Cedartown advertiser. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1878-1889, November 06, 1879, Image 3

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THE ADVERTISER. PUBoSHED EVERT TUUKSDAY MOENEfG Cadartown, Ga- November G Cliuicli l)ir*ct««T. METHODIST. EVERT SAB3ATU D. J. Mmcs, Pastor. BAPTIST. is and 3rd SAB3ATHS, C. K. Hssdkbsok, Pastor. PRESBYTEKIAA'. and 4tn SABBAras J. E. Jokes, Pastor KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Celartown Lodge No. 273. T. P. BTJRBA.n'K L. S. LEUBBtTEK Lodge meet? every tfouiUy 1th bahhuth.*. Dictator. ItBFOKTEU night alter 2d and MASONIC. Caledonia Lodee F.A. M. W. M. Secretary Regular communication 3rd Friday High, avery mouth, in room J, H. STUBBS j. \V. IUDKINS r iiuutington «fc Wright’** gp-Wyiin & Bro. have moved in to their new store. j©~Tlie town Marshal makes u few remarks in 'his week’s paper tl at tax paters will do well to heed. Good work. Little Charlie Duke, son of W. J. Duke, of ibis county, picked 200 lbs cottou in one day. Married, by I J . 0. Blankenship, N. P. & Ex ffioio J. P-, on the 2Gtk nh., Mr. Thomas Smith, of Alabama, rod Miss Rhoda Tanner, of this conn tv. Cotton Notice. The Cedartown Ware-linnse is now prepared to receive and store cotton and solicits tile patronage of farmers and merchants. We are not yet pre pared to insure against, loss by tire therefore take no tire risks at pres- ent When prepared to do so notice will bi given. The house is of brick and covered with iron. T.-rms for weighing and storage: For 10 days or hsi, 12^ cents ; 10 to 15 days, 15 cents; 15 to 20 days 20 cents; 20 to 3j days. 25 cents, and 25 ce.-.ls per month lor longer Lime. tf II T. Poole, Agt. | ... f The largest and cheapest line of The revival meeting in progress at Dress Goods ever offered in this mar- CEDARTOWS HOTEL, Cedartown, ©a. J. II. MAXWELL, Proprietor, H as been repaired, refitted and refurnished, mid the proprieloi proposes to make it a pleasant home for hoarders ami a cheerful, com fortable resting place for tran sient customers. ,, H. E1RFOL NO. 50 YANCEY BLOCK ■Broad Bti c eet, f\onie, Gra., (Nearly Opposite A.yer & IVIcDonaid’s.) H AVING m.»v*-(l into the la** and fitted n Ilave received (ami are daily making additions : u it) their Fall Stock of I003S including a fine line of LOOALJNEWS. J. A. Wvnn & Pro. moved into th.ir new house yesterday. Go auu see them. They have a spleudid et. ck. Ladies, don’t fail to go and see Wyun & Bro. They have something nice to show von. If you want a good hat, new sui , overcoat, boots, or auytnlng else, call on Wynn & Bm. Don’t fail to see Wynn when you are in Cedartown. Try a but'le of that Brazili in shoe ( ressiug at Bradford & Wulkei’s ll you want something nice. Before you buy a Corset examine those new tsylo ones at A. D. Hogg & Co’s. h° v0 41 At this Season nt the year a box ol BRADFORD & WALKER"?* laiv- r Fills in the house will often preveni retracted sickness by lieing Uaed in time. Th y cost only 25 cents and f they do ye y -u nothing, inced. rood Try one b x they cos and b. ■„rd * Haikur ksap *»•’ <•-*» wri,,n '- - K , had aaywhere. Taluyunr ioi-alunl u.o. ,t Hil o! I >r » nickel. RGMBViBEK iinii if rad for J & \\ a-.Ser-s Id. , not give entire gmiefiu the Presbyterian church in this place couiiunes to grow in interest and to widen its circle of usefulness. Th attendance lias been unusually larg almost iroin the beginning, til church being filled every night. Many have already found peace and c .mfort and still the number grows. Smith & B annon. These gentlemen have something o sav in our advertising..column They have gone into the building lately occupied by Jud Crab and the p .siofflje, tilted it up snugly and stored it with choice goods iu their i ie. They desire a share ol the public patronage and propose to merit it by keeping pure goods at l .w prices. A. ». Hogg & Cn. Messrs. A. D Hogg, J. C. Aden and Joe Tomlinson have associated theinselv s into a firm for transact. ing a genere' m-rcli oit-!i .e business under the firm name as above. Th y ire all clever gentlemen ami have a excellent stock of nice new goods and will take great pleasure in show ing and pricing them f. cling satis lied that (ley can give bargains. See ilieir adv rtic-ment. ket at Phillips & Co’s, examine for y ursclves. Call and oct23-3t School htoitcj. By erder of the Board of Educa tion, the Public School term line been changed from the months o' July, August, and September, to the months of January, February and March. The annual examination of teach ers for the Public Schools in Polk county for the vear 1880 will be held at tlie Court House in Cedartown, embracing the 29'h and 30rh of De cember, 1ST!). The examination will begin at 10 o’clock, a. m., oil M n- day, the 29t.: of December. T. L Pittman, C. S. C. Polk County. OctlC-td That 2 and 2 make 4 is an esfnb lished fact n ine can ueny. filial Port- alline is the best remedy in the world for all d is >rders of the sfouiach and iiver, is another b.c: to which all who have tried i: wdl bear testimony. It is entirely vegetable, and com pounded with the greatest care ; each package containing 80 ih Ses f r an adult. Price 50cts. For Sale by Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. march 13, ”70 eov/ly A. D. IL.gg & Co. have smiecx tra nic- ladies dress goods they wish to show. llovti 4t If you v . 1.18 go to them. ant an extra neat pri A. I). Hogg & Go’s an liovG 4t of any other at charge. 1* , loro by i ryin; b.x S, in Far A N>. 0, Sliver Plate wing Al chav, bran mplete set ol at Me. n.. v Apply at this otfic-. 1 About tea y are t.-red a confirm d dvajie in a. J 3 • was c.ms.dried a Hopeless < the plivs cans who trial: it me. d t> try ilie liver uieili- ue-pivp.ire.l bv Dr. J. G 5 riser, led three battles and was entire!; ired and am now s aiml and w.ii. 1 naider it an invaluable remedy foi at disorder and heartily recom :leirt it to all a file ted with that con; tain*.—John Kenedy, Cass vt lie, For sale in Cedartown Gy Brtm- ,rd & Walk T at 75 cents per bot.ie. No patent nostrum is tlie Iron usic at Bradford it Walker’s, bn good, honest, home-made reiu.dy, Ii’.otrTonic, at itr.nliorJ & Walk ’s is the cheapest ami best tunic ii le. Tr. i\ ti It cos's you mithing iu try a bo'tie that I box Tonic at Bradford & al key’s n ol. ss it Irene fits yon. .Money funded in every iuslur.ee where ii ils to give satisfaction. tt g.t! Nohees. Parties desiring us to J, I gal nd- r'ising slionld always bring them by 9 o’clock Wednesday morning order to insure insertion. Ii mid be better in band them in early onday morning. I! m tuber al- vs to have the n c saury fee »c. mpany the advertisement. uestone 1 Farmers can get their blue stone mi Bradford & Walker at 10 cents pound. tf nips and Lantern • Iu great variety of both s yle and ice at Bradford & Walker’s. 4^ ir Agent in Haralson Comity | John K. Holcomb, jr., sheriff of iralson county, is authorized to :eive and receipt for subscriptions the Advertiser in that county, c specially request onr friends in at county to make set lenient with m at the first opportunity. tf itisfatiou tiitaraiiteec* We are putting up and selling, un- r our own le.ble, the follow ng list family remedies, on which we irantee satisfaction or will refund 3 money in every instance. This a fair, open and shut proposition, d there is no danger of your wast- money on worthless nostrums if n buy our preparations : Iron Tonic. Nerve and Bone Liniment, Vegetable IJver Pills, iantonine Worm Cundv. ’nor Sian’s Porous Plasters. Eve Water. ■ething Syrup, ectric Polish. H >rse and Cattle Powders. Insect Powder. Bradford & Walker, Cedartown, Ga. at Iron Tonic At Bradford & AValker3 is a sure ■venative of chills. You should a bottle on n md if you have f reason t> apprebend an attnek chills and lever. Costs nuiv one liar a pint, or finy cents a half it, amt if it docs you no good costs u nothing. “ A. f>. Ll-iog & Co. have a very complete stock ol lion s ; lid slloes- pmlicularly nice ladns shoes. Call and see them. novO 4t Crrroiilon niiu the Vi liEkj Question. Carrollton : s a go d place to stay a ray In in it n man desires to en gage iu the Imsim ss id selling oi inn ing I qiior. A law has tins beet; recar'v passe.! by the L gislaton amending '1m charter of thet nv:, • as in vest in ill. M yorand Con • oil tui! | on- r and aurhm ity In r - ill te 1 lie sale .fliq '■«. hilt r--, beer, ele.. in any qn111i- s wli iliei by vln l -.s-le III■ leti-.il. 8'itiCe said law ■•vis pas; d nn eh ciini. Ii '3 been held mil 11‘iin” rom rd elect'd, so dry hat a tax : 1 i § .'.5L0 is r fjaired Ii e iille : 11 pe-son i»r firm t-’ ill! ‘pinions ii !:t ilia' our f'.flier.- fought f..r” of s. lling by the quart ir less, am! ^2 000 for ilu- ri lit n si-11 in (pi ipities o! more limn oni quart. Plie council has the r : cht x sides 1 lie taxing p >w r to fim menty live dollars, and imprison tei lays any one who sells wi holt: li- ts iise. This will mu'Ii the keg at d jug peddlers wiio bale been in tin mbit of vending “on the slv” it: light, and as the pr,s. lit council is in I'u I sympathy with ih< m lyentent to suppress the l : q i tiallie in tla jiiace . fl' 11:1.’Is li a. better lo. k sharp l'he oriiiniihce ieill rot he a ‘-dead I. to r mi I lie sia'11 b book.” But while ii is a bad pi Ce to come t' get a dram, il is a good place to •>line to for those who arc seeking peace ami q’liet, and who want lieil ones ar.'l girls to grow up in a sober, c:vi' 0 mmuairy. It is a go d piaci for parents and guardians living i>> 1 distance to send their children t> tehool, because when they are lie:. Liny have the advantage of a viry iiigh standard of morals among the people, ail sober, all peaceable, 11 > drunken broils,nooaths on t'n sire- s, no midnight carousals—in oiler words, no mhi-'ky and that means a great deal. Our citizenship wiil steadily improve for the reason that in. 11 of good morals will more in and those who are not will move out. Our future promises lo be bright.— Carroll County Times. Betting is a mighty bad tiling, the fact is it never bene fim any One ex cept the winner, while the loser line a kind ol loni i.iuk and feeling. Btr if you can p tn dead sure thing, win Ihen put up your last dollar on it. We know of one such chance. Yon can bet ymr last dollar on Table Buckeye Pile Ointment curing in very ease. Price 50 c's. F’>r Bale h Bradford & Walker, Cedariown, Ga march 13 ”79-eowly Perforated Card Board, ho'li plain and silvered, at Bradford & Walker’s. ocl30-tf Con .iiuipflnn Cni eil. J. R. BUTTtSGO,, ROME, GA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in $tOre£, YiiiWa^e AND HOUSE FURMiSHING GOODS. A lso, manufacturers of galvanized IKON CORNICES, WINDOW CAPS. .tc. Aireuti* for Rome Stoves and other 3t?t dat*s Iscto- rici. We buy in large loti* for mid make lowest possible prices. Call and tee. e and elegant .store. 25 by 130 feet, htiilt. pj pga-ryj -» T p expressly fur me. I can 8’ifeiy say that i have the hen ar-, 4 _i_ XTL j. JNi V.x > anged store room in ijiecitv. Yon may ask is flit- all. No! This large house is filled with D mils. Mv stock is no* only large but comprises newly every article in my line that is essential io the public. My stock consists of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy G-oo5s, Ifotions e&j Trunlta. j My i*tock is too lar_r ticlc«. and a**k you to com Yon wiil find hii ioisaeniwr st* Silkj»,Trin}min*.' Silki* of every sb.i I Good* . f The latest novel ties.'to.. 1 1 to match. 30fidoz:n Lillies. Mis- IIA.TS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. riu y think ‘hoy have the finest hue of poods they have ever pur chased, and at low* r prices. r I h -y i\<k -n examination by every one. 1 hey Will h-T-alcr keep Wag.n ^ a Id ill of ail kinds from a Ivnch pin to i-ny i art <»f file wagon. mh20>ly mptan ennmera'i oe for yourselves, of Blaric -n-1 Colored D iiid tfolor trom 73 cent-* a eaudviiried to urtemut therefore .1 can only D-tt-s Silk-*, Black * no Fr *n-h. Eiurlit ame a few of the a 1*1 Colored Broca* Trin LUMPKIN’S OLD UEL1AULE UYERY, FEED anc SALE STABLE. Cedartown, Gra. MILLER A. WEIGHT,Proprietor. Keep? constantly on hand to hire. Good Horse and excellent vehicles. Splendid acconirnndutior Carriages, an ! *c-l i Kid ( * Half ! es’ and Gent’s II inkk-rchiel- i t lioat nr.mhtr. Cloaks and bhawls by the hundred. 2r*\ DOMESTIC GOODS. Ws Tfl ilz 3 no Blow About If, 150 picc.-i of J**ans fron 1*2 Vf cents up Opera Flannels. 5.UK) vir»ls Bleached l) ».nes makes. CassitucreH. Cl-wtkinjr. &c. Ladi<*.-*an Shirt, the beat Shirt ever sold l**r -?1 tW. '.gen Athens Factory Checks and Yarns, all of \ t ari*ets. * Red. Whit * Underwit iiiel?: Plaid and T*I« : 100 doz-n of th** Celebrated IV: »sy .-•he-.*?'ng, shirting :i:t«l DrUi :?t>ry prices. A rant for the sale HABFOLB. * and others. Ilors^t ii irmiranlrcd to all who IXomo itaik'Oad. cn \NGE OF SCHEDULE. On and iftir SUNDAY, JUNE 9.187S. the rains will run on the Rome Railroad as follows: EVENING TRAIN. Leave Rome daily at 8.10 A M Retun. to Rome at 12.30 1* M is 1 ATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Rome (Saturday only) at 5 00PM Return to Rome at 8 00 P M C. M. PENNINGTON, Gea’l Su;.’t. ap27tf JNO. K. STILLWELL Ticket Asj’t An old physicist id placed iu his ry the for:nn!a ol amt p Bronchitis.« atarrah, Ar-h.-na. . I.nng \fl, ctions. also a post! etired from practice, havln* •is by a*i East. India missionu simple v.gerable remedy fo •tnet cure for Consumption 1 All Throat mu and radical curt for Nervou alter bavin * Debility and all Ncrv f tested its wonderful t ;’s of cases, bus felt it h to bis suff- rinu fellow e and si desire to relieve f athe p.i i fret all who do i lernian, French, o: Eng >r prejMring and nsing. Seat Ing with staigp. naming ’his n, 1 ID i*.livers’ Block. Roches' Hit hdi ri- , by^jnail, The recent letter of the Hon. B. H. Hill to Hon. Mr. Chi emlen, of New York, which was published in these columns on Monday, has- exci h d the slanderers of the South a most, to madness. Unable to an- o.ier it J and forced to admit the truth of i'S replies to all the false charges heretofore made against our section, they nail only gnash their te-11 over it, and by p. rvirtia.g its ut.teranc s and repeating their stale slant!- rs endeavor to cany out their pi n of keeping alive sectional strife and discord for the purpose of, if possible, arraying a solid Korth against a solid South.—Savannah Sews. Completion of the ({real Cathedral. Cologne Cathedral is rapidly ap proaching completion, and it is con fidently expected that the mighty pile will be finished hy August next year. It has been a long while build ing, the first stone having been laid in the year 1248. Six hundred anil thirty two fears is a long period for a church to grew to ma'urity, but Cologne Cathedral is the largest spe cimen of Gothic architecture in the world, being 511 feet long and 201 feet wide, the towers 511 f el high, he choir 100 feet Iiigh. The l.-ish Citizen of Cincinnati heads its editorial column as follows: “The ticket to win in 1881—For president ol the United States, Sam uel J. Tilden, of New York; for vice-president of the Urited Slates, Richard M. Bishop, of Ohio.” The exact majority for Foster, the Ri publican nominee for Governor of Ohio, is declared officially to (be 17,- 129. . ■ ' u ; ; ■ ; 3, a----. ;, -.1, ' " : ® e- " L i Burial cases anti Caskets. Huntington & Wright have added o tiieir business a full 1 i 11 ■■ of Ivnu- i:ul Burial C.iS".-: and Ca.sk- ts fn-nt .In* smallest I" the largest s:z ■, which i.liey propose s- hi; g as Inv. as they •an h- bought in imv market. Als- , 1 fu i line of undertaker's trimming.-. lisal Estate Agensy. r pHE ur.drrsitnu’fi bclievimr that u Real h*>tat< ■L A>;eucyi? needed in this communiiy. liu: established one for the purpose of bnyiiej **<*l|in( iitul renting, for other?. Real Estate suVl as ILrms town pr:ip* rtv. mines and mining inteiesU*. lb will take property t<» sell or rent and u.ake nt chartre for advertising or Trouble nfilet*? » ?» e « rental is ncctni plished. Any one b.tvine inonertt for sale or 9 ITS* a >—« rv > l-H L r 1 w H C: Ul ft 5zS ft r* H K taJ CHEROKEE RAILROAD. Office Ciikkoi.ee K.iliioad Angast 27, ISH. O N anil arter Momtay, Sept 1*1.1S7D. the Inin- on rliis Hoad nil. rn.i dailg (Sioidavica.ugtcd as follows ; No 1, going Wc-'t. I Stations, j No-2. g»*?neEast. Leave 70.4. A. M. ! Car err vi Me | .Arr v.* «hm, I’.JJ 8:32. A. M. i ^t ilc?ht»ro I Arrive 5:15. P. M 9;i»7. A, M. i Taylorsville 1 Arrive 4:45, P. m! 10:10 A. M ; II wkmart ! A5ri\v to. P. M. Arrive 10:50 A,M. | Terminus | I .cave 300, p. M. No. 1 leaves Cartersville after arriial of fo BR.er-viHe with pjis—tv_-er f«’ JOHN* PoSTKLL. \in Joseph A. Blance, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CEDARTOWN, GxV. SS. 7 "First Room up Stairs over J. S Stubbs A Oo’h Mure. bept&i ly J. K. Willlararson. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND 3-J2 CV2BSLiXxTSTt, CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. Olfiiv, Bradford & i> a Tor's. Loptc-tr 'FUL News for Bov* and Girls! f Toting and Old !! * A NEW IN- TION just patented for them, for Home use ! Fret and Scroll Sav. ing, Ttinting, Boring, Drilling.Grinuing, Polishing, Screw Cutting. Price $5 to £50. Send 6 cents for 100 pages. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Maas. M.E.&. DOYLE, Pracoicing Physician, ED AUTO'VX, PULK CO., GA BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE, CHEERFUL. Mrs. Julia McNair Wright's New Book, THECOMPLETEHOME Fall af PRACTICAL INFORMATION. The yonif Hoiw-kceper’a GUIDE, I The Experienced Honse-Keeper’* FRIEND, onio-Keoping. Cookin*. Dress, Accident*. Sickness. | but do that i | TED ST* ever brought to i price? that, will &<\ j iriends. Yon may j we had rather yn mind telling von in a nniet way f i* one of the largest and b*-i SELEC- K.S of FALL and WINTER <KK»DS I Cedartown, and telling them at j It will pay yon to see us before yon sell your COT TON or buy your GOODS. FBATEERSTOH & GO. J U. Have just moved in‘o tin ir elegant new Store Rooms on EAST sms OF EE Am STREET, Where tiny are now opining an extinsive stock of -Li-iU MERCHANDISE, ['heir Gomls wre selepted with o-reat rare and of 'heir (Misti m-rs and were le-ugiii tor Cash, lowest figures. Go ami ex inline their stock your purchasts. ivitli an eye to the needs They will Ik.’ sold at the ml prices beture making DOWN Wi ¥H SlG[fi SCALE CO.. CHICAGO 149 and 151 JefTorson Street Cbieago. 111., Have rulnred the prccs of all kinds of SOUTH MAIN STREET, CEDARTOWN. 'S on hand a cnmjilete stock of all ngsturc. i Ion ii try physicians will sciiptie.ns put up with special care. GEOR&IA, filings usually tiutiid in a liud our drugs fresh u:,d ES 1-ton Wnooi Al! i th'-r - : 7. -v Al ('rile s rom 2-tnti Wnonn Scales. S40 verv Scale “t-illy wamiub d.’ '■' List ai d 'lVsium nials Sen ’AND t'.F’-.T j , ’ • >7 On Ho Children, Company, Marriage. Kellglon, Morals, Moner, Family Government, nud a multitude of other tonic* frlly MdHAPPy*how to make the Rome BEAUTIFUL **A book of more practical utility will seldom. If ever, be found outside of inspiration. - —L’Arulion Advocate. NEEDED SMSSJiS BY Fin* P^>«r. Clear Type. Beautiful Binding, Splendid Illus trations. Nearly 600 Pages. Loupriccs. Sells rapidly. AGENTS WANTEDW!^*?,!,?“^7?j”l°n *idx«s* J. C. MoCURDY dc CO, Philadelphia, Ps. CHOICE HOUSE, CAVli! SPRING, GA., R. C. Tilly, Prop lilYKRY AND FKEi) STABLE.-: MAIL COACH TOCFDARTOVtiN DAILY. GREAT ISKEAK IN 'iLife Executors Notice. g-1 ROBOIA—ft dain id, a the estate ‘ {1"F. U ■opcrly attested ; and all indebted to ihe tnid te are required to make immediate sett-b me JUS. A. BLANCE, J’.. T. WEST, L, il. WliSi’, Executor? Sept. 18,1879 :f Webb’s Restaurant, • Bakery, Lager Beer, & A’e, Neatly Oppo. ite the New Masonic Temple, A’u. 57, Broad Street, Home, Ga REALS AT ALL HOURS. Oysters, Birds. Game, Fish, &o., iu their Season, and Always the Best the Market A (lords Furnished. Als-i Lodgings Furnished Strangers. Meals ducts each; Lodgings 35c / per head. march 27 tf NEM Livery and Sale Stable, Cor. Main if- Prior Street." CEDARTOWN. GA. !¥. F TREADAVJ'AY, Proprietor. New Vehicles, Good Stock and low prices. Give me a trial. jitn. 1, *79 ly ’USTOMLRS ASTON!SHE’D at (lie Extremely LOW PRICES avkp'l or Goods. ELEGANT LINES OF ALL GOODS KEPT IN A MIXED STOCK Sole Agents for the Bay State Standard Screw-Fastened SHO^S AHB BOOTS. TIN WARE AT HOCK BOTTOM PRICES. DjP iiipo. o ZELl;, supervision T.ae ^£1113.23. orp - Under tin Lizssrte Velvin, [3 firsr-cl;iss, jmd the latest styles art* always on hnsul. Call and see our magnificent Stock now arriving. PHILPOT & S025BS ^OU'JSfCr^ ROME, (Shorter Block) GA. LIFE SIZE (iinst) for only fen ihfilar,.; half life size only five dollars. His ivotk is all strictly first-class. Makes Copies of ail sorts of pictures a v s ze and character desired. 1.1.27-ly Ju. DEALER INI Oam and Hy© WMsMes, Win©, O-ins and Brandies, Noyes Warehouse, CEDARTOWN, GA. A Specialty made Stone Mountain Bonrhon and .Stone THE“R.E.LEFC, Gun not be excelled. I keen inch I r medical purposes, with .a-r/ec meut guaranteed. Mountain Corn Whiskey ml OLD CABINET” t'ptors as may he used as a beveragae or aie:y. G.Ve rue ac.li. Good treat- 011 3, tm’73. isr ii: w s t o e e> NEW FIRM, ."NEW GOODS. IM Dealers in General Merchandise, m&im ST', CSDARTOWE, QAi (Next door to Philpot & Dodds’.) KEEP ON HAND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ON DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, FANCY GROCERIES, Etc, and feel confident that the public will Ii our stock before purchasing. it to their interest to ox nn Ke|it25»t”J.-i!.l ...e’PO.”. 3 HILLINEIl¥—FALL STYLES Mrs. ai» ® The Sunday Thonograph, Of Atlunt :, ;s the N-st weekly pa- per publish'd in the Stale. It’s col- u..,^ is® a*s. a,. g ,, umns Contain something to please 3 everybody. It. is a hold, fearless na- _ _ per; attacking official corruption ° VCX * Stutotos Oo’S KTew Store, high and low places. It is a good ’tttvli. open a gevcril aksotitment of jaininory ctcodis ax: family paper, in every sen?e of the Vv sjotiens, on Monday, septsmb^k 29rn instant word. Subscribe for it, if you want a 01d ““^a-dunw.aremuted 10 “ amiue befor “ good paper from the Capital. Terms Light Summer “Straws” colored, re-shaped ai d trimmed. ?2.00, per year; §1,00, six months:' Dress-making and Hair Work as heretofore. 50 cents for three months. Address! ALWAYS UP WITH THE LATEST STYLES. PnONOGEArn, Atlanta, Ga. j cEDAETOWN, GA., September S5,1879. im in yyoriemanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class , "t received the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expositions. IT SEWS OME-FOUHTH FASTER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited, there are more WiLSCSI !YlAOi-iiays sold in the Ur.itsi! States than tho combined sales of ail the others. The WiLSSR 55£MDi?jC ATTACHHiEKT, for repairing all kinds of textile fabrics WSTHOUT PATCHING, furnished FREE with all WILSON SEYtiKC HilACHINcS, together with a Tucker, Ruff!or. Carder, Set of Hemmsrs, fancier, etc. '^T7‘jS^3S3TS?533l>. Address WILSON SEWSNO MAOHINE CO, cmu. b. a. T)H. S. W. JONES, with: o: H-m ■ WHOLESALE Faints, "Famishes, laiquors, Oils, Glass aad Seeds, NO. 55, NORTH MAREET* STREET, Tssjja-jso-. Feather?, Rags. Wool, Dried Fruit, etc., tai Ginsenir. Bei iiwt market account from ce« tomrr? jan. 2:j-xy” DB. J. Llvsr and Dyspep&io 1ST n ns This is a prompt and coriain cure for ul 1 iltronsos o'" the Liver, snch sh Dyspepsia, Ili-r.dache, Chills and Fever, &e. . Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every rase, or money returned. For sale by drngrsts generally. J. a. YEISER, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Garden Seeds, etc , Rente, Ga, For sal? by Bradford & Allen, Cedartown, Ga., and R. T. Hoyt and D J. Powers, Rome, Ga. feb2S In