Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, October 16, 1879, Image 3

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TEE ADVERTISER, FUBLSBED EVERY TIXUBSDAY MOItVING. Cedartown, Ga. October 16. Cliurcli Directory. METHODIST. kvKRY SABBATH ... *.. .D.J. Mtbick,Pastor. BAPTIST. . and 3rd SABBATHS, C. K. Hmthhiwoh, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. and )th SABBATHS J. K. 1>ast0r KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Ceflartovf n Lodge No. 2.73. For Rent. T desire to relit, on favorable terms, my wood and blacksmith shop, and tools, if needed, on Main street, by the tin shop. MT. S. Davis. Octl6-2t . F. BURBANK . S. LEDBETTER I Lodge meets every Monday 1th Sabbaths. DlCTATOB. REPORTER i.rUt alter 2d and MASONIC Caledonia Eodse f, a. m. |,S. STUBR3 W. JUDKINS. , ...W. M. ..Secretary. [ Regular communication 3rd ir'uiay_ v month, in room over Huntington & bright - ■tore. TToTyTT NEWS. J J. A. Wynn & Dio. has just re vived a irrs'n lot of select Cannes. |Vhen you want something nice call lud see them. The best cheese in Oedartown can : bought tor 15 cents at J. A. Wynn , Dro’s. J. A. Wynn & Bro. will sell goods it 10 per cent for the next three L.lra. Call and find the difference. lud A 1 rge stock of Boots and Shoes d Hats, cheap, at Phillips & Co n QCt'O Ot. Dorn Matelasscs, Cashmeres, Oiisa- beretts, Mohairs, Alpacas—iu lact fullest line of Dress Goods at I’hillips & Go’s. Gct-J 3t ■ Opera Flannels, medicated _Flan- lels, at Phillips & Go’s. Oet25 -It splendid farm lor sale G Idles south of Home. For purlieu- call on It. T. Barkisoh, ledartown, Ga. au 0 28 tf At this season of the year a box of .RADFORD & WALKER’S Liver ’ills in the liouse will often prevent retracted sickiless by being used in me. Thoy cost only 25 cents uiul they do yon no good they cost in nothing. Try one bo.x unu be evinced. ■Bradford & Walker keep the be.t «ritm Ik to be had anywhere. Taka your lakeland there ■id net it fllled for a nickel. oi Iiradforil fgteable Walki !'‘ 0r h l.,i: u-r lloctorV bill. slieli mine"—rnmctlineT ninety-nine.. jgpTbos. It. Daniel becomes a citizen of our town again this week. jgT'Judd Crabb moved into his new store yesterday.^ ESrD. Hankins’ Ledbetter lias spread bis tent in town again. jgr Hatch, painter, is doing a l a r. e smearing business these days. jegr^Dr. W. H. Felton, M. C., spoke at the Methodist church in this place last Sunday night. Huntington & Wright have a new clerk, Mr. Merrcll, of Carroll coun ty. Maj. S. M. H. Byrd is at the head of the bee and chicken departments of the Macon Fair. oggpRev. Mr. Bockman, the Pres byterian evangelist, will be here some time next week. ^“President A. G. West will he married to Mrs. Browning, in New York, on 23d. tnst. rgTTtev. Geo. Harries, of Rock- mart will preach at the Baptist church in this place next Suncay. [ggrThe Cherokee Railroad will run a special train to Rockmart next Sunday to carry such as desire to hear Dr. Felton preach. jqgpMr. W’. W. Milam has a small card in to days paper which you can perhaps find if you put on your specks. JegTRev. Sam Jones, formerly of Caitersville and known to many of our citizens, is creating quite a sen sation in Atlanta by a series of ins unique and searching sermons. JggT’The Cherokee Presbytery convened in Marietta yesterday. Rev. J. E. Jones and Mr. M. \ . B. Ake have gone to represent Cedar Valley cliui ell. IST’Miss- Louise Moultrie was winner of the prize of *>2 00 worth „f sheet music, offered to the young lady who would sell the greatest number of tickets, by Mr. Johnson. ggy-The county school commis sioner call not yet tell the amount of public fund due each teacher Sir the reason that the State comniision- er so has far fail d to notify him oT the amount due this county. To the Point. The Bishop doubtless got into the very kernel of the matter last Sun day when he suggested that Chris tian parents tried to teach their chil dren by precept to love and revere religion, while by example they did teach them to despise and neglect it. There i3 no disputing the fact that the Christians cf this or any other community have it iu their power to make the people religious if they will. There is little or no organized or outspoken opposition tochristiau- anity in this part of the country, and with the press, the pulpit, the ros trum and public sentiment in i s fa vor there is nothing that can prevent its general acceptance but the exam ple ot its followers. The Gross Proceeds From the supper were seventy- nine dollars and ninety cents. This amount, after paying all expenses and the entire indebtedness of the Band, is sufficient to purchase a new bass horn, which has been so long needed. lufiMEMBKKiliat it you ■itdlord A VV alitor s !,i' f not give entire ■ box <>i' sinV other pills buy a box of p l*ills and il ey tu to luse by ti the market uluuicc for box ot' lUetu. For Salt*. A No. 3. Stiver i’la ted .u M-.cliinr, bran new Innpleto set, <■! attachments, Apply at. this office. Wilsoi v with very tf HI .hop Beckwith Preached a most powerful and • 1 - qnent sermon on tiv influence of ex ample from the. Methodist church pulpit last Sunday. J. R. liu- t & Co, Tins.- gentlemen have au adi isemenL in to-day’s paper, which it will be well fur those to consult who Cull template muk ng purchases in the tin and hollow ware line.. To the Fair. Round trip tickets will he sold next week front Monday to Thurs day at 83.70 ; on Friday tickets lor round trip will cost only 82.75. Per sons desiring to do so can remain in Atlanta until 5 a. in. Sunday morning and come through to Cedartown by a special train that will be put oil the Cherokee road for the occasion. The members of the Cedartown Cornet Band, in meeting on last Saturday night, by a unanimous vote, passed the following resolution: Resolved, That the unbounded thanks of this Band be, and are hereby, tendered the ladies who aided in the supper and festival given for their benefit last week; to any one, who by subscription or otherwise, rendered assistance; to the Adver tiser PriiUSHIXG Co. for the use of their columns: to Mr. Clwts. S. Johnson for special favors. Signet!. John C. Allen, Pres’t. J. F. Kimbrel, Secy. They cull it in New York now the “Kelly-Konkling-Kornell-Kan* ochet Kimbination.” Cotton Notice. The Cedartown Warehouse is now prepared to receive and store Cotton and solicits the patronage of farmers and merchants. We are not yet pre pared to insure against lo83 by fire therefore take no- lire risks at pres ent. When prepared to do so notice will hi given. The house is of brick and covered with iron. Terms of storage very liberal. tf It T. Poole, Agt. NOTICE-LAST ROUND. For the last time I will be at the following places for collecting tax: Buncombe, Tuesday, October 14th H. HARPOLB. NO. 55 YANCEY BLOCK, Bfokd Street, fyorqe, da., •H. lias tlie Largest Display oi' Will GO MEDIUM lOiFS-IESS CS-OOI3S, Cheap Dress Goods, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, Velvets, Elegant Mourning &oods, W. ML Phillips & Co., Have received (and are daily making additions to it) their Fall Stock of MY ©CODS Ot every description, including a fine line of COOBS, C LOT.I IING HA.TS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES’. They think iliey have the fin<*st line of goods they have ev-r pur chased, and at lower prices. They ask an examination by every on -. They will hereafter keep Wagm Materia! of all kinds from a lync l pin to vny part of the wagon. m'u20-ly HOSIERY, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, JEANS, LINDSEY- AND GENERAL STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOW SHOWN BY ANY RETAIL LIOUSE IN ROME. Prices as Low as Can hi Found in Octol6-3ra any House in the 3ou!h ffc Advise cur Friends In both town and country to look through our advertising columns carefully- and note particularly the advertisements of our local mer chants. Those who have cards iu this paper arc 2 wide awake, well posted, energetic, business men who have the shrewdness to buy goods in the cheapest markets and are not afraid tu let it be known. As a rule persons will get better goods and bet ter bargains of those merchants in this or any other town who are lib eral advertisers. They have cheap goods and want the people to know My Friends can find me at the well known cheap house of G. W Fcatliersoii & Co. 0. B. Whatley. OctlG 2i Shawls, Sleeveless Jackets, Hoods —so beautiful at Phillips & Co’s.’ J About ten years ago 1 was cor. ■tiered a continued dyspciic and illV |.su was considered a hopeless one ■ the physicans who treated me, I advised to try the liver medi- Ine prepared by Dr. J. G. Yeisur. 1 led three bottles and was entirely red and am now sound ar.d well. I Tmsider it an invaluable remedy for ■ at disorder and heartily recom- leiid it to all afflicted with that com- laint.—John Kenedy, Cassville, la. For sale in Cedartown by Briul- |rd & Walker at 75 cents per bottle. J No patent nostrum is the Iron Ionic at Bradford & Walker’s, but good, honest, home-made remedy. J Iron Tonic, at Bradford & Walk- I’s is the cheapest and best tonic in Trv i f - tf |It costs you nothing to try a bottle | that Iron Tonic at Bradford A | alkcr’s unless it benefits you. Money ■funded iu every instance where it Ills to give satisfaction. tf |gal Notices. ] Parties desiring us to do legal ad- Irtising should always bring them 1 by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning order to insure insertion. It lould be better to hand them in early londay morning. Remember al- |iys to have the necessary fee ac ini pany the advertisement. If Any of tli-.it Money You have in your pock, t E-longs to this office, jtfst walk right in and pay up, like a little man, and clear vour con cience. What little we Rave earned we need and must have. If kind words fail we shell regret fully resort to more potent argu ments. Sir. H. HkrpoIdi, Of R one, has something to say to our readers this week. Mr. II. has earned the reptatiuii of keeping a bet ter class if goods than are found in most stores and of selling them as low us reliable goods can be sold by anybody. If you try him once your are very apt to become his customer. Please Remember That we have no time to c ill on each individual who is indebted to this office and beg him to pay up. If those who owe us are waiting for this before settling we tell them now, kindly but emphatically, that we shall not call ourselves, as we have other and more agreeable employ ment, but we will send ail officer and let them pay him for his trouble. I Best Cream Cheese and fat fish I,light before the recent advance in York can be bought very cheap bill Huntington & Wright’s. Sept2a | A fine line of Pickles, A fine line linned Goods, Atine line Jellies and [indies, Apricots Pineapples and ysters, Soap, Spices and Sundries; 1 those at Huntington & Wright’s i rock bottom prices, Sept2? Don’t imagine that it is a mere electioneering scheme or an idle joke obout tlie present tax collector clos ing his books after this month. Ec doesn’t care for precedent, nor what other tax collectors in the State are doing. He means to dts charge his duty as r quin-d by law, and thus protect himself and liis bondsmen; if, however, in the face of the notice that has been given, any tax payer should not be convinced that lie is in earnest, tiy him by fail ing to pay your taxes by the 31st. of October and see who will- be thrown in the cost. W. J. Richardson, T. C. 15th. lG-h. 17th. ISth. 20th. 2lst. 22nd. 23 rd. Rockmart, Wednesday, Fish Creek, Thursday, “ Lime Branch, Friday, “ Esoin Hill, Satnulay, “ Prmr’s Station, Monday, “ Iiay’s Mill, Tuesday, “ Cedartown, Wednesday, “ Russell’s & Young’s, T”sday“ Third and last round : Esoni Hill, Friday, October 24th. Hampton’s, Saturday, “ 25th. Fish Creek, Monday,- “ 27th. Rockmart, Thesday, “ 28th Buncombe, Wednesday, “ 29tli. Cedartown, Thursday, “ 30th. Young’s, Friday, “ 31st. Respectfully, W. J. Richardson, T. C. oct9-4w. ROCKMART LOCALS. GHEJiP GOODS. We Maks no Slow About it, I hut dou't mind tel!im; you in a quiet way. j that we have one of tin* largest ami lK**-r. SKLEf i { I TED STOCKS of FALL and WINTER GOODS • l ever brought to Cedartown, ami felling them at j [ prices* th:C will astonish yon, and all your i 1 - * oelieye it. in lact, j I y»u t 1ST It will pay you to see us* before you sell your COT TON or buy your GOODS. PEATHERSTON & CO, -Dll. Have just moved into their elegant new Store Rooms on BAST SIDE OF MAIM ST5S.HET, Where they are now opening an extensive stock of BFQKD & WALKER, ra.UGOlSTS, your purchase: WIT U SiGTF Hu Bt»t W. W Cigars in town where Milams. At It Reports to the contrary, Phillips & Co. pay highest market price for cotton and will sell you goods as low as anybody. 0. t9 3t The only safe way to go in a bal loon is to send asuusiitute.—Buffalo Express. Jeans, Linseys ana Tweeds ex changed for wool in anv quantity at W. M. Phillips & Co’s.* Oct25-31. W. W. Milam has the best Cigar in town. Try one, and you will be convinced. Wagon Spokes, Hubs. Felloes, Iron, Tire—any and every kind of wagon and buggy material alt Phil lips & Co’s. Oct9-3t Yon out to try a bottle of W. W. Milam Champaigne, if you want something good. All other siz s at a i All orders promptly fill* - * BUY WHAT PAYS BEST AFTER HARVEST, I Go to Huntington & Wright’s for jimming silks, they have all the llors. Se P 125 - Score ns Another. A lady went to Atlanta from this place last week to do some shopping. After walking herself down trying in vain to find a house that wyuld sell goods cheaper than the mer chants of Cedartown she gave it up and came hack here and got the lar ger part of her bill. This is a solid fact and one which we commend to the siriors consideration of those who are saving up their dimes to spenl in Atlanta during fair week. SchoGl Notica. By order of the Board of Educa- .loii, the Public School term- has been changed from the mouths of July, August and September, to the months of January, i\binary and March. The annual examination of teach ers for the Public Schools in Polk county for the year 1SS0 will be held at the Court liouse ill Cedartown, embracing the 29th and 30th of De cember, 1S79. The examination will begin at 10 o’clocK, a. m., on Mon day, the 29th of December. T. L. Pittman, C. S. C. Polk County. OctlG-td Isa serious consideration op its COSTAND PROFITS,AND HOWTO ECON OMIZE BY COMPARING YOUR OWN EX PERIENCE with that of others in Farm Laboil OILY $1.15 A YEAR, “Will piacc yiu in possession of the only Newspaper that gives the actual experience and experiments of prac tice farmers.” Iiicstonc ! IFa r mers can get their bine stone om Bradford & Walker at 10 cents |pound. ^ imps anil Lanterns. | In great variety of both s'yleand -jee at Bradford & Miaiker s. | Huntington & Wright’s eenter inter is loaded down with Jeans at bttom prices. - Sept 25 I A large and beautiful stock of dress bod3 at Huntington & Wright’s. Sept?5 The latest style gentlemens hats [id choeviot suits are to be found at , Huntington & Wright’s at aston- Ihingiy low prices. Sept25 Beats A1I. We took a trip by rail last week from this place to Savannah, from he north west to the south east cor ner of State, about 375 miles, and improved as best we con’d the oppor tunity for observing the country, tlie crops and the condition of the peo ple, and came back more than ever pleased with Cherokee Georgia. The tiuest crops, the richestjsoil, the most beautiful scenery on the whole route are on the Cherokee Railroad be tween this place and Cartersville. Decidedly the most exhilerating and enjoyable rido we had was on one cf Conductor Sar.ford ‘ Vandiver's fist cars from Taylorsville here. Call on Milam and yon will see something fancy in the way of a sa loon, he keeps perfect order and treats all Gentlemenly. The name of Mns Annie Hill was on the programme of last evening’s concert for the benefij of the yellow fever sufferers, but having contracted a severe cold, her friends feared she would be unable to fulfill her engage ment. However, she appeared and sang Ernarni Involami in tones so cleiuvand with such artistic execu tion, that she received a hearty en core. I was enabled to do this, she said, by using Coussens’ Iloney ol Tar, the best compound in the world for clearing the voice, relieving hoarse ness, curing coughs and colds. Price 50cts. For Bale by Bradford & Wal ker, Cedartown, Ga. march 13, ”79-eowly October 10, 1879. After a long drouth the rains have set in in earnest, retarding cotton cotton picking very much. Weather exceedingly warm for the season. Cotton coming in very rapidly and selling to-day at from 9J to 94. Tlie railroad seems to be doing a good business. The hands are now grading the track til Col. Jones’ field with a view of crossing the creek lower down. We learn that the road wifi probably be finished through to Cedartown by the last ol tbi3 month. Can’t we have a jolli fication or something of the sort when it is finished ? We see in last week’s Adverti ser that Rome is waking up to hei j J.pon Wagon Scales, SG0 interests—that she fears loosing tlie | Cedar Valley trade, etc. If Cedar town is like R .ckm rt her fears are j upon unn'ic.n almost groundless, for all the cotton receiv. d here go by wagon to Rome, I and will continue to do so until Cartersville wakes up to her interest j and throws out inducements for us | to trade with them. Mr. James and Benna Heaton speak of starting business in Rock mart soon. Maft Lovel and John Smith are here with a view of starting a retail grocery here soon. We can then get a drink either to the right or left, as we will have a grocery eti eacli side. The friends of Miss Lucy Hutch ings arc listening daily lor her dea th. She is reported very low with the l’eyer. Her sister died with it some time ago. She is now in Tiiledega, Ala. Mr. S. J. Cox made a valuable present to the Baptist church in this place, a very fine chandelier. Ligh', more light, which interfers with the young fellows sitting with their girls. Rev. George Harris commenced a three months school here last Mon day with a very good beginning for the Season. Judge John N. Jones has returned after a good long absence, to Rock mart, and has gone to housekeeping by himself, lie is getting very fee ble, but still continues to travel around. Tlie Senate as a com t of impeach ment failed to impeach the treasu rer of Georgia. Uotv they did that we are unable to say. Report says one Senator voted against impeach ment on the ground tha. others had done the same tiling, and had not been punished. Whoever heard ol such a decision ? His constituents had better put him to making core. It would be more profitable to the country if not for him. The Tax Collector is abroad in the land, and it appears as if he means business. There is but little chance to get in credit. And now guano is turned into cotton, and that bale for a ton has some. No more credit on that. Locals here are as dull as the times. W. N. S. GEHERAL lERCEAIMSE. SOUTH MAIN STREET, Their Goods were selected with great carp and with an eye to ti e needs I CEDARTOWN. oi their customers and were bought for Cash, lhey will be sold .n Ju lowest figures. Go and examine their stock and prices before jna.*<: GEORGIA, dowjst : on baud a complete stock of all tilings usually tound in a gstorr. Country physicians will find our drugs fresh and CHICAGO SCALE CO., 140 anrl 151 Jefferson Street Chicago. HI., reduced the prees of all 2-ton Wagon Seales, S40- ■eat reduction. Every Scale “folly warranted.” ti. Circulars. Price List and Testimonials sent THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. jnlvl7-0m b_ sa: 0.EORGIA p-.p I of administ | late* of stici coup. ; lar the creditors j to bo and aopcar ' ocl by 1 hv per grant, d estate. Witness my hand tember l=t, 1879. rid show caul- in' lit administrati. Fames II. bhclaatt ‘ The Cincinmti Weekly Enquirer is the inediim through which producers of every class make known theirnwn experi ence, slid seek tha t of others.” ‘The best true!'or of farming, is tlie farmer himself! V lact fully de monstrated in the department (two pages a Week) devoted to ‘The Parmer and his II»nsehtiltl’ in the Weekly Enquirer.” If you have Corns or Bunions, use Cousscub JLightuiug Liniment, and you can trip the light fantastic with with ease and grace. It will also cure Rheumatism, Lame Back, Sprains, Bruises, etc. On animals, for Galls, Spayin, Rinebone, etc., it effects a speedy and permanent cure. Remember Coussens’ Lightning Liniment. Price 50 cts. For Sale by Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. march 13, ”79-eowly “Every department is complete.” “It is worth 8100 00 a year to farm ers, but costs only 81.15. “The Best is the Cheapest.” “It always has the news in advance of all others.” “There is none better.” ‘It is the best Political Friend the People have, advocating its democracy upon the prin ciples of justice and equity to all.” “It is the original Grecnbaeker. ’ Such are a fcif of tho many compliments ] to the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, by the 1* throughout the country- ., rM , The merits of its Editorial Agrtcvuural, ro-u. cal. Correspondence, Library, Ttleyraphic and Commercial department* combine to make all that is ueqnired in an A No, 1, first-class lam.ly journal. WEEKLY ENQUIRER: nd official sUmntr.ro. Sc' S. 11. DAVENl’OIiT. Ordinary. Eom*3 HallviiitM• CH ANGE OF SCHEDULE. : and aTter SUNDAY, JUNE 9,fl878, tl p will run on the Rome Railroad as follows: EVENING TRAIN. ■ e Rom^ daily at 8.10 A M Return to Rome at 12.30 P M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. Rome (Saturday only) at 5 00PM Return to Rome at 8.00 PM M. PENNINGTON, Gc;nT Snp’t GAU/ivliY. ROME, ■r Block) GFYY. LIFE SIZE (bust) for only ten do His work is nil strictly first-class. 1 any 3ize and character desired. ar-; half life size only five dollars, nkes copies of ail sorts of pictures feh27-ly agMMBBBa n— aaFjaaatMg JLb ^ ! Qqxi DEALER IN and Rye Whiskies, Wine, Gins and Brandies, Noyes War.house, CEDARTOWN, GA. ap27tf JNO.' E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t Ileal Estate Agency, r; that a Real se of buying - oiling rill take property to p »ntai is aecom’plishurl •h as l- rouble ........ ... - ... ny ore having p oj erty i rauEC money by consult ng me. Millar A. Wbiuut. Cedartown, Polk county, ua. A Specialty made of Stone Mountain Bourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiskey THE“RE.LEE, and OLID CiMBIjNTET” Cannot be excelled. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a beveragae or for medical purposes, with perfect safety. Give me a c--.ll. Good treat ment guaranteed. oc ^ •’> * m il, ■infcBiYiirrsg j jHPBBWBCBmM 1 MK3j ■s.irri.-gj^K^.- 1 . A VAimULE INVENTION. TKS WOHLD REMOWMSQ WILSON SEWING MACHINE _ . _ . A.. . r-nrl no nleoenflv DR. c. H. Harris Physician and Surgaon, Oodartc « » Ga. Office at Bradford & Walker's Drug Store. Resi „nce at the Valley* Ilonsc. nov 14-ly in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Pia. ? - it ^ceived tho highest awards the Vienna and Centennial Expositions. IT SEVV- OK- than Athor machines. its capacity is unlimited. There are more Wit-SOff MACHINES scid in the United States than the combined salss S Jl tho others.* The Wlt-SON V.EHDiffC ATTACH^rpT^orrcpaWng all kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHJKC, furnished FHEE with ail WILSON SEWtK 4 MACHINES, together with a Tucker, Rufflor, Corder, Set of Hammers, Sindor, etc. NEW Lively and Bale Stable, Cor. Main cf Prior Street? CEDARTOWN, GA. W. F TREADAWAY, Proprietor, New Vehicles, Good Stock and low prices. Give me a trial. a g-s-THAyrats "SiWtS?in’Z? Address SEWING MACHINE CO. omc^so.HMSOI8, u. s* j&n.l, ’79-ly !¥y EREE n FL>R CLUB 3 OF SEVEN. DAILY ENQUIRER: Con8nmplion Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missiona ry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanet cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Ashma, and all Throat and Lung Aflections. also a postivc and radical core for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful enrative powers in thonsands or cases< has felt it his daty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send freo of charge to all who desire it, thiB recipe, in German, French, or English, with full di reckons for preparing and nsing. Sent by;mail, by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Sheiuk, 149 Powers’ Block, Rochester. N- Y QCtl6-G*n JVilhotrt Sun. Imp. With Sun.1- One Tear *12 “-L t 1 ^ UU Sunday's Issne alone, pur year Any two days’ issae Any three days issue, l ‘ iir ’ Specimens Free. Agents TVanteu. FARRAN & McLEAN, Publishers, CINCINNATI, O. CHOICE HCUSlSh CAVE SPRING, GA., R. C. Tilly, Prop- LIVERY AND FEED STABLES MAIL COACH TO CEDARTOWN DAILY. Burial Oases and Caskets. Huntington & Wright have added to their business a full lino of beau tiful Burial Cases and Caskvts from the smallest to the largest size, which they propose selling as low as they can be bought in any market. Also, a full line of undertaker’s trimmings. DE. E. OOYLE DR. S. W. JONES, 3 io'Si .air-2 JSa WHOLESALE Fain’iS;, liquors, Oils ? Class aasi Sesds ? NO. 55, NORTH MARKETS STREET, Oinsanr. Bcrstvas, Feathers, Bags. Wool, Dried Fruit, ct-., taKei < UrugSj jtn. ‘i'i-ay ©laBIIilT MMp BUST DB. J. BbId^OBD’S Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine Practicing Piiysician, CEDARTOWN, POLK CO., GA. Office at Rctidence loncU-ly This is a prompt arid certain cure tor al) diceases o the Yii\er, snch ims p^o D » yspppsiaj U( , ulache , Chills and Fever, &c. - Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every case or money returned. For sale by druggists generally. J. G. TB1SEB, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc., Rome, Ca. For sale by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., 'and R T. Hoyt and D J. Powers, Rome, G a. 1 ’-