Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, August 14, 1879, Image 3

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THE ADVERTISER. PGBLSUZD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. Cadartown, G-a. August 14. Churcb Diirtlorj. METHODIST. EVERY SABBATH U. J. M7«ICK. Pastor. BAPTIST. 1st and 3rd SABBATHS. C. K. UaSDEHSOK, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. and 4tn SABBATHS J. E. Jokes. Pastor KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Cedartawn^Uodge No. 273. J. W. RADLEY DtCTvroB. L.S. LEDBETTER Sei-outer Lodge meets every Monday night alter 3d and 1th Sabbaths. masonic. Caledonia Inidte F A. M. J. 8. STUBBS ,-•••■ Romlar conmoulCRfioa 8nt Friday night in sverr •onth, in roomove*«iiBtington A Wright** •tore. an LOC ALNE W8. — AV'-rarw St Rim. to now receiving new goods, which will be sold at low prices. Cal l on them before y ou buy Try that Iron Tonic At Bradford & Walker’s. It i 8 better than any of the patent- pre parations of the kind and costs inly half as much. * B. T. Harrison has just received some splendid summer cheese. Fresh lot bottled B.tr, Champagi e and Porter, just received at R. M. Huthekson’s. Wynn & Bao. have just received a new lot of Ladies Ilats and Sun downs, Gents Hats. Prin:s, Embri dery, Notions, &c. Go to R. T. Harrison’s, first door above Bradford & Walker’s, to getyonr groceries. Telephone and Key West Cigars, known to be the best in town, at It. M. Hutcherson's'. At this season of the year a box of BRADFORD & WALKER’S Liver Pills in the house will often prevent protracted sickness by being used in time. They cost only 25 cents and if they do you no good they cos’ you nothing. Try oue box and be convinced. Barker’s Stock Powders are the best. They prevent and cure chick en cholera. They give horses and cattle good appetites and healthy digestion. They keep all kinds of 3tock in good health. The package is the largest sold and is worth twice the money. For sale (^Bradford & Walker at 25 cents per package. Try <u» n-.eL-.ioo end VOU will nse .no other. opt 3-tr. Bradford A Walker keep the best writing ink to Ire had anywhere. Take yonr Inkstand there and get it SUed for a nickel. Keep a hot nf Bradford A Walker's vefrteable liver pills in yonr house all the lime. A pill or two at bed rims occasionally when you feel a little * nnt of sons" will often save you a long sp -II id sickness anti a still longer doctor's hill. “A stich In time saves mine"—sometimes ninety-nine. REMEMBER that if you buy a box of Bradford & Walker's Liver 1’Uls'tind tl ey Jo not give entire satiafacliou you can get n box of any other pills in the market without charge. There is no chance for y ou to lose hy trying a box uf them. Tor Sale. A No. 9, Silver Plated Wilson Sewing Machine, bran new with complete set of attachments, very loio. Apply at this office. tf About ten vt-ars ago I was con sidered a confirmed dyspetic and my case was considered a Impress oue by the physicans who treated me. I rag advised to try the liver medi cine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeiser. J used three bottles and was entirely cured and am now sound and well. 1 consider it an invaluable remedy for that disorder and heartily recom mend it to all afflicted with that com plaint—John Kenedy, Oassville, Ga. For sale in Cedartown by Brad ford & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. No patent nostrum is the IR9N Tonic at Bradford & Walker’s, but a good, honest, home-made remedy. good pictures far $1. at the gallery near Phillips & Co’s store. Far Whooping Cough. Bradford & Walker prepare . (Jocan Syrup that greatly mitigates the severity of this distressing com plaint. Try a vial of for 25 cents. Jgr’Julins B. Janes is borne from Dalton. HSy-A large, commodious hotel is needed in Cedartown. gg^-Tliere w;>s a sociable at the hotel last Thursday night. £gi"Capt. Thomas H. Cuyler, of Rome, was in town Saturday. is now iu order to have your turnip patches prepared. Many visiting members of the bar are in attendance at court J3p“The weather has been very cool and pleasant the past few days. f^”01d Probs thinks the hot weather is abont over for the season. {t3f°Some of our merchants have already engaged their clerks for an other year. B^*No land was sold here on day, nor is any advertised for sale the first Tuesday in Septembe' t^~One gentleman remarks that he wasn't treated like Mr.- Harrison was on the elevator Monday nigh t £S^”The Brass Band was out in full foroe Saturday night, and gave tim town a general aorenmte. C5f”Qeneral Jas. H. Price has re lumed from an extended visit to the Oid Dominion. tes^Doc Cobb has been smiling around among bis old friends for several days. •erMiasea Pepper and Neal of Rome are visiting friends in Cedar town. i@~Charlie Bunn is getting rich fast. Another bonneing boy at his houBc last Monday. C2?“Rev. Dr. Cleaveland, of Sel ma, Ala., will preach at the Baptist Church next Sabbath at 11 o’clock, a. m., and at 8 o’clock, p. m. tflSP"The rivival at the Colored M. E. Church, we learn, has been going on every night since last year. It will perhaps be protracted. fgT'Mr. R. S. Whitehead, of Bar- town connty, left at onr office on Monday, a boll of cotton that opened on the 7th instant. SSf'Mohn Phili ps returned Sat urday from market, where he pur chased a stock of fall goods for bis firm. SgUThere was no Court last Tn s- dny, Judge Simmons was wrestling with an attack of Bill Arp’s “green corn dance.” 13?" Asa Prior and others returned a few days sinee from Cherokee county, Ala. Asa says they caught lots of fish, and a fawn, and had oceans of sport laf’The county officers had the "~»rt house re painted and white washed last week, preparatory to Ihe* sifting of court, which convened last Monday. 23?"A bevy of ladies and gentle men, who were visiting Cave Spring, visited onr town last Saturday, and took a bird’s-eye view of the Chero kee Iron Works. 33?*Tliat new trick that Judge Brewer picked tip over iu Buchanan has been the means of many a good laugh at the expense of some of our citizens. Judge Enlow enjoys it. Wft-Rev. George B. Russell, of Alabama, will preach at Mount Hope church, on the Cove Spring road, 011 tb£ 5th Sabbath iu this month, and on Saturday before. A Cnrio itj. Thos. Waters is a nice young man from the country, born and raised in Polk connty and had never been in Cedartown till last Monday. Mrs. Judge Simons Took advantage of her husband's official visit here to make s social one. to relatives and friends in the vicinity.' Visiting Counsellors. Cols. W. H. Dabney and R. S. Fouche, Capt D. B. Hamilton, Judge A. R. Wright, Cols. T.W. Alexander and C.N. Featherston, Solicitor-Gen. Clements, of Rome; “Citizen” T. Warren Aiken, of Cartersville; Capt T.W. Dodd, of Tyler, Texas; Maj A. T. IV illiamson, of Rockmart, Col. E. N. Broyles, Atlanta. • Folk Superior Court. This body was convened in Au gust term last Monday, Judge Thos. J. Simmons, of the Macon .Circuit, presiding. The Grand Jury J»as ganized with W. C. Barbed as fore man and Jos. LL Dodds, clerk. The Judge’s charge to the Grand Jury was brief but comprehensive, and as the Jury has some of the very best material in the county upon it, may safely assume that matters of which they should take cognizance will be appropriately dealt with. Stirs Them lip. Judge Simmons astonished the gentlemen of the bar here this week by refusing to continue coses by consent, unless good cause was shown. This is certainly a good and whole some rule and shonld be enforced in all the courts of the Staft, both great and smull. As Judge Simmons remarked, it is a matter in which not only the parties litigant bnt all tax payers are interested. There is neith er reason for nor justice in the cus tom some judges have of allowing the dockets encumbered' and the time of the courts' consumed calling cases that neither side is willing should go before a jury for decision. Hearn School. The Board of Trustees for this institution has been re-organized and the principal, Prof. P. J. King, now has the hearty co-operation of the board in his effort to increase the influence and usefulness of the school. This is the 12th year that the school his been under his control and its prospects were never more encoura ging to its friends. Prof. King gi ;es special attention to the preparation of young men for entering the high er classes of colleges. J It is also worty ot note that tfiftr Institution,' as will be seen from its advertise ment in another column, gives free tuition to worthy young men who are unable to pay tor the same. That “Retriever” cigar at BRAD FORD & WALKER’S is driving all others oat of the market. Try one. Ikon Toxic, at Bradford Si Walk er’s, is the cheapest and best tonic in use. Try it. tf It costs you nothing to try a bottle of that Iron Tonic at Bradford & Walker’s unless it benefits yon. Money refunded in every instance where it fails to give satisfaction. tf Sem Fruit Jars. Bradford & Walker have in a large supply of this most popular make of jars and are selling thf'm lower than they have been offered in this market before. june26-4t The invention of that superior »*d complete Sewing Machine (The Family Shuttle Machine), mark* one of the raoet important era* in the his tory of machinery, and when we consider its great usefulness and extremely low price f$25).*1t is very difficult to 'coocefre of any invention for domes tic nse of more or even cqnal Importance to fami lies. It has great capacity for work; hcantifljl smooth, aad quiet movement, rapid execution, cer tainty of operation, and heHrftfkil eaec, that at once commends It above all others. The working parte are all steel; the bobbins hold 100 yards or thread; the stitch is the drawee of all the stitches made, neat and regular, and can be regulated in a moment to eew stitches from an inch m length on coarse materia! down to the finest, so infinitesimal as to be hardly discernable with the naked eye, and with a rapidity rendering it impossible to count them as Art as made ; it does to perfection all kinds of heavy, coarse, plain, fine, or ftney needle-work with ease, and far less labor than re quired on other machines. It needs no commen dation, the rapid sales, increasing demand, and voluntary encomiums from the press, and the thousands of families who nee them, amply testi fy to Uwyr nndoabied worth as a standard and re liable hooc&oUlnoqessity, extending It* populari ty each day. This popular machine can be exam ined at the office of this paper. jtaniTR Warn by tbc company. Address them for information. FAMILY bEWING MACHINE CO., 755 Broadway, >'ew York, julylO 12i Our Suutli Carolina Cot respondent Gives our readers another well written and entertaining letter this week. He presents some thoughts on the subject of fences, or, rather, of no fences, that are worthy of the serious consideration of onr farmer friends. It is a matter that will force itself on their aMenti n before many years, and they had best begin to consider it now. Onr columns are open to any desiring to discuss it A Cotton Warehouse. As will be seen from an advertise ment in this paper, a joint stock company has been organized here for the puipose of erecting a large and commodious cotton warehouse. This is jB most important enterprise for oar town and we wish to see it “boom.” J. S Stubbs A Co. These gentlemen have a displayed advertisement iu to-day’s paper that means much more than it says. It Weans that they have finished the en terprise, began some months ago, of fitting np two large, oommodious and conveniently arranged business hou ses ou Main Street to accommodate their growing trade. It means that they have stocked these houses with a full and complete assortment of general merchandise, bought for cash in th,e best markets, and are now offering these goods at figures that will astonish and delight thin pocket-books. It means that they have bought a large stock of winter clothing now, in midsummer, while it is so cheap, and are giving their customers the benefit of their bar gains. It means all this and more, ae they will tell yon when you call to see them. Atlanta Medical College. We call attention to the advertse- ment of the above college. We eor- nestly recommend this Institution to those desiring a medical education. We are assnred, front its reputation, that those who avail themselves of Wi!rr * D its superior facilities will not haye cause to regret their choice. A Cyclopedia For $10.00. Perhaps the mo3t remarkable liter ary enterprise of the time, is the publication of the Library of Uni versal Knowledge, in 20 volumes of uearly 1,000 pages each, handsomely bound, tor 50 Cents per volume, or 810.00 for the set. It is a reprint entire of the lust .(1879) Edinburg and London edition of Chambers Encyclopedia : A Dictionary of Uni versal Knowledge for the people, with very large additions upon topics of special interest to American rea ders. The amount' <)T matter will somewhat exceed that of the Cyclo pedias of Appleton of Johnson, though the price is but a fraction of their cost. Volume one is to be rea dy early in September, and the others will follow at veiy short intervals. The remarkably low prices are ac counted for by the method of sale, to the subscribers direct, saving them the large commission, often 50 or 60 per cent, paid to agents or dealers; also, by the recent great reduction iu the cost of making books, and by making very large sales. This cer tainly is a work that the millions appreciate. Special inducements are offered to early subscribers and to clnbs. The same publishers have recently issued edi'ions of Chambers’Cyclo pedia of English Literature, 4 vfels., $2.00, formerly sold in 2 vOlApfor $9.00; also, Rollins’ Ancient lf)*to- ry, and Josephus’ Works, larg^ype editious, for $2.25 aud $2.00, and Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1.00. They also publish, in August and September, the Acme Library of Biography, 12 vols., and the Acme Library of Modern Classics, 9 vols, the former at 35 cents and the latter at 50 cents per vol. In these series are presented such authors as Carlyle, Macaulay, Gibbon, Goldsmith, La martine, Michelet, Thomas Moore, Walter Scott, and Fouque, and such subjects as Caesar, Cromwell, Burns, Joan of Arc, Vicar of Wakefield, Picciola, Lalla Kookb, &c- Full catalogue of publications, terms to clubs, 4c., will be sent free on request by the publisher*, the American Book Exchange, 55 Beckman Street, N. Y. ' i Fresh and reliable Turnip Seeds at Brandford-& Walker’s. • • — Turnip Seed, pare stock, st Brad ford A Walker’s. All persons who bought goods, of the old firm of R. T. Harrison & Co., on two or three days time, will confer a favor by coming forward Sod settling up, the time being al most out. Fresh lit Fare. We have just replenished onr stock of drugs and druggists sun dries and now have a large and care fully selected assortment of every thing in our line. We offer reliable goods as low as they can be bought anywhere. Of cheap drugs we have none. Our house is centrally and conveniently located on Main street. We invite an inspection of our stock aud a comparison of goods and pri ces by all needing such articles as we handle. We have recently ad-j ded a large assortment of school books to our stock. Respectfully, Bradford & Walker, Druggists. CAVE SPRING DOTS. Town lively. Splendid crops. A crowd of summer visitors, some invalids among them, ire getting Well. Our bracing air and Dough erty’s mineral water is gnre to effect a core. Parties from different sections are coming after mineral water, which they carry home by the barrel-fall. Miller & Baker move into their new store in a day or two. Quite a crowd of land buyers are among us. Capt, Trout sold his residence and farm a few days since to a Mr. Ray, of Walton county. Hope the Captain will not leave ns. Now Dr. Strickland’s bead is swelled as big as a flour barrel, all because that young lady pushed him in the creek. The young folks are having a nice time fishing in our beautiful creek in the village. What a glorious serenade that was the other night. Jews hai ps, French harps, horns, and vocal music were the principal instruments. One of the yonng ladies harps didn’t june to suit, a:.d we thought we beard her say the “dickcnce,” bnt it was so dark we could not hear well. Dr. Watts is having some good weather for the psst few days for brick-making. Pic-nic and fishing at Thomas’ mill yesterday. Yonng men of town are establish ing a “Dollar Club.” Sardine supjter at tannery a few nights Bince. Bring in your butter and frying chickens. Cotton beginning to open ; fodder most ready for pulling; corn crops splendid; coiton too good. Dome over anti fish with us. Bring Jews harp. From what we haye seen we think it le the only way to fish. The fish bites much better for the ladies while gents are playing the harps. In a few days we will send you the pictures of a party we have just seen fishing. Send in a dollar and get the Ad vertiser for a year. Once A. Week. CHEAP GOODS. f9 sttobs m cm, Have jnst moved into their elegant new Store Rooms on EAST SIDE QF MAIN STREET, Where they are now opening an extensive stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Their Goods were selected with great care and with an eye to the needs of their customers and were bought for Cash. They will be sold at the lowest figures. Go and examine, their stock and prices before making youi purchases. aug74tf BRADFORD & WALKER, SOUTH MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN. GEORGIA, Keep always ou hand a complete stock of all things usually tonnd in a first-class Drugstore. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and reliable. Prescriptions put np with special care. pwvopnraiui MY0lfj\ r C^ (Shorter Block) ROME, - - • - - - G.A. UFE SIZE (bust) for only ten dollars; half life size only five dollars His work is all strictly first-class. Makes copies of all sorts of pictures anysizeaud character desired. feh2?-lv Wynn &.Bro. pay “special atten tion” to their Family Grocery De partment Their motto is quick sales and short profits. The only pure Monongahela Rye Whisky in town is at B. M. Hutch erson’s. Sow yonr Turnip Seed now and bay them at Bradford & Walker’s j they keep none but the best 2t When yon attend court and want pure Country Corn in the Shnck, al ways call at R. M. Hutcherson’s for it. aug7-3t Come home, father, come home. Mother has had our pictures tn .ten. She got 14 of the baby for a dollar. Dear father, come home with me now. It Satsfaction tiuaraii.eeS “\fe are putting np and selling, nn derour own lable, the following list of family remedies, on whicli we gnapintee satisfaction or will refund themoney in every inetance. This is afoir, open and Abut proposition, andthere is no danger of your wast- ingmjney on worthless nostrums if yonbny our preparations: Iron Tonic. Serve and Bone Liniment. Vegetable’Liver Pills. Santoniue Worm Candy. Pocr Man’s Porous Plasters. Byt Water. Ter thing Syrup. E'ectric Polish. Iltrse and Cattle Powders. Inset Powder. Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. Fine Specimens. Cm be seen on exhibition at their tenr,some as fine specimens of pho- ‘ogrqthy as can well be taken. The arris' will not turn ont inferior work and promises to give perfect satfeaotion. Call and see them.' Ttey have moved their tent to the short time. G EORGIA—Polk County.—Mrs. Sallit* A, Chil ders, administratrix on the estate of Jane W. Childers, decease*?, has applied for letters of Bin mission as such administratrix. Therefore all Monday in October next to show cause, if any they have, why she should not be legally discharged from her said trust. Given tinder my hand this June Uth, 1879. JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. A WEEK in yonr own town, and no cap ital risked. You cm give the Imsine trial without expense. The best opportunity t offered for those willing to work. You should nothing else until you see for yourself what yon yonr spare time to the hnsiue?*. and make great and particulars, which we mail free. |5 Outfit fine. Don’t complain of hard times while yon have sdeh Reliance. Address li. 1IALLETT & CO„ Port land, Maine. $1500; Women do as well as m the amount stated abov money last. Any one c TO *0000 A YEAR, or $5 to j. ir own locality. No risk, , Many make more than No one can tail to make _ _ do the work, Yot make from 50 cts. to *2 an hour by devoting your evenings aud spare time to tfce business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Busines.- plea sant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all aliout the best paying business before the public, send us ycur address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; sam ples worth $5 also froe ; you can then make up your mind for yonrself. Address GEUKGE STIN SON A CO., Portland, Maine. . homemade hy the industrionp. Cap ital not required; w« will Mart you. Men. women, boys and girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such ae any one can go right at. Those who are w'ee who see this notice wifi send ue their address tit once and see for themselves. Coetly Outfit and terms tree. Now is the time. Those Already at work are laying »p large sums ol money.. Address TRUE «te CO.. Auensta, Maine. 25”Have jou called and examin j ed tie fine specimens of photographs ami ferrotypes taken here by the artist Mr. Tennent ? T. 8. WOOD, Watch-Maker, Rome, Ga., is prepared to do any kfl»J"ijf work iu his line at short uotce, and at reasonable prices. All woik warranted, aud satisfaction gmranteed. july31-tf first Monday in fc’ep .-> show cause, if any they nave, why letters of dismission should not begranted in ssid case. Given tfndcr my hand this 3rd day of Jnne. 18TS. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. jnne 3m JgJ-Mr. Tennent, the artist, is asstciated with T. J. Bowers, of At lanta, who is said to be oue among the Suest artists in the State. CHEROKEE RAILROAD.’ Arrive 7:12, P. M. | Rockmart I Leave 7:15, A. M. Train No. 2 connect* at Cartersville with tr-iin oaW & A, R. R., reaching Atlanta at 12 o'clock. M. Returning train leave* Atlanta at 3 o'clock. P. connecting at Cartersyille with No. 1, reaching Rockmart at 7:12, P. M. JOHN POSTELL, Manager. Tie largest piece of good tobacco for t nickel is to be had at Bradford & Walker’s. tf State Hews. It is reported that a joint stock company will erect a large forty thousand dollar hotel at Indian Spring, completing it in time for the next season. Dalton Enterprise: When farmers shall set to work, stop wasting their time over politics, and use tbeir en deavors in the culture of butter, stock, chickens, honey and other ar« ticks for merchantable sale, good times will come and not before. Fi nancial legislation will not relieve people who have nothing to ex change for the enrrency of the conn- try. The Macon Telegraph and Mes senger referring to onr call on Dr. Felton for the publication of bis cor respondence with Fer-y and other prominent Republicans last year when he was so fiercely fighting the Bemocracy, tells ns to “abandon nil expectations of that kind at once,” and says “that precious document will never see the light. The rode blast of publicity might wither the tender leaves of its glowing eloquence and pathetic snpplication.”—Rome Courier. General Items, The election in Kentucky on Mon day, the 4th, resulted in the success of Dr. Blackburn, the Democratic candi date for Governor, and of the whole State ticket, by a majority of abont 40,000. The vote was very light The Legislature will stand about ae the last—nearly all Democrats, Onr A feat in Haralson County. John K. Holcomb, jr., sheriff of H.traljon county, is authorized to receipt and receipt for subscriptions to thiADVERTiSER in that connty. We specially request onr friends in tbatJounly to make settlement with him it the first opportunity. tf Pusons living in the vicinity of Buchinan will find Bradford & Walk er’s elebrated liver pills—the very best pill made—for sale by Neal Monroe at that place. tf Legal Hotiees. Parties desiring us to do legal ad vertising shonld always bring them in by > o’clock Wednesday .morning in order to insure insertion. It woolclbe better io hand them in early Monday morning. Remember al ways to hove the necessary fee ac company the advertisement. Is it True. Is it true that a remedy has been compounded which will do away with the mineral and drastic purga tives of the past centuries, and which, while entirely efficient, will leave the svstem in its former healthy condition?' Yes, the remedy is Tab leria Portaine, or Vegetable Liver Powder, a cure for all the disorders arising from a torpid liver, and as innocent as spring water. Give it a trial. It will do what it promisee. Price 40 cents a package. For Sale by Bradford & Walker,Cedartown,Ga march 13, ’79-eowly ing so well; I heard yen were cor fined to yonr room, and bed, by that pest of humanity, Piles.” “Yes, Mr. B. I had been long a sufferer when I heard of Tablets Buckeye Pile Oint- ment. It proved a blessing to me indeed, one bottle having so far res to red me as to enable me to be abont my business again with ease and comfort Yon can recommend it as a gennine remedy.’, Price 50 eente a bottle. For Bale by Bradford » Walker, Cedartown Ga, march 13, ’79-cowly Homo KaiiooiuL CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and otter SUNDAY - . JUNE ttn ralup will ran on the Rome Railroad at follow*: EVENING TRAIN. Leave Rome daily at 8.10 A M Return to Rome at 12.80 P M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Rome (Saturday only) at 5 00PM Return to Rome at 8.00 PM C. M. PENNINGTON, Gen’l Sup’t. sp27tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket A*’t LUMPKIN’S OLD KELIAIJLE LIVERY, FEED ana SALE STABLE. Cedartown, Oa. MILLER A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand to hire. Good Horece and excellent vehicles. Splendid accommodation* for Dtovers and other?. IIorw>8, Carriages, and Boggict* always ou hand for sale. Entire satisfac tion guaranteed to all who patronize me. 10-ly PHCENIX PLAINING MILL. Longley-# Robinson Proprietors, ATLANTA, GJs.., THE LARGEST AND COMPLETEST MILL IN GEORGIA. LONG LEY & ROBTSON, No. 3S Dccatnr Street, Factory corner Butler and Gilmer, Contractors ami Proprietors of Phomix Plaining Mill, manufacturer? of D.*ors. Sa*h, Blind* U * C- The Phoenix is the llnc?t and best Plaining Mill in the South, and turn^ out more work of th 127CfJ a,ld nt Prices that defy competition. They have pun based the latent improvements hinery ever brought South, and now guarantee that no honse. North or West, shall far- weit r ^l«°M S «\° r for ‘ e -" s moI ' c y. Reside* goods oj their own make, they have a large stock of western goods that are offered at jmecs below competition. Parties desiring buildimr matt rial. Sashes Blinds, etc., will do well to wnfc to Messrs. L. & R. Ae Contractors they do an immense bnaine-- fi , nest in the city. They arc thoroughly and absolutely reliable, and T^y^can point^to 8C(»re.>* of huge and costly buildings* put unde; inring the under bid paint sold by this company is endorsed as the best their estimates areal way* lowest. £®‘. r bi . ( l ! ‘ aud l ae ?l™ ve n ? vc . r f aiIed , V J c ° me °P 1° th e v ery highest mark of their contract, ^Mai7ufat- ?t of the material used in building, and all of the Sashes, Doors, Blinds etc tii *v cat * of their competors. The firm is also agent for the New York Enamel Paint Co. The t in the W. I. PHILIIPS & CO., * 7 Agents for the Most Improved FARM AND MILL MACHINERY* CBDARTOWNT GA. fiUTEAM ENGINES from 3 fo 30 horso power. Cotton Gins, Conden- sers and Self Feeders, Threshers and Separators. TURBINE WATER WHEELS, CORN AND WHEAT MiLLS. In fact any machinerv anyone m-y want, we will sell at manufacturers’ prices. We warrant our machi nery and will set it up and start it going Free Of Cliartro- HOTJ2STD N r D BAR J EON. We have the largest stock of Round and Bar Iron in town and at prices that defy competition. Give ns a call and examine prices. mli20-ly lF3P”We make no blow about but don’t mind telling yon in a quiet {3f~ way, that we have one of the largest and best SELECTED STOCKS of SPUING Z£f~ GOODS ever brought to Cedartown, aud t r @ r " telling them at price? that will astonish you, aud all you friend?. You may not 53^” boficyo it, in tact, wc had .rrtUroym would not. we want yen to conic and Z£r~ eccforyourctlf. FEATHERSTON*CO ^2 A. tJ. YOUNG-, DEALER IN Corn and Rye Whiskies, Wine, Gins and Brandies, Noyes Warehouse, CEDARTOWN, (DA A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey THE “JR- E. LEE, and OLD CiABESTET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be nsed as a beveragae or for medical purposes, with perfect safety. Give me a c-.Il. Good treat ment guaranteed. oct 3, tm’79. FREE A VALUABLE INVENTION. THE WORLD RENOWNED NOTICE. person t G EORGIA-POLK COUNTY.—All , having demand;* against the estate of V. II. Oppert, dectat*c«L will pregent them properly pro ven to the nnderaigneu in the time required by law ; and all rargons indebted to gaid estate will pleaae make immediate payment. NANCY O. OPPERT, Exntrix, Jmre% K7G. M, 9. JUDKINS. Executor. Gw Burial Cases and Caskets. Hnntington & Wright have added to their business a full line of beau tiful Burial Cases and Caskets from the smallest to the largest size, which they propose selling as low as they can be bought in any market. Also, a full line of undertaker's trimmings. DR. O. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, r U, — — — O-A. at Bradford & Walker’s Drag Store. Rest dence at the Valley Honse. nov 14-ly choice: house. CAVE SPRING, GA., Oat at Last. “Good morning, friend A, I am -pw ^ nPillxr P Pnn surprised to see you out, and look- -tv« vv. -L lily s XT A OJ) LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDART0WIT DAILY. DR. E. G-. DOYLE, Practicing Physician, CEDARTOWN, POLK CO., GA. <J®tx at dctidimcc. imicu-iy J. Powers, Rome, Ga. WILSON SEWING MACHINE in workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo* sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for doingall kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. £573.1 WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, ILL., TJ. 8. A. DR. S. W. JQUOTES, wrPn H. E. PENDLETON. WHOLESALE Drugs, Paints, 1 i Varnishes, Liquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MARKET, STREET, NASECVILXjE, tenn. Giupcag, Beeswax, Feathers. Rags, Wool, Dried Fruit, ctc.4taicen on account from customers lghest market price. jan. 23-ry OLDEST AND BEST DR. J. BRADFORD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine This is a prompt and certain cure for all diseases of the Liver, such as Dyspepsia, Headache, Chills and Fever, Ac: Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every ease, or money returned. For sale by druggists generally. J. G. YEISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ga, For sale bv Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hovt and D febrdSly