Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, March 27, 1879, Image 3

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PUBLISHED : EVEHY THURSDAY MORN IX#. ■' Cedartown, Ga.. March. 27th & Terms of Subscription, One C$»T One Year Advertising Rates- > j lWk. | 1 Mo. I 3 Mo. 1 V col 41 $100 1 GO I 2 00 4 00 I 6 00 - 10 OQ ' Mr, A. J. Tomlinson lost another little infant, only a few h^nrs old, last Saturday. • 15 Ball Pool.—Onlyr^Table in? Rome, at D. II. Finley’s, Shorter liiock, Broad Street, march275t Our Oemetery is filling up quite rapidly. The city fathers are mak ing some lon^ ue2ded improvements th£re. icon 15 oo 25 00 40 00 15 00 20 00 1 40 «0 65 00 1 100 on tore insertion* five cents per line each Local Noticee. ten cents perline for Por two MARRIAGE AND DEATH NOTICES-As matter ■.wa, published free Mr. Do'rsett, from near Taylor;- isoi'ville, bought property and vvi locate iirCetlurtown. Mr. \Y ade \\ Milam, frorri*tbe same place, is also looking ground with the same intent. OBITUARY NOTICES—Ch^r?»td at half rate? City Diiectory. ,.W. F. Tun new County Officers. ORDINARY JoEI - B rewer - CLERK SUPERIOR COURT W. C. Kkicjht. W. G. Tatujb- ...E. W. Clement?. CONTESTED. ...W. J.Ricuakp; SHERIFF DEPUTY SHERIFF... TAX RECEIVER TAX COLLECTOR TREASURER SURVEYOR CORONER REPRESENTATIVE .. SENATOR38th DISTRICT.. -'/{C Vldverfllr ‘ ^ Pare . Winds' and Liqutfrs ot all kinds, at P. HjTinley a, Shorter Blyck, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. tit ^EVe are going to quit talking “sas sy” about the brass band'. 'Ihey are learning verv*f»s , p Some of them learning very fas*? have fine ears for music, only they are about six inches too long. Laramore & Co., Rome. Ga., offi to merchant .C. n. Wood. ,T. C. Harris. .jKnnT Thompson. ..Hotf. C. V-. Janes. . W. J. Head. Church Hire, methodist: EYJ5RY SABBATH D. J. Mywck. Pastor. BATTIST. 1st and 3rd SABBATHS, C. K. TTevdersos, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. *d and 4th SABBATHS & Jokes, Pastor. K NIG UTS OP 1 ION (MC Cedartown Lodge WM. BRADFORD .. L. S. LEDBETTER • >- - Lodge meets every Monday 4th Sabbaths. Dictator. Reporter <r\h aTK-r-ST a*^l MASONIC. Caledonia Lodge J, 8. STUBBS ' Bflgalar ^commnnication" 3rd 'l'r every moalli, in room over Duntingt A. M. W. M. LOCAL 1ST IL W S. 7? m rTn^ NOTICE. After this dat^tho Legal Advertising* connected ^ with my ofiice will be done in the Cedartow.. Ad- tektiser. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary 1 oIkco. After this date.the^dvcrtisiig of the ShaBATs Oflicti of Polk county will be done in the Cedartown , Advertiser. W, G. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Feb. 17,1879. BucnANAN,’GA.,-Feh.l7th 1872. Until'farther^notice the Legal Advertisements of the Ordinary and Sheriff of Haralson: county will be done in the Cedartown advertiser. S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. J. K. HOLCOMB, Sheriff. The editor of the Advb#w«PR is the only person authorized to sign the name of the Advertiser Publish ing Company, *or make accounts against the same. Take all your Eggs and Chickens to Jud Chabb, lie pays the money special _ inducements who wafft corn, oats, ha#, meat, Ac., in cm* load lots.) It v.fll pay you to '"ifo cmsillt t-rem Uefore buying, inarch 2.7, tim ^ / A Joe. Dodds anil Will manfully with Thay rfayft; Reel? are stru their farms. Their principal labor thus far ha3 been upon the creek bank With a mattock, hunting fur fish bait. Best Rock Beet, always on draught at D. %■ F.nf*'. s, Broad Street, Rome/Crd.—Shorter Block. Our fprtner townsman, Mr. J. T. Fears, is now a member of the firm of. Liirramore & Co., Rome, Ga., (see their cardan this paper) .and will be pjad to havijTOur niAchaiits call and price his4y**d^wiim^du tlic city. When you go to Rome, and want food or lodging, try Webb’s Restau rant lie gives good fare, clean beds and comfortable surroundings Ouly 25 cents per meal. Mr. J. W. Smith, ot Danville, Va-, has associatt'd himsell with Lara more & Co., in Rome, and is prepared to sell tobaccos there at strictly factory prices with freight added. Opr. merchants .would do well to price his' goods'bt!we,\uyiug. j .0' /i_. 'Auveriisiag. Now that the season of spring ad vertising is setting in, it*is woftli while for all business men whose business compells them to advertise tc take note of the difference between an advertisement which reaches the eyes of those for whom it was intend ed, and an advertisement which ’■caches the waste paper basket—in jther words, it is the difference be- . ween an advertisement in a news paper which is read, and one in a 'irciiipr which no ,man looks at. One may. lead a horse to the water hut cannot make him drink, and one may lead a customer to unwrap a ;rade. advertising slKieljfbut.no-pow er can compel him to read it. The ufcwepaper, however, which he buys and pa; i for with which he has an acquaintance, and in which he feels a certain proprietary interest, i3 read through; it is passed from ai^d to hand in the family, and its telegj}ini3,-Tts gossip, editoiial, mar ket reports 1 its gleanings aad frag ments, form part of the staple of conversation. It is looked at so of ten- am.' known so well that any change in its appearance ia noted at£ once; a new advertisement strikes everv eve; a large display is stuoied with a much interest as a telegram or a letter from our own correspon dent? The advantage of this kind of advertising is worth more than all the cost, and it can easily stand the test of a comparison with udve- t sing which is cheap chiefiiy because it is worthies fees noticed Mre. T.-rt. Wil.iams Milliner, in ihis*paper She ka3 14- magnificent Spring ^tock, and her taste is -ummfieuJhttbkvLGiTe her a ‘ 7 Uj ■ call V-' The Cherokee Railroads’ troubles about the right of way were Eettied and the satisfaction of all concerned at the Cartersville-meeting last Sat urday. The citizens promise to have a deed to the right of way made to the purchasers of the road by April 1st, in which even^active work upon the road will hegia at once. Surveys ate already heinafitnade.. Mr. Stephens thinks the whole internal revenue system a mistake, believes that a farmer should he as freelv permitted to boil his corn in to whiskey as into hominy, atid as sumes that the states which grow to bacco and distill whiskey really bear the burden of taxation on these pro ducts. Have Van tid Buckeye! It is a well established fact.; that. Tablet’s Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure, if used according to directions. The iEscnlus Hippocastanum, or Horse Chestnut, commonly known as the Buckeye, lias been highly es teemed for many years, owing to the fact, that it possesses virtues,^ lying inothe bitter principle called Esculin which can be utilized for Be cure of PilesA If affecte 1 with that terrible disease, use Tablet’s Buckeye Pile (Jfwsment. and he relieved. oO cents. For Sale by Allen, Cedartown, Git. march 13, ’79-eowly Pru Eldest ,aeb be DB/J. BRADFORD’S t" ijiver and Dyspeptic Medicine » • : n T*ns is a prompt and certain'cure for all diseases of- the Livep, such as Dyspepsia, lfeudache, Chills and^hever, «^c. ^iitisfaction Guaranteed in Evej’y ca= i. or money returned.VFor sale by druggists generally. ■| 1 '■ J.G.TEISER,’ Dealer in Druwsi Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., * Rome, Ga, - F-hr sale bv Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt and D, J. Powers, Rome, Ga. . feb2S-ly 101 N CVS < W ; :OM K, x (Shorter Block) a \ - GA. ■’Tr'S SIZF. (bus'-) for only tenyiollars; half life size only five dollars. H work ; V Wictly iirst-c-!ass.^Make3 copies of yril sorts of pictures ■ and ch:> vaCter desired. \ \\ AV feb27-ly i bos of Bradford fc A!!entey»?«W« ■a j„ , ,iur liuu,t\all !li3 lunr. i lull or ...) • me occasionally when yoa feel a and a ;er dec I»VJ 1 I a lit* i viftt.ii lot^ spell 1 A Favorable Opportunity > Ts nof afforded all who wish to become.proficient Book Keepers anti Aritkmjticians, to attend a Bdlr- for that purpose, ^ " men who amuF-prived ot the privilege of attending the day schools in our t nn this is an excellent opportunity fo| them ' . TO LEARN - " A The Library Association If our people could lor a moment realize the incalculable benefits to the rising generations that would flow, from a well conducted Library Asso ciation they certainly would not lon ger delay putting one in operation in our midst. We were iujfeme last Monday, and at the iuritatiou of sem? friends, went around in the evening to fho elegant room occupied 1 y the assoc a ion of that city. They have rented and furnished a room up stairs in the Noble Block. Th- room has an elegantcarp’et, a stove, ch an dal ierp'tab teS, chairs, shelves, c'ne^boatds, 1 books, i^wspapi^rs ar.d periodicals., Tbty' have no filthy spittoon^ fo? bwtli smoking and chairing are tabooed in the hall. It ^ was not eight o’clock when we called j-et at tliat early hour we found fif teen or twenty young men already assembled. They were variously eu gaged, leading, writing, chess play ing, conversing. The hall is open ’fcverv night except, Wednesday and Saturday nights, and a member tolfi 4 both the science and art-of ) L ns t | mt t hs only thing wherein that < 7 BOOK KEEPING j*y Single and Double^Entry. The Undersigned, if*sufficient en- Ocr Teims. One Copy One Year §1,00 « “ Six Months SO If any prefer to pay in the fall, we will send them the Advertiser for one year provided they will call ami give usii note tor £1,60 due Nov. 1st. 1879. tf Sourest Vinegar in town, at march 20-2t Jud Crabbs. Blind Tom will visit Rome soon. Go and see Huntington & Wrights Spring Goods. ■J3o and examine Phillips & Co s. new goods before-you buy. We learn that our town will have several new and useful citizens soon. Mrs. C. II. Wood has been very eick fora week past but is improv ing. Those who attended tl-ie cantata last Friday evening seemed to enjoy it more than oil its first rendering. Floyd Superior Court is in session. Judge Underwood charged the grand jury (poor fellows) for two hours. New Style Ladie's Cuffs and Col lar, 25 cents per sett, at -Phillips & Co’s. Sell elsewhere at -10 to 50 cen ts per sett. If Treftsure lleufroe had had a picture of our baby to put on his little bonds they would have boked better. Lets all attend the meeting of the Library Association aud Reading Club next Friday night and give the enterprise a boost. Mr. W. S. Davis has contracted to do the wood work of Stubbs* Go’s new budding. We have a job press now and are prepared to do all kinds of job work neatly, cheaply and promptly. We ought to have a tri-weekly mail from here to Carrollton and can have if the proper effort is made. Imperial Try that Crumpton’s Soap at Bradford * Allen s aud you will use no other. it We are bloated bond holder. That is, we have one of the babiest of the “baby bonds” and guess we can get -tp the “bf0fttf r 7u course of time. Ladie's Ruffs, 25 ceuts per dozen ut Phillips & Go’s. Sold heretofore! Lost at 10 and lo cents each. organize a class ns above. Instruc tion to be given at night. For terms &c., apply lo Jko. W. Hadley, march27|f Cedartown, Ga. Far Sate. A horse and buggy. Ilorse years old; large, able-bodied, sound and gentle. Works anywhere. Buggy and harness bran new. Will sell either or both very hut’. Apply to J.'P. Duffy, march 27 It Cedartown, Ga. Burned t» Death. Miss Mattie Harrison, step-daugh ter of Mr. T. C. Mc-rrit, who lives in the Lime Branch neighborhood, was burned so severely last Thursday that she died next day. She was washing at a spring a short distance from the house.UIer clothing caught tire unawares to her and when she discovered it she was so panic strick en that she broke and ran to the house, the wind fanning the tire into flames as she went. We are told it was he.r eighteenth birtli day and a shockingly sad cele bration of it it was. Several of the wealthiest men in the place have not contributed a ceut toward the establishment of the Li brary Association. If they will come forward now and give it a lift its success is assured. Gentlemen, you can’t go through this world bui ouce and shrouds have no pockets. Give a little out of the abundance that you have for the benefit of the rising gen eration. We ha\« frequently had occasion to call the attention of our readers to the superior merits of the Savan nah Weekly News. Mr. Kstill, the publisher, is still adding to its at traction aud enlarging the sphere ol usefulness, until now, both in litera ry merit aud as a complete family newspaper, it stands in the front rank with the best weekly publica tions in the United States, and is in truth an honor to Southern journal ism. Newt Wright went to market last week and now Huntington & Wright are receiving some of the prettiest cheapest spring goods ever and brought to this place. We don't know how it is that Newt always gets the prettiest dress patterns, but he gets them. Go aud see their new goods be lore you buy. Dog Lost. Mexico and United States. Owing 0 to their warm anil delight ful climates, their inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Livers, InuigeSr tiou and all diseases arising ir -in a disordered Stomach and Bowels. Tliev should of course at all times keep the liver active, and to our rea ders we recommend Tablers Porta line, or Vegetable Liver • Ta- *” **■ itvW ken in time, will often favTTmoney Mid much suffering.' I’rjte 50 cents. For SaW by Bradford & Allen, Ce- AirtownVaR. , march 13, ’79-eowJ.V' Mason & rfamlin Organs—^ndbrsed by ever 130,000 Deligliteiflfc’urehascrs. Not low#&' priced, poorest and degrtsF. 'But highest priced, best cheapest. Cost but little more than inferior organs. Give five times the satisfaction. Last twice as long. Vic tors at all world’s exhibitions. Ac knowledged best by all disinterested and competent musicians. Solid facts indisputable, such us no olner organ maker in the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand Introduction Sale. New Styles. Jci Prices. G. Stops. Elegant Case ¥80. Superb Mirror Top Case, 10 Sto|,s, tight differed from others, was in the small attendkr.c'present The contrast between the enfjsloy- ment, conversation, behavion, Ac., of those assembled therein, and that to be heard at the billiard rooms, saloons and restaurants, is most striking and painful. If the young people of our town, male and female, bad a like pleasant place to assemble and pass their evenings, when not employed,it would be avast improyeimjpt on the present plan. One hundred dollars will .finish and furnish our Iia.ll quite comforta bly, and enough book’s have already been'tendered to make quite a re- spctable beginning. As soon as it is V Horse For Sale. A good horse, six or seven years old, for the cash or on time. Will give a bargain to a cash purchaser. It fully inaugurated, books, papers ant^^pply at this office, periodicals will florin from unex pected sources, and at trivial cost. Will not the parents of Cedartown come to the aid of the young men who have already done so much, and give the finishing stroke to the enter prise? They can not afford to not do so. Don’t complain of your son going to the biliii rd saloon to spend his evenings until you offer him a more attractive resort. Pearl Grits and Hominy, at march 20 nt Jud Crabb's Mr. Jim Moms desires us to im- form all his old friends that he can be found this year with Wm. M. Pdillips.* Co., where he will be glad to see them and 'sell, them goods cheaper than ever before. Cedartown on March 15th, a Scotch Terrier dog, nearly white with dull yellow spots. | Is slightly shaggy. A liberal reward will be paid for the dog, or information of Ms whereabouts. S. M. H, Byrd. Capt. Radiy is offering the young men of our town a splendid oppor tunity to get a business a ducation. See his notice and call on him. Tribute of Respect. To ilie Worshipful Master, War dens and Brethren of Caledonia Lodge, F. and A. JSI. We, the committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions in memory of our brother, V, H. Oppert, Who has departed this life, beg leave to submit the following preamble and resolutions. Whereas, It lias been the good pleasure of the Allwise Supreme Architect of the universe to remove our brother, Vincent II. Oppert, from his earthly labors to the Grand Lodge above, thereby breaking our mystic chain and depriving ns of his pleasant companionship, and the state and county of a good citizen and neighbor. Wherefore be it Resolved, That we sincerely de plore and mourn the death of our brother, V. H. Oppert. Yet, we mourn not as those without hope, for we trust that our loss may be his eternal gain. Resolved, That we tender to the family of our deceased brother our heart felt sympathies in their sore affliction. Resolved, That the above pream ble and resolulions be spread upon the minutes of our Lodge, and that a copy be furnished to the family of our deceased brother, and copy fur nished the Advertiser for publica tion. S. A. Borders, J. O. Waddell, J. R. Barbee. Com. Cigars and Tobacco cheaper than ever, at Jud Ckabb's. march 20-2t Cash or No Trade. From this date, March 20tb, 1879, we expect to sell goods strictly for the CASH, therefore when our triends come they will please bring the money. J. A. W yxx A Bko. march 20, 2t • your Groceries 1 and save inonev. Fair Notice. We have several names on our hooks that have not paid up. We beg to remind all such that unless they pay- up before April 1st., they will lie charged credit rate, ¥1,50 per annum, march 13, tf Pickles by the Keg, at march.20-2t Jud Crabb'; About ten years ago I was con sidered a confirmed dyspetic and my case was considered a hopeless one by the physicans who treated me. 1 was advised to try the liver medi cine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I used three bottles and was entirely cured and am now sound and well. 1 consider it an invaluable remedy for that disorder and heartily recom mend it to atl afflicted with that com plaint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, Ga. For sale in Cedartown by Brad ford & Allen at 75 cents per bottle. Fresh Roasted Coffee, at march 20-2t J I'D Crabb’s. Bradford & Allen keep the best write ilk to be hail anywhere. Take yoar inkstand the D(i get it filled for a nickel. Try a Box of Pop Corn, only Sets •per Box, at Jud Crabb’s. march 20-2fc I. .1. F. Little of Cedartown. Ga., do hereby certify that I have been afflicted by acute Rheumatism for several months past, and by fi ee applications of Dr. Thompson's celebrated Liniment have been entirely cured, and take great pleasure in recom mending it to others similarly afflicted. 1 have also used it in several cases of severe cuts and bruises and found it efficient for all he claims for it, and consider it a val uable house-hold medicine. Made and sold only by Dr. JR. R. Thompson, Cedartown l-3i The Best New Orleans Syrup ever brought to this place,at march 20 2t Jud Crabb’s. bay box of id tl cy RT,MEMBER that if Bradford Alien's L do not give entire sat isfaction you can get a box of any other pills in the market without charge. There is no chanca for yoo to lose by trying a box of them. JUD CRABB keeps constantly on hand a splsndid assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. 2t. Fresh Garden Seeds at Bradford & Allen’s. 1 oik Deputy Sheriff’s Sales. V : il be sold before the court bouse door ’ wn of Cedartown, Polk county, .. r:i the first Tuesday in April next a the legal hours of sale the fol- ;vs property, L> wit: Li of land Nos. 8:!2. S33, 771, 723, 707. 7 • 21st district and 3rd section of Polk . Ga., as the property of C M Camp, r \ .. ae of oue tax li fa in favor of tiie a aud county ts. C M Camp, for tax State and county for the year IN-78. 3de and returned to by a Con- HIGH SCHOOL. \\%|. JVL & do. V DEAI Q-BHEBAL ft ANBIjm tv Have just received a large anfi varied Stock of J=§?“Sprino- Goods and General Supplies.-^ Go ’ c jG £ We "llcw None to Undersell Us. buying. At the Old Stand, y .Uni! and examine our goods boP march 20-ly WTEOTjESATjE Grocers and Commission Merchants 1ST0.23, Shorter T>] ock, SE.OAD SS'X’SS.YSIE’E', SFKOIHISJ. GYM FARMERS DE ERE 1? a chance to get a number ( Horn cSj McGhees, LISTEN ! /K ERT1UZER for Jess .than ON'S TD1BD theXeuat Cos’. 1: ROME, GA.. Have JOHN R. LONG & CO.’S Prepar- - Chemicals for Composting, and the many Testimonial.-*, show it to be the best thing made, end yet : only costs Ono Tllird what other Guanos Cost. Go or send to them and get circular and you will be convinced. 1 1 w t 'principal^ tSP*Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and Produce Consigned to u AT.,. M. A. CRABB, Assistant A jan. in *PJ. ___ V/ ' : tim/and place .t the '.me tiny'atfd place_-l6ts of 22^, 22U. lob, in the 2d disiric: an : -Jth section of Polk county, G j - uty of Thomas Blackmon to satisfy^ „ n x fi fa in' favor of the state coi * y for tax fori378, vs said Blackmon. A 0 at the same time and place parts of lot; ”f land Nos. 10-35 and 1033 on the m u . •side of Cedar Creek and West of Mr Ammon’s land, on which the E Pace residence is - located, being twenty acres, nn; or less, in the 2nd uistrict aud 4th seer jn of Polk county Uas tue property of ; Pace, by virtue of one tax ti fain f ivor of i- ' R.‘ and county vs. E Pace, lor tax due J ■ u the y ear 1874. Levy made and re- tur fed to me by a..Uonstable. i, lots of laud No; Mrs. H. N. NOYES, Instructor and Tainting. 1 Drawiu * The Spring Term of the Sell 1870 will commence January Bui close about the.mid lie of June, of study taught is • THOROUGH AND SYSTEMATIC. Especial attention is given to tne English branches. The studies which render pupils conye£saut with their ..... OWN. ‘aO' tfMpsh e ' J Ch ’ /‘I IFe br ANGUAGE most iffipjiwtanotherefore*J tfcful instruction is given in branches. We offer superior ad vantages to young men, who desire a busi ness education. Those who wish to take a ft* Id .s/I T IfA&h the a: 3m , ! i'oi lift ; , jfra&s jj€va. ,1 li Morg; property ol the eol 1 k loti* oflantl No: • Cad district an u:- itye property t ,evy Taadc uad returned to me by a ame time and place, lot of land^No. Miie property ui T. U Akin, by course can 175.-parried through same studies usu«ly pursued in colleges Hates o£ tuitiph will he reasonable to suit the hard times. They will range from >>1.30 to -per inontli. Drawing and paint* per ' vocal Music freo. per annum/ lutz Exercises in dentals 50 cents JOE. A: • MA.G-^T.TTS, VtTZTJS . lYER, serf & RECTIFIERS AND K HOLESABE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, 52 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA, ; s. Sole A^n^for -> John Kauffman's Celebrated Cincinnati LageKTJeer. Jan 16, 3m * - * M, Harals;n Uounty Sheriffs SaU3 ^r^ILL be gf^before the Court Ilonse door the Court ITon? rn\Har:il^on counfy, Geor- day i4 April, 1S7G, between the legal 1 •, the Following prop: Lot3 of land No. iu’the the 20th district and 3rd section of Haralson county, Ga., and also the buw Mill and Grist Hill, situated on said lot o hind, as the prupety of John C. E/zeli, by virtue i year lord. made and r Also at ti landNo.30, the lin only *100* 15 (lays trial. Freight p.iiii both ways if Organ don’t suit. Sold on easy terms. Rented until paid for. Delivered anywhere in < he South for *4extra. For full partic ulars. address LUDDEN-& Bates, Sa vannah, Ga., Managers Wholesale Southern Depot, Pri£ FuoLorr. ox. bjimiltiu ua i , oy IV M Puiilips , ESTABLISHED ITS 18Q5. TSOHOFIK & BRO« r Cliattanootra, Tenn. Wholesale iL-nafacturer of 11 PLAIN AnD FANCY CANDIES And Bakers of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Also Jobbers in Frncy Groceries, Cigars?Tobacco uty, Ho-.iii: yg. O ae time and place, low of laad No;-. ;i= the property of .Mrs N J Gils on e tax li fa in favor of the Slatw .Mrs IS J Biiesit, for tux due the of lot No. 29, to be iaid ofi of the west side 01 sai l so as to exempt Ten acres where the Church - . a ten acres to Inelnde the Spring Alfgood warranted first-class, and satu-factUiu'' ^icited and prompt attention given. arantee. Orders so- j; n 1G, 3m A. J. ¥©UNG, ■ property Jf J. L. an one Superior Court ii J. L and H. A. Kike plaintiff’s attorney. Tenants in peaaa i and place, lots of land No of 1'olk eoimty, Ga., as til \jao at the same time and place, lot of land No. in the 1=1 district and fourth section of origi- ily I\»lk. now ilanabon county, Ga., as theprop- ,■ made aud returned t s. O B Whatley, »r thcyciu 1S77 t Constable. erty of John L. Rowe, by virtue ol one ousucb Court fi la from the 1078th district, G. M., ir. favor of W. Brock vs. said John L. Rowe. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned tid place, If ts of land Nos J. K. IIOLCOMB, Jr.., Sheri ■nr is.3. Lc . y made and returi ne table. ae time and place, lots of land No aud 3.2 in me 21=t distnci aud 3i Administrator’s Sa!@. 1 plac . lots of landNt t -ltu lots and Half iots of laud hall of lot No. 201, and Ling North aud West 1. roperty ol Jas L Jenkins, lavor ol the Slate county ce for the year 1578. Levy j-halfo Nos. d witn a notice ol U ie same time and pl£ id portion of lot 80 I ii s Norton & own vs. =aid Waddell. Also at l.'MJ, 108'. In pursuance of an order from the Hon erable Ordinary of Polk county, will be sold before the cq*irt house door in Cedar town, Polk county. Go , within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April TiL-vt the undivided half interest which the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, late of said county of Polk, deceased, owns in the old Dr. Nickols place, divided by the line between Polk and Bartow comities, con sisting of the following numbers to wit: Nos. b, 7,8,9 and 10, except such portion of said lots lying sou'll of Euharlee creek as were conveyed to Thomas Deaton for portions of land lying North of said cceek; lot No. Go, lying on both sides of said c.eekand N-S.G4 and 6G, all in the 18th di trict and 3rd section of PolkAounty and the undivided half interest in lots belong ing to said Nickols place, Nos. 1292, 1007, 1009, 1010, 1079 and the West half'ff 1201: all the last named numbers being in the j 7th district aud 3rd section of Bartow county. The whole ot the said Nickols place containing 400 acres more or less. 'The undivided iiait interest ia ail the above described lands having been soil be fore the court house door in Cedartown ; Polk county, Ga., by me as the administra tor on the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, deed., on the first Tuesday in January !a-t between the legal hours of sale and Robt. 8. Whitehead having bid them oil at die sum aud price of Twenty-five huadr.d dollars and he having failed to comply with the terms of the sale, the same are now ottered for sale at the risk of the the said Robert B. Whitehead. Terms of sale, cue i half cash and the remaining half to be paid on the 1st November next. Notes taken and bond for titles given until all the purchase money is paid. WM. I. TAk LOR, Admr., on the Estate of Raleigh W. Whiiehjad, deed. ! EORGlA—POL& COUNTl’ ii the town of Cedartown, Polk county, b t not known, but km ei ty. and bounded on ti he Hutehings ie West by Main Mre«. i.d the property of Br, Walthall. All pers** j under my hand and official signal feb. 27 SOd JOEL BltivWEii, Polk County Sheriff’s Sales- w Cedartown, Polk April 1 L ai of L.r No. 993. except e half acre, and abought fifteen acres off of ' ..of the State and county for tax due for the yearl 878. by defendant. the *18tb district and Poik* ouuty,pa.. a= the property of II J Jone, by Justice Court fi SJloVii'strici.T. M. in favor of John Smith v Iluch J. Jones . e tv made and Returned to met a. Constable, ' V. Q- TAYLOR, Sheriff. G eorgia—polk county.—David J. Lowe- rv has applied for Letters of Administration on the estate of David Lowery, of Smith county. Texas, deceased, Therefore all persons concerned ill be and apjj held i 1 county of Polk on the First Monday , to show cause, if any they have, why said letters sh mid not be granted my hand, this 5th day ol March. 1879. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Henry O. 8ilvy ). te of .-aid applied for letters of Disn ministration. Therefore, all pei DEALER IN Corn and Rye- Whiskies, Wine. (S-ins* and Er&nJies, Noves* Warehouse, CEDARTOWN, GA’ A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey THEE “R E. LEE, and OLD CYYBENTET” Cannot ba excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be itael as a beverage? nr for medical purposes, with perfect safety. Give me a call. Good treat ment guaranteed. oct 3, tm’73. PHOENIX PLANING MILL Eongley & BoMson Proprietors, - TIIE LARGEST AND COMPLETES! MILL IN^GEORGIA LOXGLEY and Gilmer, Contra' etc. Thu Phoenix is & ROBISOX, Xo. 38 Decatur Street, Factory corn*r Butler tors ar.fl Proprietor-* or Pb*enix Plain: Mill, mannfaetnrers of Doors, Sash. Blind? the and L< st Plaining Mil! in tb<- Sontli. and turns out work of the very hesi defv competition. They have nurlicastd the latest u*> pro vemfut* and lest ight * beli Beside? good? •rapid itic L. & li. if l hoi i that do: house. North akc. they have a g building We oughlv and absolutely 1 costly buildings p .Blinds, et . having bui.. liable, sr.d then*.-.;: ^ t for the New York Enamel Paint Co. rrr - : r, der tbelr Ldt Mannfcctnr^ng the they can underbid most D1L S. r W. JOIS7LIB, WITH H. E. PBMDLETON. WHOLESALE Drags, Paints, ITapaisIiss, Liquors, Oils, ©lass aad Sssds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, rj^2LS2XX7’Xr J XjEI, T33KTN'. Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Bags, Wool, Dried Fruit, N* igbest market price. . account from customers < (hr A'A GO TO s county on the first Monday show cause if any they have why said letters eho nder ray hand and oiiii gnat lire, this 6th day of JohL BREWER, Ordinary. G Commissioners’ Sale. 8 EORGIA—KARALsON COUNTY.—By virtue :H for CA8H, between the legal hours of Sheriff's the Court House door, in the To« the mineral or mining interest ir 032, 933, 092, 9%, 856, and 848 i. fOUH DRUGS. ' FOB K \fp * d ‘ '• nr , Leading House, Largest Stock and T nVcst ?r:|j Xcst floor to Hunting & Wright's, Slaist - - - - Gedaricwn ,Oa. of said < JOHNATHAN* WILLIAMS, NEAL MONROE. EuRGE M. ROBERTS, - Commissioner?. Feb. 27, 1879-tds Coroner’s Sale. Tuesday in April 1879. between the legal hoajs of sale, the following property to-wit: One dark bey mare male about thirteen years old, a'.*o one two horse wagon, levied on as the proper ty of E W Clements, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Jonathan Long, va. E W Clements and Joseph A Blance s/f J as. CEDARTOWN HOTEL. D. ENLOW, OEUaH-TOWN , TERMS; County Cub om, 25 cents per meal. Proprietor. GA., Transient, 50 cis. per meaK fob. 27, tds. c\ i r t <- V j Iha. CD J