Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, July 03, 1879, Image 3

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THE AD VEftTISER. ruBusnzD every Thursday morning. Cedartown, ba. July 8. Church Dir«l»rT- ^ METHODIST. BVIRY.BABBATU D. J. MtBICR, PMtor. BAPTIST. lit »nd *rd SABBATHS, C. K. Tutor. PRESBYTERIAN. nd 4th SABBATHS A. *. Jo»*«. Tutor KNIOIITS OS' HONOR. CeiattowB UI*e No. 273. *. W. RADLEY L. S. LEDBETTER RarooTM, Lodge meets srerjr Monday night alter 3d and 4th Sabbaths. masonic. Caledonia I*dce P. A. M. *,8. STUBBS.. W.M. Regular communication 3rd Friday night in erery month. In room oyer Huntington A Wright’s atore. LOCAL NEWS. ” If yon miu the bargains that we are still offering it is your own fault. JVynn & Bro. Try that Iron Toale At Bradford & Walker’s. It i 8 better than any of the patent pre' parations of the 'kind and costs -only half as much. Laramore & Co., Rome. Ga., offer special inducements to merchants •who want corn, oats, hay, meat, &c., in car load lots. It will pay you to consult them before buying. march 27, 3m At this season of the year a box of BRADFORD & WALKER’S Liver Pills in the house will often prevent protracted sickness by being used in time. They cost only 25 cents and if they do you no good they cost you nothing. Try one box and be convinced. Barker’s Stock Powders are the b?st. They prevent and cure ciiick- «n cholera. They give horses and ■cattle good appetites and healthy digestion. They keep all kinds of stock in good health. The package is the largest sold and is worth twice the money. For sale by Bradford & ."Walker at 25 cents per package. Try one package and you will use no other. a pl 3-tf. Bradford A Walker keep lh« beet writing nk to be kad anjwhcre. Take your inkstand there nd get It sued for a nickel. Keep a box of Bradford A Walker’e vtgteable ver pill* In your house all the time. A pill or two at bed time occasionally when you feel a little ‘out of aorta” will often aave you a long eickness and a atill longer doctor a bill. A such time eaves nime”—sometime* ninety-aine. REMEMBER that if you buy a box of Bradford St Walker’s l.iver Pilts aud ll cy Jo not give entire satisfaction you can get •i box ef any other pills in the market without charge. There is no chance for yen to lose by trying a box of them. BARGAINS 'fBARGAINS! J. A. WYNN & BRO., begiu to WBJ^&'Se-ll oui their entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Clothing and Shoes at COST FOR CASH. l.fgal Hoi i «s. Parties desiring ns to do legal ad •vertistiig should always briug them in by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning in order to insure insertion. It would be better io hand them in early Monday morning. Remember al ways to have the n-cessary fee ac. company the advertisement. For Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson Sewing Machine, bran new with ^complete set of attachments, very torn. Apply at this office. tf BRADFORD* WALKER keep the Carboline advertised elsewhere, in this pap-T. Ptrsons living in the vicinity of Buchanan will find Bradford & Walk er’s celebrated liver pills—the very ibest pill made—for sale by Neal Monroe at that place. tf That “Retriever” cigar at BRAD FORD & WALKER’S is driving all others out of the market. Try one. About ten years ago I was con sidered a confirmed dyspetic and my .cast; was considered a hopeless one by the physicans who treated me. I /as advised to try the liver medt- icine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I used three bottles and was entirely sured and am now sound and well. 1 -onsider it an invaluable remedy for that disorder and heartily recom mend it to ail afflicted with that com- plaint—John Kenedy, Caasville, Oa. For sale in Cedartown by Brad ford & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. It is so nice to go to Jed Crabb’s. nd get some his of Ice Cream. CMlartown Seminary. Exercises will be resumed on Mon day, the 7th day of July. The pat ronage of frieuds is respectfully olicited. iated. * July 23, 1879. frieuds is Past favors fully appre- P. J. S. CLARKE. 2t Wynn & Bro. keep good eating ioustantly or. hand. Attention, Builders- Persons contemplating the use of Slate for roofing can obtain it from Hines & Hubbard, Rockmart, Ga., Damper than anywhere else. It It costTFon nothing to try a bottle f that Iron Tonic at Bradford & ■Walker’s unless it benefits yon. Money (funded in every instance where it tjl^to give satisfaction. tf leas mlt Jars. Bradford & Walker have in a large uinolv Of this most popular make of ' ™and are selling them lower than hev have been offered in this market ST june26-4t When you wan,t cheap goods call j Wynn * Bro. E®*Court day to-morrow. tSf^Miss Dora Dever, of Rock- mart, is visiting friends and relatives in Cedartown. ta^The brick work on Stubbs & Co’s new building will be completed this week. Philpot & Doods will have the attention of the contractor next, we learn. taf^Miss Lizzie Loyd is here with her friends again. M’Ve observe a great many stran gers on oor streets of late. •SrQnite a number of our people will jubilat .- in Rome to-morrow. f^Hon. C. G. Janes, onr nice young representative, left for Atlanta last Monday. He has promised us au occasional letter on current topics of interest at the Capitol. B»-The new engine for the Cher okee Railroad has arrived and will be put to work at once. It will add largely to the working capacity of the road. 15^” Mr. 0. B. Whatley is back from Kentucky on a visit to his many . warm friends aud relations in this j county. 23?”Bob Vann and Mrs. Ed. Wood left on a visit to Alabama yes terday. |ySee new sheriff’s advertise ments in this issue. The College Girls. In the Rome Courier we find the following notices of essays read by yeung ladies of Shorter College at the commencement exercises last week : The essays Wore fine, and display ed genius and talent. -Each young lady received applause- and flowers in profusion Miss Rosa Mallary’s ee- say, “How tc dig gold,” was pro nounced the “gihedge” composition. Miss Annie Estes the highly pratical young lady of her class told her au dience in a very graceful manner how “We make the steps by which we climb. Miss Napier, the gifted writer of Shorter College, and whose articles in the “Chimes” have attrac ted so much well merited attention, held the close attention of ail as she read her patriotic and splendidly writ ten eBSay, each line of which warmed the Southern blood that flows through oar veins. Her subject was “StamK i Miss Mollis Young recei ved rnflwf applause than all her class I comb : ed. She is the “wit” of the | school and is a talented writer. Miss i Marian Smith’s was considered by ' many the best composition of com mencement CAVE SPRING DOTS. The beautiful mnsic we spoke of last week next door to Dr. Strick land’s, was a sewing machine. All of our farmers in the wheat line are wa : ting for thresliers to come aud thresh them out. Misses Jessie ssd Maggie Waddejr Left for Atlanta last Monday. The gentle manners, refined tastes and amiable dispositions of these young ladies have won for them a large circle of warm friends who will greatly miss them from onr midst and whose best wishes follow them to their new homes. Csasimonsly. There are six childless families at the Cedartown Hotel. Johnnie says he will have to move out from there. He is afraid such association will ri-flect upon him; he is very jealous of his reputation on this point. Flie!—Almost. Quite a little hubbub was stirred up in town just at dark last Friday by a erv of fire from the eastern part of town. A stovepipe in the house occupied by S. P. Shepard had set fire to some adjoining timbers, but it was soon extinguished, Iron Tonic, at Bradford & Walk er’s, is the cheapest and best touic in use. Try it. tf Haralson County Sunday School Cel ebration. I^"Mr. Frank T. Janes is up from his South Georgia plantation to sniff the mountain breezes for a month or so. He reports crops in that section somewhat injured by the late cool weather. Onr Crops, Prof. J. C. Harris was down to Atlanta last’ week and reports the crops of Polk county superior to any he saw on the road. The abundant rains that have fallen Bincelast week have added largely to our crop pros pects. We believe there is a much larger acreage in corn here this year, and it is very fine. The small grain crops that have just been harvested are the best we have had in years. Altogether the condition of our county is better than it has been since ’73. IT there Is anything more interesting Ilian a nice, ripe college gill, fresh from her books and lectures and essays, we would like to know what it is. They wear their honors and graces with such an easy n nclmlunt air that you scarcely realize that they are a superior being. Now, when a boy comes home from college he puts on airs, uses musk and hair oil, wears cane, and, very likely, cusses and smokes. But not so with the girls; they are all modesty and grace and sweetness. We were led to these re flections by seeing Miss Mollie Young at home from Shorter College look ing as bright and fresh and blooming as a mountain daisv. Sabbath School Bally at Buchanan. Elsewhere in this issue will be seen the proceedings of the Haralson county Sunday School Association relative to a grand celebration that it is proposed to have in Buchanan on September 17th next. Our neigh bors have wisely taken time by the forelock in this matter and will doubtless be prepared on every point to make a eucessful affair of it. Already famous for its wholesome cheer and old fashioned hospitality, our sister County will doubtless im prove the occasion by making for it self a reputation for zeal and energy in other good works. The interest of the occasion will be greatly enhanced by au address from our distinguished chief magistrate, Gov._Colquitt, who has lately achiev ed an international reputation as a champion of Sunday School work. It will doubtless be the largest gath ering that has ever asssembled in Bnchanan. Patent Fruit Dryer. I am authorized to sell the right to maunfacture and sell the above useful article in Polk county for ♦20.00, if sale can be made in next 30 days. A Dryer will be given free to the buyer. The owner is offering quite a bargain in this, as the Dryer alone will cost over half the money. Apply now to Wm: Bradford, Cedartown, Ga. No patent nostrum is the Iron Tonic at Bradford & Walker’s, but a good, honest, home-made remedy. The executive committee of Har alson coonty Sunday School Asso ciation beg leave to make the follow ing report: 1st. That Buchanan be the place and September 17 th be the time of the first annual celebration of the Haral son county Sunday Schosl Associa tion. 2nd. That the following be adopted as the programme of the exercises of the celebration : The schools upon assembling will join in singing from the Gem, page 148, All hail the {low er of Jesus mime. part 1st. 1st. Opening song by the schools, page 123. 2nd. Reading the Scriptues by the Rev. Tiias. Hollis. 3rd. Song by the schools, page 113. 4th. Prayer by Rev. Wm. Simp son. 5th. Song by the schools, page 102. 0th. Address of welcome by J. M. McBride, Esq. 7th. Song by the schools, page 4G. 8th. Response by N. Shelnut, E=q., of Bowd< n. 9 th. Song by the schools, page 70. 10th. Reading annual report by secretary. lltli. Song by the schools, page 56. 12th. Annual address by Guv. A. U. Colquitt. 13th. Song by the schools, page 84. 14th. Recess for dinner cue hour and a halt. 15th. Song by the schools, page 48. 10th. Each school may appoint a speaker to represent their school with a speech of 7 minutes length or by singing a song of their own se lection. 17th. Installation of officers by the Rev. Wm. Dimmock, president of the Carroll county Suuday School Association. 18th. Closing song by the schools. 19th. Benediction by the Rev. McCalmon. 3rd. That the secretary .-end a copy of the programme to the Cedartown aud Carrollton papers with request that they publish tile same, also lliat he send a copy to each of the Suu day Schools in the county. 4th. That the various schools prac tice the songs that have been sug gested, so that we may have good singing on the day of the celebration. 5th, That uo speech, except the annual address, be more than 20 minutes in length. Clh. That the exercises begin promptly at 9.V o’clock. 7th. That l). B. Head, jr., be, and he is h rehy, appointed .Marshal of the day, who may appoint as many deputies as lie may deem necessary for keeping the strictest order. 8lh. That a committee of five from Bnchanan school he appointed as a local committee of arrangements to make all necessary arrangements for the celebration, and that brother G. M. Roberts be the chairman, and that the Sunday School appoint the other four. 9th. That a committee of three from each-school, consisting of two ladles and one gen leman be appoint ed to receive alljhe provisions and to superintend ia placing it upon the tables. lOili. That the Secretary notify the different persons that have been appointed to take part in these exer cises, of their appointment. 411 of which is respectfully sub mitted. Thos. W. Dimmock, Char. F. A. Fitssell, J. M. McCalmox, J. M. Farmer, Martin Key, S. Edmonds. With a few more judges like Judge I Hillver, and a few more petit juries like the one that committed Hill, I murder would become a thing of very rare occurrence in Georgia.— Bainbridge Democrat. Dissolution.' The firm of Bradford & Allen is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to call at once examination o“f the settle their accounts’ with cash or by note. WM. BRADFORD, JOHN C. ALLEN. June 16 th, 1S79. Had a horse to run away through town a day or two since, from the depot. Guess he got scared at Tom my, as we heard of hie scaring a gentleman with a wheelbarrow a few days since. No damage done iu eith er case. Mrs. Dr. Gregory of Rome, is on a visit to her. brother, Mr. J. J. Grego ry, of our place. We have an eye on B >b Smith and Tom Dozier, and hope to report something on them next week. Step high; Billy Trout, we also have an eye on you. If any of the young ladies of our town or any other town are fond of Simmons, they will find soms nice ones below Miller & Baker’s. Dr. Strickland has the whooping cough. It does his friends a sight cf good to hear him whoop! Our school boys and girls are all having a “rest spell.” The exercises of the Hearn school and Female Seminary, as well as the D. & D. Asylum all passed off pleasantly and with credit to their teachers. Thomas Evans and Bartow Graham from Cedar Creek carried off the prizes at the Hearn school. The exercises closed with concerts, tableauxs, etc. We have had another beautiful rain. Our farmers are all in good spirits. What has become or the Cave Spring band ? Would like to hear you these moon-lieht nights, Can’t yon ‘blow’ a little for us occasionally? Everybody is fixing to go to Rome on the 4th. Somebody with a good threshing machine could do a good business iu onr valley. Everybody that has wheat is anxious to have it threshed out. Several arrivals from different sec tions to Rpend the hot mouths with us. Some few departures for other sections. Saw in your last issue that our “ponderous city” ought to be able to furnish more and better dots. Re member that we are in our dullest season. Hope, though, to find more us times improve. Among the arrivals are Captain Corpul’s family, from Macon, who have spent several summers with us; also Mr. Baker’s family from Selma, Ala. Mrs. Corput is stopping at Mr. T. W. Asbury’s, and Mrs. Baker at Prof. P. J. King’s." Hope they will have a good and agreeable time. Several others at different places, but we have not learned their names. Come over and take icecream and “sich” like Vlth us. Once 4. Week. BBABIOBD & WAT,OB, DRUGGISTS, SOUTH MAIN STREET, PHCENIX PLAINING MILL. Longley & Robinson Proprietors, atlan tjl, q THE LARGEST AND COMPLETEST MILL IN GEORGIA. CEDARTOWN. GEORGIA, Keep always on hand a complete stock of all things usually tonnd in a first-clas3 Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh am} reliable. Prescriptions put up with special care. Polk Countv Sheriff’s Sa’e. W ILL be Fold before the Court Hou<*e door, in Cedartown, Polk countv, Ga.. on the First Tuesday in Auenrt, 1879, within the legal hours ot pale, the following property, to-wit : Levied this* fifa on the lot described herein, the pauu. being lot No. 9 in Block in II, in the town ot Ro« kmart. Po!k county. Ga„ as the property ot the defendant, by virtue o'r a Snperior Conrt mort gage fifa in favor of Jonathan Long, va Charles* T. Parkei Mm t the < and place. lot* of land. 1145,1391, 1231, 1087. H4f, 1139, J166, 1217, 1239' 123<», in the 2nd district and 4th section of Polk county, Ga,, ax the property of M. E. Weet, by LONGLLY & ROBISON, No. 38 Decatur Street,Factory corner Butler and Gilmer, Contractors and Proprietors of Phoenix Plaining Mill, manufacturers* oi Doors 8a-h Blinds etc. 1 ho Phoenix is the finest and best Plaining Mid in the ijouth, and turns out m«»r<» work of tb very best quality ami at prices that defy competition. They have purchased the latest improvements and best machinery ever brought South, and now guarantee that uo house. North or West, shall lur- ntsh better goods, or lor less money. Besides goods o. their own make, tin y have a lar-'« btock or western goods that are offered at prices below competition. Parties desiring building man riai S»sln s Blinds, etc. wall do well to write to Messrs. L. & R. A- Contractors they do an imm. use busim ss “*5?® ° um . mu,iy °L the fi . nest bn *Wings in the city. They are thoroughly and absolutely reliaole, ami . .... y can point t0 scores of huge and costly buildiigs par and* r come up to the very highest mark of their contract, Mauu.ai ^ building, and all of the 5<ashcs, Doors, Blind-*, etc., they can •ent for the New York Enamel Paint Co. “ their estimates are always low their bids and tney have never tailed turing the most of the material used nndcr bid most of their competors. The firm paint sold by this company is endorsed as the best in the world. W. I. PHILLIPS & CO., Agents for the Most Improved FARM AND MILL MACHINERY CEDARTOWU, GA. ; time and place, lots of land. Also, at the s . Nos. 58 and 87, in the 17th district and 4th section ®* , *‘. ,, .*. coan tJ r 4 a* the property ol Mrs. Sallie nty, Ga.. as the property ol M A. Childers ; also, up >n lots of land, Nos. 16, 54,55, 56, 57. 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87. W and 89, in the 17th district and 4th section of Polk county. Ga.. as the property of J. M. Prior: also, upon lots of laud, N * ' ** — •*- *• in the 17th district and 4th Ga.. and 1S._13. 14, 6!. in the 2nd district and 4tb nty, Ga„ as the property of SjJTEAM ENGINES from 3 to 30 horse powi r. Cotton Gins, Condenr ^ sers ami Self Feeders, Threshers and Sepaiators. 1URBINE WAIT ft WHEELS, CORN AND WHEAT MILLS. In fact any machinery any,me m.y want, we will sell at manufacturers’ prices. We warrant onr machi nery and will set it up and start it going Free Of Cliaro-e- IlO lTjSTjD AND BAR j HOIST. We have the largest stock of Round and Bar Iron in town and ar prices that defy competition. Give us a call and examine prices. mli20-ly Mr. James M. Walker Having purchaslied Mr. J. C. Al len’s interest in the drug firm of Bradford & Allen, the business will he continued at the same stand un der the firm name cf Bradford & Walker. The business will be under I the immediate supervision of Dr. Wm. Bradford. The stock will be replenished and kept up to the de mands of the trade. Respectfully, BRADFORD & WALKER. section of Polk 'andevender. deceased. Property pointed* attorney. By virtue of one Polk Court fifa, in favor ot Amos G. irincipal, and Jas by plaintiff county 8np West, vs. Mrs. Sallie A.Cbilde, M. Prior, and M. V. B. Ake, administrator of P. \ andevender, deceased, aseecnreties. W. U. TAYLOR,* Sheriff. The Christian Index Series of Bible ({uestinn Backs. These books are now ready for de livery. They embrace three grades. Each grade is bound separately, and in a clear and comprehensive man ner, gives a connected account of the most important events recorded in the Old aud New Testaments—a gen eral view of the Bible—admirably adapted for the use of Sunday Schools. The first grade contains 16 pages; second grade contains 50 pages; the third grade contains 90 pages. First grade, per d' Zen, 50 cents. Second grade, per dozen, 81.00. Third grade, per dozen, ? 1.50. Copies ot'each grade will be fur nished to all who may desire to see them, on receipt of six cents, in pos- j tage stamps. 1 A very large edition ol the series Coustt.—Mrs. Sallie A. Chil- --Atrix on the estate of Jane VV. Childcie, deceasehas applied for letters of Dis mission as such administratrix. Therefn _ concerned will he and appear ar a Court of she should not be legally discharged id trust. Given under my hand this J79. JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. Huntington itate of B. J. i administrator, dc bonis u said estate, in lien of J. . Deceased. Therefore, all persons con -.e and appear at a Court of Ordinary, i said county on the flrst Monday in :t, to show cause, if any they have, why W. T. II cerned wil to be held August ne. w W. C. Knight. Clerk of the Superior Court of ?iid comity, or some other fit and proper person should not be appointed administrator, dc bonis the estate of said B. J. Hand, deceased, unde ' ’’ * $661 vn town, and no cai i give the business •st opportunity eve i work. You should tr. for yourself what you oflei. No room t< your spare time to the business, and make pay for every hour that you work. Women make as ranch as men. Send lor special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't complain of hard times while you have such Mice. Address 11. 1IALLETT & CO„ I J 45 1 TO * ,ilKV) A YEAR, or #5 to *20 5P A. tday in your own locality. No risk, , Many make more than No one can fail to make do the work, You can by devoting your Hiiinese, It costs lothing to try the business. Nothing like it for iney making ever offered before. Business plea nt and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want know all about the beat paying business before tlie public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; sam ples worth *5 also free ; yon can then make up .4 horrible crime was committed at Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts, last Saturday afternoon. John Kemm- ler, a German, living at that place, shot his three children—Annie, aged six years ; LuJinillia, aged four years, aud Amy, aged one year—because he was unable to support them. For Whooping Cough. Bradford & Walker prepare a Gough Strup that greatly mitigates the severity of this distressing com plaint. Try a vial of for 25 cents. A liberty pole eighty feet high, from which the stars and stripes will he.floated to the breeze on the Fourth of July, has been raised in Rome. Is it Trnc. Is it true that a remedy has been compounded which will do away with the mineral and drastic purga tives of the p#st centuries, and which, while entirely efficient, will leave the 3vstem in its former healthy condition? Yes, the remedy is Ta > leFs Portaine, or Vegetable Liver Powder; a cure for all the disorders arising from a torpid liver, and as innocent as Bpring water. Give it a trial. It will do what it promises. Price 50 cents a package. For Sale a bottle, by Bradford & Walker,Ccdartoiyu.Ga 1 Walker, Cedartown Ga, march 13, ’79-eowly I march 13, 79-cowly I.c(tei From Alabama. Mu. Editor: Some time ago I was in your office and promised to stud you any item of news that might get started up in or about the Line. We are now having occasional re freshing showers, giving new impe tus to the growing crops. The con sequence is the upright farmer has that cheer and peace of mind that insures sweet sleep aud pleasant dreams. In lien of local Line news, I will say something about a trip to Am- bersou ^iu Aia.) last Tuesday, 24th instant, where we went to joint the brethren of the “mystic tie” iu cel- brating the anniversary of St.John the Baptist, who is said lo have been an eminent Christian patron aud Ma son. Notwithstanding the inclem ent went: er, the concourse was im mense. Old men and old women were tiiere ; young men and maidens were there; middle aged and mothers were there, yea, and babies too, Tor we heard them. We thank God for mothers and babies, for from the lat ter will come the M ison of the next generation, and also his wife. The music was delightful, both brass aud stringed. The address of old broth er McSpadden, of Centre, Ala., was a treat to the fraternity, and we be lieve the audience were generally well pleased. The tenor of the- address throughout was a lesson of moral and religious teaching. lie first took up the lesson of the entire appreDt ce and showed that he was taught nothing but morality and religiou, beautiful ly delineating the symbolic language of his working tools. So of the 'es- sons of the fellow craft and Master Mason. If any one present was har boring any prejudice against the in stitution, we are inclined to think brother McSpadden dislodged it. After the first address baskets con taining both luscious and daicty edibles, were produced ; as to “what next,” I need hardly tell yon. After dinner, philanthropy and the love of ous man in particular, incited your correspondent to leave for home, hence did not hear the address of a brother Jones, who was to speak in the afternoou. I notice you have Once A. Week, and as I am a little siow, I shall sub scribe Once A. Month. Out at Last. “Good morning, friend A., I am surprised to see you out, and look ing so well; I heard yen were con fined to your room, and bed. by that pest of humanity, Piles.” “Yes, Mr. B, I had been long a sufferer when I heard of Tableps Buckeye Pile Oint ment. It proved a blessing to me indeed, one bottle having so far res tored me as to enable me to be abont my business again with ease and comfort. You can recommend it as a genuine remedy.’, Price 50 cents For Sale by Bradford & Iia3 been published, nea ly printed $300 li.mi” made t»v the iuda-triou-. Oil good paper. The publishers hope llalnot rwjuireii; will «tartyr.u. Men. «•( , c . *. ‘ . ■ 11 r l 1 l H,la S’ri- make money faster at work that the books will find ready sale, ' and that they will be generally adop ted by the Sunday Schools throi gh- out the country. The Christian Index Series of Scripture Question Books. They are accurate in fact and sound in doctrine, Concise, comprehensive and well graded, they arc calculated to impart a knowledge of the out lines of Bible truths, and to meet j ihe wants of all clashes of Sunday I School scholars. j Send for sample copies. Address, JAS. P. HARRIS JN & CO., Atlanta, Ga. The Summer Session nf the Cedartown High School, will com mence the first Monday in July, and close the 7th of November. The course of study pursued will be thorough and systematic. Good morals and manners carefully incul cated. School life rendered home like and pleasant. Situation of school room in quiet and delightful p rtion of town. Terms of tuition the same as usual. Thanking onr friends for their patronage and encouragement "“ d in tile past, we earnestly solicit the same favor in the future. W. J. NOYES, Principal, Mrs. M. A. CRABB, Assis’t. jur.e!9-4t Faimers briug in your produce when you get in the humor lo trade. We’r ready and waiting. Wynn & Bro. The largest piece of good tobacco for a nickel is to be had at Bradford & Walker’s. tf than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send ns their address at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying np large snrns of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. County.—W. T. Gibson, n the estate of Jane T. Lampton, deceased, h is applied for dismission the same. Therefore all persons concerned d appear at a Court of Ordinary to be will be held in said teraber next, to st letters of dismiss! tne tir>t Monday in Sep- v cause, if any they have, why i should not be granted in said Given under my hand this 3rd day of June. 1879. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. jund 3m G EOi ore rdc/ from the Coart of Ordinary. Polk coun ty, Ga.. will be sold, before the court house door, in Cedartown. in said count}-, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots ol land Nos 554, 553. 552, 600, 601, 602.551. 529, 621 and about fifty or fifry-five acres off of the west side of Nos. 675, and 676. all in the second district and fourth sec tion, Polk couuty, G-t. Said land sold as the pro perty of James Lampton, minor heir of Jane T. Lampton, deceased. Terms : One-half cash* and the balance in one and two years, with interest from dale, at gper cent per annum. Thi* 3rd day of June, 1879. WM. T. GIB80N, Guardian for James Lampton. june 5-lm —W. C. Knight. . on the Estnte of nty deceased, has Administrator, de bonis Henry (). Silvy late of said applied for letters of Dismission from his said Ad ministration. Therefore, all persons concerned will appear at a Court of Ordinary 'to be held in ranty on the f ‘ ’* ’ ot be granted. Given under my hand and official ignature, this 6th day of March. 1879. march 13, 3m JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. In pnrsuance of an order from the Hon LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. JOSEPH N. JACKSON 1 Haralson Superior vs. > Court September.Tcrm MELISSA JACKSON. ) 1879. It appearing to the Court that the defendant. Me- lisra Jackson, resides it Cherokee County, State of Alub irna, it is therefore ordered by the Court that she appear and answer at the next term of this Court, or the case will be considered the plaintiff allowed to proceed 1 default, and , W. II. UNDERWOOD. J. S. C. K. C. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court. This March 15.b, 1876. II. C. HEAD, March 20, lm4m. C. S. C. NOTICE. Gr E Oppert, deceased, will present them properly pro ven to the nndersigneti in the time required by law ; and all persons indfcbted to said estate will please make immediate payment. NANCY OPPERT, Exutrix, M, S, JUDKINS, Executor. June 2, 1876. 6w applied for exemption of personalty and set ting apart and yaluation of homestead and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a, m., on the 28th day of Juno. 1879. at my office. This June - “ jor* 6th, 1879. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Burial Cases and Caskets. Huntington & Wright have added to their business a full line of beau tiful Burial Gases and Caskets from ihe smallest to the largest size, which they propose selling as low as they c 111 be bought in any market. Also, a-lull line ol undertaker’s trimmings. erable Ordinary of Polk county, will be sold before the coart. house door iu Cedur- town, Polk county, Gu , within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday iu July next the undivided half interest which the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, late of id county of Polk, deceased, owns in the old Dr. Nickols place, divided by the line between Polk and Bartow couuties, con sisting of the following numbers to wit : Nos. 0, 7,8,9 and 10, except such portion of said lots lying sou‘h of Euharlee creek as were conveyed to Thomas Deaton for portions of land lying North of said creek, and t hat portion of Nos. 06 and 64 in same district and section which lies north of said creek;lot No. 65,lying on both sides of said creek, all in the J8th district and 3rd section of Polk county and the undivided half interest in lots belong ing to said N-ckols place, Nos. 1292, 1007, 1009, 1010, 1079 and the West half of 1291: all the last named numbers being in the 17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county. The whole of the said Nickols place containing 400 acres more or less. The undivided half interest ia all the above described lands having been sold be fore the court house door iu Cedartown Polk county, Ga., by me as the administra tor on the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, deed., on the first Tuesday in January last between the legal hours of sale and liobt. S. Whitehead having bid them off at the sum and price of Twenty-five hundr.d dollars and he having failed to comply with the terms of the sale, the same are now offered for sale at the risk of tho the said Robert 8. Whitehead. Terms of sale, one half cash and the remaining half to be paid ot; the 1st November next. Notes taken and bond for titles given until all the purchase money is paid. WM. L TAYLOR, Adrnr., on the Estate of Raleigh W. Whileln.ad, deed. StW’’W'e make no blow about it,„r£-3 *2*9“ but don't mind telling yon in a quiet ^4^3- 43^“ way, that we have one of thelargeft and t£T bestlSELECTED“STOt’KS of SPRING GOODS ever brought to Cedartown, and 1ST selling them at prices that will astonish t£T you, and all you friends. You may not __&T- believe it, in tact, we hail rather you would not. we want you to come and 125?“ sec for yourself. FEATUERSTON & CO A. J. YOUNG, DEALER IN Corn and Rye Whirkies, Wine, Gins and Brandies, Noyes War .-house, CEDARTOWN, GA A Specialty made of Stone Mountain B rurbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Wins key TPIE “JR- E. LEI£!, and OLD CA.DIJNTET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or for medical purposes, with perfect 3afeiy. Give me a call. Good treat ment guaranteed. 0 ct 3, tm’79. FREE, A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano'. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDINC ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHINC, given FREE with each machine. £R£.iWILSIN SEWING MACHINE 60. CHICAGO, ILL., U. 8. A, DR. S. W. JOiSTES, WITH H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, NTASSVIIiIjE, TENKr. Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Rag: ghest market price. Wool, Dried Fruit, etc.^tak account from cuntomcra jan. 23-ay DR. E. G.DOYLE, Practicing Physician, CEDARTOWN, POLK Office at He: ideuce. CO., GA. luucliMy OLDEST AND BEST DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine This is a prompt and certain cure for al! dieeasos of the Liver, such as Dyspepsia, Headache, Chills and Fever, &e. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every case, or money returned, For sale by druggists generally. J. G. TEISER, Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ga, For sale by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt and D. J. Powers, Rome, Ga. feb28-ly ROME, (Shorter Block) GA. LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten d--liars; half life size only five dollars. His work is all strictly first-class. Makes c -pies of all sorts of pictures any size aud character desired. feb2?-Iy