Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, July 24, 1879, Image 3

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THE ADVERTISER. rCBUSBBD CVCBT THURSDAY MORNING. Cedartown, Q-a. July 24. Chare* Directory. METHODIST. EVERY SABBATH D.J. Mtkck, PMtor. BAPTI8T. f.t and 3rd SABBATHS. C. K. H.tomson, Paator. PRESBYTERIAN. and tth SABBATHS J. B. Jo»M. Paalor KNIGHTS OF HONOR. CeHartown'I.odge No. 273. J. W. RADLEY . Dictator. L.S. LEDBETTER Rrport^ER Lodge meeta every Monday night alter Sd and tth Sahhatha. MASONIC. Caledonia I.odse F. A. 91 J, S. STUBBS RefftlUr communication 3rd Friday eight * n month, in roomover Huntington * Wright a store. tf la O C AL NEWS. Tf yon miss the bargains that we are still off-ring it is your own fault. Wynn 4 Bro. Try that Iron Tonic At Bradford & Walker’s. It is better than any of the patent pre parations of the kind and costs only half as much. At this season of the year a box of BRADFORD & WALKER’S Liver Pills in the house will often prevent protracted sickness by being used in time. They cost only 25 cents and if they do you no good they cos; y.iu nothing. Try one box and he convinced. Barker’s Stock Powders are the best. They prevent and cure cluek- en cholera. They give horses and cattle good appetites and healthy digestion. They keep all kinds of stock iu good health. The package is the largest sold and is worth twice tiie money. For sale by Bradford^ 4 Walker at 25 cents per package. Try one package and you will use no other. a pl 3-tf. Bradford A Walker keep the best writing 1 lk to b had anywhere. Take your inkstand there and get it filled for a nickel. Keep a box of Bradford A Walker’Aregteahle liver pill* in yonr house all the lime. A pul or iwo at bed lime occasionally when you reel a little • out of sorts’’ will often cave you a long »P*dl sickness and a still longer doctor’s bill. “A stich time savCT mine”—sometimes ninety-nine. RB.VlEMBKKthat if you buy a box of Dradford & Walker’s Liver Pills aud tl ey do not give entire satisfaction you can get a box of any other pills in the market without charge. There is no chance for yeu to lose by trying a box of them. BARG WNSIBARGAINS! J. A. WYNN & BRO, begin to day to sell out their eutire stock ol Dry Good*, Notions, lift's, Clothing nud Shoes at COST FOlt CAST!. Legal Notices. Parlies desiring us to do legal ad vertising should always bring them i-j by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning in order to iuBiiro insertio i. It would he better to hand them m early Monday morning. Remember al ways to have the necessary ft-e ac company the advertisement. For Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson wing Machine, bran new with omplete set of attachments, very out. Apply at this office. tf |3f”Haralson Superior Court is in session this week, Hon. Geo. N Lester presiding. ESP'Blance and King, Glenn, Tid well and Thompson are represent ing Cedartown bar at Buchanan this week. tST'Col. W. II. Dabney passed through here on his way to liar ilson Superior Court Sunday. JS^Jobn B. F. Lumpkin, of Rome, stopped over here this week, enronte to Rockmart. J^“Miss Annie Hunt, of Silver Creek, who has been visiiing relatives and friends here, has returned home. !2f”Abner Hogg returned home Saturday from the Commercial Col lege, Atlanta. J^”Mr. McMeekin’s new fence, the new roof on the Hand hotel and the additional story on the old brick stores have greatly improved the appearance of that part of town. BST’For family use that Budwi- ser’s beer at Bob Hutcherson’s iE superior to anything in town. It is very fine. J^”Our county had a most re freshing season last Friday. B^ = Teachers of public schools are having quite a time of it getting the new school books into the hands of their pupils. £p”Masons have begun work on Philpot & Dodds’ foundation—of rheir store, we mean. f^The dry goods room ol Stubbs & Co’s uew store is nearly ready for occupation. 5^”Track laying began on the Cherjkee Railroad last Tuesday They have about seven miles of road bed rcaly for the iron, j®“Mr. Tenneut, the artist, is making some excellent pictures and making them at astonishingly low prices. 825?”Go to the gallery and have your shadow caught ere your sub stance fades, or the artist leaves. G. W. West lias been crit ically ill for several days past and his friends are still anxious and doubt ful as to the result. hjr-Mrs. J. F. Kimbrell, who has b -eii Tery low for several days, is improving. S-gf'-Dr- F. A. Morgan, of Ilaral son county, was m town yesterday. He repoits good seasons and good crops in the “free state.” Our Chicken Tale. We believe a majority of our breth- ern of the press have had their say about snakes, chickens, frogs (no of* fence, bro. Revill) and other peculiar things, so, if in order, we will now have ours. 1 A few weeks ago, Mrs. Mary Hol- liusworth, a very excellent lady who lives about four miles from th : s place, on the Rome road, had a bas ket of hen’s eggs sitting in her room and having need for the containing vessel laid the eggs in a drawer. Sev eral days afierwards a iittlegirl came to her and said she heard chirpin like that of little chickens in the room. Investigation revealed the fact that seven of the eggs put in the drawer had hatched into little chicks by the natural warmth of the apart" ment. The eggs had never been set upon by a hen or other fowl nor had any artificial warmth been applied. It was a pnre case of unpremeditated n itural incubation. Next! I\rson8 living in the vicinity of Buchanan will find Bradford 4 Walk- r's celebrated liver pills—the very jest pill made—for sale by Neal Monroe at that place. tf About ten years ago I was con idered a confirmed ilyspetic and my :ase was considered a hopeless one >y the physicaus who treated me. J Vas advised to try the liver medi ine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I ised three bottles aud was entirely ured and am now sound and well. I ousider it an invaluable remedy for hat disorder and heartily recom mend it to all afflicted with that com- ilaint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, la. For sale in Gedartown by Brud- ord & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. No patent nostrum is the Iron :onic at Bradford 4 Walker’s, but good, honest, home-made remedy. laving Purchased Mr. Jno. W. Radley’s iterest in the old Cedar town Ex- rcss books and accounts, I want all pay at once, or they will be sued, 'he money I need and must have it july 17-2t. 0. B. Whatley Wynn & Bro. keep good eating jnstantly or. hand, Bodwiser’s Beer, fresh, at Bob utcherson’s. It costs yon nothing to try a bottle that Iron Tonic at Bradford & Talker’s unlessitbenefitsyon. Money ifunded in every instance where it ,ils to give satisfaction. tf em Frnlt Jars. Bradford 4 Walter have in a large -pply of this most popular make of ,rs and are Belling them lower than ey have been offered in this market ,fore. jnne26-4t -h c invention of that superior and complete wind Machine (The Family Shuttle Machine), xk. one of the moat Important erne in the h.s V of machinery, hnd when we consider ita great .fulness and ellremely low price (fa), it Is very Bcult to'coocefro of any invention fordomes- uso of more or even equal importance to fnmi- , It has (treat capacity for wort; beautiful ootb and quiet movement, rapid execution, cer, V oropemtion, and delightful ease, that at commends It above all others. The working are all ateel 1 the bobbins hold 100 yards of d - the etltch la the firmest of all the stitches , neat laid regular, and can be regulated in a ment to sew stitches from an inch In length on irse material doom to the finest, so Infinitesimal he baldly discernable with the naked eye, L with a rapidity rendering it' tmpoeaible to int them as mst as made ; it does to perfection kinds of hoovy. coatee, plain, fine, orfancy idle-werk with ease, ana far less labor than re- red on other machinre. It needs no commen- ion, the rapid sales, increasing demand, and antary encomiums from the press, and the nsands of fiimllieswho osd : them, amply testi- LO their undoubted worth as a ttaodard and re- honsebold necessity, extending its popular!- ;U day. This popular machine can be exam- 1 at the office of this paper. Asian WastlD the compuny. Addreae them for information.-. M1LY SEWING MACHINE CO.. T»5 Broadway, v York, Jtt'ylO l!l Still Anothrr. If yon notice anything peculiar about Dr. Richardson, jr., don’t men tion it; he will he all right iu a few duy j . ilis wile has presented him with an heir, of the male variety. Profound contemplati tn of the pa triarchal responsib lilies llius thrust upon him, makes him somewhat ab sent-minded, bnt he will c m.e around ; 11 right soon. Summer Tiritors. Capt. Rice informs ns that a party of seven or eight of his friends and acquaintances will be hete in a few days from North Carolina to spend the summer. Over the Border, By invitation from Newt Wright we took a seat iu his buggy for a drive to Buchanan last Monday. It was r nr first visit to the prosperous capitol city of Haralson and w ; were greatly pleased at the good crop prospects and the many evidences of thrift and comfort everywhere no ticeable. Superior Court was in ses sion and the people were manifesting great interest in the effort that is being made to ferret out and bring to justice the pat ties who murdered Lambert in that county about a year ago. About one hundred witnesses were in attendance and nearly the whole jury list of the county, so it was said. Mr. Charles Willingham, of the Cartersville Free Press, was on hand to record the evidence. Though there was a large crowd present and two or three bar-rooms running, we saw not a single drunk en man. Jndge Lester gave the grand jury—a splendid body of the best citizen*—a ringing charge, dwelling with special emphasis upon the importance of stamping out the foolish and criminal custom of car rying concealed weapons. Onr Agent in Haralson County. John K. Holcomb, jr., sheriff of Haralson county, is authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the Advertiser in that county. We specially request onr friends in that county to make set lement with him at the first opportunity. tf “My Grandmother’s Churn." By favor of the authors, we are in receipt of a copy of this charming new gong and chorus by Prof. Henry Schoeller, of Daltop, Ga., with words by his yyjfe. The poetry aud music are most admirably suited to each other and together they givejan a sweet, simple, captivating way, a charming representation of th£ work and mnsic of our dear old grand mother’s chums in those good old times, *oT blessed memory, » bee the patent chnrn man was not. It will doubtless be immensely popular and its appearance is most opportune, for it will relieve us of the dreary mo notony of “OurUnyidfather’sClock.” Prof. Schoeller and wife have our thanks lor the song, and for compo sing it It is published by Carroll 4 Co., Cincinnati. August Court.—Second Week. The following is a list of the Grand Jurors drawn for the 2nd week Polk Superior Cou-t, August Term, 1879 : E H Richardson, junior, A R Jones, Liuton Sparks, Welburn Fer gerson, A A Camp, F M Randall, P C Harris, C P Sewell, R II Peek, G W Bobo, T L Pitman, R J Casen, William Hubbard, Thos W Dewpree, J C Wails, II T Hogg, John A Tucker, S M Lyons, C Philpot, W U Short, I P Davis, W T Barton C H Woed, L S Ledbetter, John Garner, J S Cox, R t S Hamrick, John 0 Wad dell, E D Hightower, B F Hawkins. List of Traverse Jurors drawn for the 2nd week Polk Superior Court, August Term, 1879: S L Tate, S M Satterfield, J M Prior, 0 B Whatley, T 0 Castlebery, Isaac B Sewell, J M Harrison, Fil- more Hogg, E C Carter, Thos Hen drix, John D Hightower, D II IIul- s y, Troup Ptek, J II Griffith, W R Walker, T R Akin, D A Miz -, II C Wynn, W F Peik, Sliadrick Nettles, Ivy F Thompson, junior, William Lowery, P M Agan, W W Wimberly, D R K rr, Daniel P, ttit, C K Hen derson, Wesley Ilollinsworth, John M Pallium, E A Tate, F E Randall, F M Smith, I T Mee, R 11 Brewer, S W Gr-en, J B Crabb, General Items. So long a6 people will persist in drinking lemonade made in vessels lined with zinc there will be a de mand for the Coroner. Republicans aud Democrats have agreed to postpone their canvass iu Ohio uutil the middle of August. The newspapers will carry on the c mptign mea-iwhi « »n.I he p everything red hot. A Jet soy City druggist said recent ly that the growth of the use of quinine is startling to him. It has always been an active commodity in in that city, because of the ma'arial complaints th^t prevail there; “but now,” said lie, “it is used as a reme dy for everything from sprain to a headache, and it has become a eay- ing with the Jersey people that what they save in rent they spend iu quin ine.” Gov. Holiday, ol Virginia, refuses to interfere with verdicts in capital cases. Thinks that there must be very special claims forex -cntive mer cy after a man has been found gn 1 tv by a jury oi his peers, and ti e Governo i; right. Senator Beck offers to prove that the peeple of the United S ates sup port 25 per cent, more Treasury offi cials than the service actually requir es, w herefore the Republican papers think that Senator B ek belongs to h; dangerous class and ought to be suppressed. The trouble lias already begun. Mrs. Crandall, of Kansas, treasurer of an association for the relief of col ored women and children, has been sued for $G,000 contributed to the association. The benevolent treas- ner explains that she loaned $4,000 of this money to her husband in an emergency. There are other relief societies to hear from. The net results «f Russia’s war against Turkey are, in the opinion of the Missouri Republican, these: National disappointment and dis gust ; national humiliation aud shame; a bankrupt treasury, ruiued credit, a dissatisfied and tur bulent population; patriotism at a discouut, treason and conspira y at a premium ; insurrection threat ening ; revolution possible—these are the results of the war which swi 1 lowed op $750,000,000 and 200,000 tinman lives. It is a lesson'for kings to study and for people to remember. It is mentioned as a curious fact by Western journals that the shock of the recent earth quake at Virginia City, Nevada, was not perceptible at all in the mines beneath the city, and, as the same phonomena have been observed elewhere, it has been snggusted that perhaps earthquakes are mere superficial disturbances, proceeding from the electrical condi tion of the atmosphere, rather than a commotion within the bowels of the earth. CAVE SPRING DOTS. Weather cool aud pleasant. Good seasons, and crops generally good. The armless man with an educated pig was with us this week. Tilly’s horses got frightened at the depot the other day and ran away, but no serious damage was done. Paul Alexander l.-ft us a few days since to go into business in Rome. Hope he will do well. We are paiued to learn of the death of Mrs. John D. Green, of Atlanta. I Her relatives and friends have our sympathies. Mis. Dozier, and Mr. Frank Miller and family, with several ladies and gentlemen, are off on a jubilee to Black Creek Falls. Another party will leave next week for the same place. Mrs. A. Omberg and family from Rome, are with their I'ncle Gregory of onr place, for the summer. Several individuals are beinggreat- ly benefitted by using Dougherty’s mineral water. In fact Dougherty’s spring is becoming a place of great resort The educated pig learn.d some of our buys something in arithmetic. Everybody is in good health and spirits. We have just had such good sea sons that we look for lively times next fall. What has become of Once A. Month ? Ain’t it about time we were having something more from lnm? Once A. Week. BBtADIOBD & WALKER, DRUGGISTS, SOUTH MAIN STREET, PHCENIX PLAINING MILL. Longley & Robinson Proprietors, atlan ta., g^.., THE LARGEST AND COMPLETEST 5IILL IN GEORGIA. LOI\(jLL\ & ROBISON, 2So. 3S Decatur »Strect,Factory comer Butler and Gilmer. Contractors am! Proprietor* of Phcrnix riainin- Mill, manufacturer* o\ Duor*. Sa-h, Blind* the line**- ami best fluinin^ Mill iu the South, and turn* out iu*m» work or th Tice* that defy compelition Tlu-y have purchased the latent improvement*, brought South, and now irnaranlee that no bouse. North or Went, thali fur- jney. Beside* Kood* o. their own make, tiny have a larp- Mock of ompetitiou. Partic* deMrintr’ouildir.n mnuriel Sr shea CEDARTOWN. GEORGIA, Keep always on hind a complete stock of all things usually lound in a first-class Drugstore Country physicians will tin-1 our drugs fresh and reliable. I’rescriptiins put up with special care. school Books-ADilstons Series j p oIk Couatv Sherifrs Sa . e hating adop’ed the series of school i^jriuiinth^ingn 1 nun.-, oi Levied thi* flfa on flic lot described herein, the sain* l»ein« lot No. 2 in Block in II, iu the town ol Iloikmart. Polk county. Ga.. a* the property ol the defendant, by virtue or a Superior Comt mort •rage flta iii favor of Jonathan Long, re Charles T. Parker. Also, at the same time and place, lot* of land. 1145,1291. 1231, 1087. 11 If, 113*1, 11 (Vi. J217. 1232. 123i», in the 2nd district and 4th section ol Polk county, Ga., aa the property of M. E. West, by virtue of one tax fifu iu favor of the State and comity, v*. said Weal. Levy made aud retun c i to me by a constable. Alan, at the same time and place, lota of land. No*. 54 and 87. in the 17th district and 4th section ol Polk county, Ga., a* the property ol Mr*. Sallie ‘ * ‘ 1.55, , 87. books published by D. Appleton & Co., New Yolk. Messrs. Bradford & Walker of this place have been made agents for tie introduction of the same anunoW'-have on hand a large stock which they will sell for the next ninety days at introductory prices, allowing liberal reduction where old books ire offered in ex change. Parents and guardiins will do well to purchas! at once, so as to get the oenefic of the reduced rates. Those books are sold for cash only. Cedartown, July Tth, 1S79. 4t TH E SWEEP OF HEATH IS MEMPHIS. The Latest from the Ye'low Fever. . ,. T , Ice cold Lemonade, at Boh Ilutch- Mfmpjis July 21.—Througho; t e son’s, all of the last two days steady stream 1 of people have been moring by every street, avenue and railway out of this lever-stricken city. It is stated that two thousand went by Louis ville road alone, their baggage being piled in high tiers extending from Main to beyond Second street on the company’s platform. There was no excitement nor stampeed, such as prevailed when the peopl .• ware star - led by the first announcement that the ytllow fever had broken out, but the crush was immense. Ou Sunday vehicles of every imaginable discrip- lion liued the highways, carrying people, baggage, household aff-cts aud camp cqtuppage into the coun try. Within forty-eight hours the only remaining inhabitants will he poverty-stricken people, unable for like of means to leave, negroes and men occupying places imperatively demanding their presence. The exo- dus is in response to tile announce ment of the press and authorities that they canuot be ted or nursed In re if takeu sick, aud that their lives de pend ou r mov.il from the city. Many have fied who went through the scourge of 1878, and who are- tluumoJ. sale Crom another a.tack. They say they have no disiro to wit ness a repetition of the trials and hardships, and deatli scenes < f last year. Although the authorities urge the evacuation o! ihe city, it is thought it will be impossible to re duce the population below ten thou sand. All prop r y owners, a id nearly all the b ailing oflicials have gone, or are going away. Some twenty of the heaviest merchants are moving their stocks to St, Louis and Ciuciiina’i there to reopen aud continue business until November. Many business houses clos.d, on Sa'- urday uiglit and will not open again until cold weather. It is officially stated that ten new cases were announced to-day and four dea'hs. The sick, as a general thiDg, are getting along favoraoJy. None are thought to be in a danger ous condition. The steamer Couho- If you want a guud smoke, call on Bob Hutcherson. july 17 2 l, in the 17th district and 4th folk county. Ga.. u.s the property of J. M. Prior■ " 12, 13.14, 59. GO. bl, ction of Polk county. 2nd district ar.d tth the property of lot* of laud, . iu the Kth district aud 4th * Ga., and 12. 13. II, 01, in tin 1 Polk county, Gi Yandevendi plainlifl' county Supe We* M. I* Van de vender, deceased . deceased. Property pointed out tort — - ■ ** •* Co Sallie A.C’hildcr*. principal, and .Jus ■, and M. V. B. Ake. admini*tra:or of I a* Becureties. W. G. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Icc always on hand at B >b Hutch- ersuu’s. Ikon Tonic, at Bradford & Walk er’s, is the cheapest aud best tonic in use. Try it. tf Fino8t_I!ye Whisky iu town, at Bob Hutcherson’s. Farmers bring in your produce when you get in the humor to trade? We’r ready and waiting. Wynn & Bro. Champagne, very nice, at Bob Ilutcherson’a The 1 irgest piece of good tobacco for a nickel is to be had at Bradford 4 Walker’s. tf For Sale—A Good Gin. Will s II cheap for cash, or on ‘.imc to a reliable party, july KMt O. B. Whatley. When you want cheap goods call on Wynn & Bito. CHEHfclKEE RAILROAD. No 1, going W44. | Stations. | Xo2. got ns Ea*t. Leave.4: 55, P.iM. i Carter-viile i Arrive 9:55. A *M. “ 5:47, P. M. | Stlleshoro | Arrive 8:55, A. M. ** 6:22, P. M. Taylorsville Arrive8:15, A, JI. Arrive 7:12, P.M. | Rockmart I Leave 7-^, A. M. Train So. 2 onuject* at Carter*vil!e with train on W. A A, It. If., reaching Atlanta at 12 o’clock, M. Returning train leave* Atlanta at 3 o’clock. P. M.. connecting at Cartersyilie with No. 1, reaching Rockmart at 7:12, P. M. JOllN rOSTELL, Manager. Rome Railroad* CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ETENINtt TRAIN. Leave Rome daiijat 8.1CA M Return to Rome at 12.301' M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. ma loading with goods of S' Veral ] Leave Rome <9»tnrlay only) at 5 nor 51 merchants leaves for St. Louis to- ! Return to Rome tt s.uopm morrow. Dr. Thornton of the board of health [came home lo-alay. The disease is slowly but surely spread ing, though the list of new cases is not large, and nearly all that are now down are getting along well. — ... The general good order which at tended the 4th of July celebratious in the South is a matter of ;ratitica- ti -n. At many places in the North and West there were scenes of dis order and acts of violence. ap27tf Immigr. tion stansties at Castle Garden show that 55,284 immigrants landed during the first six months of 1S79j an increase of 17,35G over the same period in 1S76. New York city has to raise by tax ation $28,000,000 this year to meet current expenses and interest. Yit the taxpayers are doing as well as might be expected uuder the circum stances. For YVhoopiug Coug-li. Bradford 4 Walker prepare a Cough Syrup that greatly mitigates the ecverity of this distressing com plaint. Try a vial of for 25 centB. That “Retriever” cigar at BRAD FORD 4 WALKER’S is driving all others out of the market. Try one. Do We Believe In Witch-Craft l “I take the position that we do not. in its broad s use, said a gentleman ot years and experience, aud yet we find many of the present day carry ing a Buckeye in their pocket through a superstition, when they might be relieved by a few applications of Tab- Ier’s Buckeye Pile Ointment.” This Ointment is made from the Buckeye, and is recommended for nothing else bnt Piles. Try it. It will cure you. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale in Cedartown l y Bradford 4 Walker. march 13, ’79 eowly Taken in the Aet. _ Sister Jones called on Elder Smith a few evenings since. Being a next door neighbor, she entered his study uuanuonne d, and was greatly shock ed atsecing him taking adrink froma suspicions looking bottL. He. noticed her look of inquiry,and said: “This, Sister Jones, is Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder.the only rem edy I have ever found for the many troubles arising from a disordered Liver. I can recommend it,” Price 50 cents. For sale by Bradford 4 Walker, Ccdarlowu, Ga. march (3, *79 eowly LUMPKINS OLD RELIABLE LIVERY, FEED an- SALE STABLE. Cedartown, Gra. MILLER A. TRIGHT, Proprietor. Kocps constantly oi hand to hire, Good IIor*es and excellent vehicle*. Splendid accommodations for D.over* and olh«r*. Hort*>i>, Carriages, and Baggies always on land for sale. Entire satisfac tion guaranteed to ail who patronize me. 10-ly Webb's Restaurant, Bakery, Lager Beer, & Ale, Neaily Opposite the New Masonic Temple, \o. £7, Broai Street, Home, Ga ders. administratri: ’hilderg, deceased, ha* Hppiifd fur letter* of Di* lission a* such administratrix. Therefore all person* concerned will he and appear a* a Court ot tinary to be held in said county on the first to show cuuse, if any th-y be held . .Monday in October nex have, why she should be legally dischar; iviven under my hand ttm JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. and best machinery uish better goods, or lor le: western goods that are offer Blinds, etc., will do well to write to .Mess having bui t many ot the finest buildings iheir estimate* are always lowest. They their bid* and tUey have never failed to come up to the very highest mark of turing the mo.-t of the material u-ed in hni’ding. ami h!1 of the ?«a>hcs. Dooi her bid most of their competors. The firm i* also agent for the New York ’ Enamel L. *12. As Contractor* they do . the city. They are thoroughly and absolutely reliable, and . . . of huge and costly builr.ing* put paint sold by this company its endorsed a* t e best i the world. W. 1. PHILLIPS & CO., Agents for the Most Improved FARM AND MILL MACHINERY CEDAK.TOWBT CL A ^tl'EAM ENGINES from 3 to 30 horse power. Colton Gins. (V.r.den- ^ sers and Self Feeders, Threshers and Separators. 7 UEB NF WAT) R WHEELS, CORN AND WHEAT MILLS. Ill fact any machinerv anyone tn.y want, we will sell aWmanufactureis’ prices. We warrant our machi nery aud will set it up and start il going Free Ol' Charge- ROUND AND BAR J HOIST. We have the largest stock of IloinxI ami Dar Iron in town and af prices that defjr* competition. Give us a call and examine prices. mh^O-ly :i udmintstrator. de bouir paid estate, iu li.-u of J. VV. T. Hand, deceased. Therefore, all per.-onscon corned will • e and appear at a Court ol Ordinary, he appointed administrator, "de lnm. , _ the estate of .paid B. J. Hand, deceased. Give under my huiid, this June attrh, 1679. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. $66 D v ;?S n ItCXpc You can give the business a 1 without expense. The hi st opportunity ever offered for th*)*’.’ willing to work. \ou should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you the h spare time ry. hour that ye u ofler. No ote all your time or only “Mness. and_ make gn plain pay for evtry, hour that you work. Women make as much as‘men. Semi lor special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. #5 Outfit free. Don’t complain of hard times while you have such a chance. Addre.-s II. 11ALLETT & CO„ Port land, .Maine W e make no Mow about f W but don’t mind telliug you in a quiet fy - way, that we have one of the largest and ty bcsf*SELECTED - 8TOCKS of SPRING .1*3 GOODS ever brought to Cedartown. and ttTtelling th. m at prices that will astonish you. and all you friends. Yon may not C believe it, in (act, we had rather you T 1 *'" would not. we want you to conic and C2T sec for yourself. FEATHESSTON *CO ~jk3 $l500Df;r^DD,S i $20 i en do well a by de sd ah* money fast. Anyone make from 50 eta. to s’ evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to rry the business. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Business plea sant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about Lh»* iu»*» uafimr husiiu Pie public, senc tus your address ana w you full particulars and private terms pics worth $5 also free ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address Qv.i\nnv •SON & CO., Port land. Maine. ng your i will send ONTII guaranteed. $12 a day a $qnn amok qJOvVj homemade by the industrii ... _. r paired; we will start you. Men, women. boy l girls make i faster at work to le work is light and go right at than Ht anything eh pleasant, and such „„„ Those who are wise who aee this notice M ill send address «t once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terras free. Now is the time Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. & EORGI \—Polk County.—'W.. T. Gibson. Administrator on the estate of Jane T. Lampton. deceased, h a applied for dismission ' om the same. Therefore all person* concerned ill 1>« Hod appear at a Court or Ordinary to he held in said county on tne first Monday in Sep tember next, to show cause, if any they have, why r* of dismission should not be granted in ssitl MEALS AT ALL HOURS Oysters, Birds, Gltff, FiBh, 4c., in their Seaaun, andAAlways the Best the Market Aflords Furiiiefted. Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers. 'Meals 25cts each; jjodgings 25cts per head. ~ march 27 tf LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. a N. JACKSON MELISSA JACKSON. It appearing to the Court that the defendant, Me- llsFa Jackson, resides it Cherokee County, State of Alab ima. it is therefore ordered by the Com t that she appearand answer at the next term of this Court, or the ca«e>gill be considered in default, ai.d the plaintiff allowed to proceed. J. *V. H. UNDERWOOD. J. S. C. R. C. A true extract from the Mintt*** of the Court. This March 13Ji, 1876. 11. C. HEAD, March 20. Im4m. C. S. C. NOTICE. G EORGIA-POLK COUNTY.—All p.-rson? having demands against tie estate of V. H. Oppert, deeuwed. will present them properly pro ven to tbe undereigneu in the tine required by law ; and all persons indebted to >aid estate will please make immediate payment. NANCY c. OPPBUT, Exntrix, Bl, S. JUDKINS. Executor June 2, 1876. Administrator's Sale. In pursuance of an order from the Hon erable Ordinary of Polk county, will be sold before the court house door in Cedar town, l'olk county. (Ja , within the legal hours of on the first Tuesday in July next theuudivided half interest which the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, late of said county of Polk, deceased, owns in the old Dr. IS’ickols place, divided by the line tween Polk and lJariow counties, con- ting of the following numbers to wit : Nos. 6, 7,H, 9 and 10, except such portion of said lota lying son'h of Ruharlee creek as were couveyed to Thomas Deaton for portions of land lying North of said creek, nd that portion of Nos. US and (H in same district aud section which lies north of said creek;lot No. Go,lying on both sides of said creek, all iu the J8th district aud 3rd section of Polk county aud theuudivided half interest in lots belong ing to said N ckols place, Nos. 1< 07, I00:>, 1010, 1079 aud the West half of 1291: all the last named numbers being i.i the 17th district and 3rd section of liartow county. The whole of the said Nichols place containing 4‘>0 acres more or less. The undivided half interest ia all the above described lands having been sold be fore the court house door in Cedartown Polk county, Ga., by me as the administra tor on, the estate of Raleigh W. Whitehead, deed., on the first Tuesday in January last between the legal hours of sale and Kobt. S. Whitehead having bid them off at the sum aud price of Twenty-five hundr.d dollars and he having failed to comply with the terps of the sale, the same are now- offered for sale at the risk of tho the said Robert 8. Whitehead. Terms of sale, one half cosh and the remaining half to be paid o»; the 1st November next. Notes taken and bond for titles given until all the purchase money is paid. WM. I. T.i - LOR, Admi*., on the Estate of llaici^h W. Whitch.ad, deed. A. J. YOUNG, DEALER IN Corn and Rye Whiskies, Wine* Gins and Brandies, Noyes Warehouse, CEDARTOWN, GA A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon aid .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey TITlD'-R-E-LTiiLC, and OLD CABINET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or for in :dic.il purposes, with perfect Safety. Give me_ a c. ll. Good ireat- mont gu.ir»nt«.nj. ‘ oct. 3, tm’79. FREE A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, ant* as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. 4SKI WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. DR. S. W. JOISTES, _ with H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, iVernishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET STREET, NTASHVILLE, TENN. Ginseng. Beeswax, Feathers, Rag ighest market price. Wool, Dried Fruit, etc.,'taken on account from OLDEST AND BEST DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine DR. C. H. HARRIS, Physician 2nd Surgeon, OodLartc wn, ■ ■ ■ C>n. Office at Bradford A Allen’s Drug Store. Rcsi deuce at the Valley House. nov 11-ly Burial Caws and Caskets. Huntington 4 Wright have added to their business a foil line of beau tiful Burial Cases and Caskets lrom the smallest to the largest Size, which they propose selling as luw as they can be Wight in any market. Also, a full line of undertaker’s trimmings. CHOICE HOUSE. CAVE SPRING, GA., Tt. C. Tilly, J?x*op LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARTOWN DAILY. DR. E. Gr.DOYLE, Practicing Physician, This is a prompt and certain cure for al! dieeaS' S of the Liver, such as Dyspepsia, Headache, Chills and Fever, 4c. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every case, or money returned. For sale by druggists generally. J. Gr. YEISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., , Rome, Ga For sale by Bradford 4 Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt »"d T>. J. Powers, Rome, Ga. feb2o ly ROME, (Shorter Block) GA LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars; half life size only five d .liars. CEDARTOWN, POLK CO., GA. I Ilis woik is all strictly ii.-si-class. Makes copies of all sorts of nietnres uawat Berfal«u«. JuntLMy j my s.z. aud yaMMCtct desired. !cb27-l>