties. He should receive
the sympathy and support of the
Mayor and Council and all law abid
ing eitiz:ns.
We are as strongly opposed as any
one can be to anything like tyranny
on the part of a town or any of its
officers, but a town government that
does not preserve order within its
limits is an utteily useless burden.
Roasted Cetfee at
Bradford & Allen have moved into
their new brick store on Main street-
They are now in the neatest and
prettiest drugstore in North Georgia.
Go and see ii.
Do You Owe Me?
I can be found at The Adver
tiser (old Express) office when in
town. When out of town, my ac
counts will be in the hands of Mr.
Ja.nes Glenn. Friends, the amount
you owe, to each of you, n small,
i’.y me up "1-ke a little man.” 1
will he in Roekmart on Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 21st and 22nd at
Buchanan, Thursday and Friday,
Feb. 27 and 28. Our patrons ai
these places will please meet me if at
all convenient. Jjto. W. Radlsy,
Publisher late Cedartown Express.
The Democratic Congressional
caucus, held iu Washington Saturday
night, determined to put into the
sundry civil appropriation hill
amendments providing f >r a repealoi
the test oath lor jurors, and also for
a repeal of the United States revised
statutes relating to the appointment
of Federal Supervisors of Elections
Cloning Against Georgia.
Washington Corrasponctence Macon Telegraph. _
I hear some whispers now-a-days
of coming events in Georgia politics.
All the scalawags and carpet-baggers
who hang around here aud claim
and that state as their home, are
howling for Toembs for governor on
Mr DeaiBoy—My feare for yon aro excited. I
know yourianger* and yoHr tendencies. I, there
fore, writao warn you, to do yon good, to win
you from ffly and to save you. My love to you
forces me t write plainly, it may seem sovcrely.
I wish to mpress yon. I shall, in all I ear, a
‘‘round nnvnsshcd tale dellrer.”
You are n»w beginning to assume the airs of a
mau; yet, ycj are only eighteen, with no wisdom
and slill le.- experience. You think you know
everything, md, I dare say, will rugard my advice
an a kind of »iou? dodge, coming from an old man,
a long way bihind the times. Already, instead of
calling me b; the endearing name of father, you
have begun to denominate me the “old man.”
How qnicklyyou have outgrown yonr straps ! You
are full of sip, soft and pulpy. Yon should be
speedily tappid tor the bighead. It is wonderful
on what goodterms yon are with yourself. You
are absolutely unique, in your own estimation,
eui generis, Epluribus unum. Now, in the judg
ment of all rijth; thinking people; you are a
puppy. You are nothing but a dapper little smirk,
a baud-box hero, who smokes bis cigar, parts bis
hair in the middle, and fliita with fIHt girls. Your
gandy display of jewelry advertise your brass ; and
yonr smutted upper lip but ill disguises the fact
that your mouth is yet fragrant of your mother’s
breast. (I wonder if his mother knows he’s out.
Yes, poor creature, she helped ?o make him such
and thinks it smart.)
You boast that you are one of the bloods. What
docs this mean ? There are three classes : the
bucks, the-loods and the beaux. The bucks aro
bummers; the bloods have no personal worth but
rely upon their fathers reputations to take them
along. The beaux display fine cl<*tles and snaile,
and smile, and yet are villains. Discard them all
and be a gentleman. Ape none of them. Don’t be
a booby, be a man. not a manikin.
Again, never brag. This is vuloir. The resort
ot a mean fellow. Never make yjurself the tn*ro
of your own story. Boast not of yonr rich kin, of
what your father has had. Stand spot your own
merits. You must be poor indeed to Dc propped
■p by another man’s virtues. Make a man for
yourself and .-land upon that. Remcmcbcr that
your father is poor. Don’t strive to keep up ap-
peranccs. People will And you out, Accept the
situation and live up to it.
‘ Ilonor aud shame from no condition rise.
Act well your part, there all the honor lies.”
Measure men not by their broad cloth but by
their souls. Fill your mind with useful knowledge
not with gossip. Don't be a parrot, be a thinking
man. Have something sensible to say. Never
become tli» buffoon of a company- Men
the thing that makes tnera laugh. In dress be
modest, let nothing run to fancy. Characterize
yon dress, not dress, you. Remember cleanliness
la next to godliness.
Choose yoar associates from among the sensible
and the good. Do not imagine you are ruined un
less you visit the girls. This is not necessary to
your well being. Much of this kind of visiting is
very ridiculous, if not wrong. Be chary of your
visits, don't make youself common-place. Young
as yon are yon should never visit except in com
pany of sensible persons. Your k»ad is not level
yet; you need ballast.
Respect the ladies but never become a dangler
after women. Go to church to worship God. Yon
can’t do it with a girl whimpering and giggling
by your side. Churches are not for social amuse
I have eaid nothing abont peliteness. This is a
matter that can’t be learned by note. It exists, if
it exists at all, in the mind, iu the heart, in the
mau. No man who docs not love his race can be
truly a polite man. Politeness is a lost art- Try to
revive it. Speak to all. Speak evil of none. Be
on good terms with every body, especially the
postmaster, the merchant and the preacher. Cul
tivate a warm acquaintance with yonr pastor.
Visit him. Let him eee you are interested in him.
Love him for his werk’s sake, though he be not a
perfect man.
Have a purpose in life.
To thine ownself be true,
and it must follow-as the night the day, that thou
c&na’t not be false to auy man. Adieu.
r. S. I shall write to your sister next, who, I
find, is as bad off as you are.
Werth Twice the Sum.
We are just in receipt of the Chica
go Ledger, the leading Family Paper
of the West, which is now entering
upon its seventh volume. The Led
ger is a large forty-eight column
weekly paper, printed upon bold,
plain type, which can be read with
ease, by either the old or young, and
is filled with choice 3tor:es and mat
ter of particular interest to every
household. This excellent journal
is supplied to subscribers, postage
paid, for the extremely low price of
one dollar and fifty cents per year.
Id order to more rapidly increase its
present list of readers, the publish
ers of this paper have just mad* a
new contract for the manufacture of
several thousand fine Nickel-Plated
English Steel-Barrel-and-Cyliuder
Seven-Shot Revolvers—22 caliber—
which they propose to distribute
among their subscribers at cost, and
therefore, offer one of these elegant
weapons of defense aud the Ledger
one year for three dollars. The re
volver will be sent by mail, postage
paid, on receipt of the price. They
have already distributed 5,000 re
volvers, and are mailing hundreds
daily. Now is your time to get a
lirst-cluSB revolver and the best pa
per in the country for less thin half
the actual worth of either. Three
sample copies of the Ledger will be
mt to any address for ten cents,
dd ss. The Lodger, Chicago, Ill.
Cedartown, Ga,
W. J. NOYES, A. B. Principal.
Mrs. M. A. CRABB, Assistant.
Mrs. II. IV. NOYES, Instructor iu Drawing
and Painting
Have sold out Two .Stocks of Goods this Season and are now receiving
•nd Opening a THIRD, bought since the
In Cotton and Goods, and are Able to Offer
Than Ever Before in
l>ry Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
Queens Ware,
In fact Everything that you cau buy from any first-class dealer in
G(ei)efal JVIerdljkijdi^e.
The Spring Term of the Scholastic jesr
1870 will commence January 0th insr.. and
close about the middle of June. The course
01 study taugiit is
Especial ailcntiou is given to trie English
branches. The studies which render pupils
conversant with their
are deemed the mo-t important, therefore
thorough and faithful instruction i- s Jjtven iu
all the branches. We offer superior ad
vantages to youtsg men, who desire a busi
ness education. Those who wish to take a
course can be carried through the
same studies usually pursued iu colleges.
Kates of tuition will be reasonable to
suit the hard times. They will range from
$1.50 to $4 00 per month. Drawing and
painting $2 00 per month. Exercises in
vocal Music freo Incidentals 50 cent ?
Hearn Male Schools
Cavo Spring, ... Ca.
We also buy
cc cc
00 OO
cc cc
OO 00
We pay the Highest Market Price for all kinds of
When you come to Cedartown make
at Our House, and price our goods before you purchase.
We have a comfortable and convenient
AV -A_ Cd O N Yi A/ r id
That is free to our customers. Agents for the Best and
Leading Brands of Fertilizers.
Give us a Trial.
Dec. 15 1978-tf
T HE FORTIETH Session of this School
will open August 20th, aud elo-«e ?tb«
Full Ttrtn December loth, l87$.;jTho
Spring Term opens January 0th and
June 27th lS79.Tuition tor me year, 20, o9
and SfilO. Incidental expenses for the
year $1. lioarl with the Principal at $IO
per month, exclusive of washing and tow.
els. Students will be thoroughly pi® >>'r-
ed for tho
|7H H ElfcL A SS US’ INy 'OLt.KGB
Prizes will be awarded in Latin, Greek
and Mathematics. For circular* or other
information, address the Principal.
j27 1m Cave Spring, U».
O etthe
“The best authority. It oug
every Library.*^ every Academy an
every School.'’—lion. (.’has. Sumner.
“The best existing English Lexi
A largo, handsome voluoiu of 1854
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more than 100,700 words in
its Vocabulary, witH the
correct Pnmuuci tl ion.
Definition, nod
Fully illustrafed and unabridg
ed, with four full-page illu
minated plates. Library
Sheep, Marbled Edges.
is regarde 1 as the STANDARD AUTHOR.
ITY, an ! is recommended by Bryant, Long -
lchow. Holmes, Irving, Wiuthrop, Marsh,
iloury, Everett, Stephens, Quincy, Felton,
and the majority of our most distinguish
ed scholars, and is recognized authority
by the Departments of our National Gov
ernment, It is also adopted by many
Boards of Public Instruction.
“The volumes before iis show a vast
amount of diligence; but with Webster it
is diligence iu combination with fanciful
ness. With WoBCPsTEit, in combination
with good sense and judgment. WORCES
TER'S is the soberer and safer book, and
may be pronounced the best existing Kn-
glish lexicon."—London Athenaeum.
‘•The best English writers and the most
particular American writers us - WORCES
TER as authority."—New York Herald.
“After our recent strike wo made tho
change to Worcester as aut hority in spel
ling, chiefly to .bring ourselves into con
formity with accepted usage, a.- well as to
gratify the desire of our staff, including
auch geutlemeu as Bayard Taylor, George
Smalley, and John 't. C. Ilassard."—
v Y ork Tribune.
The Complete Series'of
Worcester's Dictionaries
Qntirto Dictionary. Profusely lilu.-
trated. L.brary sheep. $10,0
Universal aud G iticul D.ei-ionarj
8vo.Library sheep. $4.2
Academic Dictionary. ,
Crown Hvo. Half roan. $1.8
Comprehensive Dictionary. Illtif
trated. 1*2mo. Half roan. $17
School (Elementary) Dictionary. I
lastriited. 12mo. Half roan. $1.0
Piinmvy Dictionary. Illuvtrut^t
10mo- Half roan. 00
Pocket Dictionary. I Bust rated. 24m
Cloth, b3c. r*>an, ll xible, 85c. rouL
tucks, gilt edges. $1.00.
Many special aids to students, in addi
tion to a very full pronouncing and defin
ing vocabulary, make Worcester’s, th
most complete, as well as by far the cheap
Dictionaries of oar language.
** For sale by all liovk sellers, or senl
carriage free, on receipt of prije by
Published, Ii ;ukseilerK, und .Statue
710 and 717 Mat Let i*i.. Philadelphia.
Cedartown Seminary.
January, 1879, i
Preparatory CL
Second and Thi
The children
begins first Moml.1T
ud civs
, li>79.
20 0
30 (X
20. CM
' liVC le
Icrgyn! clm-g.-l
rt.c com sc -I sludy
1 thorough, the usual H
Bisti, Classical and Mathematical Etudir
ogether with the Physical Sciences.
! 1 20 3m. Mrs. T. J. S. L’uisi.