Newspaper Page Text
Cedartown, Ga. August 7.
Church Directory.
1st and 3rd SABBATHS. C. K HaxDSEsoa, Pastor.
and 4th SABBATHS J. B, Jonas, Pastor
Cedartown"Lodge No. *73.
W. RADUtY Dictator.
Lodge meets ever/ Monday night alter id and
4th Sabbaths.
Caledonia Lodge F. A. M.
'Regular communication Srd Friday night In
aT ery month. In room o»er Huntington A Wright s
Wynn & Bro. are now receiving
new goods, which will be sold at low
prices. Call on them before yon bay
Try that Irou Toalc
At Bradford & Walker’s. It is
better than any of the pateut pre
partitions of the kind and costs
only half as much.
R. T. Harrison has just received
some splendid snramer cheese.
Fresh lot bottled Bjer, Cl ampagt e
and Porter, just received at R. M
Wynn & Bro. have jnst received
a new lot of Ladies Ilats and Sun
downs, Gents Hats. Prints, Embri-
dery, Notions, &c.
Go to R. T. Harrison’s, first
door above Bradford & Walker’s, to
get your groceries.
Telephone and Key West Cigars,
known to be the best in town, at R.
M. Hutcherson’s.
At this season of the year a box of
Pills in the house will often prevent
protracted sickness by being used in
lime. They cost only 25 cents and
if they do you no good they cost
you nothing. Try one box and be
Barker’s Stock Powders are the
best. They prevent and cure chick
en cholera. They give horses and
cattle good appetites and healthy
digestion. They keep all kinds of
stock in good health. The package
is the largest sold and is worth twice
Die money. For sale by Bradford &
"Walker at 25 cents per package. Try
•one package and you will use no
other. _ apl 3-tfi
Bradford A Wslkor keep tbe beat writing
rink to be bnd anywhere. Take your inkstand there
aiul pet it filled for a nickel.
Wynn &.Bro. pay “special atten
tion” to their Family Grocery De
partment Their motto is quick
sales and short profits.
The only pure Monongahela Rye
Whisky in town is at R. M. Hutch
t3£~Jimmie Dodds is home again
from Atlanta, or Kentucky, or some
^-Huntington & Wright have
just received a car load of those fa
mous Tennessee wagons. Call early
if you want to get yonr choice. *
J^fJ. W. Radley and family left
last Thursday night tor Kentucky.
23?”R. D. Vann and Mrs. Er'
Wood returned from their visit t.
Alabama last Sunday.
£^”Will Camp is the only young All persons who bought goods of
man m town who has not yet re- the old firm of R. T. Harrison &
When you attend court and want
pure Country Corn in the Shack, al
ways call at R. M. Hutcherson’s
for it. aug7-3t
at bed time occasionally when yon loci a little
—out of sorts” will often save you a lung spell of
sickness and n still lunger doctor's bill. ”A stich
lu time save, mme*’—sometimes ninety-nine.
REMEMBER that if you buy a box of
Bradford it Walker’s l.hrar Tillsjand ll cy
do not give entire satisfaction you can get
at box ef any other pills in tbe market
without ekarge. There is no chance for
you to lose by trying a box of them.
For Sale.
A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson
Sewing Machine, bran new with
complete set of attachments, very
Jew. Apply at this office. tf
About ten years ago I wa3 con
•sidered a .confirmed dyspetic and my
Case was considered a hopeless one
by the physicans who treated me. I
*’aa advised to try the liver medi
an ne prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. I
used three bottles and was entirely
cured and am now sonnd and wetL I
consider it an invaluable remedy for
that disorder and heartily recom
mend it to all afflicted with that com
plaint—John Kenedy, Cassville,
•Ga. For sale in Cedartown by Brad
ford & Walker at 75 cents per bottle.
No patent nostrum is the Iron
Tonic at Bradford & Walker’s, but
a good, honest, borne- made remedy.
gvgf”14 good pictures far $1. at the
gallery near Phillips A^Co’s store.
for Whooping Cough.
Bradford k Walker prepare a
Cough Syrup that greatly mitigates
the severity of this distressing com
plaint Try t vial of for 25 cents.
That “Retriever” cigar at BRAD
FORD & WALKER’S is driving all
•others out of the market Try one.
Iron Tonic, at Bradford & Walk
er’s, is the cheapest and best tonic in
use. Try it. tf
It costs you nothing to try a bottle
of that Iron Tonic at Bradford &
Walker’s unless it benefitsyon. Money
refunded in every instance where it
fails to give satisfaction. tf
covered from his attack of hairpart-
Rev. J. E. Jones and Mrs. M.
V. B. Ake returned from their trip
North fast Thursday.
J^”The soaking rains and the
hot weather are just making the
growing crops fairly boom.
Louis Cohen, Jo Magnus, old
Bob Ridley and several other boys
in the drumming way were in town
this week.
J3F”Capt. Tom Doods, of Texas,
formerly a citizen of this place, is
here shaking hands with old friends.
J^“And Bobbie, the Pitts, is
home again, too.
Friend Dick Poole has the
whoppin’est cabbage heads we hare
seen. They can’t be beat only by
his beets, which are enormous. He
has our thanks for a sample lot.
Death or Maj. «. W. West.
This old and respected ciliz’n of
Polk died last Thursday at his home
near this place. An obituary notice
is being prepared by competent hands
and will appear next week.
Hearn School—Cave Spring.
We are informed that the board of
trustees of the above institution, at
their meeting last week, re-elected
Prof. P. J. King to the office of Prin
cipal. The board have done wisely
and well in this selection. Under
the management of Prof. King the
school has attained a reputation at
home and abroad for strict, whole
some discipline and thoroughness in
its methods of instruction that is
second to no similar institution in
the State.
Co., on two or three days time, will
confer a favor by coming forward
and settling up, the time being al
most out.
An Imprudent Editor.
Come home, father, come home.
Mother has had our pictures ta-
xen. She got 14 of the baby for
a dollar.
Dear father, come home with me
now. It
ing agricultural magazine. Like its
jredecessors, it is a model of typho-
Thc Southern Farmer’s Monthly.
We have on our table the August
number of the above mentioned ster
graphical excellence, while its col
umns are filled with original and
well selected articles on agriculture,
horticulture, and all matters pertain
ing to the farm and household, be
aides literary selections of general
and decided interest. The fashion
department, we notice, still forms a
most attractive feature of the publi
cation, and all the latest styles are
therein presented in a manner spe
cially calculated to interest the wives
and daughters of our farmer friends.
In a word, valuable instruction and
wholesome entertainment are most
happily blended in the Monthly and
it seems to be the one object of tbe
editor and publisher that each issue
shall be in every respect and improve
ment upon its predecessor. Every
farmer iu tbe South should have his
name upon its subscription list.—
Savannah News.
The Greensboro Herald says:
We see from the Atlanta Constitu
tion of recent date that a correspon
dent of the New York Times has had
an interview with Jonathan Nor-
cross, the last Republican candidate
for Governor in Georgia. He was
asked if the Rads would organize for
a Gubernatorial campaign in Geor
gia next year. “That depends very
much on the course the Independents
may pursue,” he replied. “I think
they have it in their power to organ
ize and put forth a platform of prin
ciples which might induce the co-op-1
eration of the Republicans, and se i
cure to them the Governor and thi
State House officers, as well as a nia- l . .. . ,
jority of the members of Congress.”' I; Tj 1 | | A T? ' Pfl VA/NT
Now, we never thought Jonathan U I i VV J.I «
had much sense about anything, ex
cept collecting his rents in Atlanta.
But he knows whereof he is speaking
when he strikes Independents. He
knows that the only hope of his
black gang in Georgia lies in a coali-
Longley & Eobinson Proprietors,
"V best quality and
and best machinery t
*h better good*
Dowd Bleaks.
People should not let the brilliant
crop prospects of the present tempt
them into extraraganoe, or into con
tracting debts upon the assumption
that we are to have a series of such
crops as this. We have had drouths
and hard times in the past and they
will come again before many years.
We should not allow them to catch
ns, as the last one did, ovor head and
ears ill . debt. By holding Severely
to rigid economy for a year or two
longer nearly all onr farmers and
others can get out of debt, and that
will be soon enough to begin con
tracting others.
Rather Discouraging.
The circumstances attending the
escape ol Rowe last week are not
such as will tend to inspire a very
high degree of confidence in the effi
ciency of our constabulary. Great
trouble aud expense bad been gone
to by the anthorities and citizens
generally of Ilaralson county to
wipe out, as far as punishing his
murder rs could, the stain that the
butchery of Lambert put upon the
community. To think that all these
expensive tff-rts are to be thwarted
at the last moment by tbe careless
ness or incompetency of those in
charge of the prisoner is, to put it
mildly, very discouraging to all
lovers of law and order.
Services at Fresbyteiiau Church
Rev. J. E. Jones having retnrned
from his northern tour there will be
regular services at the Presbyterian
church, beginning next Sabbath.
The First Georgia Bale.
Albany News, July 31: Yesterday
afternoon Mr. Primus Jones, of Ba
ker, sent his wagon into Albany with
a bale of new cotton bound for Messrs.
N. & A. F. Tift & Co.’s warehouse.
The auction bell was sounded, the
crowd gathered, the bidding was ex
citing. and Major Wilder, the auc
tioneer. at last knocked it down to
Mr. Jacob Lurch at 20jc. Lager
flowed freely, and the boys all felt
rieh. The cotton was classed low
middling, and weighed430 lbs. Hur
rah for Albany ! She paid a good
deal more for the first bale than New
York did!
tion with these so-called Indepen
dents. There never was in the histo
ry of this country a greater misnomer
applied to a party than this came In
dependent ha3 recently given rise to..
For they are as dependent open the
“nigger’ and Bcalawag for success as
the hogis npon filth ai.d mire forcora-
fort. Even if this party happens to
be pure in its origin—iu the motives
of its present leaders if they haveanv
—yet it cannot remain pure in its
progress; for no party can do this and
rely for support upon ignorance and
corruption. We are inclined to
think, however, that Jonathan is in
dulging in a forlorn hope. He is
simply drowning, politically, and
catching at a straw. If the coalition
he apprehends is formed, we predict
that the true Democracy of Georgia
will give it such an overwhelming
blow that it will rise no more to dis
turb honest men.
The Biscoveier of Anceslbrshu.
(Jem Fruit Jars.
Bradford & Walker have in a large
supply of this most popular make of
jars and are selling them lower than
they have been offered in this market
before. june26-4t
marks one of the mart important eras in the his
lory of machinery, and when we consider its great
a sc fulness and extremely low price ($*25), it is very
difficult to ;conce#re* of any invention for domes
tic ate of more or even equal importance to fami
lies. It has great capacity for work; beautiful
smooth, and quiet movement, rapid execution, cer
□arts are all steal; me doddiub doki iw yarai
thread: the stitch is the firmest of all the stltc
made, neat and regular, and can be regulated i
moment to aew adtehea from an inch in length
of all the stitches
la ted in a
moment to sew stitches from an inch in length on
coarse material 4oUJto thefflnest, so isAelteelnul
is to be hardly dUcemable with the hiked eye,
red with a rapidity rendering it impossible to
;oant them as feet as made ; it does to perfection
ill kinds of h«wj, eoprsc, plain. 9L Nncy
seedie-work witheaasjand far less labor Sian re.
•aired on other machines. It needs no commen-
taUon, the rapid sales, (WesaiM dejnsni V d
rolontanr encominms from the pipes, snd the
.honsands of tallies who nse them, amply tsstl-
y to their undoubted worth as s standard and ra
table household necessity, extending it* popnlari-
,y each day. This popnisr machine can be exam-
ned at the office of this paper. Assure Wasted
iv the company. Address them for information.'
lew York, jtiiyio 1st
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We are putting up and selling, un
der our own lable, tbe following list
of family remedies, on which
guarantee satisfaction or will refuud
the money in every instance. This
is a fair, open add {shut proposition,
and there is no danger of your wast
ing money on worthless nostrums if
you buy our preparations:
Iron Tonic.
Nerve and Bone Liniment
Vegetable Liver Pills.
Santoninu Worm Candy.
Poor Man’s Porous Plasters.
Eye Water.
Teething Syrup.
Eiectric Polish.
Horse and Cattle Powders.
Insect Powder.
Bradford & Walker,
Cedartown, Ga.
Don’t Read This.
Some day in the near fntnre peo
ple will cease to swallow nanseons
drugs and will cure themselves by
applying external remedies. It has
come to pass already that three
fourths of the ills that flesh is heir
to'can be thus treated. Dr. B. B.
Thompson, of Cedartown, prepares
a liniment, the external application
of which will relieve five-sixths of
the ordinary diseases, of the country.
One dollar invested in this liniment
will often go (ar(h?5 and do more
than 10 or 20, dollars spent in send
ing off for a physician. Every fatqily,
especially those living jn the conn
try, should keep a bottle on hand,
We have'read numbers of certificates
from reliable parties vouching for its
efficacy in many severe afflictions.
The National Eclectic Medical
Association, at its last annual meet
ing, held at Cleveland, O., as will be
sviiu by the following resolution, was
the first national, medical, repre
sentative body to take conclusive ac
tion in relation to the real discoverer
of surgical anatsthesia, and to recog
nize the paramount claim to this
great honor of the late Dr. Crawford
\V. Long, of Athens, Ga., as demon-
61 rated by Dr. J. Marion Sims, in
his “History of the Discovery of
Anassthesia.” Dr. Sims says: “Long’s
anesthesia, with sulphuric ether,
was on the 30th of March, 1842;
Wells’ aiiicsthesia, with nitrous oxide
gas, was ou the lltli of December,
1844; Morton’s anaisthesia, with sul-
huric ether, was on the 30th of
eptember, 1840. The State Medi
cal Society of Georgia, at its late
meeting, after a full and careful ex
amination of all the facts, passed
unanimously a resolution declaring
that Dr. Loug was entitled to the
high honor of the discovery ot ar.-
ajsthesiik” We understand that ac
tion is now being taken to bring be
fore the Legislature of Georgia, at
its special meeting this month (July,
1879), the question of the selection
ot Dr. Long as one of the two great
men to represent the State of Geor
gia in the National Gallery of Stat
utes, at the Capitol in Washington.
Dr. Long was a college mate of the
Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, who
speaks of him in the warmest terms
of praise and admiration, and de
clares that his “State can find no
purer, nobler or more deserving rep-
resentatire than Dr. Crawford W.
Long,” a sentiment that will be
heartily concurred in by all who are
familiar with his character and his
The National Eclectic Medical
Association at its last annual meet-
itg, held at Cleveland, O., June IS,
1879, passed unanimously the fol
lowing resolution, offered by Prof.
Alexander Wilder, M. D., and sec
onded by Prof. Robert S. Newton,
M. D.
Resolved, That this Association
take this occasion to declare its ap
preciation and recognition of the
inestimable service rendered to med
ical science and humanity, and to
express its consideration of the vast
debt of gratitude (hitherto unrecog
nized) due to tbe late Dr. Crawford
W. Long, of Athens, Ga., the dis
coverer "of anesthesia, and hereby
aerees to cordially unite iu any pub
lic endeavor to honor his memory,
and also respectfully tenders its
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
family of one of the world’s greatest
benefactors—Dr. Long having laid
down his labors and his life since
our last meeting, at the bedside of a
patient, over-worked and exhausted,
dying almost instantly.
Broom-Corn and Chickens.
0.n ytsterday Mr. Stewart, of
Stewart & Fain, same into The Con
stitution office and inserted an ad
vertisement for broom-corn. When
atked what they wanted with it, he
replied that they pnrehased $400
worth of broom-corn every month
for their broom-factory, and have to
buy nine-tenths of that amount from-
This is a sad commentary on onr
shifilessness and improvidence.
There is no better country for the
raising of broom-corn than our own
section. It can be raised h -re as w< I
as anywhere, and as cheaply. With
hundreds of young men idle in eve
ry town and city of Georgia, it is a
wonder that some of them will not
go into the raising of this crop. They
could, easily buy on time or rent a
hundred acres of land, and by
planting broom-corn and raising
chickens make a good living. The
broom-corn would p-ove as good a
crop as cotton—it is incomparably
easier to attend tc, and surer in yield*
Tbe seed ean be fed to the poultry
and the stalks fed to stock. It is a
shame that an enterprising firm that
has established a broom-lactory here
is forced to send to Chicago for stoi k
with which to operate. It is the
curse of our country that our fa -.
mers pay too much attention to b-g
crops and not enongh to small aim
diversified industries. A platoon f
young nun that would devote the
next year to the raising of hroo: -
corn and chickens within twenty
miles of Atlanta will show the right
sort of public spirit. We need
thousand such platoons.—ConslUtv-
Keep always on hand a complete stock of all things usually tound ir, a
first-class Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and
reliable. Prescriptions put up with special care.
Christ has opened wide the gateway
At the throne of God above.
Wisdom show* a narrow pathway.
Yet 'tie etrown with peace and lore.
Faith in Christ the only Savior,
Such is life bevond the grave.
Add to this a good behavior.
Then we dare the world to brave.
Earth Is cursed with ein and sadness—
We shoald seek another honu; ;
Heaven with all its joy and gladness
Find and we will never roam.
Earth is sad because so siulul:
We shouldjlive at* Christiana do—
Of our duty e'er be mindful;
Always kind and jnst and true.
Draketown, Ga., July 26, 1879.
Good fcj* Carbuncles.
Db. Thompson—Yon may say to the public that
wa6 afflicted with a large Carbuncle Ot inches in
diameter) on the small of my back and by adRee use
Of yonr Liniment was promptly relieved, without
any pain whatever from its application 1
commend it to any “ 1,1
Fine Specimens.
Can be seen on exhibition at their
tent, some as fine sp cimens of pho
tography as ean well be taken. The
artist will not turn out inferior
work, aud promises to give perfect
satisfaction. Call and see them
They’have moved their tent to th
south-side of W. M. Phillips & Co’s
store, where they will remain for
short time.
G EORGIA—Polk County.—Mrs Sallie A.Chil
ders, administratrix on the estate of Jane W.
Childers, deceasei, has* applied for letters of Dis
mission as snch administratrix. Therefore all
persons concerned will be and appear a* a Court of
Ordinary to be held in said county on the first
Monday in October Best to show cause, if any they
have, why she shoald not be legally discharged
from htY said trust. Given under my hand this
June 9th, 1879. JOEL BREWER. Ordinary.
your own town, and no cr
ital risked. You can give the husine*
trial without expense. The b<-st opportunity ev
offered for those willing to work. You should t
nothing else until you see for yourself what, y
can do at the business we o9er. No room to c
plain hero. Yon can devota all’ your time or only
your spare time to the business, and mal*e grea
pay for every hour that you work Women make
as much as men. Send lor special private terms
and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit free.
Don’t complain of hard times while you have such
a chance. Adtfrees U. 1IALLETT & CO„ Port
ROBISON, No. .38 Decatnr Street, Factory corner Fuller
and Gilmer. Contractor? aud Proprietors of Phcen5.v Plaining Mill, manufacturers of Door? ba-h Hliiuia
clc * Fhffinix is the finest and beat Plaining Mill la tb« South, aud turns out more work 'of th
price* ttotdely competition. They have purthas.*l the latest improvements,
r brought South, anil now guarantee that no house. North or West, shall fur-
. j , - -" .e>3 money. Be.-ides goods oi their own make, they have a laitrc rk of
"LSoiMinu* iu tun city. Thi-y are thoroughly and absolutely reliable. £id
i hey can point to scores of huge and costly huildirgs put under
heir contract, Munufat-
LNMUV, Blinds, etc., they cat.
York Enaivel Paint Co. Tha
junelh -3m
tiniates are always low
their bids and tney have never tailed
turing the most of the material used in building, and all of the fas'll
under bid most of their coinpetors. The firm is also agent for the I’
paint sold by this company is endorsed as the best iu the world.
ery highest mark t
Agents Tor the Most Improved
81500 gWSf&fl ^
\\ ulnen du as well a? men. Many make mure than
the amount etated above. No one can fail to make
money fart. Any one can do the werk. You ui
make from 50 eta. to $2 an hour by dovotin- yoi
evening and spare time to the basinet 1 ?, if coal
nothing to try the buainere. Nothing like it fi
money making erer offered before. Burtnear idea
rant and strictly honorable. Header, if you wan!
to know ail aboot the best paying bneinesa before
tbe public, senffne your addreaa and we will rend
you full particulate and private terms free
pics worth $5 also free ; yon can then make np
yonr mind for yourself. Address GEOROB STIN
SON & CO., Portland. Maine.
day at
Stand Tbcrt her
The organization of the democra
tic party of the State for the great
fight of 1880 will, we hope, incln’e
every true man who is willing and
ready to heal present dissensions by
the correction of the errors of the
past With shields locked against
the common enemy, we should fight
for constitutional government, State
rights, free elections and against all
forms of centralizations and corrup
tion, with a vim that will roll up a
majority which cannot be disputed
or fraudn’ently set aside. Our in
sidious enemies may hope to t reak
our ranks, but it will be fonnd that
though we have family differ
ences, we are solid when confronted
by a foe that unblushingly boasts it
self the friend of reconsi ruction and
the advocate of centralization.— Con-
Long Enongh.
As to Gov. Colqnit', four years is
long enough, no matter how good < r
how indifferent a Governor he may
have made. As to abnse or reflet*
tions npon his administration, he
must expect that To try to please
everybody would be to declare
himself a weak man and a dema
gogue. Decided men have decided
enemies, and your good, easy men,
indifferent friends or no friends at
all, yet no positive enenres.—Sav.
A Sabbath School Lesson.
Honest Indian.—Henry Jones,
the Indian blacksmith at the Sac
am} Fox Ageqcy in the Indian Ter*
ritory, who has been receiving $70.0
per year from tho government’ for
his services, hm, as^ed that his sala
ry be redaced' to $600. In his letter
he states that nine years ago he was
a blanket Indian' and poor. He has
now one hundred head of cattle, be
sides and 'hordes; forty acres
of gooff' land adjoining the agency,
twenty of which are (n corn; a good
house, hnxn and a well. This is,
perhaps, the first instance on record
inhere a 'Federal office holder has re
in October, 1874, the matron was
asking the children questions abont
their souls, heaven, etc. At length
she asked:
“What is God ?”
A little girl, perhaps ten years old,
who had floated into Chicago, com
ing no one knew whence, answered,
“God is a spirit, infinite, eternal,
and unchangeable in His being,
wisdom, power, holiness, justice,
goodness, and truth.”
She had been tanght to answer
thus, from the Shorter Catechism of
the Presbyterian ohnrch.
The teacher, whether mother or
friend, is likely dead, bat her work
stands, Snch teaching “sticks” to
the mental and moral ribs. Pover
ty, filth, wandering and all the trials
of orphanage or desertion cannot
blot it ont; no, not even a life of
sin and shame. Meiftory will recall
it, even many year* afterward, jnst
hecanse it ig so, ffefiqite in form, so
carefully memorized, and hsnee so
deeply impressed on the mind.
Schsol Books--Applatons Series
The School Board o f Polk county
having adopted the series of school
books published by D. Appleton &
Co, New York. Messrs. Bradford
& Walker of this place have been
made agents for the introduction of
the same and now have on hand a
large stock which they will sell for
the next ninety days at introductory
prices, allowing liberal reduction
where old books are offered in ex
change. Parents and. guardians will
do well to purchase at once, so as
to get the bem fit of the reduced
rates. These books are sold for cash
Cedartown, July 7th, 1S79.
Jgff”ilave you called and examin
ed the Sue sjiecimens ol photographs
and- ferrotypes taken here by th<
artist, Mr. Tennent?
T. S. WOOD. Watch-Maker,
Rime, Ga, is prepared to do any
kind of work in his line at short
notice, aid at reasonable prices. All
work warranted, aud satisfaction
guaranteed. july31-tf
J^gP’Mr. Tennent, the artist, is
associated with T. J- Bowers, of At
lanta, who is said to be one among
the finest artists iu the State.
7 The largest piece of good tobueco
for a nickel is to be had at Bradford
& Walkei’s. tf
Oar Agent in Haralson Comity;
John K. Holcomb, jr, sheriff of
Haralson connty, is authorized to
receive and receipt for subscr ptions
to the Advertiser in that connty.
We specially request our friends in
that county to make set'lement with
him at the first opportunity. tf
Alphonse Karr wittily saiff, touch
ing the abolition of Capital punish
ment for murder: “By a§ means,
only let messieurs the ynp-4i^n givq
quested the authorities to n duce his ' the example, and cease tp, execute
salary. ' I us.”
Persons living in the vicinity of
Bnchanan will find Bradford & Walk
er’s celebrated liver pills—the very
best pill made—for sale by Neal
Monroe at-.hat place. tf
Legal Sot ices.
Parties desiring ns to do legal ad
vertising should always briug them
in by 9 o'clock Wednesday morning
in order jo insure insertion. It
would be better io hand them in early
Monday morning. Remember al
ways to have the necessary fee ac
company the advertisement.
Do We Believe in Witch-Craft I
‘I take the position that we do not,
in its broad sense, said a gentleman
of years and experience, and yet we
find many of the present day carry
ing a Buckeye in their pocket through
a superstition, when they might be
relieved by a few applications of Tab
lets Buckeye Pile Ointment” This
Ointment is made from the Buckeye,
and is recommended for nothing else
bnt Piles. Try it. It will core yon.
Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale in
Cedartown ly Bradford & Walker,
inarch 13, ’79-eowly
Taken yi the Act,
Sister Jones called ou Elder S.mi th
a few evenings since. Being a next
doof neighbor, she entered his study
unannounced, and was greatly shopk-
ed at seeing him taking a drink from a
suspiciouslooking bottle. He noticed
her look of inquiry, and said : “This,
Sister Jones, is Tablets Portaline, or
Vegetable Lip?rPo'vder,theonly rem
edy I have ever fonnd log the many
troubles arising from, a disordered
Liver. I can recommend it.” Price
50 cents. For sale by Bradford, &
Walker, Cedartown, Ga.|
march 1.3, *79 eowly
A M ONT II frit a ran teed. $12 u
V-IW home made by the industrious,,
ital not required; we will start you. Men, women
boys and girl? make money luster «t work lor u:
than at anything else. The work is light and
pleasant, and such as any one can go ri"ht at
Costly Outfit aud
Those already at
•eady at work are laving np large ?u
Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, )
/^.EORGIA—Polk County.-W. T. Gibs
Administrator on the estate of Jane T
Lampton, deceased, hns applied for <!!•
from the same. Therefore all persons concerned
will lie ai.d Appear at a Court of Ordinary
held in said county on tnc tiret Monday in
O N and after Monday, July 14th, 1879. the traim
^ on t his Road will run daily (Sundays excepted
Arrive 7:1*2, P. M. | Rockmart- I Leave 7:15, A. M.
Train No. 2 connects at Cartersvllle with train
lW & A, U. R., reaching Atlanta at 12 o’clock.
M. Returning train leaven Atlanta at 3 o'clock. P.
M-, connecting at Car'orsviile with No. 1. reachin-
Rockmart at 7:12,1*. M.
JOHN 1*013TELL, Manager.
Korn© KiiilrmuT*
On and after SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1878. th<
ins will run on the Rome Railroad as follows:
Leave Romo daily at 8.10 A M
Return to Rome at 12.30 P M
•ave Rome (Saturday only) at r* OOP M
:turn to Rome at 8.001* M
C. M. PENNINGTON, Gcn’l Sup’t.
ap27tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t
Cedartown, Gra.
MILLER A. WlilCUT, Proprietor.
Keeps constantly ou hand to hire, Good Horses
and excellcut vehicles. Splendid accommodations
for Diovcrs and others. Horses, Carring’
” ‘-9 always r~ *-—** ’ ~ **
SJTEAM ENGINES from 3 to 30 horn- power. Cotton Oins, Cordon-
st-rs and Self Feeders, Threshers and Separators TURBINE WATFB
WHEELS, CORN AND WHEAT MILLS. In fact anv macninery anyone
msy want, we will sell at manufacturers’ prices. We"warrant our machi
nery and will set it np and start it going ITree- Of’ Charge-
We have the largest stock of Round and Bar Irou in town and at prices
that defy competition. Give us a call and examine prices. mli20-ly
lW°We make no blow abont i
hut don’t mind telling you in a qniet
Wl -V. that we have one of tbe larger andJ
CrT"* GOODS ever brought to Cedartown, and
1ST telling them at prices that will a?toui?h ../$2
you, and all you friends. Yon may not
believe it, in fact, we had rather you
1ST would not. wc want you to come and _4SJ
ZST see Cor yourself. FEATUEUSTON & CO
Corn and Rye Whiskies, Wine,
Gins and Brandies,
Noyes Wan-house, CEDARTOWN, GA.
A Specialty made of
Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey
Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or
for medical purposes, with perfect safety. Give me,' a call. Good ircat-
ment guaranteed. * oc t 3, tm’79-.
■ - 1 B
Webb's Restaurant,
Bakery, Lager Beer, & Ale,
Neatly Opposite the New Masonic Temple,
No. 87, Broad Street, Rome, Go
Oysters, Birds, Game, Fish, &,c^ ii.
their Season, and Always the
Best the Market Aflords
Also Lodgings Furnished Strangers
Meals 25cta each; Lodgings 25cts
per head. march 27- tf
in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and
as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received
the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo*
Sltions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other
machines. Its capacity Is unlimited. There are more
WILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than
the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON
MENDING ATTACHMENT for doing all kinds of repairing*
WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine.
G eorgia—polk county.—ah persons
having demands against the estate of V. II
t, deceased, will present them properly pro
1 tbe under&igneu in the time required by
law ; and all persons indebted to said estate will
please make immediate-payment.
NANCY «... OPPERT, Exntrix,
M, S, JUDKINS. Executor.
Burial Cases and Caskets.
Huntington & Wright have added
to their business a full line of beau
tiful Burial Cases and Caskets from
the smallest to the largest size, which
they propose selling as low as they
can be bought in any market. Also,
a full line of undertaker’s trimmings.
Physician and Surgeon,
Oodartcwn, - — - G-a.
Office at Bradford A Allen’s Drug Store. Resi
deuce at the Valley House. nov 14-ly
Drags, Paints, Varnishes, Liquors,
Oils, Glass aad Seeds,
Ginseng, Beeswax, Feathers, Rags,
igliest market price.
Wool, Dried Fruit, ctc.,ltakcu on account from customers
jan. 23-iy
B-C. Tilly, Prop-
PR. E. &. BOYLE,
Practicing Physician,
OGicc at Residence. iunci2 ty
Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine
This is a prompt and certain cure for all diseases of the Liver, such as
Dyspepsia, Headache, Chills and Fever, &c.
Satisfaction (guaranteed in Every
ease, or money returned. For sale by druggists generally.
Dealer in Drug?, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc-.,
Rome, Ga,
©For sale by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga, and R. T. Hoyt and D.
J. Powers, Rome, Ga. feb28-ly
(Shorter Block)
LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars; half life size only five dollar?.
His work is all strictly first-class. Makes copies of all sorts of pictures
any size and character d>-siredi feh27 ly